Germany Against Me
Ever was dealing with raw thangs
Call it more odd cause it's hard
Hopefully one day be diminished
It's cozy and tricky, this hokus-pokus, when it's finished
Thinking fucking george tight
More non sense came and it turned out wrong
Cause it's a song of the withered, c'mon
Chorus: How long will i take the withered
Sometimes diminished by everything
Hoping one day it's finished
Just Away
But really to say, this seems to be deeply
Life's character is hard to hit
I do what i found out rightly to do
What's next, me is sometimes twisted
Chorus: How long will i take the withered
Sometimes diminished by everything
Hoping one day it's finished
Just Away
Just hit me i kick it
Just no bickering, just lick me
I make words and lyricz in dosis
Dressed in a Henry L Siegel
Keep going on
The perforating scenery,c'mon
2.Deal With Me Or Not
Early twisted in life i'm a hustler
The scenario is cold and empty
Is it wrong to do my way of living
Strictly peep me seriously
Just all the time
Walking like a shadow in life
Lightly just kill me
My heart ain't taking it slightly
Chorus: Deal with me ambitious and stop this one
Take a moment of silence
A breath and imagine this one
Scary and frightened from the future
I like to be in a spot which has places of silence
Now look how suckaz deserve to suffocate
Keep the faith in me
Chased once by the law
Powerful just my heart
Chorus:Deal with me ambitious and stop this one
Take a moment of silence
A breath and imagine this one
Scary and frightened the future to take
Try to say kill me
It does hurt now feel me
I like to see it clearly
3. Starry Starry Night
If your childhood was pain and horror
Tomorrow sadness and sorrow
Cause there is no way out
One day the sunny dayz is catching you
I believe the starry night
Can cause a lot of smile in your life
Refrain: It's like everybody needs the clear starry love tonight
Why so bitter, why so sad, dry your tears, don't give up
Just don't
Life goes on, stay strong overcome the worse
Dry your tears, starry clear nights
Can change your ways to be
Now see and believe me
You are unique,
In every way
Refrain: It's like everybody needs clear starry love tonight
Why so bitter, why so sad, dry your tears, don't give up
Just don't
Believe in faith and look at your heart
It's gonna save your ways
Crawling in your skin, is a camouflage to stand
Ballads of the starry can hit you eternal
Cause i be there, no matter what's coming
Eternally peace will achieve u
Dilemmas can end in miracles
Just look away baby
Refrain: It's like everybody needs clear starry love tonight
Why so bitter, why so sad, dry your tears, don't give up
Just don't
4. Germany Against Me
Wellen der unerwünschten Sehnsüchte, trotz aller Beschwerden lebe ich noch, jeder war gegen meine Präsenz
Siehst KKS auf einem Hochhaus, Musik ausstrahlen, enorme Gefühle die dir durch den Kopf bang
Viel Liebe an meiner Brüder aus dem Osten, lieber Comrad hast du Hoffnung, bringst Mengen zum kochen
Wie stark kann ein einzelner Mensch bloß sein, ich meine weiter zu hoffen, ich war am Abgrund dieser Welt
Kein Mensch begegnete mir mit Liebe
Ich meine, wie weit soll es gehen, mein Herz ist niedergestreckt worden
Aber morgen werde ich versuchen ein Mann der Tat zu sein und das mit Herzen
Eskalierend, innerlich erfrierend, mir krausch vor der Naß,
Doch ich muss weiter sehen, schau es dir an
Einige Menschen sind doch kleine Hypocrites
Hook: Wer konnte mich schon jemals verstehen, es ist so schwer, so verflucht verdammt schwer nach vorne zu sehen
Es hört einfach nicht auf, traurig aber wahr diese endlosen Schmerzen, lasse deine Träume niemals aus den Augen
Hände in die Höh, wer kann mich fühlen, es geht mir nur ums eine, diese Hypokrisie auszulöschen
Drauf, gebe ich alles und lebe für den Moment, lass mich an die ganz große Kohle ran
Ob Dieter Bohlen Fila Sohlen
Man sollte meinen zu glauben wie schwachsinnig einige Menschen doch in Wirklichkeit sind
Auf Draht sein, die Lyrik parat zu haben und keine Scheisse mehr labern
Meine Army ist bereit, alle waren gegen mich, selbst Gott hat sich gegen mich gerichtet
Das ist purer Ernst und das wort wörtlich, die Zeile genannt
Wichtig ist mir eins, innerlich richtig, aufrichtig und korrekt zu bleiben
Doch eins verspreche ich, keine Gnade mit diesen Schwachmaten und all diesen Lutschern
Ambitionen seit jungen Jahren
Bist du schonmal für diese ganze weite Welt gestorben wie Black Jezus
Hook: Wer konnte mich schon jemals verstehen, es ist so schwer, so verflucht verdammt schwer nach vorne zu sehen
Stecke voller Inspiration, Deutschland gab mir Ignoranz, ich verblutete innerlich
Hände in die Höh von links nach rechts
Vibe die echt und nicht schlecht ist, wer konnte mich schon jemals verstehen
Ein Leben mit Träumen, versäume du dein Leben nicht, schau dir ins Gesicht und bring die Welt außer Atem
Hook: Wer konnte mich schon jemals verstehen, es ist so schwer, so verflucht schwer nach vorne zu sehen
Es tut weh. so verflucht weh
Fühlt das wahre, das wahrhaftige
Einer Mentalität
5. Ballads Of The Drastically
It's like drastic stories can go far
Touching U inside
Watching them stars and dream by this sight
Just come close
Just like
Hook: My life turned out a ballad of the drastic
To know it's the symphony of the gone
All about classics in some ways of lyrically form
Little disillusioned by the stress
They gotta understand it ain't easy to hold on
I gotta be strong
Hook: My life turned out a ballad of the drastic
To know it's the symphony of the gone
All about classics in some ways of lyrically form
Fucking george tight
Everybody's disguising their mouth
The ballad of the drastically
Just kill me, feel me
Believe me it's not easy
6. Baby Let Me Hold Ya
Baby let me hold ya
Theatric twinkling can cause a lot
My lyrically lines are done with old summer stories
People does bicker and is always in hatred
It's all about to listen with your heart
This living ain't easy
Wherever i walk
Hook: Just baby let me hold ya
Does me say wrong and it's just a song
I told you
Coming for the things
Just coming close
Clearly my mind seems to be
How long will it take to be strong
Lyricism done
Just to have lyrically ways alike singing Halleluja
Some in a sight
This just my song
Hook: Just baby let me hold ya
Does me say wrong and it's just a song
I told you
Coming for the things
Just coming close
Some in life was to the most a mystery
Just unknown,, alike frozen
7. The Unglued
Close your eyes and tell me what U see
The glimpse is mesmerizing everybody
Being real and prepared from the most inner side
Shook in the morning
Just feel
Chorus: Strictly dramatizing the scenery
C'mon step to me, outlaw, seems to be, i'm ready
The unglued, the real, just believe me
So see
It's not easy to move on and do everything's right
Somethings wrong, just look at me the unglued
The infamous
The one which does feel
Now you gotta deal
Just take it real
Chorus: Strictly dramatizing the scenery
C'mon step to me, outlaw, seems to be, i'm ready
The unglued, the real, just believe me
So see
8. Bring luv Caribbean
The streetz of cali, reggae just ladies with steel-o on jamaican feelings
Reggae waves, shake them fakes, what's at stake sunny faith of bummy ways
Wherever i walk, spark the bluntz and feel, it all about to deal
Just feel
Refrain: I wanna bring luv, most happy now
I wanna bring luv, most Reggae now
I wanna bring love, Caribean
Dear lady, is you krazy like Tracy McGrady, so it's time now
It's belonging to us now, passionately, fashionable, late night lately
Baby get close to me, it's krazy, dizzy, busy, baby just miss me
Just classic, rock and roll
Sunflora him rock that hoe, oh my god, i like you
Taste is heavenly, outta control
Refrain: I wanna bring luv, most happy now
I wanna bring luv, most Reggae now
I wanna bring love, Caribean
9. Keep the Faith
Raised in insanity, every morning
Rebel eternal, drastically waken up
Ever felt them streetz, war mentality
Shellz and guns, dust and enamel
Once so precious, kick every session
With a sense of traditions, sometimes stressin
,Just da capo every day
A world full of lonelyness, it's the same
It's stress i wonder what happened
Chorus:Keep the faith
Number luv, what's at stake
More in sake of living every day
In a way of the wise
Just celebrating life's deep
Baby in every way
But to come along, how can only one person
Be so strong, take it easy
Take off your mask, aligned in style
Was a way of my heart really to say
Who ever can touch your essence
Stressin everyday, taking daily life's lessons
To portray the way of the strange, the odd all day
Chorus:Keep the faith
Number luv, what's at stake
More in sake of living every day
In a way of the wise
Just celebrating life's deep
Baby in every way
Save your sympathy, c'mon
Stories can be very worry
Can u imagine,
Just feel
C'mon be life-long strong and wipe your tears dear one
10. In A Sense of Heart's Sights
It possibly never change
I have something to say
In every way just close your eyez
In a sense of heart's sights
Just away
Hook: Can you see the rebellion, one life one love
See and believe it clearly to feel
Tell me what i'm living for
Maybe for nothing
Just sure
Fucking George Tight, please squeazy up and down
If the ending is escalating, me is the last one
Who is there lately baby
In a sense of heartz sights
Just awaken spirits inside
Hook: Can you see the rebellion, one life one love
See and believe it clearly to feel
Tell me what i'm living for
Maybe for nothing
Really sure
11. War
The Ak in the closet, hustling every morning
Born in a world which is really wrong, tell me
I fall away, please lord catch me
If this shit is really wreck me
Everybody's in the world attack me
Hook: Miles of a soldier
War comes close to living 4
It's purely touching everybody
For sure
Didn't see everything
Which is really a problem
This living is abstractly
Always some imbecility does hit me
Thinking deep behind in time
All i see is wrong stories behind
Really to say
Hook: Miles of a soldier
War comes close to living 4
It's purely touching everybody
For sure
Tears coming down and striving for change, so see
Just believe me sometimes frightened
Listen to the song Hey, Hey Goodbye
Deeply in spirits inside
Just alike
12. Mesmerizing
Drama is all expected early in the morning, lyricz deep
People love to bicker, sometimes fading, sometimes s krazed
Just look at the common faith
Maniac bone so lone and look at my face
Hook: Never was inspired by the one's which are wrong
So a song written against those one's
You are at mesmerizing theatric fun
It's everybody's faith, desire bout blessing is possibly awaken
Possibly messing in somebodyz soul
All the time shiver down the spine
When listen to the way of the streets
Deeply to say
Hook: Never was inspired by the one's which are wrong
So a song written against those one's
You are at mesmerizing theatric fun
13. All Nights Out
This is the wicked risky style, high til i die
Chop the razorblade, risky and listen to the briskly
Cause it's risky and the performance in a way of just listen
Hook: This is wicked,, tricky, just kick it and lick it
Ladies kiss me, all nights out , all nights loud,
Just sick and miss me, just wicked
So really risky, like early in the morning
A train in Cologne is passing by
Deeply confrontations with Paul, the gone
Just something to say
All nights out
Sounding alike meaning the vibe tonight
Hook: This is wicked,tricky, just kick it and lick it
Ladies kiss me, all nights out , all nights loud
Just sick and miss me, just wicked
Like the holy to unfold me i told you
Now show me the risky
Just listen
Can U Understand My Ways
1.Sacred War Done
Just sacred thangs just done
Tell me, ever heard bout shady thangs
Lyricism instead people's wishes
On a way of the sacred mission
Just say
Chorus: So listen, sacred war just done
Hopefully peace can come
Deeply inside, it's the awake of the holy war
Hopefully not
Be to the Lord be in forgiveness
The holy war is in awake
Praying to God for my squad
People does bleed and stay in agony
Chorus: So listen, sacred war just done
Hopefully peace can come
Deeply inside, it's the awake of the holy war
Hopefully not
Try to focus on reality, just sacred events done
Outlaw til i'm gone never trippin
Blessed by spittin
Strictly ballin and troops gonna hit you
Gortoz A Ran
2.Are You Afraid To Die
Ever seen things nobody ever seen
Come with some sense
Fading deep, peep me
See me just strictly as somebody from the wise
This life is lived once, are you afraid to die
Living alike the epos tonight
Refrain:Are you afraid to die, strictly your mind gets questioned
Possibly one day it's over
Classics are done
Afraid to die, just tell some
Can you understand me, it's pretty hard
Strong from the most inner side
It's like this life is bleached with a sight
Of sorrow and the bleak
Refrain:Are you afraid to die, strictly your mind gets questioned
Possibly one day it's over, sippin on cocktails, classics are done
Afraid to die, just tell some
Are you afraid to die
It's simple, mind's getting questioned
It's stressin just messin with ideas of the demise
It's like it's odd to think about
3. Loyalty
With your presence in my ear, fearfully and in awe was me really oftenly in life
This thang got me feeling shook, it's dope, messin with deep confrontations
Listen with my heart my whole life, but now look
Never come close to trippin, kicking every paragraph with sense
Just shook
Chorus: Let it everybody know
Loyality is welcomed in life
Just a rising sight
Living on the road of the glory
The world should know
Living on the railway of the unpredictable
Just the hymn of loyalty
Chorus: Let it everybody know
Loyality is really welcomed in life
Just a rising sight
4. Touch U Deeply
A sight of the dimming, the rise of the sun
If you listen closely myself was inspired by lyrically ways
I do live with my heart all day
Can you imagine things coming close to your mind
On a mission just where you get twisted,
Bliss far away
Chorus:Imagine something awake, just a daredevil on a ride
Ballin is my thang, keep it real, and just feel
Really to say, touch u deeply
Can you picture one individual in a stance of a chance living glad
Hatred is garbage
Imaginary by the risky
By things getting twisted
Chorus:Imagine something awake just a daredevil on a ride
Ballin is my thang, keep it real, and just feel,
Really to say, touch u deeply
5.Save Your Sympathy
Please Lord, myself does believe there's no way out
As far as sympathy for people which are encaged of drama
You should understand, one day the misery and agony is blown in the wind
Soft strings does downturn your vibe
In the ways of your heart
Chorus: Baby,save your sympathy and understand the ways of strive for change
In exchange for the same you stand every day, you have to look at your heart in every way
So lyrics in my heart, does awake a soul
Getting emotionally in a train which is at runaway
Best believe, to be so surprisingly in life is hope for everybody
Chorus: Baby,save your sympathy and understand the ways in strive for change
In exchange for the same you stand every day, you have to look at your heart in every way
6.Can U Understand My Ways
Firstly, in every sense of, my life or just how me gotta explain
Was a way of the ambitious, really to say
Sometimes in tendency on things which were really strange and levity, la vida loca
Sometimes life's does catch you from anywhere
Best believe, c'mon life's to short to mess every day with wrong thoughts
But so truly to say, anyway
Chorus:Understand, Understand, Understand just U
The whispering in the air does come close to you
Sometimes in a way of the withered
Giving u hope, just dope, influenced by a lot
Understand, i gotta tell,
It's all about passion by mashin
Now mysteries are blow away
Strictly peep me seriously
Just keep it
Chorus:Understand, Understand, Understand just U
The whispering in the air does come close to you
Sometime in a way of the withered
It ain' t easy to keep going on,
Under different circumstances me was away
Just believe in destiny, a change and shift came so quick
One word to say
The odd and strange came
All day
7. Lost And Away
Myself does run through this cold world, in ask to the most
Clutching the questions of he next, the Toxicity the strange
Watching at stories just secret of wars
Just understand, my life was more embroiled
Of my heart how i feel
Believe me
Chorus: I be just lost and away, but next day
It's gonna be ok and sincere in every way
Melodies of the questions done,
Sing the song of the one
My only fear of death is reincarnation
Put it down like, cause i can tell u what
In my heart me is more a rebel against a whole country
Just look at you and take the world out of breath
What's left
Chorus: I be just lost and away, but next day
It's gonna be ok and sincere in every way
8. How It's Gonna Be
Tell em how we do, we lived in unity
God's words are cursed like crack
Singing sometimes, Hey Hey Goodbye
Chorus: Tell me what i'm living for, Outlaw
Say, see you on the freeway baby
Late night lately, just face me
Seems mysteries does touching me
Deeply to see
By the sincere
Chorus:Tell me what i'm living for
Say, see you on the freeway baby
Late night lately, just face me
Touching someone deeply in prose
Decisions in life turned out closely to death
9.In the Air Tonight
Heart's shaking while having my ladies on the side
One to the left and on the right
Loving the sight of whispering just the air tonight
Come close just u, it's all about feelings,true
In a way of gangsta, look at me and believe
Refrain:C'mon, listen to the air tonight
Just feel and tell me what U see
Baby, you know i mean
My major thang was to get major dope
Let it be and let it be
Looking at them stars and believe
How far does it reach just to feel like some G, you feel me
More of the liqours and cognac, can you see it clearly
Refrain:C'mon, listen to the air tonight
Just feel and tell me what U see
Baby, you know i mean
And feel it in the air tonight
Whisper some like baby let me hold ya
Me is close to you
Now it's really showdown just, shown to ya'll
So listen closely
Just feel
Believe me it's like
Getting ready for the event of your life
In the Air Tonight
10.Hit Me Right
In the depth of a scenario
This infancy is all about stupidity in my sense of
Even God likes to hurt you, nothing else left
People live abstract in insanity, no one cares in this dirty society
Hit me right alike fulfilled with flavour tonight
A grind of life's emotions, hoping
One day this trick is away
Chorus:Hit me Clown, hit my heart directly , take it deep, things get twisted
Hit me deep, and brake out in tears and sadness
You know your right, but the most things
I have heard is really disgusting for everyone
Tell me why does this happen
Are you crucified ?
The most time in life is possibly alike
Just a sight
Chorus:Hit me Clown, hit my heart directly, take it deep, things get twisted
11. Cause Me Is Strong
Ever seen wrong things coming close to you
Do everything's rightly to do
Melancholy does touch me from the most inner side deeply
People does lye, afraid to step into the next
Crying sometimes innerly
Afterwards i'm relieved and feeling like human being
Refrain:Sometimes wrong at first
My mind is blind in at wrongfully sight
This shit does rip me apart
Somethings wrong at first, i believe one day it's accomplished
My misery is sometimes
Questioned, stressin
By the most, believe me
Now see me
Refrain:Sometimes wrong at first
My mind is blind in at wrongfully sight
This shit does ripping me apart
12. Scary To Stay
Are you scared to stay and looking forwardly
Sometimes life's shady sites can get on you
Stay strong
Overcome the bad
Don't be scary
Chorus: Scary to stay, babay be awake by life in common faith
A blind mind all the time, things became more a way of the twisted
Everything's so confused
And just trippin '
Tell me some bout people thinking why we here
Drinking cheap liqour, getting twisted
Missing the bliss
Which does come from spirits inside
So briskly alike
Chorus: Scary to stay, babay be awake by life in common faith
A blind mind all the time, things became more a way of the twisted
Everything's so confused
And just trippin '
13.I Gonna Destroy U
It does really catch u, deeply in moment to be
Let it be and do the best out of your life in one shot to see
Refrain: Getting innerly touched by the memories
So it really does feel good to look behind
Sometimes i'm really shook in the mind
Gangsterism in the heart remembering the good
An occasion to know the times behind
Which does start to flourish in you firstly as a seed
Hit me outlaw, the scenery of the past
Does awake sights in me, till the last
Refrain::Getting innerly touched by the memories,
It really does feel good to look behind
Sometimes i'm really shook in the mind
14. Glory
Bring glory in dosis
Mesmerizing the whole scenario
Just glorify the good
Just look sometimes shook
Ain't a crook
Chorus: Never be fake
Image of the fame is the same
Than trapped in a cage
Just facing cases of getting chased
A clown can come around and shake you down
A prosa by frozen heart's, lyrically done
Whispering in the air
To glorify the life
Chorus:: Never be fake
Image of the fame is the same
Than trapped in a cage
Just facing cases of getting chased
Screaming worldwide rebel til i'm gone
Sittin on chrome, let everybody know
AK in the front of the porch
Getting in love with my ski-mask
Tattered and torn my soul seems to be
So it is so. me isn't about thugz
Cause to wait and bleed is deathfully
I really feel like there will never be peace in my heart, truly
Best believe
I miss dayz of bliss and joy
Hold a candle for a world event which was world relevant
So keep the faith in every way
Getting emotionally every day, but really to say
My style shook the whole world
It ain't easy to move forwardly
It's stress and it's like me is under arrest
It is more like a shipwreck to attack
Let it be known, me is never trippin, totally krazed
Just amazed by Paul the great the unglued
Say i wouldn't say neither, it's the true and masked
Waken up fleddered and torn
Seems to be immense pressure to stand
Alone in a world without comrades
Struggle against these arrogant people daily
This society is only lavish
Ever seen a night sky which was shiny and bright
My eyez was like surprised in this sight
Just alike
See life's character is hard to hit
Life's so short
Grip the essence of yourself. me is questioned
What's coming next
Barley believing one day exhilarated from all the stress
This song is dedicated to them people, which were aligned
Full of thoughts bout in life behind, Paul Gray behind
The great the gone i pour out liqour for you '
Reminiscing you
I never forgot your time on the group with unity behind
Just listen, on stage united frowned
Your lyrically frame just deep to say
Going krazy on stage, baby
Questions are raised so look at my face
Look into my eyez
My demise hopefully kinda alike
Early in sight
They gotta understand it ain't easy to hold on in this nation
Please no more shocking allegations
Observatory everyday from above just fading
Watching them stars and seeing a shiny sky which is at bride omega
Full of bloodshed and torn, a crown of thorns filled with blood inside
Screaming tha country is breathing in a sight of dirt inside
Wait and bleed is perhaps a job which is painfully
To get attention is possibly easy to grip
Perhaps the shadows depth
Caught me since early on
Picture, Germany against me , to believe you against a country
Switch them trickz in a mix of perforating them quick
It ain't easy to hold on, stay strong dear one
And believe for the good, c'mon
Nowadays things changed
Cause it's not more the same
Savas goes Hollywood, look at me ,who ever cares in a world which is scandalous
Some people have verbal disguise
Cause they fear the truth, it ain't cool
Best believe is there coming somebody to my porch, it's tha AR
Paparazzi is out, so sloppy, talk about Papi Chulo
Spirits awake life inside of me, deeply
Fakers does look in my face in surplus like brothers cases
But hey na, somebody gotta keep his head up, look at them foul people
Decayed away
Times moving quick, take the breath outta inspiration
Mesmerizing the scenery, hypnotizing tha world
Leaks in the web, did revelation and truth
This planet is so dark, but every human being is unique, my soul is deep in misery, labeld as lunatic
I want to have peace in my heart, just awaken your dreams
Say america is deceit, it's truth and believe it is treeacherous in a way of politics
People love to bicker, it's tricky, life's shady sites are like hard to like
Sometimes in life, it's like frightned
So look
It's me against Germany
Grip the chance to change some
To teach a lot, don't feed into it, it's gonna number escalate
I'm in chaos just celebrating life with questions in mass
Old times stay manifested deep in me
I feel like me is build on my own and self-made
You gotta be smart, shocked was me with sixteen, when me was entrenched in this chaos
And everytthings just started from day one
This blashpemy, this fiction, me does do livin emotionally
Can somebody only say some, if he became crucified ?
Cause me is questioend, where does this all come from
What is belonging to me, what does going on
I wanna bring luv caribean,
Dear Lord tell me what i'm living for, 4, deeply to say
Strictly riding down like B&C
So tragedies does cost nerves,so whatcha gonna do
Tell me
Lyrical lines can effect some, south central those who don't be afraid of
Copycats does exist many, i never drunk cognac or hard liqours
Mysoginistic was me never, in contrary
I swear to god, it was war back in dayz
My motto was more ballin
Lyricz just done, the whisper of fortune can come, some to achieve in front
Please dear Lord take me away
From all the violence and the dirt
A sight of the dimming
Fascinated by the sight of capulets
To choose to be true can have negativity
Get locked up won't let me out
Germany against me was coming strictly out of my mind of a life's sight
Wherever i walk, it's shamefully and dark
It's feels like a shadows depth in expect to follow you
To have dreams means you can achieve
So look how shook my lyrical style does seem to be
Talk to my beretta like she's flying like a thang
Just passionately
Be ambitious while young
C'mon be yourself, be relevant
Whisper words of wisdom
Just hit the essence of yourself in event
I only see terror, the mirror shows horror and it turns out sorrow
Tomorrow possibly me is dead, cause this life me can't stand
Someone doesn't like me, and a torn fleddered soul
My days became a tragedy like Shakespeare i guess, so it's pure stress
The only thang i wanted in my life was peace till God was causing more dirt
I want to disappear like a corpse, wordz can come outta some people just dirt
A song written can give accomplished moments
So listen closely
I like literary works and nuthing from this senseless dirt
Relapse me is sometimes
Sometimes me is dreaming and all me does see is agony
Ain't living well, lyrics accurately laid down
My style shook the whole world
Sounding great around
Stress it's hard to endure
Life's hard complexity is difficult to touch
A life to lead with neuroleptics is sceptic
Homies like me living abstractly, to figure out who really knows the truth,
We have to find out that's it's jokey
Classy records from artists just are well in a sight
My teardrops come down, what's next
Just looking into the mirror, seeing expressions
A session just rocafella more acapella
Just withered away
In sake of somebodys faith me has to bleed
Tell me what i'm living for, Outlaw, just an artillery and shellz
Who ever felt more victimised
Spit it out
Let it be let it down and start to believe
Possibly i failed sometimes cause it was destiny
That love is required in everybody's life
Celebrating a nation full of a theatralic vibration, some is fading, late night lately at lights from the cars
At nights watching at them stars,
Somebody on this planet is evil ,it ain't easy
Fading sometimes, but now i see this life wasn't meant for me, believe me
Have to find my sleep, please lord
My decision in life is to get away from you
So graffiti walls is arts, recently talked a lot of non-sense like every day
Why so bitter why sad dry your tears
Baby don't
Possibly my life will end bitterly
Places on earth can be hell, this ain't livin, my father raised me
So multiple rounds are laced
My style shook the whole world
Life's situations can crumble, ain't trippin
Homie so i'm lonely for a long time, multiple wounds hit you
Just kick it like a rose which does burn since day one on a crown of thorns
My lyrically intentions are justified, a camouflage some people does have
This is my life my life lived once, what can me do, got nothing to lose
Ever seen tears coming down them ladies eyes
Just flowing down the face
Never start to get trippin '
Never really faking
Living more in sake of upper fakes
Idolizing celebrating music, let myself always into different questions
Me is embroiled in a dilemma, it's a drama and drastic
Messed up clearly always inside fearful
Skeptic and hectic all the time
No prudent talks me is catching
From the most inner side me does feel not so deep
Me does start to get twisted
Strictly, believe me life's not easy
Whistling a song called " Hey, Hey Goodbye " at nights
When the stars is shiny and bright
Ever woke up early in the morning, stressin deep
I lay this content in your hands, before i ask questions
Dramatized my life to the fullace
It's like innocent angels ripping U apart
Tell me, are you crucified ?
Hope one day there's gonna be peace
Friends lost and mind always sharp like a razor blade
Faith and in a sake of never wanting to be fake
Daily situations hard to mess, it's stress
In addition, things became twisted and missing bliss since early on
Be smart and grip the chance to create some
Me is ready what ever comes that comes
Peep the scenario, in the end it doesn't matter
Illusion came and it turned out strange, popular i never want to be
Everybody wants to listen to the right kick, so shit
Dope lyrically thangs are worldwide marked
Inhaling cigarettes just mass
Clutching a lot of problems inside
It's like my dreams seems far
Stressin but questioned in the end
Falling away in sleepless nights
To the end i'm seeing nothing
One blast with the beretta so i pray for a better way
You bustas scream till it's raw and done
Lyrically established in raw form
Come baby, look at me
Acoustic properly done
The time moving quick, spittin just at tricks
Here i'am just i take my experience
Abyss and a territory of the perpetuity
Dreaming is possibly ok, the trick is to never lose hope
Femophobia me never was about
A disguise by my mouth never really been
Hypnotizing the whole scenery
Hit the scene with teflon and ski-masks, bulletproof and raw texts, the midwest turn to more war weapons
Have a frown for a prison-break or a revolutionary story by, take it easy
Come as you are, it's hard to keep going on, it's just issues
Sloppy was me never and next time we gonna shiver down the spine, ain't hard to find
Trickie it's the whole way up, c'mon so listen
Sometimes my mind is getting illusioned and blind
Looking peculiar at someone, cause it's always estranged
Can you feel it in the air tonight, look at my face
In my mind me is sometimes blind, sincere all every time
Lyrically poetic meant, i was early in life embroiled in serious situations
Listen every day to the sincere, when the train is lost and away
Nuthin but the real 'just the capo every day
Say Paul some day it will become a reunion in every way
No matter, Corey and Chris, you will be unified in glory
With him the unglued, than it's showdown for the group
Angels like to be in control
Set your eyez in the event of some
See, me isn't bout jokey thangs
When your hearts not open, just frozen
Watchin at them stars thinking deeply on the times in front
For life me isn't chosen
I like lyricism in dosis
Strictly business, missin the bliss
Of the lost and gone, blowing wishes
Something inside of me is levity, some in life turned out tragedy
Just miss me, don't do hypocrisy
Only see one act to portray, a way of the outlaw,
Really to say love, understand me
Ever thought something like life can touch you immense
This society doesn't care by ideals coming from nations sorrows
Tomorrow contingently the sorrow is over
Thug Thespian and stressed a lot, alike
I have to think smart and properly in sight
Coming close to celebrating life in composure like innerly frozen
Expect that Macadoshis, that thug shit, that raw vibe in dosis
Look, and start to believe, dreams can come close, chosen for life me isn't
Like you know, one life to live
In a sight of your heart, alike playing with your mind
To know what in front of the dayz before
Just coming
I like ammu and my AR-15, dreams by the better, always like ever
Ghetto and rebels just thugz for war, more anecdotes out of Prague deeply to believe, so far
Where love is written in a enclosed block called eternally
Pure emotionally ways of believing in ideals
Touching them stars and bring it like deep poetic
Wake up early in the morning, my body torn and fleddered
Everything's full of blood
Come close to know, i'm ready for sure
And pride from the most inner side, alike
It is so
Which was long ago, but you gotta know it's close to you
Sometimes life's tricky
It feels good to be someone, sincere and honest
Now kick me and lick me
Don't trick me
Thinking deeply to the next, nuthing but empty thoughts behind
This is my texts, my life is filled with Papi Chulo, what's left
In a feeling myself getting just accomplished with love
I want to attack just saying i'm back
My composure just weak and sometimes rising
Maybe you drive me krazy, look what exactly is forwardly to know
Once i heard, i can feel it coming it in the air tonight, oh lord
Now i say i can feel the moment of whispering close to know
Just more easily to say a story of the gone can be worry
Alike sorry to someone's
A face of the devil singing drama oh papi
A bent pipe, like tonight you gonna be shiver down the spine
Most sloppy whistling the song of the death all the time
My name's Andi
Clandestine you understand me, by the reality
Lyrically endowed really deep, them streetz is hypocrisy
Getting crucified severely, ain't nobody ever heard me
My life in exchange for yours, every day it's stress, say me is under arrest
My life really out of moral breath
Seeing a lot of drama
A clown with tears in his face, is sadness glorified
So Paul, one day you and Corey just the masked troop is unified, less tribulations
Like your feelings was come on stage and be unglued totally, to your cru
, My lines, everything's is true
Thuggin deep, krazed by the most innerly,
Behind perils and wisdom is a lot, let it be, just do that
Fulfilled with strive of hope is my heartly essence
Stressin sometimes, attacking verbally a lot
Lyrically deep from the first line to the last
You know your rights
My life is hard to portray, in a way of to say, it's not to stand, this visual crucifix, deeply
Only questions inside, but really to say
Outlaw till i die, bulletz touching, later on multiply
I like hundred dollar bills in my hands, not in intention of dissin '
A chance to keep it up, life's sweet bitterly
Insanity sometimes kicked off
Krazed old times missin
Praying to god for forgivin
What's next
Condoms and Champaign glasses
Death Row, classicaly beats, war on the streets
Quotes from my side givin, called a lone mission
In expect of a dope liaison
Say, Fatal Hussein alias Sadam Hussein
Once in life so at presence by them outlawz,
Rest in peace, to you, i reminisce you at unity
Community in my location is hard to find
Life's too short to mess everyday's stress
Me is under arrest, sometimes life's boring just oftenly
Yeah in the air tonight, liking elion and insanity
Drastically tragedies may come
Shadowly i guess it's coming, in truth to say, some is unknown
To be down for lyrically ways, does give me inner strength,
Deeply to say
I like riches from things required in givin
Shaking just shook from the inner side by a lot of mindthoughts
I want to ascertain some in life, gunplay and gats is possibly not for rats
Once i saw a fashion show on my flatscreen
Believe me, is strictly deepness to portray
To mess every day with conflicts is tricks to kick away, deeply
Once in youth i was loudy and wild to do things
Just thuggin
Outlaw way of life does give the inner side spirits out of peace alike
Just nuthin but the crunchy in sight
Makaveli was oftenly metaphorically
So his alias
I like spiritually vibe, alike a sight of the turning low of your heart
Visualizing the wreck, one day i'll be back, waken up early
in the morning maimed and thinking on death
The law is wrong in most everybody's life, aligned philosophy
Can change your mind, mostly frightened
Existence on this planet give's my heart weakness
It's stress, remembering one day was me blessed
Left behind, coming along with a whisper on a mission, early twisted, say me is under stress
I believe senseful my mind is always blind, a sight of regulations from the streets
Chinua Achebe givin conclusions talking about sense behind
Leaking some about mysteries circling around, rounds fly
Getting high and starting to be allright
Whisper words of wisdom coming close to my life, getting high and observe the screen
Kurt Cobain just blowed his brain with tha shotty back in time, hopefully he wasn't afraid
Yak and Pak were figures just a visualization in lifetime
I like outlaw living, having the lyrically aspects ready, just feel me, now kill me
This country is giving you vibe alike of dirty society in light
Might one day it's over, god bless the children of tomorrow
Ain't sorrows doing wrong to me, enemy of state, all written in common faith
A shining star in my life is possibly a sight of getting tortured inside
Classic old-fashioned gangsterism at admiration, fading oftenly
Sometimes in need to see it clearly, musically done and acoustically
Baby don't fear me
Feelings brought done in a way of lyrically just some
The church is cursed and god is dirt, just nuthin else matters
My soul just fleddered and battered, once i believe justice does matter
Daily asking questions, black business is really interesting
I like low laid acoustic, listen to the pinnacle of a string just grunge
Just thinking sometimes why not blowing my brain in pieces
Believe me, people or somebody else is just jealous of ways just talent
Those kinda people is liars and nuthing more
Outlaw, tell me what i'm living 4, everybody's knocking on heavens door
Sure, that this planet does need the glory to rockin ' like Corey
I love lyric, liking just kick it and smack it
This living is nothing without heart, wherever i walk i spark some fall of wrong an evil
Upstream thinking, just beat it, classic assessed, blessed by living, in the life just forgiving
Clowning a lot, drinking cognac till dusk, proper life conditions, this society ain't caring by the next generation
A clever guy like me is just loving saying turn it up Andi, most ridiculous & notorious
Glorious, just kill me believe and feel me
I like politics and deepness in not saying leave me, just believe me it's a epidemic seed my lyric saying alike love and unity
Community does bring truth to me, social abyss in a way of start in youth just cannabis
Dreaming 4 sure by them bick bucks, missing Max and them guys, me nice like white mice
Passionately alike tonight rocking in glory like Corey, dreams a lot in the heart
Shards of the past hit sometimes, please lord push them away
Ronin and Jean Francois Richet, role models to my heart, dark feeling sometimes
The world moves and i notch deep inside my innerworth, liking
Passion for proper acoustic, getting emotionally inside, it's like this living is sometimes good or bad
One day i be back, america is treacherous politics, classic performed my lyric
One mirage is some real i experienced, dirty ways can lead to dirty days
I hope so, to excel a stance of a chance, being accepted by every human-being
Living of days of exactly being not anymore encaged, look at my face, fucking George Tight
Them strings is going, you know your right, alike fading oftenly
Reaching to the pinnacle of lyrically ways, hey everybody on this planet has sometimes wrong days
To say on day it's allrght, ok
Step on the scence, pulmonary weak, bleak, reaching to a bitterly streak
Politicians is compulsory arranged, Versace on google world-wide spread, just a leak
Notching on dreams with a semen of believing out a hearfully scheme
I can feel it come it in the air tonight, written and composed, the event of your life
Alike journalism is the reflection of the populars wrong conditions
A lane in life giving, since early on, we gotta need love in dosis
Disciplinary ways can shiver people's sides, what does you think if you does look back or forwardly
Acoustically done, proper layers created, sometimes fading, in sake of living precious
Catching life's perils, getting engulfed dirty blessing
Loving passionately women, have heart for em, in livin
A sound coming straight around, kill and feel me, my people just die for me
Born as a lyricist, nowadays people say nuthing but the wrong
Decisions can have wide impact
Just rocking like Corey, more of the glory
Don't worry and commit never deeds which are not from your heart
Walking through these perils, can't defend my self
Life's ain't easy, come as you are, these times got me shook
Relapse sometimes
Troublesome in life sometimes, it's just issues, keep the faith, sitting sometimes out
How far is it to death in my life, seen a lot, grunge times punk just rock times
Best believe
Peep me strictly seriously
A writer and designer, blessed with riches of good living, missing times just from the gone in this livin
Sometimes life's downgraded and fading to the most
It's like fire burning in hell, it so hard to endure and stand
A shame turned out reality, but this fiction doesn't stop
Illusionary seems to be a dream and nothing but a seed of the wrong
Ave Mary come and save me, is it worse and bad influence
Chorus:A Decacade of Silence, pure stressing
A session of obsession, no rest and no peace
It's a genocide and maimed somebody became
So now i will be strong just very strong
No no no, oh no this can't be true
It's like this fiction is controlling you for a decade
Faith and blessing far away
So i say it's hard bababy
Chorus:A Decacade of Silence, pure stressing
A session of obsession, no rest and no peace
It's a genocide and maimed somebody became
So now i will be strong just very strong
A shadow of dark just a heart which is at climax just an pinnacle with sorrows pressed in the bottom
Kurt Cobain just influenced me a lot, i like the streets of america
I'm happy now bout my weakness just temptation, this hell doesn't stop
Back in time me and my cousin Wjatischlaw were hustling like Pak and Yak were in the war of 94'
Refrain:A Shadow of the dark does come and overthrow my heart
I hope one day this disappears and this fear will just be blown away
Shadows just darkness can overthrew your essence and it's pure stressin
Lessons of life everybody has to take, just i want to stay wide awake
But please take me seriously and normally
Refrain:A Shadow of the dark does come and overthrow my heart
I hope one day this disappears and this fear will just be blown away
Somebody is lost in ballads of life, cause it was planned
Dilemmas can come, sorrows can go, foul people are always treacherous like vultures
Hope and Blessing is far away, sad vibe does come, screaming l.a l.a
Ey, does me say my real real thugz, just G riding talk bout Graffiti colors
Panther Power is my inspiration, start for the rebellion
Unkempt trousers from ladies is heaven and blessing
My life is stress, possibly fading away when me does grow, but me does rise
Just look at my eyez, in the sight of my demise
Certified misinterpretated me was portrayed in a lot of individuals
Me never paid taxes, but look how somebody can achieve, if you only get off your ass
This society doesn't really change, everytime the same folk does say
I want to say rhetoric is politics, ever seen a bright heaven
I need distraction from all the hard vibe, Dilemmas can go, sorrows can go
Refrain:It's always Dilemma, it's always sorrows
Tomorrow probably it's again the same horror
Life's Tragedies does hit you every day
Just keep going and look forward
Deep to say
My family tree consists outta people with sick minds
Addicted to drugz me isn't, Tupac was idolized by so many
Some ways of inspiration took me forward, the TV does show non-sense
I never had truly friends me was raised with
Keep your faith in me, best believe be sombody serious and overlook others opinions
Germany's perved menace to everybody should diminish and then be accomplished with a profitable finish
My lyrics does reflect human-sides, also realistic
I want to have a whole army and a west coast
Friends come and go, so i do believe so
Refrain:It's always Dilemma, it's always sorrows
Tomorrow probably it's again the same horror
Life's Tragedies does hit you every day
Just keep going and look forward
Deep to say
Dreaming worldwide for the young, the young in strive for a better future
For a better world in addition, my dreams in accomplishment with my idol Tupac Amaru Shakur
Tell everbody how far this wishings does go, so the young in acts of fortune and future
I'm young and me does dream to be free
Refrain:Dreams of the young, me is in strive of some which called heart and not dark
Mutliple thoughts bang through my head, in a sec just one day i'll be back
Heart touched by things which does occur in my most inner side
It's like tonight the youth is celebrating a shake of the good
Moods just very well in constitution
Refrain:Dreams of the young, me is in strive of some which called heart and not dark
Me Andreas was crucified like Jezus, once somebody said give me the reason
Sleeping and seeking every moment for the end, just so dim the vibe
Lyricism is a way of expression, Makaveli is all about commitment
Ave Maria come and save me, krazy visions bout Machiavelli
New York should be loving us, shouldn't be trippin
Spittin, loved by the father and touched by the world
Myself is sometimes confused, thug blues, thinking always on THUG LIFE
Wiehl is me at home, Passion of Christ, this can't be happen
Stressing, just poetic and hoping for a better future
Visions bout Africa and God's Son
Frankfurt times goes by puffing on lye hope that gives me high
Cause the guitar strings flash my mind just allright
Skyscrapers and graffiti shops
It's all about passion with this metropole
More classic just fantastic oh bombastic
Refrain:Just Frankfurt time goes by
I like the sight of being here
We are a city with a image just really big
Always in remembrance just a stance of greatness
Me does see beautifully areas
Everybody enjoys the skyline and is high
Smoking the first time a cigarette
Cause now i know it's a good time in life
Refrain:Just Frankfurt time goes by
I like the sight of being here
We are a city with a image just really big
Always in remembrance just a stance of greatness
Damaged souls, which are perforated by horror-holes
Grunge does effect my heart to go on a appropriate level of nouveao
Talking bout scam and treacherous forces which does only lead your soul to bleed
Wait and Bleed it's most hard to see, best believe velour can hit you sometimes
Right, right, allright, let's get together high
Allround in a step by, good friends we are or good friends we lost, off course
God is evil, more like the devil just demons
Hook:Grunge come, Strings go
Everything's in step
Plays done, Playaz Space, Gangstas Chase
Just look at my face
Ladies just be baby
Wooden guitar matter, just better than ever
Miss Mary come and save me
Be krazy with sense, forsaken me was since birth
Wordz are spoken, Strings does sound like alike
Tonight you gonna see an eternal maime
Hook:Grunge come, Strings go
Everything's in step
Plays done, Playaz Space, Gangstas Chase
Just look at my face
Ladies just be baby
I seen patriotic schematic signs of lands and countries does have heart
Wind of Change is coming close just show me respect in the end-effect
Break your fucking neck, to this hymn of the heartz of the countries
Insanity spitting, blessed by kicking, Crips or Bloods, Black Jezus is at awake
Countries at hearts with elan of Angela Merkel, in this land is a rebel called Andi
Chorus:Heartz of Countries, please see and believe, this life is lived once
Chances to turn from the bad into the good, soldiery and patriotism
Gangsterism and nuthing but a pure good heart
Once i heard thangs can get twisted and out of hands, i want to have my own industry just a piece of company
Lyrics accurately laid down, hope one day i have a vocational thriving career
We are in complex era of the world
Chorus:Heartz of Countries, please see and believe, this life is lived once
Chances to turn from the bad into the good, soldiery and patriotism
Gangsterism and nuthing but a pure good heart
Myself saw people which where faking and disguising their mouth just being crooked minded
This is wrong and not so correctly, sometimes it's tricky life's occasions
Celebrating the art of war, how far will God go, so myself Andreas was in agony for a lot of years
Tears came down my cheeks and was hard-core in bloodshed
A lot of people does fake cause they is more evil-hearted
Chorus:Fakers can come, but they can also go
So i do believe so
Why this world is so messed up is possibly, cause everybody does have stress
Grunge and guitar strings just greatness and goodness, play the bass just more of the sound
Kurt Cobain does hit me with his sincere voice everytime and his long hair
Chorus:Fakers can come, but they can also go
So i do believe so
Did you ever been crucified through perils of the wrong, does me say wrong
Me was seeing things motherfucker, which were more hard than ever hard somebody has being through
This life is lived once, but yet from these perils does come knowledge
It's stressin, blessing far away, so i pray the lord to make way for me, but it doesn't
Intertwined in a requiem called, condemned for death, what's left, only a soul for survival in this war
Chorus:A requiem lost in war, how far will this messin
Stressin and this hard vibe doesn't stop
Ever seen angels, which was a resurrection
Dear father forgive em
And watch at us
Black Jezus is a metaphorically way of a perspective
Since me was lost in this war, i realize is hard to stand
It's most impossible to go this awful path of the evil
Myself in out of control, lost in deepness and lurky demons just brutality
Chorus:A requiem lost in war, how far will this messin
Stressin and this hard vibe doesn't stop
Ever seen angels, which was a resurrection
Dear father forgive em
And watch at us
School-Times were shook like me was ballin' every day
I prayed so long for a better life, all i saw was tears and perils
Rebels me saw in Metropolitan areas, unkempt jeans are comfortable
Ladies me had enough, sometimes nowadays i laugh and sometimes me does cough
Lady Liberty gave us a lot of conditions of liberal acts plus anti-social does come a lot in this country
To be somebody which is entrenched and involved in self-created management
Did Hip-Hop really die, the pain in the mirror does turn the pain realer
Imposing facts which isn't weak, come into the club or in my spot
Look from year to year, from day to day, me does rise, it's something me does like
Hook: Just look, look, look he me is at rise
Tonight it's shiver down the spine
Fading never , just now when ever Baby
Just look at me, how i rise, i just like to be allright
Rough and tough in addition on a mission just self-accomplished missing the bliss outta early wishes
Leon - The Assassin gave me street-flavour, art is beautiful, Panther Power as a rebellion with weapons
Just rapping bout this dirty society, i cry sometimes, these tears are coming down my jowls
A place where me can find attitude is possibly Playaz Space, where no Gangsta did get chased
Lyricism is a way of expression, a session with blessing, the dopest line ever spitted, kicking lessons just bombastic
Now look from time to time, from phase to evolement and development me does rise, just look at my eyez, shiver down the spine
Hook: Just look, look, look how me is at rise
Tonight it's shiver down the spine
Fading never , just now when ever Baby
Just look at me, how i rise, i just like to be allright
So myself is ridiculous by your sight
You was awaken some lovings and blessings inside of me
But what happened, cause me never saw you no more a part of my soul died
You gave me a lot of inner warmth in the place where it's called heart
So i walk with memories, just remember angels strutting above in heaven with curls
Chorus:Love is so enormous of feelings inside
Me can't say, i just pray, hope just hope love is love
Believe me, i will be eternal driven be krazy of your sight tonight
The next side of mine, it's like you put me into the spotlight of my own life
Most purest thoughts had by the very first time
Take my breath away, believe just believe it's called love drives you krazy
Chorus:Love is so enormous of feelings inside
Me can't say, i just pray, hope just hope love is love
Believe me, i will be eternal driven be krazy of your sight tonight
Bryan Adams songs as far as love, is nothing against your presence
Excellence just awaken dreams in me you caused and did
Love is in the air tonight just coming, i feel it c'mon
Left behind in all this blasphemy, destroyed and maimed just broken me is
This shit and hell doesn't get quiet, it's like a riot in the most inner side
So you are in all dirt just you does wait wait wait and bleed bleed bleed
Destinys chosen just blowed away
Refrain:Left Behind, come and touch me
This hell doesn't stop no more, no help in sight
Tonight it's bloodshed everywhere
No sleep just no rest, me is under attack
This drastic traumatic drama is just hard to stand
There's no end and only the wrong is inside of you
Spit it out, a camoflouge to the environment is present
Refrain:Left Behind, come and touch me
This hell doesn't stop no more, no help in sight
Tonight it's bloodshed everywhere
No sleep just no rest, me is under attack
Me Andreas can tell you some, my life was mysterious baby
So maybe it's eternal a question which is questioned
Stressin but blessed, remember the numerology
Lessons me learned in school or smoking weed, while the whole cliqua is bouncing
Drinking cheap liquor and havin a great time with the spirits of Yaki Kadafi
Chorus:Who does know, who wants to be
Cause my life changed and started, just look at the numerology
Believe and see, dreams come true and some learned in school
It's most truly
All my brothers from Oakland to Las Vegas, me is saying everytime how it is
Missing my father, so listen it was hard to plan, cause a downturn in life came
And it turned out strange, it isn't more the same
Chorus:Who does know, who wants to be
Cause my life changed and started, just look at the numerology
Believe and see, dreams come true and some learned in school
It's most truly
Railways & Cotton me is in passion with, it's really amazing to watch
A pistol in my belt just fashionable stance of a sunshine
Cotton just comfortable and properly dressed with, talk about sometimes velour or nikki tissue
Railways stretching from l.a to mexico or from Cologne to Munich, driving in a train
Looking at the heavenly empire and the sky, Xavier Naidoo is a great german interpret just smoke weed and let
The police observe it, grunge artists and gangstas keep it real
Chorus:Railways and Cotton is my relish
It's pure a providential visitation
Sitting in the train and listen to them rails
Ain't no fakes, just cotton and railways
It's pure amusement to be in a matter just cotton
Establishment with a great thesaurus
Bombing the vibe, it's like alike rails with noise just nostalgic
Bombastic, classic just fantastic
Business outta of america is great to be
Not to forget Cassandra Steen is deep in her commitment to celebrating music
Chorus:Railways and Cotton is my relish
It's pure a providential visitation
Sitting in the train and listen to them rails
Ain't no fakes, just cotton and railways
Dear one don't be worry, take it easy, everybody is sometimes in perils
Come as you are and look, how close your reach is something you are dreaming of if you only believe
Jesus Christ Makaveli, Outlaw chalk-ledge, stretching the songs from the first to the last
One blast and it's over, loved my whole life apparel and fashion, sometimes it's stressin
Chorus:Dear one take it easy, sometimes perils and sorrows downturn your essence
Just be strong and come as you are, let it be just let it be
See and believe take it easy c'mon
Take it easy, ready 4 what ever, bleached jeans and garb like good
Having a porch in front of the house like beauty
Please forgive me i can't stop writing now
So agree, see and believe take it easy c'mon
Chorus: Dear one take it easy, sometimes perils and sorrows downturn your essence
Just be strong and come as you are, let it be just let it be
See and believe take it easy c'mon
There's some atmosphere like whistling a song bout liberty and pride native americans
This life is lived once, i greet everybody which is just in order from the most inner side
The good people will win this dilemma on earth, cause me can tell you what
Ladies the thuggin, plus we as people in the world don't know everytime how to act orderly
Sophisticated fading is sometimes everybody
Chorus:So my friend, this is the taste of whistling a song
Open your ears, it's time to act now
Are you ready ???
Tasting the freedom and love of the next
Deprived America is lost in bitter policy of someone
Come as you are and stay with me baby
Sometimesk krazed and lost just bitter from what me missed out things
But it's whistling like to go on another stage of situations
Chorus:So my friend, this is the taste of whistling a song
Open your ears, it's time to act now
Are you ready ???
