( Weltwirtschaftszentrum ) / World Economic Center / A.P. P Source / Sourcing / Profile / Industry / A.P. P


Weltwirtschaftsmodell / World Economic Model / Globally Accentuated Source for World Events / Establishment of Zentrum ( Center ) for Globally Appearing Industries / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / GCC / PIF / World Industry / Countries / States / Nations / NEOM / Aramco / Oil Institutes / United States of America ( New York ) / Arabian Protokollierungen / Globally Protokolle / Today News Appearances / News / Wind & Sun Energy / Globalization / Green Energy / Economically  Sector from andreaspennophotography.de / Source for Business Focused Events / Transcontinental Structured Profile  / Intercontinental / KSA / This Sector exemplifies Economically & World Globally Events for a Business Profile of Humanitarian Growth Worldwide / Glossaries  / Jargons / Globally Understanding of Intelligent & Intellectual Source / Sourcing / Protokollierungen about World Corporate Profile / Indexes / Red Sea / Exemplification of Comprehension of World Metropolitan Scale Area Cities,North America,South America.Africa ( Eurasia ) Europe / Corporate Profile of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Vision 2030 / Qatar / Opportunities & Possibilities / World Journalism & Globally Journalism / Ensemble of Correspondence of Greatness & Establishment.Be in Research of this Sector Worldwide..( A.P. P ) has different Sectors on Platform & Medium. ( Weltwirtschaftszentrum )





 Industry /  Economy / Manufacture / Corporation's Linguistics / EN / DE Transcript


Economic Sector 1


CNC-Computerised Numerical Control / computerisierte numerische Steuerung ( elektronische Steuerung von Maschinen)

statistical process control / SPC-statistische Prozesskontrolle / statistische Prozesslenkung


CNC Lathe-CNC Maschine



contour milling-Fräsbearbeitung


to shape in lathe-drechseln(Holz)


lathe operator-Dreher

cutting technology-Schneidtechnik

wire-wrap technique-Wickeltechnik







up-scaling-Up-Scale(Extrapolation höherer Messwerte)

Cycles per second-Umdrehungen je Sekunde

Cycles per minute-Umdrehungen je Minute






Economic Sector 2







circular saw-Kreissäge

band saw-Bandsäge

jig saw-Stichsäge

sand paper-Schleifpapier

exhaust duct-Abzugshaube

corporate bond-Firmenanleihe

blade saw-Sägeblatt




to conclude smt-etw abwickeln

public good-öffentliches Gut / In der Wirtschaft



syndicate-Verband( In der Wirtschaft)

business class-Geschäftsklasse

banking management-Bankbetriebslehre



presentation of documents-Dokumentenübergabe




Economic Sector 3
















request extradition-Auslieferungsantrag


assembly line-Fabrikationsstraße,Fließband

turn out-ausdrehen(Drehmaschine)



stainless steel-Edelstahl

manual work-körperliche Arbeit

handling system-Handhabungssystem


bells and whistles-Schnikschnak(Im technischen)



MBA-Master of Business Administration / Diplom - Kaufmann(GER)







Economic Sector 4



economic bubble / financial bubble / speculative bubble - Spekulationsblase

net product-Wertschöpfung



managing director-Hauptgeschäftsführer

public-private partnership-öffentlich private Partnerschaft





economic sanctions-Wirtschaftssanktionen


ltd-limited(Mit beschränkter Haftung)


master data management-Stammdatenverwaltung

distribution partner-Vetriebspartner



special machines-Sondermaschinen



annual report-Geschäftsbericht



contracted-in Auftrag gegeben

customized marketing-one to one marketing



Economic Sector 5



asset valuation-Anlagenbewertung

business accounting-betriebliches Rechnungswesen

to ramp up-anlaufen lassen (Maschinery)


buisness process optimization-Geschäftsprozessoptimierung



technic sample-Technisches Muster

Exchange Traded Commodity-Rohstoffderivat(ETC)

hawking-ambulanter Handel(Commerce)




stillage-Gitterboxpalette / Gestell



over the counter market-Freiverkehrsmarkt / Schalterverkehrsmarkt

foreign private issuers-Auslandsemittenten

Greenfield Investment-Neugründung einer Firma im Ausland einer Mutttergesellschaft

gift tax-Schenkungssteuer


NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement / Nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen






Economic Sector 6



IPC / Internal Production Control- Interne Fertigungskontrolle

dislocation-Umsetzung(Technik) / Umlagerung

holding company-Beiteilligungsgesellschaft

to be floundering-sich in einer Krise befinden

debinding-Entbindern(Pulver / Spritzgießen)


payment processor-Zahlungsabwickler

wealth management-Vermögensverwaltung

asset management- Enterprise-Asset-Management {n}, Unternehmens-Anlagenwirtschaft / Aktienverwaltung

servicing costs-Wartungskosten

cap and trade-Emissionshandel mit festen Obergrenzen

demerger-Abspaltung, Unternehmungsteile

to phase sth out-etwas stufenweise herausnehmen

contagion-Ansteckung / Einer Finanz - oder Währungskrise


ECR-engineering change request (technische Änderungsforderungen)

cover panel-Abdeckung

roof vent-Dachlüfter

FEM / Facilities Engineering Management-technisches Gebäudemanagement

FEM Calculation-FEM Berechnung

thick-film hybrid technology-Dickschichthybridtechnik

thin-film hybrid technology-Dünnschichthhybridtechnik


Fund Manager-Fondsmanager




Economic Sector 7



screw travel-Schneckenhub


short shot-Kurzschluss / Ungenügende Werkzeugfüllung

bottom bracket-Tretlager




impact driver-Schlagschrauber

pointed chisel-Spitzmeisel

capex-capital expenditure /CAPEX / Investitionskosten

ROCE-Return on Capital Employed / Kennzahl die misst wie profitabel oder effizient ein Unternehmen beim eingesetzen Kapital ist

EBIT-Earnings before interests and taxes / Gewinn von Finanzergebnis vor Zinsen und Steuern

public spending-öffentliche Ausgaben

crank arm-Kurbelarm

bottom bracket-Tretlager

batch fabrication-Serienfertigung

requirement specification - Lastenheft / ( QM)






Economic Sector 8





abrasive blast cleaning-Reinigungsstrahlen




steel shot-Schrot / Stahlschrot

feed rate-Vorschubsgeschwindigkeit


blasting machine-Zündmaschine



delamination-Enthaftung / Ablösung von Schichten in Werkstoffverbunden

cantilever-Kragträger, Kragarm


flat-rolled steel-Flachstahl

rolling direction-Drehrichtung


blast furnace-Hochofen



Economic Sector 9




cold rolling-Kaltwalzen

galvanizing line-Feuerverzinkungsanlage

pig iron-Roheisen


coke oven-Koksofen

leading edge-ansteigende Flanke,Spitze

ferritic-ferritischer Stahl




precipitation-Ausscheidung, Ausfällung( Chemie)



heat exchange-Wärmeaustausch

exhaust system-Abgasanlage




Economic Sector 10








bright annealing-Blankglühen


EBIDA-Earnings before interests depreciation and amortization ( depreciation - Abschreibung von Sachanlagen)



matte lacquer-Matte Lackierung









Economic Sector 11






compactor-Presse / Kompaktor


calcination-Kalzinierung / Verkalkung

fine tuning-Feinsteuerung

direct reduction-Direktreduktion

electric arc furnace-Lichtbogenofen





preventive maintenance-Instandhaltung / Wartung

MRO /Maintenance, Repair and overhaul-Wartung, Reparatur und Instandhaltung

first call resolution / FCR-Problemlösung beim Erstkontakt / Beim ersten Anruf



Economic Sector 12




brake hose-Bremsschlauch,Bremsschlauchleitung / Automobile

Engineering, procurement and Construction management / EPCM  / Management,Detailplannung und Kontrolle. Beschaffungswesen, Ausführung der Bau und Montagearbeiten

reverse engineering-Nachkonstruktion

audit committee-Rechnungsprüfungsausschuss

powder metallurgy-Pulvermetallurgie


bulk density-Raumgewicht / Rohdichte





temper-Magerung / Zuschlagstoff bei der Keramikherstellung


order intake-Auftragseingang

stress corrosion cracking-Spannungsrisskorrosion


manganese-Mangan / Chemie

Plutonium / Chemical Compositon - Plutonium


Economic Sector 13






temper-härten / Metall vergüten ( tempern) / spannungsfrei machen - Innere Spannungen von Metallen oder Kunstoff beseitigen


precipitation hardening-Ausscheidungshärtung



water heater tanks-Wassererhitzungstanks



air-fuel ratio-Gemischzusammensetzung

coolant temperature-Kühlflüssigkeitstemperatur



air flow rate-Luftdurchsatz


state diagram-Zustandsdiagramm

adiabatic-ohne Wärmeaustausch


Economic Sector 14


microfluidics-Mikrofluidik / Technically Term


after market-Nachrüstmarkt


bearing journal-Lagerzapfen

injector-Einspritzventil /Dampfstrahlpumpe


leaf springs-Blattfedern

master cylinder-Hauptcylinder / Automobil

proportioning valve-Proportionalventil

drag-Widerstand / mechansich / Technik

overdrive-Schongang /Schnellgang ( Auto)

dolomotic lime-Dolomitkalk




Economic Sector 15



deformed-verunstaltet, verformt

alignment-Angleichung / Anpassung / Ausrichtung



gangue-taubes Gestein

ferric oxid-Eisenoxid

bending schedule-Bewehrungsplan / Armierung

wire rod-Stabdraht / Drahtmühle


slurry-Schlicker, Suspension / Technik + Physik

blowout preventer-Bohrlochabsperrventil


reciprocating-hin und hergehend

head socket screw-Imbusschraube


anodizing-Eloxal-Verfahren(Material / Technics)


burnishing-polierend / Brünieren - Stahl


Economic Sector 16


vibratory grinding-Gleitschleifen mit Vibration

steel grit-Stahlkorn(scharfkantig)

in-process-Prozessüberwachung / Messung / Kontrolle / Kompensation



solvent-lösemittelhaltig / solubel / Lösemittel (Chemie)


efficacy-Effizienz / Leistungsfähigkeit



assay-Untersuchung / Analyse


twin-screw extruder-Doppelschneckenextruder


mean rate-Durchschnittskurs




Economic Sector-17


injectable-injektabil / injizierbar




round-table-drehbarer Maschinentisch / Rundtisch

clearance-Spielraum / In der Technik

aspect ratio-Abbildungsverhältnis / Bildformat / 

core technology-Kerntechnologie

vacuum-Hohlraum / Leerraum


organic-biologisch / organisch


indium-thin oxide-Indiumzinnoxid


photoluminescence-Photolumineszenz / Physics




Economic Sector 18


flexible packing materials-flexible Verpackungsmateralien


crate-Holzverschlag / Bretterkiste für Transporte)


cling film-Klebefolie





CFRP-Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer - kohlenfaserverstärkte Polymer 

CFRP / Controlled Free Radial Polymerization - Kontrollierte freie radikalische Polymerisation 

cogeneration--Kraft-Wärme Kopplung / Oil Production

harmonized index of consumper prices-Harmonisierender Verbraucherpreisindex


seamless-steglos / LCD Bildschirm / Videowand

grade steel-Qualitätsstahl

North American Market-Nordamerikanischer Markt

hoist-Hubwerk, Hebebühne

crystal axis-Kristallachse



Economic Sector 19


carbon steel-Kohlenstoffhaltiger Stahl

label paper-Etikettenpapier

ceiling panel-Deckenspiegel(Dekorationsteil)


interior panelling-Innenverkleidung / Automobile

chassis-Fahrwerk / Fahrgestell

Lean Six Sigma-Lean Six Sigma / Management Methode zur Verbesserung von Produkten und Leistung um die Ware fehlerfrei und nahezu optimal anzubieten /

Unterschied von anderen Geschäftsprozessoptimierungen is das mathematisch deutlich effizienter gehandelt wird

lean manufacturing-schlanke Produktion

T2S /-Target 2 Securities / Europäische Banken sollen durch  eine einheitliche technische Plaform für ein EU-Binnenmarkt in der Wertpapierabwicklung erhalten

OBR-One Billion Rise




Anode.positive Elektrode

alumina Tonerde

cathode-negative Elektrode


Economic Sector 20



c-suite-top senior executive







cloture-Antrag auf Schluss der Debatte

vocational baccalaureate diploma-Fachabitur / DE



card, board-Platine



proprietary-firmgeschützt / vermögensrechtlich ( Jura)

customization-Kundenanpassung / kundenspezifisch


Economic Sector 21


experienced workers-erfahrene sowie  Arbeitskräfte mit Kompetenzen

schematic-Schaltbild / Electricity


strike-Streik / Streik für höhere Löhne

circulation-Auflage / Journalismus / Business

single ,market-Einheitsmarkt / Politik

trade unionist-Gewerkschaftler

unified memory architecture-vereinheitlichte Speicherarchitektur

people's bank-Volksbank


application example-Anwendungsbeispiel



body framework-Rohkarosserie


rough copy-Rohentwurf


Economic Sector 22


prospective customer-potenzieller Kunde

civil engineering-Bauingenieurwissemschaften

schematic diagram-Schematische Darstellung


Assembler / Visual Basic / C++ / Pascal / -Programmiersprachen


white collar crime-Wirrtschaftsverbrechen

renconsiliation-Abstimmung von Konten

shadow banking system-Schattenbankensystem

likeness-Portrait in der Kunst

merchandising.Vermarktung / Verkaufsförderung

business operations-Geschätsoperationen

punch-stanzen / Manufaktur + Industry


aeronautically industry.Flugzeugindustrie


business traveler-Geschäftsreisender


Economic Sector 23


concert business-Konzertbetrieb / Music

construction business-Baugewerbe

craft business-Handwerksbetrieb / Wirtschaft / Ökonomie

direct business-direktes Geschäft

bioprocess engineering-Bioprozesstechnik

chemical reaction engineering-chemische Verfahrenstechnik


armament industry-Rüstungsindustrie


concentration-Sättigung / Chemie




concentration analysis-Konzentrationsanalyse / Ingenieurwissenschaften / Wirtschaft


Economic Sector 24



DNA-Desoxyribonukleinsäure / DNS

steel manufacture-Stahlproduktion

corporate acquisition-Unternehmenskauf


process sequence-Arbeitsablauf /Technik

process software-Prozesssoftware

cdo-chief development officer. / CDO / Zuäständig für die Softwareentwicklung

business software-Unternehmenssoftware


customized solutions-kundenorientierte / maßgeschneiderte Lösungen

cnc production center-CNC Fertigungzentrum

powder coat-Pulverbeschichtung / Pulverschicht

laser optic-laseroptisch

laser alitimeter-Laseraltimeter / Geology / Astronautik 

fibre laser-Faserlaser


Economic Sector 25



Erasmus Programme-Erasmus-Programm / Europe / Education


to conver a doctorate-promovieren / jmd die Doktorwürde verleihen

scfd-Stand Cubic Feet Per Day

downstream(ECO)-Transport / Verarbeitung / Vetrieb / Industrieanlagen

upstream-Exploration / Förderung / Produktion

cleanroom-Reinrau,m / Technically Term

GCC-Gulf Cooperation Council / Golfkooperationsrat

gangue-taubes Gestein

joist-Balken / Querbalken

threading machine-Gewindeschneidemaschine


Optical Emission Spectrometer

cold finished steel-kalt bearbeiteter Stahl


Cares UK-Certification Authority For Reinforced Steel


Economic Sector 26





running costs-Betriebskosten

EAF-Electric Arc Furnace

LF-Low Frequency


EBT-Earnings Before Taxes

SAO-Smithsonian Astropyhsical Observatory

XRF-X-Ray Fluorescence

FZE-Free Zone Establishment / Tax Free Industrial Zone In The U.A.E

Agt-American Gulf Trade

RCC-Reinforced Carbon Carbon



DCL-Dubai Central Laboratory


Economic Sector 27 



Pan Shot-Panoramaschwenk


SLR-Single Lens Reflex

HDR-High Dynamic Range




flashlight photography-Blitzlichtphotographie



ISO Speed-ISO Empfindlichkeit



automatic flash mode-Automatik-Blitzbetrieb

selfie-Aufnahme von sich selbst

exposure-Belichtung in der Fotographie



appareil photographique reflex numérique-die digitale Spiegelreflexkamera


Economic Sector 28 






ink well-Farbkasten




imprint-Druckort / Impressum






postage stamp-Briefmarke



syndicate-an viele Zeitungen verkaufen






micron-Mikron( Unity)

glossy print-Hochglanzdruck



Economic Sector 29



TAIEX-Technical Assistance and Information Exchange / 


Classy Car-Luxusschlitten






interior panelling-Innenverkleidung


drive technology-Antriebstechnik(Autotechnik)


rear suspension-Hinterradaufhängung

floor mats-Automatten




wiper blade-Scheibenwischblatt


Economic Sector 30


instrument panel-Armaturenbrett


intake system-Ansaugsystem

valve train-Ventiltrieb

load floor-Ladefläche

tail gate-Hecktür,Heckklappe

spoiler lip-Spoilerkante






choke-Drossel, Choke


tail lamp-Heckleuchte

front lamp-Scheinwerfer

automotive engineering-Automobilingenieurwesen


Economic Sector 31


power windows-Elektronische Fensterheber

output stage-Endstufe

occupant-Insasse / Auto





multi-plate clutch-Lamellenkupplung







Grained Leather-Ledernarbung

cross bar-Drehstift / Verwendung mit Drehschlüssel

reverser gear-Rückgang


Economic Sector 32


enbossed-geprägter Aufdruck


gear skiving-Wälzschälen


beanbag chairs-Sitzsack

NIPS-Neural Information Processing System / Audi at Nips





infotainment-unterhaltsame Wissenvermittlung





Economic Sector 33


break hose-Bremsschlauch,Bremsschlauchleitung

Rolls Royce-Autohersteller

axle base-Achsstand

rear-engined-mit Heckmotor

registration date-Erstzulassung


customer care-Kundenservice


scrappage allowance-Abwrackprämie

footprint-Aufstandsfläche / Reifen

auto seat covers+Autositzbezüge

engine bay-Motorraum

wiper arm-Scheibenwischerblatt




Economic Sector 34


IITK Nanotechnologie-Chipprozessor

ARM 9 Processor-Mikrokontrollergebrauch

TS 7260 Board-The TS-7260 is a compact, full-featured Single Board Computer (SBC) 


Magnetotorquer-Satelliten System für Einstellungskontrollle

Magnetometer-Ein Magnetometer ist eine sensorische Einrichtung zur Messung magnetischer Flussdichten.


Tribology-Tribologie befasst sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Beschreibung von Reibung, der Berechnung und Messung von Reibungskoeffizienten


PIV-Particle Image Velicometry

MEMS-Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems


Transducer-Transducer ist in der englischen Sprache der Oberbegriff für Baugruppen oder Bauelemente zur Umwandlung einer Energieform in eine andere Energieform

ESC-Electronically Stability Control

NTD-Neural Tube Defects / Neuralrohr

IC-Internal Combustion Engine

topology-Teilgebiet der Mathematik / Strukturen


bifurcation-Eine Bifurkation oder Verzweigung ist eine qualitative Zustandsänderung in nichtlinearen Systemen unter Einfluss eines Parameters

Attache / anterior - vorder / posterior - hinter


congenital-angeboren / neural tube-Neuralrohr



polycrystalline-Ein Polykristall (auch Multikristall oder seltener Vielkristall) ist ein kristalliner Festkörper, der aus vielen kleinen Einzelkristallen (Kristalliten) besteht, die durch Korngrenzen voneinander getrennt werden. Die einzelnen Kristallite können sehr unterschiedliche Größen haben. Im Allgemeinen werden Kristalle mit Kristallitgrößen im Größenbereich Mikrometer bis Zentimeter als polykristallin bezeichnet.


Economic Sector 35


ethane-Ethan / Chemistry

crude oil reserves-Rohölreserven



ethylene-Ethylene / Äthylen

crude oil vessel-Tankschiff

crude oil distlillation-Rohöldestillation

condensate-Kondensat / Kondenswasser

crude oil-Erdöl / Rohöl



gas development-Gas Entwicklung

oil refinery-Erdölraffinerie

ammonia-Ammoniak / Chemical Substance

lube oil-Schmieröl


aviaton fueling-Aeronautisches Auftanken


urea-Harnstoff / Urea

paraffinic oil-Paraffinisches Öl

fractionation-Auftrennung / Fraktionierung


Economic Sector 36


Export-Ausfuhr / Export / Auslieferung




foreign affairs-Außenpolitik


brinkmanship-waghalsige Politik

political science-wissenschaftliche Politik

Dodd Frank Act / Since 2007 the Change for Financial Market Acts in the United States

salvo-Vorbehaltsklausel / Politik / Wirtschaft

alpine economy-Alpenwirtschaft

greenwashing-Grünfärberei / Ecology

Chicago-based Tribune Media Co.’s Tronc Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc.’s Oath Inc. / Journalism


Airbus-63 Aircraft A Month / By The Second Quarter of 2019 / France

Louisiana Offshore Oil Port-LOOP


Ziraat Bank-Istanbul




andreaspennophotography.jimdo.com / Business Affiliation / World Economic Model /  Weltwirtschaftsmodell / Weltveranschaulichungsmodell
andreaspennophotography.jimdo.com / Business Affiliation / World Economic Model / Weltwirtschaftsmodell / Weltveranschaulichungsmodell




Commercial Articulation / Commercial Definitions / EN / DE



commercial account-Firmenkonto

commercial trade-Handelsgewerbe

commercial real estate-Geschäftsimmobilien

commercial tax-Gewerbesteuer

commercial traffic-Handelsverkehr

commercial advice-Geschäftsberatung

trade show-Fachmesse(Kommerz)

commercial buisness principles-kaufmännische Grundsätze

commercial apprentice-kaufmännischer Lehrling


e-commerce-elektronischer Handel

commercial transactions-Geschäfte

commercial advantage-Handelsvorteil

commercial director-kaufmännischer Leiter

commercial acceptance-Handelsakzept

commercial property-Gewerbeimmobilien

commercial parlance-geschäftliche Sprachgewohnheit

commercial agreement-Handelsabkommen

commerical banking system-Geschäftsbankensystem





Professions / Occupations / EN / DE



Cutting Machine Operator-Zerspannungsmechaniker

Process Mechanic-Verfahrensmechaniker

Industrial Mechanic/Metal Worker / Schlosser / Industriemechaniker / Metallarbeiter

Motorcar Mechanic-KFZ-Mechaniker



estate agent-Immobilienmakler


certified social pedagogue-Diplom - Sozialpädagoge




chimney sweeper-Schornsteinfeger

street sweeper-Straßenkehrer



chief development officer-Chief Development Officer(Zuständig für die Software Herstellung)



graduate engineer-Diplomingenieur

retail dealer-Einzelhandelskaufmann

office clerk-Bürokaufmann




Chief / Acronyms / Short Terms / EN / DE Transcript




CAO - Chief Administrative Officer -  Administrative Leitung

CAO - Chief Analytics Officer - Verantwortlicher für Datenanalyse

CAO - Chief Architecture Officer - Verantwortlicher für Architektur

CAO - Chief Academic Officer - Leiter in Bildungseinrichtungen

CBDO - Chief Business Development Officer - Verantwortlicher für die Geschäftsweiterentwicklung

CBO - Chief Branding Officer - Geschäftsführer Marketing

CBO - Chief Brand Officer - siehe Chief Branding Officer

CBO - Chief Business Officer - Verwantwortlicher für Administration, Finanzen und Geschäft in Bildungseinrichtungen

CCO - Chief Communications Officer - Leiter Kommunikation und Public Relations

CCO - Chief Compliance Officer - Verantwortlicher für Einhaltung von Regeln und Gesetzen

CCO - Chief Content Officer - Verwantwortlicher für Entwicklung und Autorisation von Medieninhalten

CCO - Chief Creative Officer - Kreativchef im Marketing

CCO - Chief Credit Officer - Verwantwortlicher für Kreditrisiko

CCO - Chief Customer Officer - Leiter aller Kundenangelegenheiten; Vertriebsvorstand

CCO - Chief Commercial Officer - Leiter für Finanzstategien und deren Entwicklung

CDO - Chief Data Officer - Verantwortlicher für Datenverarbeitung und Datengewinnung

CDO - Chief Debriefing Officer - Verwantwortlicher für Statusberichte und Produktionsablaufeinhaltung

CDO - Chief Design Officer - Designchef

CDO - Chief Development Officer - Verantwortlicher für Softwareentwicklung

CDO - Chief Diversity Officer - Verantwortlicher für Vielfalt und Einbeziehung

CEO - Chief Executive Officer - Geschäftsführer

CEO - Chief Engineering Officer - siehe Chief Technology Officer

CFO - Chief Financial Officer - Finanzvorstand - 


CFOO - Chief Financial and Operating Officer - siehe Chief Financial Officer

CHRO - Chief Human Resources Officer - Personalchef

CINO - Chief Innovation Officer -Verantwortlicher für Innovation

CIO - Chief International Officer - Verantwortlicher für Entwicklung und Implementierung von Überseemärkten

CIO - Chief Information Officer - IT-Leiter

CIO - Chief Investment Officer - Verantwortlicher für Investitionen

CIPO - Chief Intellectual Property Officer - Verantwortlicher für geistiges Eigentum

CISO - Chief Information Security Officer - Leiter IT-Sicherheit

CKO - Chief Knowledge Officer - Vorstand Wissensmanagement

CLO - Chief Learning Officer - Leiter des Lern- und Bildungsbetriebs

CLO - Chief Legal Officer - siehe General Counsel

CLO -Chief Listening Officer - Verantwortlicher für Social-Media-Aktivitäten 

CLO - Chief Law Officer - Leiter der Rechtsabteilung

CMO - Chief Medical Officer - Leiter in der Pharmaindustrie

CMO - Chief Marketing Officer - Verantwortlicher für Marketing

CNO - Chief Networking Officer - Verantwortlicher für Netzwerkbildung und Beziehungen

COO - Chief Operating Officer - Leiter des operativen Geschäfts

CPO - Chief Procurement Officer - Einkaufsleiter

CPO - Chief Product Officer - Verantwortlicher aller produktbezogenen Angelegenheiten

CPO - Chief Purchase Officer - siehe Chief Procurement Officer

CPO - Chief Privacy Officer - Verantwortlicher für Gesetzesrisiken

CQO - Chief Quality Officer - Leiter der Qualitätssicherung

CRO - Chief Relationship Officer - Verwantwortlicher für externe Beziehungen

CRO - Chief Research Officer - siehe Chief Science Officer

CRO - Chief Revenue Officer - Verwantwortlicher für alle Erträge und Umsätze


CRO - Chief Risk Officer - Risikomanager

CSCO - Chief Supply Chain Officer - Verwantwortlicher der Belieferungskette

CSO - Chief Science Officer - Verantwortlicher für Forschung und Entwicklung

CSO - Chief Scientific Officer - siehe Chief Science Officer

CSO - Chief Security Officer - Verwantwortlicher für Sicherheit

CSO - Chief Specialist OfficerVerwantwortlicher eines speziellen Bereichs

CSO - Chief Sales Officer - Verantwortlicher für alle Verkäufe

CSO - Chief Strategy Officer - siehe Chief Stategic Planning Officer

CSPO - Chief Strategic Planning Officer - CEO-Assistenz für stategische Vorhaben

CTO - Chief Technical Officer - siehe Chief Technology Officer

CTO - Chief Technology Officer - Technischer Leiter

CTO - Chief Tax Officer - Leiter für Steuerangelegenheiten

CVO - Chief Visionary Officer - Leiter für unternehmerische Visionen

CWO - Chief Web Officer - Verantwortlicher der Internet- und Intranetpräsenz

FCO / FC - Financial Control Officer - Leiter der Finanzberichterstattung





Plastics Technology /  Injecting Molding / Companies Lingustics / Different Related / EN / DE Transcript




alloy-Gemisch,Mischung, Legierung










assembly line-Fließband,Fabrikationsstraße










blow moulding-Blasformen(Technologie)


flexographic printing-Flexodruck 



multifilament silk-Multifilseide


to redesign-neu gestalten


spin-off-Ausgliederung einer Abteilung,Nebenprodukt











clamp force-Schließkraft





flow rate-Fließgeschwindigkeit






to gate-etw ansteuern / Transistor + Logikschaltung










sand casting-Sandguss









electrical  discharge  machining /-electroerosives Bearbeiten / Funkenerosion / EDM


short shot / useless defect molding /  Kurschluss ( Ungenügende Werkzeugfüllung )

non-return valve -Rückschlagventil / Rückflussverhinderer


injection unit-Einspritzeinheit



clamping cylinder-Klemmzylinder

gears- Unformelement



tubing extrusion-Schlauchextrusion

blow film-Blasfolie

feed pipe-Speiserohr / Zuführung




extrusion blow molding-Extrusionsblasen



ejector pin-Auswerfer




Real Estate / Construction / Property / Civil Engineering / Skyscrapers / UAE / Segment of Buildings  / Estates Build-Up  Thesaurus / Development of Housing Sector / EN / DE





commercial real estate-Geschäftsimmobilien


demolition costs-Abbruchkosten

construction plans-Baupläne

structural design-Baukonstruktion


steel beam-Stahlträger

building material-Baustoffe


development-Erschließung(Real Estate)

living area-Wohnfläche

real estate market-Immobilienmarkt

terrace houses-Reihenhäuser

mortgage of real property-Grundstückshypothek

investment in property-Immobilienanlage


property leasing-Immobilien Leasing

row houses-Reihenhäuser



Civil Engineering-Hoch und Tiefbau / Bauingenieurwissenschaften

underfloor heating-Fußbodenheizung



due diligence-verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt

range hood-Dunstabzugshaube


REIT-Real Estate Investment Trust / Börsengehandelte Immobilienaktiengesellschaft

Due Diligence Real Estate  /  Analyseinstrument zurAufdeckung von Chancen und Risiken imZusammenhang Immobilientransaktionen

relist-eine Immobile auf den Markt bringen



glass wool-Glaswolle

property funds-Immobilienfonds


floor-to-ceiling windows-bodenhohe Fenster







front door-Haustür

exterior facade-Außenfassade

oculus-kleines rundes Fenster




attics-Speicher / Dachboden


mortgage of real property-Gründstückshypothek

advanced technology-fortgeschrittene Verfahrentechnik

flat-Wohnung / Residence

application form-Antragsformular



vacancy rate-Leerstandsquote

office vacancy rate-Büroleerstandsquote / Real Estate

EPRA-European Public Real Estate Association


property development-Grundstückserschließung / Projektentwicklung




Business Language / Different Related / Corporation Linguistics



PMI-Project Management Institute

IRS-Internal Revenue Service

CSI-Customer Satisfactiion Index

MPC- Monetary Policy Committee

CSRC-China's Securities Regulatory Commission



retooling-Umrüsten( Of a machine from one product to the next /Bei Produktionswechsel /

BGA-Ball Grid Array / Gehäusebauform für Prozessoren 

AFFYMETRIX-Unternehmen / Santa Clara / Kalifornien / Vereinigte Staaten


Libya / -Ölreiches Land / Middle East


Air France KLM Group /- Größte Europäische  Fluggesellschaft

UBS /-Schweizer Bank / Mit dem Sitz in Zürich


Tetsuo Ogawa-/ Toyota / CEO / Korporationsbesitzer / North America

Evonik Industries AG  / Börsennotiertes Korporationsetat der Spezialchemie

Morgan Stanley /-US Amerikanische Bank aus New York

SAP / -Europas größter Softwarehersteller / Weltweit Viertgrößte


Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C / Energie & Öl Korporation / Auch Dry Dock An Häfen / Küste  wie am Golf vertreten / Middle East + Naher Osten

National Iranian Oil Company /Firmensitz in Tehran / Erdöl Gewerbe / 1951 Gründung & Niederlassung / Öl & Gasförderung / Middle East

Bahrain Petroleum Company / Bapco / Pete Bartlett CEO / Erdöl Korporation & Gewerbe / Öl Konzern / Erdöl & Gas Förderung /  Produktiv & Entwickelt / Konstruktiv / Mid-East


PBOC /-Chinesische Volksbank

Brazilien/ Real = Currency

TCS-Touring Club Schweiz

Fabrice Brégier


Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co / Eine große  börsennotierte Beteiligungsgesellschaft aus New York

PETCO / -Unternehmen aus San Diego / Kalifornien / U.S


ExxonMobil /-US Amerikanischer Mineralöl Konzern

Carrefour /-Größter Französischer Retailer / Einzelhändler


Emerging Market /-Zukunftsmarkt


Headcount /-Angestelltenzahl

meltdown /-Wirtschaftlicher Zusammenbruch / Kernschmelze

hike /-Preiserhöhung


rate /-Kurs,Zinsatz

offshore /-küstenah

EPA /-Environment Protection Agency


London Interbank Offered Rate /-LIBOR

Liquefied Natural Gas /-LNG


Eletrolux /-Swedischer Konzern / Haushaltsgeräte / Sitz in Stockholm

Danske Bank /-Größte Bank Dänemarks

Gazprom PJSC /-Weltweit größte Erdgasförderunternehmen

EFG Asset Management / Mit dem Sitz in Zürich / Bank

Swedbank /-Ein Kreditinstitute in Sweden / Eins der größten Banken Nordeuropas


Syngenta /-Weltweit einer der größten Agrarkonzerne

ICBC / Industrial and Commercial Bank of China


Allianz Se /-Versicherung / Einer der weltgrößten Versicherungen/ Sitz in München


SFO /-Serious Fraud Office

Anheuser Busch /-Brauerei aus den USA

Moody-Ratingagentur / Bewertung von Instituten , Korporation und Unternehmen


Stada Arzeneimittel /-Pharmakonzern

BOFA / Bank of America

Credit Agricole / Einer der größten Banken Frankreichs

Daniel Grieder /Hugo Boss


Suncor-Kanadisches Unternhemen / Mit dem Hauptsitz in Calgary

GlaxoSmithKline /-Britisches Pharmazeutisches Unternehmen


Statoil /-Norwegischer Öl und Gaskonzern / Sitz in Stavanger

Astrazeneca /-Pharmazeutische Korporation / London + UK


Solarcity /-San Mateo / California / Solarstromanlagen / USA

Inditex /-Größtes Textilunternehmen der Welt / Aktienkurs IXD1

Linkedln Inc /-Jeff Weiner / Managing Director



Companies & Firms  / Executive Board / Different Affiliated / World Portrayal By Corporations & Business Language / Globally Spectrum In Model of Relevant Resources / DE



Hitachi / Japan / Toshiaki Higashihara CEO

Acer / Taiwan / Jason Chen

Sony / Präfektur Japan / Tokio / Kenichiro Yoshida / Since 2018 1.April

Oaktree Capital Management/Weltweit / U.S tätige Investmentgesellschaft / CEO Jay S.Wintrob


Amtrak/Zuggesellschaft aus Amerika / Stephen J.Gardner / Since 2022 Stephen J.Gardner / Washington D.C / US

Samsung / -Südkorea / Kim Hyun Suk / Kim Ki Nam / DJ Koh / Triplet als CEO

Siemens /-Roland Busch / Bayern / München / EU

Panasonic / -Kazuhiro Tsuga / Since Yuki Kusumi  CEO Since 2021 / Japan / Präfektur Osaka / Kadoma

LG /  CEO Koo Kwang-mo / Seoul / Südkorea


HSBC / -Bank aus London / United Kingdom / Noel Quinn Chief Executive Officer

Sharp / -Tai Jeng Wu (Japanischer Elektronikkonzern)

Loewe /-Kronach Hauptsitz / Deutschland(1923 / Gründung + Berlin ) / CEO Ralf Vogt / Seit neustem Aslan Khabliev


Mastercraft /-Terry McNew(Tennessee) / Booteverkauf 

Petrobras / -Brasilianisches Mineralölunternehmen / Roberto Castello Branco  /Caio Mario Paes de Andrade Since 2022 / Aktienkurs PJXA (FRA)


Vestas Wind Systems / Henrik Andersen (Weltweiter Hersteller von Windkraftanlagen)

Worldpay / Zahlungsabwicklung / -CEO Charles Drucker /  

Unilever / Hauptquartier London / Vereinigtes Königreich / Nahrungsindustrie / Alan Jope


Barclays / -Bank aus Großbritanien / U.K / C.S.Venkatakrishnan Presidency CEO

UBS /Schweizer Finanzdienstleistungsfirma / Mit dem Sitz in Zürich / CEO  Sergio Ermotti

