Justiz / Jura / Gesetz / Rechtswissenschaften / ( Law ) Jargon / Law Enforcement / Glossary / Justice / EN / DE Transcript
Sektor 1
closing arguments-Schlussplädoyer
D.O.C-Criminal-D.O.C Krimineller / Outlaw Affiliated /
Crime Report-Verbrecherakte
convicted-für schuldig befunden
jurisprudence-Rechtslehre / Rechtswissenschaft
your honour-euer Ehren
counts-an verschiedenen Punkten angeklagt
correctional facility-JVA/Justizvollzugsanstalt
case law-Fallrecht,Präzedenzrecht,Richterecht
coup d'etat-Staatsstreich
plea bargain-Option die genommen wird, während der Verhandlung die gewählt wird um das Urteil nicht so nach enormen Ausmaßen ausgehen zulassen
Crime court-Gericht
reckless endangerment-vorsätzliche Gefährdung,grobfahrlässige Gefährdung
Sektor 2
customary law-Gewohnheitsrecht
statutory law-Gesetzesrecht
legal form-Rechtsform
admission of guilt-Schuldbekenntnis
bill of indictment-Anklageschrift
deliberations-Besprechungen führen
European crime court-Europäischer Gerichtshof
forensic accountant-Finanzsachverständiger
provision-Klausel / Law / Gesetz
waive-ein Rechtsanspruch aufgeben
summary proceedings-Schnellverfahren
power of attorney-Bevollmächtigung
main suspect-Hauptverdächtige
legal age-Volljährigkeit
attorney's fee-Anwaltsgebühr
legal department-Rechtsabteilung
lemon law-Schutzgesetz für Autokäufer
civil action-Zivilklage
Sektor 3
law enforcement agency-Strafverfolgungsbehörde
revocation-Widerruf(laut Gesetz)
circuit-Bezirk / Gerichtsbezirk
power of attorney-Bevollmächtigung
holdover-Inbesitzhalten(Einer Pachtsache / Mietsache nachVetragsablauf)
penal code-Strafgesetzbuch
case configuration-Fallkonstellation
en banc-alle Richter zusammen
Criminal Justice Agency-(CJA)
recusal-Ablehnung / Eines Richters wegen Befangenheit
crop up-auftreten / enstehen [Vertrag zw. einem Prozessführer u. einem Dritten, eine Klage gemeinsam zu finanzieren, um den Erlös zu teilen]
Sector 4
to practise law-als Jurist tätig sein
Architects Law-Architektenrecht
aviation law-Luftfahrtsrecht
Avogadro's law-Avogadro-Gesetz / Chemie
banking law-Bankengesetz
business law-Wirtschaftsrecht
constitutional law-Verfassungsrecht
capital crime-Kapitalverbrechen / Mit Todesstrafe bedroht
corporate crime-Wirtschaftskriminaliät / Law / Economy
crime prevention-Kriminalitätsverhütung
crime novel-Kriminalroman
Crime Commission-Kriminalkommission / Schweiz
crime matriarch-Patin / Chefin einer kriminellen Gang
legal-rechtlich / gestzlich
Senate-Verabschiedung der Gesetze in den Vereingiten Staaten von Amerika / US
legal act-Rechtsakt
legal action-Rechtshandlung
legal admissibility-rechtliche Zulässigkeit
general counsel-Justiziar
Sector 5
historical school of jurisprudence-historische Rechtsschule
medical jurisprudence-Rechtsmedizin
Imperial School of Jurisprudence Kaiserliche Rechtsschule / St.Petersburg
supreme court-allerhöchstes Gericht
law school-juristische Fakultät
law school building-Juridicum / Law /Education / Architecture
by civil law-zivilrechtlich
by constitutioal-law-aus verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht
erfassungsrechtlicher Sicht
effective in law-rechtswirksam
police department-Polizeidezernat
police tactically-polizeitaktisch
fed-FBI Agent
inquisition-strenges Verhör
D.S.J.Doktor of judicially science
J.D-Juris Doctor / Doktor der Rechte
Beasley School of Law at Temple University / Japan Campus-Japanische juristische Fakultät
remote forensic software-fernforensische Software
opinio juris-Rechtsauffassung / Opinio Juris
Sector 6
forensic anthrropologist-forenischer Anthropologe
coromer's inquest-Leicheninspektion
law style-Kanzelstil
marital law-Eherecht
lynch law-Lynchgesetz
multisensory law-multisensorisches Recht
narcotics law-Betäubungsmittelrecht
intellectual property rights-geistige Eigentums Rechte
barrister-Anwalt / Rechtsanwaltschaft
criminal barrister-Strafverteidiger
Scots Law-Schottenrecht
attorney renumeration law-Rechsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz
white shoe firm-führende Anwaltskanzlei / Unternehmungsberatung / Finanzgesellschaft in den U.S / Besonders in New York
enforcement measure-Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahme
law enforcement officer-Rechtpfleger
bail enforcement agent-Kautionsagent
Drug Enforcement Administration-Drug Enforcement Administration / Amerikanische Drogenbehörde
Debt Enforcement Office-Betreibungsamt / Schweiz
Sector 7
de jure-laut Gesetz
uniform law-einheitliches Gesetz
biogenetic law-biogenetisches Gesetz
to contravene a law-gegen ein Ge
setz verstoßen
to read law-Jura studieren
to dispense justice / Recht sprechen ( Jura )
to cheat justice-der Justice ein Schnippchen schlagen
Lady Justice-Justitia
arbritrary justice-Wilkürjustiz
the right to silence-das Recht zu schweigen
fair dos-gleiches Recht für alle
inherent right of self-defence-natur gegebenes Recht auf plausible Selbstverteidigung
right of terminiation without notice-Rechts zur fristlosen Kündigung
white collar crime-Wirtschaftsverbrechen
trade law-Markenrecht
Sector 8
tort law-Haftpflichtsrecht
tort law-Landrecht
transportl law-Transportrecht
unwritten law-umgeschriebenes Gesetz
zoning law-Bauplanungsrecht
circuit-Bezirk + Gerichtsbezirk / Jura
proprietary-firmeigen / firmgeschützt / Firmrecht
law on stock companies-Aktienrecht
informationst technology law-IT-Recht / IT geschützt
law abiding-rechtsliebend
estate assets-Nachlassvermögen
communication lawyer-Korrespondenzanwalt
to lawyer up-sich ein Anwalt nehmen
association lawyer-Verbandssyndikus
bankruptcy lawyer-Fachanwalt für Insolvenzrechte
company lawyer-Korporationjurist / Firmanwaltschaft
lawyers office-Advokaturskanzlei / Anwaltskanzlei
Sector 9
outside lawyer-externer Anwalt
to employ a lawyer-ein Rechtsanwalt beauftragen und orderen
to court martial sb-jmd vor ein Kriegsgericht stellen
administration court-Verwaltungsgericht
court registry-Geschäftsstelle [beim Gericht]
court reporter-Gerichtsschreiber
court ruling.Gerichtsentscheidung
courts session-Gerichtstermin
court square-Gerichtsplatz / Metropolen / Großstädische Skala
court staff-Gerichtshofspersonal
court spokesperson-Gerichtssprecher
federal prosecutor-verfasslicher Generalstaatsanwalt
ecclesiastical court-Kirchenjustiz
court of sessions-Zivilgerichtshof Schottlands
court eppointed expert-Rechsexperte / Hochprotokollierter Gesetzesexperte
Sector 10
court appointed psychiatrist-Gerichtspsychiater
Federal Tax Court-Bundesfinanzhof
eyewitness testimony-Augenzeugenbericht
false tesimony-Falschaussage
injunction-gerichtlicher Unterlassungsbefehl
bill to perpetuate testimony.Beweissicherungsantrag
jurisdiction clause-Zuständigkeitsklausel
secular jurisdiction-mondiale Rechtssprechung / Weltliche Justiz
to exercise exclusive jurisdiction-auschließliche Gerichtsbarkeit ausüben
venue jurisdiction-Gerichtshoheit
lawful-dem Gesetz entsprechend and vetraulich sein
amended bill-verbessertes Gesetz
to study law-Jura studieren
to become law rechtskräftig werden
applicable law-anwendbares Gesetz
approval law ( a federal law with which national approval to an international treaty is given ) Zustimmungsgesetz
basic law ( German Constitution )-Grundgesetz
budget law(Politik)-Königrecht des Parlaments ( Etatrecht)
UN / United Nations / New York / US / North America / Human Rights / World Organization /
( UN ) New York City / NY / New York / USA / United States of America / North America Headquarters of World / UN / Now 2022 / Human Rights & Caring by Social Activity of US and World
The United Nations Organization short ( UNO ) is an Operating Sustainable Resource for a more human friendly and lawfully just justice creational World. It does operate in ( 193 )States & Countries on global activity.