Smells like Teen Spirit
The nostalgia of Eastern Germany does hit me
The east is peace and love
Thank you
Did you ever heard bout a temptation which was hard
Wherever you walk, it's shamefully in the dark
There's no beginning only a story of the withered
Which leads your soul to bleed, agony and torture this is
Bliss far away, a soul which is full of demons and devils
Try to break free, so see this is a malicious destiny
Believe just believe, this does feel like black concrete in your heart
Chorus:The Rose which came from spring, the withered overshadows the first sight
So tonight it's a Gangsta with ambitions and i ride till i die
Get me high, allright allright allright
But this isn't everything, a tulip which does burn in flickering starlight
It's like this wrong doesn't stop, does me say wrong
A song which me does do cause it's a life's experience
The chance to get out of this, possibly never
When ever it does hit me, i overlook the shadows deepness
Chorus:The Rose which came from spring, the withered overshadows the first sight
So tonight it's a Gangsta with ambitions and i ride till i die
Get me high, allright allright allright
Like the feeling to get punished
It's like hell and you doesn't get a taste of freedom
Seeing E.D.I old and a part of my soul just died
Expression on lyrical aspects can exhilerate this restriction
On a mission just dust in the ghetto
Whisper some like freedom
Chorus:I want to get free, please God forgive me the sins
So let it be and take care of my freedom
I want to set the record straight
But truly, me in life was never fake
This feeling is so cold and empty
Ohhh my God this does feel really worse and awful
Chorus:I want to get free, please God forgive me the sins
So let it be and take care of my freedom
I want to set the record straight
But truly, me in life was never fake
Why does this happen, does me say wrong
So songs are written and put it down like fresh
Bloods and Crip hit the scene
Cause i hope one day i'll be free
And live my dreams
I drive through them streets and see back lights through the glass
The sight is really Gangsterism and thugism just a ride
It's gonna be allright, but tonight myself does scream Rider till i die
Wide cars and Back Lights give me a motivation just a life's celebration
Fading and trippin possibly never, whenever it does come it's gonna be some
Hook:Wide Cars and and a back light from a sight
Tonight it's gonna be blessed by spittin
Me dressed in Fila just a Drug Dealer
Gangsterism portrayed in a wide scale
The streets are filled with blocks and hispanically quarters
A spotlight directed in my heart, Nuthin but a G Thang
Who's gonna be affiliated with this peek
Let me ride, it's just dope
Hook:Wide Cars and and a back light from a sight
Tonight it's gonna be blessed by spittin
Me dressed in Fila just a Drug Dealer
Gangsterism portrayed in a wide scale
Yaki Kadafi(In dedication of his soul #)
Me met his spirits when i was 16
He turned my life around, with his intelligence
For a million march for the piece to that, only one life agreed
Manifested in my soul as a friend, which came always in sunny days just visualisation
Also to mention Slawik my cousin when we hustled back in days for the rims from cars standing in the parking lot
Chorus:Yak you are blessed by God and will stay always in my heart
Non evil alive can hurt, all the dirt will move away
And you and me will stay
Gang activity just riding them streets, outlaw mentality just Colorado and New York Jeans
Your activity in my life was so sophisticated and smart
Every step you take, i take, every move i do you do, and every moment to catch which is bad is by me attacked
Chorus:Yak you are blessed by God and will stay always in my heart
Non evil alive can hurt, all the dirt will move away
And you and me will stay
Book Release Beginning / Lyrically Sector Songs Long Edited & Published / Long Phrase Establishment & Chiffre Written ( 2019 )29.July Written
Outlaw innermost, chosen blows for those to observe
My heart so falling away inner side, alike tonight we see rumors by people being alive
Sights in the sky like omega, nevermind i can expect to get free but really
Past gone, frozen in the veins, straight facing chase by the evil gloomy
Zooming in the television, designing some special with this international business in a session
Once in love with a girl, years gone, still heavy
Teflon with bulletz and cannabis, oh papa
I like Stefan my old comrad,he truly prudently & reasonable, in every season of most believing
My father i say that, like the father so the son, ohh my god so much i'm loving my home alone in cologne so chrome
Operating heavy with my corporation, castanian & vermillion my hair, sometimes living well
A chance with growing something solid, just tha chronic, sometimes it's issues some bliss, blowing wishes
I wonder if heaven got a ghetto, eternal on a reasonable level
Cause everytime i write lyrically words, i see no dirt, but extern extrem heavy hooks in form
Frozen and demolished probably rare, i'm a broken star try to reach a line of chorus I'm not emitting fright and fear
An percussion & an ocular is unique, more heavy like someone on his instrument just masked rock n roll in a form of my bleeding soul
Don't move a frown is coming like an special clown named Shawn Clown Crahan just dialect masked vast rocky metal blast great sound
Constellation & order in my life is a little bit broken, hoping , that this life will end positive in order , open , borderlines in the U.S is possibly close
Coping problems in a row of choking, liking lyrically content and my corporation so much,
Music creation, is always in sake of better human faith, also celebrating making always dayz in better ways
My corporation is versatile & discerning, no dirt and no special mights just light touched by companies most value alike
Smoking a lot of winston tobacco, inhaling the dirt, what's going on in this world by my web-address
Cashing some money, retrieving a lot of , believe , inside my heart, by looking back at the past, it's all marked in human shiny stars
Operating slightly kinda on someone looking down, liking business just daily mission
Corruption is franky to observe in this dirty planet world
Never really having a girl, early in the morning the birds are chirping, efficiency in the music industry, nowadays blanket & empty
Divorced parents came in my life, a sight of parental loss alive
Stemming the explosive everyday, maybe there's way to get out of this trouble every day
I say somebodys in this world is the most dirt , everybody should heard , somehow
Seeds in life called establishment & industry, just corporate affiliations in strive of nations interest
I like just prudence and corporate initiative, and no stocking fading faith
Delving every day in the resocial human kinda world, please no upper fake
Bulletproof Wests, is not for genius emitting individuals like myself
Wishing at best to friends dispersed in all of this land and country
I learned a lot from people giving me a reasonable act of living, shiver down the spine seeing a lot of grunge in a temperate acoustics line
Appropriated lines giving by my authority, corey i know you from des moines, how making heavy sounds with the band on world tour, just yearly around
Respectively, i will chose my future time to considerate an unique individual to ignore in the mondial time
Anxiously sometimes, Aberdeen is contingently a spot of doing ways of tradition in faith in america
Literally believe some people is jealous & envious of my happen,only thinking, behind scrapping all i ever could was looking in the mirror and see somebody mysterious stranglychecking
The Streets from Cologne is full of noise & some choice to get feisty, misty and foggy is some of the green in front my yard
Some years gone and away just now a world industry at creation & just done, hey i like this so far, lord come
Sometimes life's messed up, what up , paramountly lyrics initiated, sounding dope never faded, rock n roll does put me on climax & pinnacle, just permament blow by the strings
I just want to portray my life, seduction from women every day, name it daily temptation, celebrating cocktails just drinking cognac & martini with an olive,deeply, no fading
Charisma from above, don't, in referral to my father, i see love & unique confidence just also my mother, number luv, to every black loved brother
Outlaw on the streets of some districts or suburbans of Kansas breathing in atmosphere just sounding great guys in living
The last time just multiple time of years was education & self-lessons of language and somes attaches created, just made it, in wish of cashing
Misdemeanour faded at optimum sometimes, hustling for the streets back in time with my cousin Slawik about hub caps from parked cars
Essence innermost insightful & accomplished with pride & intellectuelo
Induced some operating efficiency by design, establishment & industry in other words goodwill, insights
Once i was in love with somebody just high impulses moved in my stomach, till the day came now
I wonder if heaven got painfully tears & fear around more mondial pain experiences
Sounding great is all about passion with greatly ornated consonants coming out pressed properly around in all happen in a frown
People does also like to lye and bicker, the symphony of a corpus, which was gauge out, eternity is in expect, promising
In the middle of a riddle i fall apart think bit of life's explicit turns, it burns, this cross
No matter what this life does bring, it's all about money, occupations, cars, women, and in comparison does you know what, myself isn't interest in one, all blunt futures ideals just coming from
Black Jezus is always used as as metaphor by some people, i see some circumstances in life internally very seriously, the life lived once, rock tha hoe, rock n roll, i rock tha tribuned show
Some aspirations are justified in a context, if someone like to think with his heart, dark sometimes, i walk through life's perils, chances to grip life's channels & levels of love is small & low
Outlaw Inspirated, Outlaw Expendations, Initiated Blazed by this morality, sometimes life's can end in a tragedy
The sun in Cologne is shining like in California, directly pressed in my heart, operating deeply concerned by dirt by some people in life
A light flickering bright, is education in visual forms in a sight, efficiently hear open hearted, a scissors in life, the evil in somebodys life
I believe nights all out can be effective, especially the youth in star bright sights, hope next generation can be making the effect in faith of starsights
I circumwent ways of the corrupt & ways of the wrong just evil, believe me, this's life for everybody from us ain't easy, temporary eventually , this primitive devil is walking out of my residence, so hard dealing level
Embodiment of truly great manifested blessing from my father & mother, which cared my whole life for me, believe me, my life sometimes in perils & dangers
Visiting my internet-corporation is informative & a big scenario of content, from the front to the last, everything's industry, just all next to paramountly world stage
Once i learned in life differentiation from people, which is greedy & salubrious more hate-filled by pieces of life's seeings, in this devil dimensions
Believe me, all is justified alike watching to prudence & reasonable handling of some different ways , leading to different ways of life's structured days, next in turn of better feelings always
Mostly innerly feelings just scared & afraid of some, hail mary come and save me, daily operating on the filiale, baby, maybe krazy insane lately on faith by believing salvation, please don't hate me
I like euro 500 bills, no chills, a will by lyrically content writing musically, don't kill me painfully pieces inside my heart at daily experience
I see destiny is catching me since day on, hold on, my destiny on this planet, damn it, i be strong, so strong, baby i just destroy this dirty impacts of hatred & faking
Liking to be high, alike flying jamaican dream with my brother Beni and Vitali on a cloud called great fellows, about smoking weed, seeing us close to jah, how far flying high
I like to get paid, in sake of common faith, sometimes i'm scared to wake up daily, sometimes i'm paranoid, joy, diligence, positive vibe and developed skills lead me far, alike
Straight out of spots of germany circulated full of murals, likely cologne, my lovely home, the dome
I freaking out by my next ones getting hot, my dogs getting krazy, and love my shit, i can feel it coming in the air tonight, i can fell it coming in the days in front
Eventually i prefer discussions mondial basis, strictly structured phrase ridiculating the law, liberal ways adopted early in days
I fall apart, it's hard to move on, but i take it strong, how long will it take to make it or brake it
I take responsibilty everything's i'm guilty of, best believe, i see it coming sometimes eagerly in research of peace in my heart, no pace in in sight, it's hard
Should i be delighted when it's frightened, burn a big sized white candle for a world event which is world relevant
Grew up with great friends, shaking hands, drinking wodka & beer just mix and cab in dosis, back in age, we smoked marihuana in mass, listend always to deep bass
I never will get lurky by impoverished peeps & people, angels touching you sometimes like a glock steeple
History created with my corporation, saying this by best truth, deep in my mind i see a young man, smart, good looking and somebody made, i created some
You know where we coming from, impressive stress coming along always, somethings krazed always in my days on this planet, god damn it
Outlaw metaphorically portrayed in the streets of Texas and Cali, feel me, and see punk rock america is worthwhile to stand and listen to
The streets there will never be peace put on excel, how can i drop it acapella, watching circumstances passing by around, listen metal grunge, great sound
I love a concern which is respected daily, hey baby where are you, it's true it's all about you
Something in the way, i like to say, hey hey hey, prestigious & privileged status on mondial status,babay
A open mind is maybe functional, chances to live eternal for everybody is in sight
In my position im educated and fascinated my capulets, just don't worry
I rip this empty hopeless shreds in pieces of bullshit, when i'm back i come around with articulated sounds, bounded by prison chains in life, it's all about drauf haben
Keine Scheisse mehr labern, coming across the united states, kurt cobain was a star burning in life's downturns by so many, especially america and it's spoiled society
Dilemmas and hatefully conversations, became hard to handle, nowadays things changed, cause it's not more the same
They say i'm insane, it's a shame, life's can be boring, it's like a savage storm caught me
Are you crucified, poetic intentions, Black Jesuz, people die, just wonder how will i die
Days of bliss is probably planned unknown, is me looking in the mirror is see somebody peculiar ugly & when i cry i see a reflection and touched slightly melancholic
Operating outlaw enganged hymns by them motorcycle affiliated riders, which mentality, streets just life peace mixed with isolated professionalism by a cohesion of life's virtue caring mashin
Straight out of my heart i walk through daily conflicts, but later on i reminisce the bliss of the shadows darkness, following me
I make music just doing it professional & fashionable just splashing it related to tru sounds not abject faking
International my corp is known on best niveau, so my life it's gonna be so successful aligned, in a sight being under this regard proudly in mind
Breathing punk music america high again, every day and every nights all out
Bye Bye Bye, like to be high, when i die, hopefully rescued, blue collar mentality destroys insanity, greeting everybody diligently & prudent living
I'm killing this dismorality in this humanity, believe eternal living is precious, crashing sometimes innerly wounded
Piano rolls & keyboard tones is some precious matter, just drums strictly musically playing songs with glamour and style
A seed in life is prudence alike, trust, operating justified & might sometimes making lessons just language in sight
Don't worry when you say goodbye to your girl in a world of jealousy and anger just savage people
Contingently lyrically ways lead to peace innermost to see ,believe in a manner of deeds, this planet doesn't give your inner peace
When i wake up early in the morning , i'm tired and indifferent,killing things like hypocrisy just everybody miss me
Vermillion is the color type of my hair tips, my world industry in the web, is a vision of business, please no dirty missions
I'm wishing blowing kisses to the youth, gang affiliation can end bitterly, hey hey hey goodbye, on a liaison
Bliss in hearts bottom is rocking like heavy sounds kicking, some dirty things happened to me in life, eternally living, in expect
Especially poor people are a product of human failure in this world, runaway train
I guess my life's boring, i like glory just rocking metal like corey, In the depth of this society, we all the same
Faith and fame is to me traits which sometimes fake, making no euro bills on my own
Sometimes i'm confused and disillusioned, i get high till i reached my nirvana, oh mama, ohhhh papa yeahhhhhhh, eyyy, feel me
Believe me, this life is not promising, this ways of filth does kill me
My manifesto in life is a sight of mystery alike, might i die one die, back in time hustling for them streets, no peace involved in this chasms of krazy plots
Dreaming all day by freedom, see me, i like grunge and a bunch of 500 euro bills, no chills, efficiently working hardly every day on the corporation
In faith of everydays worth by a session of stressing some way, life's character is hard to hit
Wooden Racks is my prefer construct, what up, musically space, in sake of worlds face, chasing life's essence every day and every day
Something in the way, underneath a path of smut and dirt, my composure is a storm of depressive sessions, lastly if was betrayed, it's fake
Running from perils, one love for jamaican dreams, by this happen, i love is latin, by this context of texting lessons of life's next crest
Seeing a lot of foggy clouds in life, best to see in sight, this life ain't nothing without conflict about
Sounding like a crystal superstar out of Rock in Rio, dancing to the moonlight
Alike a shiny bright metal star with broken dreams just might, as well as a broken fake life every day to breath tonight
Ever seeing upper might faking goodwill in mass, causing dilemma and sorrows just multiple horror feelings
Me ain't about rap music no more like in some phrases & lines in every context, but this is all about behind, this genre
In turn i have a mix in lyrically form, lyrically freshly astonished born, from Cologne to Prague, from Moscow to Glasgow, form Warsaw to see far so
In spleen is see only dirt and senseless false behaviour in addition a meaning of uncontrollable acting of checking by unfoldable dreams, sometimes happen this spleen & ire
The hyaenas of tonight are jowling, the coyote is barking, and the time scale of my life is running
Coming by the headlines of google, you see corporations in brightest success ever being to find multiple sites googled
Pasture land, is a great spot at, rural country sides, alike america tonight, it's maybe time to shake the charisma of some competition in multifold direction
Next Session & Lesson i created a lot in life, but somebody in my life couldn't behave, a fake especially bullshit in this faith
Cause in this world is nobody really talking about him, this truth, but every line in my songs shaking
Cause in the next line, signs of stressing isn't in expect, texting with vermillion hair tips,
I like euro bills in mass like everybody, the people in this world is loving me, truly
A fool was me never, pleasure next to business where or how ever, better now than never
Producing sounds like records sales out of california, in terms of lyrically production in accordance
Most believe i never oh my god never want to be famous, chased by the ways of living, i'm loved
Operating amusable everyday, but ey ey ey hey grunge does awaken punk rock america inside of me
Sometimes i'm dreaming of being a human being just seeing betterwise a world with no dirt believing
Some people is known under an another name, isn't strange but some aliases is already present
I love black people, an riddle to solve which is complicated a lot people is caged in, name it life,
Me is solo und is in advocacy of lyrics and design, operating quick and smart is good, look what crooked and corrupt this society seems to be
I'm victimized of a rise just historically wise, alike a sight of breathing freaking out this world makes me sick
Immortal livin, forgiving everybody's life in a sense of killing this law above
Secretz in the streets of america is precious, a session of a stressing by some, sometimes occur, rough & rugged, mentality by them outlaws & historically figures
Real Life to look at and subsequently feel, is a deal by someone, exploding in your heads and makes your peculiar krazy just inspiration to face it
In exchange for designer attribute i supposed to be doing cash one day, it's pleasant and all good
My corporation & company is outstanding & fabolous on world industry basis
Ever feeled to love a woman, she's like the wind, the whisper in the morning, i say yes i love a woman, cause heaven noise doesn't fake
In faith in a sake of being privileged and made, i say babay i can make next time eventually money, sometimes this life has gems
Outlaw respecting them streets daily, mentality chase, dropping lyricism, in a sense of business living, killing this hypocrisy
America is very crooked leaning to the side, might on day is judgement day
I love accurately offical stamped lyrics & lyricism with sense hitting missing by old friends and hugging each other by a liaison
Very articulated, sometimes fading, i tend to describe my life in texts content , greatly listen to the sounds of Armin Van Buuren & Nirvana just the mixing and vocals
Hoping one day everything's accomplished, vermillion my hairtips look alike
Operating next to shops buying designer vogue yearly, dear mama & pa your son is grown & established to someone made & privileged just great to cheer and pay homage about
Sometimes life's heavy, me the lyricist, the designer, i like business and christmas eve in sight of , laying worth on deep lyrically meaning
Believe me in the end effect it ain't easy, just freely to say, everyday heavyweights to carry, cherry bubble yum tastes pleasantly to say, babe
This society ain't caring, in suggestion, stop this stressing, start a session of better ways of carrying in a lesson
Labels are commerce nowadays, in rocking space, my face appear like a legend breathing heavy faith, crucified severely, nobody every heard of me
Caught in a destiny, depicted heavily steadily, in falsified insanity, it's a dark & tragedy
I say everytime how things are and how not, my severity, in this happen is lyrically sense in multipe phrase, just put it down in german " Gib mir Spass, voll drauf, mehr Bass, so krass "
In advantage to say, things are planned in life, it comes hard alike, business orientated, in sake of a faith just created a lot in the past time
A world industry was established, my corporation in the web, it's an enormous and gigant industry laid down on example to to say it's lucrative & discerning source
Put it down on and come around just nevermind successful zenith reached in lifetime, more than that
My composure and constitution is runaway train, i never to be famous, never want to me popular, my business principles couuld lead it otherside & wise
An zeitgeist me is sometimes really true, it 's all about you, this night is writing in slight shining omega
Constitution Well Up & Well Feeling about everything's in life / A sight of the dimming singing the song Hey Hey Goodbye / Bye Bye Bye / Des Moines till i die
Back in time getting high & smoking with them brethren from the streets & peace for people in the middle east
Stoicism is cliche in this society full character flaws, southpaw, rugged and more , outlaw initiated in sake of faith for the rock n roll era to say and the bicycles to observe
Heart Openly i tell eternal living everybody's desire just already achieved, acoustics by soul asylum, shiver down the spine
Living in great conditions & negativity brings nothing but nadda heart, it ain't welcomed in my life living now 31
If you desire to change the world, it already happen, behind latin i loved was loving my cousin Thomas to a human essence & behind his state of life's standards to serve
Broken family maybe yes, blessed since early on, copycats was some in my life, living a life without a wife, i'm happy even now eternally
Musically Labels just vinyl would holla to my heavy & lyrically intentions & just the writing class by standing bright and crest even apogee certified texts blast
Liberal ways of thinking & just prudent and reasonable mind attribute does take every young person into a bright future, everybody should agree
Some evil more devil repercussion awaken dreams in me, it seems to be that people can behave, especially does one's which is portrayed so high graded
But is in reality only individuals which does get into your life since early on, only belong gotta be strong, how long will does this bullshit by unique one's happen
I'm depressed and stressed, catching life destiny's long time ago planned, i mean is it streamlined to talk about rock n roll era times by the 80's rocking roll sights in light
Of peculiar guitar sounds allright, by plucking embraced strings rock off the show saying this is especially tonight a spotlight
Continuation Book Just Songs Written / Great Lyrically Constitution / 2019 / 25.September Written
Seeing me floating in this chaos, and being promised going to heaven by someone, i like dosis of paragraphs quoted in truth
Believe me life's sense coming on surface, when living with prudence especially living superior thinking about life's obstacles in a way of thinking back in time
Can U understand my ways was written and going public in the web, tell me i'm back yeah, yeah, yeah, can you ever imagine living eternally by everyone on this planet
Justice for everybody will come,promising, achieve some by, literally creating some, don't mind or put worth on these smuddy minds and people, listen sometimes to a holy mexican steeple
Weeping i also do sometimes, believing in what you does create, it' never be late , just look at me, outcasted by the runaway train since younger years
Externally doing business, creating some business, establishing some business, missing some people from the gone days, especially ways which construct beauty all day
I can talk about people talking absurdos things in a manner of very obnoxious acts of living, killing this daily feeling by daily structures in this living
Best believe black people are more sincere than the other races, facing next time problems, things gotta move on, i'm also since day one on earth staying uplifting staying strong
Sometimes it's heavy in heart's innermost spot, my scenery and matter on this planet is business to create and estabish, now look, does matter
My establishment, my corporation, world-wide attention and mentioned, anyway this is my way of living this addressat to handle in
Hold a candle in Rome of an event which is world relevant, this real truth
My incorpation is a situation of writing my hearts fading moments on blanket paper, in exchange i write purely hearts visions on this mission
People in this world is very pessimistically, cause the truth is this world is dysfunctionally at every corner in the last spot of existence
My will is to create some, to make something happen, do say i want to undertake something which is sense at it all, i will contigently say in never will happen that i fall
Call my name world-wide, my side by the human beings is pure sincere feelings, more people which is prudently in every turn of, hoping i get this side
Mights may disturb my will, my accomplishment, my presence, these upper mights may be destruct & demolish all i have, this can be true, ain't cool
In exchange i ain't a fool, everytime Brooklyn old-school, it's all about u
Outlaw, scenery depicted professionally laid down, sound heavy around, clown around, streetz full of hypocrisy, ladies & comrades miss me
Some does verbally diss me, got the lyrically forefront at repertoire, how far will this acts reach in, my soul is leeched sometimes to the fullace, especially for some purpose
The poetry, lyrics and rock n roll verses created by my own, is shown worldwide standing, just full blown
To moan myself is sometimes, the industry by the musically form is full commercial piece of bullshit
I release texts after texts, next coming more influential content to my corporation, fading self-afflicted and faking never, clever me is oftenly immersed in
To mention first in to this loving greatly black folk in this world, i prefere great love for them, be entrusted
Krass is lyrically writing for my heart, wherever i walk, it's so god damn dark in this life's walk for every human-being
Believe only in your stereotype, than you can achieve, deep to say the outlaw is most respected in Wisconsin
I see more hope for the people in bad temper & life's discrepances in acting educated, blessed and shaking the brain properly to say
I believe my status in the world is industry & establishment by world engagement by lots of people looking at my internet address
My strategy by major producing lyrically lines and expand and proliferate the status on the address
Relapse sometimes, apocalypse in my village and more down city is accomplished, by every wishing
Loving my domestic yearly old nostalgia of my mother cooking in kitchens cookery
Streaming & Walking through perils sometimes, my creation of in sake in faith of fighting some devils, these roaches is not on my level
This planet needs love in dosis, everyday i'm hoping for betterwise approaching sincerely heart's moments
Especially blown away by my way it's strict & solid not ok to move from these evil lurks away does me say wrong, a long epoche & saga already away punctuated with dirty bullshit to say
It's most impossible to overcome these perils, it's eventually the devil, falling away in lost dreams, it's grandeur to write lyrically content for your own corporation
In sake of a faith believing in a good & shiny future from now, established since it came to reality, meant literacy accomplished for a long distance, a chance to move up
From San Francisco to Houston Texas, my probably futuristic trade & cooperations partners, maybe it's oil industry maybe graphic design to fullfil, life's sometimes great
Eloquently addressing some people in this country is only to care with without seriousness, this country is stress and a blast, also sometimes a mess, catching lyrically stiff lines by every life's act behind
A side to portray in lifetime is fear and love, i choose fear than love, outlaw circulating motorcycles is welcomed in my row, masquerading with a bandana than get on rolls
Immersed in greatly conditions by life's great pieces of achieved wishings, killing this hypocritically side of the society, known on million views in the world
I be in redirect to people in the past and history with heartly achieved milestones by peace, please take me seriously, believe in me
Cooperative with a lot of resources, issues sometimes, america is a milestone in the world, living a life without a greatly amusing girl, anyway also gladly in life
Collaborative induced by a truce for everybody's design, a shine in a life does mean knowledgable origin
Demonstrating a static view by my aching heart oftenly, hopefully will get one day relieved from the most inner side
Alike a sight from my family tree alike, my father will get my most gratitude, cause he's the greatest papa alive, the greatest father in sight
Almost women take accent to me, believe me achieving comes from believing in this life lived once, follow the moscow, wind of change comes close
Shown most dark fassades in contraire life's success in my lyrically parades, meant life is at duplicity orientated, shaking myself sometimes in my bed racks, cause i'm under pressure
A session by stressing meant a colorshade of life's lessons, mashing daily to catching conflicts backdrops maybe, i find
Carefully end endless presaging my life by this duplicity lyrically meaning, i'm happy like a chevy, and almost aligned to a successfully career in front, literacy, lingual expertise, readings to lead myself established
Subliminally seeing devil demons, believing in deeds, which are positively peace for everyone, some people me is in ignorance to see
Cologne is greatly to live, i like city living, killing this feeling by bad temper and moods, always senseful with lyrically days to say
Sometimes negotations take years to know about, sometimes it turning out this is bullshit to sound, detrimental to Germany's society is this country itself to make a point on it
This politics base in the world is not solid or robust, initiating faith to my making days in my area to say, it' purely inner growth to talk about
Frays is dope, i demonstrate in my poetically lyrically content purely life's sides and shades, and faith just hópe for the civilisation reaching from asia to north america
Next to life is death, what turning out in my pocket, is a filled wallet, a lighter you can use to spark blunts, one love
Follow the moscow, the wind of change, framed by a lot, apokalypse, eventually, my family tree consist of culture less people
To Justify some reasons in life, i gotta pass and say i never really created wrong in a livelong sight
Tonight you see operating outlaw arts created, never faking, motto punks not dead
I'm sometimes in wreck around innerly damaged and hurt emotions, hoping this ways disappear innerly most to say
Federal people in america is peculiar to know from the news
My operating view on black people us pure love to the moment u believe myself is black
I'm most fascinated by the faith in creating music being alive
Vermillion more bordeaux is my hair color, ohh papa my life's sometimes a wreck, sometimes heaven, i count day to day, to get to a way where i'm
I follow my lanes of glory and notorious fame world wide, i like graffiti color, oh papa , excerpts and a summarized principles out of my lyrics is business enthusiasm & deep lyrically content
Sincerely Yours, Andreas Penno, somebody untouchable, unshakable, i want to throw my weight around, sounding classic behind, fine bodyworks are pleasant to look at, profound sense put black on white on paper
Conscious bitterly stressed be is attacked sometimes, i see delighted successfully paths in my brightly standing future for my vocation & professional, in other words a have already a corporation just created business principles
I have on mondial basis established an millions reseraching industry & it's thriving worldwide, my idea to solve daily human problems is to use somebodys brain
I fall bitterly away by this societies aspirations, fading sometimes, goodwill representing constructive, i love beef, believe you catch the greatest feeling alive only working hard
Drinking coffee in mass
I suffer sometimes, i see life'principles i understand my principles completely exact true to my business, life's sometimes messed up, cause i'm blessed, some rare redirect, mighty is expecting you, promise
Can see black people getting treated unfairly in the streets of america no more, it's for ya'll, outlaw, my lyrically content is just rich on philanthropically statement black on white pressed
Next i gotta say, world peace & pace is coming down, promise baby, outlaw principles from the streets of california, stereotype achieving life's relevance purpose just allright
Nowadays life's different than before, i died for the world, sometimes i let you understand that i'm texting and writing in exponential profit, metaphors also created
Goodwill reached far, how far will somebody go inner side, it's like i'm sleeping, weeping sometimes, kicking paragraphs from the old days of the rock n roll era just punk
Implicated in difficult things, hard to manage, philosophin truly oftenly, i guess life's character is hard to hit, my pleasure kill the ego in you
Living morally & established in different forms, my visual world turned low & meager, yeah yeah yeah yeah, my heart's filled with pride & love watching young black males playing basketball in courts from New York
My attention in the world wide web is grandeur & unique, my grandfather was an alcoholic, nobody will ever tell me what i gotta do or nothing, my life's just business life
Corporate Initiated myself just established & privileged, seeing sometimes people dirty and lying, i mean god damn, this world is baptised in corruption every day more and more
I will lead my daily days on this planet just damn it, i create one phrase after another, peculiar my innermost heart is chaotic, initiated since early on with lyricism, shit more realism
Teenage Dirtbag is cool to look at, my plot is to carry about every block, the streets is fulfilled with drama and an crooked delirium, patience
I ditch my image to a position to getting rich by smiles mick from the streets, peace in the middle east is out of reach, every lived in poverty & abject dirty environment
I lead a life of grunge & rock tones, sitting on chrome, i'm since a decade 24 hours at home
Believe me i tell you strictly out of my heart, listen to the prudential ways in your heart, flavor of martini ist tasty, face me regularly daily just baby
Maybe i label myself appreciated, sometimes faking, from Cologne to Abeerden, i mean what the heck is about the poor in this world, no one cares
Devils and demons i sometimes endure & stand, graffitis on the freeways of metropoles here in Germany i observe sometimes, operating like a business-man daily just say it
My business to business is an organized corporation operating in every nation fully making, i feel blessed and being somebody on this planet
God damn it, i feel just great everyday, lyrically goodwill promising, hold a candle in rome for an event which is world relevant just crucified for an decade, it's true
Allegiance is promise to some people on this planet, prosas & grimaces seeing as arts, my mentality is business establishment & world politics
Does it mean to living to die or dying to live, i create lyrically lines in a modus of sense & virtue, i promise a world revolution
My intimidation is sometimes active, maybe clarifying & directing ways of reality, especially i redirect visualizations in front of my eyes as an constant turn
Sometimes life's a bitter sweet symphony, loving just creating music and piano and flügels, compositing rock & crunchy grungy lyrically paragraphs
I love women which are pretty at sympathy & hughly good looking with an attractive body, killuminati is a pretty hugh idea & ideal
Dressed in Versace & Eleven Paris Fashion just Henry L Siegel, i look up to people just in the music branch names talk about the gone Amy Winehouse just feminine elegance just pretty beauty
Excellence just to excel and represent is a accustomed type, names like Tommy Hilfiger Tommy USA or Cerruti is great resources
I can feel it coming it the air tonight, i can feel it i creat lyrically cyphers in mass to produce work and innerly peace across my life
My pleasure is oftenly present, for everything i represent meant every word for my father coming at reunion to my joint , he's my great friend just purely great friendship to stand
I got an intuition of karma every day to think about, Jamaika Kingston is a spot for rastas, these folk is dope, my innerly essence is just wide openly to everybody i got no secrets
This life is lived once, can i get a chance of living standard static, my pleasure a session of daily working on my corporation, my graphically indices & lyrically content is world relevant just this event
I like just stories of from rags to riches, america living, addicted to livings commitment, i suggest & set my goals to futuristic ideals to portray by
Some learned in school, for the millions marching for the peace to that, one life to lead, fast live agreed, shit's deep, slawik say
I like to express myself deeply and profound, hey hey punks just come around, for the grungy metal sound and i never going down
This planet is sometimes boring, tell me Corey & Chris is you pleased from my side
It's like swanking parallel from dirt into fresh, intertwined in special vibe & atmosphere every day, liken this glitter just glamour, i'm truly honest every day
Still looking out of the greatness in life, living a life without a wife, never was married, i carry more by family, friends and business in this time
Coming from the verge of the gangsterism & rocky vibe just outlaw tonight, just look ain't a crook, loving seeing me in the world dope & glorified to the next
Preferring triangular reminiscing always Kurt Cobain, Yak, and Fatal, they be remembered best by myself
On a bookshelf i red alot time behind, a sight in to the raw grounds of german facilities, these areas is full of stupid insane people living inside
It's like these folk is broken in their own mind, seeing a lot of those kinda guys messing me up, truly sincery early on
I guess i will die for a principle my heart will stand for, thinking just all day by my family far away, ok i say lyrically forms are written sincere & self-dedicating
No faith in fake in sake, i say grunge & rock is welcomed in my life just str8 punk rock america, god does giving even not the last tip of a shoe, as far as sometimes it's this dark vultures
I say living with giving of power from women is inspiring me, cadillacs and daimler great fabricats, operating outlaw on the streets of philadelphia & louisiana
More More & More of this vibe called alike no frightned mimics more in life, tonight you see a star reaching to the galaxy big and bright, thx, i feel more inner side feeling great time & days alike
Devil demons i guess experiencing often in lifetime, like sinister dark clouds of sulfur & unmoral dirt
I say this society is not really admiration, which ever country does exist, bliss a lot in life also with out jezus christ, he does say he the saviour, he's timewasting crap, truly
Lunatics really occur sometimes in life, they deserve dirt, which systematically known words you achieve a lot in lifetime, about fashion, loud rock music i care just punk rock america, a lot
This world does circulate 24 times on axis, dirty and unjustified people will end in filthy conditions, bleach was great penned, operating like a person which does act like someone
French & swedish crimis are amusing, sincerely yours Andreas Penno just himself
My position is twisted a lot, sometimes i think this life is lived once, so my friend, let it be, let it be, take it easy on the slight resilient shoulder and move on
Like you know can u understand my ways, sincerely yours take it literally, my ways was since early on under influence from business principles in redirect in turn, so listen i have truly sincere business principles moving
Just shit like that, i'am business man, i just see it just that, distancing myself from wrong voices above, me is thinking is it maybe for a period of life time or till death, i'm curious by these thoughts, since long
I gotta say Fatal N Felony the gone, was retweeting me on twitter, especially was astonished, i remember fatal,
Lines are basically dropped, lyrically astonished by myself, makaveli 7day it's treacherous & gloomy, it's mystery going out in the world, america is america, my audience is the people which does love exponential business
In the calm rest is the force, my status is great, sometimes i write i'm messed up, but always i comment i'm glad to be here and happy around this country germany, it's all about human side
I believe that my posture from the manly rough side is proper, my cousin vital is intelligent just shit, he's truly clever of a lot , eternity forever , maybe or not, for all these people, questioned now or never, plan created
Embodiment of sketches & grimaces of clowns moving from on side to the next, outlaw in this lyrically texts, coming from Oakland to Montreal from Milwaukee to Kansas, the riders ride like in unity down the streets
Peace should be everywhere, wherever you are, how far is reaching a star, which is bright shining in loneliness & a lot soul in the world about this karma
I see a lot in this world, studied a lot, my fleddered soul is soaked in sharp stuff, which is out of control to stop, my district a area of an work of people, with constraint minds, it's all this way up to stand this chance
I trust only some people living alive, i guess i appreciate sites of human kinda alike with inspiring souls this sight, unmorality a lot, operating without faking, in sake of prudence and common faith, cranky crap is a lot above
Writing just this shit out my life, touching even myself alike, does use arrangement of a sight of spirits shit tonight, i gotta tell about my so lyrically & timelife this might gotta only read my some
I want make the point clear by some , i stand for rocky plucking songs from the grunge times behind and subsequently by inspiring ladies walking the catwalk up an down by designer vogué in kind
I always does use in lyrically writings that i'm business and industry related, in sake of faith just creating some, creating business on a proper world goodwill frame tonight, just really by world niveau also lyrically meant
In a world speaking lyrically form i'm all about, look at the first word put down to the last, it's all about honest breath, i'm living sometimes, just oftenly in confusion & bitterly sweet moments in sight
Just shit down ,created some, it's all done, successfully lyrics on a excel by me and i now how to create this song, me is smiling by a lot and does like my smooth comb, bleached by some
My pleasure and gesture to mark life's embezzled acts in this living, my life coined by repression, liking milan designer fashion, in this lesson in life to everyone, take care and don't trust everbody's presence in life
A crown of thorns and thistles on the facials , i'm just burning and dying in this happen, behind latin all i loved was cracking apps, next to me my nails through my hands and feet, this mystery could shiver the world down the spine
My life sometimes easy, also Corey and his lyrically iowa songs, leeching his creative arts by lyrics, fleddered from down to the head, i'm dying just for this world, bloodshed in mass
My composure baby let me hold you, i told you it's andreas on the phone, vital i told you we gonna make quadruple lyrically platinum out here, making dollar bank note just euro bills in this happen
Napping on some martini ice olive, it's pleasure deep, profound written & created, no faking, just real presence, for everything i represent, i present my materials to everybody on this planet, god damn, i'm a real man
Quite sure i'm surprised by a lot of happen, let it go, let it go, number luv for the toxicity and chop suey, original origin & heirdom, america does feel you truly, i believe after i getting buried ya, i'm away
Say my name like Billy Graham rocking the streets, i operating in class just rough, manly and stark, rock n roll bands just punk rock america is to admire ya, ya'll listen i gonna be there for everybody, don't worry so far
Flashlight in a headlights of a truck, old type songs does rock heavy, like colored lights, just smoked reggae
I know my rights, every day, liberalism & ways of change is welcomed, status single, no car, but in hands of a mondial organized corporation
Patriotism feeling in heart, rocking these people with my wicked tricky smiles lyrically rock mickey, sometimes listen to sick lines just biggie
My ways initiated early self-esteem & lyrically power, my paragraphs elucidate societies weaknesses, this life is lived once
Grew up in greatness for years, also a lot of fearfully fear around, to grip the sound of gags to clown
Sometimes back in time always cause first love down, oh shit, how was myself away in hearts relish about a girl just juvenile age
My father taught me once, in life everything's can happen, so it became, some shame turned on me, it's estranged but not life's base leeching, speaking with astonishment & pride all day and all day
From perils comes knowledge, basically my silence in different ways about some is not to stand, it's damn
Fresh out of my residence, i drop verse next to verse, my terrace is a palace, it's in my life all about business goodwill to elaborate, so great creating business on world niveau
I would be happy, released, and glad by different people going away, say may i be away on day, innocence and justice should be welcomed in my life in different aspects
Next to producing texts, i like american actors in a way of acting truly hollywood, look how i'm lyrically shook, i got to forgot, somebody is very present in my life, what he's done was a world shame, never was before, he's insane
My intuition to write lines, which is a sight of teaching this planet in a role of societies growing light, operating sincere & calculated in sake and faith for better planet, and please no fake or falsified verbal made
In common sence i lost a lot in my life, but i'm pleased & gladly living every day, never was really to say backstaining by verbal shake, ronin gave me a lot of principles for business gratefully to say
My sentiment of a regiment acting like a business-man is flourishing evertime my friend, a high complex lyrically writer to portray from inner side, is alike swarming & charming in the hearts side everytime
My confidence to say life's aint easy i simple to say, to preach a way, to get famous in every street babay, drive me crazaay life tracy mac grady, in every form i write, i like to be liberal & at life's pinnacle
Like you know i like my life, some people is amazed by crazed faith, in redirect of unpredictable senseless faith, they are jealous at all
I look up to people which are directed to a section of business world-wide, to make a textual music production, i composed a lot in the gone past years
If you want to grow in your life, just look at people which does really work hard to get to their destiny, properly creating lyrically lines in a manner of punk and tight, alike
I was once having vision in life, rock n roll rock tha hoe, show me some paper, i get they pen and i start getting freaky shaking, making compositions by some
Lyically established by innermost, like a educated professional at work, everything's sometimes peculiar dirt, my goatee & baerd never let that grown, by me shown
Shit, like Bonnie and Clyde, a sight like a couple weapons-caring starting to shoot & perforate overall through californian state, reaching over border-lines and writing american history, it's dope
My ways of expanding myself on mondial basis came to effect, one days i'll be back, i love black people, especially from Brooklyn and their Barber's since 80's
Face me with millions of results on google, my world industry, my infrastructure silenced the whole world
I get hot on truly played plucked rock n roll, number luv to my old friend Zoltan, he's about great rock & at stylish hair cut, would likely to get an reunion
So i'm selfmade, and have self-faith, heart troubled-free, believe me it's all about arts and lyrically rhapsody
Corporate wishings made be blessed to the chest, playing with my mind set, left behind by a crest of vehemently lyrically status to the last one's left
Some gangsters out of brooklyn does lay titles into this world by When Thugz Cry, i mean he has an alias, it's just poetic how ganstaz cry, bye bye bye
Indices and Stocks made me knowledgable, my composure is strictly living gladly just truly for 10 years not badly, just baby let me
Very uplifting spirits kick me sometimes, real life spirit in real sight believing, across my one touch living, epic impulses does shiver down your spine, and you start to see a stark sight in alight
Some people does prefer lying or get immersed in bad cussing all day, cause themselfs is messed up with their brains
Another shame a lot of people is working, wherever they are, and have domestically violence going on, dirt and smud a lot in this uncaring society
So those peeps does start bickering and commit bullshit as same as some politicians, twised early by some inkognito
Anyway i lived my life in blessing & purely love talk about a gratefully life and business principles and even now my whole life lyes in front of me, ridiculous
Textin just being poetic creating faith for every human being, writing with my corporation history in the whole wide world, baby , i have created a world industry
Lyrically essence , i text about happenings going really on in this session, the glorious the notorious was frank white his alias, i was loving his origin and his hair cut, all the time up
Yo, what's going on by prague, became once in life visions by god, by ghettos isolated from civilised areas, there was it outside foggy & full of praguer air, shit's deep yeah
This project was my love from juvenile age, she's was in a shelter, being alive in a outskirt & suburban of prague, this dream was more just visionary, it was enlightened caring me
Believe me, truly, the feeling, waken up, from this vision, uplifting spirits everywhere, did great feeling
Remembering the profound belief, in these streets, there was only circulating silence out
Book Diversification from / Sentences Musically Written ( 2019 / 30.September) Written
I like rock n roll deeply to say, babay, a.k.a alias krazy streets roughing up, rugged and raw
Operating in outlaw regulations just purpose initiated, just for ya'll, more, , more of the thaw of painfully moments just an cure, so it's gonnna be so
Engaged in business principles reaching wide, alike a sight proliferation & exploration come close to a point of business type
I found out my living conditions is pretty well, living abstractly in pure amusement, impressions as first of kinda lyricism writing, tonight don't frightened
My prowess is high scaled, no fake, no verbal fake, being for true and sincere for years, sometimes i'm innerly in fears, peers & peeps also alot in this country most in every state present
Shaking just bring luv caribbean, i wanna bring love to everyone, some bubble yum, just chewing gum, you know where we coming from, sing tha devils song, loudly, volume on, and bass setted
Best believe quite sure, , living in ethnicity, morality & prudence is worthwhile in a mode of success & and long delighted life
My living poetry, called it more crossover poetry is showing me how principled i'am, myself is a fan of real men in life, carrying ways of a charisma of being real men for this planet, god damn it & slam it
I don't write in metaphors than some writers before me was off course embroiled in this happen, behind latin all i ever could was checking daily world news
It's all about u, wrote 2 albums in lifetime, alcohol & egg liquors talking bout wodka red bull or martini olive to consume is splendid, lost a lot of friends one named Patrick, he's now by his own design
Remembering him pearling tears from face, it's a dilemma, friends come and go, loving confectionaries our metropoles in this world, or great stores just burberry or Bäcker Kraus
I create alliterations in mass, creativity plus deep initiated bass, self-confidence and controlled innerself pushing me up, the outlaw railway on a lost trainway in california on a mexican border line is great to watch Che
Operating professional in class, inferno for some people, downturn wishing to a lot, my persona of life is consequent and world relevant, just hold a candle
My dear auditorium listen closely to my lyrically lines dropped down, a lot just a script by my life to say and portray, goodwill not alienated or estranged just pure goodwill in first class engaged of
So let the show begin, my curtains is wide open, hoping my lyrically poetry does get primed in a lot of life's essence, as much as to teach, just ohhh Amy shit to stoned washed bleached jeans
Grunge for the crunchy america in spittin blatanly lifestyle, hey klar , my life is touchd by different ways to see so far
My innermost sentiments is great, in sake of common sense and faith i tend to create lyricism and hectar wide tonns sense filled with texts next pinnacles stacks of dollar bank bills to check
Hey my brothers from Brooklyn or Queens next to brethren out of Kansas or Long Beach by mainstream particular dreams, i see and guess my life is flourishing to the most zenith without stress
My constitution is pleased, i just strictly believe that life's to short to mess everyday by these societies principles which are leading this planet to dirt
Liberalism is welcomed, some zeitgeist from times back 90's was sexy, next to me i'm Bodysheck affiliated by great mainstream america film industry
Trick me twice, god damn schick im mich zum rock n roll era acapella geist, i guess its sometimes ambivalent in duplicity to take care of blurry
Vermillion color from the overall setted aligned just other colors, oh papa, oh papi, oh andi, is loving somebody
Structured principles laid down, sounding great clowny around, frown, crown of thorns for close 2 decades to carry to the place of the skull
Applause for abatino, applauding you to every line in lyrics and the corporation,
As same as much goodwill for the brothers out Brooklyn never fading or shaking artists like jean reno and his career him as a french native or rocky with mick from philadelphia
Outlaw krazed in the streets of america, masked and blast, my profession just catching fashion more splashing initiated, going to moments in life shaking down the spine, crashing through every federal state of Germany
Disciplined era in my life almost, always was behaving this 31 years, sometimes in life you get embroiled by a prosa of a storm of fears, cheerleaders from south of america purley cultural america identity
I like promoting myself by circumventing bad feelings inside daily wrong happen, teaching myself all-type knowledge on daily basis, the golgatha was black jezuz, bloodshed in tonnes and tonnes
Liability in life early learned, never was cuffed up, roughed up, laughing in mass daily, strictly baby, me expect nothing really better than the last years since now, ever seen an graffiti on antipodal continent level
Put on the balance the treble, and the bass to mix some low tempo filter initiaive
London is a great metropolitan area also warsaw, hans zimmer is exquisite & accomplished composing artist
For everything's i represent i present my business sense and compositing lyrics texts for lyrically relevance,
Sharing memos in lifes everyday, i exemplify an example of lyrically paramountly figure alike, a sight tonight, my schoolbag was in school eastpak black, cool times behind, also great friend Alexander fishbone schoolbag
In the Air Tonight, i wrote this song once, appeared on a album by my side, loving texting deep profound by a meaning, believe me , suffering does development inside of you positive forces around, so see
Ohhhhh Shit, like already mentioned, my corporation in the web wrote history for this kinda branch, establishing industry by my own texting perplexing lines to flex
A lot of friends i want have a reunion in a prudent way to meet one day, baby, just Okulaijuwan and Shaquie is maybe, driving Streetball in New York Manhattan Tupac Shakur krazy
I have a revelation in mass, my lyrically shift was once rap genre than it became nowadays a crossover mix of rock n roll, grunge and a little bit pleased and krazed by poetry
My outlaw comments and statenment on my whole texts & music production as well as composing is by the principles, way of living & wise of thinking by outlaws from the streets of america
My innerheart moments, just faking, in faith of a better human civilised place to create and to shake the snakes, lady lai, gretzky scheibu, from Moscow to Ottawa
I shake and create lines for sense, lost a lot of great friends, my living spot was most living in a rural area, no big metropolitan territory, no urbanized climate
Grunge to articulate, poetry to put on faith, making it great happen, my life always pleasure in texting lyrically deep, organized since younger years
My cheering hands goes for cheering friends, does feel good inner side to share good friends, my all this shaking hands by gesture for some appereance in pleasure
My lyrically content has no explicit content, it's pure for everyone on planet, rocking tha tribune on the row, dropping verses and paragraphs to show
Operating deep literally life's sites on a bright clear starry starry epic omega in sky tonight
Oppossing dirty sceneries of dismorality & disgrace, look in my face and you see stardom truly sincere eyes tonight, immersed deep sometimes in confusion, illusion tricks and mysteriously conflicts
Definitely my scope for hope shouldn't be in place, got nothing to lose, poetry blues, my males elegantly shoes is business climate friendly
My different types of definitions on lyrically basis does belong to differentiated faces
Capturing Scenes of military dreams, seeing ever believing in ghosts swirling around the ceiling, feeling hardcore hit somedays anguish and ordeal sometimes
Back in the city, shopping tobacco and meat just energy drinks, i sing the hymn of coyote in the desert howling the word halleluya, halluluya feeling so dope and cool ya
My constitution proper aligned, adjusted feeling fine, the streetz of america filled with people doing business to business, kissing some ladies sometimes
The women is addicted to me, more passion to catch in a session, take one lesson from kadafi and 2pac for life's lession to catching
My pleasure at ya'll my corporation well-known in most countries of this earth baby, feeling selected in a sec and respected just established and made just done
My paragraphs loaded with sense and a voltage of a chance being in exchange to writing world-wide my excellence is my presence
Company created million results initiated and made, maybe one day i be really rich baby, my image well-known to the next, making rear-views in amoutments, expect
My operating utopian design if confusing whole web, in a sec, i'm one day back, baby kiss me on my ears, multifold brilliance turned out business continent structure
Forget all the stress was once in life-time, this lifed is lived once, so life your dreams, from iowa to queens, my ridiculous lyrically form is shivering down the spine
Creating life with operating triple accentuated lingual skills, maybe from rags to riches in lifetimes, awaken all the times, no really pause in texting lyrics down for ya'll
Pursuing my dreams with andreaspennophotography, and my business norm to follow my principles at it all
Fundamentally equipped with ire and spleen, sharing sometimes empty feelings behind, a sight of ambitions & folk patriotc melodies alike, always in confrontation to someone or anyone
Anyway my position is welcomed in a lot of human lifes in presence, my excellence is my troubled soul sometimes
Somehow i love and does prefer silence in heart's innermost essence to walk, military minds somebody does take as a life's norm
I guess my passion is a lession of a session by, can you understand my ways to portray and say it's important to talk from your heart's innermost feeling, ok, babaay
Hold a candle for a world event which was world relevant, it's true, to carry a cross for decades made me flummoxed and sad feeling all day just enormous bitter sweet symphony blasphemy acts around
I love black people out of Brooklyn, back in time young brethren became their haircut from the senior's barber shop in town
I can't live without energy drinks, these is life's sweeties and peculiar things, my pleasure at all, lyrically establishment creation to empty my heart's heavy moments, just when i write it's all relievement
Believe me, i see me in glorious moments catching life's breath all day, my gratitude to my parental part, they gave me everything in life
America is America, is a world capital to be at telling ya, in most dedication to bruce washington and yafeau akiyela fula in tribute , thx
Operating very profound with content, exploding on lyrically fronting,my utopian graphically design now shiver the world planet, god damn it, created some, shaking some, you know where i'm coming from
The Don is maybe coming back on day, some people in these world is too serious, my series, my dear black male overcome the bad and stand strong from rooted norm
My attitude an appanage of my soul, the mirror is reflecting the crap i see all day, deeply to say, my components to talk earnest & peculiar sincere is black people wherever they is coming from
My own mind is business celebrating world-wide, i'm young in strive for my own and always strictly world-wide known
I establish great business around this earth, believe, these folk is treacherous and greedy, believe me, every human being gotta tell at the end of the day it ain't easy, this live is lived once
A chance everybody got to earn, a crown of thorns on my head for a silent long time, sights of demons & a meaning behind dreaming like jezus
Entrusted with corporate principles a lot in life, eminem is creating a great discography and career in life, it's like this life is lived one time, young people remember fashion & apparell can change everything
A lot of grunge strings & tunes coming to my vocals, rock & roll to tha fullace, in backdrop to say slipknot future of this genre, i'm always optimistic so i tell you
You can only grow and god damn halleluya achieve if you believe, forgive me for my sins father, this world is sometimes krazed but i'm amazed a lot in time like this
Once i've seen a panther dancing from handed left to the right heavenly, friendly to ask god is it justified to be cruel and be by premonition around dirty fooled manners around
Hit me clown, sounding sick and facing mondial reputation by different ways which is great etat by this nation, fading rarely, always in poetic research to scribble this words out of my cerebrals, just smiles mickle
Accents laid differently solid in life's conditions, on a life's mission, by blown wishes
Krazed by rock n roll out of iowa and aberdeen, ideas millions in repertoire, kurt cobain blowed his brains in shreds, rest in peace kurt we miss your voice and presence
Existence on this planet made me worry, i guess my position in life turned dark and ravens black living, hey i always will be in forgiving, always and always, my place is a good living
Stars and V.I.P just promiment gala is hopefully never coming to my life, never want to be famous, love we as humans need a lot, on my district we know each óther
Christopher Wallace & Easy-Z just Eric Lynn Wright are great artists, The Notorious B.I.G once i seen in heavenly form to express the first feeling i became by this devotion & creation from god
My request is it remarkable just justified to crucify people in this times of hypocrisy to the next, best believe these times of human beings we is living in is in bad worse human living ever by the first to the last
I guess my voice in temperate adequate lyricism is profound to say, babay i'm talking by world industry to capture
I stress to say my adequate guidelines displayed in front of your eyes on the screen is relevant just krazed level of smart excellence to great papa sent
I believe life's sometimes heavy to talk about, sound loudly like rock stars from the era of Elvis Presley or hymns from scorpions, expressive days lived a lot, feeling like some humanalike just sometimes on pressure in sight
To night you see people celebrating life with truth in hearts shaking, really to say i have not established principles related to people try to put somebody down, just truly somebody in this planet around is very upset by some
My creation & celebration is in common sake and faith always in glory just no worry shaking
Hey baby don't give up if somebody try to put you down every human alive, where you are, what every you do, or how it's around, your essence by growth for everybody is can be maybe tomorrow come to life turning around
I operate under lyrically disguise, by smart talks just clever initiated wise, to clarify my life in a sight by lyrics written truly quoted from innermost feelings, sometimes in life dreaming
Entrusted by nobody on mondial basis, chasing lyrically faces just exponential business rightly placing, waving from young entrepreneurs creating industry and shaking every man in this world reaching from Kansas to Brooklyn
I gotta tell sometimes i wanna say i'm always happy in life times, even if it's gloomy & dark in innermost aching heart, i overlook this shadow's typically human cloud, always optimistic in glamour of false people, just true
I gotta tell, rebirth of my official new mind is business & establishment, creating a lot of texts from grunge to rock and classic lyrically lines which are enourm lyrically fine, tonight you see a sight of justice for everybody
Estranged by some thoughts and visuals, i'm a life's student, cool and a blueprint of making euro bills in future times, frightened by a little things in life, reaching wide with my own poetry to portray behind
Catapulting these wrong mindsets away, war is a genre i can tolerate with a mentality just theatralicaly, kiss my cheek ladies, by pur heart i want to discuss something eventually changed from fleddered to pure cooperation
Addressing people which are jealous and enviously in this society deserve clear mind fixing by tricking me & mixing my innermost heart with pain, some individuals are searching their wrong path in life, a lot
Polemics i'm for long time not affiliated by this happen, antipodal is maybe reincarnation fulfilled, ever seen some people alias known under a another name, interest spectacle
Grunge music is pleasant to listen, father in thy hands i commit my spirits, maybe come's next, flexing my lyrically exponential lines under operating texting infrastructure on perfectionism alive
Operating in a clear way of redirect of diligently working from day to day from year to year, writing constantly, frankly expressed i'm choosing my life without a married wedlocked wife, cause i'm business affiliated busy
Induced in perspective to say, i'm with my corporation world wide known just deeply to portray, say i'm staying in somebodys presence all day, it's a peculiar journey all the way to stand call it abatino redirect by some
You know where we coming from, i'm and my comrades, liking the yen and currency like greenback, my ways of breathing morality and prudential feelings turned out sunshine in life, it's all about in great inner sight
I destroy bad worse moments in a period of life, but really to say i'm glorified and glad to live all day, just like the most no innerly heartly fight, lyrically poetic established & splendid just alike
My fashion Eleven Paris Fashion & Ben Sherman, my parfum in a stance talk about Cerruti & Versace, my sentiment in a represence ohh yeah shit is rocky heavy lyrics in excellence
Phil Collins had a great musically career in life, was living my whole life without a wife or girlfriend, heavy metal is lyrically by a few, truth it's true, it's all about u
Just in reference by poetic rock blues to choose, nobody can stop my career in life, it's all about success and highly standing goodwill in a sense just a chance to grip world niveau to carry by a life's crest
I create a lot of materials in life time, even wrote lyrically books, can u imagine somebody is articulating a faith in sake of nothing for a long time, frightened and estranged by some in life is peculiar named some weird alive
Counting one publication after the next, published a lot in past 5 years in time just life, truly to say life is sometimes gratefully, gully is dope, creating philanthropical texts for the whole world around, holla by the sound
Glimpsing sometimes on Bloomberg, great resource just reuters to incorporate, in sake of common faith to tolerate fresh ways to lyrically moments to share
Yeah you feel me, just be earnest & diligently, believe me, just be smart now see me, deeply to summarize, still i rise, real thug area, utopian moments once was by
My preferences is ambivalent, ain't following people with shady sites alike, a sight tonight hey darling wake up out of your dreams, hey baby eternity is coming to to every human being
Hey papa see and believe your son did reached lifetime grandeur and unbelievable just achieved milestones, a warrior for miles makaveli, his alias is questioned
Back in time blessed, nowadays still stressed but happy,gladly and very amused and by every day living alike a crest, living very astonished by artists in reachwide
Spirituality does awaken dreams in my life since chapter one, i dream by everything's already achieved, believe my principles & business wide ways became very in touch of world status, in lyrically ways often mentioned
Greatest white rapper ever lived, the one and only Marshal Mathers, i have in surplus & excessive a thesaurus proliferating extrem language & lingual expertise, life's what you made out of it, trust me, true words
I squelchre out outlaws from the streetz of california or boston, ohh shit, colorado or just made motorcyclists living on a road of the hymn just the glory, don't worry
My dedication to different artists celebrating successful music mondial alike, by my lyrically content in sight, might i guess my life turned great in light
Once i was called a prophet by some in this world, just like the sense of prophecy in this human world, never got really a girl, never was married, as far i living on this earth
I guess my spectrum reach wide, Germany against me written without recording or digitally remastering alike, i have seeing and feel a lot in this life living here, let it be and save your sympathy
My lyrically blues does come softly down my lips and touch your innerly in a sight, my composition is lyrically establishment & lyrically fashionable by every tune of catching it in a session of texts written excessive diligently
Dreams can come true when you just believe, or look, my pleasure at first, Stefan Koch & Phillip Radile great friends in lifetime just lost, took it with a tear
The groundbreaking faking this society does care is it's shaking every citizen by groundbreaking laws which are not making sense for a human world which is already aching, in a sense for ya
My embodiment of lyrically literally concepts written my friend is plausible in every corner in Aberdeen of New York, my friend
Applauded in continents by messages monthly reserved high lucractive goodwill around, direct exchange granted , my sound redirect by lyrically composure is astonishment and lyrically bliss giving to you
It's all about u, eventually in duplicity, once i saw dogs running wild in a terminal with blind eyes, on a road and tour of silence and a bitter sweet symphony alike in this sight
Crushing somebodys empire deeply, i weep sometimes, and a lot of tears come down my facials, my parfum Gucci and Cerruti, up coming events in the world, more global industrial than ever
Blushing sometimes when getting awkward moments, my red cheeks are sweet, believe me hatred is garbage, life's to short to mess everyday with conflicts as same as Amy Whinehouse was about, in her own statement around
This life doesn't teach you how to act correctly or not, trust me, this life's pressure and heavyweight on somebodys shoulder, and goddamn heart's weight, can be dwindled & degraded out of your heart's epicenter just namely love & love
My question is stress planned or plotted in a way of rumors of a crucifixion coming on planet earth, oh my god i experienced dirt, it does hurt, it's only lonely out here nowadays in the streets of Germany, the nation
Celebrating freaky smiles mickey on a face, in turn the facials and contours switching & moving around the portrait, places like churches which are open 24 hours, sutkie, are holy in my heart, everybody is welcomed
Differentiated principles by some made me worry, but like i said my life is fruitfully and i'm pleased by every day, cherry cherry lady come to papi, come to andi, he's in expect of apparell and clothing like k.kani
Awesome is listen to the right kick, mick passed away, i always will remember him in the streets of 24 opened church in ways of peace, wherever you are
Wherever you are mick i'll be there for you, like Gorbatchow and Jelsin & our nations figures and folk heros, mick, i always will reminisce you, bye, once we meet again
Desperadoes are gangsters & outlaws, tequilla sippin is kicking west into the south down, my stereotype, rocking the roll like rock n roll, i rock the hoe like a bastardo to know, holla
I expect nothing but prudence in life really to say, prudent ways & serious decisions by taking the consequence out of it, hugh classic rated in the world wide web by a multiple millions of views and inquiry on google
Take it easy is great articulated, in sake of common faith, i guess i should set ignorance to some people & specialists believing they can do everything's they want, some is not even at infancy, they is lost in their own sin
I want to eradicate some people in lifetime, or is it just a trick of life, Abyss the film, in tendency to the westside by the eternal spot,area and terrain,
Always remembered the westside by this, with all the sprayed graffiti by the aerosol tins on the bridges, terminals & walls, just the human eternity and peace flags from the eastside on the coast by somebody i loved infinite eternally
Is a clown by the streets in retail cd shop trying to get obtrusively, ohhh my god he's getting extravagant & choosenly, outlaw blue in the sky
I'm wondering every day by some put on one excel, hey my friend, how did it fell, how what happen this far, wide long standing years, always in double meaning knowing this mystery, this mystery became to the world closed off tears
My gratitude is plausible wideawken, i never want to get a story like rags to riches, my image, my pleasure, i guess i say switching side daily, frame me, my outlaw representation became world wide in effect, i'm back, but love black