Thyssenkrupp /-Deutschlands größtes Stahl und Technologieunternehmen / Martina Merz


Numora Holdings /-Japanische Unternehmen mit dem Sitz in Tokio / Aktienskala / Nikkei / Kentaru Okuda

Hutchinson / Paris / Unternehmen zur Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Elastomer-Produkten / Chief Executive Officer / Hélène Moreau-Leroy CEI


Christian Sewing / -Chief Executive Officer / Deutsche Bank / Größte Investment Bank Europas / Frankfurt Hauptsitz

Jack Up / Halb-Taucher Bohranlagen / Ölmarkt Sektor  

DBS Group /-Die größte Bank in Südostasien / Singapur / Chief Executive Officer /  Piyush Gupta


Petoro /  SDFI / Management um die Öl Branche in Norwegen /  Konzern aus dem Westen / Standsitz in Norwegen / Regierungsbedingt

Lanxess / Aktiengesellschaft aus Köln / Spezialchemie /  Konzern / Geschäftsführer Matthias Zachert


Embraer- / Sao Paulo-/ Nach Boeing Airbus Bombardier Aerospace / Der Viertgrößte Flugzeughersteller der Welt / Aktienkurs EMY (FRA) / Francisco Gomez Neto / CEO

Carlyle Group / Einer der größten  US Amerikanischen Private Equity Gesellschaften / CEO Kewsong Lee

Nextera Energy / Kraftwerkssparte / US / Juno Beach / James L Robo

Henkel /-Konsumgüterindustrie / Börsennotierter Deutsche Handel / Carsten Knobel / Chief Executive Officer / Aktienkurs HEN3 (FRA)


ABN AMRO Group / Amsterdam / Niederlande / Bank / Robert Swaak

Apollo Global Management / New York U.S / Investmentunternehmen /Leon Black CEO

Grohmann Engineering / Deutsches Maschinenbauunternehmen / Hauptsitz Prüm / 


ArcelorMittal /Transnationaler Stahlkonzern / Luxemburg / CEO Lakshmi Mittal

Glencore /-Weltweit größter Rohstoffhandel / Baar in der Schweiz / Ivan Glasenberg

Novartis / Biotechnologie & Pharmaunternehmen / Sitz in Basel / CEO Vasant Narasimhan

BlueCrest  Capital Management / Amerikansiches Hedgefonds / Dennis Le Strange


Edelweiss Air / Schweizer Fluggesellschaft / Sitz in Kloten / Bernd Bauer Geschäftsführer

Bolloré/ Französischer Mischkonzern / Firmensitz Puteaux / Hauptgeschäftsführer Cyrille Bollore 

ASML / Niederländisches Unternehmen / Weltweit größter Anbieter von Lithographiesystemen für die Halbleiterindustrie / CEO Peter Wennink

Burberry / Britischer Modekonzern / London U.K / CEO Marco Gobbetti


Mizuho / Finanzdienstleistungsfirma aus Japan / Einer der größten Banken der Welt  / Chiyoda Tokyo / Yazuhiro Sato / Aktienkurs / MZ8A /

PPG Industries / Hersteller von Kunstglas und  Chemie Produkten /  Pittsburgh / Pennsylvania / Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika / US / Michael H.McGarry


Kogan-CEO / Rusland Cogan / At sale of online retail and consumer electronics / Australia

Citigroup / Finanzdienstleister / New York / Michale Corbat

Vivendi / Größter französischer  Medienkonzern / CEO  Arnaud de Puyfontaine


Sears Canada / Unternehmen aus Kanada / Toronto / Tochtergesllschaft von Sears Holding Corporation / Chicago Illinois / U.S

CSX /Unternehmen aus Amerika / Transportunternehmen aus U.S / First Class Gesellschaft / James M. Foote

Sun Valley / Urlaubsort in Blaine County / Idaho

Nomura / -Japan / Tokyo / Finanzunternehmen 7 Koji Nagai

Altice / -Niederlande / Internetunternehmen / Dexter Goei

CVS / Rhode Island / U.S / Pharmazeutisch / CEO Larry J.Merlo

Spotify / CEO Daniel Ek / Musikstreaming-Dienst


Ferrari / Rennsportwagen / Luxurious / Edelkarosserie / John Elkan CEO / Zentrale Maranello Italien

FAANG / -Facebook / Amazon / Apple / Netflix / Google / STOCKS Mischung

BAT-Baidu / Alibaba / Tencent / Chinese Commerce & Business STOCKS

Amazon-/ Andy Jassy / Amerikanischer  Online-Shipping und Versand Handel / Börsennotiert AMZ(FRA) / 

A.P. Moller ;Maersk / Dänische Korporation / Logistik Öl  & Gasförderung / Größtes Gütertransport-Verfrachtungsunternehmen der Welt / Soren Skou

Blackstone /-Stephen A.Schwarzman / United States of America / U.S / New York / Investmentgesellschaft / 


Cathay /-Fluggesellschaft aus Hong Kong / Asien / Interkontinentaler Betrieb / Hauptgeschäftsführer Augustus Tang

Texas Instruments /-Chipmaker / Größter mächtigster Mikrprozessorchiphersteller der Welt/ Rich Templeton / U.S State Texas

Sunny Optical Technology Group-Optik Unternehmen / China / Yang Sun

HNA Group / -China / Luftverkehr & Tourismus / Ren Quinhua CEO


Wilmington Trust / Wilmington Delaware U.S / Gründer T.Coleman du Pont / Dachorganisation M&T Bank & M&T Bank Corp / Investment Management / U.S.A

Conoco / CEO Ryan Lance / Houston Texas / Interkontinentaler Energiekonzern / Dritt Größter Öl Konzern der Vereinigten Staaten

Javelin /-Panzerabwehr Raketen System / Weapons & Weaponry Defence  System / Rakenabwehrsystem U.S / Tina Posey

Bocom / China- Kommunikationstechnik / Bank of Communications / Größten Banken Chinas / CEO Meng Yu


CLS Bank / Clearinghaus institutionalisiertes Abrechnungs- und Abwicklungssystem, das weltweit von Finanzinstituten genutzt wird. /Hauptquartiere New York / Marc Bayle de Jessé

Onex /-Toronto Kanada / CEO Gerry Schwartz / Kanadisches Beteiligungkonglomerat

Lifelock-Scott C. Taylor / Identitätsprotektionsschutzsystem

Esperion Therapeutics Inc / Tim Mayleben CEO / Esperion fokusiert sich auf  Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung von supplemnentaren Oral Therapien  um  Patienten mit erhöhten niederiger Dichte von Liporprotein Cholesterin zu behandeln 


Bluescope / Mark Vassella / Stahlproduzent / Australien / Technologisches Segment / Diverses Portfolio

Masayoshi Son / Chairman and CEO, Softbank Group, Japan / Digital Transformation / Vision 300 / Industrial Asian Revolution / Infrastructure Top-Rated / Informationstechnology Advanced

U.S /  Harvard University /  Massachusetts / Cambridge / Boston / East Coast of America / Privileged Campus

Rosneft / Russian Federation / Mineralölkonzern / Moskau / Dachorganization -/ OJSC Rosneftegaz / Iwanowitsch Setchin

Archcoal / Kohleindustrie / Korporation / Vorstandvorsitzender / John W Eaves / St.Louis / Missouri


Nucor / CEO Leon Topalian / Stahlproduzent der U.S.A / NUO (FRA) / STOCKS 

Lukoil / Russischer Mineralölkonzern / Geschäftsführer / Wagit Jussofowitch Alekperow

IKEA-/ CEO / Jesper Brodin / Gründer Ingvar Kamprad / Sweden Gründung / Hauptquartiere / Leiden / Niederlande

Xavier Bettel /Vize-Premierminister Des Herzogtums Luxemburgs / Demokratie / Luc Frieden seit 2023 Premierminister Luxemburgs


Sweden / Riksbank / Reichsbank / Swedischer Kronor  / STockholm Sweden / Stefan Ingves

Wall Street / ICE / Intercontinental Exchange CEO Jeffrey C Sprecher / New York Stock Exchange CEO Stacey Cunningham / Meist größte Aktienbörse in der Welt sowie auf mondialer Veranschaulichung meist lukrativste Aktiengeschäfte die abgwickelt werden

ADNOC-/ Abu Dhabi National Oil Company / Oil Concern out of Abu Dhabi / United Arab Emirates / UAE / STate-Own Corporation / CEO Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber

JPMorgan Chase and Co /-New York / Bank / Größte Investmentbank der Welt / Jamie Dimon / In dem Direktorat sowie in der Vormundschaft der Banken Corporation / Aktienkurs CMC (FRA) / Western Region

Goldmansachs / Banking / Bankenunternehmen  / NY / Gründer Marcus Goldman, / Samuel Sachs / CEO David Solomon / GOS (FRA)

Trafigura / Niederländischer Rohstoff Commodity Handel / CEO / Jeremy Weir / Zentrale Amsterdam /

Middle East / Bahrain /  National Bank of Bahrain / Hauptquartiere / Manama  / Bahrain / Hauptgeschäftsführer / Jean Christophe Durand / Gründung 1957 / 


Long Block Chain Corp-U.S /  Block Chain Verfahren /  Ice Tee + Getränke /  Hauptquartiere Long Island New York / Andrew Shape

Citadel / U.S.A / Mondiale Weltinstitution / Finanzen / Diverse Anreicherung an Investment / C . Griffin Gründer und Geschäftsführer

UBE Industries /-Japanisches Chemieunternehmen / Sitz in Tokiotischen Bezirk Minato / CEO Michio Takeshita / STOCK KURS UBE(FRA)

Posco / -Süd Korea / CEO Jeong Woo  Choi / 4 Größer Stahlfabrizierender Konzern der Welt / Aktienindex Kospi Affiliert

Noble Group LTD-/ Hong Kong / Geschäftsleiter /  William James Randall  / Handel mit Agrarprodukten / Aktienindiz N2X1(FRA)

Apple / -US Amerikanischer Technologiekonzern / CEO-Tim Cook / U.S California Cupertino / Entwicklung Smartphone Elektro / Tech


Sainsbury-U.K / Britische Einzelhandelkette /  Sitz London / CEO Simon Roberts

BRF S.A / Brasiliens Größte Nahrungsindustrie / Pedro Pullen Parente Chairman / CEO Pedro Faria

Credit Suisse / Banken Institute / Währung CHF Franken / Leitende Geschäftsführung Thomas Gottstein nach Tidjane Thiam / Seit 2022 August Ulrich Körner /  Einer der größten Banken Dezernate & Strukturen der Welt / Zürich Hauptquartiere in der Schweiz / Mondial sehr hochkarätig & repräsentativ

Middle East / Satorp / Refinery for Petrochemicals & Corporation for Light Crude Oil / Collaboration from Total ( French Oil Induced Corporation ) & ( Saudi Aramco ) Saudi Origin & Heritage /  Both Companies is fusioned and superpower for globalized oil proliferation & development for oil industrial usage

World / Europe / Andreas .P. Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD / Graphic Establishment / Imagery / Design / Graphic Processing & Editing / Operating World-Wide on Google / Industrial Creation / Designer Technology & Development High Graded / CEO Andreas Penno / A.P.P Source / Resource


Nestle / Weltweit größter Nahrungskonzern & größtes Industrieunternehmen der Schweiz / Aktienkurs ( NESM FRA)

Bank Julius Bär / Privatbank aus Zürich / Mit 482 Milliarden Schweizer Franken einer der größten Banken Institute des Europäischen Kontinents 

ConocoPhillips / International tätiger Energie Konzern / Drittgrößte US amerikanische Öl Korporation / Gründung 2002

Sotheby’s / Traditionelles Kunstetabliertes Auktionshaus / Gründung, London , U.K.Vereinigtes Königreich / Hauptsitz New York

Commerzbank / Umsatz 8.57 Euro in Welt / Hauptsitz Frankfurt am Main / Bankleitzahl 500 400 00 / AG / Universalbank 


Rio Tinto Group / Umsatz 55.55 Milliarden US Dollar / Hauptsitz London & Melbourne /  Börsennotiertes Bergbau-Minen Konzern

Canopy Growth / Kanadische Firma in der Branche Anbau von  Cannabis Industriell für Medizinische Zwecke / Smiths Falls Ontario

PGIM / Nordamerika / US/  1984 / Vermögensverwaltungszweig der US Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft Prudential Financial.

PKN Orlen / Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen Spółka Akcyjna ist ein börsennotierter polnischer Mineralölveredeler & Öl Konzern Polens


KFC / Kentucky Fried Chicken / Geflügel spezialisiertes US-amerikanisches Fast-Food-Franchise-Systemgastronomie-Unternehmen


13.07.2024 / Update 


LG Group  / Koo Kwang-mo / Mischkonzern /  Südkorea / Seoul (Aktienkurs ( KRX ) / / LG Electronics in Europa

Shell / ( CEO ) Wael Sawan (Gründer ) Henri Deterding / Weltweit größten Mineralöl & Erdgasunternehmen der Welt ( ETR) Kurs

Pfizer / CEO Albert Bourla / Aktienkurs ( PFE / ETR ) / Hauptsitz New York City  / Pharma & Biotechnologie Konzern in der Welt

Woodside Energy / Firmensitz in Perth / ( CEO ) Meg O'Neill / Aktienindex  S&P / ASX 50 Gelistet / Förderung von Erdöl


Sony / Drittgrößter Elektronikkonzern nach Panasonic  & Hitachi in Japan von 6800 Inselgruppierung / Hauptsitz Tokio / Minato

Walmart / Walton Familie / ( CEO ) Doug  McMillion / USA Staaten Interstate Landesweit in USA / Arkansas Hauptquartiere

Costco / Großhandel beliefert kleine Geschäfte mit Sonderangeboten von limitierten und ausgewählten Markenprodukten

Marathon Petroleum /  ( FRA ) / Michael J.Hennigan  / Raffinierung von Transport & Vermarktung von Erdöl in den USA

Kroger / 148 Milliarden Dollarisierung &  / Protokolliert einer der größten Lebens & Supermarktketten der USA / Nordamerika

Verizon Communications / USA / Nordamerika / Telekommunikationskonzern / ( CEO ) Hans Vestberg / ETR Aktienkurs


Cargolux / ( CEO ) Richard Forsun /  Luxemburgische Frachfluggesellschaft / Sandweiler ( Luxemburg  )

Artec 3D / Hersteller & Entwickler für Hard & Sotware / International / Hauptsitz Luxemburg / USA Affilierung in der Welt

Banque du Caire / Universalbank Kairo / Ägyptischer Staatsbesitz / Weitere Niederlassungen in den USA / Abu Dhabi uvm -

Gold & Wood / Ein Hersteller hochwertiger handgefertigter Brillen und Sonnenbrillen / Produktionsstätte in Luxemburg


Brookfield Asset Management / Kanadische Korporation & Vermögens sowie Verwaltungskorporate Manager aus Nordamerika

Norda Stelo / Sitz Quebec City / In über 50 Staaten & Länder vertreten / Norda Stelo ist auf Integrierte Projekte entwickelt

Air Canada / Hauptquartiere Montreal,Kanada, Nordamerika / Fluggesellschaft Weltweit & Global Aktiv

Banco de Crédito Del Peru /  Größte Bank aus Peru / Größter Finanzdienstleistungs Konzern Perus sprich Südamerikas

Banco Nacional  de Costa Rica / Die Banco Nacional de Costa Rica oder BNCR ist die größte Geschäftsbank in Costa Rica

Banco Do Brasil/ Größte Finanzinstitut Südamerikas / Staatlichen Hauptsitz in Brasilia /Präsidentin Tarciana Medeiros / 

Cielo S.A /Eins der größten Korporationen für Zahlungsbilanz - Beanspruchung Latein Amerikas / Größte Finanzkonzern Brasilien

Novo Nordisk / Internationaler Konzern & Dänischer Korporationsetat für Pharmazeutika / ( CEO ) Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen

Orsted / Sitz im Dänischen Fredericia / Weltmarktführer in der Beanspruchung Windkraftanlagen  Offshore Vertrieb


Coloplast/ Medizinproduktbranche / Umsatz 20 Milliarden DKK / Jährlich / Annuell / Gründung 1957 in der Welt

BPW / Wiehl / Achsenfabrik / Nordrhein Westfalen / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Achsen - Entwicklung & Produktion sowie Herstellung

( A.P.P ) Die Ressource / andreaspennophotography.de / Theodor Fliedner / Waldruhe / Wald / Vermarkung &( Medien )  Kreation / Weltliche Veranschaulichung / Blogspot für Medienjournalismus & Weltpolitik sowie Professioneller Grafischer Design

Welt / Globalisierung  / A.P.P Source / Vermarktung & Medien Journalismus & Blogspot Marktführung auf Google Maschinen Modell & Veröffentlichung von Materialien Weltweit & Global / Vermittlung  / Weltweites Giga Zentrum

Börse Frankfurt / Aktienbörse aus Deutschland / Gründung 1585 / Führung durch die Deutsche Bank AG / Rohstoffe / Kurse /DAX / Anleihen / Aktien / Gold Barren Handel / Trade Ticker  /ETF / ETP /Silber / Platin Kursbeansrpuchung

Vitol / Rohstoffhandelkonzern / Bilanzgewinn USA / CEO Russel Hardy / Umsatz 404 Milliarden Dollar  USA Chiffre

Cargill / USA Gründung Iowa 1865 / Lebens & Futtermitteln sowie Rohstoffe / Umsatz 165 Milliarden Dollar ( 2022 )

ARAMCO / Amin H Nasser / Umsatz ( 535 ) US Amerikanische Milliarden Dollar / ARAMCO(  2024  )5 Giga Projekte  / Shaybah /  ( Aktien ) Börsenmarktkapitalisierung Billion Riyal  aus Dhahran der Wüstenstätte / Grün Energie & Transition aufgrund Vision 2030







Short Terms / Business / Abbrevations


ICC-International Chamber of Commerce

UN-United Nations / 193 Members in the UN

UNO-United Nations Organization

APEC-Asian Pacific Economy Coorperation

GOP-Grand Old Party

PPP-Purchasing Power Parity

IMF-International Monetary Fund

ISS-International Space Station

FDA-Food and Drug Administration

NCAA-National Collegiate Athletic Association

SUV-Sport Utility Vehicle

IPC- Involuntary Protective Custody

AIPAC-American Isreal Public Affairs Committee

NPT-Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty

RIAA-Recording Industry Association of America

NAC-National African Congress

NGO-Non Government Organization

CFO-Chief Financial Officer

OSCE-Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

AWACS-Airborne Warning And Control System

ERC/European Rescusitation Council

ERC-European Research Council

NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization / 28 Members in the Organization

IAEA-International Atomic Energy Agency

UCL-University College London


ASCAP-American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

UNESCO-United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

LSE-London School Economics

TLTRO-Targeted Long-Term Refinancing Operations

FLS-Funding for Lending Scheme

FAA-Federal Aviation Administration

BRICS-Braslien,Russland,Indien,China und Südafrika

IDF-Israel Defense Forces

ISIS+Intermediate System to Intermediate System

WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature

MBA-Master of Business Adminstration

ICC-International Criminal Court

ISIS-Islamischer Staat in Irak und Syrien/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

BOJ-Bank of Japan

CFD-Contracts for Difference

IMDB-Internet Movie Data Base

NTSB--National Transportation Safety Board

UKIP-United Kingdom Independent Party

VC-Venture Capital = Risikokapital

OPEC-Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries

CPI-Consumer Price Index 

LLC-Limited Liability Company / Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

CFO-Chief Financial Officer

FY-Fiscal Year / Geschäftsjahr

FCC-Federal Communications Commission

CME-Continuing Medical Education

GPO-General Post Office

MDM-Mobile Device Management/Mobilitäts Daten Marktplatz

CDC-Center for Desease Control


EDC-Education for Democratic Citizenship

AFP-Agence France Presse

IAS-International Accounting Standarts

UHD-Ultra High Definition Television

ASQ-American Society for Quality

FDI-Foreign Direct Investment

ODI-Overseas Development Institute

RTRS-Round Table Responsible Soy

IASB-International Accounting Standards Board

IDM-Identity Management

IDS-Intrusion Detection System

IFM-Institut für Mittelstandsforschung

IWF-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

IFRS-International Financial Reporting Standards

IHK-Industrie- und Handelskammer

ILM-Information Lifecycle Management


IMEI-International Mobile Equipment Identity

IP-Intellectual Property; Internet Procurement; Internet Protocol

ISP-Internet Service Provider

IT-Information Technology


ARC-Accounting Regulatory Committee

IPO-Initial Public Offering

FCC-Federal Communications Commission

DWP-Department for Work and Pensions


EPC-engineering,procurement and construction / Detailplanung, Beschaffung und Errichtung

ROG-Reporter ohne Grenzen

HTC-High Tech Computer Corporation

BMI-Body Mass Index

TED-Technology,Entertainment and Design

FRS-Financial Reporting Standard

ETF-Exchange Traded Fund



AIG-American International Group

CRM-Customer Relationship Management

IAU-International Astronomical Union

M&A-Mergers and Acquisitions

CAD-Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Design(GER) / Computer Unterstützer Design

CRM-Customer Relationship Management / Kundenbeziehungsmanagement

MWD-Measurement While Drilling

EPA-Environmental Protection Agency

MIM-Metal Injection Molding

LIBOR-London Interbank Offered Rate

SVP-Schweizerische Volkspartei

APR-Annual Percentage Rate

ICU-International Compenents for Unicode

RBS-Royal Bank Scotland

OCAT-Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool

EFG-Engineering Facility Group

PMI-Project Management Institute


ICA-International Community Association

NBAD-National Bank of Abu-Dhabi

NPLS-Non Performing Loans

CSP-Communications Service Provider

DOJ-Department of Justice

DIA-Defence Intelligence Surveillance Act

GC&CS-Government Code and Cypher School

GCHQ-Government Communications Headquarters

IPT-Investigatory Powers Tribunal

ISC-Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament

OLC-Office of Legal Counsel

NSA-National Security Agency

GATT-General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade

FSB-Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

WADA-World Anti Doping Association

PED-Performing Enhanced Drug

TTIP-Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

FOMC-Federal Open Market Committee

ATS-Alternative Trading Systems

AON-Arctic Observing Network


ROHS-Restriction of Hazardous Substances

PDA-Personal Digital Assistant

FSB-Federal Security  Service of the Russian Federation / Inlandsgeheimdienst der Russischen Föderation

IOC-International Olympic Committee

ASDF-Another System Definition Facility

USTR-United States Trade Reprensentative

QBD-Quality by Design

TPP-Trans Pacific Partnership

CQA-Certified Quality Auditor

ICANN-Internet Corporation for Assigned Names And Numbers

API-American Petroleum Instiute

GAAP-Generally Accepted Account Principles / US

CCAR.Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review

HELOC-Home Equity Line Of Credit

FCR.Forwardes Certificate and Receipt

NPS-Net Promoter Score

ISEF-Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

RIBA:Royal Institute for British Architects

NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


USPTO-United States Patent and Trademark Office

ACCA-Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

HR-Human Resources

CIPD-Chartered Instiute for Personnel and Development

THAAD-Terminal High Altitude Area Defence

SSM-Single Supervisory Mechanism /

NCB-National Commercial Bank

TLAC_Total Loss Absorbing Capacity / Banking Sector

CFTC-Commodities Futures Trade Commission

DOL-Department of Labor

TCPA-Trusted Computing Platform Alliance

CFPB-Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

NYSBA.New York STate Bar Association

LTIP-Long Term Incentive Plain

EVP-Executive Vice President


FFO-Funds from Operations

NGPSA-Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act

EMIR-European Market Infrastructure Regulation

BIS-Bank for International Settlements

CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

CBP-Customer and Border Protection

RFP-Request For Proposal

BSI-Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik

AIA-American Institute of Architects


APG-Associated Petroleum Gas

BOD-Board of Directors

BOE-Barrel of Equivalent

CCGT-Combined Circle Gas

CDP-Carbon Disclosure Project

CHPPS-Central Heating and Power Plants

CIS-Commonwealth of Independent States

CPP-Central Processing Platform

DR-Depositary Receipts

EOR-Enhanced Oil Recovery

ERM-Enhanced Risk Management

FEED-Front End Enginnering Design

GPP-Gas Processing Plant

HOF-Heand Onshore Facilities

HPP-Hydroelectric Power Plant


ILO-International Labour Organization

IR-Investior Relations

IRP-ICE Resistant Platform

JSC-Joint Stock Company

LQP-Living Quarters Platform

MET-Mineral Extraction Tax

PJCS-Public Joint Stock Company

RMICS-Risk Management and Control System

TTS-Texas Two Steps

UNDP-United Nations Developent Programm


PBB-Public Bank Berhad / Bank Kualar Lumpur

CPB-Corporation for Public Broadcasting

GFS Norm-Gemeinsame Forschungstelle der Europäischen Norm

DSO-Distribution System Operator

IEC-International Electrical Commission

EMC-Electro Magnetical  Compatibility

GMO-Genetic Modified Organism

FOMC-Federal Open Market Committee

DACA-Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival

FICC-Fixed Income Clearing Corporation

XAU-Philadelphia Gold & Silber Index / Gold und Silber Handel

HUI-NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index / HUI   INDEXATION /  Gold und Silber Handel

TAIEX-Technical Assistance and Information Exchange

 VLCC-Very Large Cruder Carrier



TIPS-Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

EO/EG-Ethylene Oxid / Ethylene Glycol


GOSP-Gas Oil SeparaBDC-Backup Domain Controller

MBS-Collision Mitigation Brake System

MTN-Mobile Telephone Networks

AMBIF-The ASEAN Multi Currency Bond Issuance Framework

SSA-Social Security Administration 


AABC Auxiliaries Activities Business Center 

AABA Association for Accountancy Business Affairs

A&A Acronyms & Abbreviations Corporation

AABC Auxiliaries and Activities Business Center

AABC Asian American Business Council

AABC American Australian Business Council

AABE Annual Awards for Business Excellence

AABE Africa ASEAN Business Expo

AABE African American Business Enterprise

AABF Australian Arab Business Forum

AABF Arab and American Business Fellowship

AABF Association of Alternative Business Finance

AABP Alliance of Area Business Publishers

AABS Association of African Business Schools

AABSS Australian Academy of Business and Social Sciences

AAE Arabian American Express


AAO Alt Aproving Official

AARM Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager

AAS Anti Amber Squad

AASST Administrative Assistant

ABAB Atlantique Business Angels Booster

ABAC APEC Business Advisory Council

ABAC Assumption Business Administration College

ABAD Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development

ABAN Aronic Business Angel Network

ABAN African Business Angel Network

ABAR Accredited in Business Appraisal Review


ACE Asiancycleexpress

ACPM Advanced Certificate in Project Management

ACS Advanced Card Systems

ACSB Asian Council for Small Business

ACSBE Acadia Centre for Social and Business Entrepreneurship

ACSBE Advisory Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

ACSBE Advisory Committee for Small Business Entrepreneurship

ACSBE Acadia Centre for Small Business and Entrepreneurship

ACTB Australian College of Technology and Business

Actl Actual

AD Autonomous Driving

AD Aadhar Card

ADA Arriyadh Development Authority

ADBC Abu Dhabi Business Center

ADBC Arts District Business Center

ADBH Abu Dhabi Business Hub

ADD Attrribute-Driven Design

ADFL Antiques Dealers Fair Limited

ADFO Anglo-Dutch order Deutsch Financial Oligarchy

ADR Audit Discrepancy Report

ADs Architectural decisions

AEBD Aboriginal Employment and Business Development

AEBD Applied Economics, Business and Development




Worldwide Stock-Affiliation & Shares Indexes / Equity Ticker / Global Indices / Weltweit Aktienbezeichnungen / World Benchmarks / Futures / Aktien


France-CAC 40

Great Britain-FTSE 100 Index

Europe-EURO STOXX 50


Japan-NIKKEI 225 / TOPIX INDEX / Tokyo

Hong Kong-Hang Seng

Sweden-Stockholm OMX


United States / U.S-Dow Jones Industrial Average / S&P 500 / NYSE Composite Index / Wall Street 




U.S-Nasdaq Composite Indexation 




Austria ATX

Greece-FTSE Athens 20

Russian Federation-RTS Index

China-Shanghai Composite

Brazil Bovespa

Argentina Merval

Mexico IPC

Australia S&P/ASX 200 / All Ordinaries

Romania BET 10

Portugal PSI 20

Africa S&P Africa 40 Index / 40 Corporations in the Continent Africa / African Indice / Most influential & richest Corporations from Africa

Chile IPSA

Canada S&P/TSX Composite Index

Indonesia-IDX Composite

Luxembourg-LuxX Index

Norway-OBX Index

Ukraine PFTS Index

Poland WIG 20





Bloomberg Ticker / Bloomberg Dollar Index

Reuters Ticker

Wall Street / New York Stock Exchange / Börse Frankfurt


Journalism / U.K / The Guardian

CNBC / North America

CNN / America

Handelsblatt / German Resource

The Financial Times

Politico / European Journalism 

Bloomberg Quint ( India )

Japan Times 



World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) / Weltwirtschaftsprodukt / Windkraftanlage / Wind Turbines / NEOM Example & Sample for this World Creational City for Developed High Operating Green Energy

Weltwirtschaftsprodukt / Weltwirtschaftsmodell / ( World Economic Model ) / Neom Example for the ( KSA ) Weltwirtschaftserforschungsmodell / Weltveranschaulichungsmodell / Source Siemens
Weltwirtschaftsprodukt / Weltwirtschaftsmodell / ( World Economic Model ) / Neom Example for the ( KSA ) Weltwirtschaftserforschungsmodell / Weltveranschaulichungsmodell / Source Siemens

World / News / Middle East / Aramco ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia )  266,578,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016


Biotechnology / Science / Biologically Thesaurus / Initiative Pro Resources / Human Development / Biochemistry / High Professional Explanation etc. / Transcript EN/DE



Sector 1









gastrointestinal-Magen und Darm betreffend

achilles heel-Achilles Verse




Sector 2


interferon-interferon / Pharmazie



methicillin-resistant Saphylococcus aureus / multiresistenter Staphylococcus  aureus


exoskeleton-Außenskeleton / Hautpanzerung




strep throat-Halzentzündung



Sector 3


foodborne disease-Lebensmittelvergiftung



acropolis-Akropolis / Archaeology






histone-Histon / Biochemie


genomic imprinting-genomische Prägung

bioscientific documentation-biowissenschaftliche Dokumentation






Middle East / Saudi Arabia / Media Exemplar of Laboratory Screen / Skeleton Illustrated In Translucency & Transparency / Professional / Anthropology & Bio Science
Middle East / Saudi Arabia / Media Exemplar of Laboratory Screen / Skeleton Illustrated In Translucency & Transparency / Professional / Anthropology & Bio Science



Chemie / Chemistry / Lexicon / Substances / Compounds / Initiative / Professional Chemical Illustration / World Scientifical Indexation of Chemical Terms / EN / DE










carbon dioxide-Kohlensäure










titanic chlorid-Titanchlorid

petrochemical-petrochemisch / Chemie

pyrolysis-Pyrolyse / Chemie

isomer - Isomer / Chemie



chemical property-chemische Eigenschaft

medical chemistry-medizinische Chemie



tetrahydrocannabinol-THC / Tetrahydrocannabinol

crystal meth-Crystal Meth


hydrogen chloride-Chlorwasserstoff



chemical trails-Chemiestreifen


acetyl chloride-Acetylchlorid(CH3COC1)



drug design-Drug Design(Drogendesign)






















amino acid-Aminocarbonsäure

polyphenylene sulfide-Polyphenylensulfid / PPS / thermoplastischer Kunststoff





chiral-chiral / optisch aktiv





paraffin-Leuchtpetroleum / Kerosin









Chemical Abstracts Service / Chemical Abstract Service

methyl alcohol-Methanol




bituminous-bitumenreich /fett (Kohle)



oxonium ion-Oxoniumion






Synthetic Rubber



pitch coke-Pechkoks




epoxy resin-Epoxidharz





a-helice-Alpha Helix

b-sheet-Beta Sheet / Secondary Structure in Proteine


ribose-Ribose / Biochemistry

ribosomal-ribosomal / Biology






Middle East / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia /  Aramco / Most Biggest Crude Oil Exporter of World / Enriched  Proved Crude Oil Reserves  266 Billion Barrels  / ( KSA ) 2022
Middle East / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Aramco / Most Biggest Crude Oil Exporter of World / Enriched Proved Crude Oil Reserves 266 Billion Barrels / ( KSA ) 2022

Information Technology / IT (  EN / DE  )


Single Byte Character Set-SBCS

7 Bit Code

8 Bit Code

flow chart-Ablaufdiagramm

Proxy Server+Vermittlungsserver

ACR-Advanced Code Reconstruction

ALS-TTL-advanced low power Schottky TTL

ALVT-advanced low voltage technology

ACL-advanced CMOS logic

NTSC-National Television Systems Committee

ASIC-application specific integrated circuit

Base64-Base64 code

AL-availability level

BER-Basic Encoding Rules


UDP-User Datagram Protocol

Point to Point Protocol-PPP


Heap-Heap(Datenstruktur) / Freisspeicher

Frame buffer-Bildspeicher


CPU-Central Processing Unit


IP-Internet Protocol/Internetprotokolladresse



chassis intrusion-Gehäuseeingriff / IT

Data Transfer Rate-Datenübertragungsrate




IP-Internet Protocol

ID-Identification Number

Peer-To-Peer Filesharing-Datenaustausch zwischen Nutzern


COM-Component Object Model

Data Set-datensatz

load balancing-Belastungsausgleich,Lastenausgleich

DLL-Dynamic Link Library / Dynamisch Gelinkte Bibliothek




to clobber sth-etw überschreiben



 ADO-Active X Data Object

 network layer-Vermittlungsschicht






Online Analytical Processing-OLAP


Simple Network Management Protocol / SNMP

network interface card-Netzwerkkarte

100 Dollar Banknote Bill & Currency from the United States of America / North America / Also the Inscription from a Signature portrayed on this 100 $ Dollar Note
100 Dollar Banknote Bill & Currency from the United States of America / North America / Also the Inscription from a Signature portrayed on this 100 $ Dollar Note

Federal Reserve Bank  NY

Fed. US Notenbank


client adoption process-Client-Adoption-Prozess / {m} Schutz vor Missbrauch hinsichtlich Geldwäsche, Terrorismusfinanzierung oder anderen illegalen Geschäften

To clamp down / ( Rigoroses Verhalten der Regierung gegenüber Strafverfahren)


Milton Friedman / NY / Brooklyn / ( US-Amerikansischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Makroökonomie, Wirtschaftsgeschichte )

Nordea Bank S.A / Luxemburg / Angehörig


Albert Einstein / Geboren in Ulm + Südeutschland / Gestorben in Princeton + New Jersey US / Nordamerika

Che Guevara / Cuba / Revolutionary / Junta / Coup d'Etat / Milice / Guerilla Warfare


Ursula Von Der Leyen / European Commission / Chief


Angela Merkel / Bundeskanzlerin / Bundesrepublik Deutschland /BRD / Bundestag / Berlin ( 2005-2021)

Olaf Scholz / Wahl / Votum Landesweit 2021 / ( Neuer Kanzler in Deutschland nach Merkel) SPD 

Hamdan bin Muhammad bin Raschid Al Maktoum / Königliche Militärakademie UK /Dubai School of Government / Erbprinz von Dubai


Carl XVI Gustaf / Swedischer König / Swedische Monarchie

steel-cladded car / stahlgepanzerte Regierungskarosserie 


Wladimir Wladimirowitch Putin / Russian Federation / President / Head of State / World Power

Niklas Zennströmm-Skype Founder / ATOMICO CEO

CDU / Christlich Demokratische Union / Politische Partei Deutschlands / Berlin / Bundestag / Ebenfalls SPD / FDP / Die Grünen / CSU / AFD


Ottawa / Hauptstadt Kanadas & große bedeutende wirtschaftliche Metropole des Landes / Regierungsregion Kanadas / Nordamerika

Cyril Ramaphosa / Präsident Südafrikas / Afrikanischer Kontinent


Uganda / Währung Schlling / Ostafrika

El Salvador / Hauptstadt San Salvador / Südmamerika Kontinent / Nayib Bukele / 6 Millionen Bevölkerung & Population ( Weltbank )


Seychellen / Hauptstadt Victoria / Währung Sey Chellen Rupie / Archipel 115 Inseln im Indischen Ozean / Ostafrika / Zivilisation Afrikanisch

Slowakei / Hauptquartiere Bratislava / Währungsstruktur Euro / EU Angehörig / Präsidentin & Regentschaft Zuzana Caputova / 5,45 Millionen Einwohner & Bevölkerung ( Eurostat Einschätzung)





Business Incorporation / Economy / Infrastructure / Globe / Corporation Language /  Saudi Arabia /  Company  Jargon / World Economic Forum Alternative / Purpose Mondial
Business Incorporation / Economy / Infrastructure / Globe / Corporation Language / Saudi Arabia / Company Jargon / World Economic Forum Alternative / Purpose Mondial

ESOL /-English for Speakers of Other Languages

European Business Baccalaureate Diploma / -Europäisches Wirtschaftsabitur

A Level / Abitur


Okun / Okunsche Gesetz /Korrelation zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und Produktionswachstum

Joe Biden (Democrat)/-President of the United States of America / USA / Successor of Donald Trump / 2020 Election / Vote 2024 America / Donald Trump ( 2025 -2029 ) ( President of the USA ) Elected / 2nd Term / 20th January Inaugural in States 2025 / 

Brexit / Austritt der U.K aus dem EU Bloc / 2020

Google CEO-/ Sundar Pichai


Mary Barra /-Chief Executive Officer / General Motors / Detroit / Michigan

Jeffrey C  Sprecher  / Chairman  NYSE / CEO of Intercontinental Exchange / US

Twitter / Chief Executive Officer / Jack Dorsey / Replaced by Parag Agrawal 2021 CEO / In Turn  Linda Yaccarino 5th June 2023 ( CEO  on Twitter)


Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen /-Chairman of Kirkbi / Grandson of Lego Establisher & Founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen

Justin Trudeau /-Premierminister Kanadas / Nord Amerika / Grandeur Politician

Graduate industrial engineer / Diplomwirtschaftsingenieur


Polytechnic / Höhere technische Lehranstalt

Anthropology /-Menschenkunde


Ivory Coast / -Elfenbeinküste

Ornithology / -Vogelkunde

Tesla / Spacex / Elon Musk CEO

Mercedes Daimler AG ( Mercedes Benz Group AG )  / High Competent / Dealership Mondial / CEO Ola Källenius / World Car Manufacture & Creation


comitology / -System der Verwaltung und Expertenauschüsse der EU

BMW / Bayern München / Welt Automobil Industrie /  Wird in eine neue lukrative BMW industrielle Fabrik in Mexiko investieren und zwar in San Luis Potosi / Diese Anlage wird die Produktion in 2019 kommen lassen.