Foundation ( San Francisco ) California / USA 24.October 1945 in World / North America. It was formed from differentiated countries. This UN is for a great value of Justice Principles of Humankind in World.
DE / Germany / Western Civilization / World / EU / European Continent / Protokollierung 04.04.2022 / Protokoll / andreaspennophotography.de
Appendix / QM / Terms / Translation EN / DE
risk management-Risikomanagement
process-oriented quality management-prozessorientiertes Qualitätsmanagement / PQM
caution-Vorsicht / QM
process performance management-Prozess-Leistungs-Management
management representative-Beauftragter der Leitung
quality measurement-Qualitätsmessung
production planning and control system-Produktionsplanungs- und Steuerungssystem(PPS-System)
stakeholder-Projektbeteiligter / QM
quality management documentation-Qualitätsmanagements - Dokumentation
Delphi Method-Delphi-Methode(QM)
occurence-Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit / QM
approval status-Freigabestand
acceptance-Abnahme(Prüfung auf Tauglichkeit)
increment-Einzelprobe / die aus der Gesamtheit entnommene Probe / Prozessanalytik
Project Management Office-Projekt Management-Office (PMO)
requirement specification-Lastenheft / QM
quadrature modulation-Quadratmodulation
process quality-Prozessqualität
quality assessment-Qualitätsbeurteilung
exciters-Begeisterungsmerkmale / QM / Marketing / Kundenbeziehungsmanagment
increment-Einzelprobe / Prozessanalytik
bioburden-mikrobielle Belastung
milestone-;Meilenstein / Ereignis besonderer Bedeutung / Wichtiges Zwischenziel im Projektmanagment
non-conformity-Nichtkonformität / Fehler ( QM)
tracibility-Traceability / QM
in-process Inprozess / ( Prozessüberwachung, Messung, Kontrolle, Kompensation
VdS-approved-VdS anerkannt
affinity diagram-Affinitätsdigramm
additional guarantee-Zusatzgarantie
ALARP / region-ALARP Bereich
analytical sensitivity-analytische Sensitivität
aide-mémoire-Aide Mémoire
3C certification / compulsory certification of china-3C Zertifizierung / CCC Zertifizierung
black belt-Black Belt/ Verbesserungsexperte / Six Sigma / QM
balanced scorecard-Balanced Scorecard / internes strategisches Managementsystem
benefit matrix-Nutzungsmatrix ( Auch Benefitmatrix )
Bloomberg Journalism / andreaspennophotography.de / Different Related / Take a Look.....Stay Actively
Lloyd Blankfein Interview with Bloomberg's David Rubenstein With Locally Professional Camera Technology & Environment / Protokoll / 15.11.2020 /
The United States of America Big Governments Building US / andreaspennophotography.de / Greenery Around House / Capitol Hill / So this Photography is pleasantly to look at. Exact Photographic Scenery Captured from somebody. Below the David Rubenstein Show in North America ( Peer To Peer Conversation ) David Rubenstein actually was talking next to Lloyd C. Blankfein in 2016. The Conversation was established under great Circumstances & Conditions. It's all about Blankfein Possibilities in the Goldman Sachs Corporation and the Risks to take in this dollar engaging Bank. It's worthwhile watching at this interview from Bloomberg even it's 4 years ago. It's tailored for everybody liking America & It's Experts & Professionals. JPMorgan Chase and Co is also in New York behind Goldman Sachs or KKR. So it's all about making Dollar Banknotes meticulously. So nowadays David Solomon is president in this Banking Institute. But i thought to myself why not puttng is so great human being like Blankfein on this corporation.
So Blankfein is notorious & intelligent bout Banking Institutional Arts / He was once CEO in Goldman Sachs. Constructive Bankability for the Bank he gripped the Essence and was a brilliant CEO and Chairman for the Bank. Really To say David Rubenstein does always say " I'm not calling myself a Journalist. So this conversation is all about also a Characterization from Lloyd. So while talking he is elucidating & portraying a statement from his tenure of Goldman Sachs.Also he's protocolating that decisions of his presidential commitment & obligationary by this bank and his professional gifted financially inkling became succsseful in his leading post. Lloyd Blankfein was in highly proficiency & development for his works & engagement known. He made billions of dollars with this popular US Bank.
Recording from 27.10.2016 ( Video Scale Contribution )
Bloomberg Europe
Protokoll / Germany /DE / Europe / Western Civilization / Bloomberg / Journalism / Article of Chinese Economically Future / Protokoll 04.04.2022
So China is a truly powerful and rich country with hugh circumstances & chances to grip the essence on a future of discerning & lucrative energy & manufacturing worldwide.China is restoring daily hugh amount of solar energy ecosystematic technology pushing them forward. In the year 2030 from now 2022 China plans to achieve 1.2 Terawatts of Solar & Wind Energy Creation & Development for its socialist country of the Asian Continent. The Major & Cooperative Country from the eastern civilization of human era named China and its government plans to create & to be in establishment of 150 new nuclear reactors till 2037.
China wants now to decarbonize its country under best possibilities. Highly Concentrated Giga - Technology will clean up the uplifting & structured Energy Sector. China is decarbonizing it's terrain & mainland. China has a sovereign wealth fund of over 1 Trillion US $ Dollars in Banknotes. Xi Jinping the president from Beijing ( Main Central Capital ) from China was convinced & promised 2021 that his Country will be 2060 at Carbon Neutrality just achieving this giant planning to create a better world & a contra against the Climate Change .Especially the Belt and Road Initiative ( Silk Road ) this ( Mega Transcontinental Project ) will be at ( Metamorphosis ) & Transformation of humankind infrastructure when accomplished and finished next decades .
The New Silk Road will be concerned in a high intellectual & intelligent super powers product linking all big & grand cities, also roads & Waters, just also Airport & (Gas) Transformative Pipelines just Train Operative Connectivity & Infrastructure. Productivity from the Chinese Manufacturing is all about Solar Energy. As far as the actually news ( China ) want to build on the eastern region of the world intelligent & smart country Solar Energy Panel Structures & Wind Turbines just on the eastern geographically region & terrain of the country. Also in Mongolia ( Asia ) willl be an Diversification from Wind & Sun operating systematic creative Renewables for chinese delivery for Energy. Green Economically Outlook & Green Striking Technology is welcomed till 2060 immense & enormous economically possibilites through the Silk Road & its opportunties just ( Transcontinental ) Belt & Road eventually chances for a mobilised & connected world. So the chinese generally typically manufactured worker is the most flexible & confident worker of the world. You can believe this is a true fact.So ( China) and its government from Beijing is pretty sure that 2060 the streets, the environment, the mountains. the roads , the land and eventually the country will have clean air to breath & pure breathable human friendly air. The cars will be 2050 / 2060 from now 2022 extremly converted in to green energy & confident elctrification-purpose.Xi is also very optimistically of a great Deal to the Belt & Road Initiative talk about the Silk Road.So China is structured, developed & super world cooperative powers. Chinas history reaches over 12 Dynasties in the progress of its historically portrayal. Xi Jinping and the governmental sculpture & infrastructure will create a green country. Also China is a hugh ally & cooperational figure to the Russian Federation and Moscow. But anyway nowadays a lot of Air Pollution does exit in China and Smog just in Beijing or Shanghai. 2060 this will change,
Also Shanghai or Stocks from China are lucrative & profitable. So Energy & the future of China is connected in great human resources. Also the foreign minister had last years an European Tour & Journey. Also the industrialization of the chinese giant state is with the Belt & Road Initiative will cost a lot of Yuan exempli gratia Dollars but will, planned turn out to a Billion Profitable Dollars of Currency Markets for a Transcontinental System. Also the future of the second largest and greatest economy of world is in secure hands & certain values of enrichment from hugh Professions & Jobs Markets just people will in the coming decades till 2030 when if 2050 have a Job Markets Place just people will be working nation wide and their will be no redundancy in China, because of the enormous opportunities of million of jobs, just its countries will to work & decisive infrastructure also the Belt & Road Initiative with Working Places just also the Mega Projects from China with Jobs . And the COVID-19 Pandemic, focused on this topic & subject it's all a state namely China which is immune against Corona COVID-19 like a lot of countries just the ( KSA ) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The society & civilization from China has a strong will and hugh resources to be immune against the pandemic. The machinery & technology just energy driven products is highly developed & established in China also A.I Robotics Purpose for Industrial Works. Freight & Cargo just world ships & freighters across the chinese harbours is all part of the Belt & Road Initiative. Cargo Freight on Chinese Ports is since decades a great & hugh countries infrastructural system also in Hong Kong. The market is booming oftenly in China from day to day in the world market daily. So Energy by futuristic planning & structuring and budgeting is completely at consideration from us Europeans and the people from North America or Australia or Eurasia or the MENA or Scandinanvia or ( NEOM ) , that Energy will be in China discerning & mind-boggling created in great formed shape.Decarbonizing is a hugh step into a green China. A lot of conflicts exist in China like in every Country. But we as human beings is intelligent,smart,developed and will also establish a great productivity & resiliency for everybody. This can everybody say about his own country. Also ministries exist in China like in every country. Also China has a Ministry of Education or a Ministry of Energy or Sports or Ministry of Agriculture or Ministry of Foreign Affairs exempli gratia Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Security or China has its politically Party named CCP( Chinese Communist Party ) from Beijing in the countries politically framework & China is a socialist assessed country.