Geoecology was my own creation & foundation this acronym & term for some usage, i mean i'm sorry papa but my presence in this world is always days did lye and fake truth behind
I have one initiative to take in my country i'm living, killing this mind thoughts by outer side influences, i'm ok but some does take me to hatred against somebody, justified rage for anyone & someone
My Anorak is from Ben Sherman just my designer jacket, my 2 albums " Germany Against Me ", " Can U Understand My Ways ", wasn't at record, deliberately it came to this moment of decisions
Somehow i'm not a professional laid down studio musician, i'm a lyricist, with 2 other avenues
My title in this life, trust yourself and do what you find out rightly to do, so righteous true, my collar is versace, i compose one note after another, one consonant to other my brother
Somebody is frankly very enthusiastically by open up doors for nothing, for sure, outlaw in the streets of missouri and colorado, hey yo my comrad keep it real my friend or won't
My privilege to share is living very well by sunny days catching you in innermost ways to portrays a life without god, maybe in open doors, i hope still so, meaning most serious
Acts of devastating cynically deeds could led to the world end, judgement day in expect , i'm confident that people should get in touch by some truth lying in this worlds epicenter & center by this happen
Anyway i meticulously was thinking a lot in life, my sight of developing operating texts turned out lucrative business to business to me, so believe this life is lived once, a moment of lyrically elaborated intuition
Liaison in life always to handle about, grunge times, rock ballantines, scotch, whiskey, wodka for everybody, rock n roll era group Slipknot on World Tour about great roll and rock, even more aligned percussion for you to pop
Slipknot on every spot, let celebrate Slipknot 20 years to not forgot
Apparel & Vogue just boutiques in paris is my second home, cologne this metropolitan area is a great sight & peek at the dome cathedral, also the innercity and the fashion stores
Home alone greatly watched every christmas with family around, reuters is a compact resource for news coming just confident, collaborative & relevant for media protocolation
A nation like Germany, comfort granted since early on, most embodiment of a form named reincarnation in a rebirth of a soul manifesto, living alike happy every day in zenith just crest, just i know where i'm coming from
Songs written sincerely off the rack, flexing lyrically content with texting lyrically next phrases with enormous dexterity and wide standing sense, my goodwill promising, you know your rights, i know my rights
Getting embroiled by a illumination & nirvana in living moments stretched out by enlightened ways to feel innerly alike
My dumbfounded moments in life to deal, is about dealing hard to feel, tell me my friend how does it feel to lose your life in a stance to getting innerly hardly souly killed,
I want a feeling, just relieved from all the stress, by this live's dealing with attacking feelings, lacking feelings, living abstractly
Living sometimes easy sometimes hard, wherever i walk it's great to be here
My tendency, high complex gigant lyrically form, or high texts written norm unfolded in a incorporation of a impulse lyrics new born song writer, alike a grunge interpret in life
Rock strings come over my heavy spirits kinda alive chevy instinct, organized lyrically expression is a session of international public views, operating like a professional at work, prophecy maybe or not also involved
Establishment of world wide interconnection & a section of business interaction, my lyrically amount is a coffee table book filled like a thick book just written obviously to kick
Soldiers passed away, listen to the wind of change, closely, and getting touched slowly,innerly, just like a winner to be, my suggestion with lyrically blasting is taking you to a special particular moment of tension
My attitude is creating great lyrics around, best believe, i want to sing hey hey hey goodbye, bye , a sight of saying farewell back in time to a lot of fellows, i crush and burst to this happen, let it be happen
Next time i'm taking it easy on my shoulder, my pleasure, request, is this stress justified just this blast from anywhere, somewhere, wherever, acapella i'm high rated with some vocals
Hoping i'm one day not choking, slightly touched by this mess around, lyrically sounding like kurt cobain or the fame of rolling stone rock flavour just insane or the same like Al Pacino in every film frame
I'm the dirigent just a foolish friend of a event name makaveli 7 day killuminati my friend, 15 years passed away, nothing changed, seeing ever zirkon & kristall or diamant jewels, some is interest in this, i'm not in this cyphers end
Hip-Hop once thrived and prospered with Biggie & Tupac, decades are gone, black folks lost their messiah in this long, dedicated like a song in tribute to both angels, now smiling down in heaven with Easy along
I prefer a road of the glory, u worry sometimes in life, don't get this bullshit daily days getting on your innerly vibe, believe me people always is greedy in this next one's conversations life to your sight
Black Jezus can save people, a glimmer of a glitter of earthy hell can switching great feelings how to great fell feelings like very well
An chelo is a dirigence, musically greatly to know about in a fidel instrument, timberland are great boots and apparell, living pretty well, living just alike liking my life how i life in this standard life alike
The music industry is just messed up in comparison to the days back in time, now hits shaking everybody shiver down the spine no more, no songs writing history by a labelling around
No sound loud playing making the crowd freaky, leaks in the web did effect, recording no sound coming more to my lyrically foundation by andreaspennophotography
Changing temperate moods into perfectionsm feeling by hugh idealism, in personal study of language for 10 years, inner side & innermost fears some active just realism
Gangsterism is lived once, initiated sincery early on lyrically engaged, placing mystically traced on lyrics around, sounding great like clown's frown bouncing in a room loud
Applauding people around like Robert De Niro or John Frankenheimer in this lyrically phrases and paragraph to sound alike in this sight
My intuition in a liaison with somebody wanting him lifelong stepping out my life, might i die one day, i say this living is like babay, wounds are placed, through this the world is healed
How does it feel, tell me, to lose everything's in life since early on, taking i deep literally in this song to qoute how your whole human body is soaked in evil unforgivable hope to show
My establishment anyway is a company which is a world industry, it's just a million protocols business to see, believe me it's just something i can turn my eyez on my futuristic belong in life
When the vocalist from Linkin Park passed away i cried my self in a sadly way, cause i knew this group since i was teenage, it was a big lost in world
My constitution is every day stable and rugged, resilient & ain't bugging out in this life, i achieved a lot in a lone standing human life, this society doesn't care by human weaknesses
Ridiculous by my lyrically form, it's enormous literally establishment & poetic, hoping every day that someone like this one is getting away, my gesture, i like studious professional created
In sake of common faith, i say my life was lived prudently to the most days lived, paragraphs kicked in embodiment of literally sentiment stretching from poetry to rock n roll blend in a mashing krazed sortiment
My friend it does cost time and nerves to take up all this dirt from someone did things revolutionary sin, i'm overswarmed by people just a human wants some to get around, he's just somebody like the devil so loud to sound
My operating standing corporation is a bonanza & industry shaking the whole world awaken, like a enormous giant in the world, it's goodwill is promising
This living is like joy & gladly giving, save your sympathy in this life of perils & weaknesses, i gotta say i was living since early on happy & without any problematic conflict to catch lady baby
My receivable status in this world, let me tell you i'm efficiently alive like a flying bird so indeed to heard in a sight alive
Calculating fading rare & dreams reaching not so far, oh pappa, i like my composition as deeply statuated, celebrating shaking lyrics diligently
Even i'm krazed sometimes & huddled, trouble sinced turned adult softly and rare concerned by, bye bye bye hail mary come with me, just you and me, you wanna ride or die la la la bye bye
My aunt is a great person she's very religious and kindly to me in person, so listen through these days of heavyweight i was crushed sometimes always straight saying every time it's over, just smile i was taught in this faith
I care by my own life very well, my suggestion is a blessing by living cashing in next time by my own business principles in lasting life long business lessons to care by, it's all right
Operating deeply with enthusiasm by the messiah, social liberalism initiated in the country Germany sufficient democratically nation wide
Education & Literacy present since early on, it's tha bomb these lyrically song, a throng engrouped in a spot on a block with a main figure standing along
Rugged wooden racks great ornated at home, from cologne to wisconsin, lyrically paramountly established, my stereotype alike working everyday very diligently alright, ok ok
Hey i founded ago some, nowadays a world industry & creation, i'm a very productive individual person in this nation alike, sometimes just oftenly i'm frightened
Wish you were here alex, in this context i'm missing you my comrad, my fellow, my great once in school, united since day one, we lost each other, like a great brother
Back in time shared a great time, sometimes alive, by, embodiment of a overarching lingual assessment created by my side
I shake the whole scence with my essence and my dream by spiritual seeing, upbeat feeling excited all day mostly to establish a lyrically session by another lesson by a living blessing all day, to live entrusted by everybody
Red a lot in human life alike, deeply in a sentiment of a presence just sometimes away all day by somebody estranged all way
I crush with a slight pain in this rush, my intuition by establishment and future principles isn't blushing, living la vida loca, drinking vodka & living in a american dream with my choppa around, ha the sound about
Believe baby just believe, you will see it's a operating circle to believe in destiny, vermillion & bordeaux red ist great color just castanien red or wine red, is pure blood from jesus christ
Thinking very smart from day to day how the future will be constructed & initiated, just celebrating shaking publicity in the web by millions of inquiry on google, public attention in slight mass
Regulating conflicts very clever, eternal living eventually & maybe how ever, a crucifix is hard to carry, my pleasure, is a crucifixion billed on this planet, god dam it
Related to faking people this folk is just in sake of different common faith, stepping on the road of the glory, save your sympathy, believe me life's sometimes easy sometimes complex and sometimes missing a lot of peeps
The Streets celebrating constant brawls and fights on the parking lot from the highway by trucker initiative, open your eyes lady, fashion does set accents young lady in the world if some one does put dearth on you
Black People is blessed eternally, soul asylum runaway train gives me inner rock & grunge spirits around, texting sometimes in alliterations, a faking friend sometimes was in life
Outlaws roam across the whole country, believe me i honest and serious by some people on this earth, military minds i can difficult interprete in some ways, all day struggling some people in the neighborhood to say
But at the end conclusion i'm very happy and pleasured every day and ever day deeply to say, baby, i get around i get around, funky sounds, like already the prophecy by two of the greatest is returning from death
Some believe one day we eternally salvated, i say this accomplished with self-affiliated stage in life for a long time in this faith to make peace for this way free, call it makaveli
Rest in Peace Yafeau Akiyele Fula, the some i learned from school, it's true, shit's deep, it's all about u, since day one cool
My efficiency by lyrically content to put on front, is outlaw living, by the truly feeling by the streets of america, tramps in the corners, destiny laid bare around, sounding rocky around
System of Down is clowning a lot so loud mainstream, my dream to accomplish a lot in lifetime, to see, a seed first in human evolvement planted to believe, the genesis to say
Neutral minds are repeating in self-manifesto, flummoxed a lot of times, sights of rights in life are constraint, to say, faith in some can end in effect
My self-establishment operating just a world industry, i got it all, shall i say it's growing even enormous, in a form in societies status high privileged, i'm in a zenith of lifetime for years
I create lyricism for my inne rside hearts peace and writing in a sense of telling what's going on in life especially this attribute, how my life does constitute ways, can u understand my ways was written, now decrypt this say
Now see this way was marked by some things tell real shit going on in life by high influence of things getting a glimpse in somebodys life in high ambitious sights in light
My first intuition by the music genre was great in life, my interest is writing texts and designing pictures, just a young entrepreneur in different sectors present, for everything i represent i love black people like a high crest
Sing the song of the halleluja, better to say sing the melody of the coyote whistling at nights deeply how ever, my pleasure international genre touched by, i like, a sight of tolerance tonight
Education made me established & founded, sounding classic around, more of the lyrically old school underground, a frown like a heavy clown to have a kristall of a crown in the closet, bust it
My question is it justified to recognize failure in some bodys life which is unjustified more than reaching wide to galaxy alike in a milestone for the world in a sight
My pleasure, guess my life is sometimes good sometimes bad, it's all standard living, Kurt Cobain said grunge would rock the scenery, he rocked definitely the punk rock dream of Aberdeens angel vocals just heavenly
Stress sometimes coming close, showing everybody tonight that hoes pursue me like a reputation of 60's rock'n'roll shows, constantly working on projects internally to know, more of this lyrically chor
A fidel is a great sortiment, operating deeply innerly, like a winner in Timberland and Ben Sherman shaking at times just glamour and glitter by this society reputation greatly but never bitterly
Utopian architectural places already designed & created in a placing real estate patterns to real estate palaces, messing everyday with this planet, god damn it, politics is widely portrayed world wide
Operating deep in seeking peace innerly, following the path of peace, the streets here in Germany is quiet, bliss always in hearts caring, sharing great times in life, just a sight
Alike sometimes thinking bout curious matters, my letter to the greatest ever, when ever is the world end coming, just judgement day coming on something like this planet
My bottom line to sketching by a literally paragraph, i just love my arts of living, silence sometimes innerly, bitterly somethings alike in life perils and fear awaken inside, but rare
The outlaws roam across the streets of california, nothing but the embodiment of life's raw identity with some body my friend, to mentioned the clown is bouncing deep in the room like a theatric frown around
The sound of trebling like a rebel, acting like the devil on a level, international fashion to wear paris designer mode, my gesture, show for the publicity to know, it's all about yo
Fading sometimes, the chronic was written, iowa was written, all eyez on me was written, now listen can u understand my ways was written for the public eye to be read & articulate this album to believe and to see
Spectacular poems already marked, comprehensive lyrically lines already established in a sight, my opposition people don't like me, follow the moscow, soldiers passing by, it's beautifully to listen these phrases by now, right
Is my consciousness awaken spirits alive, sometimes frightened alike, wondering oftenly in life, how future is coming tonight
Book Related to Special Anthem / Written like a musically lyrically presented Book / ( 11.December 2019) Written
So a lot of injustice does awaken in this era of time and epoche, my patience for some reasons inner side is alike brutal fight innermost in a sight
The justice in my life was written with blood alike, tonight you see a star in flickering burning body alight, my destiny, who knows else than god
I guess my life's although is great & beautifully life eternal living on lyrically side, might i die one day of mysterious reasons
My musically lounge out of Chicago in a utopian sight, as well as graphically lounge and establishment tight enough to shake world illustrations level alike
My statement in a matter of teflon & rubber, outlaw , so strong rugged and more, 4 , sure , i transform street particles into livid side scenery, just inspiring u
I gotta tell out a big black brothers get into my heart wherever i walk, sometimes in my life for the period of the last 2 decades i ask myself, is it my fault for some things done and created, my thought
Self-Disciplined, clever, philanthropically, my pleasure, i gotta ask, is it a crime, to be life's long prudent & reasonable in a spotlight or shine, bye bye
Maybe my curiously sentiment is present everyday in this cruel planet, my excellence, i represent my loving lyrically establishment everyday and everyday, babay
My operating mind thinking every day by grunge rock n roll string era rocky show in seattle, my loving represent is heavensent, one day a helping hand gonna wash me clear from my heart's blend
Hey yeah america, i love you, yeah yeah yeah, lyricism is my proponent for gangterism oder blues poetry written in literary idealism, i create a poem in mass like foam bubbles, trouble sometimes in living
Establishment for american lyrically lines out of blues groups from Boston, impersonating some mystery alias in shaking, ideals living celebrating luv like a thug, piano rolls making music tight
Can u feel it coming it in the air tonight, can u feel it doing business to business world wide alike, a sight of a portrait like a crucifix just Jesus Christ the messiah, living this again, questions raised
My components for life is self-esteem, it seems that my ambitions & dreams are wide standing, leaks in the web done, lyrically composure fostering high embodied, from rags to riches ain't my story
You don't have to worry, a very high sorry for people i took down in life, i'm like Corey Taylor the vocalist, flummoxed & perplexed and great living artist writin texts for life's complex
My knowledge is wide and bright like a star in the sky, i have my texts for everybody in this world, true teachings, heart's starving sometimes like bleached cotton, reached a lot oh my god in lifetime
A time we people is living in, dealing with paramountly feelings of life's best times, in a operating stance of human debate, i gotta tell, i don't fake by my paragraphs, just more common faith, so i say
A lot of things does happen today, the scarce & little does may count, sounding lyrically dope like a legacy out of rows & tribunes just Billy the Kid, Outlaw to know
My foundation & establishment is prospering very exponential business alike, i gotta tell, take it easy, Scorpions gotta now rocking the rocky tribune just performing roll, call it sounding like heavy rock n roll
So nothing else matters, i count every word from my lyrically complex also on the foundation to know about, shouting a lot, my request, was it justified in a ethically aspect to crucify god's son, you know where i'm coming from
Expanding double sequels just so well, drinking delightly energy drinks and coffee, to be a victim, sacrificed to beg on knees, is a destiny to see, believing this life is well-promising just really, sometimes worse & bad to me
I expect sometimes change in life on a minimum level, happy everyday, reaching in the country comrades and connections nation wide, my heart is just sometimes questioned for stress and lessons for blessing, messing everyday less problems
Dealing with occasions which was since early on a mystery, knowbody knows, promulgating a faith which is outcasted today, a way to stand by me in way ok to say is hard babay, ok
Corruption exist a lot in these days of human world, sometimes relapsing, checking sometimes all the wreck of people daily encountering which brains is most lack
Experiencing so much goodwill like my own will is enormous wide standing, crunchy grunge rockin the scenery in a stance of success, i gotta explain how estranged fake faith can shiver somebody down
Clowning a lot in life time, getting to a point to getting rich by my image, to switch between alias and regular, to kick tricks out like bickering loud every day, to say my life's ideas was pure diamant babay
A lot in life times drives me krazy, also the worse like unjustice & krazed ideas, i promulgate and prophesise in advance for the black kingom and love for New York
My pleasure, sometimes temper temperate in temps like these, my constitution was since ever smart & regular established in presence, for everything i represent peace to everybody in this lyrically excellence
I guess striving for the better is wished by human essence & sense when ever, never fake setted at example, united people is strong & rugged like a chevy classic, bombastic as same as lyrically mashin
Some people is addicted to bickering and strive for hatred on this planet, god damn it, so manly at manhood to carry a cross through the place of the skull, i create shaken lyrically founded making of greatness by incorporating
Thinking a lot on futuristic excel, acapella ways by writing, a sight tonight of getting emotionally in this life
Krazed by the amazed chasing of lyrically paramountly definition, since on earth's mission everydays liaison, missing a lot of people from behind from now, staring sometimes, in a world full of disgusting people
Liking churching bells from a steeple, weeping does take my pain away, this earthly hell is sometimes active, in my mind being successfully established, my corporation great done & very constructive in a stance of world niveau
Operating in a stance of a chance by writing a lyrically form, initiated just i know how i exactly created on a business norm, these people which is having plans for the perpetuity is krazed like the sandman
My revelation is sometimes frankly in this nation full of fading in a shade faking people, my patience is after a long time in this appendix for lifetime short to be over, like the wrong sayings about Jimmy Hendrix, sober all time
I come close to a point where things all really shook up, looking kraze in to the outlaw scenery full of smoke from motorcycle on a artist avenue, in a sight of struggling tight alike, i celebrate might great business future plans
God damn this life is short, word up, wassup, it's l.crookz, ain't a crookz, being civilised to the last particle of my soul, a frown like a clown, shiver down like the spine by seeing the spirits of Yak rolling to the streets
Creating a lot of lyrics and texts to shake peace inner side, just to make heart's spot of the bottom relieved from the mess from the stress
Philanthropically studying paragraphics which every genre, intertwined in graphic establishment, also lyrically embellishment, my sentiment is relevant, my social giving, is teaching everybody on mondial living
Antipodically living under a alias, living under privileged circumstances, my chances for a great vocational career, is promising, just loving my domicile
Vermillion my hair tips, follow the moscow, soldiers passing by, scorpions, god bless u, in a articulation, in sake of common faith, shaking my armchair like a bottle of Martini, my role model is sole living on business model
Living sometimes good sometimes bad, all righteous and fair, my strategy is exponential business & a segment of cooperation to the next in sake of high curated business making
My fostering paragraphs are most and more plausible, from rags to riches ain't my image, switching to a story by hey you don't have to worry by some in a hurry, curated principles in a performed business shaking, but hey i' aint sorry
Best believe you will be one day exposed to your show, truly to know, my musically lyric is not hypocritically, listen to these society, they nothing but kissing asses every day, saying these people is talking swollen and cold hearted
My paragraphs is orientated lyrically & literary, most dynasty about me is probably my greatly voice around, sounding deep in a wording which is chosen to peek the pinnacle of writing to seek liberty and peace
My personal intuition for everybody on this planet, don't care by other opinions and follow your own soul and spirits, i say god damn it i put on excel to say i gotta tell
Impersonating the business principles hugh than ever in the world wide web, i gotta say i'm sometimes frightened and scared by this living of everydays dealing with conflicts & but sometimes life's just great oftenly
Operating street america with culture around by the ways people does live in the avenues of street heavy ya, my constitution is upright & accomplished mostly time, in the spotlight creating chevy lyrically hot lines
Anyway i feel sometimes pressured by specific people, this living ain't easy, Slipknot greatest rock n roll heavy band ever way, they are shining bright like a star in the rock era, if acoustic or acapella
About 50 States does have possession of great lyricists and musicians living in the country, by this session, giving you a lesson, look forwardly in life's blessing by this truly snippet of this gestion
Some say my living is a joke, some say my life is dealing hopeless & funky, i tell and say this is falsly interpretated and opinion just off course people's faking, now let's get down to lyrically shaking
Goodwill also representated & already mondial shown, a personality like The Notorious B.I.G is eventually next in prophecy depicted in Brooklyn, ever seen Biggie like a big brother lovley talking by Black Jezus and type stuff like that
A lot of pressure and fear seeded in life, my pleasure and gesture, i establish my chorus and composition next to a liaison, just bliss on a mysterically living, dealing everydays life of good and bad moments, always and all the time
Idolizing some figures in world historically routine, it seems to be a glory to achieve a lot in lifetime to believe and see
India Created Movie Lion, the ending of the film was a epiphany to my heart, it's like shiver down the spine by Sheru acting so enormous adjusted in the scenery, just the melancholy coming to your heart close
My structured lyrically form is a variant, to hold a wording and composition tru alive in everybody's life's happen, lyrics in truth alike
My pronounciation is promulgating spirits around shaking, making, celebrating life's fruits taking, my heart's sometimes filled with love, sometimes with sternously hate just sometimes undeniable fear and pressure around
About some females out there, they are ignorant in their own heart's and minds, a sight in futures position, i see potential and a great innerly manifested future to sound clearly by my profession, and texting about my life's lessons
A session by blasting quickly, strictly just bickering going out the way, in a turning point in life, sometimes people chose the wrong side, it's alike they are a sight of wrong living on planet earth to say alike
Oulaw life style across all states, is a life's faith, saying it's life's inspiration just the smoke out of the motorcades, it's a lyrically metaphor used, by depicted them in life's paramountly trait just attitude
Some say i'm smart they are right, some say i'm clever they are tight, vermillion my hair tips, they are colored natural like that just life's bliss, I'm like lucky luke just Billy the Kid, initiated to set up public attention
Divine Afflatus is since birth a tension just a section i got, my block just precinct a facility for people just my residence, being in a lot of places, chasing a lot of possibilities to put on place in space
It's like living sometimes great sometimes in a shade of aching heart's bottom, tomorrow is sometimes everything's sorrow, my constitution everytime stable, shaking rhyme after rhyme while contemplating a sight of utopian society alike
Next time you see me evolving into something big established, so i believe, already became, a lot of people is in hypocrisy alike, struggling some people everyday basis, sometimes relapsing in a point of empty soul next in
My origin is strong rooted, this folk is having customs very high-graded in exchange to somebody others descendances, accurately lyrically written every line in a temperate sight
Might i die one day, what after that happens is a mystery & a whispering of god's bliss or not, my intrinstic & predomimant heavy lyrics just lines are paragraphs with a immense publicity, just fine
Pharaohs some important figures to god, operating outlaw initiated, sacred war done, this happen will be one day written in peace to say truth
My acquisition in a liaison is getting twisted a lot of single days living strictly sometimes in bliss or dealing with sometimes by some a dissing, missing a lot of people from former times in life
Established in business really to say , this kinda act is important in a very high way of my living, everyday working on projects, and tomorrow i'm back for the codex of the next business roundtable to tell in this text
A bonanza is coming sometimes in life, frightened in life oftenly, a lot of times, impersonating the really professional at work
Just shaking the really expert for graphic designing in a enormous way of graphic establishment of signing, in a graphic proficiency of so krazed liking
Might one day is judgement day, sometime i'm bitter by other individuals, visuals since decades present, for everything i represent, whisper words of wisdom, by my presence in business principles just hey my corporate establishment
Initials on placates is routine, goodwill very promising, missing my mother by decades ago in a kitchen to say, listen a lot to great artists in music history, a special mistery by my living is some dealing of everybods giving
This planet is a heavy place to dwell in, some people does only take themselfs to seriously , that a problem on the world just planet, to damn it, another problem is no woman no cry, also big sight of human kind
I experienced a lot of drama and ridiculous foreign unjustice just wrong truth in life, written my life since early on is established in sight from every angle to put on your mind,it's pure real behind, to be in kind
Grandeur proliferation of a tension just a great mansion to see mostly operating highly professional accent in lyrics, my life international in spirits to portray,international to say, it's all about being business of globalization
I'm in a constitution which is all about in sake of common faith, my life is mostly gladly lived on this soil and ground, to be in really classic sound, some roaches was in affiliation in my life, related to some chaos
Who they really is or not is a question, i'm sometimes stressing, but always in love with my coffee-maschine & a lot of love to the black people from Brooklyn literally, they is a hugh splendid folk and also blessed by god
Yeah it's really constructive and promising to tell what's going on, just about my life, always in great comfort to talk in a circuit of lyrically form, alike
They hopefully take a profit by my industrial section to put it on reflection of a high professional session in context by this happen, talk about enormous & gigantic numbers on google by my corporation in the world wide web
Most megadigits for my embodied created corporation
Great than ever, also worldpress a term i created in redirect, by them being very reproductive, professional, manifested on hugh great goodwill established, more constructive initiated
Next to talk after this kinda paragraph, i gotta tell to create great musically lyrically lines in a sight of superior poetic old school heavy blues alike, tonight
Sounding greatly in a shade around of honestly and tru being my whole life, this living is pure great number luv for people being in admiration of people like classified names more sounding like Hannelore Elstner
To write heart's belongings alike on paper, does relieve my heart in a sight, might one day everybody's die, eternal living, is giving to everyone, caused by one drivin
Outlaw operating matter like latex or motorcycle gum, by drums of percussion just system of a down just Tama spelled by some in this, whisper words of wisdom, missing bliss by the past days, reincarnation just rebirth already experienced
Diligence whole life, working every day and everyday, always in motion, rooted hands and arms to portray as a symbol to say, babay next time new publishing in this daily living,school times just greatest times ever
Constitution everyday balanced, smart, sometimes just rare falling apart, sometimes aching heart, lyrically poetic, hoping by this living, showing everydays ways of fulfilled living, i gotta tell, dealing with lyrically compliance which makes me shiny
I gotta say these words are articulated and present, for everything's i represent, blend by poetic sent into heart's accomplished unity just like the whole hollywood community,i prefer growing social every day, some omen is sometimes inside people
Creating a lot of foreign language, doing some krazed literacy about a decade, a shade does follow me since a lot of time, an embodiment of this society does everybody articulate in sake of verbal faith
Smoking cigarettes in mass, clutching phrases and paragraphs, all about astonishment by Kurt Donald Cobain in just grunge alike in frame just punk off as same as rock and roll hall of fame by flipping the voice grungy spittin
To cut and run in different situations yes, sometimes in life i was heavenly blessed, catching texts which are krazed like Rolling Stones on Tour just chased by a poetic heavy sting
Let it be just let it be, i believe in eternally living, forgiving, writing this for you in persona, verses creation celebrating like me, destiny may bad may good, so look everbody can do some if only much work is done
Versace and Cerruti my fragrance, Ben Sherman my designer fashion, bleached like my heart's sometimes, i write extraordinary clearly and sophisticated just world niveau in tendency to other big avenues
My business mondial is enorm, initiated really sophisticated and in a paramountly form to find, paintings and design as well as lyrics established, i have seeing once someone, dedicated i god's name to get crucified, who ever this is
Come as you are, no doubt, excellence does come from inner sense, transformation from young to old is complicated, rocking the whole scene with big time dreams, in a scenery of weak individuals always stomping on the next like you are in paranoid blunting
My persona is promising as well as my goodwill, witnessing mistresses of evil bliss demons which does say they is friendly but at the end they is like species of hardcore bullshit & fake signs of a clandestine fake holy shine
Professors would take immense publishing to me, best believe, my song of living is named the same like krazed fame of rockstars in poetic amazement, chasing highly after different paths in life to get forwardly in this society of laws
Southpaws, struggling a lot of times in this times of modern verbally exchange just alike world's hard carrying politically sights
Should me ask, if justice is present in somebody's living for decades in a odd world of giving by rotten & raw living, than everybody's in this world is hugh rich just very gladly in dealing with beauty utopian
My pleasure at first, my gesture, is music nowadays music or commercial dirty money-making in different ways, playing with thoughts around, creating lyrically music sounding baby in this happen krazy
Some Odean did kill some popular stars, looking at the stars in the horizont, initiating sick lines in a frame of ol dirty bastard just listen to old school rap wherever body from america is in the rap game famed
Industrial my music and lyrics is happen like latinas from latin america is krazed just eventually rapping
I gotta tell, sometimes living well, sometimes living spooky around, sounding like a genuine and sincerely young personality, insanity was sometimes in this living, i guess and propose, my life is already how it should be just wealthy and healthy
My personal soul is grunge alike affiliated in a heavy constitution of hustling just working like everytime in motion, emotions sometimes does hit the essence also just stressing
Cashing hilarious lines just at proove, also truth by some shown, meant this corporation's lyrically sector, some told which is life's happen
My beloved cigarettes does damage my health, my lush life-style, is saying hey me is a young personality as a business man establishing great verbal business language in
My ideal to portray is business just to say it's highly engagement of bliss babayy, ladies drive me krazy, i'm the next bonanza for the lyrically spectrum on this god damn planet, say it
Heavy lyrically sounds behind, in a sense of writing emotionally gripping the essence of innermost lessons taking all day in a way, strictly preferring saying all day Armin the greatest DJ ever lived babayyy
Contemplating principles in life meticolously, virtous people are pristine, so fresh an so clean, believe me my life's does take sense in virtues, just studied life's long in strong period of words in just like like style of ol-dirty
Faking was sometimes in life, my title to abstract define this society, it's a direction of a session of a section just oppression by some folk around, classic sounding lyrically mystically, sensations in life promising
My life is promising in very high business & gladly living, forgiving once was, off course i'm sometimes perplexed & dumbfounded, clowning around also, my wishing to god to care by every human being alive on this planet
Corporation's affiliation became pure highly big time shit around this happen, operating outlaw heavy sounds to happen, never scrapping, loving latin, texting like a clown bouncing to a sound called freaky
Celebrating champaign glasses on the table, same as labeling me, maybe strictly Aberdeens Seattle baby, krazy a lot to tell, living well, living social, every day & every day, establishing pristine lyrics for everybody in world
Cooperating is a high ideal, revenge is sweet, glad from writing deep and profound, sounding around loudly and proud of being high busy with working on projects, Bonnie & Clyde is alike an famous story in a sight
An inkognito is coming sometimes in my mind, operating highly lyrically superior, interior a daimler bodywork is pleasant, stressing sometimes, a lot of work in front of me to get things created
Eminem is a great contribution to america mainstream music, my genre, my pleasure at first, a crucifixion, hard to deal, it's real, take it like to feel about me and my words
Magnitude of a corporation like my, it's all about world niveau alike, bleak and bleached some of my lyrically content, fronting suckaz which deserve to get crushed by rushing up
Examples laid down truly, once i heard words about me which is expired & dire just bullshit from a distance, bliss a lot of to experience in a business of high stuff roughin everybody's up in touch
To herald and promulgate a faith which is in commonly transduced into joy and gladness is typically for heavy goodness and not badness, i say off the rack now i'm back, expect me
Copycats does exist a lot in this world, i'm always watching at nights at the stars so far, whisper words of wisdom, bliss & creating wishes, now look eyyohhhh
Antipodal rebirth already done, some people is about they know where they coming from, greatly this form of proverb by some, my mother is the greatest ever, my father is the grandeur forever, loving em
Never creating wise of the wrong virtue and wisdom, in ways of tolerating the streets of america, is all about black people, i love ya'll, strictly sure
I design in mass, deep bass is a touch just street, weeping also sometimes, an frightened face confrontating a sight of shiny colour just Christ
Pushing my innerly heart to the most inspiration just never fading, lush and about a touch just crushing from the inner side in rarity
Capturing all verses and paragraphs talk about my lyrically redirect, just collecting my two albums and the rest of lyrics i wrote in a stance of chance to proliferate this happen, to a capturing section
In deed, i'm street and delving in this world, i'm just heavy sounding alike, rock n roll era tonight, operating on a level, like musically treble, rebeling the system, liberalism is now present in this represence
My sense about writing is making the point clear alike, hippies once was, 60's america, oh shit, a lot of people was in civil unrest, to say they was in struggle to the last one's left
I seen a lot in this world, a lot and a lot, but only in some i was interested, missing a lot in this happen, lyrically production, spiritual interaction by this lyrical section
Crying sometimes in life, even now, how deep my texts does reach, take a look at bleached jeans i was in youth dressed by, bye bye bye, a sight of paramountly establishment alike
Proliferating my content from the company in enormous publishing in sake of business dealing on high grade, business dealing on a common faith, business feeling just high to take on impulse
No woman no cry, liking drinking fresh coffee from Tschibo, establishment by creation of spiritual spirits in every paragraph in writing, enlightened just smart innermost very insighful
Reaching from Brooklyn to Cologne, just Cologne is my second home, alone oftenly in lifetime, very oftenly, i softly say i'm lofty initiated and very elusive, alike
Revenge & Retribution is never a solution, my market does work very splendid and philanthropically, lyrically hot & establishment engaging, but very initiated, just high corporate success celebrating
Nevermind to everybody try to bickering at me, just ok, saying more lyrics, more to say, just more lyrically at coming forth babaay, lady lai, just looking at you, your charm is promising allright
My suggestion for this teaching for everybody, just look at your heart, that will be the most promising walk back to your soul say this short, secondly life's too short, everybody has to realize this in every form
Enormous diligently on different sectors, my suggest my statement my annexation, dare yourself to some higher version of yourself, be established, don't go the way easy, believe achieving some can come as soon as possiblet to see
Dressed in Ben Sherman Designer Mode, to date created a lot in lifetime, a sight of thinking success can come to everybody, my body sexy & good looking, attractive to the last particle, smiles mick from the streets, great to be
Destiny in life is truth to everybody, embodiment & impersonating of black ghosts bouncing on courts, shorly said my words are true, to believe in, a mask of black ghosts, texas is a state of industry as well as georgia
As great as nation to be, establishment & creation celebrating shaking one lyrically word to the next, see me texting a lot like you study, my embodiment of grunge america, is a blend of rocking the roll of dropping verses to show
Never was earning cash since life begann on own working ethic, doing mathematic in turn on publicity by my corporation in fabrics, international texting like a diva just Tony Brexton in style, how will i die
Highly superior on lyrically sentiment put down on paper, shaking public miniatures to tha fulfilled setting of on google, business establishment just happen, never scrapping, my cyphers are relevant just let united trust from everyone
My pleasure, my gesture sometimes life is turning the tide from one site to the other alike, evaporated thoughts can end in a view happen dreamly, believe me, operating on highly lyrically sessions, sometimes stressing even nowadays
Straight from my heart, yeaahh, yeeah babaay i burst to some places like chasing scenarious of Bonnie & Clyde through border lines places, krazed like figures just myself alias a mystery grazing through spots of life's bliss sometimes theatric fun
My ideas is baby, just my portrait on a placate is krazy, risky baby, my operating faith is struggling visuals daily, in sake of common faith sometimes going out and celebrating self-consciousness baby, i shaking look-outs dope maybe
My constitution is sometimes a delusion and illusiuon, rest of that is proper fusion with my heart's belonging innermost to show highly bluishing inner side like a champion alike just winner or might
Rocking classically the scenario, vermillion my hair color just bordeaux red, i'm back everyday, saying i'm sometimes loving so much people which is black, writing lyrically tracks prideful from the inner side, winner alike
Shaking the whole lodge with my next one Beni alias Borse his attitude is highly classified, grunge, rock, and blues just gospel, my lyrically endowement, i created a lot of materials in lifetime, reaching to the far most
My cranky ways does hypnotize straight people with mesmerizing days, i live for the better, when ever is the second world salvation coming, i mean when united when ever can the whole wide world reach to eternity
I guess next time this happen, scrapping in life never, adoring energy drinks, smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and set the record straight, cultural literacy, great book, this look from my side in a cycle motorcolone, hey this is where i'm from
My territory is parks and home just yards and cologne, more god damn entrance of a retail to say, inner city just car interior babaay
I say kissin asses is typically for this planet, god damn it, is slam and smack hypocritically men
My lyrically intentions are profound and no retreat or bullshit just some leak, textual production for everybody
I take my meaning for a believing in astonishment just leaving this dirty hard caring world innerly in a rooted seed to see
Believe me some folk under our society are treacherous demon devils and unfair, who is the most afflicted by, i guess my stress in life was planned
Ohhh shit some names in the music industry are very interesting talk about Robert De Niro or John Martin Scorsese to see
Destiny is pre-plotted, my songwriting era was once very popular and sought-after in googles result showing, them was liking my tight showing, just let this everybody knowing, never called really in life women with bad expression
As session taking my lyrically sensation into a studio vibration, all nights all day, working disciplined in this nation, my state of view is most being honest and true to everybody since i was adolescent and juvenile in a mix for you
My ridiculous style shook everybody, utopian design & intellect just studied, my deeds since life was sometimes false sometimes right, ok but i'm really fine, fine for ya'll, strong since no time scala before
My grandeur world industry, just my establishment is proliferating in shaking high success in taking a lot on representation, this industry is a highly compiled corporation
My wording and introvert working is showing a lot to see it's just fine like old-fashioned american fabricats in a session of lasting eternally by this lyrically blasting deep
Peep the scenario of black enthusiasm in this world, white young people want to be black, that's the last of the last
Breating Public Enemy No.1 for some time and codex, my texts, just high professional dirigated handly taking and making it by
I created and edited a lot of materials in lifetime since now, wow you are andreas, he's definitely falsified and has to be disciplined, i slim message by mine, at the end i win in this earthly time, alike
Sometimes in life you get attacked by some, this real tru, i see and believe this not worthy about everybody, my moods is cool and very delighted and glady my whole life
Packed with a mind just celebrals high-rated, shaking the whole scene with my brother maurice alias mopreme, making lyrically dosis present, dearly fear me, for everybody represent, flavour from the streets of iowa in a happening
Back in time decade ago lyrically status just way was rapping just rap, nowadays things changed, in same change of rock n roll just amalgam more rock the lyrically show for literally life's circumstances to show
A option to take like to create infrastructure in sake of common faith is heavenly like brotherly handshake, take it easy or what, utopian lyrics and graphic designer corp successfully like ever, these are some attributes of mine
A plague in life to me was the 7 Day, hey it ain't easy to portray this happen, cause it's all hard to stand these visuals also not really concerned by how somebody really is affirmed by
In this consequence, how someone is really thinking, alike, tonight we gonna shiver down the spine, tight, struggling also differently in daily trouble
Just looking back at this world, from another level, shit's deep, the streets in america has mural arts, once my whole residence was full of shards
8 Mile is strictly krazed and grandeaur from Eminem, he's creating a great america, just musically, everybody from back in time miss me, on a straight hugh corpulent liaison, just properly
Krazed by great old fashioned rock stories, i often worry, this time i say a lot of sorry, boring it's all the time
Alike this living is sometimes great sometimes fake, in sake of common faith i tender it's properly to live prudently, since day one to the last, take my breath away when i see somebody special
Stressing sometimes, operating high busy by business projects, miss me from back in time, rhyming for the lyrically ideal and status engaged alike, might one day my dreams is coming true, in terms of occupation and family, so cool
Rhyming in timing just like oftenly frightened, in sight of a dilemma sometimes in life embroiled by, an exact schema just circuit, more a lot of materials you can find on my corporation
From my lyrically intention and tension to say my address is a corporate mansion it's all about international business intervention
Wrestling in form for a better future, super is when black people would share a unity by a justice initiating community, circulating opinions don't have to interest you, count on your own, be like nobdoy just ever was greatest shown
The Dome out of Cologne is pure a glance of beauty, more innercity culture, baby let me hold ya, i want to justified unfold me, i told ya , look at your heart wherever you walk, sometimes in this society it's shamefully in the dark
My world industry is pristine, i mean it's like a dream to manage a corporation like a individual just smart, you have every seen, believing in god's is beauty, booty camps is krazed, academies just a place of future in common faith
In sake of living in everydays forgiving, i'm living on a business mission, liaison twisted sometimes in position, bliss and joy talk about in life can happen everything, kicking sometimes freestyles, rap enthusiasm long ago
Some advocacy is welcomed in a lot of forms and variants, a chance in living, to initiate just dealing with a lot of fear, delicously beer from Anheuser, more Carlsberger is bliss and pleasant, and does count to great drinks
Catching some paper, and scribbling this shit on paper, shaking lyrically paragraphs in a great feeling in aftermath, just in faith
Empty feelings sometines kicking you away, once i prayed for a better way, some all day, strictly saying faith in god, was in my life so now a personal lord, he raised me
Multiple individuals just once attacked me, stacking lyrics, ladies smack me, lacking just fake social media need a lot of rescue
Some say people is liars, they right, alike a scenario, strictly one day i'be in the cemetary, ya
Just somebody on this planet, god damn it, is all about a sound just ridiculous me is about, he's somebody really frowning everyday since years like a yard clown, shortly summoned he's unlimited krazed at it all
Circulating news about people is holy like a steeple, spooky and demons fading myself for close to two decades, in faith to believe a fake was taken place sometimes, if when or not, it's questioned alike
Fenders with great ornament is heavensent, loosers exist a lot on this planet, god damn it, i kick verses and write since day one about my life and feelings i catch everyday
Deep innerly i feel blessed, stressing getting just repressed is a blast catching oftenly fast, matching lyrically concepts like sewing bags patches, america is great, sometimes in life i see fake, in sake of their stupidity to say
My voice is krazed and slightly rough, just rugged and tough assessed, your biggest fan eminem this is stan, great song time long ago, to know life's gift rarely to ascertain, just look at your self and create a lot
Operating with my personal organization in sake of business principles in faith, alike, struggling this society daily, baby, talkin about johnny lately rock n roll comming krazy
Shaking lyrics expecting somebody somehow prophecies can't really happen, a battle i weight is heavy, devil i don't trust, seriously attacking ghosts swirling in my house and yard
Never start forgiving up, just livin this krazed days with valor & amazing chase of innerly, yeah, to be winnerly, shivering the planet is my happen, behind being sometimes down all i loved was latin
Starting the day with a business way to created greatly materials for the corporation all day, baaabbbay, being shady isn't my motto, lady lai be seductive and in temptation, lyrically strong for a nation
A society in a lot of countries in this world is hypocritically to be, believe me everybody is sometimes in bickering, just altercation more fading, self value is happening
Chevy cars is great to see, chevy women is pleasant, international sessions to kick is welcomed in my living, dealing scenarious daily baby, my consequence i take from different things, is likely productive for someone i know
Utopian materials created, my headline for everybody, look at yourself and try to get potential in you through self-value alike a self-sights to be god damn self-established in your wishings
America is mondial central by, lyrically metaphors already done, lyrically portraying life's aspects and daily situations, just daily confrontations to write down, feeling afterly relived innerly, to say only now around
Gotcha is krazed sports, makaveli is somebodys alias, my health is in good condition, missing days of great bliss and mother in the kitchen, hey babay i dream by getting something i can't get, one day i be back
My blockbuster to getting never involved in knuckle-dusters, busters some in life, coming sometimes in sight alike
Transforming tabs from the keyboard into worthy lines of rhymes & lyrically great music around
Sounding classicaly in prosa, creating my image, just literacy studied a lot, a lof of blocks exist in the states, my position, ohh man i'm confident for a great future, really in this living
A peninsula is pristine, dreaming by the big derivatives, scenery of different sectors reminiscing high stashed, crashed in life by painfully ways a lot, but relieved in aftermath like a plea to rock
Sounding hilirious like a clown, hit me clown, come around just a krazed frown, Jonathan Davis is a great artist, his presence just metal sound is heavy allright to put accent to represent
Excellence is my trade mark to be at lyrically sent, god damn, it's me the made grandeur young business man, aloudly to stem, props to Biggie Smallz, off course he's the Brooklyn Engaged Black Boss
Intimitating ways should kill me,i feel ya, propos to people which mind is setted dope like a Trumanshow, i say by faking people of shaking foolish words making, you ain't great in living by being unsocial behavour giving
My suggestion is not to me oftenly experiencing stressing, chest is great, in sake of common faith i commit prudently living skills for my chills of my own will, following everyday landly country law & bills
Not to forget, one day i be for everybody on this planet back, smack me, i let you into underground of a zenith just make out of you raw vibes sights
My following business epoche principles is highly paramountly rated on world wide status
Just about a truck driving through your neighborhood, is promising at nights of another level to shook just look , just illuminated by lux, krazed by Anaheim Mighty Ducks
Bucks i don't make in this time, but to follow i'm looking forwardly for earning money self-established in bliss, by Klartisch
Wishing does have everybody, 8 Mile is so to admire just the story script, getting a kick of the little manuscript in his hands in the bus, just scribbling this paper full of rhymes, just fine
From rags to riches i'm ain't a story but can be alike, my testament to write, a sight of proliferating mind strengh with a smart system by shaking and ain't personal faking
My attitude is all about doing creativity just innerly smart being dude, being sometimes rude, ain't dead in vain a song from the outlaws by the graffiti
Was once celebrated by graffiti antipodal by Tania on a wall being continent swinging just riding from coast to coast, just the mural depicted Tania on, flying like an angel, this was one vision no stranger
Popping up my collar, dollar dollar dollar eventually earning someday in mass just counting without a break , i see a bright future in my life, maniac bone remix, please next to me don't be just tricking tricks
Falling away in the saga of innerly heart simmering deep, sometimes it's hurts so heavy, my daddy a great figur for humankind
Texting and writing like grand champ alike in sight, frightened some time, somehow somewhere some outta influences does created a dilemma and fake thoughts to say i'm like that, just to believe this, that's obvilously
Disco rays enlighting like somebody is black in a sight of boucing like beeig made just seeing sombody meaning Makaveli, anywhere some vision i once experienced about his alias
Stipulating deals just being public to see, believe me life's too short to be violent, a sight in being frightened is everybody's life's thangs alike
Intimitating occasions, made me fallen to a point of being blocked like only being sitting in my house and joint
To be in a moment to say this event is world relevant, hold a white big sized candle, estranged by something, this happen got me asking questions, how deep is the impact, i mean shit this real
World redemption in a section of a session kicking basically lasting bloodshed to weights, celebrating chaos, saying everything is allright, impersonating the crucified
Alike utopian design created by, best believe next tim revolution is coming down, like a clown, shaking you down, come around with poetic lyricism, realism written exactly by paragraphs to feeling this
Feel the power in your essence, take daily life lessons, lyricist like Serj Tankian is great not fake
My words should feel and heal the world, outlaw sentiment everyday, sing the song of the whistle, the mission on a blown wishes
The creation of lyrically non-dissing, the daily past missing, the Andreas, the outlaw, the man by business to business. the philanthropist. the passionest
The poetry lyricism i'm writing is also lessons for everybody, i'm Andi talking about black people out of 80' Brooklyn, number luv, off course it's musically written
Interaction in a session by a section just messin stressing sometimes by these times, allright eventually somebody does put me for futurly despicing sights of
The reason to me is unknown and estranged, resembling kinda utopian graphic palettes maybe in futur created, in sake of common faith i'm standing for, just prudence to carry is my caddy
My ingoknito is being dreaming by earning some greenback in mass, the prognosis is presently awesome to tell, just this way is possible in great conditions, on a corpulent solid business liaison by someone
So endly i'm not baby, baabayy i'm lyrically hot lady, being krazed like Johnny Lately amazed by, frightened sometimes like, times like these got us humans thinking
Smoking Sherm Smoke, hoping for great ideals for the young black male, hopefully the lord is carrying by him, simmering thoughts brake free, believe me, my destiny on this planet was god dam it
Smacking fake gruel thoughts in a bunch of a rock n heavy roll way of strings just grunge, ranches in the south is down for the crown
Book Further Anthology / Greatly Written & Texted / ( 15.April 2020 ) Created
Rollin at nights in the Mc.Arthur Park, clowning deep, hit me clown, sounding greatly lyrically around, frown ridiculous, just interpreting around lyrics profound, mourning some people in this living
Sometimes i'm questions inside my physics, killing this thought behind that dealing with conflicts alike is feeling always in end-effect karma around
Plucking the strings just grunge kinda ways about, lucky hit is in my ways and principles financially status risen from down to high about, a outlaw scenery is promised by wisconsin milwaukee and cali
Operating in sake of common faith, incensed i'm sometimes to take some heavy fakes thoughs just fakes, creating a lot of lyrically lines in short time, frightened sometimes in some peculiar might karma sights
Taking life how it is, business establishment & a highly promising future might in sight, i do think so, some intentions by my side are friendship to everyone on planet, god damn it, that's why i act like this
Compliments are collected a lot in life time, struggling some people in daily routine, i mean everybody's confrontations is shaking everyday somebodys dream, believe me, life's not easy
Growing up in the charisma of bliss and torture mixed up with souly living, solid giving, devils dealing, business everydays christmas like mine, i'm always fine, taking life's days like human shine
Cooperation is greatly to interact, one day i'll be back, all my existing dissing people in this world
This dissing is anti-bliss in a liaison with peoples crooked wishings, by people dry to drag you down in this societies hypocrites devils mission
Missing days with greater life's strongly ways of always smiling like Walt Disney by coloring figures following business in sight alike
Interpols just PAL ist dope, satellites circulating around the world are shaking my intellekt, one day i'm coming back, if black or mexican, canadian or texan, i'm proud of my origin just pride perplexed in writing in this text alike
Writing lyrically intentions deeply by the most inner side, it's alike i have a great and magnificient life, allright, nights i'm drinking Tschibo coffee & smoking cigarettes, if i'm ridiculous by my lyricallly forms i'm using, amusing by writing
Take heavyweight of my heart around, take this weight by lyrics diminishing, to sound dwindling by a textual frown, creating deeper to say a mask just symbolising truth & the real by my life basically down, now come in my town
Impersonating the reality i'm looking at everyday, saying this truly sincerely yours, outlaw, more raw, just the flummoxed, the underground, the lyrically diligently for ya'll
Establishment & pure will to create a Daddy's will, killing this sounds in my residence by upper mights, this sight is possibly orthodox crap alike
A puppet is maybe interesting like a silhouette, one day i'll be back, all i learned & studied from a special person is lack of intelligence just waste of time to sound clearly in manners of humanity in place
Writing constantly, dreaming by big dollars, just Lincolns. stressing sometimes, times moving quick, tricks overswarm sometimes, sights of a glance at world peace, is like the New York ways just streets put on black precincts in believe
Goodwill promising, writing by my life & deep profound meanings of this living, more giving in this dealing by shown lyrically signs of times living sometimes prestige alike, please peace in my life in sight
Promising great missing by my only and one comrade failing forgiving, relations by celebrations of my works is extrovert materials, no dirt, my black shírt a title of Marco Polo Ralph Lauren engraved on the etiquette,next time i'm back
Working creating lyrically intentions and feelings as far dealing with emotionally innermost shown on paper, writing diligently, inferno sometimes innerly, Timberland & Ben Sherman Designer , my lyrically marketing promising
Eventually i'm coming with great striving for the better in life, operating outlaw mentality professional alike, poetry from the streets is ain't peace
Bury me with reminiscing of somebody positive & pridefully, take it without a tear pearling down the face, a place with krazed happen is lyrically establishment, just all the time, right diligently
Friendly is everything to know about life, a sight to be tight is working hard alike, frightened sometimes by moments in this society by lavish mights, operating outlaw mentality streets in mind
Struggling daily problems oftenly in daily trouble, by being baby with lyrically norms just krazy amazed naming types lady, faith in god can achieve some, you know where i'm coming from, writing songs sometimes just the bomb,being blazed
My personal idea to change this planet became reality by the eternity living achieving, in a believe of dreaming alike
My corporation is very well performing in immense high results chiffre enlisted, bliss and missing the past is my business, rock n roll is a popular genre, in every state of a great country
My lyrics portraying reality & life's happen in modus, opportunities can be solve by being ready & established for the act of chances to grip
My composure is temperate & cleary, there is no need for you to be seeing life fearly, just cheer life dearly with a thang of being sheer strongly inner side and prudently in deed, babayy
Composing and writing diligently oftenly a lot, impersonating acts of daily life's affiliations on paper, all you evil lurks, i'm ain't surprised, in the event of my eyes, i create so bomb baby, also decades without lies
Immense concentrated, shaking type operating mentality thangs around my heart, no matter how dark somebodys life's come, symphnonies of whistling the song by starry starry night can diminish you vibe innerly in a sight
Please society by this coutry take care of your ways to be, believe me, dealing with someone called uppermights for decades in a revolutionary tract, is getting blood-shed for a reason which is not important
This act was planned, cause i'm crucified, it's alike suffering for nothing, he should pay, babayy
My example recruited here in Cologne is lyrics for the better just lyrically shown, also world-wide publishing recruited to be known, don't think this joke
My lyrically facade is trustworthy in a morality way for everyone, in other words my lyrics should change the world in a great way for a better faith
Doing a lot of diligence in lifetime, literally meant i'm a style writing, raw rhymes & rough sights filled inside my type of writes, sounding cleary & lyrically baby around
Please no more ways of always strictly being hypocritically by this upper mights, it hurts innerly inside alike
Eventually my corporation is next time even more published & me is labeled on google million-multiple public results in sight, already about, exactly how it sounds, krazed around, this publishing is professional alike dealing
My principles for my business worldwide is properly established in recruited type alike by business intelligent sights, trust me, it's now market operating enormous by the chiffre alike
Enthusiasm by poetry & lyrically writing alike, does shake my hearts innerly at the bottom of the hearts pinnacle might
Plausible relevant my devils friend is maybe politely but he isn't, as his bliss ain't working, maybe nothing
Fraternity is greatly to say by, babayy i deny some people in life times, eventually eternally, firmly, don't be confused by
Liking musically blues, also the way some people does write lyrics in the borough 8 Mile, great production by those folk & creating music dope
From rags to riches i'm ain't a story, i'm always worried and, to some people i'm not sorry, but this person ain't Corey from Iowa, Des Moines, my crest of type writing related to heavy sounds alike creating just Chris Fehn about
Sounding freshly about figures just Jonathan Davis, strangers look always at me from different angles, these haters is jealous and stressing me like a blast from rifle just shotty, it's hard, sometimes i fall
But what's going on really to say, life's how life is, take it how it is, take things how they come, some people prefer cash or banknotes i prefer lyrically blast to the deep meaning an graphically sortiment
My friend this living is once baby, so take ignorance to individuals and people which is crooked and bad induced, take it like a slight touching blues, ignore other meanings, just be in this believing
Women and Men nowadays is divorced in a short time, so relationship in this time is for nothing, slightly, sometimes in my life it hurts immense by different occasions, celebrating a lot of liaison on life about
Sometimes very anxiously & fearfully inside, in this nation by EU Affiliation, shaking lyrically establishment, facing traumas sometimes, krazed proverbs kicked in the lyrically form around
My pleading words on someone is not worthy or senseful in impact of some happen, cause nearly since decades wrong manifested faith, my operating lyically form is touched slightly by Corey Taylors textual style in place
Inferno sometimes inside, alike sometims i'm happy, always i'm glad by living this daily life, i'm interested in slawian poets from the east, Kurt Cobain, shit's truth, he is the one & only upper Rockin grungy & Roll legend ever lived
Some Omen does awake in me maybe next time, some bittersweet memories does awaken sometimes if i'm in rearview believe me, even business-men have to take it easy
My pleasure, my shaking gesture at all, don't think to much, cause then you fall, now shit ohhhhh shit look at my lyrically developed material, just shook, and now look it's poetic & rocky & rollen inside written for this time in sight
Providental Visitations does always come to pursue me & karma, i ain't a farmer, nadda, i'm uncle papi, ain't sloppy, this living is nothing without moral commitment, heartfully emotions with homeboyz in this kicking, true feelings
I'm just all about clearness & teaching worldwide by my side, someone have to say somebody needs a judically punishment, i agree, this just believe me, now see it clearly
My opposition, is maybe bad feelings in this living mission, bliss experiencing a lot on in lifetime, rock that show just heavy rock that roll, so lyrically rocking like the whole world, so to know
Operating outlaw mentality by the folk in california, looking up to them, insanity somebody try to put in my life, but couldn't, he tried but now in vain, such a shame
My definition of rusak, russen unter sich sind anders als kartofelln, german transcripted, smiles mick is a flashing smashing kick just mick, dip my head onto the wall seeing devils angels knocking on the heavens fall
My constitution is pretty upbrought in sense of thinking smart in turn of every thought is sharp like a razor blade to be heard, heard should be some crucifixion in somebodys life like mine, it was planned, by someone black
He was eventually pretty ash black in his frailed head, one day i'll be back, shaquie from the lakers is someone black having dominance on the parkett
I think very constructive & my heart is awaken into some shaken gladly & enormous happy living's walk into every step of dealing with god, some mystery, listen closely into the lyrics
My fabolous interstate lyrically place of common faith is common ground of where i'm coming from, i like chelo and percussion, buzz is a must in devils kitchen's bust
Controlling the world by everybody is routine, Berlin is accurately for rappers & thugz, i ain't a rapper, former ways and structural days of lyrically & living content was that, but not how reality how it's now to smack
Cab i drink pleasantly, industry like the metal scene is Slipknot, protocolated like a living group by next rock n roll dream, most futurly
New Future, lyrically pleasant and heaven sent, for everything i represent, in crest Andreas Penno somebody which is meant to be black people out of New York a eternal friend
My audience every human being alive, a sight of living in gladly happiness, no stress, best wishes can turn reality, missing some people from former times, bliss can come and go, to know god is there
Publishing, kissing assess a lot of people to create this element, my friend this living ain't easy, i agree, believe me, even young straight up business men have to take it easy, squeeze your wife with love and number luv
Some wedlock is sometimes in times like a shock, rocking the scenery by seemingly loving your man, some men are enviously, they are messed up with them selfs to be in reality, tragedy ohhh my god insanity can change you
Operating outlaw impersonating the shaking dollar bills, lol i see but in ways not of mine, fine i'm mostly everyday i say how it is, some people from the past, i would honor myself to see them blast back in one moment
Business addicted honestly, i'm solo, sometimes i'm wondering why i grew up without a partner, maybe it's krazy, but i'm a fisher, operating dissing some people in daily routine, kingdoms are enormous empires
Bragging by grungy strings & tunes, celebrating rock n roll music by Kurt Donald Cobain, his presence in my ear, is christmas like a deer, Kanzlerin Merkel, this country needs justified & sinsere liberalism
Liability to portray is decisive, to transform into reality, even more, outlaw, ranging from state to state they are cycling through the states, look at my face, a place fulfilled with peace and charm
Embodiment for a friend like shaking hands, say it, with my father, let me say to talk about business events, at evenings some day, big things bout trash talk in my joint, all day
Corporations like mine is pure success without anys stress, happy all day, exponential procedure business cases all ways, baby labeled as a prestigious personality baby, maybe
My ancestors are rural bugolic folk, i grew up on the land just rural, america filled with murals, eyes with tear falling down, in the herein recuperation and relievement, believe this world is justice
Strings, plucking the rocking scenery, rolling the streets down, hit me clown, showing how to come around, sounding like ACDC, Metallica, whistling the blues and refrains of tomorrow
Sometimes horror kills your heart, since early days rock n roll was at establishment, missing these words writing miliseconds ago, to know i show you the words of silence, clearly, wish you were here, papst dearly
Young Entrepreneurs like me, like how, me is educated & young just attractive, loving Martini, labeled as somebody foreign, my company is full-fledged & cooperative
A recruited position by mine, is a sight of a utopia in a sign by rejecting some individual in line by a grade of gods playing with around with might
Times moving quick, smiles mick from the streets is sometimes flashing my mind by a reputation causing glory & gliter and glitzer by the traditional sellers & folk on the streets, by peace
Believing in god is only in some living a dealing with profitable giving, my effect in god's living was till this moment coming now, not to understand just directly to say a repression by acting with a devils blessing
With a caring and behaviour just crashing through your hearts with long omen lasting, trust me
My attitude in living is is staying sincerely & clearly with honesty business-established & personally, to be constructive elucidated in form, my hatred & spleen against some people is immense justified and society caring alike
Operating outlaw initiated by loving them guys driving interstate shaking mindsets without human flaws shaking, elaborated since this day now i don't know exactly truly i don't know what the lord especially was in will to me
My composure is not transparent & shaken, cause all this trouble get me into struggle, nevermind i'm glad & happy to live my routine day in every way, straight from the will of my own, system of a down, great rock n roll group
Some lyrically paragraphs from the album Can U Understand My Ways just the episode an same named titled song, truth by mine is in decree written, truth is portrayed in a stance of my life
A sight alike tonight without Disco is in my frame boring and horrible, awesome are disco lights with fresh drinks on the counter, a condom is a problem like some people say
Always in temper of writing lyrically ways in confirming & affirming days lived on the world by daily patterns to live straight
Operating in purpose of the kind of human alike just horse common sense in sight, i tell you straight this living on this planet is for everybody, this what you create out of it in every daily way
A Rapper or a fan of some people myself isn't, i'm a business man, a expert in some attributes, alias graphic designer for world niveau, but really to say
My gesture & pleasure a international business variable to created, already happened in reality to pronounciate, the ways indeed i shake is worthwhile for myself to initiate, no fake
Tupac Amaru Shakur is someone i had alot of of memories in life, even now i'm glad to design just him, myself is real scientist of him, crying i do not in a specific time of life
My designer fashion is Ben Sherman & Marco Polo Ralf Lauren just Jack & Jones alike in prestige sight, struggling a lot in life by unwished guest in own residence and home,...