Wie gesagt Bayerische Motoren Werke wil sich weltweit zur Anerkenntnis zeigen lassen. / CEO Oliver Zipse 2020


API / Application Programming Interface / Programmierschnittstelle

FIFA / Fédération Internationale de Football Association / FIFA Football World Championship in Qatar 2022 / Middle East 

Tadawul-/ Aktienmarkt Saudi Arabiens / Hochanspruchsvoll / Schnell Flukturierender Aktienprozess / Tadawul Stock Exchange / Saudi


FIFA /  World Cup 2026 / United States / Mexico / Canada

Riyal /-Currency out of Saudi Arabian Kingdom / Ebenso in anderen Ländern im Nahen Osten


Boris Nikolajewitsch Jelzin / Former President out of the Russian Federation / First President of Country / 1991-1999 Tenure in Russia

Europäische Zentralbank / European Central Bank / Leadership & CEO Christine Lagarde / Frankfurt Headquarters

Julian Assange /  Different judicially and lawfully  conflicts he's implicated of / The most in the United States of America


Boris Johnson / United Kingdom / Prime Minister / U.K / Leading Post in British Government / Successor of Theresa May / Constructive British Politician from the House of the Commons / Currency Sterling

Liz Truss / Prime Minister in Succession of Boris Johnson / Declared from Queen Elizabeth 2 /  Conservative Party / Since  2022 / Since 2022 4th Quarter Rishi Sunak New Prime Minister of U.K / Keir Starmer New Prime Minister of U.K since 3 Quarter 2024

King Charles III / New Elected as King after Queen Elizabeth 2 passed away/ In Governance of different Regions of World


Giorgia Meloni / New Prime Minister of Italy / 2022 / In Succession of Mario Draghi




World / Middle East / Civilization / Saudi Arabia / Vision 2030 / Grandeur Project /  Portrayal of their Exemplification & World Business Creation


2018 / Protokoll 


Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco / Corporation belonging to the Government / Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman / Monarchy / Royal Kingdom / Biggest Oil Exporter of the whole world.


The Arabian Kingdom is planning a Tourist Sector on the Red Sea transformed into a splendid resort and destinations eventually luxury Marine Sea Sightseeings.

Dormant Volcanoes will be observable / Scuba Divers will have the option to dive on appropriated aligned temperatures / Flora and Fauna will be present / An Archipelago is the complete astonishment / The Coastline does strech over 150 km's / Natural Reserves locally

An Airport will be built on this project / A very high percentage on Saudi Riyal is presaged


First Construction Date of the Project is 2019-2022


Saudi Arabia was also in acquisition of solar energy panel devices for their Saudi Kingdom, and Mohammed bin Salman was signing the contract and treaty with Masayoshi Son in New York / United States on his world tour.

This photovoltaic business-idea was coming to a structured dollarization of 200 Billion of U.S Bank Notes by Japanese Delivery of Softbank Group / Japan / Tokyo.

This procedure was a segment and part of the  public investment fund by the most richest country of the middle east-



Soon in Availability Is Some Investment Corporate Pro Banking by Saudi Aramco  of Riyadh in Sight /

An Unprecedented Stock-Acquisition in New York in Worth Of 2 Trillion $ by the Infrastructure of Saudi is in Planning For the Coming Decade


The Highnesses speculated just that the Saudi Imperium will not count no more on the Oil Sector financially.

Next time the Tourist and Marine Sector will be the Revenues and Finance for the Royal Family.


Saudis PIF will be the biggest  Public Investment Fund of the world out of a global spectrum seen / Meaning that this Portfolio is the most grandeur World-Class  Investment Fund world-wide-

Anyway the Saudis is about high engaged attractive investment mondial. Prince Mohammed Bin Salman was recently on a World Tour and Journey  and regulated a lot of lucrative business investment and deals.


Countries Was ( Egypt, United Kingdom, United States, France, Spain)


In October will be the FII / The Futuristic Investment Initiative in Riyadh / Saudi Arabia / Middle East /

The most prestige business personalities and CEO's, highly engaged people will come close to talk about high lucrative Business & Economic Resolutions in the world / Mostly World Economic Model


Like You See, is the Saudis very proliferating their exploration domestically or mondial / In short terms of them Saudis, they does have their business affiliations in every continent of which is on the Geoecologically Systematic Segment

Contingently Europe / North America / Asia / Middle East / Africa / 


Affiliated / Update 13.04.2023 /  Projects ( Index )  from the ( KSA ) just the Vision 2030  from andreaspennophotography.de


King Abdullah Economic City ( Saudia Arabian Kingdom ) KAEC

Saudi is in philanthropically state of view in building a metropolis named King Abdullah Economic City / This City has lucrative constructive costs by 100 Billion of Dollars / This gem will be bigger than Washington D.C by its size of area.

It will be one of the biggest financial centres in the Middle East / The World Largest Harbour will be integrated in this urbanized area / It will create an idealogy of 1 Million Jobs

The new city will cover 168 Million Square Meters / 4.5 Million Square Meters Scale of Retail Industry. In Addition 25.000 New Luxury Noble New Villas


King Abdulaziz Airport / Middle East ( Saudi Arabia + Jeddah  )

Redevelopment of this Airport will afford 7.2 Billion Dollar Banknotes / This Airport will have an capacity of 80 Million Passengers  by 2035 / This Airport will be in connectivity to an High-Speed Train / The Control Tower Will Cost 3,2 Billion $ and will be the tallest tower on mondial basis..

The Airport will be available 2018


Riyadh Subway ( Saudi )

The Construction Prize is estimated 22.5 Billion Dollar Bills

The Subway will open 2019


Jubail City Center

Jubail is in speculation of beeing when established and completed the biggest industrial metropolis on this planet / The Project and Initiative will cost 80 Billion of Dollars / 

The Project will be finished 2026


 ( Red Sea Project ) The Red Sea ( Red Sea Global )

So the Red Sea Project was in announcement 2017. From 2019 till 2024 is the first development phase in the ( KSA ). 2023 First Visitors will attend the Pristine islands & have a journey which is astonishment & Joy.

2030 is the date of accomplishment of this Project. Also 2030 22 Islands will be developed & 48 Hotels for the amusing dinner with delicious & excquisite catering. 6 Inland Sites & 8000 Rooms just Space will be 2030 created 

This Project from Arabian Mohammed Bin Salman is hugh recommended by world agencies for travel. Also Volcanoes are present. This Project is led by the PIF ( Public Investment Fund )

This Red Sea Project is 2030 at end developed.


NEOM / Trojena / ( KSA ) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / 2022 First Quarter Release

So NEOM  is a GIGA-PROJECT  from the Arabian Peninsula in the region Tabuk, Its newest Ideal & Portrayal is Trojena .This Project is all about Ski & Snowboard Winter Sports from the Snow covered Mountains of NEOM. Because NEOM has in different seasons different climate.

Also Basins filled with water are serving Tourists for Relaxing and having a great Journey in Saudi Arabia. Trojena has tantalizing servicing to offer. Also different Winter Resort Tourism is at offerings. As well as accomplishment of this project from NEOM is 2026 AD.

NEOM is a hugh Project just GIGA-PROJECT from the PIF of Arabia. Cutting-Edge Technology. Most Creational Health & Wellbeing Centers built in Tabuk. Small Seas of Water in the mountainous Hills  like a Wellness Tourism Initiative.

Whole Complete Trojena Build-Up Development of Resort from now 2022 till 2026. 


Amaala / Red Sea Coast / Tourism Resort & Infrastructure ( Red Sea ) Location / ( Red Sea Global )


Amaala is a great fundamentally resource for everybodys design to visit Amaala and have a Journey for the best time of  life.

Triple Bay, The Island & Coastal Development are cases of regions of Amaala. This Project will host 2500 Hotel Rooms, 800 Villas also Yachting ( Yacht ) Marinas, Spas,Wellness Centers.

2024 is the first phase reached. Amaala is a Resort Center & Tourism Spot. It's in Supervision of the PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) is Riyal and PIF lucrative.

Ending of Project 2028 in the (KSA )


King Salman Park ( Riyadh ) + ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) 


Green Enormous Established ( Park  ) five times bigger than Central Park & Most Different Parks from World. Sightseeing & Inauguration from Mohammed Bin Salman & Father King Salman Bin Abdulaziz in 2019 in different establishment of Circuit Table Schema Initiatives.( 2025 ) is the date of completion from King Salman Park. Park Large-Scale Green Environment in Riyadh. Construction Date 2021 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. King Salman Park will be exciting for everybody from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & all guests and visitors coming  from all over the world. This Park is great..


New Murabba Development Company  ( Mukaab ) Riyadh 


New Murabba Development  Company founded by the prince & reformist Mohammed Bin Salman  will establish & create the largest Humankind Revolutionary as same as ( NEOM alike )  Modern Downtown in Riyadh.Adding  ( SAR ) 180 Billion to NON Oil GDP & create 334.000 Indirect & Direct Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by 2030 . 104,000 residential units, 9,000 hotel rooms, and more than 980,000 sqm of retail space, as well as 1.4 million sqm of office space, 620,000 sqm of leisure assets, and 1.8 million sqm of space dedicated to community facilities. In Line with  the Vision 2030. Approximately 20 Minutes Drive from Airport the structure. The Mukaab will be built this 21st Century in Riyadh.


Diriyah ( 5th Largest PIF Project from Kingdom ) Public Investment Fund


Diriyah is a Spot which offers visitors & tourists circulating opportunities to have an arabian adventure for the whole family & world.It shines in history & culture from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It's UNESCO Affiliated & Listed, Diriyah from Riyadh. So the Western Civilization should visit Diriyah from the arabian monarchy, because this region & spot is so beautifullly & family-friendly like every Tourism Place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



Red Sea / Videographically Segment / Preview/ Resort / Destination / Landmass / Marine/ Dormant Volcanoes / Sightseeing / Project / Vision 2030 / Flora / Fauna
Saudi Arabia unveils plans for The Red S
MP3 Audio Datei 23.5 MB


World /Middle East / Saudi Arabian Kingdom / NEOM / Megacity / Vision 2030 / Mondial Metropolis / World City Creation / Creates Jobs & Occupations

A Megacity is in Planning with 5 Palaces and Moroccan Epic Architectural Technology and Development  / This Gigantic Saudi Complex will be the Future Of The World / This City has an Investment-Scale of 500 Billion of U.S Dollars

This Gigantic Megacity will be enormous / It will connect Jordan and Egypt / Acronym Neom 


Vision 2030 / Textures / Script / Solar Panel Energy Resources / Photovoltaic Procedure / 200 Billion Solar Initiative from Japan / Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in Governmental Stage / Rest of Paragraphs Saudi Mondial Business & Geoecology


27.10.2018 / Protokoll 


Refineries to be affiliated in China, India,Malaysia / Indonesia /  United States

Sadara Chemical Co Partnered in the Persian Gulf Coast / 20 Billion Plant in Jubail

Saudi wants to partner France's Total SA Refinery to build chemical facilities


France & Germany /  Weapons Delivery for Saudi Arabia / United States Vendor for Military Resources for Saudi Arabia

3 Chinese Oil Corporations on Chemical Basis / China / Multi Billion Dollar Projects till 2030


50 % Of Crude To be Processed & Developed with 1 Indian Refinery to build a 44 Billion /  1.2  Million bpd refinery integrated with petrochemical facilities on the indian Westcoast / Mega Refinery will be built with three ongoing indian corporations / Petrochemicals Profit /  2018


United Kingdom-Real Estate Sector /  BP Cooperation / In Favour of Mohammed Bin Salman since Visit of World Tour / 2018 Initiative

United States of America / 2 Maximum Petrochemical  Oil Refinery Sectors / Gulf of Mexico / Texas / 2018 Protocol


Asia Continent /-Lucrative Oil and Business Discovery Just In Research Of Crude Oil Proliferation in next Turn in Transformation to Petrochemcals

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ( MOU )  /  Commercial Principles / Front End Engineering Project Starting /  2019


Royal Kingdom has 266.260 Billion Barrel  Proved Crude Oil in Reserves  / In Rivalry to Western Texas U.S.A




Protokoll 10.01.2021 / andreaspennophotography.de / Take A Watch / Europe / EU / Germany ( Rewritten 27.04.2022)


Intelligent Solar Energy Product & Development Structures / Desert State Saudi Arabia & Mid-East / High Efficient Energy Refurbishment & Orientation / Usage of Appliances Which Is A Renewables Sector & Green Energy


So this photovoltaic procedure in the world was created once for better civilized operating technology & development in high comfortability essence of. Also in North America in the 50 States PV Tactically Usage is appropriated & welcomed. Solar Power operations & the industrial purpose essence are  the infrastructure & diversification for human green energy just clean goodwill in every constellation of. As far our Geoecologically Climate is rising, it's important to create clean & stubborn human great resources. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sets a tone on green comfortable powers around the world as well as in advance a lot of regions on this earth. Solar Products are just as much as very in optimal & adjusted setting eventually preferences to create energy for the civilization of the humankind in a proper & protocolated way of. Canada and the United States is also actively with Solar. The European Continent to say the European Commission & Union  are also very busy by decisions for a better green excellent bright future by the member states . Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud the  governing figure personality is also very proud of his folks, to establish & initiate  next decades a mega gigantic solar network in saudi for a better kingdom & better future. Energy is important for the humankind. And also China did say 2060 they will be pure pristine carbon clean & in an embodiment of completely pollution-freed for a better future. Also the United Arab Emirates have their green principles till 2050. As same as Volvo Scandinavian Car Manufacturer will be 2040 environmental operating battery - electrified in propulsion as same as some Trucker Corporations in the EU with hydrogen. So the kingdoms of the Middle East & North Africa is in a highly promising future for better clean environmental space & a better human era for our world. 



Published 07.01.2020 ( Portrayal )


Sincerely Yours,


Andreas Penno


08.12.2021 Updated Texts Below from Arabia / Reference / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  ( Resources since 2018 )


Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman  / Saudi Oil Minister

Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani / Senior Vice President For Downstream / Saudi Aramco 

Doubling its Petrochemical  Capacity by 2030


In Expectation  of being the Top Leader of Chemicals in 2040 

Saudi wants to invest more in Chemicals reaching to the futuristic ensemble


8 -10 Million  bpd Petrochemical Capacity Lucrative in Planning /  5 Million bpd now


Apart from India, Aramco is also taking a 50 percent stake in Petronas’ huge RAPID project in the southern Malaysian state of Johor.


China / Asia /  Joint Venture  with  Sinopec / Stake of  260.000 bpd Refinery in Yunnan / Norinco 300.000 bpd refinery / Crude Oil Development / In next profitable usage & operating Mohammed's Kingdom's industrial reserves is Saudis Petrochemicals / 2019


Saudi Basic Industries Corp / SABIC - World 4th biggest Petrochemical Company / 20 Billion Project

Project to convert Crude into Chemicals


Ritz Carlton / Hotel in Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia-Entry 2019 / MSCI / Morgan Stanley Capital International  / Emerging Markets




Geoecologically Spots / Harbor & Ship Routes / Collaborations from  Saudi Aramco / New Gas Fields Discovered & Explored / Shaybah / Sabic 


14.01.2019 / Protokoll


Houston / Detroit / Boston / New York City / Washington D.C / United States 

Aberdeen / London / The Hague / Maastricht / Delft / Rotterdam / Paris / Moscow /  Milan / Europe

Alexandria ( Ain Sukhna) / Egypt / Africa

New Delhi / Singapore / Tokyo / Fuijan / Xiamen / Shanghai / Seoul / Seosan / Okinawa / Daejeon / Beijing / Fujairah / Johor / Kuala Lumpur / Asia


2015 /  Three New Oil Fields / Faskar / Janab / Maqam  

2015 / Non Associated Gas Fields  / Edmee / Murroy / 


Wasit Gas Plant / Nonassociated Gas


Unconventional Gas / North Saudi Arabia  /  Ghawar Area / Jafurah Basin

Oil Production-Offshore Oil Field / Manifa  / Shaybah Field - Extra Light Crude Oil 250.000 bpd Raising overall 1 Million bpd


Arlanxeo /  Foundation with Lanxess / German Specialty Chemistry company

Saudi ( Aramco ) with Amin Nasser  overtook with 70 Billion Dollar Deal the most percentage of SABIC / 2019


World / Middle East / News / Illustration & Consequently Script / Saudi Arabia's Futuristic Position / Mohammed Bin Salman / Saudi Arabia Kingdom / Lucrative & Exponential / NEOM / Red Sea Unforgettable Project / Future of Saudi Oil Procedure & Prognosis / Portrayal


14.01.2019 / Protokoll


Saudi Arabia's Vision is the future segment build pillar of the whole world. The specialised term Vision 2030 is more 

than collaborate, cooperative or magnificent in its own portayal. Mohammed Bin Salman the so great and notorious

holy Crown Prince of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom has  geoecologically & technologically visions which is astonishment.

Red Sea Unforgettable the project by the Saudis will be curated and finished by its first phase in 2022. The Coastline 

will be 200 KM's.


NEOM / Arabian The New Future, which is accomplished by the first stage in 2025 is the most biggest world

metropolis & urbanized city which will ever be build-up as well as most goodwill bearing for the middle east.

It will connect Jordan and Egypt.


Khalid Al-Falih the Oil Minister of Saudi was in the fourth quarter of 2018 in Vienna, Austria in a OPEC / Zenith & Summit to make the point clear behind

Oil Price Containment & Consideration as well as operating with Alexander Novak out of the Russian Federation Regional East Europe in the world. 


Like You Know is the shares and stock market, fast fluctuating and moving back and forth every market's year. If in New York or Chicago if in Hong Kong of Frankfurt, if in Milan or London. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is all about creating jobs and professions for thousands of people in the Vision 2030. The Technology & Development as far as the new Regime Mohammed Bin Salman is  advocating in Arabia is restraining the oil sector for finances. In other expressive articulation they want to count on tourism for the government and kingdom.


Saudi is in operating efficiency for world mondial showmanship as far as their intelligent kingdom's power.

This country is very paramountly for its industrial complexes & eventually industrý at its own.

The pristine natural treasures is enormous hugh. Confidence is a factor Saudi is not foreign of, because it is 

so worth stretching about business world wide.


The 2 Trillion Dollarizational Asset Stock is promised by Mohammed in

2021 to be at implementation for the New York Stock Exchange especially named Wall Street, where also

Michael Douglas an american hugh sought-after Hollywood Actor had films in cooperation with the NYSE.


King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the king of Saudi Empire, Riyadh is the recruited main capital of this country. The Vision 2030

is not yet achievable, also NEOM, because of economically complicatons, but viable in the next decade, to realistically assessment.


Saudi Arabian Country will no more count on financially status of produced crude oil, but more on tourism. 

Saudi Aramco is just the biggest exporter  for oil, be one of the most infamous and pretty overarching richest corporations in the world.


In Arabia even futuristically excel to hold oil reservoirs by 2050 / 2060,   the inventory and the stocks  is in this assessment of Saudis Crude Oil  also Petroleum or LNG, Kerosene, Lubes , Diesel or Heating Oil & Gas is definitely realistically to achieve great status .

Alike when Saudi does count on tourism for the next decades of this time saga and epoch, they will be have in the desert proved crude oil in repertoire from billions of barrels of oil in the orient of the middle east.

Even by 2060  Saudi is more appreciated & established and enriched by oil than any  other country on this planet next to Venezuela, and the truth is that the deposition of oil in the arabian kingdom will hold on for a century by the time epoch on mondial structured basis.



 This Journalism and texts  is well constructed & initiated by the words of Andreas Penno 




World / Middle East / Saudi Arabian Press Conference / Vision 2030 / 2016 in Capital Riyadh ( Arabia Headquarters ) / Mohammed Bin Salman Reformation Oil Sector / PIF / 


World / Middle East / SA Saudi Arabian Kingdom's Project NEOM / Portrayal Of New Future ( NON-CRUDE OIL DEPENDENCE) In The Arab Industrialization
So this Ensemble is creating some detailed & overarching review on NEOM / The Special Green Portrayal of Saudis Reflection on a Trading Hub in Coastline reaching distanced area on the Red Sea ( Basin of Arabia ), also a Center for Markets & Shining Architectural Beauty. This Exemplar is a Metropolis & City which will be established 2030 after couple of Phases of Mid-East Development . It will create over 100.000 Professions & Industrial Capacity of Robotics Centralized Working Technology replacing human beings. Jurisdiction will be diversified from the kingdom's law legislations paragraphs and have own law operations. NEOM is seen world wide as the most ambitious project ever. Its building is decisive for cooperation of Israel & the african continent. ( Jordan ) & Egypt will be overbridged on a special spot from NEOM. The NEW FUTURE is economically important for the kingdom and its governmental figure Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 2017 FII was the public announce.
SAUDI'S NEOM Project.mp4
MP3 Audio Datei 71.1 MB
Geoecologically Site of Saudi Arabia / Satellite Recording & Outline from the Red Sea / South West Arabia Kingdom / Desert State / Civilization of Harrat Al Birk SA / NASA US Recording of  Saudi Kingdom
Geoecologically Site of Saudi Arabia / Satellite Recording & Outline from the Red Sea / South West Arabia Kingdom / Desert State / Civilization of Harrat Al Birk SA / NASA US Recording of Saudi Kingdom

Red Sea Unforgettable / Vision 2030 / Establishment / Mohammed Bin Salman's Tour & Journey in Asia 2019 + Pakistan + India + China / 

29.04.19 / Protokoll


The Red Sea Pristine Natural Resort Project is in first construction date of 2019-2022. This Segment from the Vision 2030 is very decisive and important for the Tourism Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Great Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud is in expect for individual results from the Vision. He was 2019 in the first quarter on a tour and journey in Asia  for economically & religious as well as geoecologically principles. He was optimistic in Pakistan,  Islamabad, Asia for financially  & friendship great  holding relationship .The productive & constructive investment  was 20 Billion of Dollar-Currency for the Pakis. The Crown established Prince was also  in geographically accessibility in India for collaboration with Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India. There were couple MOU's Memorandums of Understanding between both countries in form of scrolls . In China were also some welcomed decisions for Saudi and the contrary. 


AMAALA / Different Red Sea Saudi Arabian Project than the Red Sea Development Project / ( Nowadays 2023 Amaala & The Red Sea ) Red Sea Global



The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the biggest country from the middle east just the orient is in highy hugh interest of the empowerment and property of Petrochemicals in most every continent of this planet. Like you know is Saudi a rich land and is in expect of different nations with each integrated corporations for the lucrative investment & procedure of chemical attributes namely structures.

The Future Investment Initiative shortly FII is very important for the relationship between Saudi and its global & mondial partners. 


The Red Sea Unforgettable Project will be a magnificient & amusing destination place for the visitors in the world. The creation and its completion and alike the establishment and the finish will be grandeur for the country. An Airport will be build, even Flora and Fauna. Beautifully  Turtles will be at sightseeing as well tropically coral reefs  & orientalic fish species. Attractions off-shore will be a spectacle.


Dormant Volcanoes from the pristine natural treasures sites are present. And to be at admiration, is this only a small piece of a whole empire and giant namely Vision 2030. Also Mohammed Bin Salman promised that 2021 the Stock Affiliation & Share From Saudi Aramco  will be at the Wall Street talk about the New York Stock Exchange.


On the photo gallery downside is the logo and avatar as same as the whole exemplification of the NEOM Saudi Mega Project Initiative enlisted & depicted two times and you can see Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud and his entourage filmed by camera engaged men in the Saudi Arabian Kingdom from a special angle and perspective. The famous and notorious solar energy panel device shot from a peculiar aeronautically view from Saudi is also illustrated. And the most epic graphically segment is the picture from Masayoshi Son, Christine Lagarde and Mohammed Bin Salman in the front tribune from the FII / The Future Investment Initiative / Investors Zenith from Riyadh in the arabian country a couple years ago.



Red Sea Development Initiative / 2020 / PIF Affiliated / First Signs Of Industrialization on the Red Sea Coastal Region / Elements Creation & Prospering Beauty
A Firs Step Into Arabian NON CRUDE OIL DEPENDENCE ( Vision 2030 ) / Saudi Diligently Employees & Engineers just Professionals Creating a New Red Sea Coastal Resort & Arabian Tourism Center For Their Purpose of the PIF and Vision. A Decade From Now and Also NEOM is Hopefully Pretty Well Established-. The Red Sea Development Company is A Saudi Chosen Developer For Challenging & Building An Tourism Region from SA Just Getting 2030 / 1 Million Tourists in Regard Of. Literally The Arabian Ethnic folk will have if successfully Accomplished from now, by 2050 a.D , Millions Of Visitors & Clientele Fulfilling Arabian Chiffre. The Build-Up Workmanship & Building Composition Is Set by Mohammed Bin Salman Under High Priority. Clearly Expectations for The Vision Are On The Rise, Hopefully .
رؤيتنا واقع كل يوم.mp4
MP3 Audio Datei 4.1 MB

World / News / Saudi Vision 2030 / Restructured Saudi Arabia / NEOM / Delving & Exploring In the World / Mohammed Bin Salman / Kingdom Reformation / Aspirations / Intercontinental Business / Futuristic Model of Saudi Arabian Kingdom / Civilization of Saudi Arabia


2019 / Protokoll


In this civilization of the Middle East and the Biosphere of this planet the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very pristine , innovative and proficient for new possibilities & considerations of  healthy and futuristic conditions.

Saudi does evolve and delve it self as well as explore itself on most every continent of this world for petrochemicals. enriched treasures, paintings,  oil, chemicals, real estates & much more commodities.

On a mondial exemplification  Mohammed Bin Salman is very popular and insightful for the politicians of Asia, Africa, North America and Europe . So Vision 2030 is the most powerful existing humanitarian project since centuries.

Also the proved saudi crude oil reserves, capacities just stock will be on a restructured & developed flagship for a time epoch and saga appear in a timeline till the year 2100 n.Chr. 

This country from the so mightful powerful crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud & King Salman Bin Abdulaziz is not only rich and embellished of Tourism Reformation from Oil, but very smart and clever in politically constellation & constructive handling. They are a very intelligent folk and kingdom .So many other countries of different civilizations are in great & major collaboration to the empire of saudi. 

The King Abdullah City, also part of the Vision 2030, which has investment amounts costs of 100 Billion Dollar will have the biggest port, harbour and dock on the whole earth.

This city will have a maximised centric job creation of 1 Million employees and will be the biggest financial centre in the middle east. The Riyadh Subway will be finished and completed in its final form and fostered state in 2019.

In accordance the costs are 22.5 Billion of Dollar Notes. NEOM ( Neo for New From Greek ) will have its first developmental construction phase reached in 2025 in the kingdom.

The city on the western coast of its countries geoecologically site and corniche will be at offerings of Biotechnology, Digital Services , Advanced Manufacture, Media, Entertainment, Foods, Watering, Energy .

This mondial gigantic city & metropolis will be sufficient  in terms of the energy sector from solar energy panel power  & wind build-in platforms .

Public existing Transport and Logistically Systematics  will be at control of robotically smart induced technologies.

The law and jurisdiction talk about the justice system of NEOM will be separate running from the saudi country as well as taxation will also be evaluated parallel to the country.

This hugh project does lie on the AQABA Gulf and Suez Canal geographically. This is the site which is the 13 Percent biggest trade systematically route & lane of the whole world .

The project King Abdulaziz Airport with a parallel usage of comfortable  train drive possibilities was finished  & absolved in 2018. 

Saudi is also interested belonging to the Public Investment Fund in the French Private Equity Investment Initiative, which is also in referral to Europe important and decisive.

Uber is also an constructive investment influx for the kingdom . The arabian country is also in favour of Recycling Entrepreneurial Activities as same as Military Industrial Initiative in the PIF.




This Journalism and Texts is well constructed & delivered by the words of Andreas Penno



World  / Middle East / Saudi Aramco  / Highly Professional & Richest Corporation On Planet Earth / Desert Country / PIF Affiliated / Next Decades Saudi Arabian Crude Oil Kingdom's Diversification From Oil
World / Middle East / Saudi Aramco / Highly Professional & Richest Corporation On Planet Earth / Desert Country / PIF Affiliated / Next Decades Saudi Arabian Crude Oil Kingdom's Diversification From Oil

29.10.2020 / EU Germany / European Continent / Publishing by Andreas Penno


Saudi Aramco will be neglected in SA Saudi Society & some kingdoms profitable markets  as far as the Independence Factor from Crude Oil Profit , but confirmed by the Saudi Governmental Precise Advocacy not laid under economically & social dwindling sector for the future of the arabian kingdom. Aramco is well designed by highly schooled engineers & employees, so does their mondial reputation does put on excel . This Concern is in the last years fallen period of time scale susceptible of different outer influences that gave Saudi diminished Riyal Currency Profit, concerned was also the Vision 2030,  also NEOM , namely one is the health sector since 2020 1 Quarter to the 4 now, in basically delving human operating  ( Corona COVID-19 ) influence in the arabian country. Anyway Mohammed Bin Salman as far as the whole Middle East is strongly establishment in defence methodology & regenerating just a operating professional resolving such kinda conflicts in every way.


3.12.2019 / Protokoll 



Industrialization / Megacity  /  Epic Solar Project / Aramco Oil Stock / Press / South Korea / Qiddiya / World +  Asia Journey 


So, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the middle east is developing and evolving into a constructive , more an upcoming industrialized created flourishing country. Qiddiya the start, in the second quarter of 2018 was splendid, spectacular, glorious  & welcomed for the world given from King Salman Bin Abdulaziz  Al Saud . It's the most hugh entertainment park on mondial basis or space initiated for an adventure developed park also water attractions, with a lot of different possibilities to grip and the greatest spot belonging just to a theme park & place to a tourism sector with a lot to experience at a greatest visit once  in life time for everybody on this planet. Qiddiya is  also in greater structure aligned and more embellished with all the ways leading to this resorts spectacle & saudis construction just  precise and high tolerated  epic architecture  .It's two  and a half times bigger than Walt Disney on a globally calculated size . 


Mohammed Bin Salman is taking the consequence and is planning & establishing the Vision to a great & confident epoch of the civilization of human kind era . NEOM the more than 450 km long stretching urbanized & created city is also on the period & way to get an industrialization from Saudi. The first construct development phase from this megacity reaching is n.Chr. 2025 in human era . Qiddiya will have 3 phases till 2030, especially in the expected year of the accomplishment of all Saudi Projects in gigantic & enormous  form on domestic soil & origin .The energy & oil minister was changed & switched in the kingdom's position for this role. So Abdulaziz Bin Salman is since late 2019 in the saudi energy ministry, a lot change is coming. 


Mohammed bin Salman the highness  was in the last time  on two journeys & tours, one was a world tour & the other was an asia journey, in the mondial tour  he was interested in hugh amount in investment, some in petrochemicals, enriched commodity, crude oil demand, some in real estate of the United Kingdom or chemical components in France. In Spain he was confident by some economically and different type of establishment on a multiple sectors to be. In the United States visit he met Bill Gates, such names like Mark  Zuckerberg or Michael Douglas and now some different to tell, he also visited the Massachusetts Harvard Boston University Academy for some purpose and round walk, also the MIT in Boston which Saudi Aramco is in partnership just alike.


In the North American Journey he was also with Masayoshi Son in a business affiliation present in New York  with just 200 Billion Dollar Solar Energy Developed Initiated  Panel Investment for Softbank Group, in collaboration from Saudi monarchy and Japan country. Mohammed said so greatly & established into the media & public " History, is written in this moment.


In the Asian Project & Tour Mohammed Bin Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud was in three countries. In Pakistan, China & India. In Pakistan was just an investment of 20 Billion of Dollar Bank Notes created. Moreover in Pakistan Mohammed was very delighted to have a religious component established for a great cooperation between Saudi and Pakistan. In India was also great partnership created between Narendra Modi and Saudi. Especially in China between Xi Jinping  and the Crown Prince was a operating such good atmosphere also investments agreed by both, was cared by for the future days of both countries. So the middle east and asia both continents are confident and sure by operating highly intelligent & most prudent in collaboration.


The Highness Mohammed Bin Salman was also in South Korea in June 2019 in clearly visitation to Moon,  the president of the south korean peninsula in Seoul. Relations was made clear by oil partnership, energy, constructive technologies  & a korean cooperation by saudis vision 2030. Also operating intelligent infrastructure should be welcomed by mutually agreement & exchange.


So, the kingdom is developing & investing in an enormous type of industrialization. In the past gone years also investors became free ways and free entry into the saudi market just to start business in Saudi. The MSCI Index Emerging Markets was introduced in Arabia in the first quarter of 2019. A lot of Investor Relations was coming forth with the country.


In the coming years the globally G20 World Summit and Crest will come to be hosted in Saudi Arabia.


The 2 Trillion Dollar Stock was now coming to an maximal worth of dollar currency just 1.7 Trillion. It does mean that this chiffre is domestic arabian created by.  International investors cause of the investment operating efficiency from different continents is in hands of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom at it own tolerating  acceptance. Anyway the stock was established in Riyadh and is in progress, advancement  and development. It came to and end of a conclusion & result of 25.6 Billion Dollar. A lot of investors was in origin from the United Arab Emirates, and all over the world.


The Solar Energy Panel Power Complex is in best operating stride to be absolved. The technology, mechanism, performance & productivity  is photovoltaic . The industrial terms  worth is in a measurement  talk about enormous 200 GW in a chiffre. It will be enormous big wide size of acre in the desert state of the most hugh country of the mid-east. Twice as Hong Kong from  Asia it will be created and entrenched on Saudi soil and ground of the kingdom. It will create  a lot of jobs and it will be manifested and recruited into one single epic solar spot. Like already said the Vision 2030 has gigantically projects going on the next ten years from now. Also to mention in the past twenty years, the solar energy panel inquiry or request  has become multiple times more than before. This assessment is taking by the most popular Solar Energy Builders & Creators in the world and verified statistics.