This Journalism, Texts, Column & Article was written from Andreas Penno ( Rewritten 15.08.2022 )
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Stay Actively....
Goldman Sachs / Historically Portrayal about Bank from New York / Bank which owns Governmental Structures / David Solomon CEO / 16.03.2023 AD
So Goldman Sachs has a long timeline of historically financially establishment and banking corporate aspirations & foundation's epochs in the country of United States of America,Westerm Civilization, World. This banking institute governs & regulates different regions of North America just the 50 states and Transcontinental differentiated empowerment of budgeting for some resources like different countries in the EU or the Asian Continent exempli gratia Australia or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia maybe Qatar or Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates , this bank has its cooperation & ongoing business. Goldman Sachs carries the chief executive officer David Solomon since 2018 in North America on the East Coast in New York. So Goldman was founded, established & created in the year of 1869 in Historically Books of USA, World.Goldman Sachs is nowadays a full-fledged, hugh developed, concentrated, opportunities carrying banking institute from New York City. So the United States has different banking institutes at offerings. Especially JPMorgan Chase & Co ( New York ) or Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup or Morgan Stanley or different newspapers does write about Goldman Sachs namely " The New York Times " or " Boston Globe " , " The Wall Street Journal, " Politico " from the european continent, Chicago Sun Times, South China Morning Post or Journalism of Switzerland " Blick " or " India Times " ARAB News " or " The Guardian " from the United Kingdom . So Goldman Sachs is a great resourcing & source for stocks & shares exempli gratia dividends in management & administration also in Oil Capitalization Budgeting from different Oil Corporations & Institutes from World. New York is a central for US american traditional banking and its dollar chiffre. In the 1950's Goldman Sachs overtook the Walt Disney ( IPO )( Initial Public Offering ) in New York at acquisition & infrastructure locally. So Goldman Sachs is a very old-fashioned eloquent attractive bank which was founded 1969 and became a prominent investment promulgating banking institute in 1914 on the Wall Street ( New York Stock Exchange ). So this Bank has a long tradition coming to an mathematics & calculation of till this close moment coming to a establishment's & timeline of existence of 150 Years in World. Marcus Goldman was the founder of Goldman Sachs in 1869 in North America,New York, World. This Bank has strong ties to the Wall Street Stock Exchange.1896 the Goldman Sachs Financial Corporation joined the Wall Street NYSE .1906 Goldman raised 2 IPO'S ( Initial Public Offerings " General Cigar " & " Sears Roebuck " for operating IPO fuctionality of Investment Banking for the USA. In 1897 Goldman Sachs established business contact & financial connectivity on economically base with financial firms in major striking european capitals, especially also in 1897 Gold ( Commodity ) Shipments & Shipping came on Agenda.1900 AD in Boston & Chicago hugh tolerant promulgating practically creative offices were opened from the Goldman Sachs Employees & Chiefs and Officers .San Francisco (1918 ) & Philadelphia and St.Louis ( 1920 ). In the 20th century F.W.Woolworth,Merck & General Foods became underwritings & concessioned & granted as well as signed to Goldman Sachs, and even more related corporations took since beginning of the 20th century contracted to Goldman Sachs. So this banking institute has approximately 150 years experience & existence in this world. So Solomon nowadays not even perfection, but he's doing his job great in New York. It's a full-service investment bank in the United States of America. It has affiliations worldwide, also in South Korea or Brazil or Canada namely an Africa & Caribbean Recruiting Initiative in its programme.So Banking creates a lot of financially administration & establishment and regulations in world. Also Green Energy & Renewables the accountancy & accounting Goldman manages daily in New York from the USA. Well Banks are Banks or Retail Stores are Retail Stores & Flower Centers are Flower Centers,Airports are Airports. But the United States of America has nowadays the greatest & most hugh world industry in world history.In the year 1970 first Transcontinentel & Overseas Offices were opened & clearly established, it was in London,U.K ,1970 and in Tokyo & Zurich 1974. So Goldman Sachs stands in connectivity & connection to over 30 Countries in Civilized World Epoch.Well, 12 Billion of Dollars were 2022 in net profitable american state of Goldman Sachs,US. Total Assets are from this banking institute about approximately 1.44. Trillion Dollar in 2022 AD. Also the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cooperates with Goldman Sachs as well as Japan,South Korea, Taiwan, China, India,Sweden,Norway, Finland,Denmark & different Countries worldwide on global scale & globally financially flourishing transactions with Goldman Sachs,New York. World, especially also Miami,Florida or Australia from the british monarchy in the Oceania . So Goldman Sachs has since foundation a hugh developmental great procedure & influx of circulating Dollar also 2018 when Lloyd Blankfein decided to retire in circulating news. So this Banking Institute has ambivalent & multicultural possibilities & opportunities, also in foreign currency markets. Transcontinental Deals & Transactions are pleasant & welcomed in New York City from Goldman Sachs in the Headquarters . So in this Bank the Dollar counts. Also Investors worldwide and Bond requesting concessioned & enthusiastic customers are glady in the Bank of Goldman Sachs. Anyway, foreign currency like the Yen ( Japan ) or Yuan ( China ) EU ( Euro ) Canadian Dollar ( North America ) or Australian Dollar or KSA ( Saudi Arabian Riyal ) South Korea ( WON) are in Exchange everyday in the markets of Goldman Sachs in hugh amounts & hugh dollar exchange rate opportunities & possibilities. Well, America has a long history in world. Also its economically cotton plantages in the South or the Trading Routes across the country and overseas trade opportunities & possibilities over the Pacific to Asia or North to Canada with Exchange of Trading Goods. Goldmnachs Sachs is affilited for the Finance in the US. The Stock Exchange named Wall Street ( NYSE ) was founded close after the foundation of the United States of America in 1776 AD in World Human History. Also Goldman Sachs has different goals to achieve till 2030 or2040 in the United States. I feel honored & blessed to write about your banking corporation.
So Goldman Sachs Greetings from the ( EU ) Transcontinental to your Continent North America,locally in New York,US.World in Manhattan, New York City.