Some memories disturb my vibe, some alike in form of dirty filthy charisma in sight
Some folk does say god is justice and support, he does fake and is intelligent just very short, popular now listen everybody i said it one time i never want to be, in sinserely honesty
Some folk does say jezus is light, i say he's light with small curiously mights, allright some people want bickering & war, i found out this is infancy for ya'll
Rap written rhymes my lyrically form & style was back in time, frightened in life sometimes, sheer and pur is love from my heart for a lot of people, weeping not for a long time in the wise of tears running down my cheeks
A buddy is in my frame of one type of human being named incognito, i have no especially comrad at this times of ignorance, a chance to move quick from this specialist in my residence is small-sized in excellence, no heavensent
My body is a god's present, it's real sexy and attractive in a section, perfection nobody is about, a sound in heresy everyday at my residence from a specialist which is devils blessing in tragedies
Impersonating the ways of american industrial site alike, the branch by the filming in sight, trouble everyday to get smacked by a specialist which is heavy in his deeds by behaviour just devils saving
My truly cool lyrically intentions are a sension of sending words in a spectrum into the whole world, by teaching everybody virtue and control in the society, baby don't cry in a way of to be
Lyrically meant by specialist is god meant in a way of decades suffering just Makaveli but this freaky alias named Tupac, this crucifixion is un human being to stand for a long time, world and rome should listen
Missing a lot of friends behind in life, did you ever heard the story by some ways leading to off-shoot of a dirty wrecked obnoxious totally demolish rooted magnolia, which is black and in growth still static
Now to other subjects than god or his pendant back in time, krazed by rockin chasing roll in the heart of america, my pleasure, my gesture, i'm crashing with my lyrically status short time in music branch mainstream level
Especially this level is switched by me a rebel by words in his papers to write songs with precise wise like nice just white mice, or white like korean rice, my fabrics by musically rhymes is Ballantines
My ridiculous lyrically scribbles just snippets content cutted excerpts just raw type song writing is peculiar material in the world wide web, next thang is graphic design, grossly rated on google and yahoo
My roots at it own is strong veterans, my origin is Russian Federation, but grew up in Germany, i stay smart, seeing once chalk on the dome plate inspiring me till it's authentically arts till shaking
My producing texts is blueprint to publishing and public frames, ain't it a shame god's will in killing somebodys heart like my soul living feeling, dealing daily with devil demons
It's me baby, music production is great to deal with, great engagement to be, producing music on professional niveau is especially black business type alike shaking tabs and turns around
My materials is just education for the young generation, it's never fading, some could believe if you work hard on your life you achieve, there u go, it's correct and right, in a isolated spot to see groups of high school guys in a visual
It's close to be spiritual, it's a miracle to walk with mind strength througj lifes phases and episodes, the vocalist from Linkin Park passed away, it's more sad than everything else, i grew up with Linkin, it's a tragedy in the music industry
Corporate principles to achieve and absolve is a gift giving by myself to kick, even my corporation is self-establishment, bliss and missing guys and comrades is kissing wishes to fulfilled eternal mission
My constitution is well-performing & good conditioned every day, hey is it a crime to be great and experience fake people and stupid just toldly obnoxious intentions by stories above
I never lived Thug Life on the streets, peace is my will in living days like these, rockin roll just strings by grunge feelings is in my life out of control, show me some individual and i cry you a ocean full of truth
My goodwill in living like this is in the web glorified and anchored to be paramountly, it's just a blessing by god, my precinct is a spot full of folk strolling through a facility, an establishment for people of mental downs
Like a clown i come around just jiggles, outlaw operating lyrically sincerely, my eyes see it sometimes clearly, don't be fearly, near me a fulfilled endowement of office business material high professsional
International gripping essence of contacts, shit, corporation highly world-wide welcomed, just alike present like the president, for everything i represent i meant strengh from my heart by love to my honesty innerly meant
My own talent got me trippin, kickin paragraphs with sense, operating structured loving some people on this planet,god i damn you and it, somebody named Patrick Roth i'm in dedication to, we shared great time behind
My time away is bullshit to the most thought experiencing, it's senseless living in the beyond with a crown of thorns on the head and nails through body, killuminati it's called, mostly close to two decades this nonsense to be in downfall
I care by my own norm of living, dealing a lot of time with hypocritically giving
Some i gotta tell, why we human beings living not well, it's all about people which is cranked in spanked egoism & pure missing bliss in receiving, killing the daily problems & conflict we human beings does have, is heavyweight in a rack
My intuition is a enormous giant of people which is saying things they are, but they is a fake in sake of common dirty faith around, especially meant who is this, already mentioned in this paragraph by the corporate site to sound
Operating strongly lyrically whith poetic charisma, bliss & missing a lot of people in this, my corporation is world-goodwill / world overreaching publicity, it's operating under high complex status under different modus & development
Just alike in the music industry talk about 8 Mile, just scribbling the shit out on excerpt on a paper, by living in a ghetto in detroit, greatly film branch
Publishing a lot of industrialization, shaking lyrically papers by my own, my lyrics sound is rock n roll era reap and clowning just sounding guitar initiated explosive around, this heavy lyrically sound is nothing without names like my own aound
In a sense public intentions already solved, liking writing with short hair cut alike, my mother is the most magnificient human being around this planet, she's the star on the orient of glitzer & glitter, namely mothers starlights living start bright
Next time we have contingently a new planet, namely, Makaveli, so his alias, my philanthropically site of living is always dealing with a position just realizing some sequential demise just temporarely , my gesture & pleasure, still i rise
Everybody will die one time, signs of churches seams to some individuals blatanly estranged, my corpus christi is stocking always in life nowadays, but almost i'm surprisingly glad & head on to watch pleasured in this living
Terminating this same feeling, is sometimes jokey to my life's dealing, this feeling of paradox intuitions is coming close to a moment, why this happen, a lot of my lyrically content is writing how my life's all about, clearly to soud
In the song Germany Against Me, from the albums same name, i recruited let people knowing by my living aspects in this specs, it was written cause of living conditions by my ethically composure here in Germany
Can U Understand My Ways is principled billed in my living in this world, namely business as well as human kinda alike conditions, missing truly heart huggings from people behind in this heavy living
Dealing with a lot of point nobody wants to discuss, as same as mine, deep bass is functioned in impulses just a must, utopian dreams for someone reaching close, hoping for better days
Always thinking this why i mention sometimes good sometimes bad human nature moods, maybe it's reality, for everything i represent, some ideal namely some figures from the rock n roll scenery is in my frame everything
Ever though about the world ending, judgement day, believing realistically to think, somebodys others views, in my side, what i'm about, changing the world, not with deeds or peace, but with oral & verbally exchange to the next
Perplexed and confused just disillusioned me is so oftenly, just to the most i'm confused like ol' stories from crucifixion abuse, definitely, eventually next time my lyrically content is changing everybody immortal
Exchange for ya'll, you know where i'm coming from, writing these songs with a distanced heart & emotionally norm, make shit's happen, form of these lyrics is truly open heart induced and written in truth of me, believe me
Liability is a term which is responsibility, always not foreign to my life as same as a sight of god's blessing, also after the cross carrying, i'm eventually stressing by people which is jealous and envious
Lessons by my paps is life's worth in possession, one question, will he ever pay for his will, i'm strictly questioned in a important section namely Makaveli, will it be reality in his own perspective, in his alias
Cooperative with glorified kingdoms turned out profitable, in next sentence, heavy public publishing in this context to mentioned, hopefully they is pleased & glad with this happen, they is even paying attention to the corporation in the EU
Appreciating my mothers kitchen, i'm just domestically missing, bliss and blowing wishes to her, even so my parents are my president, i just love them and staying very at allegiance & loyal to both of them
My desire a prophecy may come on this planet, playaz space is just in every discotheka at presence, for everything i represent, i'm just never sent to god, maybe it's for reasons, or i'm fantasising, crying i'm not for years
Texts from Jonathan Davis, is likely to read in faith is, just all these suckers just haters around the metal scenery, dreamery by mine, being affilited with my own lyrically norm portrayed in this line, a sight just shit alike
World wide status reached in the gone years by the, believe me what ever you see, one day everybody is rescued & salvated thanks to me, a space just pokerface is lyrically meant playing card games with smart tradionally inner feelings
Alike i'´m talking here a history in my mind, maybe, drive me krazy, by sorting canadian dollar bank blooms in a wise of being dream baby, so miss lady all i see in you are nonsense by someone name him you partner, two partners you krazed humour talking about
Liking a lot of riches in this world, my image is liking lyrically heavy phrases in masses, clutching my keyboard and tabs,writing some johnny lately a.k.a faith for everybody in this statement, ain't faking
Creating norms like being sincerely with no fear innermost, my eyes see it sometimes clearly, sheer shit, honest ways of New York and black people is my innermost heart in the bottom innerly feeling gigantic moments by this happen
The signs of the areas in South Central/Ca is culture by the cops as the gangs by them selfs, delving in the web for knowledge and educated shelving
Baby, lyrics common faith in sake of lyrically shake on content, Chicago of Cologne i like only some artists, business eternally, me still i rise till the end of my demise, line-up done decades before, what the hell i can tell
This living is dealing with a shady & cloudy mission, killing this feeling inside of me called peculiar dealing with essence called past feelings blasting my heart innermost lasting
Poetry some gifted in my lyrically content here on the protocolation, my inner style is crying not really for a long time, heartly emotions rare, my opulent textual dosis, just i'm surprisingly by myself writing books in hours like mosis
Operating highly professional & cooperative on specific continents, my friends is all gone, i'm bitter by this, liability & diligence just business temperament i'm loving like the guyz from the Hong Kong loving Carl-Benz as fans
Creating a lot of lines of straight bad times, sights of worse times may be over next time, i love energy drinks and shrimps, my instinct is all about lobster, champaign & cognac, my loving sin
Establishment & International economic news in mass, some graveyards in some spots by veterans from different blocks in knocking on heavens door, tell me what i'm loving for, outlaw, cycling through interstate, in complex shake
Suddenly i was knowing somebody in life, lines in whole lyrically context mentioned, which is personally estranged, who it is, this is a enigma, this is god in life,trust me
Industry promising high priority status, wrote save your sympathy, a lot of media went krazed, look at my face, highly sinsere contours & mimics
My attributes are 8 in quantity, one graphic designer & one lyricist, the other fisher, next shares broker expert or lingual professional, sessionable i'm international & fashionable, stressing sometimes
Krazed innerly by rock n heavy roll hymns and strings, establishing content for the public, Patrick Roth a great friend of mine back in time, i'm missing him, i'm sorry
U don't have to worry, i'm sincere till i'm buried, a parachute flying through terrain is arts by Michael Darin, prison breaks are amusing, blues & poetry as same as, operating in clearly ways just business alike
Reseliency & solid lyrically norms are welcomed in my life, the mid-east is in expect in a long time till peace is reached, streets of Haifa is war, how far for pace
Concentrating always for the better ways of writing heartfully, enheartened & clearly not endarkenend, my request should we human beings say god is great under his tests
Messing always around of spittin lyrics not hypocritical, but in the next facade more spiritual & industrial written alike
Some say i'm clever & good looking, just shooking the whole vibe, a sight of glittering starlight on my facials, a nation of brutaliy here, there u go,
I'm losing my mental patience, facing traumas daily, baby i'm missing u krazy Patrick
Business-man daily in at correctly time, baby, maybe i'm surprised if you look in my eyes, counting days till my demise, just look how i rise, watching at the world through binocles
Poppin up with a ghost visual sightseeing at some spots, and1 are great shoe fabricants, punks Not dead, punk off beni out of the park, immolating me is krazed bullshit somebody invented & created
No faking, pure self-consciousness, stressing sometimes, believing in represence world wide best believe to the last, my upbringing was in some area nameley a park
Oppression in life a lot felt, this acapella lyricism is well performed and full of poetic relevance & showing mysterys in mass by emitting
A lot of repression in life came in my front and head on soul, gospel written, not biten, gansterism by old stories in words of Jacques Mesrine created great cinematorism
Operating very blatanly honest & sincere,we are here, on this planet, god damn it, i like to visit my locally bank and shop later on
Metaphorically creating a lot in this happen, rapping is a old story by my way,a decade long it's till now, my lyrically & verbally style changed enormous
Trust this human being i was trust of, and you see how this world goes down of high impulse clutching off, ain't soft
My definite way in life is difficult to prophecy, cause i'm questioned a lot in my cerebrals to pass a decision years ago testified by
Providential visitations always in life of divine afflatus changing my inspiration faking by
My business principles are highly progressive and developing, lingual as same as professional and constructive just protcolated shaking
My life is a dream alike in futures world sight tonight, establishment & industry is my motto, liking to be in clever thinking, apocleptic mindset sometimes, sometimes bitterly by life's moments
America is dealing with imperialism, i prefer elegantiasm, influx of rhymes for musically composition, is a mission on getting never enheartened twised, hugging my father so missing alike oftenly
Goodwill on my side is alike entrenched high priority business creating in sight, my family tree consists of old folks history in this line
Fine i'm always in great form, sometimes my norm is expanding for a long, sometimes i'm down sometimes great around, clowning a lot in much places this way
Corporate possibilities enormous in reach wide, they are fostered precise & accurate thoroughly around, my company is just publishing & public purpose in this way
Always initiating musically texts and songs by my lyrically content as a pillar & construct from my corporation, the next is the graphically company
Studying a lot of materials, physics & human beings in this planet, god damn it, somebodys alias is makaveli, a antipodal vision by god of the west of u.s is interesting to see, also the Notorious B.I.G in this portrayal
Sometimes you gotta think we ain't in vain on this planet, i' m young man with principles around, sounding freshy lyrically in form, from ground i'm by middle east professionality lingual & in admiration of their industrialization
Say loud Andreas Penno gonna change the world next time, by next times eternal living for everybody on this planet, this reality
Lyrically content by my should be red from the first lettering & letter to the last writing to catch & capture sense by this written at it all
Scotish Salute by the kilts and dudelsachs is great, shaking my vulnerable texts and send them to everybody in packs, to achieve peace in this believe
Sacred War Done was written for a better world, listen to my lyrically modus done, and you see a civilized music production, in immortalized lettering giving, this living is nuthing without heart, don't be messed up, one day everything's allright
This life is lived once, this life is lived only once, so don't waste time, be diligently & socially assessed, be blessed and start doing cash, be always upfresh, stay smart and lay worth into your own design and dreams by this humantime
This kinda race war we is living in, acceptance and tolerance should be chance to develop human kinda ways of us, any kinda conflict i'm about is is decade thang to survive in this by a shade of god's acting like a dictator for a long time
Spiritual lyrics for a system of distolerance should change planet's goodwill, System of a Down & koRn are metal groups with character, produced with vibe just alike hypnotize with mainstream more Slipknot rock n heavy roll era how it seems
Life's strange sometimes, musically composition is my mission, follow the moscow, how far will my life lead, really to say i'm bleeding, high explosive feelings, no dealing with messiah former healing
Societies changing humankind, alike i'm always in sight of loving God constantly everytime he is acting, my pronunciation of saying life's faith is in somebodys self, by self-esteem & self confidence at it all in sake
German Rap & Hip Hop is a great Branch, lyrically i'm superior like shit god damn i'm lyrics addicted to the death ya, staring through my rearview is mystically and mysteriously, to some i know
Shaking party jam's like Def Jam, ganged up some is in different territories, some people i'm not sorry, worried i'm really sometimes believe me, to advocate to see it clearly, im in very high form and sculpture designing imagery
Once i was in school, learned a lot, hugh nowadays by enthusiasm of own personal study in learning every day diligently, my body is bloody, by publishing offical MaKaveli 7 day Theory of 2pac's reincarnation & rebirth
Operating grunge just rock n roll, showing vibe till every is knocking on heavens door tonight, my suggestion is personal stressing from god, ey put it away, also your blessing, i'm always about purely great womens fashion
International i would be a story of, this young man is educated we will not say worry or sorry, instead highly paramountly good looking, great business orientated and initiated as someone facing a good profession to lace
Excellence by the New Yorker Express is my Presence, for everything i represent, i mean business development eternally, you contingently never heard of me in the world to be, of this corporation i'm affiliated by is anyway very public
My first attribute prudence & adjusted behaviour 4 life, it's like not a lot of people can stand my vibe for a long time, frightened i'm sometimes, sights of tonights riding on a verge of pain is the same like a shame i have to stand
Some lyrically pronunciation and paths are redirected to an happen called namely 7 Day Carrying
Grunge just punks not dead is never weak but somebodys idea like defintley best of the way punks life eternal in this earth full of a bunch just bullshit & crunch
My suggestion is dealing with a blessing namely catching million of results and statement on google & more search engines with my corporation just world portrayal
My gesture is a session just non exagerating faking or in sake of youth behaviour, now i'm an adult 32 years old 2020, inside i'm very empty, sometimes i'm greatly feeling, sometimes i'm badly dealing, also in lyrics written
Some dark clouds are in my living, my will is world peace, should i say some does lead to that, sometimes really said, one time somebodys will maybe back
If black or white or indian we all human kinda alike
Business to Business Ideals come flourishing to a seed which is reap & developed in a sweep, bleeding for years by a mystery, believe me living in shelters ain't easy
To be up for grabs i'm back like lyrically superlative modus, bogus story is great, Jerade Padieu is exciting to watch, exemplifiying the rock n roll facade just real shit coming to face
Operating professional for a long time, frightened i'm oftenly in living, dealing with this life oftenly in conflicts, life's essence to crack is stressing as much it can be
Believe me it's not easy, pope johnnes paulus the second was great in tenure, impersonficating somebodys alias oftenly, so rushing at attributes and switching just them in different arrangement by shaking them by 8 life's principles
Ideas to appear sincerely & profitable, my coffin will also come down the planet, puffin cigarettes in hugh grade, faith in god always in sake of common faith
Believing for the better, clever i'm in hugh fibre, believe me, influx od data by my company in mass for the planet earth and world
Heal the world, hey papa i'm nothing without you, hey papa i'm carrying you in my heart eternal even when it's time, right then i say i'll be always in your heart
Goodwill bearing, steering with across this nation with a feeling like real feeling without doubt for my vocational future, new future is utopian
My story by life is hustling, working & amusing, choosing life's principles basically lyrically laid own on Can U Understand My Ways, strictly these dayz of promising faith in god's name i'm always for sake of being just great
Faking long time ago,showing lyrically accentuation on my corporation is my life written in authority just overarching materials in massiv construction & layout of greatness and not obnoxious daily world routine human faking
Saying loudly i'm writing without pause, off course i'm lifted by spirits of names like Kurt Donald Cobain & Armin Van Buuren talk about close to sentiment just relevant more Dev Patel in the last sequel, it's very great to tell
My motto be honest just i want to be natural and eximiting love & sincere dealing with a great feeling, come as you are, how far the stars are away when i'm at nights going out and watch at them and think on gone people
Really classic is fantastic, for everything i represent i'm just the next president, my lyrically content isn't explicit to read from the first frontal words to this moment, menthol cigarettes are tasty and delicious
My mission clear up the dirt which came into this world vicious by the 7 Day Theory Makaveli, his alias, my interaction is a section with business type revolutionary alike
Celebrated a lot of success in life, really to say, my spot is isolated, my essence is a lot of getting stressing by upper mights torning me apart in a painfully session regulary, meant 7 Day, eternity
Rock N Roll is nothing without Nirvana & Kurt Donald Cobain, his voice just the grunge is heavensent like a morning lunch
I dedicate my lyrically intentions to a lot of folk, my gesture my musically lyrics are blessing
My lyrics shook every seo search engine in the web, maybe world,i never really got a girl or was married with a graciously young woman on my side, it's like i'm foreign in this happen, scrapping i did a lot in life
A sight of going deep, strictly peeping the scenery of the future of living daily, krazy i'm just baby, faking i did sometimes, some sights in life are overshadowed with sights of frightened scenarious alike
The streets of america is filled with a sense of unjustified justice just bury me, dont' worry, america is anyway a great place to be, eventually, i'm sometimes attacked by unwished bliss
My hummingbird once i maybe met in lifetime, can come, don't know when this will happen, a session of a lesson, is mashing through life's perils in this life's devils demons stressin'
Going deep inside my living daily, and i find some obstables i'm about and sometimes confused baby, india has great films just bollywood and their presence, excellence is my represence, for everything i represent
I'm just poetic & lyrically somebody of rock n roll & grunge direction, a section of interaction of gangs & organized crime myself isn't, business enthusiasm is to me welcomed in life just formulas & operating readings in mass
Anyway sometimes i'm good in moods writing sometimes bad, say this phrases is all about makaveli 7 day theory, mystery just this all about
Conservative is a attitude, letter to our chancellor you did a great works around your country for a long time here in Germany
Devils & Demons and figures i'm watching just abatino, operating just shaking ohhh shit celebrating grunge acoustics in this powerful nation, my life for close to two decades wasn't by myself faking, is destiny this faith in
My prospects in living is dubious, and in question also driver license and vocation just profession, sometimes i see things which is un human being, believe guilty by this somebody maybe mentioned early in my edition
My composition is living with someone daily bloodshed and hell in giving to me , my mission is mystery on some platforms, a heavy storm came into my life
Next relapse maybe coming, i dirigate lyrically just beautifully faith, playaz space in this sake it's shit thug poetry case in my place, this living in mine is long time devils figures dealing
Pleased just innerly peace not oftenly, ammunition & weaponry just shellz is dope, my attitude is just strictly business & geoecology, mysoginy i never was about in life, my destiny is to suffer for a long time
My life my life my life, a sight to admire and i'm just lyrically hot on fire, i'm very proud of what i have reached in life time, just self-affirmation, a nation has to get lead righteous & correctly
A story by a young individual which was early on in visuals of blasphemy is real, my lyrically content is purely truth and nuthing but a reflection of my own life
Protocolations and andreaspennophotography is done properly, fading oftenly, truth to say i'm very true & musically lyrically sometimes blues
Starry starry nights can downturn your ways, always i'm writing what i'm liking, struggle by trouble mostly to conquer
I know where i'm coming from, my scripts & lyrics written in a confident way, say bye bye bye, let's get it on, showing 50 states are that, we in Germany have 16 states to be shown in th sec
Baby i burst when i write, it's alike my songs written not recorded are the bomb, hey keep it real u is encaged in yourself, operating lyrically ways of breathing revolutionary, believing not in illusionary
My dedication is celebrating shaking drinks by just have my wording repertoire off the rack, smack the damn americas society by them cops on the streets, the racists
Bliss and this should exhilarate everybody to say by saying enheartened heart to look at is important, don't walk blinded through this planet, open your heart, baby, it's gonna be saying it's faith not maybe
My corporation, is all about world industry shaking world status, my intelligence is represent, i write diligent & creative just in sake of human faith, my soul is a silhoutte of my heart, the essence is blessing
Vermillion just this is my hair color, more bordeaux red, apopletic colored, oh papa, once i loved a young woman, this times away, Billy Graham, i'm saying popular to the most praying with him
Idealogies written thoroughly & well pondered, common glued, this life is lived once, one chance to get in the euro proliferated, already made it popular, just on mondial base, look at my face, it's faith
At stake my life sometimes, this life is lived once, rock n roll lyricism just a lyrically musician for the crowd, hit me, feel me, believe me, i see ya
Operating by my will just a will fulfilled with a thrill of smart ideas, the messiah is somebody calm & like a ghost, shiny nose, lyrically show intepretated just professional
International my site is known, full-blown living predomimant in my life living
All i see is trouble in my eyez, gauged for human transgression, makaveli happen, this all about decades seeing devil demons & figures by blasphemy from god shown himself
In turn i just live how i found out righteous to see and give advice to someone, crooked minds & upper mights best believe say they is liable by my deeds and my life just words are stemming from this coward
I rock the scenery just exploiting on a way grung rock n roll just to say, hey punk rock america is carry ya into a dimension which is purely music celebrating ways of the old classic rock days
Waves shivering my ways of a normally feeling just dealing a lot of filthy emotions, oceans of my life inspired millions of protocols on google for a mankind of this world
I suggest somebodys education of my life in wise turned out enormous success & great living circulation in the world wide web alike and my personal life living enormous in profit of education behind in sight
Whispering Lyrically Rock & Grunge ( Written 05.12.2020 in extraordinary great Status like ever )
My establishment is my represent, excellent my gesture, my pleasure, international blessing, stress a lot in cashing, business to business by Thiam is my lesson
Lasting memories filled in heart's bottom, sometimes i'm schocked in different rocking destinys in life written in blood
Poetic conclusions are wide standing quoted mysterically & quoted by knowing exactly what the origin is by the lyrically showing is, knowing this, just quoting this
Creating a lot of life times materials , i like New York established police guard and commissionars just black cops
Popping my collar, hollar hollar, saving this planet till moment came now, frightened of Monkey & Jonathan Davis not in in distance, they great , just pamphlets
My contribution is sometimes illusion, created a lot in life time, Eminem is america, america is Eminem, i'm not the candyman, or ferryman, graffitis in metropoles are outstanding
Established since early on, outlaws roaming across the streets, peace hopefully one time in the middle east, bleached my jeans are washed just reached to bright color
Oh papa i will be eternal connected to you, living grunge as a punch from a heavenly lunch, put it down in german " operierend professionel wie ein Holzgestell"
I turn sometimes a ghost, watching this world grow, number love for the kidz, tell em how i love em, straight thuggin, rock n roll dropping lyrically popping
Turning softly strings to the epos of rock history, just meaning writing acoustically lyricism, sometimes in this world gangsterism & racketeering, bearing fruits sometimes by my vision
Liaison is dope & great, no fake, in a shake of faith for common sense a way for everybody
Liking glasses, you can't take the sting out of my words before i say em, praying sometimes intense, perplexed i'm while writing this lyrically texts
Ebony is great, also to find in graphically represent, for everything i represent just sticky more excellent, america has a new president
My constitution is well praised in ways & days of the rough scenery & street arts by them outlaws, just riding
Struggling everyday in life for the better, better now when ever, i describe thug poetry like writing in unity just community, heavy verses in staples
Faking never, utopian not dystopian, loving black people, grunge is a genre for hurray, say my name, Andi the king, the emperor, the chancellor, a glance in rock history, i say
Playing with guns, never did, but liking guns, plucking systematically strings, no i'm hoping for a chance creating business, at a glance for my ego, just flummoxed in prego
New York is a spot which is revolutionary for black people in heavy status, no city can reach water for this element, for everything i represent
Heavensent for a long time being, a dream of mine living my lyricism and andreaspennophotography, nationalism is sometimes present
Establishment in lavish contours, a parcour of danish country is beauty, devils i have seen a lot in visual form
You know where i'm coming from, writing these songs with a mind view and inner heart lyrically way how i create impact to do
It's all about u, now i write tru challenges, strangers look in my face in excess like brothers cases
Impersonating acoustics just writing deep & profound visions of living, sometimes this living is dealing with things which out of control in believing
Buddah is great, skyscrapers worldwide is great to watch, my gesture, my pleasure, living eternally promised by someone like now one ever, just the streets of america
Being educated celebrating shaking lyrically definitions in mass by being controlled by a faith of common sake, being graduated in life to the next level
Liking musically Bass, how could i represent, my devils sent since years spent in caged places for decades, fame i'm not about, but autonomous achieved by the address
Corona is god damn the last particle of a chromed nickel just ticking time bomb, hey young brother from Brooklyn it ain't easy for everybody of us, just come across ways, just strictly being don't get krazed by the name of bad places
Covid 19 is no great establishment, kissing asses this world is all about, sounding like Jonathan Davis, being baby just loved by every blessed pure good looking lady, maybe one day it's over, moreover it's the dosis of chosen blows
My attitude strictly business, bliss always caring, a glance by a chance of having billions of dollars in the pocket is possible to rock it
Don't stop just being silly, Mr.Billy the Kid, the outlaw, straight being this loving this song, with fists in the throng, outlaw,motorcycling just riding
Are U liking a sight of crucifixion for decades alis Makaveli. A Valley of Death And No Peace in Living,no justice served. holla what did u heard about this dirt
Book Written Extension ( Andreas Penno Photography & Lyrik ) / Corporate Hot / Living Great In Sake of Papas Heart / 08.01.2021
Living great & shaking amount of a sake in common faith, my paps told me, don't smoke marihuana since everything started, the pesna & history with wrong dreams
My chromosomes are so prudently & gifted spirits just basically lyrics kickin, loving drippling, Smiles Mick is ticking like stories from the ol'classics
Bombastic just classic more asics just blessed with uplifted lessons from my personal scholastics just teaching high professional works on a highly gross sophisticated interaction
Nibbling scarves across my body from the 7 day, maybe in future resurrectione with the pontiff, i'm very socially assessed, more educated than the rest of the rest called it planet earth to atest
Aspirations not about chasing krazed mindset than people does do , i'm specific like a meal ticket, street of america is grunge shit alike smoking dope with suited bottle, defintely a role model Kurt Cobain in a never bursting bubble
Operating an outlaw initiated just out the law manifested in a lesson some people does follow, just the spirit of tomorrow of a graffiti in mexico out the law or in Haifa
My gesture, my pleasure, i catch verses & phrases just the chorus and create great lyrically content with my flask of Martine Olive inside, my stereotype is alike a sight of high living grade might
So a providental visitation can hit you eternally kicking you heart shivering down your spine, it's more than everything else fine, old memories dreaming alike coming close your skin, than you get goosebumps everywhere, Mick Hell Yeah
My sensation in life was being for decades in truth, living earnest & true telling, yelling i'm also not surprised this kinda amateur flexing always my innermost in dosis
Some believe Shiva is alike, some don't, i tell just now i'm glad living like in a sight just hope everyday, my breath is babay rock n roll krazed lady
Studios are exciting, it's like somebody in this room will change never, my corporation is multiple digits worth on a karat just the chiffre
My dedication to Christopher George Latore Wallace, expect me, prophecy, some people on this planet is great some don't, it's regards sake, common faith is great to handle and act
My interaction with lyrically content writing started with 15, nowadays i can write just a like a professional loving rocky roles in a car just slow mo
A section just flexing type nexus more lexus just Becks with a session more lessons with writing in typing just a sight of sunlights down
A gondel is dope, the middle east was articulated in my internet-filiale, my shawl in winter missing, kissing young lovely women is bliss and great living
Just cooperative with my touch on lyrically content, front of my terrasse my yard, shards people have on occult
Here in the Federal Republic of Germany we call a directors desk a pult, cult is google, it's a great market place for my principles for futuristic ideals, hopefully some people in life get their denial
Telescopically Views are great, my pleasure, my gesture, " Can U Understand My Ways ", all about my days in life to tell really what i have to say bout different aspects & ways in living
Punk off, grunging the sound just Aberdeens rock group, troops is not about me or some eventually like you in my presence just true
In Regard of sparking a thistle just dew from a tree, is poetic redirected and see, believe me it's all about fairness,
And never forget don't forget somebody wherever in the world , everything you does wrong comes back to your life and you reflected just a sarkasmus ol'song
Smells like teen spirit, just feel it, in deal it, my pleasure is fishing, and go out shopping, my personal corporation is wild setted
Letting sometimes old memories inside, yowling like a coyote just alike, just missing times, my generous mind is always sharp like a razor blade just smart
Daily i'm thinking krazy sing the song " oh papa " i will one day missing you more then somebody only can imagine even he is bragging
Operating intertwined in arts always, performing arts is great, industrial arts is enormous just more than living art in a dealing faith, places of facilities just craftmanship is my home, sometimes alone
My status in heaven strictly singing the song loving some females, no fairy tale for this black folk, god damn this makes me sick, just smiles mick on the streets of Brooklyn, looking forwardly constantly
Cause you know what i'm about, say it, industrial graphically design & established business just particulary fine constitution in every time alike, my frightened soul is going dark a lot of times
Cracking peanuts just mexican borders next time closed, this show how unresponsible america is carrying by people abroad, say michelin is great, is say this right to say it's in sake just great name
Working so hardly, so god damn hardly on the tabulators just the keyboard, typing and writing till every last period of years end this element is represented in a blurred keyboard just dirt and fully touched
Book ( Musically Aspects )Curated & Establishment Lyrically & Profound Created ( 2021 )Created Lyrically Book Development
Operating business alike, bragging always by Giovanni Paulo Grande De Secondo, he is in a better place now, how can someone imagine andreaspennophotography is now 6 years old, growth & prospering is standard just development
For everything i create lyrically content in dosis, Shawn Clown Crahan, masquerade & performance is great dosis of halleluya in Des Moines recruited just blurred metaphorically singing roses
My distance to some people is justified in a reason, i created great lyrically treasures just karatically song texts composition, my liaison is welcomed to some people, be in expect, to tell
Living well and poetic & lyrically endowed, how is me writing chiseling a lot of expressions just a cultural literacy in a lesson just texting without explicit content & parental advisory, it's for everybody liking written passages
Buddah is promising, a barber out of New York in 80's for black people is formidable & black chocolate business out of New York is short said it's not one word, black folk
Living strictly sometimes krazed and inflammed by an ignition of the same individual can't orientate in human law, so strong i'am really to say, babayy
Peoples solitary state is in awake of faith just carrying lies and bullshit with all day, maybe i'm next time dead, i don't care this life is not worth to live every day in a historically event just betrayal by someone to say
Chess is formidable, this is pointed out truly world relevant also russian figures in russian roulette, somebody wants to come back but can't really care by an exchange of own guilt could end in an never ending drama really sad
So be in expect or not he is in turn to be in a position mysterically missing, he's only lost in his sin, lyrically lines are truth told and could say honest mind preaching truth behind, remember
Anyway i'm busy and employed by my own, shown & represented lingual thesaurus on my musically lyrics overhanded in your hands, i got no friends, living isolated in a strange spot, this life is a mystery & rumors washed away
Staying relevant for my friend my textbook editor, just lyrically papers at it own material creational & patience i forgot my lyrics could exist centuries on
Joaquin Phoenix is oscar awarded & joker grimace mimically shown to be known as a epic actor, in this sector his respected truly vermillion lipstick powder in acting and represented, sincerely
I write concepts hard industrial as well as my graphically perplexed works, in a sec just in regard staying relevant with my represence in the world
Heard ever molecules reincarnated shaking poultry & chicken just appetitely in celebrating this with somebody named ingocnito beside
My personal address interest in winters just being a lyricist more a karikaturist with design and a sign of peace world peace at the end when it will maybe come my friend, hail mary come with me & run quick see, eternally believe me
Quickly i'm trick me, america deal with black more justified with a human law in respect of, a kalashnikov is soft to touch, but not in my possession, a session just stress came and it's hard to be under this blast, lastly
Spectacular my life was since roughly two decades, a sight of the dimming of the bright shiny righteous star, allright
My paragraphs are lyrically million product alike to find on google or bing eventually on top rated spots alike in the world wide web
Personal ideas lead to demon dimensions, it's stressing everyday, but ey what's your inquiry specifically your zero wise guy
Horror shocks i receive from above a lot since decades, faith inside my heart will stand for ever & ever, and somebody nevermind will never be a truly sincere or in possession of my life, just understand
But really to say life's full of surprisingly acts, this living is giving you a lot of a mission just challenging what ever dealing of situation
Interlude just bout being cool, all about u, i destroy u next time, allright, my lyrically composition is a mix of bliss in a cooperation with my World Pad Editor, dressed in Fila and all about reaped business in this
Lyrically representation is in my wording not fading just celebrating shaking rhymes for musically lyrics initiation, a nation like my is great to live in, the devil on a graffiti or squirrels by different artists
Operating outlaw uttermost. living glad and delighted. the politically scenery in my country is a sight of promising politicians, music is written. melodies are present, beating everybody by business to business niveau
Hundreds of seach machines represent my content from my personal unique corporation, million views on google, immediately i gotta tell, my life is summarized living well, shells are ghetto blown up sometimes
Grabbing tha guitar, creating acoustics, creating strings clear plucking rock n roll heavy sounds, principles in my life a lot, shocked i'm also constantly, cost it whatever, i dare every situation which is perpetuated,yeah
Dreams of the young, my beginning in this verse, be smart and fall not away, everything's gonna be allright, don't let your way in the world hindered by someone on this planet, god damn it, i'm really i real man in this
Outlaw dreamery by the scenery of the sound of a cycle, struggling everyday daily moments of strikes, i dislike people which is liars & unsincere also the facials in sight, just alike Jonathan Davis is a great musician and artist
Establishment & initiated high life's glory comes, don't worry where you from, songs created lyrically like a book, whole songtexts shook my personally literally book
Book Extension / Release Date 07.02.2021 / Lyrically Initiative & Wise Words Quoted / Just another release by my musically texts of to date in textual albums exempli gratia ( Word Pad Texts Album Chiffre ) / Production
My gesture my pleasure, first off some say life's quoted trustworthy & reality, that's real but it's hard to stand different perils in living, no forgiving, dealing with daily shocks in in this living
Shivering down the spine, by seeing New York uplifted spirits entrusted in a visual magnificient enormous visualization high business, life's sometimes a lot of operating faking hatred around
This lyrically sound should be represented in a initiative which is superlative in world poetic relevance, just represent in this devils land, can't put a glance above, he's krazed and lost in his own sinning
Dealing with poetic respect just to attack the intelligent lines i put back on track, maybe next decade the unbeatable & unbreakable come back by someone died decades in the time behind
Only eventually or maybe, somebody gotta say life's mysteriously baby, sanitize my lyrically components in a lyrically showing which is representing my life in a form if lyrically blessed knowing
Operating texts give me innermost peace in this happening, streets of america and Haifa pure great charisma, bliss & business establishment created high value in this lyrics, intepretated
No faking, only truth, just i say, a way for me, is exactly working immense & enormous on my workmanship in just hard work ethic to say, babaaaby, drive me krazy, shaking lyrically differentiation, in sake of my spriritual creation
People does talk alot in lifetime, only few say sense, friends once in possession, international fashionable, crashes sometimes, this shit's not stopping, i rock the rock N rolling show, in slow mo i get touched by
Developing own established tabulators from my own studio in technology, establishing models exempli gratia world relevant, for everything i represent i tend to create a faith for every human alive in this way
Saying loudly, proudly my destiny is secure & certainly if you study some phrases behind, a sight of the dimming, a light in the shivering in a world full of painfully ways which is lithering up, what's up
Corporations can follow in multiple certain blocks, interpretating may way on this planet, now i got it all, study & delve my lyrically articulation, faith in living by senseless forgiving
Operating outlaw initiated, watching Sam & Vincent from some film stripe alike, inspired by the riviera & commitment of the actors in some scenes, just great
My life my life my life, it's alike i suffer alot in light, my storyboard written in life is most not to acquire but eternal fire, my desire is business to business to admire
My desire to be independent from somebody ghost alike, next passages in my lyrically composition on this happen, greatness & glory for everybody on planet earth twice like shook nice alike
Operating infrastructural easy, believe me this lyrically texts written is just pure self-blessing in a session of questioned myself in my own lesson
Questioned myself a lot this time, to cut and run i was early enough appropriated, this celebrating lyrically shaking my aching head and stomach by past plot making is faking enough, so what's happen
My pleasure, my gesture a rear view in the past is wonder impact healing on my heart, last moments these 2 decades is painfully spending times in sake of someone who created something hugh in faith
From rags to riches i'm not about in this temperate moment in a question cause i'm pretty unknown & blanko by cash and me is utmost can show everybody by someone's truth
From my intersection of confusion in my lyrically content, i'm singing a song which a taste of blues and amusing intolerant society truth
My tendency in some tragedy is an opinion heavy like a mountain & written, sometimes i drove a car in lifetime, primetime, highlight, shiver down the spine by a lot in life
Corporation's reputation world-scale pretty unknown, but public visual to be alike in light enormous like population of India heavy so tight
My web-addresss is without jokey portrayals million multiple visual & spiritual to be in sight
Reiki also in content, industry greater than cosmos & galaxy literally spoken, truly showing this embodiment is graphically greatest regard of my friend & a represent of imagery heavy in represence
Operating wisely quoted, hoping for better times, counting every second for a better future, sometimes great days in front, sometimes great loss in front my living era to live like painfully acapella without color
My composition is twisted sometimes and i forget all the greatness & bliss in this, business interaction is my life, to phishing the barrow is great articulated, my faith in common sake is not respected by somebody in life for decades
These decades are meant my whole life on this planet, god damn it, he's very intense by showing some evil & lurks just demons visualisations line in front of me for a long time, my country i'm living in liberalism is our nations ideal
Hypocritically fascinated i'm not, geoecologically established yes i'm, bout 25 definitions, in this intermission, in a liaison of someone i was since this moment came now not convinced or in a better human form confident of
Representing lyrically not animosity or other redirect in any respect of, no way, to say i'm in research of greatness & virtue of my lyrically happen and i write about my life and it's circumstances, my chances are promising
My operating view of my country i'm living in is democracy & great business empowerement, my situation sometimes messed up, i'm classified in a mash-up which is burning crucifixion & fire coming from god in a lasting decades type stuff
Enough i have by this stuff for a long time already mentioned in some passages in my lyrically ensemble, musically gifted i'm like halleluja baby, krazed by falsified faith is damning in sake
I'm somebody going trough perils which is from the devil, graffitis in some areas are pleasantly to look at just streetarts resource, my course to walk a way is blessed in a sense of walking across world politics
Rocky heavy verses i kick, smiles mick, the ice-cream seller from old-school days, grunchy & rock n roll guitar resilient hard string in content, lyrically establishment is my represence & color just consent
I kick lines overswarmed with lines out of sensefull fine establishment online, sequence one i'm permanently, serving time in a area of people fulfilled of sick minds and look, crook i'm aint also not tramp killing i ain't about
Heavy i'm sounding lyrically about loud music written, riding on some people with strong attitude, roots i have long history, bliss & missing a lot of people from behind, alike a sight of a starlight of unforgiving far mights away misusing alike
Rock N Roll is written, Jonathan Davis is a great figure for lyricism and rocky populism, some ways i'm enacting is reacting just respecting my own intersection of giving life's principle interaction
Music changed since decades ago, so my idea is to create a massive exemplar & dialogue of lyrically content, for my filiale, a lot of people is underrated & underlighted, they is only product of society, which isn't original
My stance a chance to turn wrong memories into profitable shimmering glance, i'm sometimes caring a lot by befriended environment, no chills no frills, to cut & run, from rags to riches, i create a enormous industry
An industry fulfilled of highly massiv web-industrialization, an awake of in faith of a great charismatically shake of the internet & humankind
Marshal Mathers is the grandeur rapper from Detroit, Michigan he's very engaged & busy in interaction by rich status & sales, no fairy tales for this young black male in america, memories in living some black guys met
One day i be back, till that, i smack papas hat, never hat a gat, Shaq playing great again, slaming enthusiasam by Giovanni Grande de Seconde out of Vatican, the holy state is in common faith
I like energy drinks in dosis, verbose is my only engagement of being diligently in dose, rough & tough that, i create lyrically music in mass for promising production, newspapers out of Brooklyn Interpole is dope like trumanshow
Promising lines in expect, expect me like you expect Jezus to come back, off the rack, i'm black white so i'm the mac, Berlin the metropolis of the republik has kanaks which is international like chucks just a welcomed story of you don't have to worry
Regulating my own temper structured, say eminem is committed to an astonished career in america, philanthropically site on my site, promising alike, graphics laid down krazed in arise, photographically industry by my own established & pristine
I dream sometimes of humankind end, prophecies by world end, heaven sent above, newspapers is charisma, posing in front of a blue graffiti once seen, great piece of arts, my attitude is some like Reggae & Blues, just cool vibe
My interpole is krazy admired, i created the bomb though on lyrically ensemble, most to say, i grab my tabulators & type in the lyrically facade in common sake for common american classic faith
Operating classicaly outlaw initiated, krazed in will of human peace everywhere, drinking energy, speculating on great news from
You know where i'm coming from, so hold on, and carry by your prudence in living, to god long been while of forgiving, devils & demons fretting me everyday, it's me hell's inferno since approximately 20 years
My persona is elaborated in great faith, my literacy is shaking milestones in human history, bliss and blowing wishes, my heart is walking a path on a railway, say everyday it's not ok
Nobody ever loved me, this not a lie, it hurts, it's dirt, outskirts from Boston is refreshing up messages, america is a center for a monopol, i'm a great lyricist & songwriter, struggling everyday this crooked & misusing society
Society awaken dreams rare & seldom to touch, songtexts ready pristine written, tell them blacks how i love em, sometimes i'm heavy rockin, impersonating the gifted knowledgable human, inner side afraid and empty
Folk like Gossip Folks is like somebodys cousin dopes thesaurus on the row, showing some black folklore sincere stem out of New York or New Jersey, embodiment of an umbrella of still i rise album of the real thug era to supplement
My persona is wide standing reached alike, striving for change in personal life everyday
A storied building in tokyo is high intellectual business space, faith i love innerly in sake, working hard on my business principles around, sounding krazed around
About stories from deep in war is enlightened far, rockin the era, just acapella, more e.g Rockefeller, Red Rum i'm dressed around, come around with the whole rock n roll era
My suggestion, multi cultural interaction by fashion & a section of prism lyrics, it's like a god damn resurrection, by someone remembered, implying facts lead to this question
Studio visitings would be a dream, screaming my name like " hey yeah " i'm believing some charm is awaken interest in females name, such a shame people does undertake activity
The late greatest Corey Taylor in producing great new songs, america is loving him, wooden racks is peculiar meant by graphically industrial creation, my life story is promising baby, dear young black lady
Derelict my home is all about, sounding great around, indian civilization is shaking human earths faith and, what ya phone number i get around ya, god damn i love that shit
Intertwined in graphically design model called Reisig & Taylor givin, this living is filled with roaches in mass, i take a stance on a glance just shouting on Slipknot just a chance
Rest in Peace Paul Gray, hey you always will be remembered, by everybody on human earth, my tendency & redirecting ask, will God be useful in my life on earth, and will he be showing greatness to me, since last decades proven, maybe not
End of this happen, so i'm not a rapper or a musician, i write lyricism for a reason of self-affirmation, not fading when shaking the world with my materials, but so God sig the le lang, better said
My yard is green at spring & the terrasse is very well to get on, i stay plausible & educated all the way, but some people is my sense is jokey & no friends cause they all liars
On a specific kinda date in human life i was loving black people so tremendous just about messiah & christ for them, contingently it was coming from God this attribute
Graveyards are holy places, explicit to say i'm one day back from death babayy, if all the leads & signs are leading to point which is the reference of all this happen, we all will live eternally in the heavens kingdom
Some individuals on a occassion just Jonathan Davis are no musically haters, they composite a setting which is having great vocals and open society articulation for everybody in the nation
So blind, so blind, so blind, operating this just krazed hard classic retro rock aroud, all about, writing paragraphs sincerely & without fearly happen, all about latin, let it be happen
So intrinsic & decisive written words can have content inside, just alike, rock n roll & girls some have lifestyle like this, a have lifestyle strictly explicitly pure business industry i'm about working diligently every day
Establishment of different sectors on my filiale is great charisma & corporate bliss around, i can see i can see i'm just about, i can see i can see i'm just about, sounding great lyrically by shouting out
Tremendous materials i'm just intertwined of, wrote a lot, designed a lot, koRn is a great contribution for rock n roll just everybody needs to know
My classic lines became popular in the world, these lines are embellished with feelings, just alike dealing with living, by the wise just alike & virtous giving by lyrically intermission
My liaison i'm standing alone, like my whole life confronting in my songs, my celebratory lyrics is intertwined with texts blessed by just enormous by someone
Ridiculous matters should be get first elusive sense in the world, cause it's something discussed lines before, but it's 4 ya'll
I'm sometimes innerly empty and stressed, but sometimes in life i was immense blessed, tru to me true to everybody of ya'll, just raw, and more,outlaw, ain't a copy, no get your read on
I care by principles given by myself, corporation ideals promising,dealing with people which is coming from a bells steeple, sometimes i'm really creeping inside of a shell of acapella pain sleeping
Cheap my lyrically composition, this ain't, so i'm not about fame, shame on someone i'm already mentioned, friendship i'm out of touch for a long time, the red sea a holy place, faith by this in god's face
My lyrically constitution is properly & exhilarating societies weaknesses in this time we live in, i'm always dumbfounded & flummoxed by black business from Brooklyn, this taste of politically black business is enormous propping you, this true
So i'm defending my own life's attributes always in different days i'm in this saint days living sacred in vain, my faith is small, a lot of people love to lye & saying wrong cause their can't stand their self
Bloomberg is great, america 70' & 80's heavy like Bonnie & Clyde's gats & revolvers in californias state reaching shoulders in riding deep away like a couple of dreams far visions blurred bubble bursting
I create musically lyrically sentiment, i love black people & mexican people, riviera, i'm not the president, excellence is for devils sent, i'm not bout Rap bullshit music, i'm about Crunch of a Punks Grunge riding across all 50 states in a faith or common sake
Establishment & Properly writing i care for decades, i wish Benny my friend from back in time in park spending time in great friendship caring allright, anyway Benny Punks not Dead, off the rack, missing you definite, infinite respect
Inflamming sparks of texting spirits around, sounding lyrically great around, demonstrating high impulses from God by smacking this voltage world-wide in shaking this about
Encryptology is eventually easy to find as a aspect to find chiffre, inscription in this perplexed line giving of INRI, maybe seen photography designed, it's all about my dedication by someone alike around
My suggestion, don't stay stressing, take care by one lesson, find out righteous to dress and act in this happen, i love latin, black noire colored embellished eyelashes from women, sexy by lights dimming
I'm about living, not for this bullshit for forgiving, i gotta tell, someone this named is public idiot representing shame in the streets, peace & war can come, krazed i never really was, off course i'm always in striving for prudence
My beloved papu, is away, seldon seeing my visions with him, sometimes actively i'm about really lyrically paramountly, i'm sounding about chances i will always get into the trash of a blast, get away, hey ey you are the last of my wishes, ok understand
Celebrating acoustically lyrically enormous complex stories babayy, hey keep ya head up, and i'm fed up, shaking millions of results in human history, i'm not about wrong & bad words on someone, but some people can't understand how just get away, come one
My ashtray is getting filled with enormous much of zigarettes, smoking to much, rushing every kinda touching of the tabulators of the keyboard, just right now at this moment, my fingers hurt, word up, dirty my condominium is never
Living eternally to this, i'm not about, sound great around, clowning on a verge of dirt, my cotton anorak Eleven Paris Fashion, a session basically kicking a line of just Versace or Bruno Banani, some call me Andi or Armani
Black Folklore is praised by God a lot from every spot from Manhattan to Rebels out of Places Just Texas, facing a lot of patterns in graphically matters, better days can come, so i'm from Germany along
Punking a lot with slamming strings like a chevy heavy Rock King out of classic times just James Dean, in this scheme fulfilled with proposed klik kla from the guitar softly dreams from the south
I get a occasion, living in a country which is tasting alike a nation, celebrating reuters BRD news in a faith of new perplexing sounds awaken
Anway, somewhere i gott explain, somebody is not going out of my way in this living, this human being, is maybe selfish, in a way of develish in demons days, blood-thirsty, im thirtie-two, this living with this human being is boring somewhere
My embellished party & campaign i'm about every day the same, is giving the world wide web a name of a multiple millions industry in this happen, rattling rats don't turn away, mister question mark, my cousin mark a great student just alike
Murals & Voices in Cali is sound like somebodys Alias, named Makaveli, INRI, the portrait was created & done, established on graphically great just some
Incorporating milestones of lyrics, making Dosis of lyrically content, my gesture, my pleasure, is beauty business principles international middle east, and praying for mid-east peace, just the streets of my own homespot bleached
Reaching highly intellectual dialect, showing maybe no more elucidated respect to someone not rationale in a earth living form to attack, fashion weeks my filiale is all about in multiple sessions to visualize in catching great sortiment to realized
Once i heard my beard was attractive by my own portrayed in the mirror, my living is dealing with attractive lyrics and great oppurtunities to get plausible return of views on google world wide, in a sight just alike halleluja alike
My intuition is a wishing my bliss to my family in a most showing human era, but being so humorous to friends & family, in a krazed loving moment to share like the worth of americas John F Kennedy
I gotta say one day i'm free babay, this is serious, crucifixion, redemption & deposition, on a mission, to take care of liaison with my papu, one day i see him babyy
Gotta say my heart is fulfilled with unconditional love, so i'm strong, things gotta get on, i'm welcomed in not a lot of areas, dollarization is great, in common faith, i gotta say, Adam Sandler, greatest american actor every on camera
My idea & explicit announcement with my lyrics is world peace, mondial blessing, stressing & catching feelings i'm attacked a lot of this blasphemy, my constitution anyway is always modest & temperate
My will in the state of NRW is business-cooperation, shaking my tabulators like hustling for a bustling mustang, america i love you, good morning, birds fly around my terrasse , every day & everyday
My tremendous will is getting somewhere depicted in a thrill of silly & Billy the Kid, outlaw capturing, in a story telling like yelling, i'm free, don't get this misunderstood, i ain't a crook always studying lyrically books
Impersonating the human figure, my next lyrically episode is dope and hope for humankind just future regime in this world, i never got a girl or was married to a grandeur woman, truly, but i can really appreciate in faith loving sexy girls for my sake
My own gross wholly sung sing song in this krazed time we live in, is dealing with people old and without feelings, my whole rock n roll lyrics is sound strictly punk off, but never dear guy say it soft
Specific i'm very tailored by some attributes & references giving me competences and chances to turn on a great vocational carrer in front, none alive can ever saying i'm just away, but hey my lesson in some called grunch is krazier than Soul Asylums Soft Moments in Runaway Songs
Berlin tha capital, is full of arts & a rebellion, shit i'm the italian stallion, constellation & constitution promising,bliss & quarred diamonds from the racks splitted through your soul like bloodshed, this ain't easy to handle
Hold a candle for a world event which was world relevant, my whole living by this god damn god in giving, sik de re lang, ok, my friend, at the end i'm still in confusion, illusion, but my constitution is ok
But ey halleluya, i'm about sounding great lyrically around, popping up everytime like a young man of principles, grossly hated by so many, but i got it all, andreaspennophotography, the industry, the refinery, it' intelligent manufacture
So baby turn on the volume loud, i gotta tell, i'm fascinated by the capulets of Shakespeare, i'm here, my lyrically & literary book with songtexts on the site is a great magnificient works done, just created some
Mostly depicted initiative to take gotta say, prologue, my vogue is shivering down the spine, alike alike alike one day i'm freely, free like a bird in the tree, no jail sentence but reasons come back like jesuz, visual devil demons to stand
My especially gift in living is feeling shift in lyrically giving, i'm dealing everyday ways of the bad, contingently i'm only bored by some partner mentioned before, black pride, black power, this business i'm scary around
Resocialising temperate feelings got be feeling clever & dealing smart as heaven, and if i die, i wonder what happened, the corporation is having millions of socialising products on google
Take out the binocles and study this literary book since i gotta mention since the lyrically lines became more brighter and more length in volume just the book, before was the songs in short line textual written
My biten lines from america, i gotta pass, it's all self-employed lyrically corp, so my gesture, my pleasure, i'm all about greatness & business to business happen quick without any bickering gimmick
Plausible music created in a book, properly education shaking machinery results, false grammar it's all about any faults, pure tradition from people & listen always at evenings to a sound of a steeple
Operating outlaw initiating shaking words in massiv model, my bottle full of fresh cappuchino, it's all about taste of great german coffee, Tschibo Feine Milde, drinkin likely, oftenly
Softenly i wanna touch your heart with a poem of the living, like dealing with being stardom by touched by angels in resurrectione, in italiano, my promulgation, next time resurrection, in this interaction
My lyrically section is rushing to great constellation of celebration wise quoted words with a pattern, when thugz cry, abatino, making dosis of chosen words in musically concepts just like off the rack
So nextly texting musically clearly making choruses & refrains elucidating a chance if of creating songs like In the Air Tonight, just alike heavens feelings allright, a sight of poetic line called peace alike
Driving almost down the city, buying energy drinks and foods, i have no mercy & pity with some people, liking bells from a steeple, deep to say i'm liking holy sites on planet earth most in Italy / Roma
In hardship i carry my laste dripple of sweat around & struggle around, sounding like a Black Panther, from my mimics in transformation about, loud i'am roundly my cheeks & rouge on my jowls with out doubt
I carry a cross for long time about decades, in faith giving grace living chasing deep profoundly written music is my genre & rubric
My operating art in writing is smart like a sheik, floating on some waters is just on a rafting in the red sea amusement, allegorically meant, friends i have not one just none
Charm & Providential Visitation Just Listen Closely ( 2021 20.04. ) Great Unplugged Lyrically Contribution to my Lyrically Establishment / Also for the corporation / Extension Lyrically Book
I create lyrics in mass, clutching my keyboard and tabulators writing, liking tight challenges giving me prowess to survive, it's like crucified eternally, imagine my regime as a chancellor in Germany
Great shaking, never faking, making my lyrically book in dosis of content, it's meant to be heavensent to be, in life destiny can attack you severely in the rhapsody for blashpemy.
Composing texts just articulating my respect to the majority of black lives human acts, i'm back rewind the time, i'm back just just i'm fine, outlaw living on the pristine lifes matter for ever eternally, my life's matter
Chasing arguments for a better civilization for me and the rest of the world, eminem the mastermind of american rap industry and black recognition in liaison of american competition just being the king of his musically intermission
My tendency how i can explain my life's sometimes dubious, i'm questioned inner side alltimes around, sounding bombastically lyrically about just paramountly dope just writing my paragraphs down
Grunch rock n roll is amusement, i'm choosing life's principles like a heavy around, i'm about business principles, corporate interaction world wide known, from rags to riches i'm ain't about
Never had financially possiblities in life reaching to high digits, my gimmick is kick it like trick it, smiles mick just operating rock n roll heavy classically shaking just don't make me sick my friend
Operating under highly values lyrically composition, Charm & Providential Visitation just listen, to the charisma of my life's mission on this earth living, some people on this planet is not really worth to know
Strings of acoustics dream shiver down the spine, it's time to be consequent, it's times to take somebodys sides against people in lifetime, seriously, i have really a lot to say that i'm in strive to be great
Initiating formulas reaching from Havannah Cuba to Glasgow,my work ethics is concentration pure sort of, i'm always optimistically, but sometimes my tryouts are always aborted my someone
Goodwill my side giving in mass, represent by example, my preamble statuated, celebrating life's shaking interpretating, making lyrically rhyming occassions and arrangement just never quality fading
Industrial purpose gave me a lot of inner circulating industrially heavy shaking knowledge inner side business making, my interest in some fields & occassions is splendid & rendering just without quality ending
Come as your are is great chosing song name alike, punk off alike, punk but heavy hard not soft alike, i guess i shorten my opinion, rock n roll routine all about, ha tha sound
Germany Against Me was written literally professional scripted around, i found out i'm lyrically smart how to sound about
Operating high skills to be morality choosing not for life's specific kinda times in living & dealing always by god's influence, he is a liar
If i can say no frills my lyrically surrounding gesture, is pleasantly lyrically aspects perhaps quality sounding pleasure, sounding like a ticking bomb to get revealed sharply exploding textual in a feeling around
I feel demonized by the impact of God, he's a liar he always does betray my essence & availability as a humankinda era person, hear me feel me believe rock n roll era from Grunge Time ain't passing by just actually alive nowadays
My personal comment on some mights, they are treachearous & creational of negativity, my fundamentally corpus is attacked by some mights diminishing my soul leading blood coming down my physics & rudimentary singular
My people is people which is evenings & nightly actively in parks & concerts, talking deeply,indian folk i love em, my constitution is well-coined under ways strictly under most of all my living days, saying i'm flummoxed every day
I can't describe how i get innerly hot on Coreys Vocals and the bands Strings touching my innermost side to the hard sounds pressing inside my body through my veins
Always i'm for blessing but somebody can't behave, everyday i'm out here in the federal republic of germany making me saying i'm frankly open for all ways and all faith
My tendency & name in the web has a wide scale, baabay, i'm always elucidated somebody especially someone does awaken nightmares in my life, maybe you can experience who this person really is, he isn't about bliss
He isn't about enriched rock n roll era or Unplugged Rock Acapella, i'm taking it easy like the outlaws of the states from artistry avenues driving with their motorcycles
Struggling all about my own ideas right now on this lyrically content, from dirty facades of the warehouses of Cologne, just Punk America, ah i'm talking here hymns & anthems just punks not dead
From rags to riches i'm not about, i have also only some euro bills on my account, seriously, i'm dedicating all loving gesture & enriched everybody's rocking like Jonathan Davis in his Songs on the knocking
My establishment by writing is intellectual & enormous langual thesaurus in advance, my chance to initiate to grip most tremendous attention on is promising & welcoming
I guess i'm very oftenly writing sense with immense freedom of liking the human era by texting dope like fucking bands just Metallica from the states my friend in this peculiar faith of common days expecting us
Sometimes i'm confused & disillusioned by somebody, you know which figure i does address, next to me his maybe starring at me, cash i'm not about, sounding ridiculous & stormy with my words of wisdom
I create literally enormous amount of texts written by my own hands, a lot is following, listen closely, once a poet discussed he is passing away, alive or not, this is mysterious, ladayyyy
Believing in dosis of chosen lyrically songs big book cypher writing, i agree, just believe me, how i can promulgate my lyrics in common faith all writen with a taste of american freeways babbayy
I give protocolations in mass, my constitution like all the time in life, modest and humble, my life's sometimes beautifully sometimes crumble, rumble in the jungle, but i doubt some in living
My premise & proposal is a suggestion of business international, maybe sometimes in the future i count money in mass, operating cleverness like presidents out of nations in humankind
Metaphorically pronounced i'm quick as the wind writing lyrically hints for somebody in life, alike a sight in full-blown tight verses dropped down, i come around with élegance & dominant internet adresses
Stressing sometimes, messing all time and the way with somebody, my ways should not be blocked or set under obstacles by someone, you know where i'm coming from
Blue Collar Mentality is delighful, or delicts from people is preposterous avenging the bad, i'm back with my lyrically attacks, taking consequences just sitting on my working desk and just office
Working diligently & so intensive on different materials, my father gave me a lot of advice, still i rise, cute & nice some females really to say, with the attitude & attributes to share i'm living, enormous immense success was established
Acapella to initiative some inlays, strictly all day i'm living like a hustler & hard working disciplined individual from the Bundesrepublik, from rags to riches i'm aint, faint is great, but i'm ain't, same idealogies from the state
And face of society i'm also in knowing of, megaprojects in the world are trustworthy & great, Shock G from Digital died last time, it's sad to me also Johnny J Jackson or Bruce Washington talk about Afeni Shakur or Big Syke
Things gotta move on, straight from the railways of the young entrepreneurs, bucks & dollars i'm not about, till now, time for Budget can come, you know where we coming from
Splendid creatures are dope, fishing i was for a long time not, my intimidation is a celebration of getting hurt so oftenly, like Makaveli and it hurts, i was till now in life more heartly innermost hurt than stars on the cosmos
Metallica & Slayer is great, Jonathan Davis is doing a great job, koRn is representing the original Rock N Roll Group, Slipknot is all about future of Rock with their tremendous bizzare strings and performances
My lyrically & literally music book is wide laid of lyrics reasons, this book is promising, lighters & cigarettes are pleasant, international public & publishing i'm all about
Barbecues are like holy, i want to unfold me, dear God hold me, show me love & forgiveness, operating intelligent & mondial, shaking one paragraph of the next with this writings
India is beautifully, God Bless this country, as an lyricist i'm a componist & artist, as well as graphically design, a genre i'm professional about how things happen by my shoutout
Confrontating sometimes in life evil ghost-ceilings, krazed this times is definently, i'm optimistically by my groundwork as a designer & lyricist
Expanding my lingual thesaurus under speedy & promtitude, my wishes in life is only beauty & greatness for everybody in this world, i never was married or had a girlfriend, god know himself why not
Controlling different sectors on my webpage, say some people deserve wrong, i say this is all about this song, with fists in the throng
Writing so oftenly lyrics, for everything i represent, i stay smart and exquisite my friend, Eminem is America, America is Eminem, he created a great history & career in his country, so i'm here
So my blessing is uncountable in this nation, somebody said his " Only fear of Death is Reincarnation ", i believe this is a prophecy for some in this lyrically shaking, sometimes reality bringing in faith
A providential visitation is in my life always standard, somebody named Wanzard was somebody shop in my former homespot, my block, my place, my precinct, my borough, my country
I guess my lines are formidabile, the bible is saying a lot of wise words quoted, hoping one day i'm rich, my image is quick to say not a snitch, but really to say some big
Intermission counting just stocking a lot in life, outlaw lifestyle with the motorcyclists from the states if facing professional of the clown Sticks in some boroughs
Black Power & Black Music interest in a lot, i'm now lyrically hot, don't stop, my establishment in the world wide web is smacking some greatest filiales in the world
Eastern Germany is history, missing me nobody really does, i'm not an angel, but this format of missing is some people a lot does not missing me from the past and gone time
My rhymes for a lyrically & musically written book is so dope like Scotch Whiskey Ballantines, my life is right & alike living happy & satified just alike living with my residence in this area
Instantly i'm writing a preface just Intepol of maze in some Blocks, System of A Down is a great Nu Metal Group, they is just for a long time away by presence, for everything meant, they hopefully comeback for their represent
My Hands on my keyboard writing letter after letter with rasant quick turns on the tabs, one day i'll be back, smacking one doe after doe, to know i'm representing love to everybody in this world to show
The galaxy is a beauty element, wake up out of your dreams, this life is lived once, a chance by my side is preposterous, did everything's in life righteous & orderly, summarized i'm slick & quick with writings
Reisig & Taylor was one source i was about last years of Design, also to find in the web, also Michael Miller & Paul Harries Photography
My Purpose in this human civilization is not fading, but more celebrating high complex great works of pieces, graphically or lyrically
Individually i'm present in a hell ain't living well, like i already said sometimes great sometimes bad, lack & scarce of great friends i does have, once so intrinstic & optimistics fellows on my side, now nobody with me
My Plethora innerly is sometimes filled with incredible emptiness & sometimes high living thick filled living source inside of me, so believe me i'm in advocacy of some people in life
A Sight just alike my life is toldly ruled by God, ghost-ceilings are also there, my versatile langual thesaurus does lead to a hugh bandwidth lyrically writing
Smart ways lead to always directly & strictly days of faith for my life, my wording i heard in a lot of contributions in the web
So this internet-corporation is thick filled with beauty & a promising industry worldwide
New York & black people is like a dream, my scheme is to take my corporation worldwide known by a lot, my dream is to live my attributes named it design & lyrics and live forever
Come as You Are & accept life's circumstances, my chances to make it to someone big is dubious, my elucidation about people in this world intimidated is to say that you has to be not be fearly, you feel me and hear me, freely
So baby come as you are, and don't think so far in life, accept the constitution how things are and think not far like the stars
Pokerface is dope to say, so baby my lyrically ways are thoroughly thought and wise written, on a coast life's dope, Death Row or Interscope, great labels
So a metamorphosis is like a dosis of temperament like Mosis from the Red Sea, so believe me life ain't easy, see me in front of you and let me talk some stuff and you will be surprised of my rough voice,so tough
I guess newspapers are worthwhile and Breaking News are nice to count or look at, one day i'll be back, smack these ghost-ceilings, world wide dreaming by the big bucks, once i heard angels smoking violet sherm smoke, it's silly
My childhood & adolescent time was spend in beauty & joy, even now my adult time is filled with business vibe & a seed is transpired just a great adult life & time across every day in life
Come as you are and be just Grunge alike, a sight of greatness & faith to come along and celebrate your young life with humour & self-commitment, stay loyal to your principles, and don't say life's worse switching every day to worse ways
Be always operating true to your ideals, start to believe in you, be self-dedicated, try to delve & explore this humankind, frightened i'm also so it isn't, i'm also oftenly anxiously
I guess one exquisite title, life's what you making out of to be, so believe, literacy & lessons can be prospering in humankinda life, i'm hustling everyday on my working desk, just my office, extraordinary hard works for years spent behind
I like guitar strings establishment & great poetry in front of it, my school times were great, great remembrances, poetry written and the teacher did like it, a sight of human life in other spots than Germany, i guess great
Operating classically lyrically in truth,authentically, originally written and not fake, my lessons in human life was greatly absolved
Living in a facility & workmanship for psychiatric disabled people, but i'm very healthy & honest to say very established and created, so here in NRW, Germany,Eurozone Continent in Facility is my homespot & living place
Loving to say existing black people in New York i'm just love them, also Eminem and his career in america across the whole states is promising
So my corporation is enormous oftenly to find in the web ,it's a million industry worldwide, also or yandex, my lyrically texts theres also in nexus
I create lyrically paragraphs in mass, clutching the chance to be great and saying i'm a workaholic, working constantly on my working desk, Cash i'm dreaming by the big Lincolns
I establish a lot of materials for my content, lyrically aspects to get in a production which turns out great splendid international Interproduction & i'm carrring a lot of enthusiasm with me
My operating classically rock n roll paragraphs are marked with blanket truth and it's all about u,so i'm all about business to business to get me personally, my verses are heard a lot of in world wide web, one day i'll be back
Estranged whispering of some angels made me worry, blessing is routine and sometimes stressing, corporation's welcome worldwide made me wondering & pondering
Initiatives to kick like Smiles Mick is wicked like tricky and kick me, just be slick like chic & tremendous some splendid like Slick Rick
Lyrically Content in front of my assembly lines just my clever fond and, ever & forever i may live in front of some eternally life of
Writing diligently & always flummoxed & dumbfounded by some blunt rounded & wrong amount of false god sounding alike
My articulation is celebrating making lyrics in dosis, these lines & texts is best to recognize literally to check and to respect, about my own life to get a short graph & diagram to understand
I making it happen, behind latin i loved to make it be happen, shaking rhymes for lyrically business principles interaction, this session is blessed and international known as my corporation in the web
I put it one the map, i ain't black but i'm dito just establishing international lyrically music which is maybe heard are red by the black
Counterbalancing people which is counterproductive in this human world, it's out uncle god, his words was diminishing by words in world, from rags to riches i'm not, god without my clues & leads he's our father, and does bless us
Crushing lyrically around with some grunchy rock n roll lyrically facade to incredible to sound
One i believed in God, even nowadays he's great in my life ,i'm sometimes frightened in life, my sight of wide-scaled human horse-sense alike gives me like God inner strength, might
Intermission to my life was different passages in life, maybe some ladies i write, they were against my presence, so i'm solo and so alone ohhh
Rock N Roll & my lyrically composition gonna next time baptise the humankind, whispering some against evil people, devil demons swirling around my mind in mass, operating professional on the lyrically content to clutch
Blues & a litte bit Rock and Poetry is my lyrically musically composition in liaison with my Word Pad Compiler, silence around my life a lot, some people deserve the worse, dirt does come from jealous people just hear me just heard
Word up, so ladies i'm up for grabs, blacks just black people i love from Brooklyn to Cologne at most just showing lyrically flows, chosen lyrically blows in a row just lyrically rock n roll show
Dope my rock & poetic content for sure, outlaw, more of the rugged and more for ya'll, magnificient mirrors & reflections show for instance the own soul
Don't say wrong, cause my songs are compiled for me established to be strong, so long i'm standing god's shame, same i'm talking not about the world's human god alike in my phrases, i'm talking about personally occasions
Fading a lot, and bringing my life in intentions about in my phrases, to talk about clutching lyrically lines in mass, enjoying deep bass, acoustically endowement to my phrases, also Jazz a great musically gifted way to ask
So outlaw initiated, and making lyrics in dosis, like Mosis, nosy Chris Fehn just chosen rides blowing alike more Roses which are on the Unplugged Concert of Nirvana back in time, to rewind the time, in bloom just farewell of Kurt the cool artist of every High School
Punk Rock America is ruling this world, Hack the Planet, god damn it, i slam it, under my lyrically suggestion, i discuss people's wishes in return of lyrically missions to solve
My leads & clues to develop under a small tiny seed, to breed a luxurious life in deed can under an example & sample of may come, especially under own privileges to believe
Maybe the world turns 360 degree every day, and we humans create our type stuff on our planet, god damn it, i really a young man with especially attributes just manly attributes to share
Relationship with people about my webpage, they are jealously and not in giving in this earthly living, dealing every day with daily problems, so i was early in life directed on my own
Sounding Rock N Roll till the last instrumental thing was at a really listening really dope just think lyrically, mystically things are also to think, i'm expecting somebody not really coming back
A motorcycle from Wisconsin is beautifully to see, so listen, my song i wrote, Can U Understand My Ways was the upcoming in my life, also by strict geographically imagery to think
My ways of thinking Jonathan Davis, is somebody intellectual & i'm always looking for just rock & metal bands just Monkey ist all about funky Punk Rock just my name is Andi and not Al Bundy
So Saturday Night Life of America is worthwhile to take a look on it, also Music Labels is great and no fake, especially american origin by it's authentic labeling artists to mention
The Guardian around my shoulders are also livid alike, kick it alike, be with it in sight, say i'm writing bout realistically happenings, but i'm not rappening, just check my lyrics in black in white colour and nothings now i let you in
So my grimace is a visage just beauty in sight, my intimidation sometimes i'm taking alldaily structures to personally in this welcomed nation
My Mimics is just Astronaut & Cosmonaut, Blossom innerly in my heart i'm writing script just lyrics like some Boss just loud, oftenly bout principles life's about, shout out
Operating charisma & charming facial just look how i textual sound, how i come around, with classically sound about
My plan is to develop a lot in life, System of A Down they from Cali, have their alias for success, all about how they sound, they from Armenia to talk around heavy
Literary paragraphs just taken, in sake of common faith i'm always in sense of common sense just to say
Industrial site already shown lyrically & graphically, i'm not talking small things, i'm saying i'm great
Goodwill in incorporating high values just to say, industrial graphics i was in creation, so it's my credibility just in nexus more the photographers
Discerning years fulfilled with working & hard works are now visible on my site, just alike i guess i'm glad to know this works is coming forward with pricing out in sight
Predicting a lot people can always do, so i'm real and extremely true, my composition is an works full of lyrically charisma to get to be heard
Grunge is for real punks, my rock n roll era written lyrics is all about rock the heavy grunge acepalla just a bunch full of fans pogen on a Nirvana Concert just Slipknot Era in rock atmosphere till everybody's rocked with Rock Non Stop
Punk Rock America, cord trousers & chucks, this all about till it rocks
Des Moines Iowa is a spot of groundbreaking rock bands, i guess it's Slipknot, future of this genre rock, great bands career worldwide, my metaphor, slipknots audience is popular like states in quantity in america
So after me, my pleasure, i kick bouncing my lyrically treasures in business international, fashionable, no stressing, one question, is my lesson to hear for justice, i believe don't, so i won't
Smacking rhymes for purpose of writing, tonight you see the gift & miracle awaken of a requiem named Makaveli, his alias, protocolating on my site nothing but industry worldwide, especially World Economic Model
My role model i guess myself, off the shelf, i'm making a dialogue out of this happen, behind latin, all i loved was chin-checking of females just let it be happen
Attacking suckas everyday, but hey life is lived once deeply to say, deeply to lay down this content, in front of my World Pad Publishing, my mission in life to understand life's principles, allright
Operating enormously diligently, my introduction is writing highly competent on relevant subjects just heavenly my friend, Eminem & Beyoncles great artists, they successfully, great resource
Off Course i'm optimistically what ever life's circumstances exists, my bliss is great & glady by the corporation
This nation is fulfilled with fading politicians promises & but Germany has liberty & freedom for everybody to know about
Sounding expressive, and massive thesaurus by langual premises & prowess, how is my futuristic ideals & reality to know about, i'm 33 now 2021, writing by deep sense & deep literary principles around
Progressive crashing multicultural fashionable international ideals laid down, come around with the crown, just in bloom or Lithium just Come as You Are in a best way Nothing Else Matters just rock n roll 4 ever
Now when ever, united we as people can stay strong, unification is celebrating forces in off course just a nation, All Eyez On Me went Diamond Awarding from Makaveli 1996, this certification is well establishment & well sold by US nation
So newspapers are welcomed in a lot of countries, me also always staying intact & presently more effectively by the news, romantic blues just all about u, is creation of Andi the guy with some real sense of staying honest & true
So my announce the World Economic Model officialy in 2023 4 Quartal when it's accomplished, stay active, my representation is quick & highly an intepretation of just i'm always it celebrating
Sanitize my posse once i heard by somebodys lines, always time is gold, whispering bliss in innermost blowing kisses, my heart i'm thinking with, not with human mind
It's all about u, falling apart by some life's daily structure, my disruption always sometimes coming in my daily uplifting construction, my 22 sectors on my website is a correspondence highly chosen specially reflection just alike
Goodwill & hugh people quotes isn't on my site daily, only small amount coming to my filiale.