Saudi Arabia is also in possession of some pristine rare UNESCO World Heritage Sites and does own volcanoes on the red sea just the geoecology . Mohammed in his reference and redirect of in the notorious saudi press conference couple years ago  in Riyadh, was talking about that scientists & archaeologists can come to Saudi without any lawfully blockades for the purpose of the Vision 2030. He also was naming the private sector is important. And that the oil reformation from saudi will be profitable.


Mohammed was also 2019 in the fourth quarter on a journey through the UAE / United Arab Emirates and visited the EXPO 2020 in Dubai with Hamdan Rashid al Maktoum.




This journalism is well-established, created  & and written by Andreas Penno






22.04.2021 / Eurozone / Protokollierung / NEOM


NEOM / Megacity / First Announce 2017 FII / During under Construction & Development Just Creation of Gigaproject / Thousands of Individuals working this decade on this metropolis & area on the Western Region of SA


NEOM is an utopian city which is centralized with robots, artificial intelligence & green energy as well as kingdom's wishes. This city will be finished 2030.  It's all about Trading Possibilities on the Red Sea just the Suez Canal in Environment.

The New Future is very presaged by the holy established prince Mohammed Bin Salman as an utopian technologically city full of arabian ambitions. It will be more than 450 km's long on the coastline.  This project does cost

the arabian government and state just kingdom 500 Billion $ of  Dollars ( Construction Costs). So details already oftenly  called on this sector. The kingdom does see future in NEOM.

Cause it's the main factor of the Crude Oil Changing Model Structure of them SAUDS. Millions of people will live in NEOM. It's almost so hugh like Belgium from the European Continent



22.04.2021 / EU / Protokollierung


Mohammed Bin Salman (Arabian Kingdom ) / KAEC / Industrialization /  Vision 2030  / NEOM / Al Ula Uranium / Civilization  / PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) / COVID-19 Corona / G20 Summit / Aramco Stocks IPO's/ Riyadh Growth from Headquarters /


So the arabian kingdom's native heir  Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is trying to modernize, develop, civilizize his empire into a state of crude oil independent empire , like other kingdoms in the mid-east. His operating & politically as well as economically will for the 34  millions  saudi citizen of population & people living in the kingdom is a hugh step into  a better civilization of the country. In the coming decades  Saudi will have 40  Million of Human Civil Population living in the kingdom. So the infrastructure of Saudi is the Vision 2030. Some projects are already accomplished & mastered just finished. So the industrial caring site of Saudi Kingdom and the progression of the build-up of KAEC ( King Abdullah Economy City ) is already more than five to eights years long. This city is under construction & building. KAEC does lie geographically in the western region of Saudi ( SA) and is on the coastline & harbour and port side of the Red Sea. This metropolis will be a hopefullly full-fledged  & respected  city ( Also from the western region) . In other words hopefully this product of infrastructure of the kingdom gonna be productive & operating under high coastal possibilities & cargo  freight empowerment & trade advantage just real estates & villas built on a great niveau.  By the sector of building up KAEC Thousands of Jobs are welcomed in Saudi. So Mohammed Bin Salman was 2021 in the first quarter holding as a orator a speech in front of governmental bodys in  Al Ula ( Geoecologically In Reach Distance of NEOM ) about the fall & farewell  of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said & Kuwait Emir which both passed away in the year of 2020, also honoring them & praising these mid-east figures. He also was saying the GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council )  States should solidify & stay in collaboration, so the mid-east has intelligent world powers to represent. He also mentioned the GCC should get very particular creating strong religious loyal highly blessed constant allies & should get  active in world politics. So in Riyadh  ( Headquarters of Arabia ) 1 Quarter this year Mohammed bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud was talking to the inquisitive & charming  italian politician Matteo Renzi. Mohammed was also saying (IPO'S) Initial Public Offerings from Aramco gonna be established & aired just get active upcoming forthcoming years on plurality  digit developmental era just STOCKS from the crude oil sector from Saudi. Also elucidated from Mohammed that the big metropolitan areas in the Kingdom is important  to get on a scalability & hugh growth to rise and so the suburbans  & decisive cities is fostered under a great infrastructure & modernized technology .


As well as sponsored by the  Future Investment Initiative the kingdom's heir published that in a such form like the Central Park ( USA New York Manhattan ) Saudis gonna get into the nations wide build-up & establishment just creation of different parks just greenery also in (NEOM) such planning & socialisation is upcoming. So Qiddiya is staged under great construction strides & advanced development phases as well as the pending 3 phases till 2030  Vision of the kingdom. NEOM is already since public announce in 2017 also under hugh construction and does create an immense spectrum of workforces & professions.Hughly of disciplined  workers & employees are working under big  priorities laid down by Mohammed Bin Salman. Neom is also  PIF Affliated. Al Ula was also found raw nuclear Uranium in Saudi in the western biosphere of the kingdom years ago. So this nuclear politics & nuclear economically sector of Saudi is dubious & a doubtfully case cause the uranium mass  found in Al Ula ( Western Region of Saudi ) is not enough enriched to build nuclear weaponry for the kingdom as far as the reserves & treasures capacity. 


King Salman Bin Abdulaziz was on the host of the G20 Summit  & Zenith hosting this event in a real estate which Mohammed was also present on a roundtable. So there were monitors & transferring video conference screens showing also twenty richest countries from the whole world & their presidents,emperors, chancellors , kings, prime ministers & EU Commission & at it all. Countries like Brazil, Canada, US.Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, or Denmark,Sweden,  South Africa  or Angela Merkel from Germany  or Vladimir Putin from the Russian Federation were present and different more . All that was shown on the video screen at the G20 Digitally  Telecommunication. on a Networking Scale. Cause why there was  this transferring video communication, because of the COVID-19 Corona Pandemic. 


So NEOM more than 450 km's stretching along the Red Sea is like in the other protocolations from this site, under paramountly strict geoecologically development's phase number one till a.D 2025 the next to 2030 the second phase. So NEOM will have an exemplified representation by building this city, of robotics & hugh machinery just enormous technology driven society in this utopian city in saudi. The " Line " 170 km's line through NEOM was also introduced by Mohammed in the first quarter of this year. Different aspects by Saudi to describe & elucidate just represent NEOM from the beginning in the next epochs just "The  Line ". A lot of preferences & information  was demonstrated from this project for the futuristic ideal of NEOM. Functional Cars will not be deployed or get under a mechanism in NEOM. A lot of wind turbines & solar energy products gonna be established next coming decades in NEOM ( New Future ) if it's gonna be accomplished this project by the government of Saudi. 


Amaala( On the Red Sea ) the project also till 2028 is the procedure & development phase to finish. This project has also in offering for tourists by the crude oil independence of the arabian state , just the resort  by high systematically created wellness initiatives  & beauty mountainous outlook on the red sea shore . Also Arts Connoisseurs is an asset & offering Amaala has there. Resort Shops in Amaala are pleasantly to get in contact of,Polo, Falconry, Beautifully Pure Clean Water on the Coast. In this regard the Vision 2030 by Mohammed is 9 years of the accomplishment  & destiny away. God bless them saudis. God bless the kingdom especially the Vision 2030. And hopefully we can expect great results in one decade.


 Also in the first quarter of 2021 the kingdom's crown prince in a west sitting on a arabian made tailored historically broad laid table and representing the Vision 2030 by talking to the governmental committee of Riyadh/ Saudi. Also naming the PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) how SAUDS planning its organization & industry as well as kingdom's future . 


He was  saying that the  arabian chiffre strategy  from 2021-2025  will be in 2025 4 Trillion Riyals ( 1.07 Trillion Dollar ) &3 Trillion Riyals( Arab Currency ) gonna be invested in further PIF forthcoming decade. Mohammed was also saying that from 2015  / 150 Billion Dollars was in the budget & in comparison to 2020 & 1.5 Trillion Riyal just the PIF was in profitable arab state in Riyadh.   2026 is new projects planned on wide scale abilities.


 Also ACWA some Protokollierungen above this text on the solar energy product Protokoll, to know who they are . They have their Department Recruiting & Headquarters in Riyadh. They will industrialize & build Sakaka Solar Project on arabian soil & ground in the desert state to supply energy for thousands of people. Anyway in the middle east  Saudis Solar Creative & Industrialization  is 100 times  of bigger than anywhere in the rest of this planet earth . So it's an enormous Vision 2030  from the kingdom, represented by Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.So this Solar Panel Production & Diversification is a mega project. Mohammed was also saying in the last FII's 2017 / 2018 that Oman has Mega Projects,  also China has Giga Products to create , or Dubai, talk about the Panama Channel in South America was an enormous Mega Project. So Mohammed is a SAUD. He's very looking spectacular how Donald Trump defined him. Myself does say he is the arabian kingdom's unique  reformist & great SAUD for a great arabian future . 




Red Sea Development Company ( SA ) Saudi Arabian Kingdom/ Industrial Works & Build-Up Technology & Systematic Cranes Creating a Spot / Establishment & Fundamentally Excavating & Straighten The Ground
Red Sea Development Company ( SA ) Saudi Arabian Kingdom/ Industrial Works & Build-Up Technology & Systematic Cranes Creating a Spot / Establishment & Fundamentally Excavating & Straighten The Ground
Mohammed Bin Salman / Saudi Arabian Kingdom / Blue Coat & Dress Color / Middle East Continent ( Photography of Salman ) Mid-East Revelation & Industry
Mohammed Bin Salman Cleverness & Sophisticated Arabian Dress / Talking a lot about change in Saudi. Infrastructure of Photography Setted Great Taken. Very Photogenic / Text Protokoll about NEOM ( Megacity ). Appanage & Attache by Prologue just to find on this sector above. NON Crude Oil Dependence is formulated on contribution. So some protocolations are done in this Establishments & Industrial & Corporation's Language Sector till now. In the File is something by the green energy NEOM has to offer. Above is the ( Red Sea ) Development Industrial Site ( Photography ) of the Working Spot on the Ground Illustrated.
Prince Salman + Saudi Arabian Kingdom -(
Portable Network Grafik Format 1'016.7 KB




EU / Protokollierung / 17.10.2021 / In Courtesy by Andreas Penno


Worldpress/ News / 2021 / Arabian Vision Growth / Media / Aramco / Green Corporate Projects / Human Arab Civilization / Tabuk / PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) Green /Development in Solar Passage through Kingdom / Arabian Native Pride in NEOM just Progress /  Prince / The RIG


Well, now 2021 4 Quarter written  next upcoming time in the arabian country gates will be open economically and in the coming years gates will be established through the cleverness of the kingdom's NON crude oil principles , the so high intellectual great islamic son from Makkah  Mohammed Bin Salman is now restructuring the complete kingdom & arabian empire into a already most incredible great spot of investment, resort,population, city industrialization & green development. So now short of 2022 the annual time & date Aramco is well doing & structured just  representing & establishing a value of high empowerment of arabian export / import historically industry as far as NON CRUDE OIL  Results fot the Vision 2030  concern & belonging status. As far as the complete regions in ARABIA Peninsula like Tabuk or AL Jawf  or the World Metropolis  Riyadh talk about the borderings regions from SAUD to Qatar or Dubai (UAE) these precincts all united have great arabian industrialization. I also already heard the so tiny  enriched Qatarian Peninsula was getting into a Reconciliation & GCC Cooperation Reunion  after long time trading blockades & obstacles of a Gulf Systematic  Water Barrier, and all this happened in the first stages of 2021.  So also God is blessing  Asir & Najran just Tabuk. Well, the PIF from Arabia is in evolvement since foundation of 1971 till now beginning of the first century a.D 2021 in enormous great developing shape. Billions was profitable in Riyal Bill Currency Bank Note in exchange to the PIF. Mohammed was also very consequent till now of COVID-19 Corona in the kingdom . He setted priorities & protecting measurements or  policies just  politics till now 4 Quarter 2021 as far as COVID-19 in a very disciplined era for the kingdom. He regulated & demonstrated  the VISION 2030 from this pandemic in a way of highly civilized systematic commandments & structure in the arabian peninsula . So Mohammed is reforming the ARABIAN Kingdom. The royal arabian kingdom's  family is a great & big family and its family tree developing since a century.


So Mohammed was saying also in the Matteo Renzi Interview from the FII Interview in the first passage of the year that growth in the kingdom as far as population is very promulgating & decisive for his country. He is definitely the de facto leader for Arabian Folk & his native people. Also the Prince was saying that ( Riyadh ) is very important for the country, as far as the infrastructure of kingdom's principles & urbanized city growth . So India & China had Business Values & Cooperational Initiative  going on in SAUD . Aramco was having deals with both in 2021 in the first passage of the year. Aramco was selling with Amin H Nasser them chinese counterparts  ( 1% ) Percent successfully of Aramco Intercontinental. So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud the native prince  is  just great & has futuristically planning for Saudi which is really high in Clear Expectations Involved & Vision 2030 Executable in Great Timeframe to take care of. Just the Tadawul BOURSE in Saudi Arabia was since MSCI Emerging Markets Indexation from Khalid Al Hussan the CEO of Exchange very appreciated on this platform. 2019- 2021 was also Index Options tolerated in SAUD.  So the kingdom is growing into a scale of globally attention & systematic ideal. A lot of presence from Mohammed in different Continents & Intercontinental  in the orient of different governmental societies across the globe. 2019 was the Kingdom's Heir also in South Korea and different countries also the Kingdom does also own British Football Clubs since couples time era. Its PIF is enormous hugh affiliated in different continents of humankind. Nadhmi Al-Nasr ( NEOM also PIF )  the native arabian individual is since couples years ago ( CEO) from NEOM ( New Future ) in Arabia Tabuk just nowadays in hugh development in arabian civilization.



Mohammed Bin Salman / Vision 2030 / Riyadh Headquarters / ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund / Aramco / Red Sea Development Company / NEOM / ROSHN / AMAALA / 2021 4 Quarter Oxagon Project
Mohammed Bin Salman / Vision 2030 / Riyadh Headquarters / ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund / Aramco / Red Sea Development Company / NEOM / ROSHN / AMAALA / 2021 4 Quarter Oxagon Project


 This city will have also the " The Line " in Modelling & Linear Technology Purpose  shown in scripts & sketches in different sourcing. The human civilization from NEOM is important for also Green Politics in World or the 200 Billion Solar Energy Panels Restructuring from Japan ( Acquisition from Masaysohi Son ) for NEOM. So a lot is coming up next time in the arabian peninsula.Also KAEC and Jeddah is evolving like a Metamorphosis under hugh circumstances  & industrial initiative.  So this literary Protokollierung is the eleventh from chiffre. So Arabia Empire will grow like the ancient Persian Kingdom. So the Red Sea ( Rote Meer) is deployed full of PIF Projects in the Western Region of SAUD Kingdom. Qiddiya will be opened for guests & visitors from worldwide airport & mobile possibilities coming to Qiddiya in 2023 when the first phase is evolving. A lot of differentiated chances to grip is coming to Saudi. Qiddiya is PIF Affiliated. And has to offer Parks, Safari, Winter activities just also Formula 1 Circuit Racing Model is planned 2023 and activities are 300 apiece in this challenging & great resort industry. Now 3 Phases is in front of me ,Saud,  and the World to accomplish empowerment in Qiddiya for World belonging  Status like NEOM. So andreaspennophotography is an advocacy of the Kingdom. So now 4 Quarter 2021 also a lot of Arabian Native Journalism is doing a great job, as well as Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya and Saudi Gazette just Mid-East Native Countries have great Protocolating status.So to talk,if God Bless the Kingdom also the Gulf of Aqaba the Kingdom will have a blessing in the folk in the country. So i think really that 2050 it is in possible framework, that the Vision 2030 will be finished and SAUD ARABIA will have a de facto  of multiple millions in addition  of people will be have their home spot in Arabia . NEOM will have People live in the city & green city without air pollution just freshly breathable air on a coastline nearly 470 km. Also the Linear Modellierung  & Line Development. Maybe Mohammed Bin Salman will be than King of Arabia with the crown. Also the Resort Places like AMAALA  which will be absolved 2028, just in planning, could be highly concerned with millions of people coming to the PIF regional place on the Red Sea. Just to mention from the projects saying last phrases or different industry & infrastructure from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Now this days writting from this moment Mohammed has a new Project after " the Line " Linear Product. The new Inclusion is named "  The RIG " was aired & published on the sixteenth October 2021.


It's all about not a Theme Park is just an Extreme Park like a off-shore oil platform. Just also different attractions to offer just Extreme Water Sports, also Racing Park Initiave above the coast. As well as Diving into the SAUD Waters.Also it's bordering on the Coastal Area. This project from the PIF (  Public Investment Fund ) locally on the Arabian Gulf.  Nonetheless, ( Tadawul ) Riyadh became since the 21st century lucrative, constructive & profitable, nowadays 2021 MSCI Markets is an corporate merit in great billions of chiffre for SAUD. So the WORLD PRESS about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia coud be 2030 be on a global scale in inquiry & strong recommended if successfuly accomplished. Geoecologically Sites like the Tips on the mountains of NEOM is in different seasons snow on the mountains. NEOM is PIF Affiliated and has tropically futuristic prospects & Red Sea Suez Possibilities & Development Green Creation. Diverse Industries like Dubai Cooperation & UAE Collaboration just Lebanon Initiative to catch & fulfill was last time great. Also Mohammed Bin Salman's Kingdom was sending Vaccine Medicine to Djibouti to North Africa on the Red Sea Coast ( Rotes Meer ) . So  the Tourism Chiffre from Arabia was 2018 15 Million Human Civilization in the Kingdom. The Red Sea Project should take 1 Million People in event & project fulfillment to catch in 2030. But the Arabian Reformation & Green Armament is a Great Arab Comfortability & Green System also in sake of human faith. Mohammed Bin Salman is always in great shape & great common sense and dialect by ARAB-Sudan Cooperation from the Western Region of Africa adjacent on the Red Sea. Also Oman a great Redirect & Important Economically & Status Sharing Figure for Saud. So plenty & numerous projects from this moment i'm writing 2021 is going on in Arab. So after Sakaka was established in the 2 Quarter 2021, 7 new Solar Projects is in Planning & Budgeting for futuristic coming time is prophesied from the Prince. So anyway the South Korean President Moon from the peninsula & the prime minister from Islamabad from Pakistan just the President from the second richest & wealthiest country in the world named China will always be in great futuristic cooperation to SAUD. So also the RIG Project is a space just spot for people doing extreme sports & extravaganza on the arabian locally on the Arabian Gulf Ocean. So this project will be finished next time and it's like a product  over hundreds of different segments & infrastructure an affiliation of the VISION 2030. Mohammed want somehow  to develope 2023, 4 Archipelago Isles, 3000 Space Initiated Rooms and 16 Hotels and 2030 VISION Accomplishment Mohammed wants in his arabian native  kingdom with the Red Sea Development Company 48 Hotels & 8000 Rooms and 22 Archipelago Isles  to develop to get one product of the (PIF) established on a completely projects serving ending,  So also the ROSHN Project will be a great & perfect job rate factor like a lot of PIF Affiliated Initiatives. The PIF has futuristic Millions of Jobs & Professions in the Kingdom. Roshn is in understanding of a Real Estate Industrialization in the ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ).




This Journalism was established & constituted as well as written by Andreas Penno ( Rewritten 27.04.2022 )




Arabian Folk /  Prince  ( Native )  / Aramco / Riyadh / Crude  Oil Independence / Giga Projects ( PIF )  / Possbilities Century for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  / Green Civilization /  Gulf of Aqaba / Future of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  / Protokoll  05.11.2022 


Well, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is evolving & developing into a ( KSA ) of Crude Oil Independence and turning into a  green arabian country of green economically outlook for centuries. Now 4th Quarter also Gates is open up for the ( Kingdom ). More and more eventually more disciplined contracts,deals, cooperation,opportunities, green deals, agreements is possible in the Kingdom. So now since the publishing, release  & officially press conference from ( Riyadh ) Headquarters  2016 of the Vision 2030  from the holy son of Makkah  & Arabian Folk Mohammed Bin Saman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, these couple of years a lot i say a hugh proportional systematically arabian development & stride talk about regenerative advancement  was coming to the Kingdom. Mohammed is proud of every citizen from Arabia and the native journalism, talk about Arab News or Saudi Gazette exempli gratia different to say. So NEOM " The Line " is now at construction development  phase, also ( OXAGON ) & Trojena. The first eloquent development phase is finished 2025 AD of NEOM. Different parts & supplementary partitioned fragments also now is accomplished from (NEOM ), the green city from Mohammed Bin Salman and the Kingdom. So Arabia is growing.Al-Qassim is also a province with hugh circulating chances for a great Saudi Arabia. Also the King Saud University is presently nowadays in great shape & form and representation for a great education system in the arabian kingdom. So Saudi Arabia is now 7 years from the Vision 2030  to be completed & accomplished.So Riyadh is important & decisive for the glorified & blessed Vision. Riyadh is also counting nowadays to the greatest cities of Human World Civilization. Also the ( GCC ) Gulf Cooperation Council hugh maritime sea trade & aeronautically connectivity & possibilities for all GCC Members in the ( Middle East ) especially for the ( KSA ) is granted.So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming his native arabian kingdom as a minister of defence and de facto leader of the empire.Also the Future Investment Initiative was recently on October 3 days in Riyadh / Saudi Arabia. Different World Cultivated Leaders, CEO's, Prime Ministers, GCC Members, Business People ,Asian Counterparts & Arabian & African Leaders &  Personalities & European and World Figures were invited to come to one of the greatest & top classified modern globalizational forums & initiatives of world  to Riyadh in the Kingdom. So the FII affiliation from the ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund was having its 6 Edition & Constitution as well as Publishing in Saudi Arabia. So NEOM is constructed in hugh structured systematically strength of the close to Half A Million People buílding now " The Line " & Oxagon as same as Trojena. I guess Mohammed & the Government from Riyadh will put ( NEOM ) next years even more projects & established structured and this could be reality & we from all over the world could speculate.So now in the fourth Quarter is speculation in world & rumors in the humanity that the " Kingdom of Saudi Arabia " is in a joint bid & assembly of the FIFA World Cup 2030 in world. So Stadiums in my sense when the Arab Kingdom is winning the bid could be built in " NEOM " or like planned in " Qiddiya " , or Riyadh already has Soccer Stadiums  & Arenas. Anyway let's expect that the Arabian Kingdom is Host for the World Cup in 2030. So NEOM's Trojena has four sectors in the mountains in Tabuk. Also Snowboard & Ski Attractive Attractions, also Ski Slopes in Winterly Times in Tabuk.Mohammed is reforming the ( KSA ) .Winter,  Wellness, Adventure & Lake are the 4 Seasons in Trojena. Trojena is not far away from the " Gulf of Aqaba ".So  Trojena is versatile,opportunistic,sports attractive, beautifully and is 2029 Host for Asian Winter Games just so greatly & hugh challenged organized by  the splendid native arabian holy prince from the Kingdom. Also Oxagon does share a mathematically chiffre of 70.000 Jobs to the Kingdom. Also has Mohammed Bin Salman Oxagon on the run & Oxagon has beautifully water opportunities & docking port possibilities just chances for a great harbour on a grandeur floating city partition from NEOM ( New Future ).So " The Line "  170 km across Tabuk is now hugh in development.Also Aramco has great differentiation & circumstances because of the oil pricing. The  ( Brent ) Crude Oil is now reaching over 92 Dollar the Barrel in this quarter . Anyway ( ARAMCO ) will be next decades diminished by the financially profitable state of Saudi Arabia, especially in sense of the Vision 2030 just the Kingdom of Research of Independence from Oil till 2030 and later on. So  (Asir) & ( Eastern Province )  is in great form & shape, also Makkah and KAEC (King Abdullah Economic City ) & the King Abdulllah Port on the Red Sea ( Rotes Meer ) is busy all the annual & yearly port & harbour economically status of. A lot of freight & shipping is cooperative with different countries in the world. So the King Abdullah Port & Oxagon and Jeddah and NEOM also different Regions & Areas also Provinces  on the Red Sea of the Arabian State has ( PIF ) eventually Chances of Great Port Harbour World Civilized Docking System.Also the Red Sea Project  has now in the 4th Quarter 4 Islands developed & in Vision 2030 Result should be 22 Islands ( Red Sea ) developed in future.The Real Estate Creational Developmental Company ROSHN from PIF wants to regulate 30.000 Domiciles & Homes in the Kingdom. Riyadh is important for the Kingdom's Vision 2030. Also Dubai & Abu Dhabi and Bahrain their Monarchy in the ( GCC ) & Qatar, just solid & cooperative status is important for the KSA. Also Embassies from all over the World are in Riyadh placed in fine constitution & great forwardly comfortability. The Reformation also in ( Health ) & ( Education ) Green Industrialization just Seeds Billions planted in Arabia is till 2030 welcomed in country. So the  Green Environment as far as the Seeds when they are grown up to Greenery is opportunistic  & environmentally safe in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially NEOM " The Line ". Constructive Handling  also from Mohammed Bin Salman in Aramco  World Crude Oil Export just getting loyal to the Independence from Oil actively from nowadays till 2030-2050. The GDP  will be not hugh be influenced from Crude Oil Profit next time, just the Vision 2030.Also (Qiddiya ) will open for Guests  & Tourists coming from all over the world in 2023. So the Red Sea Project will be 2023 open for Guests, Tourists and People coming from all over the world to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Also the Red Sea International Airport will be ready 2023 for the Tourists coming from all civilizations of humankind & countries to the Red Sea and its beautifully attractions also the bungalows on the shore of the charismatically Red Sea Terrain & Coast. So this Project just the Red Sea is hugh empowered with goodwill of joy & happiness as well as amusing  once experienced in human life for every family & everybody coming to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So ( NEOM ) also has Tourism which will start 2024 AD and the listing, also a plant of Hydrogen will be fulfilled & finished 2026 in Kingdom.Also different Projects like Qiddiya & Red Sea will open 2023, and Green Parks in Riyadh is in growth of this Capital. Mohammed Bin Salman  want's also over 300 - 500 Corporations, Companies, Concerns & Diverse Industries till 2030 integrated in Riyadh just their Application & Registration for Headquarter's Turn. Next Structure also the Expansion & Enlargement just Diversification and Maximum Opportunistic Widening of Al Haram Makkah, also Part of the Vision and will be like planned 2030 accomplished. Just the Vision 2030 has a native arabian hugh value for the citizen & population of ( KSA ). The Arabian Folk is hugh proud of its de facto leader & representative countries kingdom's prince. Mohammed is now in the 21st Century promulgating new fresh politics & economically reformation & new tourism opportunities just jobs through the PIF to the Kingdom. The PIF has over 600 Billion Dollar Budget & Capital to offer. 2030 is planned for the Public Investment Fund 7.5 Trillion SAR ( Saudi Arabian Riyal ) to achieve. Also the whole scenario of Riyadh is intrinsic to the ( KSA ). Also Scandinavia has extraordinary great cooperation to Saudi Arabia. Just Denmark or Norway. So NEOM " The Line " has a 3 Way Systematically Floor & Stage System. So the 3 Floor System is  Transit Running & Line Way-System.On the second Floor Etage are Hospitals or Schools, Society Centers, Bakeries, Retail Centers, Universities and different Society Infrastructure and on the first Floor Etage Type System is Greenery & Green Flowers Systematic.Also the Red Sea Project has an Environment & Classified entrenched Tourism System which is comfortable for human civilization from all over the world. Like some journalism also already wrote. This Red Sea Project is the Future of Modern Nowadays Tourism in World. So Mohammed Bin Salman, is reforming the Kingdom. NEOM is World History.


God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the Humankind


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


( A.P. P )


Greetings from Germany / EU / European Continent  to everybody in Humanity & World




Kingdom ( KSA )  / Red Sea / PIF / Provinces / Riyal  / Prince  / Middle East /Giga Projects / Future of Kingdom  / Harbours  & Ports / Qiddiya /  Vision 2030  / NEOM 4 Products  / Communication / Sindalah ( NEOM )/ Press Release 13.12.2022


Well, now the year 2022 AD  fourth quarter,  a lot of constructive arabian structures, corporate green investment, ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund Capital Exchange,( NEOM ) construction, new world possibilities for the ( Arabian Kingdom ) & upcoming profitable Tourism Riyals is presently . So Mohammed Bin Salman, the holy son of Makkah  is creating & reforming the Kingdom in great scale & opportunities for a great pleasant  kingdom of his folk.So different PIF Projects from the ( Red Sea ) named Red Sea Global & NEOM will receive next years hugh arrangement & coordination  of Tourism & People coming from abroad or the native kingdom . So also Red Sea Global partitioned in 2 different projects. Now it's ( The  Red Sea ) & ( Amaala ) .So The Red  Sea will end its first Phase 2023 and will receive its first visitors in the same year. The Red Sea is big as ( Belgium ) as far as the enormously immense Giga Area & Region ( 28.000 km²) on the Red Sea just the giga project and metrics of place.Amaala also invested from the ( PIF ) just the Riyal Investment will 2028 AD coming to an accomplishment & absolved ending.So NEOM is now also under progression & strides just particular evolvement and development linear & vertical through Tabuk . Latest  News is as far as that the Employees & Circulating Great Working  Forces are doing in ( NEOM ) Construction a great opportunistic job & work just very confident and diligently.Also the vehicles namely earthmovers & excavators are working now steadily & constant just permanent in Tabuk, ( KSA ) Middle East. So NEOM  " The Line " has 380.000 Jobs at offerings. And OXAGON 70.000 Jobs and Professions on the Red Sea. Also Trojena is at build-up & development. The Winter Sports Resort with 4 different disciplines & seasonal times to visit from all over the world.Trojena has hugh Tourism Glorified  Possibilities  & Opportunities and will host the 2029 Asian Winter Games locally. So closely Half A Million Jobs are in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fostered,adminstrated & established in NEOM.So the gigantically giga projects also worldwide marked also in Morocco,Tunisia,Dubai, Abu Dhabi,China, Bahrain, North Africa, Middle East, Qatar or Oman have great Outlook this Century and Humankind in World.So politically & economically also this 21st century was established & mastered a lot of works in the Arabian Kingdom eventually Reformation. Also the Reconciliation with Qatar years ago was decisive for the Trade Opportunities  for Qatar's Aeronautically & Shipping ( Ship & Harbour, Port, Fjord) Lanes & Coastal Open Ways also for the rest of the GCC( Gulf Cooperation Council ). Also Asir & Al Jawf and Makkah also the Eastern Province  is splendid & pristine to be in research of arabian growth.So the ( PIF ) is creating next decades millions of jobs for the kingdom.( Riyadh ) the capital is fundamentally decisive & important for the Vision 2030 & Mohammed Bin Salman. Also the King Salman International Airport is now in planning & futuristic idea and comfortability just mobility.So the infrastructure if latest news of the Kingdom is also the Progress & Stride in NEOM now 2022 4 Quarter. Al-Qassim is especially also at growth.Establishment also in Exhibitions is presently in Saudi Arabia. So also in Riyadh ( Qiddiya ) the process & development since beginning of construction date the first phase ( Phase 1 ) is coming to an ending.Also the Province Makkah is at growth,especially the enlargement,diversification and space development in ( Makkah). So till 2030 this Project is accomplished & finished that the scale for pilgrims is more defined in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also Breaking News now 13.12.2022 the Kingdom will maybe host the EXPO 2030 in the Country, no clearly expectations, only suggestions & speculations.So also Al-Bahah  & Medina and Jazan has hugh potential in this islamically state of Human World. So ( Qiddiya ) is in resources standing from ( Six Flags ) the Creator & Contractor from USA.  So Qiddiya is beautifully & pristine for everybody coming to Saudi Arabia and Qiddiya. This Event & Glorified Theme Park has so much at offerings. Also Figures out of Specialized  Matter Chiseled as a Figure in Front of A Comfortable  Swimming  Region in Qiddiya. Or  the most spectacular Roller Coaster in World. Artificial Horses Enlightened with Blue Shining Lux. An Entrance & Foyer tailored grandeur & splendid for Visitors & People coming from all over the world to Qiddiya.It has different Sections to offer.Also Water Attractions & Different more. So Mohammed said once the Middle East will be the second Europe. Also Denmark & Norway, also South Korea stands in hugh compact & cooperative economically unity to  Saudi Arabia, the KSA. So also Aramco will profit strong, productive,lucrative  and under circumstances big time Riyal Billions Yields Income & Capital of their arabian currency in hugh amounts as far as the  (Brent ) Crude Oil Worth of Barrels & Profitable Dollars  since some time in world. So Qiddiya has also a Formula 1 Circuit & Racing Course integrated in Qiddiya. This Theme Park is Half Time so Big than Bahrain. Petrochemicals is a hugh arabian product & enormous distanced product also in aquisition of KSA in Asia,North America & Europe, especially for next decades Petrochemical Profit will be important for the PIF, also the investment and native Petrochemical Corporations are granted in Kingdom like SABIC. Chemicals the Kingdom wants to be a Leader in World in the year of 2040 AD.So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud wants to create NEOM the Green Metropolis & World Capital in Arabia. So circulating news in the world, from a summary & and breaking world news, also British Journalism, Japan,South Korea, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,Native Arab News, German Adequate Journalism,Eurasia,Indian Resourcing, Dubai,USA,Australia,Asia-Pacific,Africa,Canada,Hawaii,Brazil,Austria  you can see the Vision 2030 since released opening  date 2016 till now 2022, the humankind is very astonished,fascinated, gladly, baffled, perplexed & suprisingly enormously inspired from Mohammed's Vision & the Kingdom.So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in a stage & epoch, next coming decades 2040 AD ,2060 AD , in a certified and beautifullly,crude oil independent arabian kingdom &  and overswarmed and fulfilled with Tourism, Health,Sports, Entertainment, Red Sea & NEOM. So Mohammed brings the reformation to Saudi Arabia.Also the Stocks & MSCI Saudi Arabia is doing very well on the market in Riyadh.King Salman Bin Abdulaziz  is also in great shape & healthly constitution.Also the Catering in the Gastronomy in Riyadh or Jeddah ( Dschidda ) is plausible & excellent and will also be in NEOM in upcoming years in Restaurants. Also Mohammed founded once the MISK.So the KAEC ( King Abdullah Economic City ) is under construction, which was once having its inaugural from Mohammed.So we can speculate if 2030 AD will be the Date & Time,  maybe the Kingdom will host the FIFA Football World Cup Championship in different arabian stadiums & arenas. So it's only speculation & questioned. Secondly eventually will maybe 2030 the EXPO in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Could also be in Riyadh.This stands open.So King Abdullah Economic City has hugh ( Red Sea ) Opportunities & Possibilities also even nowadays in construction phase. NEOM will have great resourcing for Dock & Harbour and Port Coastal,Fjiord Red Sea Futuristic Establishment. Also NEOM has Airport Circumstances & Aerial Mobility,Connectivity Chances in a Hugh Communication Initiative. So the Kingdom will devlelop into a metamorphosis of Crude Oil Independence & Enlargement of Tourism and Growth in hugh even now presently mass change. So this year 2022 were many Arts & Culture Exhibitions in Saudi Arabia. Also Mohammed Bin Salman was in Indonesia to the G20 Summit im Bali and subsequently was he flying to Asia,South Korea,Seoul for communicative & cooperation with the president Yoon Suk Yeol and his korean governmental entourage .Then he flew with his governmental airplane home to his kingdom, after everything's was signed and created on paper .So the Ports also on the Gulf from different states is a hugh lucrative bright business. Also Fish & Sea Fruits Arabia does harvest from the Red Sea & The Gulf where also the project (  The RIG ) is under construction & development in scale.So NEOM (New Future ) has globally circulating chances in world.If Tourism or Residential Units & Domiciles in " The Line " of 7-10 Millions of Civilization in 2050 calculated. Also ROSHN( PIF ) is a Resource & Corporation building Thousands of People Real Estates,Domiciles & Homes locally in the Arabian Country is a great sourcing for Vision 2030.NEOM has as far as Port & Coast, Harbour Establishment & Groundbreaking World Intelligent Powers with Green Creation and Hydrogen, Desalination, Wind, Sun and a Blessed Kingdom of World.Also 2024 the Tourism will start in NEOM and the Listing from the Most Hugh World Metropolitan City of Human History. 50-60 TWh are in scale & opportunities of required energy delivery for NEOM.Also the Gulf of Aqaba just the ( Suez Canal ) carries Export / Import Chances immense.So also ( Uranium )  Wells and Resource are defined in the Kingdom are presently & Atomic Nuclear Economically Politics will be 2040 available after cooperation with Xi Jinping & China and building next decades nuclear plants in kingdom with different GW Aspirations to have nuclear defence opportunities in world. So Red Sea Global will be have first Visitors 2023. Volcanoes on the Red Sea are also beautifully to look.One is named ( Harrat Al Birk ). So the ministries are doing they job well in the kingdom. Also the Ministry of Sports,Science,Minerals,Foreign Affairs,Energy and many more.So Saudi Arabia has also Buildings in the Kingdom, where Doors are as big as 3 Floor & Stages alike in Europe Infrastructure in arabian history & historically buildings locally. Also Mohammed Bin Salman has an own Palace in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. He owns also an Millions Dollar Worth Yacht. So the 4th Product of NEOM is an Project from Mohammed named ( Sindalah ) which was released in the 4th Quarter in 2022.Sindalah is an Comfortable Standing Island for hugh Tourism Results & Tourism Accomplishment. It represents 600 Fish & Coral Reefs Species and Biosphere and Water Coastal Opportunities from all over the world people can come to Sindalah. The 4th Product of NEOM is about Spa's & Wellness, Beach Clubs,Berth Marina, Yacht Club and differentiated. Sindalah has 840.000m² scale of region in Tabuk as an Beauty Island.Europe & the Mediterranean  Sea has strong communicative chances to have close accessibility to NEOM & Sindalah.Mohammed bringing a Tourism Glory Revolution on the Red Sea and Riyadh in the World History. So also since 2016 the Vision 2030 started, the arabian country was gaining & established cooperation with countries from all over the world. Also NEOM will have a artificial moon in its environmental scale and aeronautically cabs flying in the air. So the Crude Oil Independence will be 2030  hugh evaluated & reached just the Diversification from Oil of the GDP. So Saudi Arabia stands in the Humanitarian World in GDP ( PPP) Purchasing Power Parity per capita in the most rich countries of world. So Public Investment Fund structures & Investments was this year 25-30 in chiffre counted apiece  .The lastest was an investment of 10 % in Skyborn Renewables Wind Turbine Corporation.Now PIF has some Percentage of Possession of Skyborn. So the PIF is very important for the fundamentally & groundbreaking arabian financial budgeting & economically planning for giga investment and infrastructure, especially Green Energy of the kingdom. So the circulating arabian economically situation right now is hugh in reformation. Also NEOM will have 100% Green Energy Delivery. Provinces like Al-Qassim have a great future. The eastern province has great infrastructure & a hugh size of square km². New Projects could be invented & created in this region or GW Resourcing for Solar & Wind Energy Possibilities in the Eastern Province .So the Middle East has a lot of Tourism Spots & Services at offerings. The ( Middle East ) will change in big immense peacefully traditions & peacefully continental civilization  in world. This century the middle east will have peace & cooperation arranged & revealed. So also 2026 new projects will come to Saudi Arabia as far as the PIF Regulations.The tactically plan & strategy laid down 2021 will last from 2021-2025. Also NEOM will have it' s first phase ( Phase 1 ) regulated & Contrived 2025.Also on the Red Sea Tourism Places, differentiated dormant Volcanoes are to watch at these Resorts. Also tropically & exotically Red Sea Atolls & Coral Reefs and Turtles are to look at. Different Beauty Underwater Creatures are in the Red Sea . The Red Sea has also Dolphins & Whales at offerings in the Sea.  So the Industrialization is coming since 2016 to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also the Egyptian President from Cairo stands in creative & splendid uplifting friendship to Mohammed Bin Salman as same as  Hamdan Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum in great sourcing & cooperation from Dubai the Prince. Also Masayoshi Son has an absolutely great japanese & arabian relationship to Mohammed Bin Salman. So the KSA has different scaled chances even the geographically location in the world. It's the centric spot just in the center of the world geographically. Mobility & Communication is definitely situated clearly great.So to me Andreas, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in shape & form will be the center of world humanity. Just centric in World. It will support Global Trade Central. It will be the world center communicative in Tourism,Trade,Population, Sports,Foreign Migrants  & Harbour & Port Initiatives and Industry. Just the Middle Center of World Civilization also with NEOM & Red Sea. Ships will come from all over the world & Airports will be employed all the time 2030 AD .So the Arabian Kingdom is at Growth & Development And Futuristic Great Chances and Hugh Mid-East Rise of all time.