This Column, Text, Protocol & Protokollierung Resource is ( A.P.P )
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
So stay actively on corporation
( A.P.P )
JPMorgan Chase & Co / History & Complex Historically Banking in Movement of US & North America & World / Green Investment / Protokollierung ( Protokoll ) 25.06.2023
So JPMorgan Chase & Co is a strong old attractive corporation & bank.Nowadays JP Morgan & Chase & Co has its Headquarters in World.North America.East.Coast.New.York.City.This bank has its modern creative establishment in 2000 AD World Time Scale . As same as the time when Jeffrey.C.Sprecher built the ( ICE ) Intercontinental Exchange in North America the Continent. But JP Morgan Chase has its roots in the 19th Century in World.JP Morgan Chase History dates 200 years ago from now.JP Morgan was born 1837 in Connecticut, North America.World.This Bank ranks 2nd Greatest Issuer of Credit Cards in USA / World. His Father was well as a striking successfully business man in US.JP Morgan was sent to a school to Switzerland in the European Continent and learned french, and afterwards in a university in Germany.He returned to USA and started working as a clerk in New York. He had a grandeur business economically career afterwards in US.JP renamed JP Morgan to JP Morgan & Co,because a friend & fellow of him died in an incident.And afterwards JP Morgan died in 1913. On September 16th 1920 an bombing attack came in New York,Wall Street.The FBI never found the culprits of this happen.In the 1930's JP Morgan continued do develop its economically servicing exchange for the Continent & North America and World.The Chase National Bank was founded in 1877.The Chase National Bank was one of the first Tenants of the Rocefellar Center. In 1955 the Chase merged with the Manhattan Company.In 1958 Chase Manhattan Bank was the first US New York Bank to issue a Credit Bank. The Credit Card could be used in 6000 Locally Stores.In 1996 Chase Manhattan Bank merged with the Chemical Banking Corporation.The Merger with JPMorgan happend in 2000 AD .therefore JP Morgan Chase & Co.In this present moment today in world JPMorgan Chase & Co manages over 2.7 Trillion American US Dollar.So this to the Video below in this terms the Context.So JP Morgan has also Middle East Banking. Its Possibilities & Opportunities worldwide also in Indonesia,India,South Korea, Japan,Malaysia, Thailand, China,JP Morgan South Africa Affiliation,JP Morgan Circulating Canadian Corporate Management, JP Morgan Connection & Connectivity from North America Transcontinental & Opportunities in Europe in France,Germany,Italy,United Kingdom,Greece in the Mediterranean & United Arab Emirates or Persian Gulf or ( Red Sea ) also with the Swedish Kronor & Danish Kronor or Saudi Arabian Riyal or Japanese Yen.Jamie Dimon is a Trillion Banker.And JPMorgan & Chase and Co has in New York City in their Corporate Banking a truly Ambitious & Sympathy Spreading Sprinkling ( Vibe ) & Atmophere going on in the Colleagues Banking in New York .In all different Transcontinental Countries from North America, eventually Oceania or Asia are the offices and working rooms & press conferences rooms fulfilled with sympathy under the employees.Extraordinary Cooperation & Unity is welcomed early in the Morning under the Colleagues & Employees in in New York & World JPMorgan & Chase & Co Offices.So this banking institute is extraordinary popular in the USA & North America and worldwide .Also Stocks & Shares and Equity Engagement & Commitment in the Wall Street / New York Stock Exchange in New York are presently, even now in the moment & today.Breaking News about JPMorgan Chase & Co is that JPMorgan has recovered from last differences in America. Also Real Estate Servicing of Mortgages is present on this bank.You can acquire stocks & bonds in this purpose.So JP Morgan Chase & Co has a strong history.In a timeline over 200 Years JPMorgan Chase & Co. It was in fusion 2000 with the Chase Corporation. So the Dollarization just the Dollar has nowadays weak currency market financially exchange in world. And JPMorgan Chase & Co knows that.Internally. So it has now loose & weak foreign currency exchange rate profit( Inflation 2022/2023 worldwide ) for the Dollarization. So also in Bahrain or Abu Dhabi or Riyadh and Doha has this bank its opportunities & possibilities .Especially also in Tokyo or Seoul or Frankfurt or Berlin and Hong Kong .Eventually also in Switzerland and Austria. JPMorgan Chase & Co is worldwide opportunistic available & represents one of the greatest human built banks of World History an also experienced & tolerant Bank as well as. JP Morgan Chase & Co is a globally bank & universal bank.It offers services compact & cooperative.So also in the Arab World also on the ( Red Sea )JP Morgan Chase & Co has its possibilities & opportunities .Also Australia and Asia Pacific is streaming from North America.USA.East.Coast.New.York.City into impeccable business to business. The ( CEO ) Jamie Dimon is also very not pleasured about the Cryptocurrency in World.So now Jamie. World.European.Continent.(EU ) Germany.20.06.2023 UTC GMT +2 15:25 in World JP Morgan Chase & Co is a Trillion Bank and will this period of whole the century with Goldman Sachs, both the most unique, expensive ,experienced established Banking Institutes in World History Books in all 50 States & Worldwide on scale.So Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase &Co has long traditions & a great Dollarization & World Dominance and Sovereignty also in Chicago,Illinois or New York,Queens or Bahamas or Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Islands . The United States of America, the richest nation on earth. This country has the most greatest industry. The Challenge from all Employees worldwide is sympathy,ambitious,friendship , unification & cooperation every day.The New York City Headquarters has strong roots.The Corporate Investment Banking from its Employees and Investment Banking and Wealth Management even in Latin America is great. So New York is Great and its Financial Institutions & Corporations. So Cryptocurrency was founded 2009 from a Japanese Young Entrepreneur & Economist and Discoverer and Creator in Tokyo.Japan.Asia.World.And the ( CEO ) from this banking institute is very distolerant & in dislike of Cryptocurrency in world, he is not very appreciating the Crypto.So also JPMorgan Chase & Co from New York supports different from principles of financial offerings, eventually Hedge Funds,Exchange Traded Funds,Options,Futures and different services for the client in New York or different Metropolitan Cities in World. JP Morgan has strong opportunities in Investment,clearly. Jamie Dimon has great intelligent & intellectual ideas for the future of the banking institute. This Century will be JPMorgan Chase & Co in strong & striking growth established. New York is established.JP Morgan is privileged worldwide & native.The future is coming and will be written in Trillions of Dollar profitable & established,clearly for this bank.So President Joe Biden & Kamala Harris can be proud what for great banking institutes & corporations the United States has at offerings.So God Bless JP Morgan Chase & Co & New York.
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Greetings from Germany
Stay Actively on Corporation & Industry
Greetings from me Andreas to JPMorgan Chase & Co on the East Coast of North America.New.York.City.