Lyrik / System of Decades More Dubious ( Lyrically Book Ending and as well as Musically Book Texts Long Broad Written Phrases Ending + Next Same as Before Book Lyrics Industry Short Lines Publishing/ 31.08.2021 Date /
I call it dubious more questions, stressing just blessing, no cashing up to date, shaking lyrically metaphorically ways in front, Compoton,Brooklyn, South Central, Ain't Interested
I'm perplexed, my texts is acapella dropped the best of the best,last one's left i'm back for my showmanship & portrayal just about my rags, my trousers is a really cotton Jeans
Corporate Wishes with financially backgrounds i'm just looking positive forwardly, possibilities are reaching by the millions of dollar bucks & euros maybe next years
Grunge is just greater than a table lunch, Dubious i'm just enormously about different things to say about, sounding great around, bulletproof wests are not in my interest
Initiating my words lividly, i kick it just New York Times labeling alike professional feel now me, kill me slowly, ohh holy, wait & bleed, long episode & epoche of my life till now for decades
The music industry & google is seeing my musically lyrics and is down for the crown, i'a product of a way long being in human history
Comfortable living in this human life living, Jonathan Davis & Scorpions are great artists, dubious a lot in this chaos, poker joker, Berlin, Merlin my loving russian Individual in younger age living in Germany
Take your right into your own right, also my loving punks
Rough off, lyrically superior, lyrically written home interior, you don't have to worry ya'll, blessed by smart mind like intelligent chess playing genius
Operating industrial greatness, take me lyrically not seriously, inside somebody gotta say a crucifixion is promising, my experience is different playing cards right
Alike a sight of the flickering starlight, utopian cities is build, Joey Jordison passed away, hey Slipknot hurrray, Joey is in a better place, also some designer piece done
My anthology is krazed just shit's real, this fibre book written will also have has once end, and passages will take first text lyrically width back on track
I smack the music branch with lyrically establishment down the round like a king from Boston from the streets of St.Louis, but ain't a clown, sure that just around
Berlin full of graffitis just great sight, struggling every day in human civilization, a nation full of fake hatred, but i love Germany & it's culture
Backstabbing vultures in makaveli era, acapella dropping lyrically rocking the scene, my life like a dream, knowledgable by Marshal Mathers and Corey Taylor, american industry names
Same problems 2pac dealt with, i deal about, sounding great around, lyrically paramountly written, scribbling this shit out, ripping this skits in a kick of spitting lyrically not bitten about
Operating outlaw initiated, rocking devils established celebrating musically pianos & keyboards just saxophones and violines in great instrumental industry of musically industry
Promulgating shaking tabs on the keyboard just writing & typing diligently, my name is Andreas Penno alias the business established guy, russian roots, dressed in boots, it's cool being about you
So i feel made and established being 33, so see i'm not a G', i'm looking for a destiny just peacefully & gratefully
Feeling great around, living every day just very dopefully & hopefully, hope for a great essence, millions of international guessin in this interaction
India is beautifully, writing music loving these young women & made women so much baby, krazed by some silly psychopaths, sometimes no faith, look at my face, sincerely mimics it's my facial ways, earnest, deeply to say
Corporations can get recreational also in multiple ways, not only, a lot of diverse industries & corporations can follow just to be
I can prophezise a lot in my life, straight loving watching Eric Wright going through a path of Compton with a feminine interviewer alike, a sight of God's cooperate in heaven tonight with Tanja in human bright light
I create millions of words covering ways of my own principles just astonishment for my attitude & andreaspennophotography lyrically sector, just enormous of materials i caught, so i walk in life like everybody else
Operating outlaw cliqua representing dope imitch, enriched hope by my own you all betrayers & fakers, grunch rock n roll is my lounge in this moment to say i'm heavy in love with metal & rock sometimes a little bit R & B, believe me
Lyrically writings since youth gave me inner peace like New York Brooklyn and it's streets, believe me, i'm trustworthy by talking lyrically sense to see, strictly, i'm always questioned a lot by some people in my life
Living diligently & willingly for everything, encountering daily people with smart minds, living sometimes broken & lost, on some thoughts i'm paralyzed, crystalzing still i rise in the event of my arise, tonight just alike party
My life is operated by high intellectual business & entrepreneurship, shit i'm talented in multiple categories, Slipknot on andreaspennophotography was as sector from 25 just rock n roll and heavy great sounding graphics around
A clown with masquerade to me not insane but artistry and great music about
My constitution is sometimes coined & established with boring moods, i'm cool and flexing this moods by texting all about u, my life is coined with love & enthusiasm just the will to study
Outlaw initiated, krazed by perplexing faces all day, my corporate wishes are promising i tell you, i gotta tell my providential visitation of Makaveli is battering sometimes
I create faith in this world in mass for everybody, killuminati through your body, that blows like a twelve gauge shotty, i'm so in love with females, just loving em every young chamant lady with beauty and dark eyes
Still i Rise i'm masculine & contriving graphically design just pristine pictures aligned
Establishment & Industry just Business Types is something i like, poetically framework i'm about tonight, in the charisma of my lyrically intentions you should listen and read carefully
Creating likely about great thesaurus in life by lingual ways, corporate ideas portraying my working place, international connectivity & connections already cleared
Smiling oftenly & laughing a lot, life's a thrill and i say my life is depicted under great circumstances and a promising vocational career, i' here, so we all here
A lot of love for black people out of Brooklyn New York, i gotta holla, some say baller i say i have a great mother & father, i get from day to day even smarter, holla
My proposition is an intermission of going through a road of obstacles & hurdles, but i'm heavy smart about that, i'm back now, when ever, respecting black acting from Tupac Amaru Shakur and make my mention
A lyrically session for messing bout greatness in human life, more great days in life till now 2021 than worseness attacking me till now baby
Some say Rock N Roll & Punkz a dead i say punk are returning from chevy heavy rocky days from the 90's and are coming back
Always typing with the keyboard my texts and cyphers, metal industry string pulsing through my ears in great variable just punk with beers and no social fears
Graffitis in the westside or mexico are outlaw meant to be, so believe me , i write great verses permanently & constantly writing especially
Piano Rolls are playing very well, Guitar Strings are playing very well, do you know what else i love Rock N Roll with Funky & Punk to definently to excel
So it's gonna be so, the classic rock story, sometimes i'm worry
I say sorry to a lot folk from behind just years ago, would likely have a reunion with a lot of people from behind
Attacking journalists with trustworthy lyrically content by my side, making special words released on this lyrics i'm writing, just more liking what i'm writing sometimes in these passages
Set a Criteria for my corporation, i'm well-promising & made, no fake media, a righteous & de jure legitimate filiale
My Suggestion is living business promulgating just celebrating business relevant undertaking
Me isn't money orientated, ain't faking, loving women and their elegant body
Spaciously residences are heavy, like Jonathan Davis koRn session by devils great sound alike sounding verses just ready
Goodwill is promising by my side, alike a sight of a sepulchre which is holy and a resurrection is ready to begin in antipodal question
I create great materials and i'm ready since years to say, but hundred percent ready, once in youth dressed in a baggy
Wishes & Ambitions are in a liaison twisted since early in my position, my lyrically vocals are hammering & shaking the music industry
Corporate intentions are slamming the whole world wide web, one day i'll be back, but really to say to some people i loved once to preach in front of my texts
Enthusiasm and gangsterism once was, off course i'm writing a lot of texts, from rags to riches i ain't, fame i maybe could love
Straight punk rock rules, straight punk rock in school, it's all about u
Operating under principles which is pure intellectuality & lyrically as well as graphically aptitude , my lyrically conference is about texts to all punk friends in somebodys hands
Punk Rulez & Punk cool just boots fleddered & torn, Slipknot & KoRn is a great musically representing form, next life's disadvantages are coming like a violent storm
I prefer lyrically engagement with indian flavour, i'm not afraid like Marshall Mathers does say, prayed not for a long time, a sight of tonight shivering down the spine
America is a great place to be, so believe me, everything's in God's Arms to be, put it down on hilarious vocals just lyrically, writing this book like a crook, just shook and look forwardly young black male
Alias Makaveli, Calvin Cordozar Broadus JR known under Snoop Dogg had till now 2021 a great musically career behind him since 80's, lyrically superior and leading lyricists is to me straightly buisness to business
Corleon is great dogg, this lounge, to see, trust me i destroy and annihalate wrong atmosphere in human world just hypocrisy, please people once met miss me
I create materials like a coin machine, my life's just a dream, from Brooklyn to Berlin, operating systmatically like a Boss of lyrically status, lyrically prevalent, just lyrically blend just Tony Scott more excellent
I say never is enormous amount of great news, it is ,it's purely even more New York Brooklyn Business & Business & black initiatives principles, also my own, just 7 years in letters shown
Once heard stories by Robert De Niro just Sam & Vincent talking in an isolated spot in Paris, " My friend i need the money " , i say my friend life's is how life comes, this Living is nothing without hearts business living
Promulgating in sake of common faith, sunsets in beach living tropically alike, nice would be, so Robert i'm not money orientated, so it isn't, i'm not money addicted
Operating Nitrogen SPECS for bodyworks nice established, so i talk much sense
Slick & smart like a razorblade, initiating black culture in lyrically lines like Donny Simpson, so i'm creating a lot of lyrics & business on
So engaged a lot, and being horny alot, Gandy created a lot , Tupac Shakur created a lot, i create greatness alot, just my block
Chester Bennington great name, same as black figures out of precincts from the signs of the five boroughs, sorrows can come, god can come, i take always my life to a great astoninshment and some
Filled with ignorance & corporate enthusiasm, multi cultural fascination, an outlaw initiated, blazed to fade, holly to polish 2pac marketing on web
One day i'll be back, i'm sometimes not white but pure black, straight off the rack, sometimes i'm blessed with grain & the same like wheat just this like my peeps on the alias streets
Martin Luther King is a real hero, my competition zero, the common denominator by grammar writing and lyrically writing
In Annotation: So my loving people listen to my lyrically book, so i became lyrically shook and willingly good, and all the times i guess it was amazing & totally reading interesting in books long phrases literary build-up mode.
Showing you next time lyrics created & chiseled in short paragraphs as same it was before, so it's next time pure great atmosphere & like is in great constitution all the time up.
This lyrically musically book is completed. Just finished
So, see you now baby
Stay active on the corporation, next time a lot is coming up
Greetings from Germany and much more, loving you seeing my life, my lyrics , my corporation, my establishment & my basically creational works on all blessed ( 26 SECTORS )
Sincerely Yours,
Andreas Penno
4 Quarter 2021 Published Info / Ending of Long Phrases Lyrically Composition / Protokollierung / Europe / Western Region / Germany ( Written Ending Info & Texts ) Update
Beginning of the LYRICS CONTENT of Short Verses & Paragraphs
Lyric and Content me just committed/Spriritual texts in my own experience with life / 2015 + 15.January Written / Rap Initiative Temporal Content / Published & Aired 09.12.2021
Literally put it like, Fresh Prince outta Phily, feel me, the streetz is full of hypocrisy
It's time to act like somebodys coming with a heart full of gangsterism
Ever seen impressions of messin with a whole country, i believe this is stress and causing a dilemma
Hesse, never forget where you was coming from, optimism sometimes, catching deep moments of apparitions
In wishes of set the record straight with a lot of peeps, it seems that it never comes to peace
When does this hell stop, ohhhhh please baby baby baby, i'm finished with specialists really liking and planning every second, just savage, put damage and ravage into your
Worthless life, jesuz should understand that devil dimensions are cursed and dirt
Inhaling a lot of smoke, ever seen malicious mights,vicious hard-line brutality, which is causing only tragedy and insanity
Fallin into bull-shit, flippin, kickin, spittin till it's over, i want to stay eternal sober
Freaky shit, tasty lips, just liking the chain on your hips
Sippin desperados, cause Biggie Smallz was a loss for Hip-Hop
Me is a virgin, young and smart, chose the right side, cause my life was a misinterpretation
Prophecies can come, people can die, but i don't give a fuck, i stay Gangsta for real biatch
Cause a lot of hypocrites exists on this planet, street fame i just bang for, Out tha law
Tell me what i'm living for, harassment instead blessing
I love honest brethren, anti-social folk aren't really dope
I hope one day my dayz change from bad into the good
Just back like a ghetto king from the hood, look crookz
Where the chick or chickas just orientalic talk about latinas
Screaming worldwide " Rebel til i'm gone ", me is the don, watching Stephen Kingz Ez
Today it's all about stress, but i'm still in my west
Best against the rest, cause God is the most last
Ladies and women just be seductive, changing the world gave me a lot of world niveau
My lyrics are accurately laid down
Bliss before buisness just Smiles Mick or sick
Some people were really missing me
Hoes just kiss me, cause this is the twisted transistor
War is not really morality, but really to say if it is not human being, why is it then justified to try to kill someone
German Hip-Hop really sucks, what up!
To initialise some wishes or ambitions, politically arranged fame can cause drama
Sittin on chrome, getting in love with my ski-mask
Leather fabrics are comfortable so you can never really be in pale-fading
My question is it justified to be in unmoral ways, all i see is terror and non-sense
Youngsters attacking themselves in this stupid country
Make it or break it, counting money in small amounts
My chance possibly to make one day to an accomplished dolmetcher
Never was jailed, living in peace and sippin pop-upz, loving great beats
Be true to me and i'll be tru to you, cool is to be in smart and clever deeds
My life on this earth is stress, Stephen Kings Es is one of the best classics
Me dressed in white asics, the next lesson is maybe some session just bravado
Be somebody in life, which is just in wishes, can you imagine a whitey on a balcony with romantic dreams
My sneakers are laced so look in my face, these days you gotta just grab glocks and ak's
Watch me is bringing the right vibe into your life
Caught in the sight of in the air tonight
Every day, every night is allright, Acapellas from the Underground
Keep me Gangsta
Are you crucified? Hypnotize the whole club
Anecdote for them stupid guyz
Ice Ice Ice Baby " German " Mehr Stil als Eric Sermon
I like philanthropic vibe , allright like tight sight of the Westside
Cause to wait and bleed is hard to see, just be somebody who's straight up against insanity
I hate ladies which are krazy, maybe fake G'z are more fading than
Tracy McGrady, i really feel like there will never be peace in my heart , cause somebody in my life
is really dark, i adore the Park Ave, so poetry power can
shake some one, some life's destiny is a cold withered tragedy sad vibe is possibly
touching people and probably the bells of a steeple is holy, knowledgable people always waken
interest in somebodys brain" Hey Kani " call it " Hey Andy "
Giving tribute to Anna Dana Haughton
Liking guns and bluntz, repercussions of backstabbin vultures hit you every day
Just in a posture of Blue Collar Mentality hustlin every morning
Misinterpretation caused a lot of drama in my life
Still i rise as a young individual which is always in a life of a visual sight
Tonight's tha club in a mix of chicks just a barkeeper deeper than a brunette Latina
Best believe tonights suckers gonna bleed, picture me with a bottle martini
So life's shady sites are hard to try or bring into the right vibe
It's like peeps are so deep in war cause they are evil-minded
And so they never will feel from the inner side allright
C.A County Jails full-packed with minorities, cause they committed a crime
Clandestine secrets became fortune in my life
It's tight to blaze a blunt, weaknesses can turn with guarantee into strength
Banging for the colour is a Gangsta-Feeling,alcohols and addictives you find everywhere
In exchange for the same hokus-pokus, i would be glad and surprised
Gang States on a cross, say Watts and Compton, there live like real hispanically guys just Cypress Hill
I consume cigarettes in masses, clutching money in low amounts, bouncing in tha club with gold chains over the neck and
liking well-equipped studios, number love for Coolio, ain't a fool, dressed in
shoes talk about leather boots, bring your cru be true, stay cool, deep literature and poetry is amazing, strapped
was me never, cause i fear criminality, my block full of dust and fiends, possibly somebody have a scheme
Nuthing but the dreams and Gangsta-Soldier stories outta the jailhouses
Panther Power just louder, watching at them outlaws out of the u.s, smoked out loced Out, my dayz on this planet became hard and more a life of a insane vibe
I miss dayz of bliss just to have a right of a normally human-life
Ride or die, lyrically concepts,to open your heart and bring everything's on papers just texts
Passion is to perforate just Smith & Wesson or catching fashion which is international
Dear one take a lesson for the next session, dressed in classics Sir Benny Miles
Life's deep moments are possibly profound, but Jesuz should understand that heart's sorrows aren't easy to handle, 2pac was close to Jesus, hold a candle for a world event which was world relevant
Namely MAKAVELI, sympathy and rythm can drive you krazy but in the end-effect it's cold and withered, sanitize your eyez when you are looking in the mirror
Cause this image can cause frustrated terror, i really start to believe deep inside nobody is loving me, if me is
True, even not my mother, but i got a lot of sympathy for mystery guys, i mean to pull the trigger and blow your brain in shreds would be probably the best solution
Confusion just delusion can cause bullshit, to me thug poetry is a kick, deep meanings so my mind is constantly flipping for new thoughts
Is it justified to kill the minorities, i like G's bitch please comedies just
stories bout little girls with blond heavenly curls are bigger than world
Muslimically shadowly eyez are a sight of a dark shiny night which is passion just allright
FILA is for a born-leader like me, bring it bring it, l.a is o.k
So keep the faith in hard dayz, best believe hope is in the air
To care about yourself is important, so i'm fascinated of peace
The streetz is full of hypocrisy, the only time me was busy was to destroy my family and that's shamefully, semi-automatically me bombastic and fresh
It's pure stress
News a little bit of blues mixed with a bottle full of martini and juice
Shiny stain on fresh made graffiti walls, of course me is hot and really never want to commit faults, the law is not allright, all these folk gave me was
I drop a phrase and stay blazed, smoking Purple Haze and look at my face
I really believe in my inner-side, it is like nobodys really take care of my life
My style shook everybody, loving buckz, can you see it was war back in dayz
Thugism became a way of living for my heart, who wanna messin Fat Basin
Never trippin, major days of fading approaches, life will never be easy, daily medication
Baby give me a thug vibration, cause this nation is full of low-level education
Dare Devil in a ride, bittersweet memories always follow you like a silhouette
But my dreams, just see keep my alive, i grew up dirty and in coldness, everydays
It's stress it's like me is under arrest, probably i will have one time in my sad life
THUG LIFE tatted on my chest, 2Pac's words and lyrics gave me strength, so a woman in life just real love can
bring you to an end, i miss Hand-Shaking with good ol'homies, slanging was me never, i never want to live 4 ever a
Rapper was me also never, happy and peace was in my childhood, i mean goddamn how can things change so quickly
It's hard pain me is living in, so hard that's my own personal downfall
So Gangsterism is relevant in life's younger dayz, but always it's a shame
Leon, my influence in how to act when it's going serious
It's hard to stay optimistic when everything's turn into a life without bliss and a mix with tricks and problems, my direction is more a session and a section just
War Weapons and language lessons number love for all them Rastafari pendants
Wooden matter is better than flavour coming from Heavy D and Salt N Peppa
Leather fabrics and chicks just suck my dick
The ladies scream " Hip-Hop is written " in everybodies dreams
Expect me like you expect Jesuz to come back, so listen
Did you ever had inner feelings seeing devil-demons ghost ceilings
My personal idea, stand up for your rights and struggle for your life
East l.a became a spot, where tha block is hispanically hot
Was ever in confrontation with true luv ???
I tell you are worser than a moment where everything's turn bad
So LBC is some for Dope Mc'S like me MC Donalds for free
It's it reaching in possibility a chance to see currency
So even it's hard baby keep ya head up
Nappy-haired was me since birth
But hear and let it be known, me is hustling every day
Savage since infancy, legitimacy, poetry power
Amazing was my first blaze with a blunt
Shoelace call it Fila Sohlen doper than Dieter Bohlen
Spittin and kickin lines till everything's crumble
Reading articles liking names like Cole Trickle, bickering every day it's so tricky now Biggie was predicting a lot
Germanyz Most Wanted, addicted to satifaction and fashion
To everybody in this country where you position is more deprived to take it deep
To live in agony and torture, to portray a life which is in danger cause God is giving you nothing but oppression
If you have nightmares, best believe it's with a reason
Let a lowrider jump and bounce, give me a chance to move from the bad into the good
Let it be known, me is never trippin, loving the air tonight
So can you understand me ???
To be a white full of style since day one
Providential visitations always hit me since years, ever had an epiphany
Every day i see sad faces, the biggest problem me ever had was a girlfriend
Goddamn, loving mexican rivieras and the dust of a block
I walk through the Central Park, but my hearts feeling so dark
I like my stereo as well as my television
My life,ohh shit truly twisted in every position
Dear Mama, look son does grow and you are in the kitchen
Heart's blushing look some red nose
When them hoes is kissing my jowls
Bow Down,next time always looking at my futuristic days
A clown in tears once confrontated me and i believe he was faded by the blood-shed me was about
How could me ever survive the blasphemy
Was it destiny or a plot so look it's worse and burning hot
My block fulfilled with style, dust and gun powder
I like percussion and gigantic fabrics
Possibly when me was a child me was a white coloured kid with a cheesy smile
Smack me and attack me, me is all about passion in the bed like fallin deep in love
Please accept me
Look, Ghetto made us freaky but nowadays it's hard to stand also to bang
What about some land which is fulfilled with fake violence and perversity
What's at stake? With dreaming about some legitim gang with little fiending of cane
Every step, every walk like some dark step into a weck threat, i'm back with my attack like some old red crab
Supposed to be touched by them streets of Cali
Reggae just Ladies with Steel-O on jamaican feelings, hell was burning extreme hot in the 7 day like somebodys became shot on the block
Jesuz is a kind man, he should understand reasons of world peace and demon dimensions
This blessing is untouchable, loving shells, Ak'z berettas and ammu, better than some rapper than Heavy D N Salt N Peppa
Nothing else matters , but hard-line rough retaliation with a vibration of AR Ammunation
International grabbing the mic, it's like allright / Buck, Buck,Buckz
Tonight picture a scenery, what up!
What the fuck
Walking and hustling through them avenues
Sad blues touching my heart calm and warm, kicking rhymes at everywhere
Touched by feelings outta Kölle, somebody gotta understand, it is me who is crucified
Fighting and struggling against all odds
Searching for buckz, every euro counts,shooting and perforating rounds, they fly
I'm high, it's called poetic When Thugz cry, my composure is still down, cause they love it to see me in downfall and pain
I mean it is so hard, recently came some sunshine into the dark and the feelings were heavenly
Loving Bill-Currrency, currently it's a tragedy oh my god call it insanity
It is some painfully way which is full of heavy stones, me is alone at home, strange and sometimes going outside and singing " Hey,Hey Goodbye "
Seeing them shiny stars, Treble, Bass , Power, possibly everthings will shiver
Dressed in Fila, cause i'm the white passionately White with emotions inside
Let me ride
Baby, come and heal me and put your hands on my heart, cause it's dark when everything's is ripping you apart
Maybe, Lady it's krazy when some terrible sunshine is shining through your back
Me is possibly sounding freaky right ?
Best believe not, this gangsterism streaming through my heart, every walk is thugism
What ever you heard was maybe certified false and broken words
So why so loud about figures who are forced to get into bickering
Just shiny colour on some wall is art
Take care of your attitude, them streetz got me feeling dope
Thug living, coming with AR-15s just War-Missing, loving my army, military minded
Signs on tha South is the West of the U.S, but thats tha truth to the last one's left
Theft and Car Jacking is racketeering talk about G-Stories, sad but true is ok but it's
hurts to be alone, so alone in a world without comrades
Everything's so cold and heartless, me is under stress
See, best believe nothings really predicted in somebodys life
I wanna get high and see my phenotype like good looking and appropriated
So many people are faking, shake the
whole scene with my posse
Boss Playaz and Drug Lords, do you feel me i really want to
perforate everybody with my sawed-off shotty
Panther Power was relevant, but can you
picture shocking allegations inside someone
shaking his vibrations till he is fading
Look, this isn't fun or some you can talk about how to tolerate this false treacherous society
Come and ride with me, the rose that grew outta the concrete
The mentality me grew up was like in German " Auf Draht sein ", see you should understand, me and my cousin was hustling back in time, stealing rims
Smoking weed dealing weed handling dope fiends and nowadays it seems a legend have a plot
I have a lot of dreams and want to accomplish life's tragedies if mc's g's bitch please or best believe
Biggie Smallz and Tupac was Hip-Hop
dreams, life's character is hard to hit,but now so how
can somebody be tolerated and appreciated
by being so in heavyweight of the world
All you motherfuckers out, this sound
is bombing and annihalating your smile
Yaki Kadafi was in one line, talking about shooting slugs since a child, look and wonder how things changed in life if you listen
what them Outlaws were about.
Struggle, trouble and strangers have a mouth
wide open, fakers i mean all you playa haterz keep it real
Philanthropic confrontations became life's
sensation and holy Homie, take your problems and pain
just slowly cause even Riders gotta learn to take it easy
No matter what happened all i love is latin
Possibly me never was really a rapper
It's time to turn the streetz into a war-zone
Cologne is dope and my second home
Alone is me for a long time
Ever seen a night sky which was shiny and bright
It was like an epiphany to tha fullace
My eyez was like surprised
There are tractates which are holy and really promising, talk about white jesuz
I believe devil demons are swirling around me
Me is living in a country which is full of ignorance,brutality and unsocially connections
The government is talking about change, but all these politicians really want is fame
Contigently it's liberal but most detrimental and folk with big mouths and not really educated people around
Motherfucker, this is everything, i hope somebody in the world should understand that hokus-pokus is not really worthwhile
Westside was the War-Cry, the Eastside was Victory 2001, show the sign W for War , cause it's a war they ain't ready for
When i get free it's pure freaky vibe
I lile graffiti-taste and spiritual vibe just Reggae or stoned washed bleach jeans baggys
Are you ready???
For the Underground, my family-tree is a old-fashioned stupid insane family
They never had really mentality
Talk about some deal, which is like a dream to everybody's record-company
How precious only some lonely Homie like me is against the whole world
Imagine me in a black deep VW 3 riding and do it like " Bitches biten, Reime Reiten, Feinden Schwierigkeiten bereiten "
How can somebody feel some soul which is crucified, and nobody is really watching this
Firstly, Hit' em up was explicit
I take the shotgun and be tricky,still wicked, this is the Gangsta Ticket
No mercy in my heart to be a soldier and get honored, it's the bomb yo Flow's out of control
Check this sound from the beginning to the end, Gang-Bang with them Hoes
It's the spiritual G'Z from the underground,Rounds fly like them bitchez
Suspicious is them enemies to world-wide riches
My name worldwide international, Flashin rhymes Cashin to the fullace
My life' s a dream with the cream and that's real
See to live on a mission, never became twisted
Kissin them dreams like the lastone's left
I want a tattoo on my chest
Running through fear and them avenues is full of hypocrisy
Please everybody miss me, and when it's time
To choose your right, never let them circumstances get you
So true it's some luv which is coming from them thugz
Your life's change if you See the future positively
Never let them hypocrites get you
Picture me in changing the world like Jesuz
But my life isn't over
Sober was me never and when i ask why i take it with a tear
So my beretta is possibly my only darling which is in a dream with some rear-view
Suppose that them Hoes and them tricky women look at me not again so wrong
Getting high starting to get in the club
What up???
Gold Chains over the neck
Baby I'm back and now it's pure annihilation
This country is filled with false violence
In addition got me feeling good about World Peace
Everythingz so Gangsta Vibe and still liking wide cars
I can enjoy my life with bass
Impulses swinging through my body
Fresh shave and ready for the world
Whatever you heard it is some shame they are talking to each other
My mother is supporting me to tha fullace
Living wealthy and high off the hog
My block is full of dust
Totally blown away by gospel and Percy Sledge
Best believe there's some heart which is on the rise
Roll the dice' Pick and roll
Flow's outta control
Hoe's next time you be on Death Row
So lay low about some tasty tobacco
I'm a plague yo!!!
Mo off the chain
Loving them brothers
Another Level is shook like good
Strapped like a crook
So look what the hood made us
Trust nobody cause this is obvioulsy
Still I Rise
Biggie tell em how we do
So true
My position on this planet became more war against everybody
But it's not how it's supposed to be
See life's character is hard to hit
Every line every kick i try to give my best and the sound'Z still stick
My beretta is lying on the desk like she's in love with me
Luv ' is another way of showing how you look worse through your pupils
Cool is like if you are dope and nuthings but them fools
See the matter or turf is shock like everybody's heard
Life's so short, what up the only thingz required is love in everybody's life
Still I Rise, otherwise to lose everything at all your pleasure and sweet memories
Mc'Z open Puttin it down in German " Bitchez biten Reime reiten Feinden Schwierigkeiten bereiten "
Drinking spirits in masses clutching and grip the essence of Hip-Hoppin
Ducking when them enemies are crooked, looking always in the past
Come around with my disguised mask for the first blast and then it's Cash
Cause i'm the last one's left of the troop running through quarters of fresh air like New York
Perfect stain at them cars to watch, look i'm a soldier just some crook
Taking readings outta bookz and it's all good
Can somebody confrontate me with trust
The streetz got me feeling more like vibe outta steel
Smiles Mick still sick just suck my dick
And lick the chrome nine
Lying at mornings at my wooden bed
Blood-Shed, Maimed and crucified like Jesuz
But now the reason is world peace
Seeing demons and devils
Cause everyday i'm breathing for some new style or level
Perhaps i was problematic back in dayz and saw that everything's is out of control
So what can i do to stand emotions and feelings just outta concrete So mo'
Of the Tequilla for dogz living like hogs
My block my flow is relevant and interesting for sure
I saw hardcore-vibe really steel pressing through my head
Wrecked for dead condemed for dead like fully ripped apart
I spark the blunt and tell them bustas look at my bitches
Front everybody who's wrong like the Boss of the throng
Icongraphically endowed for the good living in shelters that's bad
Me is mad cause i'm oppressed it's stress
Best believe me is the last one's left
It's like some downfall of the wrong
How long will it take to be strong because i'm thuggin
And everyday i'm witnessing sounds of the good ol ghetto
Baby tell me how does it feel to lose your life and it's a feeling outta steel
It's real this is hard to handle KK CA California Days, always like cool ways
It's the big Kölle which keeps me alive Still I Rize paid in full Big Size
You see G's certified krazy like scenes from war zones
Supposed to be cool if everything's gonna be allright
What up, so i was born in hell born in crooked ways
Being disgusted for years like crooked days
Who is right who is wrong
Tell me i'm the don and me is cool
Smoking cigarettes in tons like the bomb
This song is pretty written for dope spitting like rhyme spinning
Be the cool vibe as shocked by the theatralic vibration of the nation
Mc's scatter like cars on a pound
The sound presented is cool as some blast from cash
Wild days Ak's come around with bullets which fly
Likely i would rap about social change but in my upbringing was only peace and love
Thug Life tatted on the belly of Makaveli
Now puttin it down in German " Schnapp dein Labello ab ins Castello "
My life is hard
Nowadays thingz became introduced to some downfall of life's nature
Fakers coming in packs and destroying morality
Hard feelings hard to handle but in the end-effect it seems it's turning around
Screaming word up what up ?
Buck Buck Buck
Sounds like them brothers from New York is down for the crown
Inner City Life in somebodys mind like's mine
Pick the problem me had with girls back in days
And you see it's hard to handle nowadays
Strange them bustas when they come around
My gun is loaded, holy confrontations made me feeling like good
Look Gangstaz come with fresh air high sounds of the good ol dayz
Them Ok Days, like always on the run with tha bubble yum
Watch at them stars seeing Graffiti-Art, once i heard sombody reappears like hesitance
Chance to get currency like heavenly
Currently life's stuck like hard feelings from tha dark vibe
It's like living for nothing but it's time to wake up and seeing the things like a G
Phones ringing " Dreams for real ", about the Crown of the Game
Exchange for principles
Crooked sounds of tha underground come around like shook
If Mc's G's Dope Ass Gangsta Graffitis
My Life became fame plus wonder dreams
Fiends and Crackheads buy my music like everybody from them is cool enough
When i laugh when i flow my cool vibe is " Hoe, be in control "
When i was younger i was buckwild good make it through cold days like Hood ways
Shook was me when i was always on top of being loud and freaky
But everybody's was more like kick me and slap me
Battles lost , but dope as Kris Cross '
Be the Boss and tell me what's happen
Behind rappin all i loved was latin
Back in days i was more like the G of Checking them curbs alone
Watching tv alone going through this world alone
Promising Gangsta-Love Stories so look at me
Tell me what does count as a real brother
Who is real like listen to the right kick
Cause i be the guy with the vibe like allright
Short poem about passionately Ghetto Love
Ghetto Love of New York in Pretty Feelings & Dreamings
Strictly in the morning the tasty air
How precious is a Ghetto-Bloom
Her body, her hair, her nose
Thuggin deep with her
Smiling and laughing together like it's hob-knob
Only thingz left
Wishing this stayz eternal
Kölle just see how me and my Clika coming and packs
Tracks are written just oh my God my suffering way so big and hard to carry
I want to be under the bridge on a ferry
Cherry Cherry Lady for a White individual like me
Kiss me on my red cheeks like a baby
Hold on to be strong
Don of the country is great to be
Ohh Yeah Handle Handle MAMA Iah Iah OHOHOHOH!!!
Suckers picturing somebody in fiction
Tell me why is Life so good
Chewing Gum Bubble Yum
I come with tha comb outta comp
Flickering through some Ghetto-Taste
Facilities like possibilites
Chance to get currency currently life's like heavenly
Cherry is taste of Playmates-Fame
Shames of nations are so hard to accept
Bodyworks roll with ' fabrics of shiny stain
Questions are raised so look at my face
Look into my eyez
Hearts just rise
Promising Gangsta Love Stories with no mercy
Like sunshiny
The Great Depression like still alive
Tell em Baby Blow away from my beretta lying on the desk
My mimic is like gangsta
Tough like rough
What up how is it to lose your life and sent into a war-zone outta steel
Talk to my guns like they fly rides
Baby daily drink and smoke on
So this is a sound which came from my heart
Best believe shaking Soldier come with Dope Ass Cashing just real as Smith & Wesson
Running through fear it is me who is a G
But they can't do nothing cause they are attacking something
Theft fraud and racketeering everything's in the city
Wicked Rhymes about tricky days with Ballantines
To me it is living in chains so strange in everydays exchange
Ohhhh Shit!!! I perforate them suckas with bullets outta chrome
Driving at nights through cologne
See i don't wanna see destruction in masses
I want a sense without painfully endeffects
The one shit the comb for my brush
Rushing through streets daily
It's ok to say baby with the bumrush
Little disillusioned by the stress
Maybe it's krazy to talk about hardcore feelings all day
I lay this content in your hands
Please God take care of me and my friends
Ghetto bloom and cool vibe
They gotta understand it ain't easy to hold on in this nation of celebration
Please no more shocking allegations
Observatory everyday thereto no future
Complimentary sorrows and worrys about situations in a hurry
Anxious and stressed to the fullace
Playing with them guns smoking bluntz and cigarrs
Watching them stars and seeing the dark
What up do you wanna get with me
Imagine some white bread with a attitude outta steel and that's real
Smoced out Loced out, saying loud and bragging about them feelings
Representing gangsterism in words and flippin' chips
Smiles Mick is cool so cool
I'm referring to real aliases like Huey Newton just so true
Everybody's dramatizing unto disguising their mouth
Best believe how can this be happen
Behind rapping all i loved was latin
Never wanted money in wishing
To take the ghetto-bloom outta kitchen
Look me is over the fence being Real Charisma
Clockin G's Dope Ass Gangsta Graffitis
Smiles Mick Still down for the Ladies
You can't be happy about my composure
Cause Lyrical Spittin is on the rise with most Kickin
What about weak expressions
Easy to say it's sensation with last lack of trash
Flash Rings flashy chains
I want riches in dosis
Ballin when i'm high Ballin when i ride
Let's get ready for the celebration of Tequilla Dreams
Smoced Loced on tha Block
Spitting that shit to the accomplished evenings with tha heavy rhymes
Coffee,Cigarettes and Mix
My fridge is empty i'm counting to them poor one's
Give me a chance to act like a gangsta
Of tha City full of dust
Sorrow and sadness was like not welcomed in my short youth
It it cool to be true, so what about fools snatching my money in masses
My beretta lying on the desk
Breathing for the next
Talk to her like she's hot
Did you ever had dreams about gangstas are behind you like fear on a avenue
Bitter about step in the next
Because he wanted to come back like Jesus
Give me the reason
Plotting steps into vibrations
Like shook
Tell me did you ever feel the downfall of a life's feeling
What is welcomed in somebodys dreaming
Staring at the wall
Wake up in the morning
Feeling the gangsterism
So believe thugism was my life's role model
Huddle-muddle about trouble like treble
And gangsters became even feelings just dope
Ballin when the beretta is loaded
Screaming tha Country is tricky
Ohhhhhh Shit
Like funny to me
Str8 Ballin
Lay low by them lowriderz, a sight of a ride with the devil
One blast, check the rest, there is some mystery swirling in everybody's mind
Weapons against the law, i like dough, euro bills in masses
To get attention is possibly easy to grip
Cause these cold-hearted bastards appreciate to see you bleed
Visions of accomplished wishes, turn out to be fake
Keep the faith, after every shady day it comes a exhilirating day
Shed your tears, life's too short to think every day on wrong thoughts
Ever seen a struggle of one young G, misery everywhere, i dream bout the big buckz, from New York to l.a
Perhaps the shadows depth caught me since early on, when the cops pass by, scream Thug Life till i die
The generic site of life is possibly, to turn from bad to the good, look destiny on a cross can cause daily flaws
Off course Machiavelis strategy is smart and clever, to change the world in a purely hearts wish just to live accomplished and forever
Mexico and sticky gang areas became flavour to me, picture " Germany against me ", to believe you against a country
Switch them trickz in a mix of perforating them quick, a wish to be slick and real, them women is taking the ignorance to me
It ain't easy, EmineM is lyrically relevant, his performance is in a stance which is working just much
Outlaw culture was my idol, the streetz of Brooklyn are black and full of sweet ghetto brides, giving it you in German
" Bitches biten Reime reiten, Feinden Schwierigkeiten bereiten, see at me all i have is Gangsta, ever seen ghosts in war
Life's character is hard to hit, spittin in quickness, my dayz became more stress, cause i want my bills self-made, talk about a lot of cash
Dilemmas and hatefully conversations, became hard to handle, nowadays things changed, cause it's not more the same
It's a shame, loving you black people really to say, tha Ak is deposited in the closet, to life a life with no remorse
Shooting slugz since a child, with tha style of NeW YoRk
Yaki Kadafi in a visual sight which was spiritual manifested, i like blue collar mentality, screaming " Outlaw ", worldwide
Brought up in a shell-shocked way, say this is not o.k, which politician is really bringing policies which are
Changing peoples circumstances, living deprived, abstractly in disillusion, no way out
Missing the bliss of marihuana-smoking in me, say secretz of war seems to have surprisings
Is it colour say M.O.B, is it white young say me
People in this goddamn Germany want to live in ghettos, but they will feel the rebel which
Is the devil himself, take a look at these militant troops, choose a level to survive
It's like New York is fulfilled with style outta early Hip-Hop
They say i'm insane, it's a shame, life's can be boring, it's like a savage storm caught me
It's time to sanitize my posse, do you wanna get high
Are you crucified, poetic intentions, Black Jesuz, people die, just wonder how will i die
Keep me street and powerful, peoples minds proove that something is falsified
It's like Black Panthers are rebels, being like the devil eternal, Hip-Hop outta the rooftops from a big building
Savas goes Hollywood, look me " Andy ", the Gangsta the millionaire, who ever cares, prophecies can come
Some people have verbal disguise, cause they fear the truth, is it cool to be a fool
A shadows depth caught me since early on, deep to say, best believe is there coming somebody to my porch, it's tha AK
Still pray for a better way, believe me, father forgive em, it's still tha Rider, exchange for my filthy life for some good
Would be surprisingly touch me, Hip-Hop Hurray hey Andy must be the rockey, just keep your faith in God, Babay
I like to see them suckaz destroyed, they is toy, they is wrong, brothers getting shot coming back resurrected
It's that war shit, milky check it, records are made, how can me lead a whole nation, a black kid outta the concrete is hard to be
Lyricism is a way of relief to me, policticians just Lady Liberty doesn't see everything, anti-socialism is in Germany is to change
But now i see, war stories can touch some one
Outlaw Grind spending time gangsterism as well as thugism
Paparazzi is out, these peeps is foul and false
Picture a setting of a ghetto which appeared in dust and fog just everything's old-fashioned
And you are walking with your homeboyz through them corners, that eternal
Walking through nightmares, personally shocked by the 7 Day
Ever felt in tru luv with a lady, dreams of riding tha country south like B & C
Breaking nights, wanna see euro bills in stacks, dealing cane in the ghetto
Being rebel, Bass Power, Treble come on my level, ever seen the devil
Spirits awake life inside of me, keep me street
This life costs me nerves, what ever you heard bout some white professional like me
Dear black people, one day you are saved, keep only the faith like Biggie said
Watts and East L.A are places of tha Ak, trigger-happy
Smoking blunts you are punk
I like really fun for some bubble gum
Sun Down
God's Son
Hypocrites twisted my position, but know look how me is doing
Big Poppa spirit outta Brooklyn, now is me questioned
Destroyed youth plus stressin ' every day
Hey, lost my friends, grab tha AR, at nights me is observing them starz
How far will my life go, i wonder if heaven got a ghetto
Still banging for the colour, every morning in tha posse
Kölle is my spot, my block, my place, chased by the law
Look at my face, look at my eyez, in the end we all die
Just obeserve those hypocrites, blessed just still stressed
Tattoo Tears was westside was the war-cry, my life turned around
Never had normally friends, plots and schemes probably done
Best believe me never was a thug or a gangsta, but spirituality does hit my mind
Clandestine those ignorant folk is talking wrong and disgusting, so this is not allright
Father forgive em, talk about real names like Col, i was working hard in my life
Possibly i will die without a wife, but so reality has to stand
German Hip-Hop sucks, what up, dissipating in air was me in a visual sight
Baby, see you on the freeway later, you fakers i want euro-bills in mass to count
Come around, sounds flexing through my brain, in Germany everybody does have too much currency
I'm like Papa Doc, certified krazy so sick the world made me, i never was lazy or a fool
So me is cool and does go his path in this world, spitting at them suckaz
R'N'B is temperate to listen, kissing asses was done in the 7 Day
Blast at them copycats, than me is back, or i will perforate you with my beretta
Better than Heavy D or Salt N Peppa, a rapper which is not outta a ghetto
Me is a rebel, Berlin and Cologne is probably relevant,
Biatch, you want no funk, smoking bluntz with the posse
Cozy on the trigga, my lyricz is extending
Ganged up is them crips, kick a rhyme with knowledge and liqour
Rumours about figures, world-wide changing this planet
Transgressions made, everybody's fake an one like to be real
This life is hard, i fall away, possibly i wake one day
Grab tha AK, G-Funk and daytons, talk about fading with a maimed soul
Say, i'm money orientated, funny is probably bunnys which are put it on ignorance
Dope-Dealers me didn't see a lot, the government isn't really caring
Ain't living well, ballads of dead soldiers does hit my mind
Rhymes with Ballantines clandestine counting money, contigently this sorrows and perils won't stop
To teach someone, some fun somebody does have turns out to be a shame
Who ever likes do go down, so see and believe mysteries are true and nuthing but the truth
I paint a picture perfect,champaigne in my hands
Most clever, liking to life 4 ever, women are precious
Also pretty and handsome
This Life is lifed once, bounce baby bounce, all you freaks out
Be true, you are in havoc next time like the rest of your cru
I like worldwide riches in amounts
I never had a lot of friends, cause they can't fit in my character
My Style is more riding like on graffitis from the westside
Fake faces fake places cause a lot of drama
But hey yeah, somebody gotta keep his head up, look at them foul people
Smoking cigarrs and looking at them stars, this life is lived once
Please give me a chance, is there ever a vocational future for me
Best believe, c'mon me isn't wrong, i only want to say that positivity isn't worse
Young kidz try to act hard, by doing bullshit
Times moving quick, take the breath outta inspiration, orientation for girls made my life worry
Since i was born, heart's on pressure, like the next session is on a record just Outlaw Records
Blue Colour Graffiti Walls were so beautiful to my mind in duplicity
I saw only hard times and blood running down my back
Is my lyrics not so relevant, i say it loud i have problems to assimilate
Sometimes stressin, me was every day against the law and the castings of TV are so low
Possibly rotweilers will flesh me
Nobody wants to see war, me as a fallen star, come to grip the chrome nine
This planet is so dark, but every human being is unique, my soul is deep in misery
See me in a train with blunts and Aks, even it is hard to watch broken hearts but that's not it all
Cause i rough em up, CA California Andy Hip-Hop Hurray all day
I like sunny dayz just always a trouser like design
Is it a crime to live clandestine in a hokus-pokus
I want to have peace in my heart, just wake your dreams
I seems that me is fading away, first Jacko than Whitney
All those differently people are in a better place
Amazed is me by poetry power, weapons gotten strong
How long will it take to be in a position
What's called tranquil and comfortable
Best believe me and my homeboyz pour out henny for all dead folk
My youth was maybe a falsified upbringing with a lot of non-sense and frustration
Increase the Peace, now look E.D.I how them guyz is scatter
Conclusively justified, there's only one question, when ever will have a realistic segment of life
People love to bicker, it's tricky, life's shady sites are like hard to like
But why so sad baby, allright you aren't the only one which is like in scary situations
Life's fading can come, a story about some guy which was since early on, talk bout adolescent years broke and fully in sadness just stress more than that
But to tell further, he became a figure which was made and best believe no fake, hey he created himself to somebody, it was hard to do
To say this was me, me is 25 i feel to be someone, just believe just look at me,against all odds, me grew up dirty and in dust
One person me loved was Tania, she was some years younger, ohh papa, just me had feelings so intensive, but she didn't like this a truy ebony-queen, best believe she was some special
A dream in life was to me, some grip with business-class, me never had a chance to put my hands on somebody
If Makaveli is true, nobody could imagine what i have been through, lyrical lines compared to the bullshit people talk every day, it's worthwhile to write some
Sometimes since this era in life-time me felt like a Gangsta in love with his beretta, it's me against Germany, make me public and you will be witness of some vibe which is real alike
Every person in this country, why feeling down against ignorance, grip the chance to change some
Possibly it's Gangsterism which does flash my mind, it's all about education which can alter life's situations
To teach a lot, don't feed into it, it's gonna number escalate, Disco-Flash Light as a young guy is pure passion to me, just believe in destiny
Biggie Smallz was Hip-Hop off course, my flaws is probably levity all day
I feel like me is build my-self, but to talk bout changing the world, MAKAVELI does accomplished like somebodys hugging the world with luv
A thug or a criminal was me oh my god never, apparently lyricz and spirits i like to tha fullace, world-wide riches and shooting bulletz and slugz since a child a gang-style
A niveau to grip, does feel good, just imagine, somebody alone against everybody, this hard, sometimes peoples words feel hard, also life does
A came into the world without a woman, cause i will die without a woman, but i like to speak me was seeing devils and a demon
Ever been close to Jesuz, i doubt me was, probably Makaveli does, Lady Liberty does a good job as far as political enforcement
A choice as a young soldier like railways deep in Cologne, Graffiti also does, why so bitter when somebody like's to trick you with agony and self-hatred
Fakers is more than sincere folk, i hope one day me is dope with cash in my wallet, i do believe so, foes me doesn't have
This year i will study french lingustics, hope will do with success, my life is hard, i expericence a lot of stress, Stephen Kingz Es is a classic
Me dressed in Asics, Smith & Wesson was to mashin in visual lessons, i guess me life's turned around cause it was my destiny to get caught by some cloud which was the last of the last
All i got left, is knowledgable lessons, take me to a Gangsta passion
If me is saying me is strong, somebody gotta open his mouth, when not everybody's lying
I hope i will die early enough, fake faces and hard-core does hit me, me doesn't laugh
Sherm Smoke is dope, but hard to finance, a chance or the ability to create some
Is my only wish at the moment, to be in progression of profession, is a session to kick i would appreciate
See you on the freeway, baby see you later, don't hate me, ask me bout maybe, talking about l.a late night lately
Hip-Hop for real....just be yourself
What's at stake, my life my friend, french is a beautifully language at itself
God likes a marriage and the evil, he is like some devil like a demon, he can adore himself his disgusting feelings
Now i'm self-made, young and in strive of a vocational career which is successful in light
Everyday somebody does flex me, international me wants to be known
See, believe in yourself and try to act like somebodys in a composure just more than ok
Sunny ways, bummy days can come, sunflora him is like a feeling just kicking heart beats
I see a misery does last on me
Even my mother is in hatred of me, she is in compassion with me, messing with blessing is possibly the next thing to mash
Blast at them fakers, you playa-haterz deserve to get whipped naked
A lot of hypocrites is faking, making rhymes in masses and productivity, so i love metropolitan areas just Paris or New York
Walking through perils is like kissing the ass of the devil, thise illusion needs to stop
Ever seen skirts, just parachutes running in illuminati expression, call it ART
I like fashion and studios, Black Panthers are in struggle, trouble and drama can come
I want to catch the possibility and get €-Bills, legends are legends
Like Biggie, Money, Hoes and Raptoes
So it's to do so
Exemplified confirmed somebody is against my presence, i do believe so
So to be in chains and dark vultures circling around you
You gotta be smart, shocked was me with sixteen, when me was entrenched in this chaos with psychatrie
Neuroleptics me is sceptic with hectic, my first introduction with lyric was with fifteen
To be in justified conclusion, this so called somebody which is trying to rip my heart in shit
Deserves to suffocate in his own bullshit
Finished in life me isn't, sometimes my presence does bring a negative vibe bout confusion in a conversation
Apparently tragedy does cost a lot of nerves, but HiP-HoP could possibly wake this " requiem ", in the coming era of the futuristic dayz
I want to be in a way of speaking the real and truth, really to say me is honest and true since 10 years in a consecutive line
Me does like to be in right and a like alike art of independent life
Can somebody only say one word, if he became crucified like Jesus ?
Cause me is questioend, where does this all come from, what is belonging to me, what does going on
Stress is costs, i never want to get blessed no more, Outlaw is way of life which is military minded
My mind is always paralized, all my posse, throw up your guns
Dissipating is fake on serious occasions
My lyrics is an journey through life's experiences plus you should understand..
STR 8 BALLIN over the fence...