Sincerely Yours,


Andreas Penno


So, stay actively on industry & corporation


Next Protokollierungen will follow...Greetings from ( A.P. P ) 


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / KSA / Aramco / ( Diriyah ) / PIF / The Mukaab / Riyadh / NEOM & World / Red Sea Global / Vision 2030 / 01.04.2023 AD 


Well, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in enormous great growth. Since 2016 when Mohammed Bin Salman announced the Vision 2030 in Riyadh and made the ( Announcement ) officially for the Kingdom,  till now passed 7 years from this Vision beginning. So much already till now is mastered & achieved and accomplished in the Kingdom. Especially Green Energy like Dumat Al Jandal Wind Farm and different  Solar Corporate Development in the Kingdom in Progress.Also the ( Red Sea )  comfortable systematic opportunities & possibilites on the Coastal Area & Terrain eventually the cities on the Red Sea will have 2030 enormous Export / Import Opportunities in the Kingdom. ( KAEC ) King Abdullah Economic City, the city, itself is in enormous & glorified Growth & Developmental Phase.Its phase of growth belongs to (  12-15 % ) in the Kingdom from complete 100 Percent in Middle East status. So even Jeddah comprises hugh chances & empowerment on the Red Sea Coastal Export & Import Establishment.Jeddah has great Tourism Attractions at offerings. Belonging to the arabian Makkah Region in World,  a governmental investment of 100 Billion of Dollars,will clearly lead to  the holy Al Haram Mosque in Makkah for a hugh pilgrims developmental space diversification,enlargment & establishment  of this site. So approximately  30 Million Pilgrims will come to this holy  Site in 2030.So HRH Mohammed Bin Salman the holy prince from NEOM  has also new  established planning in 2023 1 Quarter for a project from the Public Investment Fund ( PIF ) named " The new Murabba Development Company " . This arabian Corporation will create the most modernly Downtown in Arabian History. The Infrastructure & Technology and Investment  just the product which will be built is named " The Mukaab " . So the Mukaab is from ( Civil Engineering   & Design and Architecture  ) an immense & enormous standing product & arabian creation in Riyadh which will be built this century. So the " New Murabba Development Company " from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's project in Riyadh, causes 180 Billion ( SAR )  Saudi Arabian Riyal to NON-Oil GDP( Gross Domestic Product )  and 334.000 Thousand Indirect & Direct Jobs in Opportunity & Possibilities. So the Mukaab will be built  till 2030 & different regions in the capital Riyadh for a Downtown & Metropolitan Scale and City just brilliant & an enormous great World Metropolitan Great Created Populated City in 2030. So also the Red Sea & the Gulf of Aqaba will be great & glorified for Trade meant to NEOM. The Egyptian Bridge which is currently under construction will make also Trade & Intracommunication between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Hugh Clearly Connectivity will be created in NEOM till 2030. NEOM will release 2024 the opening for Tourism & Visitors from all over the world. NEOM & World is revolutionary, especially " The Line " with over 380.000 Occupations & Jobs.NEOM is in availability in a great Commission & Committee, namely Executive Board.Also different Sectors NEOM is in availibility, just Water,Tourism, Design & Construction,Entertainment and Culture, Mobility,Sport, Education & Energy,Health Well-Being & Bio-Tech,Financial Services, Media,Food,Manufacturing. So all these principles & sectors building NEOM. All these signs & opportunities will be fostered in 2030 in hugh scale in the Kingdom.So the Vision 2030 is solid & stubborn and the Vision 2030 is very brilliant planned in advance. So a very new established & upcoming project is named Diriyah. Its the 5th Great Hugh PIF Project from the Arabian Kingdom of the Middle East. Diriyah was represented & published and set under announcement in the 1 Quarter of 2023 from Mohammed Bin Salman the PIF De facto Leader & Chairman of institution.So Diriyah is very cultural,historically & opportunistic in Heritage for World Visitors. Diriyah will be 2030 a grandeur Tourism Enomously Visited Place in World. So Diriyah carries also UNESCO World Heritage Sites. So the Gulf Water Region Scale  & the next PIF Project named " The RIG " is also now in great progress in World.Europe.Germany.DE.EU.Time.Zone.UTC.GMT.+2 11:41  of World Time Scale from my european exact standing point of time. This is my position & Time Zone in World. So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So The Mukaab & Diriyah will be completed & accomplished in Timeline till 2030. Also the World is looking at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from every Continent.Also Journalism in Context from India.Pakistan.Australia, Asia-Pacific,Japan, South & North Korea,Brazil.USA ( United States of America ) Canada.Mexico.Belgium.Luxembourg.Germany ( Native ),Alaska.Worldwide a lot of Journalism & Columns about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM stands in representation on globally scale. Also the King Salman International Airport stands in Planning. Also the Green Science & Green Productivity and Development from a special occasion in 2019 in the Kingdom. There was a Sightseeing Day from Mohammed Bin Salman & King Salman Bin Abdulaziz .On this event was a sightseeing of Projects such Riyadh Art,Green Riyadh, Sports Boulevard & King Salman Park. So all these regions were accurately, accordingly inspected on Servicing Table Circuit Pattern Model Structures.The King Salman Park will be 5x Times Bigger than the Central Park from Manhattan.United.States.Of.America.North.America. Mohammed Bin Salman will hopefully very delighted & gladly when the Vision 2030 will be in 2030 completely accomplished. So  OXAGON from Saudi Arabia is also in hugh growth, in this terms of also eventually Trojena ( Winters Sports NEOM Activity ) Spot. Sindalah the Island in the Red Sea will open Tourism 2024. Also NEOM will be listed 2024.Also " The Line " will be civilized from over 1 Million People Populated in Tabuk in 2030 and in 2050 AD ( Anno Domini ) over 8-10 Million Human Population will live in NEOM in World History.Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud's idea of NEOM will be 2030 enormously populated with the future of living. The future of modern living in humanitarian world living space. The New Future.The New World. NEOM & World is revolutionary. Also not much Critics came from extern world influence to NEOM or the Vision 2030. Even now in 2023  we as human beings can not believe how great Mohammed's Vision is and all the components behind. So also the PIF Products belong to over reaching 100 since 2015. In this event over 100 Investments from the Public Investment Fund were recruited in the Kingdom. Also Jordan PIF Cooperation & Collaboration and MENA and ( North Africa ) Transcontinental from Saudi Arabia.Also PIF is Transcontinental Worldwide marked &  established since 1971 from Riyadh. So World History is NEOM and historically. The Red Sea Global partitioned  in The Red Sea and Amaala. Both Projects from The Red Sea are each big like Belgium and different countries  in world completely . So also Xi Jinping from China Asia came Transcontinental in the 4th quarter of 2022 AD to the Kingdom.So Xi Jinping from one of the most traditional & communicative ,richest countries of humankind came to Saudi Arabia for different related topics.Also Intercommunicative Communication, Transcontinental Export & Import Chances.Arabian Fostering Contact & Revolutionary Systematic Politically Opportunities. Also in the 3 Quarter 2022 Olaf Scholz visited Mohammed Bin Salman in Riyadh. He was also discussing Trade & German-Arabian Connectivity & Communication Talks. So also the 41st GCC Summit was in ALULA  2021 next follows in this century of humankind in the Arab World. So also Aramco released their documents, versatile protocolations & annual report 2022 in World in 2023 1 Quarter. About Aramco to tell, they made Bar Cash Bank Arabian Riyal Notes Pure Profitable Cash in the Kingdom in the 4th quarter of 2022. As far as the politics & production & furthering and circumstances of oil in world.The year 2022 was the most lucractive, profitable and successfully year  for Aramco in its Corporation's History. Aramco has now in 2023 266.Billion Barrel Crude Oil in Deposition & Reserves. Their Headquarters are in Dhahran, KSA. Aramco is also nowadays balanced & established in NON Crude Oil GDP Sector upcoming Riyal Profit. NON-Crude Oil GDP  Export Distanced Worth in Saudi Arabia  stands in Planning in 50 % in NON  Crude Oil GDP reached till 2030  disciplined for the future. So Aramco is the richest fundamentally Corporation in World Human History. NEOM & OXAGON is in developmental growth as same as the provinces Asir,Najran,Makkah, Riyadh,Medina,Al-Qassim,Al-Jawf,Jazan,Tabuk & Eastern Province. All the Provinces will grow till 2040 and 2050 under hugh circumstances & profitable arabian corporate state. 2050 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will just be with NEOM a World Center & NEOM will be Centered in the World in the Middle Central Situation also geographically.NEOM will be a Center for Trade, Communication,  Futuristic Development, Establishment, Red Sea Circulating Port Harbour Opportunities, " The Line ",Media, Tourism. Population, Migrants from all over World, Intracommunication & Technology, Green Energy, Education,Modernly Living & a Center for Futuristic Green Living in World.  


Rewritten ( 02.04.2023 )


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


This column, protocolation, text and written journalism comes from Andreas Penno ( A.P. P )


Best Regards,


Stay Actively on Corporation & Industry



Mohammed Bin Salman / Future of NEOM / Connectivity ( EU ) / Middle East  / Red Sea / PIF / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Riyadh / Asia / Shushah Island ( NEOM ) & Growth of Provinces / KSA in 2040 / 12.05.2023 AD 


So now 2023 AD the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia is in strong growth in the 21st Century in design of  circulating arabian native growth,corporate investment,Red Sea Structure, Jeddah,  Mohammed Bin Salman's Reformation, King Salman's constitution in Riyadh, Green Investment, Riyadh Population's Growth, NEOM's Building's & Development's Initiative, Sindalah,Trasncontinental Corporate Investment and Growth of All Provinces in Kingdom  .The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Vision 2030 is hugh successfully & confident and optimistically since ( 2016 ) and the announcement of the Vision 2030. Well, the  Saudi Arabia is anyway sharing great connection & influx of connectivity in great values & intelligent cooperation to (  EU ) and Asia. So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Arabian Kingdom.The Arabian Peninsula shares also great cooperation to Hong Kong, China, Asia or South Korea and Japan. So Qiddiya will open this year. NEOM will be listed 2024.OXAGON is in hugh great process & development exempli gratia growth, also like Trojena or Sindalah and " The Line"  in Tabuk .So NEOM Tourism will start 2024. NEOM has next to the Arabian Mainland in ( Tabuk ) over 39 Islands & Isles in Kingdom on the Red Sea. So NEOM the green environmental utopian gigacity will be built from hands of approximately Half A Million Jobs the complex. So also Mohammed Bin Salman is de facto leader & arabian prince and maybe in  future ( King ) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Jeddah is doing strides & advancement in Arabia. Jeddah has also the Red Sea Gateway Terminal,which is also a Port just counting to the infrastructure to the Kingdom.The Arab World from North Africa & Middle East  has a GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) Nominal of 2.8 Trillion of Dollar.The BRICS has over 25 Trillion GDP Dollar Bank Notes in World. Well, Qiddiya Tourism will have strong Book Values in the Kingdom also NEOM. Riyadh in Planning from the government to have 15-20 Millions of Citizen in the Capital of this Country.The Red Sea is adjacent to KAEC. Great Unique Transportation's System Operations from KAEC and the Red Sea could come to an industrialization's growth in Arabia. So King Abdullah Economic City ( KAEC ) is in strong valuable great growth process.( 12-15 ) % Percent of complete arabian scale of KAEC.Also the Red Sea is filled with beautifully fish & coral reefs and whales and dolphins, fish swarms,geoecologically sharks,trouts,pikes and tunas & salmons and 2100 Species from Fish Sort.So this amazing & formidable scenario is set under natural ecosystematic protection & natural conservation & preservation in Kingdom as faras the Red Sea & NEOM ( Habitat )  & Environment, also animals will be  strong protected in hugh protection's status .Mohammed Bin Salman is very optimistically of the Vision. He is a truly smart & intelligent and arabian native intellectual. So Al-Bahah & Najran and Makkah stands in hugh developmental process. Japan  & Naruhito stands in great collaboration & cooperation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Riyadh will grow soon. Anyway 2040  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be fully matched to goals & accomplished in concern of fully environmental & financially riyal  status and will be crude oil independent just in clearly positition of a regularly developed arabian state of World. So the Red Sea Global ( Public Investment Fund ) is a Tourism Beautifully Spot which will as well as Qiddiya open this year 2023. Amaala & The Red  Sea are the globally future of tourism. Villas & Hotels will open this Year.Also Diriyah in Riyadh the 5th Giga Project from the PIF will be established this time. Diriyah is created from mud & bricks and is like a complex which is like a complex & is established since historically times. Planned are 30 Million Tourists by 2030 annually .Also The Mukaab will be built this century. ( The Mukaab ) a economically & architectural wonder. The Mukaab will be enormous great in Height. Its like formed like a Cube in Design & Creation and Civil Engineering .It will serve the Arab State for Civilization in Riyadh.Large Downtown Creation from The New Murabba Development Company. It will create 340.000  Jobs in the World Arabian Market in the Kingdom. Its PIF Affiliated.So The Gulf has also the project going on named ( THE  RIG ) from the announcement & officially release of 4 Quarter 2021 in the Kingdom of the holy land of the Mecca. So Green Investment worldwide now in these times is preferred from all 195 countries of world.Also Bahrain, UAE, Qatar,Oman,Yemen, Kuwait.Afghanistan.Turkey,France,Luxembourg,Japan, Spain,Archipelago ( U.K ) Scotland, Australia,Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico, South Africa,Djibouti,Alaska,Hawaii, Australia ,Asia-Pacific, Philippines & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is investing in hugh amounts of Riyal in Green Energy the Spectrum & Productivity. Also the 200 GW from Japan, which will create 100.000 Jobs.The Nuclear Politics in the Middle East is contraire to the Western Civilization,World,Humankind. But the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will have 2040  hugh opportunities  &possibilities, because than they will own their produced systematically nuclear reactors & plants. Uranium will be considered for Defence .So the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia will have in defence status exempli gratia under consideration  in detail nuclear armed weaponry &  atomic technologically & economic  arms  recruited in Kingdom next time. In the time age of humankind world history  2050 AD  will live  8-10 Millions of Human World Civilization in NEOM " The Line ".So The Line is to me a borough or precinct of NEOM the GIGA PROJECT, next is Sindalah or a borough like  OXAGON or Trojena. So we have now 4 Boroughs in NEOM which are built. Sindalah will open 2024 for Tourism. So also last recent weeks another Structure from NEOM was released named ( Shushah Island ).It's an island for Pristine & Grandeur  Tourism Visitations , especially for NEOM 100 Hectare Big from Opportunistic & Developed  Size of this Megacity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .Shushah Island from the Red Sea localised will host a marina, hotels, villas, a beach club, a museum, and the world largest  coral garden internally . It will have 43 Berths & 2 Airplane Docks.In 2025 will be the ( Coral Garden ) finished & accomplished for Shushah Island. So with this Shushah Island ( NEOM ) will be great diversified & developed in fascinated shape. So the Middle East from World  is a part of the Asian Continent mostly the Arab Peninsula. Also ( NEOM ) now World.Europe.( EU ).Germany.10.05.2023. 07:14 UTC GMT +2.Time Zone & Time i'm writing this Protocol (Protokollierung ) Text & Column locally in  Europe. So the Gulf has also Fish & Sea Fruits and Sea Foods for the Arabian Kingdom & Export in Maritime  Overseas Trade. So the Arabian Government invests Trillions of US Dollar Bank Notes in the Plan & Thriving Society  of the Vision 2030.This Arabian Government wants Crude Oil Independence & Dependence on Tourism, Health, NEOM, Red Sea, Trade,Education,Sports,Media,Heritage and different opportunities & possibilities. So Mohammed Bin Salman is minister of defence & PIF( Public Investment Fund ) Chairman and shares a post in NEOM. So the Vision Realization Program is in this era of accomplishment & sectors and preferences and principles of 10-13 Sectors of the Vision. So one is Pilgrim Experience Progam or National Transformation Program and National Industrial Develoment and Logistics Program. These Programs are for a better future &  a great modern classified  establishment  and great Values for the Kingdom. Also Qiddiya has Water Attractions and a Beautifully Landscape of Beauty  namely Waterpark & a Rollercoaster and Bumper Car and Waterfalls or involved Opportunities & Possibilities for Kids  or a Six Flags Carousel or main capital  ( Riyadh ) Opportunities & Possibilties  to drive with car from Qiddiya (45 km) to Riyadh Downtown and have anyway great resources, restaurants and cafés and hotels  in Riyadh or visitations from families when they drive from Qiddiya to Riyadh ( Innercity ) in a great hugh tourism massive friendly  country of world. So Al-Bahah,Al-Jawf, Najran and Makkah or Tabuk standing confident & optimistically in growth. Also the Wind Farm  from Dumat al Jandal is since time accomplished for great resource of energy for the arabian folk. Energy will be strong established also in NEOM or Red Sea Global. The Definition Energy is cared in hugh Interest of the Arabian Government & Society and Arabian Folk or Petrochemicals from the Investment of PIF and Government. Wind Energy & Solar Energy are strong evaluated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East of the Vision 2030 .Asia.Continent.World. Energy is appropriated in Arabia.Also Education & Health are stabile & solid values in SAUD. Tourism & Entertainment and Sports and Heritage.  So the Future of NEOM is World History. To me Andreas NEOM will be 2030, when most absolved and finished, NEOM will be the Centric Position of World. The Center of Humankind World. The Centered Middle Point for Trade,Education,Geography,Red Sea Circumstances, Industry,Entertainment,World Green Establishment, 8th Continent,Tourism, Port & Harbour Operations ( Suez Canal )13 % World Trade. So NEOM could be named the Middle Center Region of World for different opportunities in Humankind, even now geographically  & because its enormously a resource as a giga city & ultra region and a world metropolis in world like New York,Paris,Tokyo,Berlin,Melbourne,Brisbane,Quebec,Ottawa just a World Metropolitan City also one day declared. NEOM is World Human History. Also the EXPO 2030 isn't clear if it will taken place in the Kingdom. Mohammed HRH  ( His Royal Highness ) was very actively & present as far as the bet of the EXPO 2030. Last EXPO was in Dubai 2020 in the Kingdom of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum from the ( United Arab Emirates ).Also this year Mohammed Bin Salman will may visit new countries and continents  of world. Eventually could be in Europe or the second North American US Journey,Canada,France,Australia ,India, Italy,  Malaysia,Japan,  or Indonesia for New Arabian Centralized  Planning, New Budgeting,New Contracts for Mohammed Bin Salman, World & NEOM.


This Protokollierung.Script.Column,Text.Protokoll. Protocol  was written from Andreas Penno


So this is the 15th  Arabian Protocolation ( Protokoll ) from this Sector . And the 19th Arab Protokoll from (  A.P. P )


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings from Andreas Penno


Stay Actively on Corporation & Industry


European Greetings from me Andreas to the ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) 



Arabian State / Riyadh  / (  NEOM ) / His Royal Highness ( HRH ) / Red Sea / Arab - South Africa   / Kingdom's Progress in 21st Century / Qiddiya / 26.05.2023 AD / Protokollierung ( A.P.P )


Now World European Continent  ( EU )  UTC GMT +2 26.05.2023 00:03 , at nights , the date i write this Protokoll in greatest dedication & friendly, politely cooperative and establishing peacefully message to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Mohammed Bin Salman ( HRH) His Royal Highness stands in a glorified position in the arabian world and the western civilization & arabian  region of world. So Mohammed Bin Salman wants to reform the Kingdom and have a reformation for all 12-15 Provinces  ( States & Regions ) in the Kingdom. It does mean decisively  that the complete country will be diversified from the element of Oil.It's the Crude Oil Independence & Diversification from Economically Principles of Oil in the arabian royal kingdom. Since the announcement & release  of the Vision 2030, from Mohammed ( 2016 )in Riyadh in April in the capital, the Vision 2030 became till now the date  2023 a  hugh success,confident accurately developmental growth in world audience & public. So the arabian state consists since 1932 in world history.So this Kingdom of Saudi Arabia counts to the most big countries of world. The (KSA ) is eventually as same as big & hugh contemporary  established just closely big and  as same as  the greatest & biggest country from  the african continent in Geographically Scale. Saudi Arabia is also close to be in size so big as India. So ( NEOM ) is big as Belgium coordinated  & is now built since 2022 / 2023 in most Regions Type Case of, especially " The Line ".So Asir,Tabuk,Najran,Al-Jawf, Al Riyadh,Makkah,Eastern Province ( Al Sharqiyah,Al.Qassim,(Medina ),Al-Bahah, the provinces from the whole country and land of Mecca stands now 2023 in great solid,enriched communicative & established status of growth in the 21st Century of World Promulgating News. Also Sakaka the Solar Complex was released last years.Dumat Al Jandal was established last annual time.Also Saudi  ( Aramco )  made 2022 AD  the most lucrative & discerning annual profit from reaching over 500 Billion of US American Dollars in Revenues  by Aramco in Financially Profitable Riyal Digits & Chiffre.So Qiddiya & Red Sea Global will open this year 2023. So Saudi Aramco 2023 will also be profitable in this state of arabian country from Dhahran,Aramco. This Crude Oil Corporation is the most posh & luxurious concern & developed industry in Globally World  History,eventually richer than Apple or Microsoft  from North America or different enriched corporations from the Western Civilization.Aramco has opportunities & possibilities in immense scale & worldwide chances in Oil Drilling & Crude Processing also Petroleum.Propane Gas, LNG,Paraffin,Petrochemicals,Heating Oil,Gas,Fuel Gas.These crude processed products & crude commodity oil segments are in export also overseas in Transpacific & Sea Canals worldwide from ( Aramco ).World Transcontinental Aramco has differentiated continents in cooperation in diversification of just also South America,North America,Europe,Asia,Africa.  ( NEOM ) could be the 8th continent in Tabuk. I think So.Some Ideas.Anyway Aramco is successfully from the Arab State. The OPEC from Austria, Vienna is in good understanding & cooperation with the Arabian Monarchy momentarily in world. So Aramco has also Offshore Crude Oil Platforms. Anyway the United Nations from New York Headquarters  has nowithstanding different points of Human Rights Critics in the Kingdom . But how i wrote on different Protokolls on  A.P. P in the 21st Century the Western Civilization and its organizations like the UN will accept Saudi Arabia's Will & the Kingdom's  Differences in World. Also The Kingdom Saudi Arabia Attracted This Time 16 Scientists to the regional climate change center. Also in Arabia the industry Maaden is a product for growth in the kingdom or the banking institute from Riyadh Al Rajhi Bank which was alike Tadawul succesfully in the Kingdom this particular present time in world. So Mohammed Bin  Salman & his father King Salman Bin Abdulaziz are great leaders in the arabian kingdom & great figures for the folks in the islamically country .So 60 % of the Kingdom is a Desert State. Anyway the Vision 2030 will plant over 12-15 Billions of an ( Essence ) of Prospering  Seeds in the whole state of the arabian peninsula also ( NEOM ). 2040-2050 the arabian state will be enormously great in environment of greenery like in Europe or Canada,France also ( NEOM ) and its boroughs of the Gigacity & greatest and biggest city & metropolitan city of World History which was ever built.NEOM is World History.NEOM has since some times a product & new perspectives and new opportunities a new Tourism Island which is in Build-Up & Construction named Shushah Island on the Red Sea. NEOM has approximately 40 Isles & Islands on the Region of Tabuk and the Red Sea.Mohammed Bin Salman is very proud of his arabian folk & the history of the Saud. So in the arabian state 12.500 Princes exist in the Kingdom, especially in Riyadh. So the Red Sea is precious. This Basin & Regional Scale of the ( Middle East ) & Africa, which has historically holy meanings. The Red Sea has also 600 Species of Fish,Coral Reefs, Cruise System ( Egypt ) ( Saudi Arabia ) also ( Cruise NEOM )  Whales & Dolphins internally  also different natural products & environmental scale regions like Harrat Al Birk. Al.Birk is a Volcano Site on the  Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ( A.P.P ) has also different photographically sites from this Volcano on different sectors from my Corporation. In these days the South African Government flew to Riyadh &  visited the Arabian Government . The South Africans from Africa the Continent were in internally conversation with Mohammed Bin Salman, arabian governmental politicians in the arabian state of the Kingdom. They were engaged of bilateral & intrascommunicative context.Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the arabian country in hugh measurements & profitable green outcome,  like Tourism of Classification & Advocacy and Assessment of Green Politics & Tourism,Education,Health,Literacy,Arabian Possibilities.Well now also Riyadh is at growth and will be maybe 2030 when the Vision is reached also World & NEOM, the main capital Riyadh will be populated with 20 Millions of Human Civilization,eventually,accordingly,in regard of.Riyadh is the most Tourism fostered state in the Kingdom.Riyadh in Mohammed's  Green Governmental Planning has to be worldwide recognized under the Rank Top 5 just the City ( Riyadh ) of all Metropolitian City Areas Scale in World . Riyadh is worldwide & will be 2040-2050 next decades the most prospering & established,flourishing ,famous, developed, world most metropolitan city-scale, just really world circulating  city of most opportunities, especially also Entertainment,Tourism,Crude oil Independence,Airport Tourism Opportunities & Possibilities & World  Connectivity & US Affiliation.Just Riyadh will 2050 AD  hugh & strong organized in cooperation to NEOM. Qiddiya will share hugh collaboration with Riyadh this Century.   So also Qatar is in Growth & Bahrain or Abu Dhabi or the complete Gulf Cooperation Council is in prospering developmental state.So also Jeddah ( Dschidda ) does grow & King Abdullah Economic City does grow and the province ( Mecca ) does grow. The World Planet Earth will also come to Qiddiya and all human civilization from different countries of different continents will come to this leisure park &  will visit Qiddiya also native human beings from the Arabian Kingdom will visit Qiddiya 45 km of Riyadh the main capital. Qiddiya is Giganticallly. Qiddiya is so Beautifully & Awesome. It''s for families & everbody wants to enjoy the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.God Bless Qiddiya & Mohammed Bin Salman.So NEOM and Sindalah is grandeur & astonishment in every turn and aspect of life for everybody.Sindalah Island has also ( KAYAKING ) & KITESURFING. It supports  Superyachts and SCUBA DIVING also SKORKELING.So Sindalah is in my  Model & Concept a Borough of NEOM. Just a Precinct.Next is OXAGON 7 Km Width & 40-50 Km² Groudbreaking Square km Area.It lies North of the Town of Duba. The Next Borough OXAGON is Formed like a OCTAGON. OXAGON creates 70.000 Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.It's an enormous Logistics Centralized Hub & is in distance and geographically intermally close  to the 13 % World Trade Suez Canal with accessibility to the European Continent and Harbours of Europe, exempli gratia Greece, Italy,Spain,Portugal and different Nations with a Port & Harbour Site. Also the most biggest & enormous largest City of Human World History NEOM stands in Planning & Structuring of 6.500 Hectare of Pristine Land confident and ready for Agriculture Genetically Engineered Crops.So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud HRH and his Government also the PIF have a lot to establish & create in the Kingdom.God Bless NEOM & World. Just to talk in Context clearly messages in  exchange, to say NEOM was an Idea of Mohammed Bin Salman. God Bless the arabian folk.So the Crude Oil Independece & Diversification will now replaced by Tourism,New Kingdom's Arabian Mohammed's Regime,, Green Energy,Green Politics,Culture,Health,Giga Projects, Media,Literacy, NEOM and World.