( A.P.P )
World / Column / Elon Musk / Manufacturing / Mars / Tesla / SpaceX / Opportunities in Development / World Industry / Protokoll / Twitter / 24.07.2023
So Elon Musk was born in South Africa, 1971 in Pretoria.Africa.World. Elon Musk is known & famous in the whole complete world of our Nature. He was Co-Founder & Producer and Creator of ( PAYPAL ) Online Paying Transactional Systematic System.He is nowadays 52 Years old and established over 5-8 Corporations & Industries worldwide. He established Tesla or SpaceX, also Solarcity. He owns Canadian & South African Nationality. Musk is revolutionary with SpaceX. The latest Starts & Beginnings just Propulsion-Starts with Rockets into the Sky & Universe were in 2022 / 2023 World History written. Elon Musk has also a family & a wife. He has children & does know that Family is the most precious Condition & Way in Life, just caring by his own children & be also a great husband & father.Also the personal commitment to Tesla or SpaceX does count in his life in this 21st Century. Elon Musk creates also ( High Speed ) Specific Driving ( Transit ) System Trains in this World.He owns nowadays now World.European.Continent.Germany.( EU ) 24.07.203 UTC GMT +2 02:21 O'clock,he owns financial resources of 236 Billion of Dollars in History.Elon Musk has also the Falcon Rocket in his Equipment in SpaceX. It's the most fastest & broad biggest Rocket of World. The special manufactured system from this Rocket is that this Rocket is reusable in different occasions & industries.So Elon Musk also wants to create a personal committed civilization just city on the( Mars ) Planet in the Solar System. He wants to be in the next time transplanetary on the Mars, just land on the Mars with Manned Personal & Collegiate just a Team, Musk wants to have a Start to get transplanetary from the Planet Earth to the Mars in this next time of era. He believes this is possible. Me Andreas & the Federal Republic of Germany wishes him the most success on this journey, how it only can be.Elon Musk is a extraordinary intelligent & smart this World Developer & Creator of Human History. He opened also the Subsidiary from North America in Berlin / Brandenburg in the Federal Rebublic of Germany. For a great Automobile ( Tesla ) Production & Construction, also Battery Establishment in Berlin.Last time, days from now, over 450.000 Tesla Cars were ready for Car Merchandising & Sale. Just this Corporate Car Constellation should get exported & sold in all of world.I believe they were ready for Creational Comfortable Sales or they were already sold. Got this Info & Memo of Reuters.So Elon Musk has also the Tesla Stock.It has one of the most high Stock Flotations Worth of World.Also ( A.I ) Artificial Intelligence does matter in Musk's Experiences of his Works in World. Me Andreas Penno does believe Elon Musk talks also about Robotics Creational Status, about maybe 2050 ( Robotics ) will be very smart, world intelligent ,comfortable and human being replacing. He talks in this Clip below this Protokollierung that Robotics can be 100 % & Million times more in mass more worthwhile. He talks about Civilizations in World.So this Clip is 1 Year old. Also than were the circumstances around him otherwise than now, especially also Twitter and the corporation & Online Platform. So in this personal affiliated interview below this Protokollierung is that Elon Musk advocates " Energy " , " Clean Energy " , and Battery Production circulating Worldwide in Development of Assembly Line Corporate Stationed Batteries. So Elon Musk to me Andreas is a World Scientist & World Economically Figure of different Disciplines. He creates Cars.He creates Intelligence .He creates Corporations worldwide. That's brilliant Elon. He is innovative.He has a Giga Brain. Elon Musk had also mentally painfully moments with Tesla & SpaceX. But he took the essence of the manifesto & hit the right intellectual strength inside of him and took everything to the next level.Just Elon Musk is a World Revolutionary with Technology.Also the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal, Al Arabiya, Canadian Express,Handelsblatt,India Times,Spiegel,Stern,Journalism like Financial Times has Textures & Passages and Columns literary with his activities and his Name in world.So Elon Musk will develop different scalebility in world next decades.Also Robotics,Cars,Rockets,Batteries & Opportunities and Possibilities just Technology for Monarchies in World. He said also in this Interview some details & constructive optimistic schemas about the universe.This TED Interview praises Elon Musk as well as North America & ( A.P.P ). So his name will be behind Tupac Amaru Shakur alias Makaveli or Mohammed Bin Salman(Prince from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) or Gandhi, namely Angela Merkel known for different centuries in front of our humanity.He created also Neuralink,Open A.I, The Boring Company,X.Com,Zip2,X Corp, Musk Foundation.xAI. Elon Musk claimed & promulgated also once in the complete world, that Artificial Intelligence can be more dangerous than nuclear powers. Elon Musk different Strategies & Developmental Scale Opportunities are a great Act in this 21st Century. He is natural talented on this planet earth. So Elon Musk talks also in this Interview below this Textures, that he has definitely establishment on the relationship with Tesla and that this corporation has strong possibilities & opportunities with stock indices & flotations. In this scenario & opportunistic and futuristic schema, i believe he is creating industries which will be led, even we have a different generation, next to 2050 or 2070 or 2100. I mean the impact from Musk's Corporations & Industries nowadays are so economically worldwide successfully & recognized that in the next decades, even centuries, his role in world wil be replaced in this happen. Elon Musk does know exactly how to manage creativity & business to business relations with clientele or not.He was born in South Africa. Truly Remarkable this Life's Story.So Elon Elon Creates different Technology in World. He created also once a Super Intelligent Machinery Metallic Car ( Automobile ) Model from Tesla. This was in the Year 2021 / 2022. This Car was looking truly futuristic & established.Also North America is profiting from Elon Musk strongly & starkly. Tesla & SpaceX are giving Percents of Billions of Dollar to the Country. So also in the Middle East or Europe are People driving Tesla. People all over the World are driving Tesla. It's a great Car. Very Electrified & Serving under Electrification just every Model. One Step Closer for our Civilization & Humankind into a 0 % Carbon Dioxid CO² Planet. Just a Green Planet.Just Elon Musk said also once that Germany has a Perfect Situation for Nuclear Plants. Because here exists no Stormy Weather or Natural Disasters or strong Hurricanes or Twisters or Tornados. So also Mohammed Bin Salman the Prince ( His Royal Highness ) cooperates with Elon Musk's Tesla Foundation & Corporation. So this Name in World will last for Centurires. He is the greatest Engineer in World. Elon thanks for everything. Thanks for your commitment in our world and your inspiration & talent.God Bless U Elon Musk & Tesla.
Sincerely Yours,
Andreas Penno
5th Protokollierung from Sector
Stay Actively on Blogspot & Industry
God Bless You Elon Musk for Centuries
( A.P. P)
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Leonardo Da Vinci / History / Renaissance / Anatomy / Jesus Christ ( The Last Supper ) / Protokoll 10.03.2024 / Release Date 05.07.2024
So Leonardo Da Vinci was Such a Genius.He was a Professional & Expert in Over 10 Fields & Structures in World History.Leonardo painted different Paintings.Also the Mona Lisa.Da Vinci was also an Anatomist from Italy from the Renaissance. He painted also the from the holy God's Son Messiah the ( Last Supper ) from Israel of the Nowadays Close NEOM.So Leonardo Da Vinci was a Designer & Architect and Sculptor and Manufacturist.Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 15. April 1452, Anchiano, Italy and was gone in Clos Lucé, Amboise, France,European Continent,World.He also was an Vegetarian & Engineer & Mechanican & Installateur and Designer.He designed different Models & Designer Patterns which became Centuries later World Grandeur Famous.The Mona Lisa was painted in Italy.In Renaissance Arts was known as a Teaching Lesson.So also Da Vinci Digged Knuckles & Bones from Corpses out of the Earth Ground from Italian Graveyards and Put them in the Right Constellation for the Drawings, Circulating Circuits & Sketches just Patterns and Samples.The Last Supper the Portrait & Paintings has different Meanings, curated and crafted from Leonardo Da Vinci.So he was a Multifunctional Talent in World History. Especially also ( A.P.P ) The Source / Resourcing has a special definition, dedication & meaning of Leonardo Da Vinci just this Protokollierung & Column from my Blogspot & Industry.So also the arabian Mohammed Bin Salman bought an Portrait, Image namely Painting in France,Paris in the 21st Century named ( Salvator Mundi ) of Dollar Worth of 450 Million of Dollarization.So Leonardo Da Vinci is creative.Even would he live now, he would be so revolutionary in a System of Creating Things just be a Creator for Centuries.Leonardo Da Vinci was also a Great Sculptor and one of the Most Taught & Schooled Carvers of all Time.Da Vinci is a Professional with an Aptitude & Constellation of Once Opportunities to Change the Whole World in History.Also Da Vinci Painted " The Last Supper " With Different Symbols & Marks just Opportunities of Signs of the Painting.He also was an Scientist just Science was Exploring from Leonardo Da Vinci & The Mona Lisa is a World Portrait which is nowadays one of the Most Appreciated & Tolerant just Picturesque Paintings Ever Created in World.So Leonardo from Italy Europe this Figure is Central to Classically Paintings & Central to Arts History. His Aptitude is Skilled in Geniusly Establishment.He painted also Self-Portraits from himself.Da Vinci has nowadays a hugh Popular Reputation Worldwide Globally.He invented different Regions & Scale of Arts & Anatomy. He established Design & Architectural Principles of Ingenuity & Professionality just Italian Renaissance Prowess. Leonardo Da Vinci is a Genius and painted Body Limbs in a Structure on a Matter with Organs & Different Body Parts just the Fibre and Encrafted Flesh just Sculpture.He was an Establisher & Founder of Ideas just a Commission of Professionalism.Today in History Books he has Hugh Influence. Leonardo with 14 was in Teachings & Blessings from his Father of Trade in Florence.So Leonardo Da Vinci is a Colorist.He formed Sculptures & Models just Fine Precision & Accuracy.My Commission ( A.P.P ) The Sourcing is glad & established to protocolate about Leonardo Da Vinci.He was in Italy back in Time a Hugh Sought-After Artist & Sculptor.His Architecture & Science is nowadays Astonishment & Glory.The World Civilization & World Population 5 Centuries later from 1500 the Time Da Vinci Lived does profit from his Works.The World Civilization back in Time in Italy was very conventional in Historically Perspective.The Nowadays Civilization in Europe in France or Italy,Rome or Germany, Berlin North America, New York,Boston,Denver,Dallas,Florida,Miami, Rhode Island.Kansas does admire Leonardo Da Vinci's Works & His Ability of Curated Establishment & Groundbreaking Design just Profile.So his Offerings of Arts & Commitment will last for Centuries from the nowadays 21.st Century.So absolutely this Artist was a Painter of Arts which was blessed from God and created different Pieces in Time Line of World .Historians speculate even nowadays how " The Last Supper " Painting was coordinated & in Assembly right defined.Just the Divine Constellation from this Portrait & Paintings.Peculiar the Opportunities & Possibilities in " The Last Supper " to find Contours of Signs just Theories for the Event.Also the Humanitarian Scale Body & Physics just every Muscle coordinated & adjusted just colored.So me Andreas would likely have the Mona Lisa Framing in my own Residence & Home Spot.Anyway must laugh & laugh.....So Leonardo Da Vinci was raised in Italy in the Renaissance in the 15 Century of World History. He had different Aptitudes & Skills just World Globally Talents reaching till the year 2400AD or 2800 AD and even Further Centuries in World in Front of our Generation now in World of 2024 AD.Da Vinci is Classic.His Works proves that.World Journalism published one Story after the Next from Leonardo Da Vinci.This happens since Centuries.He advocates the Era & Epoch of 2000 Years AD ( Anno Domini ) World ( Genius ) History of World.Thank You For Reading my Protocolation / Protokollierung.Look out for further Works.God Bless Leonardo Da Vinci and Arts.God Bless NEOM.