If me is in honesty, so the younger generation is fading, cause nobodys cares
Loving India in sincerity
Possibly there's never a chance for me to keep going on, this society is reflecting the evil
Like the devil himself, me will burst through scary situations
A nation which is only problematic, lyrical concepts are accurately laid down
I had particles which was really surprisingly good life
Str8 Ballin when me is over the fence, hope one day my life is allright
Tonight we see gangsterism also thugism in somebodys heart, in the wake of some lyricism which is inspiration
European Hip-hop sucks, those guyz need G-Funk
My real guys, i love brothers from some time G's, graffitis for real milkin , show me drug dealers
Ambitions me does have, possibly i never will see the fallen comrades, hymns of war-mentality just excerpts does flahs my mind
Striving for goodness is possible, was me a member of
Invisible matter mixed with tubes under car-seats on the 5 O, VW Impalas just Chevy
Reggae, i wanna bring luv caribean, sometimes wordz can hurt, but a spot where fear is can't be no love
Thuggin deep in tha club is bragging bout being some Real G
Poetic expressions, war-scenes are pure inspiration to me, it does manifest in my heart
Cause i'm classy..these raps should be emited international
Lay low..dear Hoe
Dear Lord tell me what i'm living for, 4 what does me exist, bliss far away, deeply to say
My life turned cold, peculiar things are wrong, family members just deserve to suffocate in their own shit
Flipping rhymes and poetic power can say some, 10 years wrong from God, it's a world shame
Faith small in my heart, my father can die shamefully, bullied was me since childhood
Look, today the hood isn't more so ghetto like it was back in times
A lot of people loved 2pac, me also...false, off course me doesn't have his own wrong opinion, my composure is still down
Hey, ohh a hoa hey, Rosseti_Don must be the rockey, when everybody's come around
Lyrically concepts brought down accurately to paper
Hip-Hop, just graffiti and B-Boying, these suckaz are so toy
My psychatrist does say falsified things about me, just damn how does he know me every day
AK.Z just in the sacred war of the 94', Outlaw tell me what i'm living for, everybody's knocking on the devils door
To be in a expression, of blessing me was
To be on a cross, which does turn out a slur against humanity
Raggedy,tragedy, OH my God insanity, it does cost nerves
Also in autodidact scholastics was financial sessions, talking about financial statements and savings
Fading was me sometimes, to tell the naked blank truth, often, contingently it's a shame escalating
Best believe dear Tupac Shakur, the black people reaching from Suaheli to Cali is saved and in a better place
Common faith, also peeps which is from the street is affiliated in crime cases, where wrong cops is be
Mc's G's Bitch Please, Ol' Dirty sounds catching everybody reflect urban america in the disco
Crooked cops in the U.S is a subject to talk bout, especially to destroy the minorities in majority
Art is a great remedy against depressions, me dressed in And 1 Classics
Expression is blessing, next level is some act of interesting particle
I'm dreaming of sitting anywhere in New York on a rooftops and enjoy the old-school
Classic lines are on excel, me is eternal a rebel, against the devil and born as a demon with orange-coloured hairstyle
My amplifier and HD-Blu Ray Player, me is in love with plus i should tell, Prince of Bel-Air had moments where me was in education and upbringing
A good feeling behind " Oh Yeah, Yeah ", Smile feat Scarface was done, turns out that this became reality
Does 2pac referring to Jesuz or Machiaveli, so my alias l.crookz, shook was my life since early on
Eric Wright a.k.a Easy E was a crook and inspiration to me, it's all about how me does look through my eyez
Blaze that shit to tha fullace, Watts does represent only a segment of flying bulletz
God's Son is possibly one day alive, Still I Rise, just in the event of my demise i fade out
Money just can a man make funny, me is Andi not Al' Bundy, Props to Kani from Brooklyn
Ey yo Nas, you are talking bout Real Hip-Hop, you dissipating and blown away by fading on your own block
Now i finished with God, to talk in a senseful way of a vocational career and an appartment
It's easy to say in a frame of never living more on a violent-hard croix just crucifix on your back, talk about trickz without an end
Simplified portrayed, dear mister.jokey, you need to learn how to be in normally ways of behaviour, flavour from Mopreme Shakur i became since 10 years
He is a great black brother, related to him, it's like he is a part of my soul, ever seen african churches with an image of God's Son on the holy walls
Afeni and Maurice Harding were truly support to me, cause my cousin Wjatischlaw Kliewer call it in " German "
" Sehr nahestehend, denn ich weiß das wir für immer die besten Freunde sind "
A lot of bullshit exist in this dissed world, mixed with insanity, i will talk the truth even it turns out a tragedy
My Family i do miss, just malicious acts of blasphemy does wound me, crucified severly
I hope one day i have a deal, to do business
Me is dreaming bout some independent life, also referred to the vacation
Nevermind sought-after or was driving fancy cars, i red a lot in the past 4 years
Tupac was idolized by many, graveyards have to be filled with these suckaz in my area
Ripped apart since childhood, look i really like 90's Hoodz, also them crookz running at nights through them streets
A Crookz, a killer, a thug, so these definitons don't have to be in touch in my life
Also no criminal ties for centuries, me is possibly in creativity, shiver down the spine me had with Upper Intermediate Certificate Level
From Cambridge-University and Berlin Uni Online-Testing, relapse me is sometimes with this sick feeling
I wanna bring luv, caribean, most happy now, most Reggae now
Enamel on Mercedes S-Class, to say dark and black, is ok
Here is some you have to believe, see and look at me, you see somebody on pressure
Stressin it's every day and really no way out to discuss a debate talking to each other how it stops
Poetry Power and Pistols, everybody wanna get you and attack you verbally
Horny hoes can put somebody on a justified reaction
Fashion is another way of catching some possibility in grabing some alike expression
Big Pun was some of tha dopest Riders, strictly riding down like B & C
If you say Andreas i say allright, if you say Andy it's possibly disgusting to everybody in the spotlight
So tragedies does cost nerves,so whatcha gonna do, if you are sleeping like Jesuz on a cross
So there are possibly lyrical steps are the last one's left
My Block is called TF-WR, call it my own spot and home
I never became often phone calls from comrades, me will be back when i return from blashpemy for friends and family
No comrades for me, best believe life does cost a lot of nerves, it's time to be strong against everybody
Dissidents are in my voice of really right in their mind, cause the system is a hard place to be
This society is a spot like, one guy does betray the other side
In my frame of, a shame was my life, now it's to me enough
I committed acts, which were shamefully
2pac was idolized by many, but me doesn't earn one penny
Lyrical lines can effect some, South Central those who don't be afraid of
Copycats does exist many, i never drunk henny
Fresh enamel on them walls and it's of course B-Boying in the spotlight, where nobody has mindflaws
Mysoginistic was me never, in contrary, me does love women
I swear to God, it was war back in dayz, my motto was more like, Ballin call it in German " Auf Draht sein "
To go deep inside, it's like my soul does effect a lot of bickering every day
Military minds are interesting and it feels good to see Ak'z just ways of oldtime sounds of airplanes
I feel compassion for them black peeps outta streets of america
Peace there gonna be never in the streets of Watts or the Middle East
Complex this life is in my view of, soft me is deep inside, now deep like only some is liking me
They say they are my comrades, but in reality they does hate me
Poetry Power and Pistols, cause everybody wanna get you
To set the record straight, i never wanted to copy 2pac of his words
But my destiny on earth lead to this dirt
Life's to short to mess everyday with hatefully confrontations
Melancholy is pure passion to me and a wonderful moment to be
Poetic relevance also just lyrically steps to lay down can awake some
My personal composure, educated, sophisticated, nowadays everybody wants only his fun
2pac was idolized by so many, in return in never forget stories like " Verhandlungssache ", just Denny
But does not earn one penny, Lady Liberty has a lot of nations politically changes to face
Just look at me, never me had faith, always me was at fake, what's at stake
Adaptability was hard in my life, cause some was not fit in
Lyricz just done, the whisper of fortune can come, some to achieve in front
Chillin Vibe is allright
It's like self-discipline has worth
Please dear Lord take me away from all the violence and the dirt
Raised like a G in a world just vibe Str8 Ballin
Call me a prophet and i predict what's gonna happen
Behind Rappin all i loved was latin
Seniorinas and latinas come close you chicas
Flavor from outta Cleveland
In six months in advantage we plotted this shit '
I adore my laptop and it's minimizations-view
Every day me is saying and speaking the truth
Cool as Ice
My clout or influence in the web is slightly and petty
Fascinated by the sight of a metropolitan city
Pressure came and brain-wash started to became a shame
Evern seen God, my block is filled with sick individuals
Politics is from my perspective seen, a silhouette which does go by from society
To choose to be true can have negativity, get locked up won't let me out
Germany against me was coming strictly outta my heart, wherever i walk, it's feels like a shadows depth
City-Flair is formidable, but prophecies can scream, to create in life-time a lot, does mean a lot
So listen, it was impossible to catch attention on my site, cause i swear it was war back in days
Training with tha AK made me free from stress, we all human beings, so we all can make mistakes without bad remorse after on
Ever was dreaming 10 years a nightmare, guess i appreciate spiritual vibe, a piano roll and an occular is musicians flair
So look how shook my lyrical style does seem, Dick Riding just Smick Mick liking, watching news in the TV
Hope one day me does have an well-furnitered residendence and a good vocational career
Hip-Hop Hurrary Dr.Dre just the westside must be the rockey
Literally does me meant one, Makaveli is more world pace and does change the world accomplished
Wishing one day my life change to the positively and downturn the same
Summer Mix, so i was raised Str8 Ballin, came entrenched in hatred of all ya, but in the end we all die
So watch, i want to achieve some with ambitions late night lately with seniorinas ony my side baby
Why put your sense in the wrong, please how long will it take to survive those perils
Now me was born on a level, like the devil, more than a rebel
Talk about somebody living abstractly in a imaginary world just call it fiction
Trickz like the most people does like to bicker, fucking trigger-happy
French taste of a literary accoutrement gave me inspiration, deep to say i like Reggae
Until the end of time, call it Wiehl the second and Cologne the first spot me is in love with
Talk to my beretta like she's flying like a bitch, my imitch became first ignorance and conceit
I like MPC Beats, just streetz and a way of pure amusement to me
People saw me as a threat in school, literally to speak
Family does treat me raw, they have no reason
Motherfucking Biggie Smalls, now in addition Andi
Ey, yo ich stink sogar nachdem duschen,aufzupuschen und liebe es auf eine
Che-Gleis zu gehen in dem ich verfolgt werde, so hätte ich es gerne oh Yeah, jetzt schau es dir an im Fernseher, noch mehr "
Ich bin es Andi der Straßengauner mit dem Blunt
Ich zerschrotte alles mit meiner Kalaschnikov, doch wie immer tief im inneren soft
To be self-established does count amount, to be in strife of wishes, which is profit just without illusion is my mission
I'm always in struggle with myself, best believe this my passion
To make the point clear, i like more wickes style just rough and raw
A nation which has a worse imitch, me never was rich
Off course, you can say what can put somebody down, but next time things changed
Strange is them busters, G-Funk from a machine gun was Biggies destiny
Born Again so called Life after Death could awake world interests
My is totally questioned in my personal life, cause all turned out illusionary
My never was owning a gat, me never strung out of crack, koka or crystal meth
KKS is German Hip-Hop for real c'mon, located worldwide like the art of graffiti
Mickie from Rocky was more like inspiration
Now look how they is doing, half of them cowards is now in JVA, Yours Sincerely most Mickey Mystery
Shook was everybody by 2pac's spiritual style, shooting slugs since a child
Dreaming worldwide status
Jemals wahre Liebe gespürt..., ich sage es jedem Menschen offen und ehrlich
Diese Gefühl ist verschmerzt unendlich
Aufgewachsen in roher Atmosphäre, villeicht scheint es einem Menschen wir mir wohl nicht ganz gut zu gehen
Doch das darf mann nicht falsch verstehen, man sollte bloß nach vorne sehen, sehnen tue ich mich nach den guten alten Zeiten
Siehst wie ein Mensch beinahe 10 Jahre zerschrottet worden ist, des Menschen Missestaten Willen durchbohrt worden ist
Das kann man nicht so leicht auf die Schulter nehmen, ausgeschlossen, hier ist Blut vergossen worden
Doch Morgen gibt es nur noch mehr Entschlossenheit sowie einen starken Charakter, ich habe verflucht soviel Angst und Sorgen
Black Jezus is probably a metaphorically idea, lyricz written, accurately laid down
Be ambitious while young and it seems that i does prefere to be in extravert opinion
Ave Maria come and save me, this world drives me krazy, ever seen hummingbirds flying in front of you
C'mon be yourself and ignore other words, relevant is a line to be like heavy in a chevy like a tailed caddy
Me does see a lot in this world, cause me is on heavyweight, keep the faith
I love my Yaki Kadafi, NYC is possibly Gangsta Black Ghetto enough, to talk about real Hip-Hop
Nas has style, that's impressive, whisper words of wisdom
No bliss, changes far away, let it be and catch prudent talk
When you are walking through nightmares, nobody shares one moment which does cause a fair flair
I only see terror, the mirror shows horror and it turns out sorrow
Tomorrow possibly me is dead, cause this life me can't stand
To have really have not one friend is painfully at the end
Decks and Boards just axles does flash my mind, there's no cash for me
Me does flee from the future, live your life as a horn one
Someone doesn't like me, it's like tonight you see hatred and a torn fleddered soul
My days became a tragedy like Shakespeare i guess, so it's pure stress
Seroquel and neuroleptics does me take for 10 years in vain, such a shame
The only thang i wanted in my life was PEACE till God was causing more war and dirty stuff
A lot on my block are people with attitude like ignorance and conceit
Be somebody which is enriched in bliss giving, so i do deserve to get dissed by those peoples wishes
Vicious just malicious is this country, please no more pain, i want to disappear like a corpse
Wordz can come outta some people just dirt, ski-masks and cheese is possibly for them riders
I love black people, but you should understand a crucifix on your back is hard hell to stand
Gang-Bang culture is pure amusement to choose in, i like world-wide riches, all you wrong folk close your mouth
Neuroleptics me has enough from, a song written can give accomplished moments
Baby just watch look at them cops in Germany, those boyz in uniform does only do wrong to you, they are possibly at imbecillity
Graffiti Colour and Fresco Art are fashion in my eyez, hopefully me will one day catch a beretta and have it close like foes
Money, Hoes and Raptoes Biggie Smallz is just dope, i hope the fabric rubber me is yelling, pleasant in a direct answer
A fender where 2pac's head is flexed on, is mash for more
SlipKnot has totally lyrics in presentation
Which is life's experience relevance in affirmation
I never dealt like guyz outta east.l.a with crooked cops
But shocked me is for 10 years, tell me who does you fear
In the awake to shake them snakes will contigently never happen
Me never was really rappin, back what happened, a drill through your brain occured
Tell me what does me exactly living for, the door to eternal hell was open
If choloheads or Slow Mo Sounds, i like literary works and nuthing from this senseless dirt
Lyrics accurately laid down and dreaming of a thriving vocational carrer as an accredited interpreter, no fear only dreams
Metaphorically dreaming by Makaveli as well as watching suaheli sounds from movies
God be true to me, so nobody was ever sueing me, criminal addicted me never was
To be in honesty HiP-HoP lost it's time, Frank White was ridiculous with his style
Shooting slugz since a child, nowadays i wonder why everything's changed, it is miles away and isn't more the same
B.Boying is cool and straight up dope, i hope one day me is in flow and to show how much me is diligently in work
Conclusively justified i will be in perils and emotions my whole life
So And 1 gave me a lot of inspirational acts, moves in a sec
A crown of thorns is doing blood-shed to a human-brain and such a talk bout God's words are cursed like crack
Dollar-Making all the time, to be committed to prudence and in every decision smart and ready for every act
So me was bitter about a glimpse into Hip-Hop, so it does hurt sometimes
Those demoralisising people isn't really relevant, so i have different ways of commercial views
I like every black sister in america, but me doesn't know if the oppression in the U.S is nowadays active
Brothers getting shot coming back resurrected it's that war shit check it
A war they ain't ready for, Outlaw and a bent pipe, fabrics just a fender and a heck just dope
To put it on lyrically aspects of my own impression of everything's in life which does cost nerves and is is stress
To have cash is a ambition in my eyes, still i rise and just observe my phentotype
C'mon how long will it take to talk bout freedom and liberty in my life
Whisper words of wisdom, let it all out and be plausible also in sense of being down for the crowd
I want to be prudenly and in behaviour to the next, durags and bandanas you find deep in comp where no police is present
Comic-Resemblance is purely art to me, does you believe that G'Z can ride like John Wayne down the Westside just graffitis
Although, the west coast is like Playas Space at nights when the sky is starry clear and all is allright
Hostility exist everywhere and nobody is caring
Deeds can't be overwhelmingly and it's like this planet is hell
Gospel is temptation, to illustrate all this bullshit God committed
Fading is me cause of it, nowadays the ignorance in someone does come from heartless people
Malcom X had appropriated quotes and dope sounds come from dope guys
Hope comes from people with good hearts as well as positive vibe
Gibe is big entitled in my presence, cause those folk can't stand me, why does this happen
Is it bullshit or stupitidy, riding like John Wayne them graffitis
Leaking info outta resources can be prosecuted, take me deep and see, so believe me
No one on this earth derserve to bleed, pharaohs and to die 4
Is really a interest which does wake in me
This country is possibly liberal or a democratic society and everybody is liking the sight
But problems does come from peeps which does do wrong and dirt
Cause they can't stand some, because not one really set tolerance to them
EmineM just Marshal Mathers, much luv from l.crookz
Cause you took a literary gift into the world
Grönemeyers songs does have lyrically expressions
Which are in a sentiment of really heart-exhilarating
I feel with you,today the people lost them selfs in my opinion
What have God to stand by this transgression
A session with blessing, to catch a possibility which is without stress, more socially assessed
Lessons in life are important to have, relapse me is sometimes, one day i hope me does have a fulfilled profession
The 8 Mile which was written by Mc Rabbit vs Papa Doc, cause eM was coming from a filthy block
Childcare is a good feeling, sometimes me is dreaming and all me does see is agony
My stereo is doper than Ferrys Mc'Z, G's Reime Reiten, enemies bleed, i want €-Bills is amounts
Loudness me is all about, lyrics are accurately laid down, fake crown of thorns gave me torture to the fullace
Spittin at them suckers, as a mystery me will die, remember the numerology
Dear Melike i want to ride Germany down, cheesysmile :-/ with you, pure passion when we are down over federal states with them revolvers
Pimpz and Kingz, Black Panthers just a rebellion, the italian stallion me is when me does crush the touch
Makaveli was in his lines like, he and the outlawz were watching films in the cinema on a old-fashioned room
Lyrically gift brought head on to everybody from this planet
I want to earn my own money plus me is starvin, let me break free
Whisper words of wisdom and a torture just hell on a crucifix
Contigently me is disgusting and horrible and my life will turn out a tragedy
Relapse can come whenever and i like Cologne City-Flair
The art of graffiti citywide include WAR just a W for the States
Greenbacks seen once and a chance to turn from all the bad to the good
Screaming Cologne, i like to consume Martini, me is sometimes me is at illusion
Scream Andy Andy, cause me is dressed in Karl Kani
Alliterations for the masses, loving strings and voices from Nirvana
To lace my Timberland Boots and just look at my face, PlayaZ Space just more of the Haze
My neighborhood is totally allright, cause tru friends on your avenue make you feel good
Look my plot in my life was more common sence, til everything's was put on dirt and filth
Wordz are spoken, deeds committed, G Riding by Blue Colour Graffiti Transcontinental
Everybody on this planet is only a human being, this you have to take like prudently
I like ownmanship in masses, by pro-desks to clutch, G-Funk this is Andy the guy called the next Kani
Easy-E was from the streetz, just real thugz outta compton, to make sense with lyrics does have a worth
Some people does advocate russian proverbs, at the end of the day it hurts so much, goddamn so much it does hurt
Cause God doesn't put his hands on the world, but possibly we all will one day leave this world
About a girl which was enlighten the avenues out of paris called Anabelle Courtoix, was an example of street art and flavour just streets behaviour
Sick behaviour, Stephen Kings Ès is really awaken interest in me
This life got me feeling more sad in my heart, a silhouette or a shadow can follow you since day one
If bad or good, just look how much me does create, fake was me sometimes,to catch an opportunity which is profitable
Is possible formidable, by Romeo and Juillet just Shakespeare me is an favour of, call it more Capulets just visible more visual
AK's straight in the closet, alliterations in packs, gangsta eternal with gun in the belt
Ain't living well, lyrics accurately laid down, come around with multi-language
Strictly diligently and liking thugism, let me be a gangsta and be cool
W for War, not one woman alive was ever liking me, me is finished with anecdotes cause a non-sense
The fact is clear, fearless and only education and just celebrating french and spanish language
Spent my time in a psychiatry with helpers and staff, i laugh bout hyprocrisy, lady liberty don't diss me
From crookz to flexing just texting from drug dealers
Sometimes me put it on a exact replica of 2pac's lyrics, last time me heard my mother smiling
My style shook the whole world just hatred is me in front of
America has cultural sites just great, please no fake and no non-sense no more
Philantrophic is foreign to me and lyrical steps to attack someone lyrically is present here
Mexican Rivieras are full of killers, expression deep
Wait and bleed is entitled in my life just for 10 years, bloodshed everywhere, be in apology it's a payment for sinnings
Rim-Spinning and gangsterism from the east, perhaps i was living blind i became a lot of confusion
Stress it's hard to endure, God come and save me, my adversaries crumble when i rumble
Life's hard complexity is difficulty to touch, illusionary sometimes or just often
Enigma,Enya and spiritual vibe is formidable, the streets in Germany is empty
Culture out of Brazil just Sepultura in strictly dope, linguistics is interesting
Ready to die ???
A life to lead with neuroleptics is sceptic and hectic
Machine guns and berettas are involved in some acts just dope ass gangsta graffitis, so belive me i'm close to chosen blows
I like biliteracy and vocabulary, to appreciate a family and be father is possibly correctly and morality
Lonely Homies like me living abstractly, to figure out who really knows the truth, we have to find out that's it's jokey
Classy records from artists just platinum are well in a sight of seeing devil demons try to break free just see it's tricky
Airplanes and airwaves are fresh, Slipknot and a great lyrically presence is just not really fake, more in sake of youth faith
The G Chrome is spinning by rims, a devils-face just playaz space, cases in Germany are solved with proper attorneys and sophisticated judges
Look how me is doing, at redundancy and without occupation, now it's fading from time to time, a sensation would be to work as a dolmetcher especially a interpreter
Fakers does exist really on this planet, people does lye, get me drunk, trading stories like love in the air, dressed in Designer-Fashion, sometimes it's blessing and this blashpemy
Adan Hernandez and Louis Van Gogh are aligned artists, business-vocabulary and a stance just a glance of seeing punks with a attitude like smoking blunts and have a lot of fun
Just visit everyday a retail, failing was me sometimes in life the rest was proper and educated, the streets in Germany are without filled areas especially empty
This world does move, i appreciate a lot in life, ever felt blessed, sometimes it's chaotic and stress, does God really put us human beings sometimes under a test
My teardrops come down if me is in compassion, when Biggie felt down with the crown, his sound was real in his concerts just dope around
A pearly gates is heaven, now i was talented in some ways call it lingo more just bingo, and i put it on my grammar, the summer is coming get hot and be the honest from your block
50 states and no common faith, dirty me does feel sometimes innerly, it can be really a tragedy, wicked just tricky more of the gangsta ticket to to more like mentors just mickey from Rocky
B-Boying is dope, bought myself a flatscreen-television, my wishes on this earth are more crooked on a mission, just looking into the mirror, seeing ugly expressions
A session more in a way of lyrically-bombastically, rocafella if A capella, myself does live in a basement it's a cellar
Different choruses are written and brought down to paper, in sake of somebodys faith me has to bleed and this wounded just hard-core
Tell me what i'm living for, Outlaw, just an artillery and shellz, who ever felt more victimised by human-transgression as a product say it more, alone in a struggle
Spit it out, choosing my dough,correctly emotions in a flow in life more being in conflict just a long epoche just living low
Ever seen bright shiny pearly gates,fakes a lot exists, bliss miles away, publishers and authors bring literary gits into this world
Certified krazy so sick ass the world you made, since younger age in tears, hopefully one day the great depression is over
Tobacco and Coffee is my relish, business engagement and strive for change, isn't strange 2pac said he would die 25 to change
Bought myself a SKY_Receiver, in-built a irdeto-card and dope channels, skyscrapers from Wiehl to New York
Complexe gifted art done by Adan Hernandez, sometimes it's stress, watching television, my mission early in problems call it society's flaws just twisted, 2Pac was once
" If there's a ghetto for tru thugz i see you there ", me does say if there's streetz for drug poetz, strictly me ne was really a millionaire
Metropolitan areas where business is top-placed, is possibly waken interest in my space
L.a Cali is a spot which is ok, blue collar-mentality also exists in Germany, let it be just let it be an see believe me that hostility and resentment is wrong to be
Disco-Flashlight in a gangsta-scale, possibly i failed sometimes cause it was destiny, Tupac Amaru Shakur was my role model since childhood
I grew up with my spirit with Yak and Pak,my block is constantly hot, www dot com, first it was Bonn than came Dortmund or Frankfurt
Now me does live in Wiehl, bought myself apparel just fashionable, a life without dreams is no life, Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished is a view just so true
Common faith in life is worth-seeing, dreaming bout a thriving vocational future, Studios are comfortable, kicking songs just coming outta the heart so i have done a lot of faults in life-time
California Grind just money on the mind is precious just blessing, sometimes it's stressin, a lesson everybody needs to do is that love is required in everybody's life
A sight fulfilled with frightened inner-feelings is moste people on this planet, Sammy Deluxe was once saying that he wants to awake out of a nightmare, cause of some problems this society in Germany does own
Just freaky, peep at me and tell me that hypocrisy is welcomed in some occasions, celebrating a nation full of a theatralic vibration, some is fading, late night lately at lights from the cars
At nights watching at them stars, how far will me life really turn out, something is wrong if you does commit ignorance, cause it's false to do
America compared to Germany is a joke, in this country we does have liberality and no really impoverished insanity, the crime-rate is here jokey and just the law is really caring
Angela Merkel in office is a lady which is really good at her job as far as a policy across this nation, my request is it wrong to be honest and real, some people in the world does need help
And nobody really cares, to share a moment while laughing together is just promising
Somebody on this planet is evil, just believe me it ain't easy, the world is problematic cause we all human-beings
Dreaming bout an promising vocational career, peace isn't really here, we are the youth of the nation
Fading sometimes, but now i see this life wasn't meant for me, buying Designer-Clothes, there are no foes
Tobacco and Coffee is allright, it's like tonight you see a shiny dark skin running through latin quarters
Faults committed really a lot, have to find my sleep, please lord take me to heaven understand i was sheep
The streets in Germany is empty and without culturistic views, these are days of our lifes
So graffiti walls is art, recently talked a lot of non-sense, why so bitter why sad dry your tears baby don't
Evil lurks just everbody kissing asses, it's pure stress, to me lesson is how to take care of your finances
Proper translations me is just really good at work,dirt came and it really cutted my heart
The strings of a guitar are possibly very well, first i put it on annihilation, jut fading
Black Panthers is milita just more war weapons of the midwest, Kansas City and Pennsilvania is purely american culture
Vultures in the back, cause it's all bout my sec and myself was sitting on a bank with my best friend back in time and was dreaming with 15 years
To change this world, basketball areas in Brooklyn are dope, so hope is sometimes there
Complexity is coming a lot into my life just non-sense, a chance to move up is to earn your bucks hard and self-made working
Common faith is playaz space, chased in high speed by the law, Christian and me are the realest motherfuckers that you ever saw
Character flaws cause this circumstances, bluntz just loving cologne and it's punks, gibs mir in German but please riducolous like " Eric Sermon "
Psychologist does say always wrong things about me especially Mister Dr.Med Stöcker Sauer, Panther Power is incredible
Sensitive and emotionally directly to attack me is
Wooden matter is better than cheddar,me never was really a rapper, but possibly a crucifixion will downturn and the blood-shed will stop just the deposition of the cross(Makaveli)
2pac & Biggie were somebody which were extraordinary relevant and smart in their own design, come as you are and take it just easy, so believe i ride the streets
Peace gonna be never in my life, skinheads in Germany are widespread to talk the real and truth, here in Germany exists foreign-hostility
If he didn't forgot about me, MSB-Makaveli Still Ballin i holla you and send best greetings from Germany to Poland
Shoelace just belts with rivets are promising, Fila or a drug dealer, just crookz talk bout graffiti colour, more of them babes plus cultural books
But now is realize that a lot of people have weaknesses from the inner side and are dealing everyday with stupidity
Bitches Biten Reime Reiten Feinden Schwierigkeiten bereiten and now all together " Es ist Zeit für ein Song wie Eternity und Accomplished just liking
Somebody is confrontating me with pressure, me is stressed just oppressed, possibly my life will end bitterly
Wisconsin and Colorado area tru states, just thug states from the United States, l.a is a gang state, just look at my face
Places on earth can be hell, this ain't livin, my father raised me with prudence and love also my mother
Dear mama you was sincere the whole way up, Misses Lady Liberty has done her job very well as the chancellor of our country called Germany
Sometimes i'm sad bout this evil world, Mexico me is in passion with and about, sounds of Old-School turn out great and fine
Smoking cigarettes in masses, this world is dirty and filled with bickering and bullshit
Leon gave me a lot of knowledge about serious life's situations, fading sometimes celebrating the vibration of a theatralic nation
Say Andi Hip-Hop Hurray, say Babay it's ok, latin charisma me is in coincidence with
Spitting lyrically expressions to the fullace, bulletz fly just me never die, truly
Watching Sky News and BBC News, thug blues going through my heart, every felt love from God
Should i commit suicide, cause of the circumstances, a Blunt me smokes once and it was the best i ever tasted
Facing visitations from my psychiatrist, he is ok, somebody called Kerstin Steffins became a good friend of mine, she's a good person
Japanese people are beautifully, dear mama can you only understand what me was being through
East coast West coast, guns, talk about more punks with grunch flavour, much luv to my brothers of East Germany
Philanthropic me is since birth, Biggie Smalls the Notorious B.I.G was great in performing flow
So multiple rounds are laced, families and children to see is wonderful to see
My style shook the whole world, lost all my friends and peers, people have rallys in america and want change
Lyrics and Photography is brilliant, this world does move one time around in 24 hours
School is important for children, my request is a crucifixion justified or vindicated
So best believe psychiatry is wrong to be, coffee and cigarettes is in consumption
Kerstin Steffens and Elke Bein are so great friends of mine
Style and graffiti art is really dope, blue collar mentality is everything else than insanity
Bonnie & Clyde this story is really amazing outta California crossing the border lines with gats
An american automobile is something just a cadillac or General Motors
Jan Kupisch my former friend me just lost, off course this life here on earth is so so hard
Roulette and Black Jack is something me can't play, say graffitiii babay
Bloodshed came and turned out hard emotions, a premonition me does have sometimes
Just more graffiti colors & enamel on the wall
NRW/Germany was 13 Years my home, we had a great neighborhood
Who ever became seriousness just incredible stress in life like me
It's pure agony somebody does stand, Marshal Mathers was relevant and brought a lyrically gift into this world
Angels can touch you which are black, all in one sec, durags just the last one's left with palms out of californian state or Mexico
Teflon sprayed on bulletz can burn to someone to the fullace, Yasser Arafat's burial was a big event in the middle east
Praying to God that there will be on day achieved peace, so myself is in contradiction with someone
Russian Poets are so sympathically, learning autodidact english and french, entrenched in living just i have to ask for forgiving
On a mission just life's education, skylines just my major thang was to get major smart, a painfully moment me had while young
Coffee Beans and sunny rays on your face became allright, a sight of black figures on the concrete is hard to like
Life's situations can crumble, ain't trippin, blessed by clothes and a wonderful morning
Born in Russia, just so proud of these slawian roots, boots are my style just Jessica Alba with these shoes
Blues is cool, a fool was me in no way, Wolfgang Peisker was one of my best friends, i just lost and never more see him
Volvo and Cadillac are great cars, Johnny Player Special is classic this tobacco, they say Jesuz is a kind man
He should understand times in the evil humanity, sometimes angels with broken wings can confrontate you
Dear heavetly father i give a holla that you love me, straight thuggin, up in the club
Had my lessons with financial entity just business and politically engagement
Strong me is since my 13 age of life, like alike you know is the blood of christ holy
Homie so i'm lonely for a long time, multiple wounds hit you nobody stops
Bloodshed in Germany is somebody crucified like Jezus, dj Quik was the shit, the most incredible thing me did was diligence
Germany's politically view is caring bout indigenous people, say Andi Hip-Hop Hurray, ey blue collar mentality is ok
A freight or a national carrier is industry just a naval base, just look at my face, smoking purple haze
Lyrically faith to put, how strong the youth-culture only became in the world
My life is filled with love, Tania Helmert was more than a present from God, and i remember everytime we came from school i had feelings
When we drove through her school, she was a diva in my eyes just more, Shock G from Digital Underground was great to 2pac
I forgot Celine Dion me was listen to every night and every day just thinking on her
My grandfather is close to life's end so i have to visit him, i'm always in comparison with Mickey from Rocky to him
Working is me since 16 years, undertook and did internships, hope one day my life turns out ok
Belts and shells just Ak's more of shiny skin colour
Ski-Masks in mass to clutch is Gangsta, put it down in german " Gibs mir richtig Gangsta White Playa "
Throw the middle-finger, pull tha trigger, watch CNBC News Europe and BBC News just Sky
High til i die, wonder how God changed in life, when i was 13 years old my saviour was really some God
Now he turns out the devil or just a demon, believing in destiny me does do
My family is wonderful and gracious, i have an uncle which is a preacher, he is very loyal to his family
Insanity and tragedy myself is affiliated with for a long time
Sacramento and Boston is really the U.S, there are business men in Chicago present in the office with business-knowledge just perfect
Certificates and ludicrous red tape, fake thugz are wrong, myself wants to write a proper song by this tainted Hip-Hop folk and peeps
The streets in l.a are full of enlightend back lights just spitting and be a real guy out of the car
We have to receive more love as human-beings, we just got to the heavenly empire quicker than somebody only can imagine
Johnny Player Special is stressin just fat basin, south america was Che's territory
You don't have to worry, myself wants to say sorry to my family, cause me does put everything's in dirt sometimes
Mercedes, Volvo and BMW are solid bodys, illuminati is a secrect society which does have hatred for people with influence in the world
Ever seen angels with curls strutting in heaven just a violet dragon in the sky
Get me drunk and i want to enjoy mix or a german Weizen-Bier
So now me is here and wants do discuss all the things does happen just loving latin
Reggae just perfume H.I.S and Karl Lagerfeld is my direction
A session just bless myself is a good lesson
My freshness does hit you sometimes, €-Bills me never saw really, so believe me even thugz gotta learn to take it easy
Just see Yak and Pak gave me some which was truly secrecy, Hip-Hop outta New York where it was founded and established is amazing
2pac was a revolutionary Black Panther, crooked cops in america is sad but true, so be cool and enjoy the skyline
Rhymes & lyrically ensemble to put on essence is a dope session, created my own blog and homepage and just like it so much
The school-time was really great, 10 years accomplished, i wish you were here dear Marcel Schulte, shared a good friendship
Principles in my life is in first position prudence and a proper profession just a alliteration
Sensation with sometimes fading is me saying really with heart, dark is sometimes in my heart, when i walk through them streets at evenings
Iconographically endowed with a good fashion flavour and sometimes bad behaviour, me had really confrontations with our saviour
The signs of the five boroughs are really interesting to see, so watch a destiny me caught was pain and again pain
Fame and glamour me never really want in wishings, bliss from the good ol' domestic days are always in my mind
A entrepreneurship me is in strive of, to talk about really how it is to live alone under circumstances which are really dirty and hard
Sippin on some energy drinks and coffee, i believe really next time we have a wonderful plan of eternity for everybody in this world
So Rocky 1 & 2 was me in inspiration, i just liked mickey and paulie, to commit follies me is sometimes just worry
Common faith and playaz space is formidable, to read for 5 years texts which are lessons and education is worth seeing
Dreaming bout beeng a better human-being, see dreams can turn out really reality in a meaning
Ever seen complex and complicated occasions in life, this does hurt, but to be in honesty and the truth me was hurt since early on
Labels and Uni's are possibly world wide riches, Nevada and l.a is sticky areas, a mother and a child more to talk a daughter is possibly really really beautifully
The Rated R and Macadoshis were specific dope in my eyes, still i rise, christmas is a good time of the year, hope one day my life will go on
Dear Tania Helmert my heart will go on
I seen justice in this world which isn't really justified, poetic words from a individual, which is sly and does cry sometimes
The United States of America is a country which has possibilites which are unlimited, 50 states, playaz space, faith me does see sometimes
Families which are united, with children are beautifully, but this world is not really in a jurisprudence, Mexico and it's gang territories is amazing
Gang-Culture out of the U.S is organized crime, seems to be really interesting, stressin every day, my letter to Angela Merkel, Germany has anti-social conflicts
Miss Steffens became a good friend of mine, i holla every young black male outta Alabama or Georgia, leon gave me knowledgable mind
Lyrical aspects are the last one left, my life is blood-shed, myself was paying for the world's transgression, you have to be really smart in life
Hip-Hop Hurray New York is really ok
Ambitions and the Pentagon are good, look what the pain and sorrow made out of our lives, the sacred war is relevant
Makaveli.Ru number love for the acceptation just the friendship's request, a rose which does burn since day one, became knowledge to me
There are times in life where is allright, but there are also times which are bad, cause it's coming from my own sec
Germany has 16 federal states, where people does live too good in my sense of, my major thang was to get major blessed
But in the end it doesn't even matter, to be dare every day is probably coming from hatred
Yaki Kadafi is done well in my life, cause i can tell you some, grammar and music is wonderful
I bought myself a printer, but some specialist just destroyed it, school times in the music-auditorium was great
Fake me is sometimes, lord knows, to put it on a class which is top-quality with a langual gift is a thang, which is really dope
I want to be world-wide representation Brandenburger-Tor_Makaveli_Crucifiction, a wonderful plan of eternity
I give a stance of friendship to Marcel Schulte
My lyrically intentions are justified cause it's relevant, a camouflage some people does have, Slipknot and Korn in comparison, i tend more to koRn
Lyrics accurately laid down, and had my lessons with education and financial statements, my account on the thrift isn't in my control
I have the biggest love for Digital Underground just Shock G and Money B, rastafaris and dread-locks just korn-roles is good
I was in the past time in the Ukraine, there's the life just so without hatred for people coming from abroad
Motherfuckers get twisted and in confusion, the war in watts of the middle east doesn't stop, cause my ambitions for Brooklyn are promising
Cause you can think that merely prudently people will have a prudently life, a sight into tonight, it's like allright
Poetic relevance and melancholically power coming from a woman does cause a wonderful feeling in your heart
Wherever i walk it seems dark, i fall in deepness by metaphorically dreaming by Black Jezus
Coming back like Jezus give me the reason, a PCB is interesting to see, MC Donalds is tasty and ok
Minty was doing songs which was amazing, but you can tell what ever you want, cause Eric Wright and Tupac Amaru Shakur were the most thuggist gangsters
Military Minds watching deep, Nas is possibly real Hip-Hop, on my block is dust and fog, shell-shocked me was with 16 by psychatrically admission
Frau Steffens and Frau Bein became the biggest friends of mine, truly strong women, cause one day me is flabby and sick
Smiles Mick just Smiles Davis is dope, i hope one day i find peace in my heart
2pac was coming into my life with 13 and now me is 26, studio waves and impulses just a professional studio is brilliant
Johnny Player Special is my tobacco just cigarettes, Nuthin but a G Thang, the streetz got me feeling more hypocrites
The Wild Wild West is a spot of the westside of the U.S, one day possibly myself will get into a metamorphosis, inhaling cigarettes in dosis, a Besteller by creating books is just shook
Crookz flexing on me, Dobermans just Mighty is likely something worth seeing with his eternal friend Tania
Just black people is more human being than others races,truly
If there's a ghetto for gangsta romanticists i see you there, well who's gonna say day AK's does hurt this world
2.Die.4 and beans outta Mexico, stressing with sexy hoes, flexing on Smith & Wesson
Lyrics accurately laid down, a bullet-proof west is possibly heavy to dress
This is my life_my life lived once, what can me do, got nothing to lose
Germany does need more of American Flavour called Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see sometimes your waves just hypnotize me
Watch for the second coming, Hip-Hop is coming, some in my soul just died
It's like tonight you see things which areea shiny in the sky
I had my personal lessons as far as business education just financial vouchers and statements
Faking was me sometimes, but really not oftenly, Miss Steffens and Miss Bein became so good friends of mine in Theodor Fliedner Waldruhe Facility
Panther Power just Power coming from strong afro-american women is wortseeing
Dreaming bout the big cash just €-Bills, myself Andreas is sometimes confused, Maurice Harding is a great black brother
The Wiehl Park in Germany was a part of my life back in years, i hope so that motherfuckers is just quiet, those stupid bastards
Bells are heavenly, i got to be crucified to the media, Tupac Amaru Shakur me has the biggest love for
The Rated R and Macadoshis are bring raps in dosis, hoping that one day i have a thriving vocational career
We does live in hard times, so believe that Black Panthers in the United States of America are relevant as far as black politics
Black concrete this kinda pain does come sometimes, sometimes me does only see a question mark on people's expression just their faces
Late night lately my brain starts to get active, milice and milita is military minds, uni's in Germany are relevant as far as properly intellectuelo
" Schnapp dein Labello, ab ins Castello ", never start to get trippin just the era has come to be a Gangsta, smoking moods and thinking just enjoying the coastal moment
Perhaps i was addicted to drugs in juvenile age, my life turned more around, just listen, on a mission since 2pac came into my life, this heavyweight on my shoulders
Baby i wanna unfold me, Patrik Roth a great former friend of mine, his style was more Eric Koston, look at Massachusetts and Boston a very important city in the U.S
Dobermans can flesh me, snatch the mouse from the pc and be somebody with gumption and myself does overlook others views
Marion Suge Knight served his prison term in american correctional facilites just some jailhouses for the D.O.C's
A Chevy Impala riding through l.a, an entourage with gold over their neck, feelings with commitment in the belly
Makaveli is all about life's situations, spark the brain me does do since adolescent time
They say Jezus is a saviour, me also, tell me lyrically concepts brought senseful and accurately down to paper
Fakers and strangers does look into my face in a quantity like cases
Karl Kani is an establishment which is youth sought-after and popular, my oculus does reach for a long distance
A publisher is a publishing which does create newspapers or magazines just articles call it journalism
Cause it's really some question from my perspective side seen, War is War, but who was initialising all this happen
Rappin is me possibly in anecdote, alliterations just celebrating sometimes literally expressions most session of blessing
Asics me is dressed in Timberland classics, i want people to know that me is promising in my heart as far as, family with beautifully children and so sweet babies
My life was a misinterpretation, a lot of people does think wrong of my soul, the russian roots and slawian heart me does owe gives somebody an expression of goodness and virtue
A passage through sometimes acts of inspiration and fading, lyrically me wants to put it on a way of exhilirating everybody from the daily stress, so my mind is made up
I will pay the price for my sinnings, but really to say, Ak's and AR's or more ammunation of a land which is called namely california, cause they lost their way, military minds
Put it down like Maurice Harding of a feeling just break the bang on it " Peace in the milice ", in return i want set the record straight and tell really prudently
A driver-license, flourishing profession just dolmetchter and last but don't least, a residence which is really an own appartment just for a symbol of normally people's life standard
Me Andreas is so loving women, just so loving feminine people, God's words are cursed like crack, it's hard to stand scandals which does come from above
Miss Bein you are so close to me, so believe and see, i never wanted to say one falsified expression in our presence
The TV does show only non-sense, last time i heard about Kaya Kanar, and it's humorous how his humour is in our country
Next time them borders is over, when we have our gats in the hands, how is this justified, to do things which is unlawfully and prohibited in this world
Ever dreamed by saving a whole black nation from horror and drama, drastic romanticists call me better really like that
Nuthin but a G Thang, it's pure stress since 13, God came and in the end-effect it turned out a shame
California just Cali,
Called Malcom Greenidge and Napoleon, dear E.D.I you are the most person ever missed in my life
Them Black Panthers is politically under federal prosecution just the F.B.I, c'mon pa i miss you stereotype thang as a worth seeing person
School-Era in my life was really beautifully and full of life and lessons me took, myself can really deal a financial budget
My saving account is at best wishings, but i hope my next one will only achieve peace in the soul
Cappuchino and Coffee became my standard, rottweilers could flesh me, attack me with a harassment my friend and it's just over
Back like a cobra and still liking u don't have to worry by Makaveli his alias to talk about
Black people themselves reached a lot since Watts till this moment came, where me is writing my sense on this papers
Lyrics accurately laid down, to come around with some heavy sound strictly out of the underground
Thug Life can mess with american politics, Smiles Mick or Miles Davis are really black figures just Bobby Hutton
Nothing in my heart just emptiness in the most days, sometimes some sunshine does shine and me is glad and happy
So to talk really allegorical, life's just what you does do out of it and i do believe also in karma
Everything's you does do bad comes back to you, best believe it's real thang
A coutch just a sofa in my residence is comfortability, me had in childhood a dream to change this planet and earth
Possibly it will get reality, cause i paid for the world's transgression, every session me does do is cool and oh my God, in one package Gangsta Initiative
But to get close to an opinion how it's really tru and real, myself just was crucified and next time it's eternal life for everbody on this planet
Mister Hillard my former employer was truly a great chef at the carpentry, where me just had my therapy, he is a prudent person and i collected a lot of experience as far as workplace
A lyrically disguise me never really had, to smack somebody up is probably an attack, what also happened in my sec
My father can get tribute, cause he gave me my chromosomes how me is here, we are in hard times, how can me put everything's in the world on a peacefully spot
2pac was my idol since 13, once i met Skinny on the terminal in Dieringhausen and i was getting a very good feeling from the most inner side heart
He just teached me a lot called with real name Ben Conte, Andi bombt wenn er kommt, a front for someone me never want
Eddie Malluck and Reisig and Taylor photography are really proper artists and camera-people just photographs is the bomb without negativity inside, it's like me is writing lyrics
It's just accurately laid down, my father became old, play the rules of the game, shames turn your heart cold
Hold on be strong so please lord the care of the Black Panther Party and emit love to everybody
Graffiti on the rise, in the demise we all die, european Hip-Hop isn't really inspiration or it's more faking
Me is embroiled in a dilemma, it's a drama and drastic, the guitar-strings does reach and scratch
My major thang was to get major crucified, it's like nobody does care bout me
Lyrics accurately laid down and in strive and hope of a thriving vocational career as an interpreter
Blaze that shit to the fullace just bulletz which fly, bulletproof west in a regulations of politics through worldwide status
Aphorisms from my father well learned and studied, so me does have lessons in life which me has to study
Illuminati in a scale of mysterious and mystically, how you want to create some in life if you are chained and enslaved in a cage
Faith and playaz space does come in a galaxy of the westside, abyss and a territory where 2pac is loving the hail mary is holy
Mexico just sexy hoes come around with some flexin on foes, i'm starvin, living outta state subventional money and financial support
Outlaw Immortal till i die, Rusak is called " Russen unter sich sind anders als Kartoffeln ", once me had an internship in Dortmund as a clerk in a office
But could get into the apprenticeship cause a mathematically question was false in answer
Allegorical adovcated my lyrics does reflect unity, justice, equality and my own life in texts just done
Come and go with me on another level, a rebel and liking treble just the devil, my life is in danger, walking through perils
Yet, this life is lived once a chance to transform the wrong in my life into the good, a twister transistor
Common fait and just please no fake, NYC is a spot which is the east, the Park Ave is interesting to see
So believe me we riders till we gone, impressions of a Gangsta Image Portrayal, Biggie will get one day bigger
Grave diggaz are on the row, so low my life is sometimes without hoes and not really in control
I reminisce a lot in my life, financial lessons done in the internet and more of the energy drinks to my mouth
Proud is me of my slavian descendency, ever seen the U.S Army, where fights does exist on the airports just struggle
Trouble can grip sometimes my heart away
My life was an misintepretation, in never want to do violent acts just getting hyper-active
Me also never was really paranoid schizophrenic, this is a medical failure them doctors just commit
Me is embroiled in deep confrontations with Jezus, a reason why does me see demon devils every day try to break free
Dreaming and the seed of my father was really healthy and promising, german Hip-Hop sucks, cause only 2 Rappers were great called
Andreas P the most rider in this country, believe me influence some people in my life
I tolerate politics which is in certain ways promoting peace and democracy for everybody
A sight of a young man which was self-established and ha
Tonight it's time to be a gangsta and shiver the west of Germany with my expression in sensically lyrically sessions of gangsterism
The spot where i came to world was in russia and me is proud to the fullace of it
Spitting by blessed morality, Aggro Recordz just dope, Aggro Berlin is flow most out of control
Textin just flexin on messin with a lot of stress, lyrically genius and a lot to say
Will there every be peace in watts or the middle east, stoned washed bleached jeans are comfortable and good jeans
Dreams just from Harlem to Queens, step on the scene all the hoochies screaming
Weed in masses, intoxicated by nikotin and cigarettes just so confused by the neuroleptics
Skeptics and hectic all the time, no prudent talks me is catching, a lesson in life to take is possibly to be kindly and in common sense
Friends me never had really a lot, my block filled with hidden silence and ignorance
Me Andreas wants to own his own company call it more self-established industry
Wishing that the holy ghost does come, them ski-masks is probably from the riders with cheese on their mouth
Melike me and you just Clyde & Bonnie, while we been over border-lines just federal states and let the passion come close to us
Trust and friendship is far away in this world, we as human beings have to achieve a lot of love, we just need
Hard times we living in, dreaming bout a scheme which was done, Black Panther party was detrimental do americas society
Smoking cigarettes in masses, consumption just blast from all the stress Ballantines is scotish whiskey
Everybody from a long time ago just miss me and girls kiss me, lyrics accurately laid down
Come around with some scratchy sound which is coming from anyone which isn't really down
Bittersweet memories can come, but it's all blown away when somebody disappears
Obtrusive me is sometimes in my environment,femophobia me never really was about or deep to say Dru Hill R'n'B is ok
Watching BBC News, i'm bored since me does do neuroleptics, it's hectic since everything's started with Tupac Shakur
Slipknot is doing their artistry in a masked way of flashed days, from the most inne rside me does feel not so ok
My parents does also put support on me, so see and believe my destiny is hell and to find a definition, more on a mission of illusion
Me does start to get twisted, the television shows to the most only non sense and not really relevance
Skeptic is me with the thang above, a thug or a criminal me never really was, so see it is hard to catch a possibility to do righteous and right things
My favourite acts are language and lyrics, me does commit, a kick is Slipknots SIC, when you does look into the mirror, disguise your eyes
It's time to be smart and knowlegdable, how can me think out this happen, behind lyrically textin me was also done in design acts of handling
Business and metropolitan areas out of countries are spots, where the night life is present, for everything i represent, meant every thang just excellence
Nobody, myself does believe can get an verdict bout someone which was crucified like Jezus, cause it's all not really justified or at vindication
World politics as far as the Kremlin is really sophisticated round of talks, america does like rallies, but really to say, they want their piece of demonstrations
Blazing blunts me does miss to the fullace, i want to give a lot of people tribute, Hip-Hop is Nas from the East Coast, Death Row just the West coast is pure professional class
Lil Wayne or Jay-Z never can come close to Tupacs legacy, cause the kingdom was once, with all the women by those black kings called 2pac & Biggie
Their freestyles in a session, blessed by God those two angels was, they died so young in life-time, blood-shed me really was for a long era in my life just a long epoche
Thug Life can mess with politics such as Berlin or the caucus america does have, my life was a misinterpretation of the most essence, cause all i wanted to do was peace and love
Till everything's was put into dirt, myself is questioned when this pace is achieved, but to stand scandals and hatred coming from anywhere is something i want to know
Capalla Crip or Bloods we in Germany doesn't have, in this country or land we tolerate more the liberal acts of ways in life
A sight of deep poetic expressions by poetz can effect some, say me is under pressure and war, i hope one day is coming normally ways into my life
Germany against Me, my constitution and belief how me is really in this happen, rider and thugz outta l.a expect him back like you expect Jesus to come back, he's coming
Under my circumstances to find control and normally acts of life for the past years, it was hard to accomplish, it was a wish of mine to find a sight of a normally life
B-Boying and graffiti is inspiration to me, outlaws with signs on their motocycle-clothes are purely culture in my sense
Apathetic me became when me was smoking weed for some time, Eric Wright just Biggie Smallz came, and it turned out street fame for those who came
Berlin Hip-Hop is down for the crown to come around with flexy sounds, a chance to see and believe that everybody has chances in life and tha real
To succeed from all the different circumstances, myself isn't really inspired by, Afeni Shakur and Maurice Harding are the most great black people
We are in a time which reflecting more the sight of dimming in the spotlight, i want to get high, some folk me isn't really liking
He was more flourishing with Aggro Berlin Cord On Sport just Ansage Nr.2, it was all dope German Establishment
My intuition by a mission which is really to say to so problematic, in a status of sparing money and lay it away, i pray to the lord to make way for me
So see, art is creation in a way of livings, siblings me does have one and this is Tanja, she was really living a good life, she should appreciate her situation
Fading and celebrating the vibration of a theatralic nation, and i say it's never faking me dad, sometimes me is lyrically blinded
Put it down in German " Dope as Big Daddy Kane or like Eric Sermon ", a lot of texts me did, to come close the sense me wants to committ, dear people and folk just peeps
You need to downturn the wrong in our lifes, more of the bliss, just blowing wishes and a nexus more people of a belief to god
DMX does love his dogs and is raw, dope albums was done, some curiosity and strange questions myself just did, to make it official, our so loving rap icon Tupac Amaru Shakur is alive
Me was possibly not relevant in life's dealing in youth, so me became later different problems in this life lived on this planet
Damn it and bang it, " Russen unter sich sind anders als Kartoffeln - Rusak ", Germany is a country where no famine or poverty exists
Bliss and a mix just chicks or me does miss, now Bobby Seale from the Black Panthers just died in the past
Blast those motherfuckers their brains in shit, i want to Holla my loving uncle Vic, me does miss him and his family, dear Thomas me will be eternal in your heart
In want euro bills in dosis, macadoshis from the outlaws was probably not at psychosis, conclusively justified 2pac's music was spiritually just chosen
Frozen is me from the most inner side, in my circle's people around, there's the most married and does have children, so me missed a lot of things in life
To understand my ways of committment to 2pac, it was hard to circumvent problems just in case, playaz space, faith in somebodys face was my mothers expression on her face
To make the point clear, i don't do Hip-Hop music or rap music, myself does do completely summarized lyrics content just texts written in rhyme arrangement
My request is stress to you sometimes obsessed by a blast from blasphemy, myself does miss school times, please forgive me i can't stop loving you
Please forgive me i can't stop put my eyez of you, tru and blues does shiver my inner side, imagine on question raised by places like Germany
I was working very hard in lifetime, and became knowledgable by english language lessons, everything's self-made, myself wants to deal with prudence and morality
" Auf Draht Sein ", schmeißt die Hände nach oben, i was having the best parents on earth, inspiration by a lot of artists
Durak this russian card-game me never could really play, so is it ok to do sometimes confusion just illusion
Get into the mind of a self-created establishment, whistling a song called " Hey, Hey Goodbye Kurt Cobain is some goodie classy just allright
Ever woke up early in the morning, demons and ghosts swirling around you, i lost a lot of homeboyz just friends
Alliterations and celebratíng just in sake of commonfaith, places like late at evenings in the ghetto on grass is great to be
So see believe me, it's called insanity sometimes me does observe, mathematics me is good at concentration with mental calculation
Literary acts are pure love and harmony, feelings coming from above are heavenly,a mc me was never in no way
But me came with 15 in contact with writing texts just thangs about gangsterism
Now it's October 2014, what's next coming, possibly christmas eve and sylvester
Messing with a lot of stress
Is it not respectable to respect crucified individuals like me, so i see it's hard to be a victim in this shamefully country
My grandfathers were great grandparents, sometimes idolizing Tupac Amaru Shakur, correctly in a position, just victimized by the worlds transgression
I lay this content in your hands, before i ask questions as far as my insane family, to suckers need bullet holes in their ugly brains
Brainwashed since a long time, america has great cultural sites, it's like me is frightened by a lot of things
Flexing on me is stress, Makaveli The 7 Day Theory was an album done in 1996, now it is like that mysteries does awaken
Faking cause dilemmas was coming was nothing, but my essence turned strong from inner worths
Wake up early in the morning just my heart torn, catching feelings does attack me no ways out
Graffitis from l.a are style and glamour, my manners towards my parents was not so allright
Nowadays times became boring and empty just slippin in this dirt, myself wants to buy me a dalmatiner
Noreaga and Nas just Real Hip-Hop, classys done or some of the good stuff, puffing cigarettes and hoping one day me does have an own appartment
Wodka is international a popular spirits, dropping verses and striving for sincere innerstrenth
I believe that only god can judge me, so dreaming bout a well-paid occupation is in possibility
Currently currency does mean a lot, my block is filled with sick individuals
A hypocritically politically system is a stereotype of todays politcs, so me is confused sometimes, poetic relevance and and poetic power became an idol
Martini, Wodka and Desperados for free, see and see sinnings to feel in front of Jesus is an very awful feeling, so i do think so
Believe me, riders like Al Capone from Chicago were the foundation of racketeering, hoping god see my heart is pure is heaven just another door
Tell me, are you crucified, so be in tolerance, a chance to keep it real, feel the power of a young individual in strive of the good and peace
Hope one day there's gonna be peace in watts or the middle east, G'z bitch please, more of them dope mc's
Creation and establishment, accordingly i want to tell there's some big coming, Karl Kani and Ben Sherman, Eric Sermon, so me is a german
A version of dirt which came, was strange, i give a holla to all them ballers from Kansas City to Berlin
A microphone to hold, be bold by acts, shit's written in one episode, dope just so i think though
Bone Thugz N Harmony are great musicians and entrepreneurs, if i smoke the buddah, smoking a blunt an just lay back and observing the skyscrapers and high-rises
I wonder if heaven got a ghetto, a rebel on a way of creating lyricism, thugism just gangtersim and a lot to say, Tupac Shakur the idol of so many
Me does earn not one penny, rise of the sun, scripts are done, Jiggle and some, liking bubble yum, my only fear of death in reincarnation
Celebrating military situations, poetic relevance just a stance of a chance of creating some, life does have ups and downs
Adan Hernandez does have revolutionary art in a way of artistry which is dope
Friends lost and mind always sharp like a razor blade, faith and in a sake of never wanting to be fake
Comtemporary situations hard to mess, it's stress, dressed in designer fashion
In addition on a mission, things became twisted and missing bliss and kissings from women
Thug Life, is so on a proper scale of level, it can hold with the gouvernment rules out of the U.S
One time in my life i want to visit a professional equipped studio, this life is what you just do out of it, be smart and grip the chance to create some
There's really outstanding park green areas in america, especially in the evening outs when the sun goes down
The world does move one time in 24 hours, just mix with no more tricks, a deck SlipKnot and NOFX, chicks and chicas you babes is latinas
And God said he should his unbegotten son into this world to make from bad to the good, don't worry meant by this Tupac Amaru Shakur
Enya was creating great music, sometimes me does listen to, now it's all about me and my life, me is ready what ever comes comes
Some people on this planet are wrong and disgusting, if you are talking bout Big Daddy Kane, he created platinum records
Call it black establishment in the rap industry, we have a world, there's people dying, suckaz just create the biggest crap ever seen
Dreams by Makaveli was possibly his african folk
Ever felt great by not being fake and talking just 100 percent the truth, me really does see that i was real and true just in honesty for a long time
I want to lay some money away, to pray is some me did in times when me was 13 till 15, german versions of Eric Sermon
Generic heard, loud and sounds off ol'dirty in a mix more of the thug passion for me, international, dressed in Asics just classis, stressing deep, the streetz got me feeling deep late night in a lesson
to peep go on Baby scream to God he can hear you
Peep the scenario, in the end it doesn't matter, last but don't least my life became some question mark in a mistery to be
Awaken Dreams seem become reality in a way of seeing nuthing in the end, Outlaw til i die, once i heard somebody out of the middle east did knew the word outlaw from the streets of Haifa
Riders and Thugz only some in the world does have really senseful ways of a mind, from time to time from minute to minute times goes by, puffing on lye hope that gives me high
Wooden racks just fabrics call it more guitars with strings are instruments just bombastic, cashflows an disco-flashlights
Big Syke is alike real, but please be in forgiveness for an interpretation for black culturism, 2pac once said that every politician is a gangsta and to be in influence in govermental america
He wanted to be a bigger gangsta, and miss sooooooo much the taste of weed, to be in research of knowledge is some worth in life, once i bounced in a club like a G
So you should be in proper mindthoughts in lifetime, clever to be in a misery is a plus to see, one life to lead what can i do, tell me, why is some so wrong, just tell i blast Rodney Kings ass
Last but stressing is obsession, to ride and be dope in a voice just rough, taught in a way of tough stuff
Hip-Hop is really dead in my sense, when Tupac and Biggie died it just passed away, straight in a fake was me never in a sake of
Shake them snakes, just believe in faith, being real when i'm over the fence
People does always commit irresponsible wrong kinda acts, so me will choose to ignore it at best solution
Illusion just delusion came and it turned out strange, fame and popular i never want to be
Hoe precious only are head-bands on females just ghetto-passion with them ladies
Maybe i will be one day go krazy, cause i see dirt is coming close or not i don't know
America has really great strong attitude as a nation as first, Miss Angela Merkel you are doing your job as a chancellor very well
Our country is flourishing as a life's standard, belonging to my side is peace and love, i dedicate a lot to Biggie Smalls
No matter what comes ever comes, the here after, a corpus like mine is flabby and sick, everybody wants to listen to the right kick
Spots and Blocks, shell-shocked i grew up and was down for the crown back in time, so i say cheesysmile with Melike when we are over the federal states just down to the south
Passionately gats using and flying in the wind like shook
Inhaling cigarettes just mass, clutching a lot of problems inside, it's like my dreams seems far, how far will the 7 Day reach, to be in a misery or a mystery is possibly a numerology i holla you from Cologne, these are my words to my firstborn, can you picture a pearly gates which is wide open standing
Struggle and colour in metropolitan city, areas like Berlin are dope, hope in the middle east is possibly not present or just peace
The streets got me feeling more a thang of brutality physically, to thank god is really worthwhile in life, Clyde & Bonnie my role models, i turn down the bottle and pour out some liqour
To bicker i don't want to do, business engaged, young, financial lessons, sometimes stressin
If myself does lift my voice, i have no choice, all my homeboyz are blown away
So back in days i was more in war with myself, i only want to ask if it is justified to be wrong and evil
Screaming at some people, so those people is family, it is to me some bickering
So tricky and life's shady sites can come, me has to create a thesaurus by english and french language assessment
Stressin but questioned in the end, shaking hands with friends me doesn't more understand
Metropoles like Cleveland or New Jersey are really Ol'Dirty, a comb is a comb
Falling away in sleepless nights, it's hard to carry a cross, a loss in my life was my healthy
Hopefully one day myself does have an proper profession and does own a established appartment just residence
Friends does come and go, so God saw in my life things which he didn't really could tolerate
A sight of being alike a human-being me lost, this cold withered storm me is caught is a shock
Berlin and Cologne is dope areas and dope spots
Running blocks just breathing Public Enemy Nr.1 in this country me does observe
Me was in autodidact scholastics about 5 years in my life and created some lyrically thang
Outlaw is a way of out the law, we in Germany doesn't know this, but possibly from Cali to Mexico, also how the poverty does stretch
Typically style by Barber Shops out of 70's New York does put a good vibe into me, Shock G just Digital Underground in a moment to be is beautifully
How things are how this will be, it doesn't matter cause we all human beings,dreaming by the cream, motherfucking made capturing
Touch me by the M.O.B where troops is be on struggle in a country full of hypocrisy, ladies just miss me and kiss me on my red cheeks
Peep the game and study the way of life's lessons also financially, E.D.I and Tanja are a part of my life and heart
Wherever i walk it's just poetic and education to be, so see and believe Yaki Kadafi can also be resurrected through somebody
Pianorolls and orchestras just a musically act, in a sec to be back, a lack of knowledge can come, i was in life more someone just try to find peace and talk to my heart
Always people does say dilemmas are in the world, in my life was a drastic drama dramatised by traumas just analyse some disguise by those individuals
My wish an accomplishment to change the world is possibly one day in the future some world-relevance in a stance of really finished and changed
A chance by traumatise this nation by stories of them streets, metaphorically by Black Jezus
Coming back like Jesus give me the reason, a season like summer and 36 Mafia is style just really Hip-Hop
Once Fatal Hussein was retweeting me on twitter, bickering over trick shit is old-fashioned
Really to say Míss Steffens a medical helper here in this facility called Theodor Waldruhe Fliedner Stiftung is a real friend of mine
Ever seen angels with blond curls strutting above in heaven
A style profiled in a way of shooting slugs since a child, why does life be so mysterious baby
So isn't it krazy what happened to them thangs just was done in the past, one blast with the beretta
I'm better than Heavy D or Salt N Peppa, a letter to a rapper called Born Again and Life after Death in a sight of prophecies just a notorious innocent child
Bubble Yum and Gum just fun and some, record Labels and music producers can come
Lyrically established with a lot of content in raw form, if Fila Sohlen just Dieter Bohlen, Playaz Space is dope like a highway police chase, two white young guys in will to be white
Acoustic properly, Kurt Donald Cobain was with his long hair so sincerely
This God is like pretty humorous in my sense of, in hope also that one day me is dead and blown away out of this planet
Praying for a better way for life, missing so much friends from time behind, it' so easy to regret
Walking through perils, it's full of demons try to break free, so see and believe my semen is healthy and promising
Language and langual knowledge just top, had my lessons for 5 years from the lingo
Missing my dog Frank, he was black and great, fake in sake of nothing is horrible, exciting and liking Frank White he's just somebody out of the
War-Zones out of New York, dirt came and destroyed my whole life, God put his terrible hatred on me, me does really know what's going on out
So i'm thinking i'm the realest out, lyrical content can bomb some and flex some painfully moments away, but really to say i miss so much my older friends
Graffitis and aerosol tins, just murals on the westside, the galaxy and playaz space, common faith has to be in place
The crime-rate is high and on top, blocks getting sprayed, the streets hit the news
Thug Blues and criminal orientated, Yak manifested in my soul, so you know is all about tendency in slow mo
Mo Murda Mo Murda, get me high, a real live tale about a snitch called Haitian Jack, cause it's now all ridiculous
Get me in the studio, cool and style profiled in a while which is more than Outlaw, are you crucified, tell my why ?