16th Arabian Protokollierung on this Sector /


20th Arabian Protokoll On Complete Corporation & World Industry just ( A.P. P )


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Stay actively on Corporation


Great Greetings from Andreas to Riyadh & NEOM


( A.P.P )



Kingdom / NEOM / ( PIF ) / Makkah / Red Sea / Riyadh  / Egypt-Jordan /  Mohammed Bin Salman and his Kingdom / 4 Boroughs in NEOM /   Conservation & Preservation of Nature  / The RIG / Future of Monarchy /  Protokoll 08.07.2023 


So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is this 21st Century in extraordinary Growth & Green  Development of Humankind in World. The Kingdom has ( 10-13 )Provinces and they are steadily & constantly growing. The KSA is structured with His Royal Highness  Mohammed Bin Salman ( HRH ) in great position & unshakeble economically & industrial Growth worldwide .Riyadh the World Metropolitan Arabian Main Capital stands in Cooperation to countries like Denmark,Norway,Sweden,Japan,South Korea, Philippines,( Hong Kong ) , Taiwan, Canada,Scotland ,Switzerland and eventually different more related.Riyadh is mostly important for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & decisive as far as the Rise of the Population (Human Civilization in Riyadh ) or UNESCO  Enlisting in Riyadh, especially ( Diriyah ) the 5th Great Giga Project from the PIF. Saudi Arabia the Monarchy with Riyadh wants  to get till(  2030 )50 %  GDP NON Crude Oil in Kingdom established & in Measurement enriched .So Jeddah ( Dschidda )on the Red Sea has a Terminal for World Trade through the Red Sea Lines.Also King Abdullah Economic City is nowadays in the 3 Quarter of 2023 in Growth & Percentage of Accomplishment namely with Chiffre ( 14 % ) of KAEC is already structured developed from arabian metropolitan state of Kingdom on the Red Sea. 1 Million Jobs were  planned from the Government from Riyadh ( Riad ) in KAEC to establish this City since early on. So Mohammed Bin Salman blesses the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is Prime Minister & Chairman of he PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) in the Headquarters in Riyadh.The RIG on the Gulf will be next coming time open for Tourists. The RIG supports also GO-KART Racing over the Ocean & Gulf.Also different Disciplines on a Rig ( In Form like a Oil Rig )the Tourism Complex. So also Restaurants & Catering exist on this Tourism-Complex. The RIG is great  & Tourism will start soon as possible from Mohammed Bin Salman. So in 2026-2030 2 Trillion Saudi Arabian Riyal will be invested from the PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة  in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for new projects, eventually. The ( SWF )From Norway is 1 Trillion Dollar Worth, the Sovereign Wealth Fund from Oslo / Norway is nowadays the richtest  Sovereign Wealth Fund of World. But the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants to achieve under different arabian circumstances  & Corporate Measurement & ( PIF ) Circulating Profile  7.5 Trillion Saudi Arabian Riyal by 2030. Even by 2025 was in Planning Under Arabian Confidence & Tolerance  to achieve the Goal of approximately 1.07 Trillion US  American Dollar in Kingdom.2025 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants to tackle & strike  1.8 Million Jobs & Professions in Arabia.So in North America the Continent are over 10-15 Sovereign Wealth Funds presently & actively. And also Makkah becomes an space diversification & enlargement. So the holy land of the Mecca will be from space of the Pilgrims Site diversified & more spacious under profile created from a governmental investment of 100 Billion Dollar for more place & space of the Al Haram Grand Mosque  in Makkah. So the last Investment of PIF ( Public Investment Fund )2023 were Recycling & Cruise in Kingdom . So Mohammed Bin Salman  will represent the Kingdom this year 2023 just the G20 Summit and Apogee of Humankind  in India. So  the G20 Summit will be ( 2023 ) in India.So my native country the Federal Republic of Germany will be there involved with ( Olaf Scholz ) from Berlin,Brandenburg.So the actually up to date Oil Prices from Brent stands by 75 $ Dollar the ( Barrel ).So Aramco was 2022 with the most of historically Arabian Economically Financially Profit of Corporate History from Dhahran,Middle.East.World.Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So ( Shushah ) the Island from NEOM will be growing  & developed this time of world.So NEOM has 4 Big Metropolitan City Boroughs include ( Shuhsah). So the first Borough and District of NEOM is" The Line " 170 km linear, and  the 2 Exterior ( Glass Standing Reflecting Exterior Blocks )  also integrated an Soccer Stadium standing in the Province of Tabuk. So The Line is accomplished with Greenery ( Mostly Dark Green & Dark Red Colored Greenery ) just structured across through"  The Line " NEOM Giga Product. Also in the First Servicing Layer Parks & Waterfalls are in NEOM presently. 2045 Mohammed and the arabian government as well as the PIF is planning 9 Million of Population in " The Line ".So this Borough & District of NEOM has a End from " The Line " which is docking on the Red Sea & has a Port on " The Line " at the End of this Exemplar. There can come maybe, me is speculating Foods & Different Commodity to " The Line " from NEOM.Sindalah also a Borough namely an ( Island ) will start Tourism 2024 like different under circumstances & Giga City Boroughs & Regions in Tabuk.We will build NEOM Mohammed. Or ( OXAGON ) is the next Borough & District of NEOM ( Floating City ) on the Red Sea / World Trade Opportunities of 13 % Suez  Canal ( Telecom )& Possibilities  & the Winter Activity Sports Resort Named Trojena  (4th ) Borough . Trojena will host the 2029 Winter Asian Games. So Trojena is distributed & dispersed in 4 Seasons. Just seasonsal 4 Quarters with different Climate in NEOM ( Trojena ) . In Winter Times the Mountains in NEOM are covered with Snow. Also Asir or Al-Jawf or Al-Bahah or Makkah or Riyadh ( Province ) Eastern Province or Najran.All Provinces are in creational growth since beginning of this Century.Now 2023 AD Mohammed Bin Salman is De Facto Leader & Prime Minister from the Arabian Kingdom.Also in Saudi Arabia was Sakaka in Al-Jawf accomplished and in afterwards 7 New Green Energy & Solar Productivity Projects came to Saudi Arabia.They are nowadays in Progress & Development.Even in 2022 4th Quarter 10 NEW Solar Energy Developmental Resources  came to  SAUD. Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud ( HRH )  is reforming the Kingdom & Country in Saudi Arabia in the Middle East,World.So The Nation & Monarchy just the Country Saudi Arabia is 2/3 Big and Hugh like India  from the Area  of Measurement of  the Country in Asia.NEOM is 26.500 km ² hugh in  Scale of Size in Tabuk. Qiddiya is Half as Big like Bahrain. Qiddiya is 360 km² Complete Area enormously big & measured and appropriated in Scale of Entertainment and  Attractive Adventures for the whole world.Qiddiya is extradordinary & great designed by the Forms & Roller Coaster Opportunities & Possibilities in Qiddiya. It's in the middle of a mountain area in the province of Riyadh in Kingdom.At this moment the Phase 2 is going on in  Qiddiya. This Year 2023 was planned from His Royal Highness ( HRH ) and the Government & Riyadh that Qiddiya opens for Tourists & Visitors. Also Sourcing from World say this Giga Cobra Product opens 2024.So another product of the Infrastructure of the Vision 2030 is the King Salman International Airport in Riyadh.Planning also since  4th Quarter of 2022.This Airport is also PIF established. There is also the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh for Transcontinental & Internally Flights in Routes maybe to Dubai or Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council )or Routes to Australia or New Zealand or Japan or Taiwan.Routes like Muscat( Oman ) or Paris France or Toulouse,France.So the King Khalid International Airport is an Airport for Worldwide Air Traffic & Opportunities & Possibilities  for ( NEOM ) are in the Kingdom of Bay Airport,because NEOM is the Center of the World.Its geographically headquarters & standpoint or spectrum is centric & in a middle point of World.So NEOM in my Idea is the Centric Point of World & Central Structure of World. NEOM is World History. NEOM stands in A.P.P's Perspective & Regard as the ( 8th) Continent of World.It's in under my  consideration & glance that NEOM is the  the World Centric Region and own City with Perspectives in Futuristic Goals  & World Central and Middle Point for 13 %  World Trade just the Suez Canal ( Telecom ) from World.Harbours & Ports from  ( OXAGON ) Robotics will serve as autonomously systematic robotics for(  Vessel )& Container and Harbour Works in Confrontation and Docking from Ships.Also NEOM has Preservation & Conservation of Sea Animals & Coral  Reefs.Also Fish Species 341 Fish Species are in the Waters of(  NEOM ). 600 Fish Species reign & exist in the Red Sea separate.So ( NEOM ) has also  470 km Coastline ont the Red Sea ( Rotes Meer ). NEOM is World Historically does say A.P.P.Animals stands under Natural Productivity & Nature Protection State of 95 % in the Middle East in World namely NEOM. The Gulf of Aqaba is a Water Region & Basin  & Streaming Sea into the Red Sea, Straits of Tiran & directly into  Suez Canal. So in the Gulf of Aqaba stands enormous hugh Export / Import Opportunity & Possibilites in World, just in the Gulf of Aqaba can be over 10 Ports & Harbors and Docks be built, in theory, hypothetically. The approximately 32 Km Bridge ( Connection  ) between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( NEOM ) & Egypt  is nowadays in this moment under construction & cooperative development.Also Yemen ( Sanaa ) Saudi Arabian Foreign Affairs is even now very busy and actively. So in Egypt ( Sharm El Sheikh ) & the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia ( NEOM ) Giga City  could be great cooperation & collaboration created transcontinental  .Also Jordan ( Jordanien ) will be connected to NEOM (Tabuk ) .So Egypt & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,when the  Bridge is Constructed & Developed, stands under enormously arabian commodity & goods just Export / Import ( NEOM) Opportunities & will be than to Africa through Mainland granted.Also Jordan will make NEOM connected  & reveal in to 3 Continents in Opportunities with ( NEOM ).Asia,Africa  & Europe will be established in NEOM / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and NEOM will achieve strong Opportunities & Possibilities in .Also the King Salman Park will be built till 2030. The King Salman Park is 5x Times greater & bigger than the Transcontinental Park from New York namely the Central Park. The King Salman Park stands in administration & availability of Green Trees which are nowadays planted with seeds an special agrinutrients for growth. The King Salman Park will be specific accomplished in 2025 in Riyadh. So this Park will have a lot of social offerings. Also Literacy & Sports Possibilities & Opportunities.This Park will have beautifully Waterfalls and Gardens. So Mohammed Bin Salman is a Crown Prince & has an obligation & vocation of the ( PIF )  Central in Riyadh ( Riad ).He has a commitment in one of the richest countries of World History till today.So the Kingdom stands in great cooperation to the(  EU ). Also to Hong Kong or Australia or Japan and South Korea / Seoul or North America the Continent  are great Cooperation's Values worldwide .OXAGON's Terminal will open 2025 AD. So Riyadh stands in Planning of 15-20 Millions of Human Citizen Population in Riyadh till 2030. So NEOM & World is important for the Red Sea Trade . So the (GCC ) the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Fostering & Preserving  great Cooperation as far as Trade Routes of ,Aeronautically( Air ), Mainland ( Ground & Land  ) & Marine  Ship  & Water Trade ( Sea ).So Mohammed bin Salman Created a World Capital with great Projects,with great Opportunities of Trade across the whole world.Mohammed Bin Salman ( HRH ) creates an arabain state of better conditions of modern living. He creates since 7 Years a better arabain folk. He creates a better Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM.His Folk means a lot to the  His Royal Highness, Prince.Also OXAGON comes from OCTAGON. As far as the Form of the Complex .Also Qiddiya will have Swimming Bath Installed Circulating Regions just comfortable Interior Swimming Bath and outside the Water Park. You can also Surf in the Water Park in Qiddiya in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.With self-creational waves from the Water Park integrated created. The  Water Park has also Ice Cream  Shops and stand in the middle of mountains hills region in the Province of Riyadh. So Aramco makes Saudi Arabian Riyal Cash & Profit like no time before . Also now in 2023 3 Quarter. As far is why this  Change of Profit. It does belong to the (OPEC )& the politically circumstances & situations in Eastern European Civilization in World.Also does it belong to the Enrichment of Oil in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Monarchy from the Kingdom and his empire  of Saudi Arabia. This Year will also be the G20 Summit in India.World. The ( COP 28 ) Climate Conference wil be 2023 in the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East in World.The EXPO 2030 will be possibly & eventually in 2030 in Riyadh(  Riad ), but till today only speculations spreading in world.So God Bless NEOM .Also the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.NEOM is World History with its till nowdays 4 Boroughs & Districts in Construction.NEOM the biggest & greatest City every built in World.NEOM will grow and this growth will be enormously world intelligent & intellectual and comfortable for " The Line " Citizen . Even by 2030-2038 " The Line " will be enormously occupied & populated and great under circumstances. The Human Civilization in ( NEOM ) will be very  gladly to live there. This Metropolitian Area & City will be world historically when finished.Also (  Trojena ) & ( Sindalah ) will be 2040 eventually enormously established with Tourists & Hugh Amount of Billions Arabian Riyal.2042-2048 ( NEOM ) the complete World City will have with the 4 eventually named Regions in NEOM, accomplished , maybe ( NEOM ) 2050 have more opportunities  & possibilities than somebody can imagine.So strictly NEOM will also rescue & save the Nature for Animals & Different Protection just Conservation & Preservation of the Red Sea. 


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings from Eurpean Continent to Riyadh & (NEOM ) from me Andreas Penno


22nd Arabian Protokoll from ( A.P.P )  / 17th on this Sector


Stay Actively on Industry & Blogspot





World /  NEOM / ROSHN / Riyadh ( Riad ) / Erdogan Visitation in Arab Headquarters   / European Union Relation / Saudi Riyal / Oman / Red Sea /  Opportunities in Red Sea / Asfar ( PIF ) /  Protokoll 29.07.2023


So the Saudi Riyal stands in Goodwill of 3.751191  0.001%. ( HRH )  Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud  works  on different Principles also ( NEOM )  and different arabian Projects & Priorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Oman the Switzerland of the ( Middle East ) signed a ( PIF ) Commitment & Obligation eventually lucrative Deal with the ( PIF ) . The Public Investment Fund gets  now regularly profitable in Billions Profit of US Dollar & Riyal. The ( PIF ) was the same Time founded when the Saudi Press Agency was created & established in 1971.Also ( PIF ) created & established ( Asfar ) now in the 3 Quarter 2023 AD.Asfar will invest in Tourism circulating the Metropolitan Cities in the Kingdom.As far will under clearly expectations raise the Tourism in the ( KSA ) Kingdom.ROSHN the as well as (  PIF ) Project & Giga Project.Roshn will build 200  Millions Square Meters in the Long Stretching  Arabian Kingdom of World .( ROSHN ) will build & under strong arabian circumstances, create Thousands of Domiciles ( Homes )  & Real Estates for the Arabian Folks. ROSHN from the PIF Row will create especially Homes in Riyadh & Jeddah.  Mohammed Bin Salman from the Desert State will congratulates every ROSHN Employee in the KSA for their great craftsmanship .So the ( European Union ) EU stands momentarilly under cooperative great circumstances.The EU with Greece or France, Germany, Italy or Switzerland or Denmark  are strong Allies from Arabia.So Riyadh is important for the Vision 2030.Also the Mukaab will be built now this Century. The ( Mukaab  ) shares also Opportunities & Possibilities like Greenery,Residential,Tourism.Gigantically Architectural Space,Leisure ,Servicing,,Hospitality. Mohammed Bin Salman wants the Mukaab a Great Product of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The Gigantically City named ( NEOM ) will also be respected & tolerant indexed in the World like a normally City Name. Just like Tokyo or Rome or Madrid or London,Berlin,Vancouver, Rio De Janeiro,Johannesburg,Melbourne or ( UAE ),Abu Dhabi or Dubai,Munich,Cologne,New York,Chicago,Los Angeles,.NEOM will be the next City in a World Registrar & Public Civilization of World will see NEOM is a normal City like all Cities .As far as the Boroughs & Precincts, eventually Regions like the 170km ( The Line ) , OXAGON,Sindalah & Trojena.These Regions standing now in World under hugh developmental constructive status.Half a Million Human Civilization do build now ( NEOM ) Giga City.Qiddiya is built since some years. This Year should be the Tourism from all over the World Open for Qiddiya.Personally i didn't see pictures of the opening of Qiddiya.So Specific Details were represented in the last Protokollierunge of( A.P.P ) from  Qididya. So the arabian Population in Digits & Chiffre just how much arabian citzen are counted in the Kingdom are 36.987.183 Million in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of World.So the Red Sea carries so much different species of Fish just over 500 Fish Species exist Underwater & in the ( Red Sea ) Ocean also ( NEOM ) will set Fish Economically Research  System unde hugh Fish Preservation & Conservation in World. Also ( NEOM ) The Line will create ( 95 %) Natural Protection & Nature Protecting  in World. Mohammed Bin Salman does also represent ( NEOM )  for Animals Conservation Regions in World.The Red Sea is also in ( Israel ) adjacent and Jordan & Egypt adjacent.Lebanon & Beirut has a Borderline between the Mediterranean, World,also Tripoli,Cyprus & Turkey. Also the President from Turkey( Ankara )  visited last days the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also the ( PIF  )carries  nowadays 700 US Billion Dollar. The 1 Trillion 2025 will be hopefully established & set under Priority under great Circumstances.So  Saudi Arabia is in Growth in World.Saudi grows strong from Population in the Kingdom in all Provinces. So ( NEOM )  will be representing Migration, Immigration from different Nations will inhabit " The Line ",NEOM will carry Trade,Arabian Export / Import, Greenery,Specific Regions without Cars,Robotics A.I ( Which will replace Human Work Forces in Factories & OXAGON, Vision 2030,Health,Tourism,Sports,Education,Universities in " The Line ", Transit  System Underground ( High Speed Train System, Arts, Culture, Future of Civilization, Parks.Recreational & Leisure Regions in(  NEOM ) just Human Civilization some look transparent through Schemas of NEOM's Nature . ( NEOM  ) is World History in the 21st Century.( NEOM ) OXAGON will represent also Connection through the ( Suez Canal ) also where the ( Telecom ) fundamentally circulates ,just Connectivity to EU(  Import / Export  ) Countries importing different Commodity from the World To ( OXAGON ). So Mohammed Bin Salman is Visionary  & an intelligent smart traditional arabian Prince.NEOM will have " The Line " which is nowadays " Under Construction " in great Opportunities for Millions of Population of this Borough. So also ( King Salman Park ) will possess Waterfalls,Go-Kart Racing,Prosperity,Tennis Courts,Basketball Estates, Greenery & Beautifully Flowers and will be not far away from Qiddiya.Also Riyadh Art will be developed.Also ( NEOM ) the Gigantically City has Contact to Stephen A. Schwarzman,Blackstone,especially Boston Dynamics for the Robotics Enthusiastically System Arrangement.So Red Sea Global on the ( Red Sea ) has voer 500 Contracts in the 1 Quartal 2023 from 2017 in the working progress. So in ( 3 Months ) the 7th Edition from the Future Investment Initiative will take place in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Asia,World.Also Africans or European Guests or Australian Invited People will come to the ( FII ).Citizen from France or Prime Ministers,Presidents from Africa, Enriched Individuals from India will visit  the ( FII ) .Japanese Billionaires will come to the Riyadh Event of Humankind. So Africa the Continent will come different Nations to the ( FII ). Individuals  from Banking Institutes or ( CEO's ) of Corporations Worldwide will appear in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and come all together . Also the Red Sea Global Project does do strides & advancement like ( NEOM )the Construction is coming forwardly under hugh progressive speed.Qiddiya is now in the 21st Century as well as under great working progress in World.Mohammed Bin Salman was also in 2017 in Speech & in the Front-Row and was talking how much immense & extraordinary potential & opportunities and not to imagine how much Creation & Flourishing Establishment stands in ( NEOM ) ( Red Sea) in World. So Saudi Arabia is 2/3 Big as India.So the Arabian Kingdom has abundant space for further Millions of Population in this Country & projects , also in different big Provinces.So NEOM  & the  صندوق الاستثمارات العامة will raise strong circumstances in Arabia & World. The ( Public Investment Fund ) from Riyadh has different in progression in front of them.North America has over 12-15 Sovereign Wealth Funds.Norway has a Trillion Dollar Sovereign Wealth Fund.And SAUD wants to exceed this Norway's Wealth Fund.So 70 % in the Kingdom are below the Age of 30 in Arabia. Also Tadawul the arabian Stock Market is doing their Job very well.Also NEOM had Contracts since 2017, the Announcement of(  NEOM ), just the Release & Announce.Also NEOM signed Contracts with McLaren or Nvidia,Thyssenkrupp,Ocean X,Care,NEOM KSA Tour also ( Jeddah )TONONUS,Oracle,Cargill,ARASCO, Film Production Locally in NEOM.So Mohammed Bin Salman wants to portray NEOM as a Spot & Region which is flourishing in Green Politics & Green Productivity of Human Nature Development.This humanitarian NEOM is all about Hospitality & Friendship to other Nations & Humankind and World.Mohammed owns also a personal Yacht in Multi-Million Dollar Scale from Arabia. In NEOM will also be a Palace.Mohammed owns also a Portrait from Leonardo Da Vinci from Paris from over 300 $ Million of Dollars.So the Kingdom grows like a  Area, starkly & grossly and fruitfully like a Desert Transformation Plateau.NEOM has even when Sindalah, the Line.OXAGON.Trojena is built, Thousands of regional circulating space Km² free Area in( NEOM ) the Giga City. I mean the Region & just the Metropolitan Area & City in Tabuk will have enough Place & Space for new Projects & Harbours and Ports .Also this City will have Air Taxis,Hydrogen Energy,50-60 TWh Energy Delivery, Desalination ( Evaporation,Precipitation & further Processes & Transformation  for Clean Pure Edible Water in ( NEOM ).Airplanes circulating through the whole World everyday in all Continents & Countries . NEOM  stands in Creation &  Establishment  of new Airports, also like the already ( Bay Airport ) in NEOM, the Arabian Kingdom can achieve great Milestones in Air Routes & Progressive Air Flights ,Air Balance to NEOM because this Giga City stands in the Middle Point & the Center of World & Red Sea Global and the Red Sea International Airport or the King Salman International Airport ( PIF )from Riyadh,which both stand in Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Asir or Najran or Al-Jawf, Al-Qassim, Al-Bahah, Madinah, Makkah,Eastern Province,Tabuk,Al Riyadh and all different Provinces stand under hugh Population's Growth in the Middle East /KSA . Also 300-500 Corporations wants Mohammed in Riyadh registered & in application for Headquarters in World till the Date of Vision 2030 .So SAUD stands also in Administration of a Space Corporation & Agency from Riyadh, namely Saudi Space Commission.Also Qiddiya will possess a Swimming-Bath which will be Indoor.Also will Qiddiya be recruited in a Region of Mountains & Hills ( Mountainous Area in Kingdom )Mohammed wants to build NEOM. I also, Me Andreas. A.P.P will further protocolate in World for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, NEOM  & World,and A.P.P will further protocolate on different Schemas & Sourcing from my Corporation & Industry.So God Bless ( His Royal Highness ) God Bless NEOM.


Your Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Stay Actively on Corporation & Industry


18th Arabian Protokollierung ( Protokoll ) from Sector / 23rd Arabian Protokoll from Corporation & Industry


( A.P.P )


Greetings to the KSA & ( NEOM )


KSA /(  GCC ) /  NEOM / Growth of Construction / Riyadh /  Red Sea / PIF )  / Mukaab / Future of Kingdom / Industrialization of Kingdom  & Qiddiya &  Protokoll / Tactics & Strategy /  18.08.2023 


So what can ( A.P.P ) protocolate & express itself about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. How can only the Kingdom be.The Arabian Monarchy is great since short to 100 Years Nation's History in World.China is a strong ally from Arabia & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The ( GCC ) is strong intelligent world powers on global scale from the center geographically from world.Muhammad Bin Salman has strong circulating intelligent trade routes in the arabian peninsula & worldwide under strong established tactically supervision from the government of Saudi Arabia.The ( KSA ) has close to 13 Provinces and creates strong partnership & cooperation to different countries in world civilization.NEOM is in capitalized strong growth since the publishing   & announcement of 2017 & nowadays 2023 3th Quarter under great constitution and progression & strides , just 2030 AD  this historically & revolutionary arabian created event will take strong values,especially Trojena the Borough from now released 4 Districts &(  4 ) Regions just 4 Boroughs, Trojena will be finished like Mohammed Bin Salman was saying in 2026. The Construction from Trojena exists since 2022.So Trojena has Ski Resorts & Snowboard attractive Hills & Lanes at offerings.Trojena is in the Winterly Seasons for Winter Sports & Winterly Occasions suited.Trojena carries  ( 4 Seasonal )  Attractive Services for the World Civilization worldwide. In the Spring & Summer and Autumn Winter Sports  are not suited & can't count for Trojena / NEOM. But different stays in Offering.So the next Borough exempli gratia OXAGON from  ( OCTAGON ) will be established also till 2030 AD. OXAGON will also carry Transcontinental Hugh Export / Import Possibilities & Opportunities in the Kingdom. The Arabian Kingdom will develop also further two Regions named Sindalah ( Island ) on the Red Sea and ( The Line ) 170 km through Tabuk the Province.So NEOM is 26.500 km² from Size established.So the Gulf of Aqaba could in my sense, just the Resource from ( A.P.P ), just an idea, so my Ideas belong to that, the Aqaba Gulf could be opportunistic & reaching in possibilities for new Ports / Harbours just as OXAGON. So we could have 2040 / 2050  8-15 Port & Harbours from the Region of NEOM just the Gulf of Aqaba. Just Ports & Harbours Open Docks for Transcontinental World Epic Business.So NEOM has hugh possibilities in the world. Enormously Hugh Opportunities in World. Especially the Red Sea & Mountains,Valleys, Plains, Coastal Areas, Hills, Animals Free Wilderness, Arabian Nature , Sindalah, Own Legislation & Arabian Independent Law Enforcement & Justice , Entertainment,Immigration, Nature, 95 % Natural Habitat for Animals in The Line ( NEOM ).So NEOM has even 100 more beautifully & grandeur amenities & establishment. And is even now 7 years from accomplishment. NEOM is World History.So different now to tell. So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abulaziz Al Saud reforms the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now in the 21st Century.So also New Projects from the ( PIF ) now in the 3 Quarter of 2023 ( AD )( Anno Domini ).So the PIF had 3 Investments in 6 Days last time. That's Great for the Kingdom. They are truly meticulously & great, just how they does create Worldwide Transcontinental Arabian ( PIF ) Intracommunicative Ways to change their arabian society for a profitable riyal state. So the ( PIF ) has since 1971 hugh success in the Arabian Kingdom and Transcontinental Worldwide in Humankind.So also the ( GCC ) is a strong solid force in the world.The Gulf Cooperation Council is concessioned under strong kingdom's gulf coastal plateau structures. So the arabian Kingdom tolerates strong cooperation to different Nations mondial & universal. Riyadh and the ( King Salman Park ) will be like NEOM a hugh environmentally scenario of greenery & green establishment. So Riyadh & NEOM just Jeddah and KAEC also Al ULA will be strong diversified & establishment with greenery just seeds planted and than grown to a greenery blossom & green productivity in the World. NEOM is a Product of Crude Oil Independence & a World Portrayal of Green Productivity for a Excellent World Intelligent Example of Healthy & Great Living Conditions and Great Living Futuristic Circumstances of World in the 21st Century.So also ALULA has strong Tourism Sites in Arabia.So the Arabian Folks & their Turban is beautifully. The Arabian Country is beautifully.NEOM is beautifully. Vision 2030 with over till now 50 Arabian Projects,will be 2030 accomplished & finished. God Willing. Mohammed is very proud of every arabian & multicultural workforce in the Kingdom. So people in Saudi Arabia are 70 % under 35 years . For a  Generation of Future, this turns out great. The arabian generation will have 2030  hugh possibilities & opportunities in World.Mohammed Bin Salman will have hugh opportunities in Arabia.So Qiddiya will open 2023 / 2024 in the ( KSA ) close to the Capital Riyadh.Qiddiya has over 300 Attractions and carries area size over 360 km² in Planet Earth's World History for a Theme Park. Also the ( Mukaab ) from Riyadh is a gigantically installation & developmental act of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Mukaab will serve 2030 also for Tourism and will diversify the Downtown of Riyadh. The New PIF has also Connectivity & Connection to North America, Europe,Asia and different related.So the Arabian Kingdom fosters great Values & Strength to Cooperational Partners like China, South Korea, Japan, India, Switzerland ( Wood Export ) for Red Sea Global ( PIF ) Project ,Scotland, Canada, Turkey,France & Germany . So the ( KSA ) fosters strong alliance to different cooperative international nations in world.Also the GCC has great Country's Flags & great opportunities  & possibilities in the ( Middle East ) & World.So Mohammed the GCC stands especially in your leadership. Also Aramco the arabian oil corporation with Shaybah from Dhahran has strong Export worldwide. Especially the year 2022.Enormously Successfully  for Saudi Aramco.Apple & Microsoft can't reach Aramco the Water. They are pretty old-fashioned.For the Cash & Industry Worldwide. Aramco has more future in World then the most western structured corporations & companies  in world. So also Tadawul has strong develpment the Stock Exchange from Riyadh. Also the Banking Institutes from Riyadh & the Gulf Cooperation Council are truly developed,structured & operating professional. So the Mukaab has especially 5 Pillars for Representation. Also Residential, Dining, Hospitality, Entertainment & Retail.These Sectors are the Mukaab.So The Mukaab from Riyadh is a Giga Project. Aramco has as well Giga Projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So Red Sea Global " The Red Sea "  & " Amaala " are especially like NEOM or Diriyah or ( KAEC ) Harbour & Port Industrialization & over 30 Projects stand under enormously & gigantically progresss & advancement since the announcement of the  ( Vision 2030 ) since ( 2016 ) in Riyadh from Mohammed Bin Salman in April . So God Bless the Youth of Saudi Arabia & the Kingdom and God Bless New York & ( NEOM ).


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Stay Actively on Corporation & Industry


19th Arabian Protokollierung from Sector 


God Bless the Growth of ( NEOM )


( A.P.P ) 


KSA / GIGA Projects / NEOM ( New Future ) / Red Sea / Vision 2030 / Riyadh / Globally Fostering Politics /  Sharaan Nature Reserve / ( Protokoll )  ( Protokollierung )/ 28.08.2023 AD


So now in World about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exactly this date & time 28.08.2023 05:06 UTC GMT +2 Western Civilization European Time Scale, the Kingdom is doing great strides as far as future & strides in the Vision 2030 in World.Also NEOM now in this Moment, Thousands of Employees & Workers from the Kingdom is working in Tabuk, also " The Line ", is expressive ,to look at the Construction Site.Also Trojena is in this moment under progressive development as same as OXAGON and Sindalah ( Island ) from Red Sea NEOM. So Mohammed will soon visit the U.K ( United Kingdom ) and will be in London in the Environment & Scale of the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Also Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud has strong cooperation' s spirit for Rishi Sunak, the british monarchy & the arabian kingdom in World.Also The RIG on the Gulf is taking shape from last years announcement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So also Qiddiya will be splendid & great more beautifully for millions of World Population coming early in the Morning to Riyadh / Qiddiya in World. Early in the morning for all families of World.After Breakfast in hastily Walk to the Airport Worldwide and than the whole kids of world are surprisingly happy being in Qiddiya.Also Riyadh is now in immense population's growth & developmental phase till the Vision 2030.Well also ( NEOM )  the Science for itself speaks volumes in world publicity. Today maybe 1/ 3 all over the whole complete Transcontinental World heard from   ( NEOM ) the World Project from Mohammed Bin Salman the Prime Minister of Riyadh / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).So this Establishment is unique and World Historically. NEOM is nowadays totally under construction progress but will soon in 2030 reached hopefully its shape in fully accomplishment from the 4 Boroughs of the Metropolitan Hugh Giga City & World Project.So also the Export / Import Opportunities on the Gulf & the Red Sea are splendid & pristine and sustainable for the arabian Kingdom all the way up & even when the World Time of 2030 is reached & graduated. Even OXAGON behind Tabuk or Jeddah or KAEC. The Red Sea the Ocean is operating strong and hugh enormous Freight is docking on every Coastal Area of the Red Sea in the Arabian Kingdom of World. The Red Sea will give NEOM hugh Opportunities & Possibilities.The Red Sea in World History  has historically religious in terms of holy scripts just sacred meanings  .So Mohammed Bin Salman will in his governmental stage as a prime  minister and ( PIF ) Chairman  & Minister of Defence his Executive Operating Posts in NEOM always be a Leader just De-Facto Leader of the Arabian State for long decades .And will always be an orator & holding speeches in the Kingdom . So also Riyadh is in Growth & Development.Also the Jabal Omar Project from Makkah is in Progress.Also the Project " The North Pole " is under Construction in the arabian Kingdom.Also the GIGA Project Asser Region is underway till 2030. Asser will have in mathematically course in 2030 ( 10 Million ) of Tourists & Visitors established.Diriyah will have as far as calculation from the Arabs 25 Millions of Visitors annual from 2030 & The Red Sea ( Red Sea Global ) 1 Million of Tourists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World.Also a GIGA Project which was standing under announcement last time was ( Rua Al Madinah ) from Arabia.Next GIGA Project was Jeddah Waterfront Project & also an hugh creative & animal-friendly just Nature Preserving & Conservation Act, eventually the name of the Project ( Sharaan Nature Reserve ) which was initiated & arabian established last time.Mohammed Bin Salman was also releasing animals from protected wooden boxes into the open free environment of ALULA.So the Sharaan Nature Reserve is from ALULA . It's like different Nature Wildparks & Natural Protected Regions is reformed in the Vision 2030.So Mohammed Bin Salman is also building ( NEOM ) & also Qiddiya and the Mukaab.So Globally Politics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in regard,respectively , accordingly is fostered und hugh cooperation and definitely unification, also to North America, Europe,Asia,Asia-Pacific, Africa and South America & ( NEOM ).So the arabian Kingdom is enormously under progression of its GIGA PROJECTS or the PIF. So Riyadh is in Growth also the Population in the KSA.So especially the up to date Structure & Chiffre just Count on how much Human Civilization just Population we have in this moment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  & this seconds is (37.030.358 ) Millions of People living in this great country.So Globally the Arabian Kingdom has Percentage of Hugh Influence & Influx of Enormously Promulgating Trade Routes & Trade ( Crude Oil Sales ) ( World Crude Oil Export ) Operating Partners with Aramco and different Reserves Transcontinental in Humankind. So the Red Sea is Great.Riyadh is Great & NEOM is beautifully.So  also TOP NEWS Saudi Arabia wants officially to take Empowerment & Actually Membership in the FIFA European Champions League in World with arabian Clubs.Eventually maybe Clubs & Teams from Riyadh or different to mention.So Mohammed Bin Salman & his arabian Kingdom are fostering globally hugh establishment & fundamentally growth.Globally also with Publishing & Public Representation from ( NEOM ) streaming all over into World.So also  NEOM & World ( New Future ) is gigantically & massive. It has so much even now at offerings. Also the Beach Games on the Coastal Area of ( NEOM ).Or the McLaren Model Acquisition from NEOM .Different to exemplify in different literary correspondence about NEOM  & World.So also Konoz Box of Treasures is a GIGA Project of SAUD. So the Vision 2030 with also the Realizations Programme is hugh under the Crude Oil Independence Reformation in the Arabian Monarchy.So also Saudi Arabia will have with " The Line " enormously green economically structure in NEOM. NEOM is adjacent also on the ( RED SEA ) & Sindalah and Shushah are under progressive construction  & build-up just development in the KSA.So also the further Gulf States like Bahrain,Abu Dhabi,Dubai,Oman, Kuwait & Qatar have great opportunities & possibilities in the World & the Gulf. Mohammed Bin Salman has also strong,fundamentally, growing, operating,strong arabian leadership in the ( GCC ) Gulf Cooperation Council.So the World is turning now in the 21st Century of Humankind.NEOM will be finished 2030.Red Sea Global will be accomplished 2030.Makkah the Space Extensive Programme & Diversification will be 2030 finished. Diriyah will be 2030 established.And different GIGA Projects will be in the Arab World ( North Africa & Middle East ) 2030 established.So Mohammed is proud of his Arabian Folks in World.Well, Riyadh has also the King Salman Park under Progression.Also Qiddiya should open this time 2023 / 2024 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So also the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in Growth, in a Reformation and great Circumstances to achieve the Vision 2030 with great Outlook for further GIGA Projects & Arabian Goals just till 2040 hugh disciplined Great Future and comfortable modern living conditions & 2050 PIF Values which are World History also ( NEOM ).I said World History in Humankind.So now in this annotation ( NEOM ) has strong futuristic planning and a lot of establishment & ground fundamentally creation to solve.So NEOM also a beautifully site of.The Nature & Natural Animals Habitat  & Nature Preservation and Conservation of " The Line " 95 % Preservation of Nature. NEOM the Metropolitan City Scale  Region which  will have internally Regions for Animals of Free Area & Free Wilderness in World / NEOM.So this from me Andreas Penno from the Federal Republic of Germany / Europe / World.