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Greetings from Germany to All Historians of Leonardo Da Vinci & Greetings to New York, NEOM & Riyadh and Italy
( A.P.P ) The Source
Christine Lagarde / French ( Francaise ) Rooted President of the European Central Bank / ECB / Frankfurt / ( EU ) / Protokoll / Protokollierung / 17.03.2024 AD / Release Date 05.07.2024
So, Christine Lagarde was born in Arrondissement, Paris,France , European Continent,World in 1956.She is a french Politician & Justice & Law Correspondent of the ( EU ) .She worked once for the ( IMF ) the International Monetary Fund in World. In the 4th Quarter in 2019 she became President of the European Central Bank and leads the Central Bank.So the ECB is a Structure of the European Union.So Christine Lagarde is Worldwide known for her prestigious & comfortable just privileged contours to do business & banking,Christine Lagarde had 2023 / 2024 a lot to do with Inflation in the EU & Reflationary Systematics in Europe.She was in 2023 / 2024 busy with Interest Rates, just to handle Interest Rates for specific Opportunities & Possibilities in the Financial System in the ( EU ) .So Christine Lagarde is very tailored for Economics & Professional Business Class. Also once she was sitting next to Mohammed Bin Salman in the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/ World.Christine Lagarde works with her Collegiate in Frankfurt in strong Cooperation & Collaboration in the Annual Period of Scale every day in Frankfurt in the ( EU ) Germany to work out every Conflict in European Economically & Financial System.So Lagarde has also Children from her Husband in Life.What me Andreas Penno is in Favour about Christine Lagarde is her Classified Professional Tailored Comprehension of Politics & Finances in World.So the EURO is a Region in the World of Democratically Commitment, also the Financially Regulations are Democratic.As far as Christine Lagarde was also often in DAVOS in Switzerland in her Career.Also Worldwide she flew to different Places also Tokyo or New York or Dublin or Rome.So Christine Lagarde is a truly Professional at Works.Once she worked for the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ).So Lagarde is nowadays 68 Years old.So Frankfurt has also the Commerce Bank & the Frankfurter Aktienbörse and the European Central Bank.Especially also the Deutsche Bank is located & recruited in Frankfurt.So This World Metropolitan European Central City Frankfurt belongs to Finances & Structured Economically Relations.Christine Lagarde is also photogenic & is also in Accountancy & Accounting an Establishment Person.Frankfurt a.M in Germany is a traditional & historically City in the Federal Republic in Germany ( EU ).So Banking and Monetary Disciplines are not foreign to Frankfurt and the European Central Bank.Lagarde.She wrote also Books in a Series of Names of the Band namely " Pour une gouvernance mondiale " what means " For a Government globally & mondial.She wrote in Consecutively Series 3 further Books in Life.So Christine Lagarde is a creative & intelligent as well as intellectual from France.As far as Banking in World.Now March 2024 in USA with its 340 Millions of Citizen & the EU the Recession & Inflation turned since Beginning of the Year better Form & Norm.Intellectuality & Intelligence also Jerome Powell from the US FED is about. So the USA is all about Industry.Also the Stocks are very modest & lucrative in the EU & America.Christine Lagarde is also now for longer period of time in the European Central Bank just in longer Time staying in the Bank.Also in Hamburg the Channels for Trade are like Routine & Greatness in Germany.Also Hapag-Llyod the Transfer Logistics Corporation is great about in the Federal Republic of Germany.So Christine Lagarde serves a Great Job in Europe.Her Origin just France is totally inspirational to me.Just her Talent as a Banker is inspirational to me.And maybe she has Contact to Mohammed Bin Salman from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Or eventually she has Contact to the Amir ( Emir ) from Qatar Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani or Naruhito ( Emperor from Japan ).So we in Europe need Bankers & Professionals like Christine Lagarde.She paints a Picture, like a Visualisation like Professionality & Ingenuity.So she also is Judicially Assessed & Established.She is also a Politician.She is a Correspondence just Greatness & Individual Spiritual Atmosphere on Globally Scale.Christine Lagarde worked also once for the US Law Firm & Company Baker & McKenzie.In the World Economic Forum in DAVOS she appears regularly & constantly.So she serves as a President for the European Central Bank nowadays in Talent,Growth,Establishment & Paramountly Competency in World.