High til i die, drunken freestyle, a session more than blessing, stressing, Malcom Greenidge in heaven any where in Hawaii
My imitch back in days if you rewind them ways, you see a Gangsta, nuthin but cheap liqour and no bickering, more of the taste of graffiti colour
Nowadays them ghettos isn't more under repression, in the end it doesn't even matter, a letter to some chancellor which was more doing her job pretty well
The time moving quick, spittin just no tricks, sincere and here i'am, knowledgable about financial lessons just business-established
On a way of superficial and shady, me does trust nobody, killuminati to your body, that blow's like a twelve gauge shotty
My buddy Jan is gone and away, to say deeply in a stance of a chance to keep an proffesion is possibly a session of a lesson
Look, my world next time you see a reincarnated black spirits just more celebrating dope
Me does wonder what the world only became, everything's turned out strange and the same
I want to write lyricism and be at inspiration from rappers from the east or the west
To be constantly under pressure does bug you out, the congregation i holla you as far as the youth
In my dear Cologne does since 4 o'clock in the morning trains pass by, my ambitions since younger days just 14
In strive of a life which is alike poetic and relevant, hoping some lyrically sentiment coming into a arrangement like dope
Common a song can be put down, to come around like a frown on the face, a clown from the streets, just Harley D is possibly really outlaw
Southpaws, the style with the bravado, nadda to all them bustas and bitches just them idiots
I take my experience and learn from day to day, Ak's just strictly straight in the closet
Boss of them blocks and come, a thesaurus just done, some of the is dope
It's Andy from the ideals of a G, see dream bout Queens and from Harlem to Queens
Outlaw in a way of life, a sight of the dimming in the spotlight
Panther Power became relevant and pleasure
Discos from Cologne to Berlin is possibly funny ambiente
Music producers can attack the vibe of rappers just better than ever
What have your eyez only seen, me seen the last on the verge of insanity, dreaming is possibly ok, the trick is to never lose hope
This life is lived once, my life became some strange sentiment, lost all my buddies, a shotty or a rifle is worthwhile
A style profiled just shooting slugs since a child, tell me why does this happen, behind a langual gift, all i could do was sinning
To be in allegorically expression, graffites are called first, poetic stance of a chance to be great in your life
Possibly myself will be life-long take medication just neuroleptics, sceptic and hectic sometimes
Femophobia me never was about, the prohecy is clear, a disguise by my mouth never really been
Roll the dice and look, crookz graffiti colour and thugz more of them epedemic drugs
Myself does drink no spirits, just put it down to tha fullace, being business just more of the statute
Lyrically establishment is worthwhile and you can put down your heart
South Phily is really gangsta enough to be tough and rough, stuff like Yak's Pak's is mystery to be
My family is so ok, say my name 3 times like candyman, to be a man is hard, but you should understad to get crucified like Jesus
But really to say Oliver Geißen became old out of the german television
See and believe that organized crime is a very strong culture, so baby let me hold ya
What exactly can me say right now
Hit the scene with coffein and teflon, bulletproof west, the midwest turn to more war weapons, just a arsenal and an army riding down
Sounding hilarious, and being at autodidact study and research of economy and finance lessons, stressing my catching the possibility to find friends
Every morning i wake up and ask myself, is this life worth, should i blast myself
Brooklyn and Compton just bombin ' on Content, have a frown for a cheesy smile :- /, riding the clubs from Wiehl to Cologne
Al Capone the Founder of gangsterism
To talk in a line
About a Tec-Nine, South Central happens nuthin
Yak and Pak passed away just my block '
A non-stop spot in a valley of death, what's left
Be back, smack the fucker, the back the fucker cop
On a mission get twisted in my position by getting busy
Such affected my stress, messing sometimes with lessons of some people
Listen to a steeple and the bells just a bell-ringer, everything's turned out holy
Homie me is loced out and smoked out, sounds which turn out loud became expressive
I tell strictly down, come around with abstract sense of them streets
The streetz got me bragging more fame, isn' it strange what turned out the same
Ridiculous by the style, get risky write shit
Menthol and Anatomy, by is lonely and only jealous of people
N.W.A Mc Ren Ice Cube and Yella, just Rocafella or Acapella
Outlaw til i'm gone, if you listen closely just inspired by the lyrically gift from Tupac Amaru Shakur, but not everything's '
My lyrically thug poetry come out of my heart, they say Jesus is a kind man, he should put his hands on the people
Listen to a steeple, see me alive and you see a white guy with a gun under his Rhode Island
My main thang was to write liquid, a kick just blessed by loving and dreaming in life
Visions how the black was, pain and distraction came and it was hard to deal with
My name is Andreas Penno alias l.crookz, reading literature, fading sometimes, clandestine crying and being sad
Cause one day i'll be back just baptised with the holy ghost, my brand is Timberland and Versace
Deal with me or not, cause me is Public Enemy Nr.1 in all 16 federal states out of Germany
Any sense of humour just maybe, but in the end it's getting krazy, baby, maybe Tracy MC Grady is to dope to get lazy
Just graffiti colour, more of the colour,real thugz and dope slugz, prophets like Black Jesus is in blood, but it's really hard
Parks like Wiehler Park me grew up, white sox me is dressed in, tattoos me never wants to have
Me is a single just the whole time-line up, Coutches of spirituality and forgiveness from Jesus became worthwhile
A style profiled in a way of a life with a crown of thorns on your head, nails through your hands and just dying
High til i die, Donald Goines, he was raised tough, be specific, business-ideas and guidelines just sustainability coming forth
We drug dealers and doing out stuff, sometime myself does do laugh bout things which aren't in a smile of
Accurately said, grunch is a side of mine which turned out great fun and noises of the guitar
L.Crookz the real writer and composer of hookz more of them thug books and stories from mathilda and the streets
Michael Miller Photography the real, the professional photographer out of l.a, say my name 3 times like candyman
And see my life's role model was prudence till everything's was put into dirt
My life is to the most people distolerant, cause everything's so obviously of character flaws, my style was once gangsterism
Than it turned out education and interest in writing texts just stressing by an obsession, lessons in life does really come
Some idiots are talking everytime the same, shamefully in the end myself can end, a killer squad in a metropolitan area is politically relevant
cyrillic font is interesting to portray and set it under comprehension, Fr.Steffens me does miss and Fr.Bein me is really so close and a great friend of mine
Dear lord i never wanted to destroy this world, i want to put people in a positive vibe, alike in the midwest
Military minds me does have, cause me is sometimes flexed by this and does inspire me, especially the noise deep in the air of a war-plane
Suspicious is me against some people, i want to be my whole life a single, tasty like a pringle is singing Halleluja in a chorus line of
An Ak is a tool me wants to have in possession, messin with a lot of dirt mind-thoughts, demons in my mind try to blown my prudence away
Slawik my cousin, does work in a great company and me does miss him, aerosol tin graffiti.just more of the type stuff call it business and much luv for 36 Mafia
I take the comb for my brush, a touch by lyrically russian poets me also does have just a must
Poetic lines in expect for ya'll, out the law, tell me what i'm living for, everybody's knockin ' on heavens door
Written 4 Quarter 2021 / Short Phrases & Sentences by Andreas Penno / Continuation ( Andreas Penno Photography & Lyrik ) Diversification
I go a road full of silence and unknowledgable ways
I create great lines of lyrically shivering days
My latency of life is long over
But sometimes i see light in front of my eye
Great Magnititude is serving in my heart
I get emotionally to see how beauty a woman is
My words come from a intelligent essence
I take daily lessons
In spring i get touched by the blossom of a pact with sometimes hurting me off course on scale
My climax is lyrics & poetry to write from the bottom of my heart
My father i love much
Thank u father for everything you created for me
Put the faith in me & said it now put the common sake in me
My teacher is God
Maybe i'm his real son
My personal mental constitution is always sorrow and sadness
It's madness overall
I like and give from my side a lot of commitment for Artistry
My flavour is Fresh lyrically deepness to write in exchange to get inner warmth and peace
My position in world could be one time big
My diablo inside of me is always coming upfront tackling people down
The cusps of my inner moment with women is pretty
A crooked smile is a disguise of looking cool & confirmed as somebody alike in sight
My rose in life was withered & dessicated but sometimes it's pretty shaking great moments
The greatness & virtue i'm about is being smart & educated around, just this whistling lyrically sound around
Loving them guys from irdeto4free, just back
Lyrically Written Establishment / 21.02.2022 / Texts developed on short phrases line Editing / Type of Lyrics Style generally typically Lyrics Sector / Take a a Look
So I'm battered and wounded
Clowning back in times gave me no relievement nowadays
Straight down for the truth and revenge
At some people from back in ways and days
Got me strictly hatred inside to day
Saying life is a mystery, rock n roll sounds rock this happen
Behind latin all i loved was a battle
With myself in a struggle with daily troubles
Like a life's financial bubble
Rocking chevy heavy ways just baby all always
In a constitution of strong heavyweight in my daily ways
Can U Understand my ways, purely quoting my heart's
Innermost doctrine just the hymn of shocking moment inside
For this represent i say devils attacks in my life
With demons contribution is most illusion & delusion
My upbringing is set far just prudently
Days and wise ways just still i rise faith
My immense search for knowledge gave me this langual thesaurus
So i'm from Germany close to Cologne
That my spot just my Home
Home Alone, and School Bus Stories
Like old phrases of Corey and Slipknot
Just you don't have to worry, i'm not sorry
So i feel established and entrenched
In a sound just lyrically how i come around
My corporation is developed and next years a gigantically refinery & industry
So also my graphically design is a sign of establishment
And a stigma of my attributes of a whole era
Acapella i'm rocafella of dynasties
Accordingly a CD-Shop Retail Rock N Roll Heavy Seller
So i feel like penitentiary steel
And engaged with different choruses & refrains to elaborate
My Ben Sherman Jacket & Coat is a business dealing killing garment
Regulated instantly just like a great friend
I like fashion, stressing deep oftenly
The Notorious B.I.G has maybe also a resurrection
Like Makaveli, we will see some alias
Maybe both will come back
Coat of Arms of my belonging in life is justice
Reality & business just corporate principles
See you next time alike on a lyrically line
Just willingly eventually physically alive
Just a sight,just alike, wonder how, wonder why
How intense was my influence with words in this world
In human civilization of world till now, verbally & lyrically
My corporation is well-established
Well created, in faith of common sake
I guess we human beings are naturally dissatisfied everyday and unhappy
Clean & robust just solid and stubborn
My lyrically content is displayed
On the gigantically refinery & industry just to be
Certified & promulgated in a sense
Just i'm not about a level lay low, most heavy rocking devils row
Expansion & Diversification of my lyrically paramountly ensemble
Statuating an example by writing senseful
Truthfully just raw sounds
Record Labelings & Industries is appreciating
To follow & comment for everything i represent
I'm fashionable with my lyrically Editor Modus
Just international an a adequate session
Expect Me like You Expect Jezus To Come Back, once somebody said in an outro,expect him
Operating systematically like Cloud Computing
Lyrically intense, and friends i'm not 2022 not about
Lyrically sounds deep in a chorus and phrase around
Mathematically my corporation is enormous entrenched intense
New York & Des Moines just Aberdeen
Is beautifully to study and see just believe me, baby
Lyrics quiet around and i'm all about definitely especially
Lyrically words of superior lyrics writing of human kinda era
Unplugged is chamant, off the rack
To be up for grabs i'm one day worldwide back
I gotta tell by establishment of lyrically empowerment & justification
Celebrating and shaking lines on googling, google is an attractive market especially machine
I'm all about my doctrine from different artists & thinkers just professionals
Testifying different obstacles everyday in different times in life
Watching VHS Tapes on my TV-Screen, i guess it's cult
On a differentiated level, i'm a figure of greatness & establishment just references
Sunshine & bright stigma is welcomed, acapella lyrically tunes amazes whole google machine
So my life is a pillar of different switching times
And differentiated innerly changing moods
Operating with google since 8 years in company's history
To put on excel, i could sometimes hug the whole world freely
Sometimes i'm at a bitter sweet life's ending innermost
So my corporation have different Zessions just Sectors also Industries in the black list above
Classically i'm very profoundly excquisite in cooperation with New York and different cities
My inclination to Jonathan Davis is he is a great artist
And Rock Star with his Vocals just Rock N Roll Era & Punk
Obtrusively i'm sometimes assessed
And sometimes i'm very getting down
Getting personified in an another stigma
So i create lyrically lines in mass
Promulgate a lot of my materials & industry worldwide
So sing the song of " Hey Hey Goodbye "
Bye bye bye it's spirits alike just tonight
Just the times turning
In human civilization since decades
It's faith in a way of common faith
Charisma of world's different times changes
So my lyrically composition is written in virtue
Charismatically lines with cooperative promotional usage of purpose just writing emontional alike
Just a like, are you ready ???
So my Editor Papers is blanket & i'm writing diligently & without any ending in this composition
Intermission without ending, i'm writing how i'm just constantly might grossly signing one day contracts
My pleasure to interact smart & sophisticated
On my corporation is never ending in this german nation
So this internet-address
Is my Giga Infrastructural Company in hugh progress & development
Whispering words of wisdom in the bottom of my heart wherever i walk
Sometimes my life is mysterically & a whole questionnaire
I guess my life's questions sometimes to resolve & answer is a whole galaxy since early on
So i believe i create enormous amounts of completely relevant resources
My source is different to portray & i appreciate everybody liking me in life
Grossly indexed my corporation is in leadership of design & i appreciate a sign
That someone has to leave in my life, as far as i'm alive
But i tend this somebody will never leave, as long as i'm on this planet, god damn it
Creativity in the bottom of my heart is awaken dreams inside my soul
My passion is to say i'm international
Linguistically assessed & attached just proficiency
Grammatically i gotta learn a lot, but notorious my lyrics
Just materials for google i'm about, right sure in Millions Mass Content Enlisted from all machines of world
Lyrically Establishment Created by Andreas Penno / A.P. P
New Perspective - New Goals - New Lyrically Breath / Written 09.09.2022 AD / Germany / World / A.P. P
So here i'am, i'm wondering how live is doing to you
Sometimes life's messed up, i'm stressed
Visions of Black Figures having real life tales by New York
This confrontation is complete revolutionary like US Nation
So i'm proud of being here, what ever comes, comes, this to that
One day heaven strutting angels above are reality with knowledge may be not
So i'm living in chains, it's strange
Sometimes faith is shining through my veins
My name worldwide represented through the World Wide Web
Black People from World is blessed
Globally,international i guess i'm pretty unknown
Shown just content through corporation
A nation full of emptiness
A lot of vultures blocking my way
What i represent is blessing through sectors
Grunch Figures like Kurt Cobain is the same
Like a rock n roll hymn through strings
Like a name like Kurt Donald Cobain
From Aberdeen, Seattle America, God bless his name
Percussion & Chelo is understood
Like it's all good, just shook
irdeto4free is genius once
My dear german young human being
take the chance in every life's turn
Dear Exemplar of Tertiary School & University
Academy worldwide, studying is representing,one example
By Success and a glad future like people in a church steeple
Or going krazy like beatles in music history
So i guess, money controls the world
Ain't change, definitely same like the
People was blessed with powder dressed coat
Bring a lot of hope into the universe
So my verse about life is
Life's what you are making out it, just real and feel
Like concrete, life's sometimes a burden
Dry your tears, and stand up for the hymn of my gospel
The hymn of world redemption
A intersection of blessing for a child in world
A lesson for everybody globally
So names like Soul Asylum does awake interest in me
Come as you are, shining like a bright star, in world
So me personally acting like hustler & blue collar mentality, every day
Some call him, thug christ, intelligent like a world heist or chinese town rice
I'm blinded by some interrupted feelings inside
Sometimes fallen away
Best believe all this will not stay
By knowing yourself inside by self-esteem
To create a way, also for everybody, like a dream, to feel
Opportunities in life represented by my corporation immense
Like rock n roll star fans, i'm about real names like Jonathan Davis
Player Haters never occured
My way in life was sometimes blocked
I was sometimes shocked, doesn't care, yeah
So i'm very busy doing business engagement
I'm very public in world by google,
Take everybody how it's prudently
Operating humankindly, just i prophezise a lot in front
From different times, to times, to times taste like Santa Claus sweet anorak in amount
You maybe asking how time is moving quick
How smart you can get
Of interacting how old you are checked by lifetime in effect, return
Earn your respect,day to day
Hey life's ain't easy, so damn, everybody's gotta do it
Cuba and Havana is revolutionary in the Caribbean
Castro died years ago, to get your cash on, with dough
Get on the bank of working hard-disciplined
Setting burden away with caring by your family, like a hard working man
A Silhouette is interesting like a language just lingustics, just mimics
Intrinsic, by lyrically content, achieving corporations goals in front
Sometimes i wonder if the world is righteous and fair, it isn't
It's like a cold freeze bloody blizzard coming on you
But anytime in life, sometimes you win sometimes you loose, it's a standard
Poker, Black Jack, Russian Roulette is amazing, just police cops chasing
Worldwide chasing, by some influence in life, not really life's worth think about
Sounding like howling dogs from the desert around, to get on common ground, just howling like sound
I guess this life is promising in capulets & metaphors, in some views worthwhile
But not in my interest , especially a crucifixion, created of some ghosts around, is it's god ???
I tender more to names like John Paul 2
He was wise, but in a rise
Later on, out of control by God
This could be his demise or not, it's questioned
My Gesture, my pleasure, my lyrically content
To confront reader's front attention
My Measure, to say my corporation is promising & great to look around
Operating in differention by different diffusion of circulation
Every lyrically Sound
My nation is fulfilled with faces of a occasion
Namely fake celebration and jeopardy
Operation creation
Some done, a lot of in front since now 2022
My Songs written with color of worthy sentences & chances of a better world
Regretting some in life since this moment, anyway now i turned 34
Nothing would done otherwise in life
My Philosophy is lyrically poetic & sometimes gifted music lyrically accentuated
The World does move in one day and is circulating, times moving quick
Just Rock Stars like Corey Taylor & George Harrison is no lyrically failure
It's like rock n roll like heavy Jackson
So my intuition of writing some phrases
It guess my liaison in life was big in this complex to write a chorus of life's points
Eventually i create amount of lyrics
Established with flavour out of gimmicks of old days from the 70's around
Articulated to state and initiate faith in a race of everydays challenges
Facing a trauma for 18 years now 2022 in space
Formidable choruses & poverty also experienced in life
Refrains which poetry soaked & poetic in world hope
Lyrically shown, lyrically full-blown
12.09.2022 AD / Dialogue representing Lyrically Writings
Lyrics of the Racks just Great Written
Lyrically Temperament & Full-Blown Established
So i'm fascinated of politics & writing of the story of a human being just creativity
Off the Rack i'm attacked by loving black people, listen to a steeple
Deep to say, bell-ringers are holy and bells
Respectively i'm created & done just made by some
So i'm sometimes confused, loving black living blues
Truth is really precious & promising for human society
God bless everybody,killuminati through your body
That blows like a twelve gauge shotty
Establishment & Creation is important especially education for thr youth
That's truth and tru
My lyrically content is for everybody, no explicit content
The most to tell, living ain't well
Bellringers is blessed since historically confrontations
Celebration in tha Crenshaw & Cologne Innercity Mess just Cologne Cathedral
My lyrics represent different to tell
Spell my ways in smart & intelligent days of human ways
Change your life for the better, when ever
Blessed for the better, take me acapella
Rock Stars die young, ask why we have next time a world event which is world relevant
Just world eternity and redemption,it's truth
My opportunities in life are immense from now just enormously possibilities and even more
It's my establishment just my position
So life's peculiar interesting just my cousin Julia just Kurt Cobain by his Eye-Lashes just Punk
Also very wise to say chinese rice is so white like white mice, so my constitution
In Life is everything allright & futuristic by my young age no intermission
In liaison with citizen of Germany i'm proud being affiliated with them in a establishment just facility
I'm a civil citizen with horse sense just a chance moving up
So intellectual wise to talk i'm kindly to be in state
To say life's sometimes great & sometimes not
Sometimes you win sometimes you loose, it's natural truth
That's our nature by human life in human sight
Kurt Cobain influenced me a lot, also russian poets
12.07.2024 AD / Update Protokoll
Andreas . P . Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD / Graphic Designer Corporation
Media Release Constantly Published / Industry / World Politics / Opportunities & Possibilities /World Economically Reference / New York
Google Franchise Marketing / Corporation since 2014 26.July Established / Hugh Crafted Developed Futuristic Planning till 2030 AD
New Projects Coming All Soon / Fourth Big Project Already in Progression & Circulation / Middle East
Lyrically Composition & Writings from A.P. P (Andreas Penno ) / Enormous Great Values in World Civilization / Google Multiple Millions of Results from ( A.P. P )
Infrastructure ( Technology Systematic Availaible ) A.P. P Is Addressing Principles From A Corporate & Industrial Established @ Business Correspondence Worldwide
A.P.P owns an Weltwirtschaftszentrum / World Economic Center
14.12 2022 Release Date / Lyrically Breath & Production and Producing Great Lyrically Lines / Texts interpreted in Short Phrases & Lines / ( A.P.P ) / Session about Composition & Writings
So in around this happen, Grunch,Rock
Tramps in this lyrically production, my introduction
Like Blood-Suction of long decades, faith and lyrically world's race
Chasing new rhymes for my lyrically presence
International marked, fallin apart & stark smoking cigarettes in mass
Me doesn't live the rich life,i'm poor
Outlaw for sure, riding like them motorcyclists
From wisconsin & california through them streets
Maybe Peace one day, the world is hard to stand
Shell-schocked we is about,sounding textual clear around
It's all about,graphically designing on ( A.P.P )
Self-established journalism about different sourcing
So me using Text Editor, i'm texting this lyrically composition for the world
God bless the Federal Republic of Germany
Engaged in opportunities & possibilities worldwide with google
No trouble,once in life a hugh struggle in adolescent time
Juvenille Time live it was all times of joy & bliss
Hugging my relative one's, my constitution just great all day
Corporation A.P.P created with
Industrialization in the world wide web
Great sourcing & marketing
I like famous people like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Such celebrity like Robert De Niro or Dev Patel
Joaquin Phoenix & Forest Whitaker
Rest in Peace to San Antonio, US, Adan Hernandez
In loving Memory
My industry is at strong growth
Hopefully once i get of the cross & crucifix
People in Rome pray for the world eternity & Me
Ever heard of me,me Andreas, in 2030 i turn GIGA & ULTRA CORPORATION
Inspired by different artists in music history in writing
Life Goes On, which occasion ever is questioned
Every morning i'm waken up drowsily & sleepy, things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fell, get on my knees to the lord & god
Begging for introduced forgiveness on this planet & earth
Opportunities & Possibilities are on A.P.P strong released in world
Eminem the Mega Lingual Thesaurus Genius
Meaning this Marshall Mathers with articulation
Great Em' your american us authorization
And politics in world, nowadays very interesting & powerful
So rock the heavy roll, and roll the chevy show
It's like lyrically composition
Lyrically writing is peculiar opportunistic for me
Lyrically production just a session with blessing
Corporate Sector, involved international taste of pretty lyrics written with talent
So my industry is promising & hugh evaluated on google & bing, the search machines in web
So i create passages,protokolle,graphics,journalism
Transcripts for my world industry & mondial corporation aired
I'm enthusiastically by creative design
Culturistic college black clubs from U.S namely Bennington Panthers
Encrafted & Gifts blessed by God,sometimes falling apart
I go ahead and missing our park and drinking cognac and Mixery with my comrades & fellows
Churches & Bell Ringers are holy, the paintings & colors and windows people is wondering of
My creativity is in bright shine,i create mass lyrics for audience & publicity
Get The Binocles,Hahahahah, Boston,Get, MA,North America
Printed Circuit Boards are crafted great pieces, lyrically paramountly shine on my corporation
I'm not afraid, take your hands,everybody, come take my hands, i prefer mass lyrically content
Leading to a hugh concentrations grade & common faith just sense
Veterans are buried in american secluded graveyards & cemeteries, God honor them
Circulating Economy are definitions,a liaison
Intersection and Prosecco drinking also international Writings & Coffee Beans, how it seems
From Berlin to Queens,from Merlin to Dope Means
Lick the rhymes with a dream of innerly everything's clean just heartly proposition & prosa
My internet present infrastructure in the whole world shook
The whole world mass millions google overswarming & statement's publications
( A.P.P ) 2030 Giga & Mega Industry & Corporation, be with clearly expectations soon
So my lyrically equipment rocks & shakes all billboards by lyrically lines & rhymes
Slipknot's new album just great, also the graphically facade inlay
Charismatically picturesque colorizatios mash-up just Album Cover & Print
Rest & Peace Joey & Paul
We remember
Amazing crunchy american rock n roll era since Pink Floyd or Ozzy Osbourne Or Nirvana
Just shit Punks not Dead, expect that with Punks coming
Writing Essence, certified a message with A.P.P in hugh enormous opportunities of industry
Likely i would have 500 € Bills & Bank Notes in my Wallet
But haven't, me is poor since long time ago, decades
Skyscrapers in World's Places are defined & peculiar special to look at
They say Moses split the Red Sea, i say i split a coffee package and drink daily, baby
So Cologne & the Dome is beautifully also the promenades & city pedestrian
It's like my own home
Cooperation is brilliant & politically and economically excel just great
Acapella sounds clearly and dearly by my side great around just the exact sound behind
New York, is especially for Makaveli
The campaign great around
Great News Around, also the Clubs in NYC
So introducing the world a line of halcyon named
" Life is what you making out of it "
So redemption & salvation can come
Also my lyrically sounding production
Is clearly written different from my life's affairs
Life's content and my life on this planet
So relieved i will be coming days
Ways of Heavy Obstacles are till my death planned from God definitely in my life
The Green in Manhattan or Brooklyn by the Greenery in Park
Are particular Green in Prestige Charisma To Me
World Affairs are in interest for itself & World Politics
Berlin Great City here in the Federal Republic of Germany
So black people are sometimes repressed & underpressed throughout Time
In this world also in US since Historically Books of Country
From Queens NYC to Boston, from Wisconsin to Massachusetts State, from Texas, Dallas,Denver to Kingston, from New Mexico to Wyoming
So my lyrically Production is fine curated & established and painted in great form
My Introduction
So America is Great & shaking all world's faith, so real estate's are a big market in world
So the world & life isn't easy to handle, hold a candle for a world event which is world relevant, in Rome
So America stands full of Compositors,Artists, Actors & Celebrity, especially from New York.
So me isn't from America but does tolerate America with all the sourcing.
So the corporation A.P.P stands firm under a plateau of switching sides constantly
This World Corporation & Industry represents different in this time of era
Symphonies & Hymns of Revolutionary Origin are Great
So yeahhh, yeaahh,yeahhh, turn on the stereo and audio
Or special act's from Dade Murphy like " Hack The Planet ", this humour is all about ( A.P.P )
So composition in a intermission just blowing kisses & blowing wishes, international liaison
Well, is it justified to say that the world is fair, angels like to be in control, like Corey Taylor said once
Musically revelation is a celebration of world' s fair international occasion
Sometimes life's really messed up, truly
Fools get on you or Peoples searching conflicts, don't panic, this only how it is, in this sense
In life & world, anyway it is how it is, this human nature
Or i'm not afraid or i'm not confessed by,being gladly addicted to God's Influence in World
Also Cooperation to God
We str8 Ballin,so listen
So some i gotta tell, because i can tell you some in this life, accordingly, in regard
Goals To Reach in Distance, are already accomplished & finished / To Deny The Wrong takes Valor in Hearts Of Men / 2023 AD 24.01./ Release 09.02.2023 AD Take a Look on The Lyrics from ( A.P.P) Resource
So i make business in mass,what up
I come with A.P.P, my corporation
My blog, in different ways i'm shocked in life
So i guess i'm personally educated enough & in touch
I roughin up & rocking the roll,just chevy establishment fron A.P.P
So i red a lot in life
I take responsibility from my commitment & ways
Mainstream America is interesting & hot
Breaking news maybe protocolate from me one time
Establishment & dope alike, just in sight
Common in coming sense, just till to day no friends
Like my whole life,no comrades & fellows, is how it is, ok
Counting no bills or us just euro banknotes
Still without financial resource in life
Elke Bein a name from my connection in life
She's just a good woman & great human being alive
So i produce lyrically circumstances about
Mainstream publicity lyrics of composition & writing
Google represents millions of my Lyrically Lines
Phrases & Composition in this Interaction, it's a session
Of Blessing, nowadays hugh stressin'
M.O.B California and Mob is maybe in different
Scale of World Cities appropriated
So say organized crime is justified
I say not, on the block,like Rock, Brooklyn is saying
Ey yo Biggie put your hands up, make it happen
Manhattan is scaled great, hugh opportunities with business
Affiliation & and lyrically interaction celebration
Youth is pristine to live & experience
Initiatives & business is my thang
So i'm a young man with economically & business reaching principles
A lot of lyrics to offer, just like a Hovercraft
So i'm hungry for lyrically lines & writing
Sometimes innerly fighting against myself
So New York......
The Notorious B.I.G is a Hugh Classic One
You know where we are coming from
Staying strong all the time, Disco Lights & Violet Shine
So Anis from Berlin, what can i say
You is truly great and your career, number great greetings
So Industry & Occupation on my Side is propelled in
Hugh scale of intelligence & common sense
Faith Established in great resources to my nation
Establishment with my business & corporation bears fruits since time
Human Resources from A.P.P are online in redirect as a
Corporation with different Acts & Sectors and Sections to count
Just say racism is a crime, so the world doesn't work how it should be
No rescue in regard for different World Citizen of different Civilizations
The World is starving & aching a lot since centuries
Eminem, just very in tolerance of respect for your career in North America
Your Success does take shape, God Bless U and the 8 Mile
My Style is all about shooting slugs since a child, Mexico is all about yo
Hit Me, are you ready for my flow hit me
I never want to make you cry but tonight i cleaning out my closet
So i guess my lyrics are sharp like a razor blade
Faith is a lot in my life
So me personally, i never had a wife or had a girl friend
Such activity is truth
Mainstream US America & the American Flag
With the Stars & Stripes are reap like wine from Rome
Possibilities & Eventually my life is broken
Choking hugh sometimes in painfully moments
( A.P.P ) Appropriated & Aligned Journalism is an activity
With has powerful sentences & columns
So i'm great & on course to a great successfully
Brilliant vocational career in world,i guess
Anyway, i design also different stigmas
Colorants since 8 years since 2014, so my status & skills
As a Designer in growth since 8 years & hugh development
I'm fascinated by graphically amenities & imagery shine
Opportunities & Possibilities Caught Since Early On in Life
I'm obsessed by writing and liking lyrics
Reaching Wide in Life, changed my principles, i guess
I'm stretched in hugh worth of my corporation
And leading the industry in the world of the World Wide Web
In Possession of Multi-Lingual Letterings on industry
Diligently i'm disciplined in different prophecies in life
Also i call it in commitment & obligations
Of different principles of world history
Poetry is beautifully & taught in Harvard eventually Stanford University
I'm caught sometimes and whispered away from any side alike in sight
So i hit the scene, like a dumbfounded dream of chocolate lyrically dream
Literature is also involved in literally expression on ( A.P.P ) Lyrics Zession
Also Musically Context & Lyrically Music i'm writing
So i elucidate different in spectrum by hugh literally relevance
So now, give the young black male just a chance, this much
Just in touch & i say enough with racism
So i'm on my mission, and directly linked in redirect to a corporate profile
I love Energy Drinks & Raw Street Gutter from Districts of East Coast America
Or loving India & Japan and New York also Cologne
So i write articulated & demonstrate my hugh will in front of every day
Copied is maybe sometimes some on ( A.P.P )
Raikou & Suicune roaming across the World
They are parked in front of my garden
Pronunciation & Signature of my Scrolls
On Google represented from my corporation
My mission is definitely hard in life
Since early on in this world
Because i can say something to you
That you couldn't believe, i can tell some
Head On all the faces in life since early on
I'm sometimes finished with all the faces
I can say lyrics does oppress & suppress innerly unrest
Innerly feelings which are horrible
So an artillery can come in an environment
Or the MOB is affiliatd with organized crime
Chicago has prison terms & corruption like L.a or Boston Inmates
Also San Quentin or Guantanomo Bay are convicts
Tricky is all about once heard a Thug Life Code
It didn't change the streets or america or the USA
Responsbility in the richest society & country of world
Anyway i'm from the Federal Republic of Germany ( EU )
But Syntax Hackers are also very criminal
And this should be put under consideration
In every society & civilization of world
So Greenwashing exists in this world
Gig economy is presently in Countries worldwide
Say the streets got me craving morer thorazine
Blue Collar Mentality is presently
In Germany & Hamburg and Berlin
From Milan to London & from Wiehl to New York
Accomplished with feelings & Internly Opportunistic Engaged
With Human Operating Systematic Brain Cells In Hugh IQ
Living in a Country of Hugh Opportunities
Just one of most IQ standing Countries
So i'm very intelligent & intellectual in common sense & human faith in grace
So New York is crystalized with style
And Gumble pack with all the black gangsters with shoes
You know how it is
And everything, So Brooklyn & Manhattan
Also the Men's Barber are blessed
Especially the Traditional Bakery & Banks
From the Signs of the Five Boroughs just New York and all the avenues
I prefer hugh opportunities & possibilities in trade
And graphically designing, publishing & journalism on ( A.P.P )
God Bless the children of tomorrow
So i rumble when i crumble all the rumble in the jungle
Just it's easy, when i'm pleased to be sleazy and believe
To be alone isn't easy for decades
So blessing from God is messing with God's feelings in a motion of hoping
And blessing is all about God's pleasure in devotion of cooperation
So i'm not afraid, just take my hand, everybody
Say america has different in outlaw motorcycle culture from l.a streets
At Offerings & Blessing
Great Tobacco & Energy Drinks and Fried Eggs
To take as a Clown from the Underground
Sounds equipped around
Caught sometimes in a pedestrian of life
Just obstacles alright
This does damage my soul & heart
So i'm very honored to listen one
Of the greatest presidents of United States ever of all time
Named the black civilized former president Barack Obama from the States
So my Corporation is a hugh growing industry in world great nostalgic resource
So my lyrically content are lyrics of my life
Musically forwadly possible to record
So the BRD and Berlin is like Bundestag just a Monopole of Casper Merlin
Cooperation just great resources for ( A.P.P ) are created
I'm back like a persian king of money checks & banknotes shaking
So everybody education is important, invest your time in upfreshing reading book
One day you will under why
So my langual thesuarus is hugh crafted enormous bride & broad
Doe come to pappy, Andi is like Rocky, on the way just like a Maserati
Wow Andy is so sloppy,discussions like a Andy, he is a king of his empire like a Rex
( A.P.P ) is a sovereign & dominant industry in the World Wide Web
Creativity & Plausible, Constructive
Differentiation of Societies Standard Living Ideals
( A.P.P ) is growing & growing an also new Industries can follow next time
Possibly & Circumstances can come & Opportunities can come
I know where i'm coming from,feel me
Like a embryo or WMP Visualization just Media Celebration and Shaking
Making Mass Results on google and bing also yahoo.worldwide scale
So i hunt like a punk graffiti in a music direction named grunch
Establishment & Foundation and Leadership just Mentality Graphically
Is All About ( A.P.P)
So States like Wisconsin or Montana are great such New York
Graphically is my Corporation greatly ornated & embellished
The Graphically Inteface & Structure is a ACT of A.P.P like also different
Like Journalism or Corporation's Representation just Diverse Industries
M & D Sectors are involved just my lyrically rising accentuation would
Even involved EXE Formatierungen, also ACT's are part of industry
So i have to create a space of world industrialization & globalization on A.P.P
Next time even more materials gonna be released, so i'm blessed and pleased
Release the Peace for the World, in destiny
My Comment to say why world in everybody's life is not really working
Is that we as human beings can't achieve, before we believe & realize
God creates our world in everybody's life's destiny, that's how it works
As far as my life, the crucifixion of some living, my graphically representation
On my Site is represented sometimes , in this nation of trade & faith
So my lyrics is fundamentally a creation of shaking content & blueprint for my web-address
Just blueprint for publicity & public
So i write songs & lyrics just literary acts like to find innerly peace internally
Just like meditation & reiki to get relieved from all the stress
Believe me i say world eternity, is coming on earth, peace & world peace
Getting crushed sometimes in life, just alike in crushing sights in life
So my corporation ( A.P.P ) is getting next time 9 years old, i want to unfold me
And inspire millions of world human civilization, creating a lot of works in life
So believe me, mentality from the streets is worthwhile, once prophets predicted their own death
Maybe they black kings, somebody can achieve in life, if you only believe
So i'm certifying phrases & sentences about life & some is equipped with literature
That's my nature
Whisper Words of Wisdom, let it be let it be, whisper words of ( A.P.P ) just naturalism
Gangstersim, shaking lyrically lines in my fantastic & brilliant idealism
Internationalism, establishment and diligence, publicity and quality is questioned on A.P.P
So i open my heart and write a lot, now i'm 34, world economically & world entrenched
Expertise and Corporate Proficiency is expected on A.P.P
Believe me strategy is in discussion on my party, check every line i'm writing
It's pure truth & wise quoted, hopefully you is this liking
This world is very damaged to the petals, blooms
Prospering sites are broken like old-fashioned broken medallion medals
This life is live once, a chance to equip, to change a lot, on the block,is like Rock N Roll
Just rocking the show,like chevy rocking like with your group & mass on the row just a throng
Operating desire in life, forced my to change minds since writing a lot of lyrically lines
But everything's ok in a sight, just a like
So crushing & rushing on the women's site rarely & seldom
Corporate Management & Journalism is welcomed on A.P.P
Thriving Life's Thoughts & Acts just concentration is my corporate inventing ideal to be in research
Clarifying ways of human nature, conflicts are snow from yesterday, ok , babayyy
I'm extraordinary inspired by the artworks & film script of " Ronin ", and the production and director
Articulation in a session, just a section of international public engaged Statements
Liking Coffee Beans from Tschibo & Dallmayr and Melitta, like so much lyrically origin
On my personally mission of my mondial world position
On crucifix like Jesus, reaching over human lifes dimensions
A embryo is a embryo, visual lux visualisation
On WMP is interesting in bloom & reaching site
New York is close to great niveau & prestigious
On a maybe second coming & second return from Makaveli
So M & D is all about Research & Exploration
Just Research of World Civilization on my corporation
Faith in life can achieve a lot in reaching wide sights
Lyrics can be astonishment & truth definition, France is a great country with great artists
Orchestras are great in harmony to see, believe me
Music can united everbody in distanced unity,to see
Some Decades of Withered Fake Silence & Creation of the Great Maybe, I Guess Sincerely /12.05.2023 Release / Written 30.04.2023 AD World.Continent.Europe.Germany 14:02 / UTC GMT +2
So decades passed away,everythings turned out the wrong
My songs are truth
I write sometimes Phantasy
Some Literature and some Music
All about my lyrically content
I write societies failures in World
But now be awake, New York, the big metropolitan area
The big city scale,in breath, for a young brother
Every day breathing freshly air from New York
My lyrics are representing a lot
Especially the black generation
In our & different nations on planet world
Opportunities & Possibilities will be one day strong for A.P.P open
Hoping a lot in human life, just a spectrum and a sight,dope and Cobra
My tendency in life is maybe one individual
Sometimes addressed in this lyrically sector, some special
He will create great or Withered Fake Silence
I like myths & hymns just anthems of a type like A.P.P
Maybe its not justified to do some like that
I mean sometimes my life just a dream
Believe me its destiny, i'm caught of mights scaring me
AK.47 Kalashnikov is a great gun or AR-15 to be
Bubble Yum is delicious, suspicious about some truly cowards are not my wishes
My Mission is a Liaison between dissing people not worth it, i kick it, wicked
World's circumstances turn how you are establishing your world
Life is what you making it out of, definitely
Believe me, for everybody in life
My Pc-SYSTEM ACER is my Digital Manufactured Device Appliance for Works
So number luv for the former musically group Etcetera
Enice & Twice, both were great in life & in music especially for Cologne & Wiehl
Also Bene and Toby,never to forget Jan Kupisch
Never & never my comrad
So dedication also to my so great father
He's the greatest ever lived on this planet
So New York is great, maybe some requiem will return someday
I want only independence from everybody
Lyrically Content is beautifully & worthwhile to write and see
So trust me my friend Tobias living next to me, i text to you
Our friendship is to clearly & under circumstances straight up
And we are no fools, punk rock eternally with this lines kicking
So i write a lot of world & society
Opportunities & possibilities are in A.P.P hugh one day,hopefully
Babay, maybe one day back
Some creation of the great maybe, i guess sincerely yes
Say it loudly about me,i say it loudly, my lyrics reflect society
My gimmicks sometimes are jokey
Ey, Holy,show me,some coward in world, to unfold me,hold me
Lonley so often in life, allright, allright
I know,this not great, but some faith always and my will push me
I have not so many friends or comrads & whole life lonley, i have to take it slowly
Its truth, but its all about u, my homie
So i'm sometimes ko, by watching people every day in world try to act like someone
But are masked and lye and fake
Sometimes life's krazed & its common faith & common horse sense to say
That we as human beings are sometimes disappointed
Mules & Donkeys are krazed
Make me lyricist and experience my lyrics just really this, real this
Independence i would prefer, i know where i'm coming from
Definitely, people does live in insanity, its tragedy
I guess news can come softly or mellow,hello my lyrics
Literary sector is arts & pure reality, just John .F. Kennedy
Once i heard by great types like Denny & Peter
Syntax Hex Binary ( Code ) Enthusiasts writing programs & card ( ) marks & orders
Also success like 90.000 Thousands of People
Visited my personal thread,in 4 Years To Track, one day i'll be back
Racks & Stacks and Becks & Checks, Blacks & Whites
Mighty & Tanja and Andi is missing you even 2 decades since ever, Tania
Hollywood & Bunnywood,Moneycrooks & FunnyLooks
Opportunities & Possibilities in A.P.P my corporation just Honeywoods
Corporate World Culture represents also traditionally on A.P.P
This Site is more a Blogspot or Blog
No really corporate service or corporate infrastructure in world
But google represents me multi million times just A.P.P
Devastating knowledge can get on you
So my loving young black male in world, keep your head up, really, next time
The african nation & black civilization in world will be saved and in faith rise in all nations
Chased by somebody, maybe you know him,maybe one time its over
He is somebody addressed always here on this Lyrics / Composition Sector & Lodge
It's a mystery, babayy
So i'm idolizing myself
So black people from Illinois are happy & in joy
By Barack Obama in Locally Presence in state
So New York & Boston,Milwaukee are precious & international freshness from
(A.P.P ) in the most Corporate Development Phase from 2014-2030
So grammar & written correspodence,sometime grammatically mistakes can come
International Fashion in Freshly represented on my Blogspot like
A Pedigree dogg from Snoop's Dogsspot on his Block to rock
Suspicious is me sometimes all over, the world is turning 24 Hours over around
My lyrically sound is all about definitely for New York to clown
A Noun to clarify, happy & glad named A.P.P my corporation
Then noun to say its business & industry nouns on google merchandising marketing to sound
I say babaay this lyrics is dope around, some lyrically lines are
Rock & the chevy heavy Roll, just Rock N Roll, to show, now to know,just to show
Like i already said Literature, Poetry,Phantasy and Music is all about my lyrics
Donald Trump is a great politician, his mission since entertainer to politician
Was maybe twisted, but i appreciate his presence in the United States & World
So America is America, we have now 46th Presidents in World History Timeline
They all were great, truly great, really
America, faith and the stars & stripes, grace & liberty, tomorrow's great nights
And a beauty starlight in american shine
So i have different to portray on my lines,opportunities
Possibilities on my corporation are on excel for next time
I should ignore people's intentions
Because of somebody's peoples will is not to accept in world's histories society
Which is worsest sin ever
In Human World Historically Books Ever, nobody knows who this is
Maybe i could accept some pressure
But these circumstances lead to devil's fashion, and a will from someone
Which is not justified since human's seed till 21st century,
In this huddle muddle, which nobody controls of somebody mysterious one
Truly,Honestly,Sincerely & in Ingenuity some people which so unique
Need discipline & a new human brain,who ever
So now lyrics can affect some in life, like mine and yours, it can calm down the stress
It can bring peace to the innermost heart's essence, to the best, from the feet to th chest
And forget the rest of life's lyrically aspects
Best believe,A.P.P will truly write world history in numero publicity & public
Sputnik is worthwhile, my PC-Transcommunication System ACER Aspire-MC605 is my Darling since 10 Years
Served me great service, served me great communication & opportunities in life
Anyway,god damn A.P.P is great, is sake of world's faith, A.P.P is writing next time scale
Of a Young White Male with common horse sence since birth in this world
Opportunities & Possibilities in my life turned out great & faith
Goodwill at representation's A.P.P's embassy me as a
Ambassador first in our country maybee in South Korea,Seoul or Asia Pacific Tokyo,Brisbane in Fame
I'am not afraid to say how me is thinking, or acting,eventually daily representing myself
Saying what i'm thinking,all the time up, my whole life
My corporation namely blogspot shaked the whole world,truly
My corporation just immersing details of industries
Establishes a representation of different 120-150 Regions and 15 Sectors & 18 Principles
Let met discuss this in person just the introduction from my futuristic company & industry
Introduced and initiated specific details above the line marked in chiffre & digits
My industry is all overarching & promising in different economically principles laid down
Personifying the Great, maybe seeing one times Millions of Bucks & Dollars on my account
But i'm not money or currency orientated
Never was in life or will be,honestly,geniously, really
So i create lyrically lines in mass for audience to look at
Maybe in universities A.P.P could be taught & schooled intense
In different occasions & study researching curriculum
Agenda could come to Japan or South Korea or New York East Coast School Academies
Namely Rhode Island or Boston,
I'm ain't a fool, music is great,music can change planets & galaxies
Also lyrically literally correspondence can change a lot, when its written hot
I write Books & lyrically accents & schemas
Lyrically written instrumental hymns just touching the whole world to the essence
In my own redirect, now just check A.P.P
Germany just the Federal Republic of Germany is a great country
My corporation ( A.P.P ) was built & has it roots in
World.Europe.Germany.North-Rhine.Westphalia Wiehl.TW.WR
Maybe a pioneer for different industries in futuristic schema & pattern plateau
This industry is promising maybe for different purposes going on,so actively world politics
Women are pretty intelligent & intellectual, but not all of em
I believe that i'm very attractive & sexy in young stage in life
Also on my photos and graphically schemas & structures
In front of the lense & camera spectrum in sight
I'm not afraid of my destiny after life
But i'm afraid of people being about somebody's life complete injustice
Social disappropriated totally extremely unfair, maybe who is this
So i create graphically palettes with
( Andreas .P. Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD ) and different graphically iconic schemas
And picturesuqe & Colors as same as Great Established & Super Intelligent Bright Excquisite Pictogramm Top Runners
A.P.P and its graphically industry is established
International accepted worldwide also on bing,yahoo & yandex and google
Trouble everyday in my environment,opportunities &
Possibilities in world in quantity a lot to catch
Maybe Makaveli's portrayal and sight of high bridges to
Worldwide riches & inspiration of the Golden Gate Bridge in us nation
Or Brooklyn Bridge in a image of america's fashionable portrayals enriched with
Of the 19th Century of American Skyscrapers Build-Up and his eventually look alike of New York High Building Mentality in sight
So back to lyrics than literary acts, Makaveli told once he wanted to come back one day, and take back one day
What belongs to him, and what his possession seems to be,maybe the Westside in US ???
So life's sometimes messed up sometimes,my suggested opinion open free
Try to make the best of it, sense of smart sense strictly in forefront
Catch the opportunity, get inspired and try to hit the chance in life, best in sight
Just alike tonight A.P.P is world's top most public corporation
Just making it great in this nation
Celebrating & shaking my status on A.P.P
Making upcoming destiny from industry ways & future dubious & questioned
Stress a lot in life experienced, somebody try to take me down
Sounding somebody's knows really what happend in world
Such a shame on somebody
Truly shamefully this act he created, who is he ???
So i created a lot in life time
Just projects and crafted intelligent establishment in life
Also international in sight
My life is extradionary injustice, who is he ???
Schooled & Trained in different occassions & nations's priveleges also in different continents aspirations educated
Since times somebodys has come out with the truth ??? Who is that ???
So opportunities & possibilities can come close to everybody in world, trust me, in truth written
In every line i'm writing it's like music
Literature,lyrics and school books in light of lyrically sight of
So lyrics can affect some in world
My lyrics affect change in world, for a turn of human world
From rags to riches, i'm not a story of, i'm slamming line after line
My musically lyrically content is complete written by my own
Grammatically i have to learn a lot also complete A.P.P
Believe me, somebody in world is faking, who is he ???
Conspiracy Theories about some people maybe truth
About them, even this is a question till now ???
So my corporation is completely established on my own, with some copy of texts
Some just a lot is built on my own
This world industry is articulated in economically & world politics
Even my lyrics or lyrically gimmicks
So my Blogspot has different establishment of
Sectors,branches & principles from this line articulated
In common horse sense somebody is in world lost & guilty
Who is he ??? Maybe God and his lost world
So i stay in my preferences & establishment on A.P.P clearly business & world politics articulated
In common faith i write only truthfully occasions and does create
World inspiration with my industrial crafted world corporation
A.P.P is a sensation since centuries and scale of biggest
And most attractive publitcity worldwide, most public source
Off course sometimes i'm dependent on some might
Just alike, India a great populated country in world
So i was never married & had a girl, i'm solo since world's beginning
But i'm talented in different things, also i'm since long time lonley and live lone
But does write permanently & constantly content for my corporation
A.P.P is a industry for itself,millions of Logs on google
Boston, get the binocles, once context of literary acts incorporated
So newspapers & journalism is proliferating jsut a globalization in most every nation
So now to text, Fr.Steffens & Elke from our workmanship & environment
Theodor Fliedner Waldruhe TF.WR, Wald,Germany
They are great women, just truly good women in world
I appreciate those great comrades & individuals on planet earth
My facility me is living in is great, this facility is about people with different mentally problems
I'm very excited when people does remind & remember DMX from New York
Another great fallen brother in the 21st Century
Bruce Washington passed away, James Avery from Virgina passed away
Especially also chicano artist Adan Hernandez
Also truly Rest In Peace to Shock G & Minimi just
Verne Troyer or always reminiscing Hannelore Elstner
From Germany the actress, she was intellectual & truly talented in acting
Always wil miss her,honestly
So Anis from Berlin, never seen so great arists in this branche from whole country
Number great greetings from A.P.P & World
Establishment & fundamentally my graphically design is hugh welcomed & praised on google or bing
Great corporation & world industry
So my lyrically infrastructure is articulated in a written system of sense
Poetry and literature, that's my business establised nature
So my enthusiasm & altruism is a mission since A.P.P stated with lyricism in
Protokollierungen ( Protocols ) Graphically or Written
Since A.P.P started its lyricism
That what is involved and dependent on literally correspondence
Just everything's what is language & written on site, articulated
Just shaking worldwide status on google and A.P.P industry
Don't be afraid when A.P.P is circulating worlwide with deserving world status
So opportunities a lot in future for ( A.P.P ) the Industry
Elucidating always in my lyrically content truth bout my life
Quotating world's privileges & my poetry,literature and some phantasy
I write about a lyrically sound
Interpretation just a gigantically giga project from A.P.P, just he Lyrics/Composition Sector
Also next Giga Project on A.P.P the M & D Sector till 2030
Just in Planning from corporation
Third Giga Project on A.P.P is World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsprodukt )
Which is a project running till 2050 / 2060 in Update
So faith is in everybody's design glorified world presently
But encaged of human disgraced nation's created every day, by human space
Maybe one day Judgement Day or an Omen comes in world
This is dubious how the world even 2100 or 3000 AD will be, in human world's destiny
So i pick the lyrics accurately & intense, every lyrically expression is chosen
By getting blowed next line,in texts columns signs
So my lyrics represents the glory & world industry addressed
In a text just tasty like Becks or Kellogs Smacks just off the rack
So i'm nerved sometimes,just alike banging your head against the wall
Without stopping knocking your head on the rocking concrete, every day
Just to say somebody is very obtrusive, who is he ???
Eventually God, your account & bill is pretty tall
Opportunities & Possbilities in disguise somebody is in wise of a traitor alike
So now me is 34, turning next weeks 35
Just in sight, my life turned once in a way of injustice from psycho mights
So Joey Jordison never forgetting you on stage, with Corey
Joey & Paul never will be forgotten this century in life
Slipknot since decades on world tour,talented,flipped out
Heavy & rock n' roll, rocking the show for world to know, even in slow mo
Just E-Guitar & Percussion instrumental for Rock Strings for sure
In instinct just making Rock N' Roll livid alike 60's in rock stories
Happen on stage in Des Moines like professional musically great things around
Even Rock N Roll isn't what its was once in world, the classics in creation & performance once, also Nirvana
So people observed in world, some of them is really cowards & individuals of self-esteem missing
Some people listen only to weird things & weird attributes
Turning them to fearfully people listen like to a hopeless steeple
People in life listen always to world's different opinions
Lose their competency in own desire of winning self-esteem
And confidence in human's tolerance just missing their choosing life's chance
Rock N Roll is presently in world missing a lot, Slipknot,hey
Is calling themself future of Rock Music, Punks not Dead, even today Punks not dead
So music changed since decades, common faith and common horse sense is typically correct
I always prefer this great human sense, for my whole life
So wind of change is coming down the planet, once achieved next time
World salvation & world saving from A.P.P and Germany, world redemption to mention
Eternally life in world history in the Federal Republic of Germany, ground history pillar laid down
Or this eternally life around
So that to that, so my lyrics reflect world's society & world's status also actively situations,babayyy
So krazed all day, maybe,quoting relevance in quotes, definitely, lyrically hot
Worldwide located like the art of graffiti, also St.Augustin
So my interpretation of my lyrics, is paramountly education & celebration of life's occasions, believe me
Life's what you making it out, i mean, everybody
I said everybody has chances in life, what ever situation, what ever communication
Trust me, in this occasion, in everybody's nation just saying, ok
So i guess lyrically texts are my composition in a lyrically complex
To attack my deserve world respect, truly, my friend, or isn't it
So my mammoth lyrics complex on this sector is a giga project in lyrics & literature, poetry,music and some phantasy
My context in schooling people & is really promising Transcontinental to everybody in world
Also South Korea, Taiwan or North America
But one individual from this world knows the truth, who is he ???? who ??
So i write sense in mass, millions of google results in hugh amount of inspiration worldwide
This just alike, it's tight just
Rock Stories going on in Illinois, Chicago in pubs of this american state
Celebratory american faith & hard working men in the US in common sake
Of Countries opportunities & possibilities in this nations greatest faith in face of nations space in world
So likely i would count 500 € Bills
But really i'm not in currency dependence or yen or european euro affiliated or dollar addicted, eventually
I'm not interested in money or cars
So i'm truly natural and my own lord & person in life
Well, sometimes life's really messed up, hopefully i take life's principles into great blessing
Every day terrorising stressing, who is this ???
So,just a glossary just archive this lyrically content in this sector
This zession is to study,great archive written by my own hands
Once in life,childhood and youth without outer influences
Nowadays perforated 5000x times with bullet holes from strength of a shotgun, this no fun
Called blasphemy since 19 years, this in these times really truth
It ain't cool, i'm aint a fool,anyway have to deal this world's disgraced shame
Fame with HTTP:// and glorified fame me isn't about or in research innerly for hugh fame,
I wasn't established for this, A.P.P
But google made me so public on its address & millions of results was done
So i'm from the Federal Republic of Germany, that my native country and i know where i'm coming from, this some to tell
Living sometimes well, just sometimes in hell and sometimes in heaven, it's a pre-planned codex
From above just written how it is in this text
Perplexed always & dumbfounded in life
Always questioned,stressed, and breathing & breathing
Maybe this unique bastard is one day leaving
Believe me,street knowledge is weak, back to the business, i'm back to ( A.P.P ),back to this in my bliss & miss me
Hopefully, believe me some context in my life is reaching to end
A special friend my whole life was stretching my nerves to the end, who is he ???
Maybe Buddah, maybe Jah or God, who is he ???
So this information in mystery to clarify,testifying conflict reaching so far, so far like in heaven the skies
Bye Bye Bye, Rock N Roll is heavy, but not like in the sexy 60's or 70's internally to discuss, this is a must, so chevy
Creating mass on literature,music,lyrics & poetry with a little phantasy, believe me, some people should pay for their world sin
And blood-shed for 20 years till now, exactly since 2004 just 19 years,who is he ???