So this is the Arabian Protokoll ( 20th ) of this Sector ( Industrial Terms / Business Establishment / Corporation's Language )


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Stay Actively on my Corporation & Industry and Blogspot


( A.P.P )


World / NEOM ( Growth & Progress ) / Red Sea / FII /  Widlife Sanctuaries ARAMCO  / ( PIF ) / ARAMCO.Dhahran / Gulf of Aqaba / Asia / Israel /  Protokoll Written 26.11.2023 / Released 05.07.2024


So the Arabian Kingdom is in Growth (Progress ) & Development ,  since the Press Release Announcement of 2016 of the Vision 2030 in Riyadh.So now at the 26.11.2023 AD in World the Kingdom has 6 Regions in consideration & regard of ( NEOM ). 2 Regions came 2023 new under Palette & Circumstances to ( NEOM ) namely EPICON & LEYJA. New Regions in NEOM are now under Geoecologically Sites in this Giga Region & City from the KSA of World namely ( NEOM ). Also the Saudi Press Agency has greatly & fantastically and brilliant arabian world journalism from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So ( Saudi Aramco )was also 2023 ( 3)  Quarter selling Crude Oil in Percentage on a Vision 2030 great appropriated level & structure. Aramco has also opportunities in Wildlife Sanctuaries in native Desert Circumstances in the Monarchy. So also ( PIF ) has now 700 Billion of Dollars in Assets.2025 is planned 1 Trillion Dollar in the ( Public Investment Fund ) from the Headquarters in Riyadh. And ( 2030  ) just the Vision 2030 is in planning 2 Trillion Dollar (8 Trillion Arabian Riyal )  in Arabian Established Assets from PIF to achieve.So also the Future Investment Initiative took place in 2023 October in Riyadh.The 3 Days in Riyadh in a Hugh Conference Room Scale. It was the 7th Edition. Just the 7th Circulation since 2017 of the ( FII ) . The 7th Creation & Establishment since 2017. So a lot of Talks took place in this event.Also different personalities came together and had Round of Talks around in Riyadh in this Globally World Scaled Forum. So the Future Investment Initiative has also Supervision from the ( PIF ).So God Bless Mohammed Bin Salman & ( NEOM ) and the Arab World.So also Aramco has Giga Projects like Fadhili, Manifa,Sadara,Shaybah & Wasit.Aramco does also manage Lubricants.Which are also serving a great service to Corporte Intelligent Machinery in World.Amin H Nasser is ( CEO ) of Aramco.Headquarters is Dhahran.Arabia.Aramco is organized Worldwide & native in the Monarchy. Especially C0² Carbon Dioxide Difficulties in the Kingdom and Abroad is a very hugh Conflict nowadays  Worldwide & in the KSA. The Atmosphere is attacked by (  CO² ) in the Humankind. But we as humanity & Human Resources & Humankind are intelligent & sophisticated and are trying all we can to find a Solution just a Resolution for this Globally Event of  (CO²)  through Sun & Wind Energy in almost all Continents of World. Also in Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,South America, North America & NEOM are Green Energy Sourcing presently and in Decades from now in Mass just massive. Also Fossil Fuel will be 2100 AD mostly diminished & reduced in the World globally & mondial. So Green Energy will be in 2030-2040 even more available  & processed and established  in World.So NEOM is the first Example for Green Energy.NEOM will be 100 % Green Resources of Clean Natural Energy & Hydrogen Tanks.Also Red Sea Global will be 100 % Renewable Affiliated Energy. Also the Complete Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be established 2030 with Green Energy in most of Regions also ( NEOM ) or Riyadh, in this ways of ALULA or different Places will be 100 % Filled with Green Energy in the KSA.So the Saudi Press Agency also in their great Lyrically Arabian Correspondence of ( Riyadh ) Headquarters in World. They wrote last days that at the beginning of 2024 a Camel Event should be taken place in Arabia.Also a comment was that Khalid Al Falih the Minister of Investment  was finding that the Basically Groundbreaking Strategy from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is very leading to great success.Also the ( SPA ) wrote that the GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council ) & ASEAN  is in great Cooperation & Shape,  till Vision 2030 and far beyond.So also all Leaders & Presidents and Prime Ministers  from the African Continent   met with Mohammed Bin Salman in the Main Capital of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for an African-Arab Summit in 2023 4th Quarter.Also Privileged African-Arabian Mutually Contracts & Treaties just Pacts were signed between African Resources & the Arab Kingdom for a great clear Arab-African  future.Also Mohammed Bin Salman met with the President of Eritrea.( Eritrea )is an African Country.So back to(   NEOM ) Leyja is a beautifully & charismatically  Great Event ( Region ) from ( NEOM ) Giga City. Leyja came ( 2023 ) into Interaction & Publishing and Announcement from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World.Leyja has luxurious Tourism at Offerings in World. It's regional & circulating geographically from the Gulf of Aqaba. ( NEOM ) is thoroughly strong recruited on the Red Sea & Gulf of Aqaba in Tabuk. Also the next new Region & Borough of NEOM named ( Epicon ) which is also recruited & geographically on the Gulf of Aqaba.Now to tell. ( Leyja ) has opportunities & possibilities like Fitness Gyms,Wellness & SPA  And Pools, Restaurants & Lounges,3 Luxury & Boutique Hotels,120 Rooms & Suites, Hiking Trail To Trojena ( 73km ) NEOM. So also next Region from ( NEOM ) Epicon the 6th Region and 6th Borough just the 6th World Scale Opportunity District just Borough  from NEOM.Epicon has Specific Grandeur & Beautifully Epic  Architecture just the Civil Engineering from NEOM ( Epicon ). It's situated on the Gulf of Aqaba.Well to say, Epicon represents great Outlook for Visitors in Hugh Amount of Qualitative Aspirations on the Gulf of Aqaba, just a Great Lake and Sea from the Arabian Monarchy. Epicon has 165- Room Luxury Resort Estate Establishment, especially when 2030 just the Vision 2030 arrives, also NEOM ( Eventually Finished also " The Line " ).Mohammed Bin Salman has now 6 Regions just 6 Boroughs in ( NEOM ). So the ( PIF ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة had 2023 Strong Attractive Investment,Regional,Native & Worldwide just on Globally Scale.PIF ( Globally ) & Native are  in huge opportunities & possibilities for Jobs.Anyway till this moment came over 500.000 just over Half A Million Jobs were created from ( PIF ) since Date. Mohammed Bin Salman wants to achieve the First Resource for the Sovereign Wealth Fund. Just be the richest Sovereign Wealth Fund in World 2030.Norway has now 1 Trillion Dollar in ( SWF) in the Governmental Gross Budgeting from Scandinavia of World. Mohammed wants to top that.Also ROSHN the Real Estate Developmental Corporation from the ( PIF ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة  will built Hundred of Thousands of Homes & Domiciles in the Arabian Kingdom could also be Millions of Homes, also in Jeddah,also in KAEC or ( Riyadh ), could also one day be ( NEOM ). Anyway ROSHN is hugh organized and will be in Industrialization. Trojena is in Growth, in Planning 2026 to be finished.Also OXAGON the Port & Harbour from NEOM.First Terminal Open 2025. 2027 will be Amaala finished from Red Sea Global on the Red Sea.Also ( Israel ) as far as the New Headlines & Circumstances, Breaking News about News will be the Situation calm down & lead to peace for a while in the GAZA Region of Israel & the State of Palestine .So also in the arabian infrastructure the King Salman Park is in development.Also the Sports Boulevard in ( Riyadh).Green Riyadh is in Growth. Mohammed Bin Salman has a glorified & young great Folk in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So also the(  Mukaab ) will be built till 2030.God Bless the Mukaab. The Mukaab will also host Dining, Hospitality,Restaurants, Arabian Civilization's Foyer,Tourism Spectacle Arriving, Arabian Greatness, Hugh Programs in Offerings,Great Image, Great Sightseeing for Visitors & Great Outlook for Riyadh. So the Mukaab will host enormous & gigantically Height from the Infrastructure of the Building.So God Bless the ( Mukaab ) in Riyadh.So also the King Salman International Airport stands since 1 Year ( PIF ) in Planning, could also be already in Development  & Construction and Establishment since Time Era. The Red Sea International Airport is already in Progress & Actively from long Construction & Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So end 2023 (The Red Sea International Airport ) Will be Complete Finished & Eventually Complete to Carry Annually Millions of Passengers on Global Scale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Abroad. Just in Planning.And also in the ( Vision 2030 ) the gigantically Giga - Project ( Qiddiya )  will be open 2024 / 2025.I wrote in my Protokollierungen / Protokolle  before 2023 / 2024 Qiddiya will be open. Just correctly is 2024 / 2025 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Proximity to Riyadh. Qiddiya is so pristine & beautifully in its own Charisma & Intellectuality just Prestigious Shine. Qiddiya will be 376 km² enormous big Size of Area in the Kingdom.So also Mohammed Bin Salman has different in Expectations in the Arabian Monarchy.The PIF plans 2026-2030 just 2 Trillions of Riyal for new Projects just from the Public Investment Fund in Investment .So also Mohammed Bin Salman invested in Newcastle United in the U.K. last years.He was also interested in Inter Milan from Italy / EU / Europe / World. So Saudi Arabia has also in Malaysia,India. Japan.China & Different Countries in World just Petrochemicals Affiliation. So Petrochemicals are  important for the Arabian Kingdom.So they invests hugh amount of interest in this sector.So Petrochemicals are decisive for the ( KSA ).Saudi Arabia wants also 2040 be the Top Leader & Leadership just Front-Runner of Chemicals Worldwide. Aramco will be also for the CRUDE-Oil Export GDP 2030 (  50 % ) reduced in Planning for Saudi Arabia & the Vision 2030. So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So all 12-15 Provinces are in Growth & Progressive Rise. Also Solar Energy Panels Structures & Wind Turbines has now Growth in the KSA.Especially the 200 GW Solar Panels from Masayoshi Son, once signed in New York 2018 have now Growth in the Integrity in the Kingdom. So this is the 26th Protokollierung from ( A.P.P ) the Source from complete Blog namely Corporation.So Mohammed we will build ( NEOM) the World Metropolitan City .


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & ( NEOM )


( A.P.P ) The Resource  


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Riyadh / NEOM Regions In Affiliation / 200 GW Solar Panels  / Makkah / ( PIF ) / Gulf of Aqaba / Protokoll ( 05.12.2023 )  / Release Date 05.07.2024


Well, now the 05.12.2023 AD in the 21st Century NEOM is in strong Growth.Mohammed Bin Salman is busy from his profession in Riyadh, World.Mohammed Bin Salman & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Released last time 3 New Regions from NEOM. All 3 geographically localised on the ( Gulf of Aqaba ).These 3 Regions from NEOM are named Leyja,Epicon & Siranna. All three combined to ( NEOM ) The Line,OXAGON,Trojena  & Sindalah ( Island ) are now complete 7 Regions,all under construction & establishment in the Kingdom.So Leyja is a natural valley just a Civil Engineering's Beautifully Creational Product carved in the Mountains in NEOM for a great purpose of ( Tourism ) & Humanfriendly Resort.Leyja has strong opportunities & possibilities in the world for architectural shine of beauty and pristine opportunities.Mohammed Bin Salman is praising Leyja in NEOM.Leyja is the 5 Region of NEOM and will be built this time in the KSA.Next Region named Epicon the 6th Region of NEOM carries glamour & revolutionary creative design in a housing structure & real estate alike a model just architectural beauty with it.EPICON the structure is professional desigend & elaborated in NEOM on the Gulf of Aqaba. Epicon is now under construction till 2030 or earlier its perfectly ready to Tourism & Sightseeings in NEOM. The 7th Region is Siranna. It'a a structure on the oceans of the Gulf of Aqaba which exemplifies design & creativity and pristine beauty on a great niveau & establishment in the ( Giga City ) NEOM. It's a Borough like all 7 Regions which is splendid  & grandeur once developed & established. So also ( OXAGON ) is suited for Residential Units just Housing & Real Estates will be configurated for the humankind in ( NEOM ). OXAGON is 7 km Broad & in Width. So it's a strong Giga Complex in ( NEOM ). Sindalah from the biggest City in World History is 1000 m² in scale hugh  & wide.So God Bless all 7 Regions from NEOM of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their hugh futuristic opportunities & possibilities in World and the Half A Million Jobs the next ( 20-30 ) Years in NEOM.So ( NEOM ) is solid & compact in Arabia.The Red Sea in Arabia is beautifully & magnificient. And the Gulf with the Project named " The RIG " is also under Construction. The RIG is formed like a RIG just transformed for a Scale like A Tourism Spectacle on the Gulf.Also Go-Kart is available.And Rollercoaster & Restaurants and Cafés on " THE RIG ".Also ( NEOM ) has beautifullly Restaurants on all 7 Regions & Boroughs, also Cafés and Bistros.So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also to Denmark & Norway & the United States of America and Germany, Mohammed & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is fostering great relationship to , also especially to South Korea or Japan or Pakistan and India,China and Djibouti.The KSA is flexible & attractive for great Business Deals.Also Aramco has Wildlife Sanctuaries in great regional opportunities of. Aramco had great Values also in 2022.Top- Record was 2022 for Aramco in Differences for Arabian Riyal  also for Quarterly Profit of 2023  3 Quarter for NON-Crude Export.Mohammed Bin Salman wants to build NEOM " The Line " & 6 further Regions in NEOM & World. Red Sea Global were Visitors coming last time to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Red Sea & Amaala even now the new structure on the Red Sea named ( Thuwal ) a strict Tourism Space from the Red Sea Global Region on the Red Sea .So the Red Sea Global received Guests and Appearances from World last time. This is beautifully  & grandeur for the Kingdom . A further Success for Mohammed & the KSA.Also Fumio Kishida came 2023 to Saudi Arabia.Mohammed Bin Salman was in strong cooperation to Kishida and hold Conversations in ( Riyadh ) with him.So Riyadh & the Mukaab will be built this time of era till 2030. Like Mohammed said 2030 is the arabian infrastructure mostly accomplished,especially meant Vision 2030.So new breath can come 2030 to the Kingdom.So the ( PIF ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة has Kingdom's principles strong in desire & modern accomplishment strong paramountly in Job Opportunities & Possibilities now the Chiffre close to 700.00 Jobs cleared in Saudi Arabia.Also Jeddah is in strong Growth. Jeddah is disciplined in growth just Asir & Najran, Makkah also Tabuk has great Growth & Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.In the World Qiddiya the Theme Park from Riyadh is also in great stride & great Growth.2024 / 2025 are coming first visitors to Qiddiya.And ( NEOM ) should have like from the arabian government planned 10 Regions complete in the arrangement.Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود, in arabic, is an enormous intelligent operating great arabian prime minister. He is also Chairman of the  ( PIF ). His Reformation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be splendid & hugh sustainable & established in 2030. He was having also 2023 Interviews in english in front of the Media Journalism in World.So also the 200 GW Solar Energy Panels Structure from Masayoshi Son are in hugh specific development in the arabian kingdom.They were signed 2018 in New York City.Also NEOM produces Green Hydrogen & Desalination Estates are presently now in the Developmental Phase of NEOM and the 7 Regions of this Giga City are in Progression. So Mohammed from me Andreas, toy toy toy for the Vision 2030, also for the Realization Programme & NEOM and Red Sea Global.Also Makkah just the holy Pilgrims Site from Mecca will get and diversification just enlargement and expansion till 2030. Just Space will be created in Makkah for the Region of Mecca.30 Million Pilgrims will be 2030 available annually in the holy site of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Space  will be complete reformed in the Site of ( Makkah ).Also Makkah did hugh change since 2016 and the Vision began.So " The RIG " will be built in the Kingdom.And also Conservation Sites from the Red Sea & in the Mainland of Saudi Arabia are in Preservation and Conservation with Animals & Fish Species also Coral Reefs on the Red Sea.So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fosters a hugh percentage of their infrastructure in Natural Habitat Preservation. just  the Nature,especially also NEOM. Also the Giga Projects together there 15-18 Giga Projects now in the Kingdom  of Saudi Arabia.Now World.European Continent.Germany.UTC GMT +1 05.12.2023 04:21 O'clock NEOM & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in hugh Growth & Progression and is blessed by God above.So the Land of Amaala is also big as Belgium.Also Joe Biden stands nowadays in good Contact to Mohammed Bin Salman the President of the United States of America and the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris.Both of them is doing a good Job. They brought this Legislature-Period in US Change to America.So Mohammed we in the Western Civilization will have Christmas next time. God Bless the Arab World & NEOM.Thanks Very Much.Thank You.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetingst to Riyadh & Qatar, Doha and Bahrain


( A.P.P ) The Source 


World / PIF / NEOM Investment Fund ( NIF ) / Asir & Najran  / Red Sea Global / Qiddiya / (  Thuwal ) /Makkah / KAUST / Topian / Gulf  ( Protokoll 11.12.2023 ( AD ) / Release 05.07.2024


So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in all the Facades  & Groundfundamentally Structures of ( NEOM ) & the Vision of 2030 is already in hugh Progress just in strong Development till 2030.Like in the other Protokollierungen on ( A.P.P ) before mentioned from the Scale of ( A.P.P ) was also Growth & Economically Rise & Regional Progression mentioned.The KSA is in Growth in the 21st Century in hugh flourishing & Prospering State.The Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.These Days was a Food Industry for ( NEOM ) established & created named ( Topian ) from ( NEOM ). NEOM had also in October the ( NIF ) NEOM Investment Fund in Foundation & Establishment. This Norm & Organization just Subsidiary from NEOM is an Investment Pool & Structure like the PIF for the Kingdom, but it's circulating regional for NEOM.Also this year 2023 was strong Growth in Riyadh.Now the Chiffre on the  11.12.2023 AD 23:17 Nights World.Commission the Population in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World  contains the Digits exactly 37.182.589 Millions in Human Population in the Arabian Kingdom.NEOM will have 10 Millions People live in this Metropolitan City Scale in World in 2050.Hugh Digits in Arabia, especially in ( NEOM ) & World. To me NEOM is the 8th Continent of World.The NEOM Investment Fund is a productive Investment Generations Scale which invests in different Societies in World for Opportunities & Possibilities in NEOM Red Sea & create Jobs for NEOM & the Kingdom.Asir & Najran and Makkah & Tabuk, especially the Province ( Al Riyadh ) or Jeddah & KAEC and the Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College are in strong Growth & Arabian Modernization & Civilization in World. Also KAUST & the arabian 2023 Graduation Inspirational Class is now in End of the Annual Year Commencement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.KAUST is beautifully in Arabia.Also KAUST provided Students high classified ph.D Doctor / Doctorates  in Arabia.Also Master Programms like in New York.Tokyo,SNAUC ( South Korea ), Berlin,London School for Economics and Political Science,Cambridge,Oxford,Chicago,Kingston,Georgetown( US ) , Harvard ( Boston ),Princeton( New Jersey ) North America ,Melbourne ( University ( Australia ) ,Bahrain,Switzerland ( Zurich, Bern,Basel ),Prague,London and all Countries Of The Whole World.KAUST the King Abdullah University for Science & Technology fosters also great Opportunities to the USA / North America. So God Bless KAUST.The Scientifically Research also for Shushah ( NEOM ) from KAUST is grandeur & unique also the PG Diploma.Work.Commission in Arabia.KAUST.So KAUST is definitely opportunistic & developmental with their internally relationship to their globally research of environmentally & scientifically fields of Technology,Communication, Petroleum Engineering, Solar Energy & Wind Energy,Laboratory Creational Development,Conservation on the Red Sea & Arabian Native Growth in Science on Sophisticated Scale  & Arabian Research in World . This is the 28th Protokollierung from Andreaspennophotography ( A.P.P ) The Source.So the arabian country just the Monarchy & Kingdom has also beautifully stadiums for Sports & Commercial Arenas for different disciplines. Also the Vegetation from Greenery & Green Scale Empowerment  is now in the 21st Century in 2023 especially till 2030 in nationwide progress. The Vegetation is now rasantly & strong starkly rising & in establishment.So 13 Billion Seeds will be sown in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Green Exploration and Green Establishment in(  NEOM ) & Saudi Arabia the Kingdom.The Red Sea Global received since last days the 3rd Project in the Development, the Organization,the Tourism Centre,namely ( Thuwal ). This destiny will also 2030 flourish in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2030 will be in the KSA strong opportunities & possibilities in the country also in Tourism, World Civilization, Export / Import belonging to OXAGON & NEOM, Education,Parks,Qiddiya, Airports,Railways, Internally Regional Restaurants in hugh Cook Class, The Mukaab, Installation of ROSHN, ( Sharaan ), Nature Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries, 2030 in Opportunities in strong Growth of Population & Riyadh's Rise of Growth in Population, 2030 will be the Vision 2030 accomplished.God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The Crude Oil Independence will be in Influx this time achieved hopefully and from the time of 2030 in expectations will be the ( KSA ) established 2040 / 2050 in 100 % Independence from Oil. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also Red Sea Global with Sheybarah Island, mostly complete this Project.Makkah is also in great Progress & Development till 2030 the Planning of the Al Haram Mosque in Mecca ( The Expansion ) & Diversification and Enlargement of the Space.So Shushah ( NEOM ) the Island will also be developed in World / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia just an Sortiment of NEOM,no Region.And Siranna, Epicon & Leyja are positioned & recruited on the Gulf of Aqaba. These Regions from 7 are all Tourism friendly & communicative.There also 12-15 Sectors of NEOM. Also Media, Tourism, Design & Construction,Education,Research and Education,Entertainment & Culture,Mobilty,Technology & Digital,Energy and different related.Also DAN is from the ( PIF ) the Commission of Investment.The ( PIF ) released DAN 11.December 2023 from Riyadh.KSA  in World.Dan is a Ecotourism & Agritourism.Just another Regulations & Opportunistic Investment from the ( PIF ) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Humankind.Since 2017 were about over 100 Investments created from Riyadh.Also Qiddiya from ( Riyadh ) the Entertainment Theme Park will open 2024 / 2025. Just showing everbody how Family-Friendly & Youth friendly the Kingdom is.Qiddiya will be World-friendly & the whole Planet Earth will visit Qiddiya & NEOM ( 2024 ).Qiddiya is beautifully & pristine and splendid. In this actual moment a lot of Construction Works is going on in Qiddiya. Also Mohammed Bin Salman met the President from the International Olympic Committee these days.So maybe wants Mohammed Bin Salman a Commission just the Olympic Games actively next time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية in arabian Language or NEOM (  نيوم ), so maybe the Olympic Games will take place next time in the Riyadh,Jeddah,KAEC or NEOM.Also 2030 was the Proposal just the Bet and Try from Mohammed Bin Salman to have the Football FIFA World Cup in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia missing the Goal.2034 will be eventually really the World Cup from FIFA in the KSA.Stadiums are already standing in Architectural Shining Arabian  Brilliance in the Kingdom.So Qiddiya has 300 Spectacular Attractions.NEOM Sindalah is already with Epicon,Siranna & Leyja and " The Line ", OXAGON ( Port ),Trojena under great Construction Works.Also in Trojena will be 2029 Winter Asian Games.So the Red Sea stands under strong Conservation & Preservation Commission.Also Turtles & Fish Species are strong standing under Natural Protection also the UN appreciates that.So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.NEOM will be built in World History of all Time.The Biggest Metropolitan Area in World History.Biggest City ever built in World History.It's great.Also Wildlife Sanctuaries from the Kingdom are fostered in Great Shape, especially from Aramco( Oil Corporation from Arabia ).So also the Gulf States like NEOM and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية  just the Gulf States did great Process & Growth in 2023.Also the ( EU ) & ( U.K ) had strong Growth in 2023. Beside the Recession Striking Flaws & Inflation in Europe & World.This Moment in World the Inflation has recuperated from all the Stress & Striking Inflation which were generating from all the Inflationary Quarters from this time.So Riyadh and the Population did rise also very quick & fast 2023.Also Makkah has Growth.Fishing form the Gulf & Red Sea is presently all day deep in the Ocean.But the arabian folks also lay worth of protection of fish and natural habitat monarchy-wide.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود in arabian language,stands strong under Great  Reformation إعادة تشكيل  in the Kingdom.This Country was getting 1930-1940 strong in Oil Enrichment & Beginning of Selling Oil in World.So also Qatar / Middle East had strong Growth in World 2023.NEOM had also strong Growth.Also the Belt & Road Initiative ( Silk Road ) since 2013 Announcement from Xi Jinping had World Status & World Networking  in strong Values  & Growth the World Project also in difference to NEOM ( Globally Most Ambitios Project ).Belt and Road Initiative is the most powerful Project in World especially of the 21st Century.So Xi Jinping & Mohammed Bin Salman are also great Economically & Asian Recruited, Cooperation Established Partners.Also the PIF has strong opportunities & possibilities till 2050-2070 from Riyadh in long standing futuristic scale.Also ( THE  RIG ) the PIF Project from the Gulf is enriched with hugh Tourism Establishment and futuristic book values like Qiddiya, Sindalah, Trojena,KAEC, NEOM ( Tourism ) .Red Sea Yachting,Cruise Ships from the Red Sea and Diriyah.So there plenty Tourism Destinations & Hotels also ( Pangeos ) the Luxuury Dream Giga Yacht which will be 2030 in the Vision 2030 presently in the Kingdom.So God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. God Bless NEOM Giga City & God Bless the Arab World. Also these days is the UN Climate Conference in the United Arab Emirates just coming to an end the conference.The Period of Timescale of the Conference is the 30.November till the 12.12.2023.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings to NEOM, Mohammed Bin Salman & Red Sea Global


This Protokollierung,Column,Text,Protokoll, Establishment was written from Andreas Penno


( A.P.P ) The Source


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / ( NEOM ) Natural Environment / Trade /  Gulf of Aqaba / Siranna / Leyja / ( KSA ) 2024 / 04.01.2024 / Release Date 05.07.2024


So now to this Protokollierung from my Resource & Source  ( A.P.P ) about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia short of 4 Days after 2024 when a new year appears in World.New Perspectives & New Opportunities  for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Globally Countries in World. The Commission from Riyadh is now in the 1 Quarter of 2024 established in the Vision 2030. Also in 2024 to examine  & proficient declare & describe the arabian state just 2023 in the last Quarters was also the Rea Sea International Airport Open for different Purpose & Public Flights and Receiving Airplanes on the Airport in the Kingdom.Also 2023 in Red Sea Global this Tourism Region in the Kingdom opened some Tourist Regional Islands for Tourism for beautifully & glorified Journeys for the Humankind of World.Qiddiya will open in  2024  / 2025  in World  in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Province of Riyadh.So Qiddiya is close to the Metropolitan Area Riyadh in the Middle East.World.So Tourism will especially also established  in ( NEOM), Sindalah the Island ( 1000  m ²)  in the World Metropolitan Scale Region of different Regions, Boroughs and Precincts just a Zone named NEOM. Just a City & Gigantically Zone with Opportunities & Possibilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Mohammed Bin Salman creates a Vision 2030 with Millions of Individuals in Jeddah,Umluj,Riyadh,NEOM,Tabuk,Najran, Asir,Eastern Province,( Al Jawf ), Qiddiya, Medina,( Makkah ), Trojena,OXAGON, Leyja, Siranna,Utamo,Norlana,The Line, Sindalah,Epicon,Gulf of Aqaba, ALULA. So the ( Vision 2030 ) is enormous successfully since Press.Media Conference in Riyadh 2016 in April.Now it's about 8 Years since the beginning of the Vision. Also NEOM's new Regions like Siranna,Leyja, Epicon,Utamo,Norlana are on the ( Gulf of Aqaba ) localised & situated were mostly released in 2023 in the last passage of the year.So in these 5 Regions & Boroughs of ( NEOM ) on the Gulf of Aqaba are Installations of Civil Engineering just Architectural Buildings also integrated on Mountains or Complexes on the Ocean. So ( Leyja) from NEOM is established as 3  Hotels, also an Adventure Hotel just arabian Flavour.Leyja is created as ( 3 )  Buildings and Complexes  for Tourism & Structure of a Segment for Opportunities & Possibilities  of Ecotourism & ( 400 m ) high Mountains in NEOM.Leyja serves as a Tourism Centre in NEOM.Next Region in NEOM on the Gulf of Aqaba is ( Siranna ) which was released in the Media & World in the 4th Quarter of 2023 like different Regions from ( NEOM ) of the Gulf of Aqaba in this World Metropolitan Scale Area. Siranna owns 100 Luxury Hotel Rooms & Apartments and Fine Dining Restaurants, Luxury Retail Boutiques,Gyms,Spas & Pools,World Class Beach Clubs.So these primary gigantically opportunistic Amenities from ( NEOM ) are in hugh percentage to find in countless Tourism Services from NEOM & Offerings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So the Vision 2030 shares hugh opportunities & possibilites in World.So Red Sea Global located on the Red Sea has also hugh opportunities in World.Also the 3rd Tourism Establishment & Tourism Spot of Red Sea Global named " Thuwal " became introduced 2023.Now there are 3 Regions in Red Sea Global named " The Red Sea " & " Amaala " and " Thuwal ". So Red Sea Global is extraordinary specific valid just ecosystematic for Divers & Spectators of dormant active Volcanoes in 200km Coastline in ( 22 ) Different Islands from 90 Islands of  "The Red Sea ". So these 90 ( Islands ) are hugh observed from Preservation of Nature.Just Conservation of Natural Habitat.Just Green.Like Egypt does also lie geographically on the Red Sea locally.Also Sharm El-Sheikh شرم الشيخ  is not far away from the Bridge & Constellation of NEOM the Giga Metropolitan Area.And with Jordan الأردن ( Jordanien ) stands NEOM with Connection to  3 Continents ( Asia,Europa & Africa ) in World.So NEOM has also a new Borough named ( Utamo ) in the Gulf of Aqaba. It's a special Pillar & Installation for Arts,Design & Theatre just also cocooned in a Mountain the Architectural Exemplar ( Utamo ). So Utamo builds an Hugh Amount of Theatric Fascination & Portrayal of Artists perfoming on Gala Representation & ( Podest ) Assembly.So Utamo created as a  Portrait of Tourism Gala Representation in expectations of hugh entertainment in NEOM of World.Especially also beautifully restaurants & great artistic venues in NEOM.So NEOM the Exemplar & Portrayal leads Natural Fostering Environmental Scale in hugh Grade & Opportunities in Tabuk.Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  sets priorities for Nature in ( NEOM ) & different Regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nature is decisive & intrinsic for the Kingdom.Also The Line fosters hugh Values in Natural Preservation in NEOM ( The New Future ) .Mohammed fosters also a Spot between Red Sea Global & NEOM a Natural Spot named Mohammed Bin Salman Natural Reserve. This Area stands like different Regions in Saudi Arabia also in different Provinces under Environmental Natural  Protection. So ( Epicon ) is the 4th Region mentioned from last text passage in consecutive norm  from NEOM on the Gulf of Aqaba. Epicon contains a Building & Complex just Architectural Principles specific in a Complex with Linear Accuracy Symbolized in a Stature for Tourism & Luxury Hotel and Optics. ( NEOM )  Epicon comprises a 55-Room  Luxury Ultra Hotel & Lounges, Restaurants,Beach,Club & Jetty,Watersports, Wellness Spas,Gyms & Pools.So NEOM is beautifully & unique just also another Region of NEOM Aqaba and till this moment of World ( European Continent )  04.01.2024 AD 02:05 ( UTC GMT +1 ) is Norlana the 9th Region of ( NEOM ) and the 5th from Aqaba.Norlana exemplifies Yacht Clubs & ( Golf Activity ) and a Coastal Area & Region on the Gulf of Aqaba just a Watercoastal Area.Also represents Norlana Watersports,Equestrian Polo Opportunities,Beach Villas,Marina Appartments,Superyacht Marina,Bearth Marina and hugh number different Opportunities & Possibilities in NEOM ( Norlana ).So Neom has now 9 Regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Middle East.World.Also the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has strong Population Growth  in Riyadh in the Exchange till 2023 / 2024.Qiddiya the most hugh creational ( Entertainments Leisure Park )& will open this year 2024  / 2025 in Riyadh in World.So also Riyadh and the King Salman Park makes Strides & Advancement in the KSA.Also the Infrastructure of the  Green Energy & Sun and Wind Energy Opportunities has strong Growth in Arabia.Mohammed Bin Salman leads a great Role as a Prime Minister & Chairman in the ( PIF ) and Minister of Defence and Executive Role in NEOM in his young career of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World.So Kamala Harris & Joe Biden the ( Biden Harris ) Administration leads a democratically strong  regime in the United States of America.Also the USA cooperates nowadays with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi,Dubai,Bahrain and Qatar .Different Export / Import Opportunities & Possibilities  from  North America ( United States ) & Saudi Arabia and the ( Gulf ) States exist in strong Trading Balanced Structure.Also different Commodity & Products  are Overseas in Export / Import under Freight & Cargo also especially the Transportation System Maersk.Globally Biggest Trade Corporation presently in World. So Saudi Arabia stands in Cooperation Overseas under Circumstances of Trade with US & Different Nations in World.So NEOM مستقبل   is in Strong Growth since 2017 of Announcement in Riyadh الرياض  of the Future Investment Initiative.So God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the Red Seaالبحر الاحمر . So Mohammed Toy Toy Toy and also a Happy New Year from the Federal Republic of Germany to Riyadh in the Kingdom.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings from ( EU ) European Continent to ( NEOM ) & OXAGON


( A..P.P )  The World Industry  


NEOM / Gulf of Aqaba / Aquellum  / Qiddiya / Riyadh / Land of  Amaala / Makkah / ( Growth in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World ) / PIF  صندوق الاستثمارات العامة/ World Markets & Arabian Riyal / Protokoll 13.01.2024 AD / Release Date 05.07.2024


So, we write the year 2024 AD in World History. Mohammed Bin Salman & His Folks is in a Phase & Structure of Strong Growth in World. So Mohammed Bin Salman stands also in the ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund as a Chairman in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund has since 2016 / 2017  attractive opportunities & possibilities in World & Hugh Curative Arabian Economically Growth & Status in Regional Saudi Arabia & Globally Market Places. NEOM as well as is Public Investment Fund Affiliated.Diriyah is the 5th GIGA PIF Project in Arabian History.Also the complete Middle East stands under PIF Directions & Investment as well as hugh percentage of World Market Places. Norway has a Sovereign Wealth Fund from 1 Trillion Dollar.Mohammed wants to top 2030 the PIF ( Public Investment Fund )  Circumstances with 2 Trillion of US American Dollar.So the PIF is lucrative & discerning and enormously job creative.2030 will the PIF achieve Millions of Jobs & Professions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So also the Land of Amaala which is big & stands strong ín Size of Belgium stands in economically Growth & Development.Amaala has also Connaisseurs, Retail Centre Dealers, Restaurants,Bistros,Cafés, Horse Riding Activities on the Shore of the Red Sea of the Kingdom.Amaala fosters also Sports Activities & Hotels with privileged Suites on the Red Sea & Lobbys.Mohammed Bin Salman sets strong Priorities in Growth on the Red Sea of World History. Amaala will be completed 2027 AD in World.Amaala serves behind " The Red Sea " the " Red Sea Global " Association & Organization as well as Project.Amaala has also Actively Volcanoes & Greenery serving Tourism under great circumstances.Also especially  ( NEOM ) The Gulf of Aqaba has 2023 / 2024 6 Regions released & published fostering creative & great Tourism Strength and Intelligent & Enormous Giga Projects for Tourism in World on the " Gulf of Aqaba " of brilliant Architectural Principles also just 6 Regions which stands under the  صندوق الاستثمارات العامة.These 6 Regions are just the most newest & top up to date Projects of the Kingdom.The ( PIF ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة stands now under 700 Billions of Dollars.Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود under arabian name fosters now 6 further Regions just Boroughs of ( NEOM ) also  Aquellum which is specific established in inspiration of ( Boat ) Harbour & Economically Servicing of Futuristically Ecosystem & Lifestyle and Nature.Aquellum ( NEOM ) has opportunities in 500 m Mountains Height & Range in this Giga City.Aquellum is the 10th Region of NEOM.Subterranean Scale is Promised on this Boroughs from NEOM which was recently updated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Luxury Hotels & Appartments & Cloud Gardens and Innovation Spaces are in " The New Future " NEOM  نيوم presently,especially also The Generator Research Lab & Experiential Boulevard.  نيوم NEOM is World History.This World Metropolitan Scale Area City consists of now just 10 Boroughs & Regions in World History.2030 will live also 1 Million Human Civilization in NEOM " The Line " and & 2045 10 Million in " The Line ".So Mohammed Bin Salman NEOM and the 10 Boroughs just Precincts of Districts of this Metropolitan Area will be built.Also NEOM offers " Cruise " Scale on the Red Sea in Opportunities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also Qiddiya has strong Progress since Announcement years ago.So Qiddiya is beautifully & constructive and peculiar the greatest entertainment of World History which will open 2024 / 2025  in the Province of Riyadh.Qiddiya has Greatness & Shine.Makkah the Kaaba and the Diversification  & Enlargement of the Space of the Holy Land of the Mecca ( Mecca ) will be established till 2030.Hugh Range of Phases are already done.And the Jeddah Tower was under Planning & Construction last years stopped just blocked the Kingdom Tower in the Arabian Metropolitan Area Jeddah in German ( Dschidda ). So also Rishi Sunak visited Mohammed Bin Salman 2023 / 2024.Also Vladimir Putin came to  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabian under politely arabian  gesture from Mohammed Bin Salman.So Vladimir & Mohammed were having their economically & politically context & conversation.Also latest news OPEC was regulating the Oil Pricing & Production and Export Streaming Oil should be restricted in World.So Mohammed Bin Salman has hugh planning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also World Markets & the Arabian Riyal stands solid in the Arabian Kingdom.Saudi Riyal:3.750171  -0.004%,so stands the balance of the Riyal now on the 13.01.2024 AD in World.The Arabian Riyal and the Brent Crude Oil stands in opportunities & possibilities with Aramco.2030 will be 50 % of Crude Oil Export Diminished from ARAMCO of World.Mohammed Bin Salman & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants the Crude Oil Independence & and Diversification just also the(  GCC ) Gulf Cooperation Council wants this Goal to achieve.The Growth in  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is enormously also for the Vegetation from the Desert State & " The Line ".  Just the Greenery.So the المملكة العربية السعودية the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in development also the PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة has strong Growth in World Opportunities  & Possibilities. Also ( NEOM)  نيوم has strong opportunities & possibilities in the Kingdom.Also " The Red Sea " has already 2023 / 2024 Hotels & Islands open.To me Andreas was this a great moment to look at.So the Red Sea Global is the Future of Tourism in World History.So also to me NEOM is the " World Center " the " The Middle Centre of World " , the " The Center of Humankind " in World History.So Mohammed Bin Salman.Greetings from Germany.Toy Toy Toy for the World & NEOM to be created.So Mohammed & World watch out for my next Protocols & Protokollierungen and Columns.Bye Bye


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings to Mohammed Bin Salman, the المملكة العربية السعودية  & Berlin  &  Just the whole World


God Bless NEOM & the Red Sea


( A.P.P ) The Source

World / European Continent / ( EU ) / Germany / Wiehl / Wald /  17.03.2024 / UTC GMT +1 / 05:45 O'Clock /  Protokoll / 17.03.2024 / Release Date 05.07.2024


( Riyadh ) /الرياض /  Protokollierung only about World Metropolitan Scale City Riyadh from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / ( Riyadh ) of KSA