So this was the 7th Protokollierung from this Sector,
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Greetings to Frankfurt, the European Central Bank,Germany ( EU ) Europe,World
A.P.P The Sourcing / Resource
Masayoshi Son / Japan / His Career / Growth of Softbank Group Japan / Foreign Relations / Opportunities from Masayoshi Son / Protokollierung / 23.04.2024 / Protokoll 05.07.2024
So Masayoshi Son is from Japanese Structured Origin.Just he comes and was born in Japan / Tosu Prefecture Saga.He owns nowadays a Capital of 26.2 Billions of Dollars, as far as the Source from Forbes.Masayoshi Son ( 孫 正義) regulates the Corporation & Industry Softbank Group ソフトバンクグル in japanese,which is globally known as a truly successfully Technologically Industry Worldwide.Also Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud stands in cooperation to Masayoshi,especially also as far as Business Relationship.Son sold 200 GW for 200 Billions of Dollars 2018 to Mohammed Bin Salman, just for his Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Son & Mohammed were both 2018 in New York City for the Signing in Contracts locally there.So Mohammed Bin Salman needs the 200 GW Solar Components Structure for his Kingdom & NEOM.Also Masayoshi Son takes always Participation in the Future Investment Initiative.Also 2017 was he presently, especially for the Course of NEOM and its Correspondence for Solar Structure in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So Masayoshi Son's Parents were Korean Descendency.And he had Difficulties in Younger Age for the Office of 2 Nationalities in the Asian Continent of World.He has nowadays strong Commitment in Softbank Group in Tokyo.Softbank Group ソフトバンクグル has also nowadays the Vision 300.Serves as a Vision how Economically & Structured Industrial Relations should work in 300 Years.Masayoshi Son manages this Vision ( 300 ) from Tokyo / Japan in World for Opportunities & Possibilities for experiencing Values & Structures how 2300 Technologically Ways & Economically Structures will work in World History.So Softbank Group works constantly & permanently on Ideas & has also YAHOO.Japan in Ownership.Softbank Group offers Telecommunication Systems in World.Masayoshi Son said once in his Career in Riyadh, that Computers & its Systems will be ( 2050 ) Millions Times Smarter & Intelligenter than nowadays in World.Masayoshi Son is also informed of Petrochemicals & Resin just Polytetrafluoroethyelne or Foam and Duroplast or Thermoplast. He is such a Professional in different Regions.So Masayoshi Son acquired also in a specific Date ARM to Softbank Group.Also Satellites are intelligence from Son.Masayoshi Son is a truly great Friend & Ally from Muhammad Bin Salman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.So Tokyo is filled with Spirits of a Central for Economics & Structured World Related Business Connections Worldwide.Softbank Group provides also the Softbank Vision Fund 1 & 2.Also Masayoshi Son wants in the21st Century the Information Revolution just to be a Revolutionary for the World Globally Audience.Softbank Group has Annually over 1 Trillion of Yen ¥ in Profitable Structure in Tokyo via Banking in Chiffre.Also Softbank Group has in Offerings Automotive & Embedded Intelligence.Structured Mobile Processors.Also PCB's ( Printed Circuit Boards) are in Portfolio of Softbank Group from Tokyo Japan. So Masayoshi Son was also once for a short Time in World the Richest Human Figure of World.This was in the Beginning of the 21st Century.Son is also in Correspondence of NEOM.The Giga Project from the KSA in Tabuk.Just he is a Partner & Softbank Group stands in Cooperation to NEOM Giga City.Masayoshi Son is the Richest Person & Individual from Japan.Eventually my Idea stands he in Cooperation to Naruhito ( Emperor ) from the Japanese Empire.Once Akihito governed Japan.Also Fumio Kishida could be in Contact to Son.Masayoshi Son is really intelligent & experienced in Technology & Sun Energy.Masayoshi Son from Japan as far as his Upbringing used also in Japan the Name ( Yasumoto ) (安本) just to get under Protection of Resentment.So his Parents were KOREAN Origin.Masayoshi Son & Softbank Group possesses close to 800 Subsidiaries in World History.So in the University of California,Berkeley he studied Economy & visited IT-Informations Technology Conferences in California.He was since young Age convinced that Technics in Information just Informationstechnology is the next Globally Revolution.Son cares nowadays strong in Informationstechnology on Softbank Group.So this Concern is Worldwide in strong Research of Inquiry for & strong notorious Reputation from Japan / Tokyo / World Civilization.So the Civilization of Softbank Group offers also Youth Programms just for Programming & IT-Classes in Japan.Also Divisions for different Accountancy & Accounting are Professional in Japan.World Globally Investors finds in 2024 eventually till 2030 great Potential in Masayoshi Son ( 孫 正義) & Softbank Group. Hugh Structures of the Yen circulating around Masayoshi's Ideas.Masayoshi Son lived long Periods of Time in North America / United States of America.Especially for the Education & Vocational Career.His Career in Asia was even smarter & successfully in light of.Masayoshi Son is truly sophisticated & a intelligent asian figure of World History.In a great schema & well-developed charisma is Son the perfect Idol for creative economically ideas & japanese Yen Profit. His Career was coined of Success & Japanese traditional business flavour just Metropolitan Scale City Life in Tokyo.He fosters a status of being rich & accordingly in Regard disciplined in over 30 Regions of World Business Scale Subjects. Some are Technology in Internet,Some are Bilateral Language,some are Economics or Intellectual Fields of IOT,some are Solar & Wind Energy.And different to look at.So Masaysoshi Son now from World,European Continent,Germany,Cologne, UTC GMT +2 23.04.2024 04:58 in World. God Bless U & Japan.Greetings from me Andreas Penno to Tokyo / Softbank Group.Wishing you just the Great of Humankind.
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Greetings to Masayoshi Son from Tokyo / Japan / Asian Continent / World & Whole Japan & the Asian Folk ( Great)
A.P.P The Source / Resource
World Business & Economically Profile / Banking / Gold / Trade in World / Circulating Dollar / Yen / Rupee / Riyal / Protokollierung 23.04.2024 / Protokoll Release 05.07.2024
So the Globally News about Business & Economy just Industry are nowadays all about the Reduction & Dwindling of the Interest Rates.Also as far as the European Central Bank & US FED. Jerome Powell wants a constructive & established Economically Financially Model in the United States of America.Christine Lagarde started already with the European Central Bank to diminish the Interest Rates. Jerome Powell in Office is all about a Division & Professional US Financially Class just Great American Accomplished Industry in North America through all Regional 50 States.He observes different Sides from the USA Correspondence for Hugh Interest of Profitable Dollarization in World.The Banking Profile also from the East Coast of the United States of America is nowadays moderately.Also Jamie Dimon the Banking ( CEO ) from JPMorgan Chase & Co manages nowadays over Trillions of Dollars.Just Blackrock from the East Coast / US manages nowadays over 10 Trillions of Dollars.The World Industry just the World Economically Status stands close to a World GDP of 100 Trillion of Dollar from all 230 Countries in World.Also Goldman Sachs is heavy established in the New York Stock Exchange in the Wall Street of New York.Goldman Sachs has also Filiales & further Posts in Circulating Areas such Japan, Greece Ports,Netherlands,Switzerland,Asia-Pacific,Indian Ocean,Mediterranean Export / Import Shipping, South Korea,Qatar,Bahrain, GCC,ASEAN States,Japan Tokyo,EU and World.David Solomon from Goldman Sachs is loyal to America and is established in Grossly Experienced Growth for North America.Also Industries like Nucor or Lockheed Martin Smith just the Military Equipment US ( Manufacturer ) stands in hugh Profit for the States.Societies like Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) from Georgia, Atlanta are in Markets & Trade established.World Corporations like Apple with Trillions of Dollars of Market Value in STOCKS.Just Alibaba from China the souvereign Company of Profitable ( Yuan ).Google & AMAZON or Facebook or Metaverse.Billionaires like Elon Musk / SpaceX or Tesla.Multi-Billionaires like Muhammad Bin Salman or Klaus Michael Kuehne from Switzerland.Kuehne's Industries like Hapag-Lloyd & Kuehne & Nagel are Billion Corporations from Europe.Especially also ( KKR ) Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co from New York City US fosters a Bugdet of Hugh References for their Element of Corporate Management in World.Banking nowadays is Globally hugh organized.So also Banking in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the Al Rajhi Bank & the Qatari ( Qatar Development Bank ) are grossly commented starkly notorious Banks in the Mid-East Block of World.Just also NEOM will become a Banking Centralized System in" The Line ". The Line carries also Universities & Academies in the Space of the World Metropolitan Scale City Area.Also Butchers & Bakeries in NEOM.Just the complete Infrastructure for NEOM on the Red Sea.Also in the 2 Service-Layers in NEOM " The Line " exists Free Space Promenades & Market Places just also has the Line ( Outdoor ) a brilliant Reflected ( Reflection ) Mirrored Exterior.So also Societies like UBS / Credit Suisse are enriched with the Swiss Francs in Switzerland.Also the Federal Republic of Germany with the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt a.M has its Reference with strong Cooperation with North America and the USA.In India the Richest Personality named Ambani is the ( CEO ) from the Indian Corporation Reliance.Also the Rupee comes from India.And the Arabian Riyal or the Qatari Riyal have strong Acquisition & Exchange Rate Dominance in the Mid- East Block.In Existence also the Bahraini Dinar or the Emirates ( UAE ) Dirham.Also the Abu Dhabi ( FAB )First Abu Dhabi Bank is successfully in Asia & in the GCC just Worldwide.So Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nayan the Front Post of Abu Dhabi & Leading Position of the Emirates is a truly respectable & opportunistic just Great Figure in the History of the United Arab Emirates / World.So also Gold Bullions in the Trading Market nowadays has strong Advantages for Aquisition just Gold is rich for Trading.Gold has France ( 4800) Tonnes in Government & the United States of America possesses ( 10.000 ) Tonnes in the Governmental Branches.So Gold is truly peculiar special for further Purpose from the First Acquisition of ( RAW ) Capturing in First Part.Next can also be the Processing for Jewerelly or Watches or Bracelets.So Gold has also a special Digit just Value at this particular moment of 74.844.77 Dollars.Gold is truly a spectacular Commodity.Nowadays the circulating Dollar swarms overall the World also in over 100 Countries in Exchange Rate for World Markets.The Yen ¥ also from Japan has nowadays strong Opportunities & Possibilities in Currency Strength & Currency Exchange Rate Sovereignty.So Globally World Affairs from the US just the ( Pentagon ) the Department of Defence carries hugh Propositions & Corporate Profile Professionality from Washington D.C.Also the Ministry of Energy ( Department of Energy ) under Chair from Jennifer M.Granholm is established in the Governmental Branches from the US. Also a State on the East Coast of the US is called Rhode Island.So Canada is the Second Biggest Country as far as the Area in Size.Ontario is a Region in Canada.Also Thompson Reuters has Headquarters in Canada.Ontario.Toronto.Also an Canadian Corporation named Canada Natural Resources has Possession in Canadian Industry.Canada has also Oil & Gas Reserves strong in Contrast and World Civilized Reserves of Natural Precious Commodity.Canada has the Maple ( Leaf ) on its National Flag.Also just the Canadian NBA ( National Basketball Association ) Club named Vancouver Grizzlies or Toronto Raptors.So Alaska is also affiliated to the USA.Alaska was once sold from ( Russia ) in the 19th Century to USA.A Great Deal.So also Australia with Rio Tinto the Mining Company just also MIZUHO from Japan, one of the most influential Investment Banks of World.So Red Sea Global from the ( KSA ) has from 2019 of the Construction Sites till 2023,eventually first Guests & Visitors in 2023.Also an Fragment just the Island ( Sheybarah ) is nowadays hugh developed,just 22 from 90 Islands on the Red Sea will be 2030 completed.The Tourism started already.The Coastline is 200km on the Red Sea.Also the Mukaab in Riyadh will be fostered till 2030.So also Bahrain has tropically Look from above just the Aerial ( Aeronautic ) View.So this to me Andreas Penno.
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
Greetings to the Government of Berlin & Riyadh
A.P.P The Source
World ( Scandinavia ) Nordic States / European Continent / World Portrayal of Nordic Region / Protokollierung / 01.05.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Scandinavia is a beautifully Region & Scale of World Civilization on Antique & Historically Humankind.Denmark with its Main Capital ( Copenhagen ) is a Country which flourishes nowadays in the 21st Century with Bravour & Intelligent Civilization of a Specific Human Folk of the long Traditions of World.Also Norway with Oslo and Sweden with Stockholm also with the Globally Stock Ticker Stockholm OMX & its Leader in Climate Change & World Globally Green Energy Supervision named Greta Thunberg.She visits oftenly Conferences and carries Worldwide Status for her Prestigious & Intelligent and Smart International Climate & Geoecologically Status for Green Energy.Greta Thunberg is Globally known for her Ability & Competences in Sun & Wind Energy just Climate Geo-Scientifically Exploration.She developed a lot in the 21st Century for Climate-Change.She had truly Success.So Also Finland Helsinki is a Region from Scandinavia which is civilized in Strong Traditions of this Vikings Region in World History.So also Iceland from the Nordic States governs as a State of hugh Environmental Wonders just Volcanoes.Iceland has hugh Natural Reserves & is in Northern Scale of World Civilization.So all these 5 Regions are about Cooperation also to the USA or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Riyadh manages strong Cooperation as well as to France & Spain.Riyadh had since the Vision 2030 hugh Percentage of Cooperation on World Scale.Just Eurasia & different Regions cooperates also NEOM just from the Red Sea.So Sweden turned in new Headlines,from a Updated Perspective to the NATO.They are officially since Concession & Authoritarian Licenced Swedish-NATO Incorporation just Member of NATO.So also Norway is a Monarchy.Sweden is a Kingdom.Finland is a Parlamentary Republic .So Scandinavia is enriched with Kingdoms in World.So also the Legislation & Jurisprudence just World Politics & Economically Status of these Monarchies is different.So King from Norway is Harald V.Swedish King is Carl XVI Gustaf.Denmark's Monarch is Frederik X.So the Monarchies in Scandinavia & Nordic States are hugh enriched also with Natural Reserves.Copenhagen & Oslo are World Metropolitan Cities are enriched with Actually hugh Tourism Chiffre.So mostly Countries & States of Scandinavia stands in Possession of Harbours & Ports.Annually Thousands of Ships & Freigthers also ( CRUISE ) Ships dock on the Harbours of Norway,Denmark,Finland & Sweden.Just Cruise Ships come from all over the World.Just from the Atlantic,Mediterranean, North Sea and different Oceans & Seas of World History.So Sweden and the Entry from NATO was since 7th March 2024 in Membership of NATO in History.So it was a Great Entry for the NATO & World just Sweden has now more Opportunities & Possibilities in World in Correspondence to NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ).So also Sweden fosters a Correspondence of 10 Million of Nation's Population.Norway & Denmark ,Sweden & Finland are in Opportunities just also in Fishing & Mining and in Economically Growth through this 21st Century of Manufacturing Sites & Corporate Developmental Growth just Volvo and IKEA,also different Corporations & World Industries namely Norway's Oil Associations & Corporations just Stavanger.Just the so correspondent & interesting intellectual Currency from SWEDEN named Swedish KRONA or the Danish Krone.Eventually the Finnish Markkaa in World.So also in Japan we have the Yen & China the Yuan and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Arabian Riyal.Or the Qatari Riyal.Bahraini Dinar, United Arab Emirates Dirham.The USA Dollar & Different Currencies in World.So Sweden & the Vikings has a Centuries Old History from now the 21st Century. They were in Conquering & Commanding through mostly all Waters,Channels,Seas and Oceans of World. So Scandinavian Vikings are truly intellectual for Historically Events.So Sweden stands nowadays in Great Cooperation to NEOM & World.So Mohammed Bin Salman cooperates with hugh Percentage of the ( EU ) & Scandinavia.The Kings & Monarchs from Scandinavia are a Tradition since an Era of Centuries in World. As well as the Monarchies in the Malay Archipelago & the GCC.So Kingdoms & Monarchies such as Qatar,Bahrain,Abu Dhabi,Dubai are in Legislation & Legal Systems just Correspondence of Jurisprudence and Law Legal Aspirations always different then Democracies in World.So NEOM will have in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Independent Opportunities in Law & Justice than the Bordering KSA.So Sweden is Great. NEOM is Great.The Norwegian Sea stands close to Norway.So Scandinavia is beautifully.Especially also the Tourism Sites & Harbour Restaurant & Cafés on the Shoreline.Just the Innermetropolitan Scale City Regions from OSLO & COPENHAGEN with Tourism and all the Retail-Centres & Bakeries and Butchers also in Helsinki.Just the whole Infrastructure from the Nordic States.Also the Metropolitan Conditions like Malls or Theatres or Cinemas.Like in all most all Continents.Also NEOM will have as far as all 15 Regions the Infrastructure of a Typically City.But it's now the " New Future " of World History.NEOM.So in Context Scandinavia is pristine for new Adventures for Everybody in World.The Air Traffic is hugh organized just Airports & Airlines just Denmark,Norway,Finland,Sweden for different Air Routes on Globally Scale coming to Scandinavia in World.So Stockholm has also a Stock Exchange named Nasdaq Stockholm Internally in Sweden.Also different Economically & Business STOCKS from Scandinavia are listed there. Now,i can say this was the 10th Protokollierung / 10th Protokoll from this Bloomberg / Different Resources from World / Journalism's Sector of A.P.P The Source / Sourcing.So Great Magnificent and Dedicated Growth for your Region of World.I wish Volvo Success & Greta Thunberg a Successfully Great Career in World .In Turn Hugh Possibilities for the Nordic Region. I wish The Monarchy from Norway & Denmark,Sweden a Great Establishment,Great Futuristic Outlook,Great Economically Future and Great Opportunities to Reach Your Goals in this 21st Century of World.God Bless U Vikings.God Bless IKEA & Volvo and Copenhagen & Oslo.
Yours Sincererly,
Andreas Penno
Greetings to Scandinavia, NEOM & Berlin and ( Volvo ) Sweden & ( Gothenburg ) and Oslo
A.P.P The Source / Sourcing