So in Riyadh /الرياض  was hugh Growth in the 21st Century.The City Riad ( Riyadh   ) experienced high Values of Growth & Progressive Status from the Vision 2030 of the Kingdom.2024 nowadays the King Salman Park opened now in the 1 Quarter.Also Riyadh experienced strong Development in Population & Density just Establishment in Tourism this Century.The Vision 2030 implies that till 2030,especially from 2030 the Tourism Count should be in Strong Development.So 2030 annually Millions of World Human Civilization will come to Riyadhالرياض . Accordingly,in Regard also the EXPO 2030.This EXPO will be the first Time in Saudi Arabia.Especially also to the most Greatest & Biggest Leisure & Adventure Creational Park in World History named Qiddiya( القِدِّية ) will open 2024 / 2025 .Qiddiya is 2 1 / 2 as big as Walt Disney. So Riyadh has also Embassies in Town.So it's a World Metropolitan Scale City Area.Mohammed Bin Salman is Prime Minister & Prince from Riyadh.Maybe one times in World History a King.So Riyadh has especially also the unique Riyadh Kingdom Tower with enlightend Lights in Signalisation in the Skyline.Also Airports like the King Khalid International Airport is locally in this Metropolis.Riyadh الرياض is nowadays in hugh Civilized Focused Growth in the Arabian Kingdom.Also the Mukaab & The New Murabba Development Company which was laid down in Scenery from Mohammed Bin Salman 2023 from the ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund .The Mukaab is a Gigantically Cube which is an enormous gigantically Complex of Riyadh, which will be 2030 accomplished.This Downtown " Murabba " in Riyadh is 19 km² wide.With 80 State of the Art Venues.A New Home for Hundreds of Thousands of Civilized Citizen in Riyadh.Millions of Visitors in Murabba ( الرياض ).So Mohammed Bin Salman & Riyadh is Blessed from God.The Mukaab is 400 m High the Complex,the Building.The New Murabba has over 334 Thousands World Civilized Jobs.Riyadh offers Greatness like the Metropolitan Areas in Chicago or Boston or London, exempli gratia Berlin or Tokyo namely Seoul.So The Mukaab offers Dining & Hospitality.Eventually also the Murabba offers 9000 Hotel Rooms in the World Metropolitan City Riyadh الرياض.Mohammed Bin Salman has also his Palace in Riyadh.Next Time also in NEOM the Giga City on the Red Sea.So Riyadh has  a Goal just 18 Million from Population should rise in Riyadh.Mohammed wanted this Population's Grade.Riyadh is decisive for the Vision 2030 & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود the Prince from the Arabian Kingdom has Principles in Riyadh.Also for the Mukaab & and Metro just the Infrastructure in Riyadh.Also this World Scale City has Opportunities & Possibilities in strong Growth in Development in Social Activity in World.Also the Universities & Schools  like King SAUD University where Mohammed Bin Salman also studied & was schooled are splendid & pristine.So Riyadh has also the Stock Exchange Tadawul with Khalid Al Hussan & Sarah Al Suhaimi in the Executive Committee & Board.The PIF Commission comes also from Riyadh.The PIF Central is from Riyadh.Like already mentioned also the Royal Kingdom's Palace from Arabia.So the SAUD Family consists of 12.500 Princes in Riyadh.Opportunities in the Inner City Scale in this City are Shops,Splendid Retail Centers, Logistics Concerns, Bakeries,Butchers,Groceries & Different Related. Riyadh is very comfortable in Growth for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.But it's not Port or Coastal Affiliated or Harbour Marked or Close to the Red Sea or the Gulf .It's on the Mainland recruited.Also Mosques exists in Riyadh for Islamically Human Civilization.So Riyadh is Greatness & Opportunstic and has different Politically Schematic Ministries at Offerings.Also the Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Minerals & Ministry of Agriculture.So Mohammed Bin Salman ( His Royal Highness ) Expects 18 Million of  Internally Population in Riyadh in the Kingdom.Also 48 Millions of People are in Expectations in Qiddiya  ( القِدِّية ) Annually in 2030.Also the Related 5th Big Giga Project from the PIF Commission namely Diriyah which was released 2023, also UNESCO related  in the Kingdom is in Expectation of exactly 25 Millions of Tourism 2030 annually. Diriyah الدرعية is a Center of a Tourist Opportunistic Region in Riyadh.Diriyah will be completed like Amaala in 2027 AD .Diriyah is a Governorate Spot in the Outskirts from Riyadh which is constructed from Mud & Bricks and Clay. Also the King Salman International Airport which was under Renderings & CAD Modellierung & Models published 2022 will be till 2030 accomplished & finished just constructed.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود  creates a new Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He Reforms the Arabian Kingdom in the World.Nowadays also the PIF from Riyadh has a Chiffre from over 930 Billion of Dollars in Dollarization in Market Value.The Goal was 2025 Reaching exact 1 Trillion Dollar.Thick Arabian Currency Printed 4 Trillion Riyal.As far as 2030 is the Goal of Developed Structured 7.5 Trillion Riyal.Also the ( PIF ) Staatsfonds Sovereign Wealth Fund  will be 2025 commited to the next Papers & Epoch just Commission, Promulgation just the Media for new Planning in Arabia.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود  now in his Palace has strong Opportunities with the PIF & NEOM in World. Just ( Riyadh ) has Opportunities in Scale of Humanitarian Growth in World.So Riyadh the Population is Arabic.75 % from the Kingdom are under 35 Years Old.Also Riyadh has a Young Generation in SAUD.Riyadh is beautifully & Unique in World.Also especially Qiddiya is 45km from Riyadh ( Arabian Headquarters  & Capital) just the Heart of Saudi Arabia, also for Muhammad Bin Salman,his native Origin.So Riyadh is in Credibility of hugh Tourism Spectrum in the Vision 2030.So this was the Protokollierung / Protokoll for Riyadh & Mohammed Bin Salman the Kingdom & World.Mohammed Greetings From the Federal Republic of Germany.Greetings to Riyadh & NEOM. Bye

Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings to Riyadh / الرياض



( A.P.P ) The Sourcing


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / ( NEOM ) / Aqaba Regions / ( 11 ) Aqaba Regions till To Date / NEOM / Protokollierung / 22.03.2024 AD / Release Date 05.07.2024 AD


So NEOM is celebrating till today 15 Regions and therefore 11 Regions ( Gulf of Aqaba ) Regions.Aqaba is an Oceanic just Sea Marine Basin & Region flowing into the Red Sea located in the Kingdom of Saudi  Arabia.So one of the first Aqaba Planned Regions are ( Epicon ). This Region from NEOM is all about Architectural Significant Brilliance & Eloquent and Perfectionism of Architecture.Epicon has also Opportunities in NEOM just Tourism & Beautifully Measurement of Hotels just Luxurious Comfortable  Villas & Suites just Epicon is NEOM Pure.Epicon proves that this Fantastically & Grandeur Giga City has Opportunities in Design, the Layout & Schematic Architecture with Epicon.Aqaba Regions like Epicon has Beach Specifically Clubs in NEOM.Epicon has Wellness Spas & Comfortable Sojourn in Tourism Worldwide just a Unique & Charismatically Outlook on the Gulf of Aqaba the Adjacent Sea.Especially also one of the first Represented Aqaba Regions from the Government of Saudi Arabia  just the ( PIF ) and the Monarchy is Leyja.Leyja is a Specific Region from Aqaba which is Recruited in NEOM Aqaba with 3 Installed Hotels namely ( Wellness Hotel ) ( Oasis Hotel ) & ( Adventure Hotel ).These Installations will offer differentiated Eco-Tourism.Leyja has a neighbouring Hiking Trail to Trojena, the Wintersports separate Region of NEOM.So Leyja offers like all Aqaba Regions Spas & Wellness Centers.So Leyja is a Gigantically Region from NEOM,which offers Well-Promising Natural Beauty for Everybody in World.If from the European Continent & Asia or ( Oceania ) or South America & Africa or North America.Globally  Air Routes to NEOM are specific peculiar genuis & Comfortable in World.So Leyja & Epicon have Dream Type of Airlines in Air Connectivity Worldwide to NEOM Connection.So next Region is Norlana, especially also 1 of 15 NEOM Regions and 1 of 11 which is Aqaba. ( Norlana ) represents also Residential Properties & Skilled Workers will build Norlana nowadays for World Human Civilization which will live in Norlana.So Different Regions from NEOM offers Home Residential Opportunities in the Kingdom.So Norlana offers Sailing & Diving,Beach Villas,Equestrian Empowerment & 18 Golf Courses &120 Berth Marina in NEOM.Also the next ( NEOM ) Aqaba Region is named ( SIRANNA ). This Aqaba Region exemplifies Architectural Beauty for itself.Siranna has in the Front Foyer of the Building a Discerning & Promising Light-Blue Shimmering Pool just Basin from NEOM ( Siranna ) The Region Siranna is carved into the Mountains from NEOM.Tourism will hopefully established 2030 just the VISION 2030 from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also for Sindalah which is also an Region of NEOM.Sindalah's Tourism will open 2024 this Year,next time since now close to the 2nd Quarter 2024..Like all Aqaba Regions exist till today only Masterplannings or Regional Established Schematic Sketches or Figures & Models from the Gulf of Aqaba Regions just the Civil Engineering.The Modeling.There are only Pre-Planned Sketches & Contriving Fundamentally  Models also from the Complete ( 15 ) NEOM Regions,include Aqaba.Different Arabian Sketches were created for over 30 Projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, also for Riyadh Sketches for Projects. & Giga Projects .Especially also different Provinces are Sketches already Pre-Planned for the Vision 2030.So Complete in the Arab World are Approximately Reaching Over 200 Sketches & Pre-Planned CAD Renderings for Futuristic Gigantically Complexes in World.So back to ( Siranna ) This Aqaba Region embodies the Model of a Building just ( Civil Engineering ) of Differentiated Height Related Architectural Beauty Structures & a Model of a Pristine Look of Glamour & Charisma of NEOM ( Aqaba ).Siranna is just Perfect.Like all Works from Muhammad Bin Salman the Prince from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So the 5th Region from NEOM ( Aqaba ) is ( Utamo ). This Model represents Tourism Friendly & NEOM Visitors especially also very Actively in Representation & Showmanship of Arts & Theatric Opportunistic Portrayal in Front of Hundreds of World Human Civilization coming to NEOM.Utamo is all about specialised in a Fore-Front Foyer like an Great Entry into the Aqaba Region.Utamo is all about Contemporary & NEOM Art & Artistry.This Region from Aqaba is Entertainment like the most unique & genuisely in World History.These Performances are absolutely unique & remarkable just fascinating.Be in Expectations from the Vision 2030 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So the Gulf of Aqaba is blessed from God. God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also the 6th Aqaba Region is ( Aquellum ). It's all about Yachting & Yacht Clubs and Yacht Harbour Site in NEOM.So Aquellum is all about Subterranean Comfort & a Boulevard of Inspirational Look.Guests come to an Swimming Marina ( Dock ) in NEOM.So Aquellum ( Aqaba ) is fascinating & mind-boggling for Millions of World Human Civilization coming to ( NEOM ) Giga City 2030 just Vision 2030.So Aquellum is unique for Visitors & Guests coming from all Continents of World to NEOM to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .Aquellum ist just receiving Guests on the Berth in this Aqaba Region.Different Opportunities also Arts.So the 7th Region of Aqaba ( NEOM ) is Zardun.This Region is all about fostering a Natural Habitat with Pristine Outdoor Civilized Animals in a ( Zone ) of NEOM of just Animalistic ( Safari Park ), but a comfortable & beautifully Region of NEOM.Also in Zardun to find in the Region's Area a Monolith of World NEOM's New Future.This Region is gigantically for Preservation & Conservation for Mammals of Beauty World Earth's  Nature in World History.  Zardun represents a Model of Opportunities & Possibilities for a Sightseeing of a Region just a Futuristic Animals Terrain for Admiration in Scale .8th Aqaba NEOM Region is named ( Xaynor ). This Region exemplifies " The New Future ".It has Opportunities in Hugh Scale.Xaynor represents beautifully Botanic & Greenery.Just Water Basins in the Region.Xaynor is carved into NEOM's Mountains on  the Gulf of Aqaba.Xaynor is the ( 8th )Region of Aqaba from 11. As far as the Listing from the Aqaba Regions are not chronologically from Release Date Worldwide.So Xaynor has the Future of Tourism definitely in Incorporation from NEOM & " The New Future ".9th Region is from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Aqaba Region from NEOM namely (Elanan)  is Crude Developed in Shape of Cultivated Tourism & Opportunistic Openly of Architecture from Arabian Origin.Its Design & Curated and High Sophisticated World Class Inspiring Design just a Tower in midst of the Region of ( NEOM ) Aqaba Elanan.Elanan exemplifies also Pristine Beautifully Waterfalls & a Constellation and a High-Intellectual Schema of the ( Civil Engineering ) from the Complete Complex.Just Grandeur & Enormously Remarkable and Gigantically Epic NEOM even now & coming Development for all 15 Regions of NEOM the World Metropolitan Scale Area City with 15 Regions & 11 Aqaba Regions just NON-AQABA the first  ( 4 ) Namely OXAGON,Sindalah,The Line & Trojena.So NEOM is Gigantically and was firstly in Announcement of 2017 in World History.So from the Gulf of Aqaba the 10th Region is Gidori which was published in the 1 Quarter of 2024 in World.It's a  Typically Aqaba Region.It has a Design & Architecturistic Designer Structure of a Threefold-Trinity's Sculpture of the Aqaba's Region Mode.The CAD-Rendering was already Released like most 2024 of Aqaba Regions.The Last ( NEOM ) Gulf of Aqaba Region namely Treyam the 11th Region from Aqaba till now 22.03.2024 AD in World.This Region is all about a Bridge with ( Aqua ) Water filled Content  for Beauty of ( NEOM ) Giga City.This Region is all about Tourism & Strategic in the Midst of a Lagoon. This Region was last days published & released.So it's pristine & welcomed in the World.Treyam is truly " The New Future " of the World History " NEOM " the Giga City.So Treyham possesses also the World Humanitarian Biggest & Highest Sky Pool.So this from me Andreas Penno.So Mohammed Bin Salman & Riyadh just from me Andreas /  Great Wishings & Beautifully Hugh Correspondence just and hugh Greetings from Europe & Toy Toy Toy for the  Vision 2030 and NEOM.So Mohammed Bin Salman i wish you & your Kingdom like everybody from the World and our Planet , a Great Futuristic Vision 2030 & a World Metropolitan Scale City which is 2030 Built & Established and Great Created.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings from me Andreas  to Mohammed Bin Salman / NEOM & Riyadh and  Aqaba


A.P.P The Sourcing / The Source from Germany / ( EU )



Sanctuary Parks ( KSA  ) / Qiddiya /  World Trading Markets / Riyadh / EXPO 2030 / Makkah /  ( PIF ) Public Investment Fund / NEOM / Protokollierung 14.05.2024 / Release 05.07.2024 


So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia like all Dates from 2016 April since  the Vision 2030 started and محمد بن سلمان آل سعود Mohammed Bin Salman promulgated the blessed Vision 2030 in Riyadh till now World / European Continent / EU / Germany / NRW / UTC GMT +2 / Source 14.05.2024  Germany the Vision was a Hugh Enormously Success for  محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  & PIF Commission صندوق الاستثمارات العامة from Riyadh & NEOM. So Prizes were Dozends Won & Established for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The Red Sea Global won a Hugh Account on Quantity Prizes as well as ( KAUST ) & KAEC the Metropolitan City Area on the Red Sea had Gala Prizing & Awards just also the PIF & NEOM.The Strategy fo PIF from 2021-2025 was successfully in  Turn of  a hugh Percentage of Investments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So Saudi Arabia and the Gulf of AQABA is now under Construction & Development in World.12 Regions are now in AQABA under Establishment.Also  Treyam,Xaynor,Epicon,Utamo,Aquellum,Gidori,Elanan,Zardun  & Different also Jaumur the 16th NEOM Region.So also Sanctuary Parks حدائق الحرم in the Kingdom are totally a Region of Animal-friendly Connection to the Humanbeing.Thr Arabian Kingdom fosteres also from ARAMCO to حدائق الحرمhugh Areas in the Kingdom.So the PIF has close to 100 Corporations created & 1 Trillion Dollar ( Dollarization ) established,approximately 930 Billions of USA Dollar from Riyadh,Headquarters in World.Blackrock also from the East Coast of the USA was interested in the PIF last Time of Scale.World Trading Markets nowadays are hugh in Productivity of Profit of the Recession just Recuperation in the EU from Frankfurt or the USA.The Interest Rates from the USA & Europe are nowadays after 2023 / 2024 just regulated & recuperated. Globally Corporations & Industries  just Societies from the Mid-East Block just the Interest Rates from this Civilization are also nowadays enriched,constructive  & established with a comfortable Riyal & Dirham or Bahraini Dinar دينار fostered just in a Great Status of World Privileged Currency & Economically Mid-East Block of Prospering Structure just the Markets,especially also from Tadawul or Qatar Development Bank,Doha,QA or Bahrain Bourse are in Great Shape.So World Trading Markets are in Connectivity to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية truly in hugh Performance & Structure also from Asia & North America.So Transcontinental also to the Markets in ( EU ) Europe & Asia just Hong Kong or Beijing,the arabian Markets are confident & flexible just qualitative marked for this Century.So NEOM is now built, 16 Regions are now established in a Zone of 26,500 km ² in Arabia.Tourism should be Millions for AQABA when created.So ( Qiddiya )القِدِّية is nowadays under Creation.2024 / 2025 in the late Quartals Qiddiya is planned to be open.300 Attractions.Qiddiya is blessed from God in World History.360km ² in Area for all families from globally Scale and all Humanbeings of World.Just early in the Morning from the Cornflakes with Milk and the Children is crunching the Flakes just the Families are preparing in Preperation for Qiddiya early in the Morning.Just get the Tickets from all Continents of World and via Airplane to Riyadh and than having the most beautifully & recuperating just unique and special Moment in Lifetime eternally in World.Qiddiya القِدِّية is promising for all World Civilization coming to this Theme Park and enjoying the Presence,locally in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Makkah also the Diversification is going on till 2030.Hugh Strides are welcomed in this Time of World.So the Public Investment Fund,as well as,successfully in World from Riyadh the Commission,(PIF ) صندوق الاستثمارات العامة achieved 2023 / 2024 Milestones also for the Financially Budget of PIF just 930 Billion of Dollars in Capitalization & Profit.So the Arabian Kingdom from all the Giga-Projects just PIF also Diriyah or Mukaab also NEOM AQABA or OXAGON or Thuwal,Red Sea Global Amaala, The Red Sea,Relations to Abu Dhabi or Dubai or Bahrain,( GCC ) Golfkooperationsratsstaat( DE ), Sindalah, Trojena,King Salman Park (  2024 Open ) ,AL ULA Restaurants & Concert Hall,Riyadh Cafés,so the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is profiting from different Occasions also maybe the next King Salman International Airport in Riyadhالرياض  ,also the King Khalid International  Airport is also Communicative & Multicontinental in World from Riyadh.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  is the Prime Minister & PIF Chairman from a enormously growing Kingdom in World History.The PIF is in Growth & NEOM.Also KAUST & KAEC are in Growth just like the Gulf Projects such as " THE RIG " which is close to be Released next Time.The RIG was once released also on such Journalism of Reuters  from London, U.K.So Journalism such as Arab News, Al Jazeera,SPA,Al Arabiya are protocolating hugh References on the Vision 2030.So God bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM نيوم in World History.God Bless.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


In Greetings to Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  & NEOM & Qiddiya from Riyadh 


A.P.P The Source


Stay Actively  

World / Civilization / European Continent / ( EU ) / Wiehl / Wald / Theodor Fliedner /  UTC GMT +2 / Protokoll / 08.06.2024


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  / ( PIF ) /  The Mukaab / KSA in 2040 / Red Sea  /  ALULA Nature / Makkah /NEOM / Vision 2030 / 


Officially /  A.P.P Source / 08.06.2024 / Publishing 05.07.2024


So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in Growth & Hugh Rise like always in World.So the Independence from Oil & Diversification from Oil is already actively.So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia profits next time from an ( ARAMCO )  Stock from Tadawul ( Riyadh ).His Royal Highness ( HRH ) Mohammed Bin  Salman reforms since 2016 when the Vision 2030 started the Kingdom.So Riyadh is in Growth & starkly  Rise & Diversification.NEOM and the actually New Definition from the AQABA Region from NEOM named ( Magna ) .Just meant 120km  Coastline AQABA is from ( NEOM ) operating now under the Alias Magna.So ( AQABA ) is definitely nowadays from the 12 Regions also named Treyam,Epicon,Elanan, Aquellum,Zardun, Norlana,  GidoriUtamo,Siranna,Xaynor,Jaumur,Leyja are all AQABA / MAGNA  NEOM Regions.So Muhammad Bin Salman wants NEOM 2030 in best Shape regulated & complete enlightened 100 % Finished.Me Andreas Penno wants also NEOM 2030 complete accomplished.NEOM is beautifully & pristine.Especially also NEOM ( Shushah ) with the Coral Garden.NEOM is unique.NEOM is a Plateau, NEOM is astonishment.Sindalah will open now 2024 in this Year.The Red Sea Global opened already Gates for Tourists in 2023.Nowadays 2024 will also the King Salman Park from Riyadh,just the Vision 2030 open for some Regions of this Great Park.So Muhammad Bin Salman designs the Vision 2030.He creates a better Kingdom for the Arab Folk & the Humanity.Also ( ALULA ) these Days some Civilization of Tourists visited starkly ALULA and its Nature and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.So the Sun  is shining in Europe & Africa and NEOM.NEOM circulates across 3 Continents in World.The Mukaab is in Growth.The New Murabba is nowadays in Riyadh under Construction.Reaching in Growth of over 300.000 Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Riyadh plans with Mohammed Bin Salman over 15-18 Million of Population till 2030 Vision.So also Makkah the Hajj is coming.Pilgrims are in Preparation for Mecca.So also the Eastern Province is in Growth & the (  PIF ) Public Investment Fund صندوق الإستثمارات العامة & carries nowadays 930 Billion of Dollars.2025 is planned in the Riyadh ( PIF ) Regulations & Plannings Growth Chiffre of 1 Trillion Dollar / 4 Trillion ريال.The ( PIF ) was once founded in 1971 in Riyadh.Nowadays Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود is Chairman of the ( PIF ).Closely to 100 Corporations & Industries were built since 2017 when almost the Vision 2030 started.The Vision 2030  رؤية السعودية ٢٠٣٠.So Sindalah will open this Year 2024 in World.The Sun & Wind Energy مصادر الطاقة المتجددة  in the Kingdom is hugh advanced & operating in strong Growth also when the 200 GW Solar Energy Panels came 2018 contracted from محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  in New York with Masayoshi Son from Japan.So NEOM is growing & The Red Sea Global and Amaala & The Red Sea is in Growth & Rise.The Infrastructure about the Greatest World Globally Project NEOM is tantalizing & precious.NEOM will be built in World History.So the PIF was awarded as the Greatest Sovereign Wealth Fund named ( PIF ) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So 2026-2030 will be new Projects coming to the Kingdom in Worth of 2 Trillion Riyal ( ريال.).The Red Sea is a beautifully Ocean in World.The Red Sea & the Prince Muhammad Bin Salman College is pristine.The Red Sea is also filled with Whales,Dolphines & Fish Species over 300 Species just  abundant of Coral Reefs .So also Djibouti from Africa borders on the Red Sea.A Great Space.So Jeddah now 2024 has also the Formula 1 Parcours the Corniche.Also Qiddiya will be opened next Time a Formula 1 Parcours concessioned & licenced from the  Formula 1 as a Circuit.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود (HRH ) reforms the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Also the Women's Rights.The Privatization & Sun and Wind Energy Sourcing.So also Dubai & Abu Dhabi & Qatar قَطَر are now in the 2nd Quarter 2024 in Prospering State .Me Andreas just protocolates from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & ( GCC ) Gulf Cooperation Council & the PIF. Nowadays the Markets are enorm rich.Also Stock Markets / Share Markets just Hedge Funds,Options,Contracts for Differences,Exchange Traded Funds stands in Middle Point of Exchanges nowadays .Also in Qatarَطَر  is a hugh Potential in ( GDP ) PPP Per Capita.So we have Growth in the GCC / Middle East & World this 21st Century / القرن ال 21 .The Markets nowadays also the Bombay Stock Exchange is enriched & blessed with the Rupee.So Mohammed Bin Salman lives in a Palace in Riyadh.NEOM is in Growth & Prizes coming strong to  SAUD.The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia earned hugh Quantity on Prizes from 2016-2024.Strong achieved.So also Diriyah the UNESCO listed Site will be finished 2030.Qiddiya will be finished ( 2030 ) but open this Year 2024 / 2025 .So also the Mukaab grows under Construction which will host  when accomplished this 21st Century,strong Hospitality & an Entrance of Beauty.Just Mukaab of Dining & a Lift for above.So the Mukaab المكعب is pure Beauty just from the Installation & Growth just the Civil Engineering from the Architecture & Pristine Model of Opportunities for Design.So Mohammed Bin Salman Thanks a Lot.Thank You Very Much for the Vision 2030 & NEOM.God Bless U Mohammed & Riyadh.


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


Greetings to Riyadh / Mohammed Bin Salman & NEOM and The Red Sea in World & New York


A.P.P Source / Sourcing 


Stay actively

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Protokollierung till 2030  / Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud  /  Kingdom since History / Red Sea / ARAMCO /  لمملكة العربية السعودية / World Civilization / Public Investment Fund / Crude Oil Independence / Riyadh / Infrastructure of the Kingdom of


Saudi Arabia / NEOM نيوم / Protokollierung / (  Protokoll ) / Column / Text  / 26.06.2024 AD ( Anno Domini ) / Protokollierung Release Date 05.07.2024


So now in the World History about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  لمملكة العربية السعودية  in World.The Vision 2030 & the Folk of the Kingdom.In the Year 1776 4th July  when the United States of America was born & established and created and founded.When the founding Fathers of the USA founded this Country.And the USA was established by the Declaration of Independence.Hundreds & Centuries later  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  لمملكة العربية السعودية  in the Year 1932 was built in Grandeur & Bloom & Pride and Glory.King Saud the first Monarch founded the Kingdom.So Riyadh was a Century ago from nowadays World / Civilization / European Continent / Germany / Theodor Fliedner / Wiehl / Wald / UTC GM T +2 / 26.06.2024 / 08:20 O'Clock Early  a Lone uncivilized scared  unpopulated Land Kingdom & Desert State  & Unique Environmental Region in the Spot of a Desert State which a Century later became flourished in the 21st Century from a Royal  Prince named Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود and his Reformation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM.So 1932 was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia لمملكة العربية السعودية  was State of Birth of a Kingdom of Growth,but Riyadh was very unsettled & unpopulated and in Differrentiation.King SAUD was the first Monarch in the Arabian Monarchy.Also the Red Sea was Pristine & Conventional in Essence for Fishing & Hunt marked.So 1930 in World History a Century ago from now the Red Sea البحر الأحمر  was holy for the Arabians and Makkah the Province existed as well as ( Mecca ).So History dates long ago from the Build-Up & Construction of the Kaaba the Al HARAM Mosque in Makkah.The World Civilization back than was regulated also for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a other Civilization than nowadays in the 21st Century.King Saud founded Saudi Arabia.Also the Islamic Belief and the Hajj is till nowadays  a hugh strong Aspiration from Mohammed Bin Salman and the Arabian Monarchy.Also the Islamic Belief is decisive for Qatar,Abu Dhabi,Dubai,the Emirates,Bahrain,Kuwait,Oman and the whole GCC ( Gulf Cooperation Council )مجلس التعاون لدول الخلیج العربية in World History.So the arabian Kingdom in since a Century in Growth in World,Also since 1971 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the PIF was inaugurated.The ( PIF ) Pubic Investment Fund was 1971 in Riyadh founded & established.So in History first the Arabian weren't in Acquisition of Oil and in Need & Aspirations of Oil.The Americans in the 1930' sold ARAMCO to the Arabian Civilization.Nowadays Mohammed Bin Salman and the صندوق الاستثمارات العامة Public Investment Fund have strong Growth / Development in the 21st Century.Mohammed Bin Salman is blessed by God & the Angels  in Heaven like the Stars of Ankara at nights flickering through the Orient.So the Public Investment Fund صندوق الاستثمارات العامة  & Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud are in strong Profit with PIF nowadays in World.Riyadh flourished,prospered & grew since 1970 till now 2024 in hugh Mass & Constructive Measurements in Modern Culture in World.The Culturistic Sites from Riyadh a Coined since 20th Century till 21st Century in World History.Also God Bless Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nayan from Abu Dhabi.God Bless Palm Jumeirah from Dubai the Complex.God Bless Bahrain the smart tiny Island from the ( GCC ) مجلس التعاون لدول الخلیج العربية .Also the Sultanate from Oman.Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.God Bless the Arabian Peninsula  & the Arab World and my Native Continent Europe.So back to History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & also the Metropolitan Scale City of Jeddah or ALULA.So also Al-Qassim the Province from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exists in World.Especially Asir or Al Jawf or Makkah & Al Riyadh or Eastern Province. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is blessed in Human Nature.Also the nowadays Oil Reserves from 267 Billion Barrel Crude Oil internally in Kingdom.So Mohammed Bin Salman the internally Crown Prince is enriched of these Depositions  & Crude Reseves.Anyway Mohammed &his relative Kingdom wants to be in Crude Oil Independence & Diversification from Oil this Century.So also Rayyanah Barnawi an Astronaut which was the first Female Astronaut in Kingdom of Saudi Arabian History which was in Space  & Universe.She docked on the(  ISS ) 2022 / 2023.So the Kingdom has in the 21st Century Opportunities & Possibilities in World History.Even nowadays 2024 till 2030 till the Vision 2030 is complete and different over 30 Projects are accomplished.Also the Jeddah Tower ( Kingdom Tower ) will be 2030 development & starkly hugh in Contrast established & formed.So also the Riyadh Subway or the Medical Security Forces Hospital in  Riyadh & Jeddah.The Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College in  the King Abdulllah Economic City ( KAEC ). So Mohammed Bin Salman & the صندوق الاستثمارات العامة  is successfully in the Kingdom.So Diriyah in Riyadh is a Region of Clay & Mass of Special Commodity once built in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So the Red Sea has also Coral Reefs like NEOM " Shushah "  the Coral Garden which will be 2025 / 2026 actively.Diriyah  in Expectations 2030 over 25 Million of Population coming from Abroad or Internally Native to Diriyah ( Riyadh ).So Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud محمد بن سلمان آل سعود  reforms the Kingdom.Also an Fragment from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the King Salman International Airport in Riyadh.Also the King Khalid International Airport is an Airport from Riyadh.The Islamically Region from Makkah ( Al Haram Mosque ) gets an Diversification of different Partitions in Mecca for better Comfortability in Space for Makkah in the KSA. So operational & systematically Growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in Expectations.Mohammed Bin Salman has a shiny Name natively in the Arab Land  of the Holy Mecca. The Red Sea البحر الأحمر  once divided from Moses in Biblically Holy Scripts & Psalms is nowadays a Spot of hugh Transportations / Ship & Export / Import Docks and Transfer leading to the Suez Canal ( 13 % of World Trade ).So the arabian Kingdom is holy.The holy Son from Makkah Mohammed Bin Salman Reforms the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So also we in Germany say Dschidda to Jeddah.KAEC is nowadays to 20 % fully developed & constructed.So Riyadh and Tadawul the Arabian Markets Stock Exchange from Riyadh is today successfully with Options,Future Options Exchange Traded Funds,STOCKS,Arabian Riyal Concessioned Shares & Equity Markets,hugh intellectual MSCI Markets since 2019.Tadawul reveals Trading Markets with ARAMCO.Also ARAMCO Shaybah & ARAMCO KSA is nowadays a Market Place of Oil Infrastructure which rely on Crude Oil Independence ( Oil ) & Petroleum Export / Import Basis.So ARAMCO from Dhahran pumps every day 13 Millions of Crude Oil.In the European Oil Associations are also SHELL and BP or North America ConocoPhillips & GCC ADNOC and BAPCO and QATAR ENERGY from Doha,Qatar,Mid-East,Asia,World.So the World Tolerant Oil Exchanges also Offshore Coastal Drilling Islands from the Persian Gulf or Pacific or Gulf of Mexico or North Sea or Different Seas &Oceans.Anyway Venezuela has the most Opportunities in Oil 300 Billion Barrel Crude Oil Reserves in World.So Europe the Continent we have no Oil.But in North America in Nevada Las Vegas is Crude Oil Daily for Drilling Ready.And we have nowadays Eurex & Forex Markets.Anyway Mohammed Bin Salman and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reforms this Monarchy.Also Women's Rights for the Arab Women are totally in Aquisition of Freedom & Human Rights concessioned this Century in this  Vision 2030.The PIF the Last Investments were especially also Space Activity.Also PIF signed Contracts with WTA.So the PIF  صندوق الاستثمارات العامة explores,operates,grows & developes itself into Commission of Profit & Arabian Riyal  and Governmental Branche of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in World History.The PIF صندوق الاستثمارات العامة  had since 2016 April when the Vision 2030 began till now 2024 over 180-200 Investments Actively Globally  &Worldwide and Regional in the Kingdom.The ( NIF ) NEOM Investment Fund was established 2023 in October in NEOM.Also NEOM signed an Contract with ENOWA & Mclaren just NEOM is regional available with Motosports Racing around Mountains even nowdays.NEOM signed also a Contract with Nvidia since 2017 Announcement in Riyadh from NEOM in World.Also with Thyssenkrupp and a HYDROGEN ( H ²) Deal with a Sourcing / Resource from World.So nowadays over 200.000 Employees work in NEOM when just 300.000 Jobs actively now in NEOM established from Mohammed Bin Salman the Prime Minister in all 16 Regions of City.So NEOM has also AQABA العقبة Regions like Epicon,Aquellum,Gidori,Jaumur,Elanan,Leyja,Utamo and different  Regions from NEOM AQABA will further Tourism in World  & the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.AQABA Regions are fostered in a Model like hugh attractive Hotel & Leisure just Vacation's Regions from NEOM.So this World Metropolitan Scale City Area offers a gigantically Zone of especially also Nature from 95 % Preservation  & Conservation of NEOM. 40 % from World Civilization can reach NEOM via Airplane within 6 Hours.The Red Sea offers also Fishing for Interest of the  Kingdom like also the Arabian Folk prefers Pure Breed Horses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So also Epicon from AQABA has a beautifully Stagnant Solid Crystal Firm Building in the Midst of AQABA.So Mohammed Bin Salman and the KSA were also in the USA 2018.Also Mohammed Bin Salman was in last Years in Malaysia,Indonesia,Turkey,Jordan,Japan,South Korea,China,U.K Spain,France and ALULA.Mohammed fosters a Great Relationship to Erdogan from Turkey.Also Rishi Sunak visted Israel & Riyadh 2023 & 2024.So the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia flourishes this Era of World.The Monarchy Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM propsers and grows  in its Mountains & Desert State and its Vegetation in front of its Shape & Norm.محمد بن سلمان آل سعود Mohammed Bin Salman & Riyadh the Headquarters are in Growth.NEOM OXAGON 7km Width & in Offerings of Residential Units and Autonomously Port & Harbour Function.First Fully Autonomously Floating Region just OXAGON from NEOM and the biggest Floating Pigment  & Region of World.So NEOM has also Trojena.For Winter Sports.Skiing & Snowboarding.2029 Will be the Winter Asian Games in Trojena,NEOM.Giga City.So NEOM propsers & is glorified even nowadays of Construction of all 16 Regions and Development of NEOM.Also like the Metamorphosis of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century.The Growth.The Development.The Rise from the Vision2030.Mohammed's Vision 2030.Riyadh is also in Perspectively Growth & Rise.Riyadh in Planning 20 Millions of Population till 2030 AD Vision.So ohhhhh,also Qiddiya the Leisure Park.The Entertainment's Park.300 Attractions.334km ² Big Scale of Qiddiya 45 km from Riyadh.Qiddiya represents the biggest Leisure Park in World History.Qiddiya is circulated from Mountains in the Desert.Also Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck the Looney Tunes,or Enlightend Horses with ( Blue Lux ) in Qiddiya.Also an Formula 1 Circuit.So Qiddiya has a Water Park & Six Flags an American Contractor For Qiddiya which builds the Six Flags Park.So Qiddiya is 2 2 / 1 as Big as Walt Disney.Mohammed Bin Salman & Qiddiya will be for Centuries blessed from the Heavently Father,God.Also Qiddiya with the Falcon Roller Coaster in ( Qiddiya ).Riyadh offers also the King Salman Park with Environmental Studies of Greenery & Education and Cycling around this Park.The King Salman Park offers hugh Interest of Fostering Riyadh in a Pensum of Greatness & Splendid Era of Rehabilitation in Riyadh.Great Park Great Idea from the Government of Riyadh to Create an Park which is bigger then the Central Park of New York City.So Mohammed Bin Salman محمد بن سلمان آل سعود reforms the Kingdom into a Green Product of Human Nature.So God Bless Mohammed Bin Salman & NEOM.Also for the United States of America.Toy Toy Toy Joe Biden / Kamala Harris Administration.God Bless the Democrats of the USA.God Bless NEOM & World.God Bless Qiddiya .


God Bless the Vision 2030 in World History.


Graduated / 30 Protokolle


Yours Sincerely,


Andreas Penno


30th Arabian Protokollierung / Protokoll of this Sector Industrial Terms / Business Establishment / Corporation's Language


In Greetings to Kamala Harris & USA North America  / Rishi Sunak & Berlin ( Bundestag ) Olaf Scholz   & Angela Merkel


God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


A.P.P Source / Sourcing / World Industry