I'am how i'am, everyday and everyday
Promulgating news bout Rock N Roll and Blues from my innerside to discuss, Beatles is a acoustically must
Power,Studios & Treble just Bass in a full-fledged stretched professional studio
I could make hits & flipping bill board charts to fit
Just sounds which are on a layer, professional-pre acoustics say yaaah
On a great tune just sounding international & fashionable fascinating just able, like a studio laid down with a table
With tabulators and switches on a studio booth just listen to a great musician, in temperament great interaction on a pro section
So this life is sometimes hard, where you walk, sometimes you is hurt, words from A.P.P can dwindle this moment
Only hoping for better a moment for everybody is coming one day in your life, i promise just one day, the shadows
And the painfully journeys in your life are finished,all pain is one day diminished, its right
Just alike also my corporation is one day maybe 2030 a giga product & corporation just ( A.P.P ) hopefully
So my infrastructure from corporation is definitely equipped with multiple factors & principles and regions
So my lyrics represent literary acts, which are equipped with literary design of fine rhymes just music is written
Right, these lyrics are bout nowadays society, i'm always fighting me, directly
My lyrically content is for people like creativity,design,splendid literature, great written paragraphs of world
So A.P.P is in availability of different branches in profile,over 120-150 Regions are one ( A.P.P ),it's industry
It's World Politics, it's World Economy this Corporation, this Blog is all bout World Up to Date News
So my lyrics are all about my life, a sight in my bright standing life, just alike to might one day its World Eternity
We have to stay in God's Kingdom of World eternally, i make it happen, world eternity, my establishment in lifetime
Robert De Niro & Dev Patel, especially Susan Sarandon or John Cusack are great actors
I like also german anchors like Günter Jauch, i think he is one of the most intellectual
Also most intelligent folks from Germany, Günther Jauch
Is Deutschland's Kommentatoren & Media and Television History, this ain't a mystery, it's this a whiz on TV, believe me
So my contribution is not an illusion of world's delusioned interaction, in an intersection of a epoch of A.P.P serving as an Archive
My corporation is different to the next filiales in the world wide web, one day i'll be back,to smack the racks of business alike type in sight
So be a role model for young entrepreneurs & universities worldwide
( A.P.P ) the industry represents in light, all serving coming to reality in might
Just alike my repertoire just linguistic thesaurus is expanding & diversifying regularly enormously hugh
Started 2018 the Middle East Study in Life, knowledge by these folks, that's right, so tight
Lyrically Superior, paramountly, in zenith of lyrics & gimmicks, my words are like a societies reflection
Opportunities & Possibilities in the 8 Mile Detroit,Michigan are in Eminem's Quotation a lyrically influx of written scripts of a rich nation
Education & Celebration of A.P.P'S Transcommunication will be lifted in a face of raging lyrically sensation
I write truth,distinguishment & differentiation from the next, i write poetry in a calibre of a fine honed and crafted commodity like a 12 Gauge Shotty
My Body is enriched with body parts just of muscles strong & stark, i fall away and hope one day i be back baby
It's Krazy
Life's krazy, maybe one day, World Eternity, thanks to me, one day praised and blessed for commitment, World Eternity, my works and creation
2023 / Ways are sometimes great & Sometimes Diminishing And Broken By Destiny / I look forwardly and listen to me either / Written 11.06.2023 World.European.Continent.Germany Theodor.Fliedner.Stiftung.20:13 UTC GMT +2
So i'm open for everybody
Make me splendid on the Written Papers
Shaking lyrically Papers, all you fakers
Created a lot of great stuff & materials recent years
Cherry,Cherry Lady, krazy, drive me baby
Most silent these people, i'm genuine & peculiar honest
Truth is value to me,believe one day bad people pay for their sin
Somebody is always interrupting me in life,to hell with him
So i represent the Federal Republic of Germany with ( A.P.P )
Believe me Sports is grandeur for the youth,fine and cool
The nostalgic old-fashioned school era & times,just alike
Classic are my lyrics,life's education an school for the youth
Plastics blast as Blessing,international and fashionable
My lyrics are like pure gold just green cash & like mashing
The world is turning every 24 Hours,my life's lyrics are energy,that's power
Cricket is a great game,great names, in great sporty faith
Shaking lyrically words like a bull from the South, proud of being here in this nation
Facing different arts & lyrics everyday
Studying texts & protocols from the Rock N Roll Scene & Era
My gimmicks are like tricks like counting Mc Donalds Products of Chicks
From Rags to Riches, i'm not about
Sounding like ol'classics from Chicago Avenues Illinois around
Now, it's all about defining ( A.P.P ) is a world industry with different amenities, just pretty
P.Diddy just Puff Daddy & The Notorious B.I.G and the East are great
In common faith & sense,just all their Fans
Also the Westen Region & Circulating West is one of the great Raps in Business of the Black
So my life is ambivalent & bilateral & just double sided
Truth & friendship carries worth, yeah,yeah,yeah,word up
So America is circulating in the Western Civilization
Is a great national nation, with 50 states
It's a country with faith, in extradionary scale
Some People should pray & mourn in Rome for a occasion of suffering in world
After that follows world eternity & world peace, promising from me Andreas Penno
My existence is maybe important for some folks
My World Industry & Corporation has starkly & strong future
Like a nature which is strong in progress to be matured
I create mass of materials, just like greatness
Like Robert De Niro's great acting in History
Just a mystery of long epochs
Great Magnificient Lyrics Represented by ( A.P.P )
Believe me, me is a business established young entrepreneur
Now i have my own Industry, definitely,surely
So tears in somebody's face are Sad
They are disrespectfully of human joy & humankind's great sense, tears are relieving
Beating Times of the Past Fake,Faith from Future is more justified than the frozen past
I'll be the lastone's left, one day i'll be back
Orientation & stigma of a life's circle is morality
So i'm buckwild good,made it to a tough childhood, i create materials for mass in world
Some people quote me as silly & tedious, international boring
I say it's not true, but it hurts, ok you
So Pakistan & India are celebrating status quo status
Qatar & Bahrain are the same like Berlin & Hamburg
In differentiated fame as the same,it's faith in world
I gotta tell, A.P.P is a peace message for the whole world
My industry, me as an ambassador for all continents & countries in state
I create Ideas & Look Photos for Seniorinas & Latinas
My lyrically lingustically thesaurus is expansion & overarching
I believe me caught a bitter cold & dirty destiny in world
Hold a candle in Rome & World for an event
Which is historically world relevant & God knows
My attitude got me riding basically solo & alone
Alone At Home
Every day so alone at Home
So i'm solo & never was married or ever had a girlfriend
Creativity & Business Charisma i'm in touch of
Peninsulas are great, believing in faith, changes your way
Believing in Love & Peace,creates increasing the World Peace
So me Andreas created World Eternity with a Works on a Cross, just commitment
So young human being, be in trust of what you is doing, forget other things
Be in responsibility to your self,being true to everything you is believing and start dreaming
Believe me, everybody has chances, everybody in world, can do it,just strike the chance,now
How can i explain,the same with
Pure success in world with multi-millions results on google
Boston,get the Binocles, even now, Googles are interesting,it's Night-Sight Binocles
Operating Smart & Intelligent with my industry
Creating materials on corporation's niveau on top
So Makaveli and his Records maybe coming down the planet
Just Makaveli Records gonna realistically not happen
Tupac Amaru Shakur and his Record Label may come on this Planet, to damn it
So i'm all about latinas & latin
Just mapping the world on google maps in different scale & metric, let it happen
I'm not rapping on my lyrics, just the rhymes
Just context of my music & lyrics, these rhyming activity
So i'm smart & sly just intelligent and slick, she's a brick, house, another Princeton Tiger
Meant not me, but context of american universities on the East Coast
Just the mentality of definition on this mission
Blowing Wishes & Blowing Kisses, intermission
Just a liaison, just quick sending,messages missing, just no dissing
I'm not a wizard, just nizzle coming, i'm from a great country
No famine, no second coming, hopefully i'm chiseling my own perspectives in
Front of a Country's Name like James Bond or be in Affront to God to Count
So that was a Cypher & Phrases # Context before this line
Which was setted in a strong defining rhyme
So further principles, my corporation is getting more famous
More famous and more popular in world
Just glory,word up
So sometimes i'm worry by people in my presence
For everything i represent
I dod not tolerate wrong friends
Just Fisherman Friends early in the Morning with a Chemise & This Bliss
So in my personal study of a visitation of a own designed
Receiving college & university or academy i studied principles
Like Client Adoption Process, Gig Economy, American History
French Language,White Collar Crime,Blue Collar Mentality
Proverbs,Examples, Red Sea, New York,Brooklyn
Seoul,SNAUC, Fast Tempo Keybord Typing
Striking Nations Values & New York's Streets Mentality
Striking the Principles in Study of Liking the Art of Justice
And i studied in 9 Years A.P.P and 14 Years
Theodor Fliedner.Wiehl.Waldruhe.NRW.Germany.Europe.World.Establishment
I was in research of different Journalism
International Resources of Middle East
I studied World History, Foreign Affairs, English Language for 14 Years in Connectivity
Geography & Geopolitics,Graphic Design
Just alike tonight and a lot of different more related in double-digits chiffre of Names & Meaning
Names like Scorpions from Germany, did you ever heard of them, or Pink
Eventually from the East Coast New York.USA.World. The Notorious B.I.G
Number Luv to the russian community here in the Federal Republic of Germany just the youth
I'm saying " Rusak " Russen unter sich sind anders als Kartoffeln, Message to this folks
So the Federal Republic of Germany is valued economically strong in world
So my nation is developed & counterproductive eventually
Foreign politically in defence creative & confiscated
Fading Daily Moments, oftenly
Soft inside strong & mostly actively in life this time
The World is turning every day 24 Hours over the Axis
Just showers regularly, and standing intelligent in front the law & state in country
I create materials intellectual & content smart
I fall sometimes away,and i twinkle sometimes daily, baby
It's next time world status,krazy
My Traits in Life are Characteristics which are mysteries in mystics,gimmicks for the public
Smart as an artist me as EXPO ( Dubai ) Circuits & Schemas as Masterplans just Sketches
Like a showmanship, just slick
Smiles Mick a great alias, different i used on boards
So my materials from this Lyrics ( Sector & Zession ) are millions productive on google
I establish so much greatness & virtues for the world
Through this sector from 28 Sectors on the Black In-Box Layout
So much whispering words of wisdom & tutoring lessons,Embodiment of Poetry & Literature
Mixed with Lyrics for Music
My Corporation A.P.P has principles for a whole world to exemplify
You know one day i die, you know one day,it's world eternity achieved
This Industry A.P.P represents 120 Regions,15 Principles & 15 Sectors
( Different Sectors than the 28 in Black In-Box Layout )
That's sounds like great Corporate Management from me Andreas Penno
So music is beautifully & strongly appreciated since centuries in world
Couples in World are also welcomed on A.P.P As Well as Children wants to be in an Exciting Journey
My Corporation is maybe from Germany / DE in World but has strong articulation & values in this Nation
Celebrating strong representation also with the ( EXE Formatierungen )
Diashows ACT'S / AKT's on ( A.P.P )
So to be now lyrically without writing schemas & articulation of Content of A.P.P., be ready
So Kingston is a great metropolitan city,jamaican dream
So believe from Kingston to New York, and feel me
Believe me, Rastafaris Ambitions & Reggae is strictly
Like a mission with a Baggy,Kingston & the East Coast of New York
Is coming forth with great beautifully black civilization
With Black Afro Nation just North America
So the Skin Black is tolerated on ( A.P.P )
With gesture,belief,message & Musically Paramountly Ideal & New York
Corporate Created Literature Lyrics ( Studio) ( A.P. P )
Lyrics / Composition & Ideals Performed Alike / Production / Lyrics Kicking Basically In Intepretation of Dope / Western Civilization / World / Europe / Germany / 25.07.2023 UTC GMT +2 16:59 / 18.08.2023 Release 22:11 Late
So i kick one verse after the next,back to text music in aspects, check the Texts
One day be the last one's left, if you do the math
You get arranged on Chiffre to smack
Attack the Texts, with strong songs just strong words and things you never heard
Word up, so i'm not from rags to riches
Turn on the Studio Tab Switches, to worldwide riches
My Image is great in World
But i compose lines which are tasty like Blendale Scotch Ballantines
My Composition & Office Standing Production of Lyrics with Rhymes
Standing in Form of a Norm just
You know where i coming from, every line
Every song is written like i'm great in Form
Texting cooperative & standing established in front of my Norm
I'm intellectual and Great
Metaphors are sometimes unique, painting pictures with words are halleluja
Welcomed in somebodys artists past
Somebody say the blacker the skin, so deeper the roots
I say the darker the skin, so stronger the mentality, my truth
I clearly exemplify the society with my Lyrics & Protokollierungen on ( A.P.P )
So believe me one day, everybody's dreams come tru
Look at Miami, Florida or Berlin, Germany, great places
I shake the woman not really, i'm solo, my whole life
But does look good and attractive on my Photographically sights
Just so tight, just a like, wonder dreams, just in sight
Lost a lot of friends in life, lost my school graduation
But relate nowadays 19 Years after school with 35 years old to my
Own complex vocational & professions life
Like Brothers from Germany, they are otherwise than people from US or Africa
My tendency is it justified to control people
There are also holy places like a steeple in life, right
Struggle for your life, everybody in this world
Stand up for your rights
So Movies like Ronin and the Train Terminals are promising for International Interaction
In a session of France,Paris in a section
Creating different principles & regions just sectors for everybody coming to my corporation
You can find them on the Impressum
Cause this Corporation & Industry is assessed great in shaking Enormous Records on ( google )
Just on the Graphically Machine to check it
Best respect it, Interaction to portray International fashionable Mode versatile is estranged & foreign
Just fashion is not always the same
My Fame can maybe come one day, hey baby, daijja
I never want to be high or intoxicated,shaking definitions on my lingual thesaurus on ( A.P.P )
My sorrows & worrys are also in world, by Famine & Disorders in World
They will one day stop and Peace will come in the World, Peace for everybody
Crushing the Lyrics against The System, cause i'm a Business-Man
I'm orientated momentarilly not on Currency but on Publishing Intermission of Public
I never was violent or starkly estranged by social fame
I create language on A.P.P, Records are in Expectations
Celebrating my articulation, my nation is a nation of different to understand
It's a great facing nation in my European Continent
Names like Bigelow on the Streets of New York, Manhattan
Brooklyn count on the Streets, or social activity like Soaps & Shops on the Streets
Peace can affect some, you know this is the truth to tell some
New York has a contemporary state of a great World Metropolis in the US Country
The Major is just no Faker he is faith for every black sister & brother nowadays in New York
Also the Recession is stressing the US Land in this times
Puzzling sometimes Life like Che Guevara and his notorious Bearth & Goatee is only peculiar in his expression
Just awaken interest in my session,lyrically
New York, just the Signs of the Five Boroughs has great History
Also Firefighters & Women with long Plateau Shoes,Dancing Queens
And embellished fashion in the 60,70's,80'S in New York
Heavently sometimes i smoked cigaretts which were chevy and heavy
Lady Daisy Buu, it's cool talk about you, you great,no fake, it's natural faith
So was late sometimes on dates of calendar
Once i worked in Dortmund in a " Zeche Germania "
As a Bürokaufmann in a Praktikum ( Internship )
Every Morning i woke up was heavently for 4 Weeks
Just drive with the Tram to my Job from my Dormitory in the City.
So i'm a totally extrovert person
Immersed in the flickering fire & devil dímensions of God
I experience blood-thirsty evil lurks & Demons
Like a Volcano Lava Fire fixed on you like Fire for 20 Years, truly
From Blapsphemy running down my body in the ( 7 Day Theory )
So i establish multiple verses & phrases of musically attention & presence
For everything i represent, meant every word & my letter to the president
Corporation's Profile emiting strong on business-mentality from
Geographically Front Upper State of View & regulated
Believe me,some people are nowadays insane in their brain
Who is only meant ??? who is he ???
I create lyrically momentum of strings just panels on the keyboard and Piano
Just inspiration for the world, like a orchestra in rhythm
Maybe my Corporation & Industry put on excel & creates Literacy & Education
Also through my lyrics, just a gimmick
Eventually for a better feeling in life & daily social better committment in life
Also entertainment in a sight from ( A.P.P )
Themes,Fields & Subjects like Chinese Restaurants in New York and the Noodles & Rice with Sticks
Chicks & Tricks and a Mix or Names like Bricks
Establishment & Foundation of ( A.P.P ) was 2014 till now 2023 AD ( Anno Domini )
And turned out truly successfully and great, be in faith and common sake
So definitions on my behalf of are represent, constructive, graphically palettes relevant, structured
Ambitious, corporate-profile claiming,productive & futuristic just promising
Creativity is a goodwill anchored in ( A.P.P ), i formulate an reformation of different scale in world
Modernity & Nations's Will is established on Nation's Need on my Industry
So i celebrate maybe one day presence on the streets of Oakland or New York
Contingently Berlin or Cologne
Will be maybe one day my home, say my lyrically composition is a mission of
Destiny & liaison and everybodys' blowing wishes in life
Satisfied i'm sometimes strongly, sometimes i'm totally angry & mad at some people
Listen gladly and liking listen to Glöckner Steeple in Town
( A.P.P ) is a Corporate Profile of own-establishment & fundamentally own creation in my nation
Goodwill & Strong Striving to achieving Goals in Life is important,heavy
My Verses are in redirect of intelligence & a represent, so my friend,step back
Off the Rack, one day i'll be back for some people, weeping for 20 Years , i don't
One day i'm coming home to my neighborhood of youth, like Sheru from Lion
So i shine in some aspects, definitely check my lines, bout some people in my life
Armagedon or Troja or Gladiator or 300, great revolutionary anthems & sounds are Great
Actors like Samuel L. Jackson are pretty suited for Hollywood or Jackie Chan in Hong Kong Film Production
I create Lines and Appropriated Fine Establishment of Literary Acts
So my Corporation owns 1/8 Literary Correspondence of the whole Humankind & World in the World Wide Web
Shit, but this is only Estimated, a Peculiar Strong Rough Chiffre of this Approximately Estimation
So my Country is strong equipped with theatric activity in my nation
Estranged guest in my room, i will soon ignore his crucifixion of my body & mind
Do you really want to kno who this guest is, it's God....... our Friend,no joke, this truth
So especially in lyrics you can achieve peace in your heart, of listen to your heart and awaken dreams in you
When i write lyrics, i get relieved from all the stress in daily atmosphere
So i'm feeling freed from all the discrepencies in life
8 Mile for life, Eminem writes truly professional
His Career belong to a 30 years long Musically Career of strict
Success and a lot of Copies & Vinyl Records sold in his life
I guess Eminem will be for his performance remembered for long centuries as a rhyming King for life
Behind The Notorious B.I.G, in a sight tonight
So believe me I'm not afraid of somebody in life
Only bitter receiving signals,who is he ??? God,want to know what he is doing ???
Maybe one time you will achieve my answer for it or now
Blood-Shed for 20 Years, like this Crap and Crown of Thorns does flesh you through
This Lava & Magma just Fire does flesh you through every Pore of your Skin
So Makaveli lives on.....7 Day Theory in New York
So Rock N Roll is, really to know a lot of savage & ravage in this world of lavish sins of God
Rock & Punk is maybe Gone in this Time, but really Rock the Punk off
So i'm multiple-music genre established
So i write in honesty & sincerity and truth innermost to tha fullace, spitting rhymes and bulletz
I create a lot of peace & faith in world, my Corporation ( A.P.P )
Just in peculiar assessed of different music genres i'm blessed in my own direction
Just my direction & session and section
Since i wrote this Lyrics / Composition Texts Directory just Sector
I officially represented and made public 3 / 5
Of my complete language skills in redirect of my prowess
Components and lingual establishment of my own
Obviously i'm internally blessed by some one, you know where i'm coming from
Metropolitan Scale Areas like New York, feel me and deal me
So Rap & Hip-Hop are magnificient genres just the graffiti on the walls
Eventually The Notorious B.I.G in NYC, believe me he was great
Opportunities & Possibilities are strong in my life,eventually Reincarnation
In the US or German Nation, The Resurrection, The Rebirth
Corporate Design from my Corporation is maybe my Designer Branche i'm affiliated of
Just which is in Designer Profile, hugh industrial style
This is My Life My Life My Life, a sight of the eternity
Ever heard about World Eternity & World Peace, I created it
Caribbean Islands & The Red Sea is nice to see, believe me
World Eternity, in the 21.Century in World History, Makaveli
So America & Norh America is Transcontinental to my Continent
There are more Artists, but U.K is also available in Artists
So now just literature lyrically stuff enough
Let's write musically context
I like also to text musically in great form like
Disco Fox & Lights enormously to write alike in sight dope around tonight
My frontal head on photography is definitely great to see
Famous pictures & images from me Andreas Penno
In the World Wide Web to see, reaching in destiny
Some sparking insanity, maybe over to believe in a dream to be
Recording Songs Once in Office from Friend Jan Kupisch 2004, recorded
It was just the Result, Mega Krazed Good Music
Jan created the Beats
Also was somebody which wrote lyrics since early on
Creating a lot of materials & feeling it, chill out, everybody is about Egoism & self-addicted ways
I'm about naturalism & politics and a better world & future just peace & realism, internationalism
Missing my mother in the kitchen, her foods
It's all about you, truth in life is like alike sometimes it hurts
I create a better planet,with my presence, this world awaits a World Eternity & World History
So Palm Beach,Venice Beach, the Walk of Fame
Miami Florida is attractive to be, so believe me
The World & Humankind awaits a new Bible Revelation
Just Makaveli, by his Alias, i tell you
Women are attractive & beautifully in a stance of also great Characters some Women do have
Transcontinental from (EU ) or( DE )
So my heart is sometimes hurt, all the dirt make my heart hurt
Words can destroy a lot in this Country of Theatric Celebration ,just check it
So my Literature & Lyrics on ( A.P.P ) is definitely also Lyrically Art
Simpsons or Alwin & The Chipmunks or Balu are great Cartoons
Gargoyles & Tzubasa or Kickers and Aladdin are promising
Just once Jesus said Children are for the Kingdom & Empire of God adjusted & affiliated
Namely also from now till centuries
This Phrase about Jesus & God will be granted to be in world eternally, Kidz are great
Jesus say he loves me, my experience with him was sometimes he huggs me
Sometimes he cuffs me innerly, believe me, strictly
Israel is a holy place, also Sinai the Hills
Like Skills or Beverly Hills or Hollywood
Look i'm lyrically shook & good like a old Tremp Crook
From the Streets of (Philadelphia ) Now Look
They say Jesus is a Humankind Human Savior
Maybe he is it really or not, don't know truth to tell
So i created ( A.P.P ), God Willing
I created the most hugh public standing Corporation & Blog in World History
My creation is a world celebration, my Nation
Is a Country of Theatric Interaction, my reaction to the 7 Day
I was shocked and nailed just human sense failed & mayhem from God was coming
And humanity & the humankind failed
For a time of 19 years till now, crucifixion, resurrection,next
To text, like a Rex, more like Kellogs Smacks, Creating Tracks
Just one day i'll be back, this is my musically Act
What ever comes, comes, this to that, Names exist like Jean Puffy Combs
When Dark Man X alias DMX passed away, i could not believe how this came
I was shocked, he was a great & good brother
So also Shock-G passed away, was estranged also
Just in a Sense truly surprised in this world, my reaction, what somebody heard
This God damn Dirt, so much Brothers & Sisters passing away in this World
Also Bruce Washington from the Outlaws
Also to remember Adan Hernandez from San Antonio, Texas, my Texts
Just Sense & Breakthrough represents Artists from North America
Also Artists worldwide i'm just representing in this happen
Scrapping i do sometimes,from my Times in this World
I never was married or had a Girl, truly to say, alright
Just alike,afrightened i'm sometimes of this Society of Ignorance
Crooked Ways of Interaction of this Messing just everyday it's stressing
Blessing is maybe coming,maybe,eventually when the ( Crucifixion )in old Traditions is at end
My friend, it was a long story, i'm worried, to me as a young man
God Bless the Children of Tomorrow & the whole Humankind
It's like West Side tonight..Alright
My Voice, for my homeboyz in world, with attitude just a choice
Like strictly like a Rolls Royce, i guess somebody is hiding his voice
Establishment & Groundbreaking from my Noise in World is Crucial for my Corporation once Created
This 21st Century about my Influence in World to tell from my Industy in faith of
Multi-Million Results on google are presently,Heavently Father, your Presence in my Life is not welcomed for nowadays human exchange, in my way
Not regularly in World History to say, one day, you will pay for your ways, these days we will bounce back from strictly our Race
In World to say,babaay, Makaveli Records,hey,hey,maybe
So this Industry portrayed above is Lyrics Affiliation of Fantasy,my Life & Poetry just Lyrically Continent
Trains & Subways i admire, my desire & ambitions are on fire , some people are liars
Might one day i have Peace in Circulating Creation in my Heart
Women are also precious,international fashionable,blasting rhymes for a Context, so i write my texts
Perplexed i'm sometimes,just a composition of mine,is a mission of life
Hollywood & East Orange just New York are Gang States
Personally i have no faith in this subjects name, but it's about Makaveli
Corporate Profile in my Desire, great around, maybe one day i sign a contract & indenture from a record labeling industry
My Layout from ( A.P.P ) is professional & shown on google international,just this session about now 30 Sectors to check
Taste of a Face like Lolita is Great and ok, but i say " No Woman No Cry " like these Artists from Jamaica Kingston
So jailhouses exist, this business is no bliss just are blister exists, County & State Jails are not really well
So i create a strong lyrically industry from A.P.P on google,especially the definitions,just the intermission
Wishing everybody Black Brother & Sister from South Africa to New York, only the great
My Life is about ( A.P.P ) just to pursue my dream with
Talent is established on ( A.P.P ) Now 2023 A.P.P turns 9 Years Corporate History in World
So Abraham Lincoln said once & talked about in his Conclusions " The Founding Fathers " in this Context
Creating & shaking Vocabularly, texting great faith for everybody on this planet,god damn it
Corporation's Ideals & Sketches already created, people die in this world, people are starving in World
We need to change this and make a onset on this conflict just to kick these verses for everybody just heard
So wishing everyybody on this planet only the great & best life in world, everbody is saved now, how
Me Andreas Penno created a better planet,crucified for years,World Eternity, just wow, say it loud
What happen to Eminem and his famous battles, meddling inside of nobodys life in world,what happen
Rapping i don't ,i rapped 2-3 Years in Youth with my friend Jan Kupisch, we recorded great Acoustics
Take a Look at the evening news, young brothers getting caught by the boyz in blue, just cool line
When I Get Free.Great Song established once in US Studios from 2pac alias Makaveli
Biggie Smallz but your Hands up,what up,God Bless Christopher just Christian, bliss at him and New York & Brooklyn
And all the Metropolitan Area Scale Notorious Site from New York, just the Growth from the City & the Mayor
Opportunities & Possibilities from my Life, mine Andreas, are hugh and futuristic, without verge & borders & hugh
So i write lyrics for my Life & ( A.P.P ), so see, strictly, to be
Television is boring to be, also i like Anime once in Life, smart i react on wrong influences from outerwards
So music connects people, my cherry cherry lady, krazy, krazed in bad faith, from above
Airplanes fly above the Sky,Airlines are worldwide known, full-blown, shown, maybe i will be one day worldwide known
So Robotics replace Human beings, also futuristic maybe i will be known in world
My Corporation A.P.P does represent this example via ( Google Graphically Machine ) in totally credibility
All my Young Youth, be true & always in Truth, it's all about you
So the world turns every 24 Hours, the world changes for some human beings in life
So somebody has a Historically Act in World History in my life, who is he, crucified for 20 Years, crucifixion
This life's experience was a world's failure from God, he should commit himself in front of the world for his shame
I tell this to everybody in this world, details for this visual crucifixion are to insane to mention
Anyway he will pay for this Act of Humiliation & Human Mayhem which is not to believe in World, this God....Makaveli
So God is a shame in his own name, my lyrically intervention for this world's failure in his name, blasphemy
But i gotta say, maybe he wanted to create a better planet from my blood, God wanted maybe a World Salvation & Saved Planet in World Historically Moments
So i forgive him, somebody could understand that & tolerate / So next time in World History, Weltewigkeit ( World Eternity ) Amen & Resurrection
My Question in this section & session, Resurrection in America or Germany, Amen, hear me, dearly, don't fear me, Hail Mary
Berlin just Alias Merlin, Like the Lyrics i represent from a generic Version like Eric Sermon
New York Old School from the Ice Cream of New York's Streets in the 70' & 80's from the East Coast
American Traditions led in Great Ways, always strictly days, nowadays from a time of a generation
Just facing ways of a nation like Intellectuello Cases Time
Do you lye me not,i'm in Truth Flow of 20 Years since 2004 in Life, i'm very honest & truthfully not lying in life, that's one of my sights
Just a like, my rights in life very early contentious shaken in blocking ways just strictly blocking days everyday
Some people i know are truly anti-socially, some are gratefully & thankfully to be on Earth
Adan Hernandez, a Chicano Artist which past away last time,he was one of the most tolerated grandeur artists in History of the United States of America in World
I represent him in some Sectors of ( A.P.P ) So my Corporation is on Climax & Apogee in time of life,God Bless New York & Tokyo
So A.P.P is always representing different Societies & Corporations And Countries also Artists & Resourcing and Sources
All these Perils since 2 Decades In Battle & Win just Victory 2023 / Literary & Politically Act / World.European Continent.Germany.Theodor Fliedner Stiftung. First 22.11.2023 AD / 03:47 UTC GMT +1 -
Last Written 07.03.2024 UTC +1 18:42 / Release 04.07.2024 21:34
So my Life is a Quarrel, an enigma, this life is lived once
My chance to battle all these devils & demons
Streaming lyrically lines exposed on the Flow
So everything's so cold to show how things are sometimes bittercold symphonies
Please pay attention on these hypocrits & liars just absurdous people
My life is enlightend with lights & a sight of fulfilled life
Music is a composition of a mission
My wishes to be diligently with ( A.P.P ),believe me
So see now i know the answer just dreams come true
Still starring at the world through my rearview
Multiple opportunities & possibilities in my life so far
Just how a star which in lux
My life is emcompassed with different regions & sectors, now check it
Brothers Getting Shot, Coming Back,Resurrected
It's that war shit, just respect it
I guess my life is lights in sight alive
One day might it's be alike
So my life represents also the black generation in human life
In Redirect to opportunities & possibilities
My ways can change
Possibly my life is turned down of difference of opinions
God Bless the Children of Tomrrow and the black youth
So in truth women are beautifully
Extraordinary and real
Believe me start to believe than you can achieve in life more in deed
The R.M.S Titanic sunk & wrote History
Should arrive on the Coastline of New York
So also i write a sight of tomorrows design & destiny alike
Is it my right to say what is right or not
Opportunities in life exist in everybodys life
So i pray for a better way all day,say my name 5 times like Andy Man
Bounce back like a Evil Hand, start to bang
Devils mind, initiated to shake lyrically lines in mass turbulent
Never was gang affiliated or criminal addicted
Influx of Great Lines stipulated on my own for ( A.P.P ) my Blogspot
So it's really a Blogspot no real Corporation
My Industry my Blogspot
Carrying everyday by morality & society principles in life time
About a sight of evil & dirty ways
Trying to attack people everyday in world & humanity
Operating my lyrically temperament in strong values
Teachings & lessons from world achieved in lifetime
Innermetropolitan Areas like New York or Boston namely Cologne or London
Especially New York has strong Strength & Values
Metropoles like New York are presently even nowadays in Hip-Hop & Rap
I tend more to Grunge & Rock N Roll,roll me the niveau
Show me some Strings like Kurt Cobain'S Grunge
In effect to listen Grunge Rock N Roll heavy
I dedicate this lyrically Ensemble & Articulation from the Lyrics Sector also
To New York & Christopher George Latore Wallace & ( Makaveli )
So his alias,maybe crucified temptations & resurrection intentions of Makaveli by his alias
So Rest In Peace Shock Jakob G & DMX from New York
What up, efficiently rhymes for a great musically tunes of greatness
Believe me the good is stronger than the bad
Back to attack, off the rack, to smack lyrics
Just a gimmick,tricks to perforate in life just a sight of disco-flash light
Attacking Verses & Words in Dosis like Mosis, my revelation maybe once in world
So i'm solo,very foreign in womens world
So females are not interested in front of my life's sides & ideals
So Object & Subject Change,irdeto4free once a great board
For DVB-T Sat Technologically Systems,accurately
Creativity is in inquiry by the most
Show me some intuition from a liaison of a mission just wishing from everybody in desire
Just blowing kisses and intermission in wishing great desire from everybody
Once achieved in world eternity from ( A.P.P ) me Andreas created in World History
Believe me Big Names from streets will achieve peace by war,streets how far
Streets in ways of mentality in turn of insanity, god bless the Streets just mentality
I create lyrics in dosis and lyrics holy like Mosis
Like coffee just Espresso & cigarettes consumption
So sweet, like freaking off everyday in desire
Of passion to business to business articulation how ever
International operating with ( A.P.P ) on google
Millions of results in the world, speculating just billions
But maybe unrealistically
How far will it reach the 7 Day Theory, maybe, baby
Hopefully not krazed, in faith, baby,maybe
But maybe he has something to unveil & reveal
So my pinnacle of climax just creating great lines
About my corporation & industry globally named ( A.P.P ) The Source
Great enthusiasm & creativity bringing down the paper with my Keyboard & Tabulators of my System in Creation
Arrangement & sophisticated words quoted in my context in hugh charisma of musically
Production & lyrically articulation
In a spelling of great voice in this vibration
So Jamaican Dreams & seems to rock the era of jamaican means
In a way of deeds just jamaican beats
Dropping Lyrics just Content of Lyrically Paramountly Lines
Which are truly Lyrically in Statement
No faking just say in faith just shaking lyrically lines
In favour of a great world, in sake of common faith
Protection of Society is required in every belonging
Deep understanding & profoundly operating state
Best believe me Love in Dosis for the world is in the air,like Makaveli said
Cause we need all love in dosis
From Stil I Rise ( Platinum Sold )
Just posthymus also his alias ( Makaveli )
So my lyrically Bandwidth broad spectrum of lines created
In line just like Ballantines just aligned alike about just alright
Frightened just about a lot in life
My corporation is lyrically nowadays about strong values & hugh beginner's era
Of publicity & public on research compiler models & structure million times about
Opportunities & Possibilities on ( A.P.P ) ( The Source )
Creation of a brachial world and different scale in world in faith about
Creational just bearing Creation of different materials in hugh pensum & scale
Establishment in favour of human interest & business type alike just also Arts in Sight
Creativity is asked in hugh mass, love is required in mass by most people, i see
Believe me, world eternity,i promise
World Heaven & World Redemption just World Eternity next coming to the world
Black Shine & Ghosts illuminating on faces of some
In front of my opportunities & possibilities in life through ( A.P.P ) The Resource
Hugh Opportunities in life through A.P.P, praising my corporation
Just God bless & the black nation
Believe me world is that was you making out of it
Just life is what you making it out
The reflection in the mirror is the reflection of the soul, looking directly in the soul
When looking into the reflection
So an intersection of New York's Streets from the establishment & foundation of New York, what up
So black people are blessed by God
They are messed even nowadays with the white class of generation, just hugh vibrations
Names from streets of america, carrying artistically worth
Brachial intervention in world from God is in inquiry
Opportunities & Possibilities are coming from hard works
Also ships in world are beautifully, ocean wide
I prefer lyrically content in wording & interpretation
God bless the jamaican & black american nation, high celebrating
God Bless Corey Taylor & his group,just bands mentality
Next & to next member of Slipknot
Mentality is strong from Slipknot's Friends Unity
Just Sid or Mick and Corey
Shit, Chris is coming from Des Moines Iowa America
And Shawn is worry ya'll
Any way i write my lyrics in a constitution
Just for about 9 years on A.P.P The Resource, off course
No remorse of living space in a human race of personally faces of dark places
Cases in my life, when i repeat myself
Through lyrically passages, the crucifixion, Makaveli
So his alias, like a valley of rally of different mysteries going on in world
So i'm solo, never was committed to a wife or girlfriend
I'm solo worldwide & solo for you, to know baby
So krazy also Rock N Roll shakes today's news
A.P.P shakes google, like Rubel of Yen
Also Dollarization, in US like a nation of repression & international peeks
Just streets of peeps,more keep it up
What up White Socks are promulgated in my Closet & Cupboard
Like a rapport of just drop it
I create lyricism in amounts,shaking world about lyrically sounds
Gangsterism is counting on figures
From New Jersey or State Penitentiaries of Illinois
St.Louis,Cincinnati, Ohio,Oregon,eventually California, in a way Fresno,Beverly Hills,Kansas
Long Beach,Just streets & Jail Chambers of Nationwide Different Code Numbers
Registrated next time on Social Eloquent Commitment
Society Interaction in Session of Multifold Freedom & and a Section of America's Blessing
Jail Houses of Brooklyn,East Orange, Atlanta,Georgia,Compton,South Central
Harlem,Bronx,a Chance to regulate these places
In a governmental race of placing these Inmates to Daily Education Regime
Literacy,Mathematics,Ambitious Cultural Identity, Open Mind Mentality
Blue Collar & Economically Growth in Dollar
Nation's Growth, Country's Inmates Hope in Structured Regulations Certified
Convicts Futuristic US Hymn & Concessioned US Presence & Interaction of Nation's Education's Essence
Counciousness of Irregulations to socialise in focusing on Daily American Structure
The Race of American Historically Sights of dealing with allrounding ways of democratically posture
God Bless America & US and New York, America will turn the tide
Just alike this century for a great nation of repressed, colored, disqualified & the rest
So best to write my constitution of A.P.P is glory & concessioned literary hope for the future of US & World and Germany
Also Asia-Pacific is a spot of just Smiles Mick and Ocean's Australian Fiji or Tuvalu geographically situations just also like google just a Click
So The Notorious B.I.G Christopher is glorified with notorious personality alike,just New York Sights
Biggie is wicked just educated & sophisticated
Celebrated,shaking rhymes from New York Brooklyn Bed Stuy, he is all about real NYC not faking
But to remember he was an arch-enemy of Makaveli so his alias
Felons & Convicts Nationwide should be able to to get socialised & developed in like
An American Metamorphosis of productive green nation's citizen in a country of USA
This population of thousands of human civilization in degredation should be raised in faith of growth
This Nation Transcontinental to mine
Is in false judging just also the court legislation cases in this nation
Also in Wyoming, North Carolina,Texas,Denver,Dallas,Miami,Florida on the Coastline on the Riviera on the West
These Minorities and should get reformed in a norm of humanitarian form
Of great human conditions & opportunities in United States of America Civilized Identity
Just close to a Nation's Revolution like John F .Kennedy
Just US and Politics just the Parliament White House should react on Uplifting Education in this Great Nation
Strong Equality,Races Tolerating Act & Truthfully Great Acts of Cases & a Nation's Strong Reformation
So the USA is in strong request of God's blessing, international interaction
A section & session of culture,literacy,school's interest and educational & facing great opportunities
Possibilities in equal worth & and no levity just criminal interruped Tolerance
And no belonging hypocrisy, the US needs Universities of Equal Worth
Nation's Black & Hispanic Minorities just Abraham Lincoln is coming back
Off Course i'm sometimes musically,lyrically,poetry, literature or my own life's aspects
Off the Rack just to attack fine regulations in nation's weaknesses
Deepness of my life should be interpretated of sometimes worries sometimes i'm not sorry, hurry up
My friend what every reason, don't worry be happy,trust me, New York the Metropolitan Scale is great
Shaking my Keyboard & Tabulators like a Entei or Suicune or Raikou in rushing
Halleluja, halleluja,touching the whole world with my context of world relevance in this world
Loving hugh nice women & pretty women
God Bless Women In scale of equality from every family in world
God Bless Women with Equality
And gangsters around this world,being real men,please
So the Cologne Cathedral is great, in in sake of world's UNESCO faith in german scale in world
So the world is definitely a spot of different research of hugh amounts of musically acts
Just principles of living, just Blessing from God which is sometimes a mystery
Taking consequences from hugh scale upper mights everyday,maybe one day God is telling the truth
Makaveli 7 Day Theory,look at the reference in this complete Sector of Lyrics the Sector,to see who he is
Opportunities & Possibilities in World are equipped in Life under different circumstances & conditions
An Intermission to take say somebody is not coming out with the truth, is world conspiracy about God, ???
Do you wanna hear some ???
So sometimes this is a question ??? Who this is ??? World Conspiracy about him ???
Crucifixion to Myself from God,listen quite
Could also lead to World Eternity & World Blessing in the Aftermath & World History
So also this to the Things somebody could understand ??? Mystery
Anyway, i create literature & musically lyrics in amounts,just how it sounds, just Daidaidia
Cleverness & intelligence i'm about,sounding loud,pretty in shape, in a way of faith
Rising Stars of nowadays society does flicker in a wise of fallen Stars tonight, is it a sight ??
Sometimes hugh amount of opulent starshine is in time of these days fallin apart in an epoch behind
Lyrically Constitution is no illusion or delusion in a way of confusion,it's pure declaration
And appropriated clarity & definitely clear order just lyrically wisdom & reality of the world
So my life was lived in oppression & repression, this section & lyrically intersection of a session just blessing
International interaction,i applaud different figures of world, famous i never want to be, in this way clearly
Straight from the bottom of my heart addressing Humanity so far till peace is overswarming & filling the world
World History is next time written,literally meant, world peace just ( Makaveli ) reaching this world to the innermost essence
Lessons giving from ( A.P.P ) through different sectors & sections,stressing sometimes in life
God Bless black people,just like a steeple & a Glöckner
Opportunities & Possibilities in World for everybody in life promised just everybody has chances to learn life's ethnicity & morality
Just education, in a nation full of celebrating theatric vibration
Facing everyday difficulties and pain
But this is the same subject matter of my name sometimes things facts perplexed
Texts like these should say that my name is faced with greatness in world
My name is currently great in world through ( A.P.P ) The Source
300 Viewers & People coming to my Blogspot just always calling Corporation or Industry
Planned 1 Million Annually when 2030 appears
So the ghetto could maybe mean depression & hopelesness, but a shimmer
Glamour of hope is in the air for every citizen in the ghetto
Just the hope could reach the ghetto & slamming through whole US
Just Ambitions could take the Ghetto just Education in US and Literacy
For the Resocialization in all 50 States
Faith and recommunication for every Ghetto Citizen in ( US ) Nation
So now now to mention my lyrically ways in a session just Brothers getting Shot, Coming Back Resurrected
Resurrected in a Life missing in World in this Interaction
Creativity is promised on ( A.P.P ) also Industry, Competences
World Politics, Opportunities,Reference Book & Graphically Circumstances
So bounce back to society will & make a declaration of your own party & design of life, get into Education
Literacy is important for every citizen in World
So i create faith for the world
Me is solo no woman or wife in World
Anyway Women are beautifully & pretty like a avalanche so impacting on me, believe me
They are exciting, just what i'm liking on a beautifully face of a woman's faith just grace alike
A beautifully woman with pretty legs & a great mimics in face is a world complete answered alike in world
So this to womens ideals from me Andreas just a beautifully Woman in World
Studio Reflections never been, eventually i never want to be in fully established studio
School you, for sure,definitely i'm open for ruling education in our nation of theatric vibrations
So writing texts in a sec of beeing back for the musically act
Creativity & Establishment is granted on ( A.P.P )
So Believe Me just a Destiny in Life Came Ohhhhhh Heavently
I create Lyrically Lines in strong Values & Interpretation in a Nation like Native Germany
My lyrics are all about stress-relieving
Believe me humanity next in World Eternally History Rescued and Saved the Planet
So picture me in a Commission from ( A.P.P ) My own politically Commission in World
Certainly Liaison of Changing the World in Accomplishment with
Doves from Cologne on the Rhine
So Prague or Warsaw, the world does afford Morality
Clearly Ways to Combat Insanity, ohhhh you heavently
I experienced ways of suffering in life
On the Dot to clearly express myself,off the shelf,just to have
Establishment & International Fashionable Industry from ( A.P.P )
Just see Life's Short, just very Short to realize just a Size of Human Life's Ways
So my lyrically lines are dropped in sense of a change to realize Rights in Life
Somebody is interrupting my Life constantly & permanently,who he is ???
Eventually the guy who created the World, ain't fantazising
Opportunities & Possibilities are in my Constitution well-coined on A.P.P The Source
A lot Protocolations done on all Sectors
Literature also Region on Lyrics just Composition just Poetry,Own Life of My Life & Musically Lyrics
So my World Industry is anointed & established
Just like Wisconsin,Milwaukee or Kansas
Goodwill just a Will of my Site just a Thrill
Franchise Merchandising Marketing Worldwide Millions on Google also Yandex
So my Texts are Lyrically Performing Great & Lyrically Shaking the Faith of a Human Face
Once i heard Laugh Now Cry Later,this maybe truth, ain't cool
So Studio musically Production is maybe in inquiry by the most
I stay lyrically & textual,just like lyrically acapella
So my Corporation & Industry from (A.P.P )
Is my Concern to be concessioned international worldwide just public in world
Now in my own permissible words India is great
Bombay Stock Exchange ( Mumbai ) is clever & in a great STOCK Type of Indice
So i create Lyricism just somebody said once Gangsterism is in Correlation with facing criminal cases,so i'm not about this
Charmantly Eyes on Women are sometimes tricky & shining like Stars of Ankara
Some women are especially unique with their power in them
So i'm out of lyrically touch sometimes
Sometimes i'm pulvering the lyrics and their are in front on my desk
Peculiar like a Circle,Pretty don't know what i was watching in the TV, maybe a Cartoon
Enthusiasm & a Will can change so much in Life, Life is what you making out of it
So my Heart's pure,just Tupac Amaru Shakur Heart was hugh
My Opportunities & Possibilities in World are Immense & Hugh and Great just Big as far as A.P.P, just see
So trust me this society doesn't care about the Civilization of our Nation, Faking does do a lot of people
Just like a Steeple & Deep in the Bottom of my Heart,with people i walk through a Daily Day with Painfully Structure
Disruptions & Interruptions every Day, but hey next time World Revolutionary Salvation & Redemption,maybe
( Makaveli ) the 7 Day Theory is all about World Peace & World Eternity just a World Space Eternity
So i write about truth & a Compassion with as Essence just a Session of Blessing from God
Just once Christopher Wallace wrote " Born Again " " Life After Death ", this is a mystery defined
And aligned on a life maybe alive,for Brooklyn & New York City just the Glorification & US Nation
Just Notorious Name The Notorious B.I.G, Theories ???
So i text truth,i text lyrics encompassing Industry & Opportunities for the Reader & Possibilities for a Great Value
I composed songs of just a Lyrics Literary Composition Book in this Lyrically ( Studio ) just Sector of ( A.P.P )
My rhyming nexus is texts about the life i'm leading just Music & Literature of my Nature
So nowadays i'm matured and living a Nation of Theatric Celebration
Common Sense of Prudential Ways
So i'm nowadays in a great Constitution in World of 2024
Living care free in World Destiny, so believe me
I'm all about my Corporation & Industry of A.P.P The Ópen Source on Google
I'm in destiny of a lost Act in World named ( Crucifixion ) just Makaveli
Also i'm about freshness in Life & Fresh Lyrics everytime,all the time
So this Lyrics / Composition is a Sector on A.P.P
America is strong imperialistic & a Land just powerful massive in World
So i never had a girl or was married,just Cherry Cherry Lady, just hey Lady, Baby
Be a Woman of a Nature just facial of beauty & legs of accuracy and cheeks just round
Women are the dimming of Men's Proned Passion in Fashionable State of Common Faith
I write about Culture, Industry,Gender, World's Interests,Music,My Personally Life,
Just a Sight in Life, so i'm also sometimes in life in precarious moments in life
So Literary Works are promised,just fostered in a State of Faith
And in Sake of Human Grace & World's Name just ( A.P.P ) in Scale
I text truth,just the United States of America will be strong in leadership of World's Powers
The Social System is fostered in Discrepencies & Conflicts in US as far as the Legislation
Just the Jurisprudence, Turbulence and Hence the Civilization of US is Disstability Actively
So i'm heavy about a chevy once in Youth dressed in a ( Illmatic) (Baggy )
Which was once a Authentic True Fibre Pattern Jeans
In Mexico City are Beans welcome, so his Alias Makaveli
Defining Nature of Common Activity of Graffiti just Enamel Spray Color just the Scent
This Lyrics are representing hugh class of literary Works from me ( Andreas Penno )
I guess my life is stress,best to believe once the Works i'm representing
So this Works is Great & No Fake just im (Common Faith )
I appreciate different Nations on this Planet, God Damn it, sure
I create materials in strong commitment & representation
I like just a sight of strong vibe just alike in schema of a Right to live
Independent from Some in Life,just about,just a Lyrically Sound,just About
Just Tonight i dance in the moonlight just a smooth criminal just Jacko
Strong Dedication & Respect just Tribute for his Works Named Nadim Khan
He is Great In Life,just About
Also Tribute to Jakob Bauer & Alexander Hettich or Jan Peter Abramsen and Petra
Namely to mention Jens Tragelehn which i had an Trade of Pokémon Games back in School Times
That were great times in life with Pokémon here Germany just ever heard of me
So lyrics just life situations are reflected in my content, i reflect different Lyrically Types
Also Literature & Poetry and Lyrics also Framing about my own life in a matter of my autodidact paragraphs
Just a type in life alike a sight about rights i didn't have a lot in my opportunities here in world alike
I had since 16 till now 35 a Story to tell, well this is really truly exciting
Seeing Devil Demons & Belief of Blasphemy cause Irritation in my head & blood, this is truth
Wounds are not openly recognized
Anyway i should to expect the Resurrection
But the Story about the ( Crucifixion ) is a Theory i created, but really truth
Also the Pope & Vatican from the World Metropolitan City Rome shoud know this
I'm mean it's not a Self-Invention or Self-Creation
It's a crucifixion and a Act from my Life which is in turn a World Eternity
The 2 World Humanitarian Event from a ( Crucifixion ) named Makaveli 7 Day Theory
If the World tolerates this World Event i guess it's not to believe but truth
Anyway there are also different Topics to discuss
Justified time in life i was away like i wrote in " Can You Understand My Ways "
My Second Lyrically Album i wrote lyrically not acoustically in in my days alike in world in a sight
So my A.P.P Source is an Establishment & World Industry just a Blogspot of Media Creation of World
So Lyrics / Composition is a Sector of Commitment to different Types of Lyrics & Literature just Writings
So i create & shake amount of lyrics, sensefully paragraphs, politically context
Rhymes and texts about life & lyrically sights
Opportunities & Possibilities represented in Interfax Communication just a Vibration & Influx of Lyrics
A.P.P The Sourcing for Media Journalism just Lyricism in Definitions
Scripted and revealed like a Complex Establishment , that's real
We in Germany have enormously Problems in Politics
Just a Gimmick just a Trick, mostly kicking Stories Daily
From the Bundestag & ( Bundesrat ) in Berlin just these politicians
Are maybe just not in Poles of Correspondence of Great World Politics
Berlin is filled with holes
Torn immediately created thorns in politically regimes international faults to solve
Just strong epochs of loss just Gone and lost Choices Everyday, Ok Berlin Just ( Merlin )
Baby, my name Andreas Penno is strong in marketing in the world wide web,
( 2pac alias Makaveli ) promised to return and come back
Alliteratures & Metaphorically Ways are presently on this Sector
Just Toronto Canadian Raptors just 36 Mafia Rappers from Memphis just this
Eminem is great & articulated with his Glossary & Thesaurus just a Giga-Head & Brain also the same
His Production Opportunistic Genius Striking US Worldwide Status in Studios & Marshall Mathers and his fame
His Copies Sold,Great Eminem, always in Respect To Your Biography, raised in US, next Turn
Signed from Dr.Dre on Paper, Decades Later, Eminem is the most successfully Rapper in History
He is in tense & sense spectacular from the Streets of 8 Mile, Streets of Detroit
Genius Freestyle Activist One of the Greatest Musicians & Interprets just Lyrically Paramountly in Influx
Some say Abraham Lincoln was a Republican,that's right, just a interesting sight
My attitude got me walking alone in life,sometimes i'm bragging about my life,that's not great ok
So baby now i got my World Industry & my Ideals, just Hail Mary ( Ave Maria )
So San Quentin is a maximum organized jail
The biggest & dangerous in World History, just Guantanamo ( Cuba )
So we need Groundbreaking Prinicples & Ground Fundamentally Guidelines
To Stretch & Strenghten the US Legislation Law System
Pablo Escobar was a hugh interesting Figure in World
As same as El Chapo from Mexico and the Jail ( Digged Channels through Jail Chambers in Western Region of North America )
El Chapo is famous for this ACT in Digging Through Channels in North America
Maybe the Border from US & Latin America will be In Infrastructure Closed
To the Most Demarcation just in US Historically ( Nation ) in World by Donald Trump
So the US System doesn't work even how it supposed to be,Legislation & the Socially Engagement streamed on TV is precarious
Anyway the USA is Blessed by International Values & a Vision of a Mission of Enrichment
Also the USA has Deficit in Native 50 States, just Loss in Socially Assessment but the US is blessed
Bliss in Churches also Oklahoma,Boston,New York Manhattan,Brooklyn,Queens,East Orange,San Antonio,Los Angeles, Texas or Alaska
Black Churches with Gospel & Hymns just Choruses the Pinnacle of the Black Nation of ( USA ) World
So back to rhyming,i guess sometimes everybody's life is stress,take a look in life of yourself, and think that Working
Is the spark & seed for humidity and stoicism and bliss just working in life gives greatness
My Psalm is " Life is what you Making out of it "
My Redirect New York is ( 2pac alias Makaveli ) just his dedication to New York
So lyrics are taught & spoken and reclaimed on A.P.P The Thread & Sector Lyrics / Composition my Intuition just my Interfax my Touch
I establish Words in Dosis like the Impulse Moses split the Red Sea,so believe me one day Resurrection
My Interaction with my Section Lyrics / Composition is my Expression of International Starlight just a Fraction
Commitment & Devotion just Abandonement for New York is a hypothetically Section just Principles in Life, one of my Lights
So now back to Music
Life's nowadays filled with Plagues & Fake Civilization, in sake of common faith
I take a Statement of greath faith and grace, now people
which wants to kill the world, are not welcomed in my life,in no way
Strictly i'm all day like i only can be, just believe me,Runnin On E
Just if you a Bad Boy or a Individual whis is lyrically spiritual
I guess i'm the Second Term just what's you heard
( A.P.P ) has 270 Views Monthly, that's pretty short
And a minimal Source on Results, but i plan more in 2030
( A.P.P ) is great, my corporation & Home Spot, on the Block
So Life's sometimes truly turbulent & a weight on shoulders
That's pretty typically, for everybody
And just Bliss is sometimes far away
But you my friend has to look over it & grip the Essence
Just forget everything and start Inspiration & a Will of being World Greatest
Just my lesson, start thinking wise,in turn of being a Star tonight
Life's not there to think everyday with Wrong Type of Falsified Sights in Life
So Greece is Great, shaking ( Lyrics ) just bout some ( Issues )
Opportunities & Possibilities are consequently promising for ( A.P.P )
So see believe me crystalizing destinys mentioned in Paragraphs before on Lyrics / Composition
This Destiny is very circulating Painfully Moments & Colossial Time in Life
Of a Sight in Life just matters right in strive of darken lights and illusions just type alike
Always claimed just Crucified this Sight in Light just No Rights
America is a Country which is Great, but is in a Circuit of Law & Justice Not Carrying of the Nation
This US World Civilization is a Nation of Conflicts with Righteous Law System & Cases Multiplying in Different Faces
The Answer is Like Makaveli once Said " America is the biggest Gang " Ohhhhh Heavently is this truth
My little Chicano & Brother
So i love my mother and father, they raised me in Growth
Love & an Upbringing of Swinging With Ringing on Bells with Prudence in Living
So once i told you in Lyrics / Composition from the now just now 30 Sectors Include Impressum on A.P.P The Source
That Somebody just God Crucified Me, so this is a Wise of a Mystery from my Side
Just this Definitions from this God all a Mystery,further on to my Production in Producing Lyrics
Just a Gimmick & and Producing Lines just Fine Articulation & Industrial Heavy Industry from my Thesaurus just Glossary
Hurry Hurry so to some People I Ain't Sorry, so sometimes i'm worry
I establish Amount of Industry just my World Industry on ( A.P.P ) The Source
Off Course My Lyrically Composition is a Activity of Interesting School just Uni for Lessons in Life
Just a Sight Belonging to A.P.P In Light
So Tonight A.P.P The Source gonna Rock the Hype, International my World Corporation & Journalism
Realism & Communication and A.P.P is rocking down to the Crown of now i come around by my lyrically Sound
Just the Gulf of Aqaba,in Distanced to the ( EU )It's all about U
In Truth i text about Rhymes in Arrangement & Which are Dominant & Cool
So my Lyrics is All About U, Central Park from New York Manhattan, my own composure just a Battle against Christopher Wallace
Just this Game a Life is a Game and We Have To Play It To The Fullace, I Graduated To The Next Level, And Now You know what is Life
Philosophies in this Translation & Language are just More Brilliant Than ( William Shakespeare ) or ( Albert Einstein ) just a Rhyme
Hugh Interest in Names like Stefan Koch or Alexander Ganske, Wolfgang Peisker
Herman and Christian or Andrej from TUS Denklingen, Once In Lifetime Shared Friends & Homies
Names Given Long Time Not Seen for 20 Years, Even More
Once I See Ya'll All, Till then I Pray for a Better Way To God in my District
So back to Lyrically Music,once i wrote in this Sector a " Lyrically Book " & 2 Albums, maybe next Time the 3rd is coming
Only Speculations in this theatric Nation
So i write contemporary lyrics & texts bout Society Weaknesess and Strength, so i write about World's Events
My Hands on the Wall in a Corridor in Contact to Jezus With a Reason,Maybe Yes or Not
Correctly Written, i contrive a Schema of Correspondence in Structures just Vultures around me,Makaveli so his Alias
Tania Helmert is a Young Woman With Amenities of Glamour & Glitter just Glitzer, seen her for about 20 Years Not in Life
She was the first & last young Woman i was in Love, now her to Hug
I can dream bout this, she is far away, i can fantazise bout Hugging and Kissing
Just she is a Indigo Girl, a Donna, a Ave Maria, Eternally I love her, Eternally my Lyrics in Capitalizing this Schema
Fila is dope,or H.I.S or Hugo Boss, i prefer Versace or Black XS just Bruno Banani, hey Andy, Props to Ashanti
I establish my dosis in lyrics, Klicks on ( A.P.P ) 280 in a Month, regularly in a System, 1500 Counts on A.P.P The Source
So Opportunities & Possibilities now in Range
Fame is just maybe the Same than Conflicts by Everyday's Lame Situations, this Nation in Vibration
Lux in my Room, a Space of Tracing Fibre of Rubber just Facing everyday Dimming in Life's Situations, we in World need Peace & Love
Trust Me the Illuminati exists,my commentary on different Ways in Life, judging some Individuals of Injustice in my personal life
Is it wrong or right to say what is right or not
So i holla people like a holy steeple just Names like Malcom Greenidge or Yafeu Akiyele Fula just The ( Notorious B.I.G )
And Tania Helmert, if you ever will see me again, just Georg Geworsky or Vital Esau, Michelle Helmert or Michael Oppermann
I reminisce you till my life's over, just telling this till its over
My introduction to tell lyrics in arragement, no faking,shaking rhymes just my framework,is fine to bomb my lyrics, till it's heard
Word up, well what up, Andreas Penno is on the Rise,Speculations done,you know where we coming from, no fronting,opponents cleared
Now we all here, one day we go all away, wid to the Heavently Empire, above,all Continents saved,God Bless, Makaveli
Lyrically Statements done in short & long phrases, once years ago in confrontation with Deep Bass,just the Amplifier and Sounds
In Creation of a Sensation just high Vibrations,Country like Turkey is pristine, so believe me ,Streets never heard of me
The Streets in Germany are in Emptiness & no Culture, no Arts
No Life around me dark Vultures,my lyrics represent Ideals & Principles just Opportunities in Society
Possibilities in Freedom & Liberisatíon of all 50 States in US & All 16 Federal States in Germany
So believe me, my World Politics are full of Potential
So my World Industry (A.P.P ) The Source is in Advocacy in different Components
Demonstrations just a Hope for a Nation & Kingdoms Strive of Change Facing my Name
Striving for a Interliaison just a ( Mission ) for Mid-East Protocolations
( Protokolle ) coming on a Worth, Advocacy & Values for Productive Operations
Just a Promulgation just celebrating for Words for a Nation just Facing Enormously Lyrics
Protocols for the Kingdom of World's Future Sincerity & Honesty of Different Sectors from ( A.P.P )
Opportunities & Possibilities for Greatness & A.P.P The Source Great Contribution & Constructive Portrayal on Google
Just Future & A.P.P ( The Source ) Enormously Advocacy & Establishment for the Monarchy of World's Future & New Future
So this to that, one day my Growth in World will rise in a Starlight just William Shakepear's Lines in Poetic Sight
Allright, just a like a right to share which is singular frightend for long Years, in Life for Differentation of World's Sight
So my Lyrics represents my Life in different Scale of Somebody's Might, causing hugh strive of Blasphemy in my Life for 20 Years
So this Blasphemican is maybe God, for 2 Decades in World History
So further on,by Small Talks,Off Course my Source A.P.P The Resourcing is predominantly certified
Concessioned in great lines & google sights about for a long time
So the East of America is blessed,my Protokollierungen on ( A.P.P ) are close to 160 Protocols & M & D
Strictly Opportunities for ( A.P.P )
So Hollywood & Los Angeles are striking Places,facing everyday faith or wrong Common Sake
My life is in Danger,facing Traumas every day, my ways are blocked
Rocking like Billy the Kid the Story,or Outlaws in Texas,texting a Nexus of Literature just Music and Poetry and my own Life
So i'm oftently frightend & afraid last time,Paranoia kicked me on Mindsets of smack me to wreck me, just attack me
Put me on a Verge of Fear i became of ( A.P.P ) of Writing & Materials i put on excel,just how i felt
So i'm fascinated of Shakespear's Capulets, Stress i'm not about, not in Research of Stress,so i'm Business Related
World's Gifts to share is great, so maybe one time i'm God's Son, be in Expectations, just the Session
God's Blessing is a Lesson in Multifold Sections in Life, a Right in Life i temporary not about
Krazed Visions of Heaven Above,Angels struting above in Heaven,Violet Dragons in Form
So i write about my Life's Circumstances, my Will,my Life,my Opportunities in Life
Pain & History in Life,Moments in Life,just a Sight
I write about Literary Works just Autobiography,Sense Laid Down Lyrically, Spiritually
In Touching Mind of Signs for World Education & A.P.P University in Sight
So Comprehensive i'm all about Works Creation,a Celebration just a Nation of Growth in World
Texting strong bout Lessons for everybody,so the USA is strong & formidable,able to be in Growth and Success Worldwide
Eric Adams from New York is doing a Great Job, so even Kansas,New York,East Orange,Chicago,Detroit
Joy in San Francisco or Georgia, L.A,Florida,Bridges in New York or Boston
Lessons for the US,be always in Liberisation & Freedom just Correct Law Enforcement in USA
Say US in Growth all day,say the Government should act Smart All Day in the USA like George Washington or Abraham Lincon
The Founding Fathers of US were Once
So Opportunities to Catch is important, Invention,Creation,Establishment should be in Act
One day i will be back, on the Block,Rocking the Show, to know
So i have now an Upload for A.P.P The Source / Resourcing in World
I'm sometimes afraid in Life,always afraid,take my hand,everybody
So my fear in Life is like a Twelve Gauge Shotty,Killuminati
Also Stories told,like you know,listen once,how the OG's just older Africans were talking about Africa
Just Inspiration & Motivation to Me,so believe me
My Destiny in Life is dark,i fall apart, but always Hope
To show you to know,World Peace in Expectations
I guess we as human beings need God more than known
God Bless the World & the Humankind in World History
World Peace & World Expectations for World Salvation are close to look at
So my Lyrics are representing my inner Thoughts of World
Sing the Song of the Coyote,Daijajaja,just say some, now Life's Resolution is a Quarrel
So Bullets are dangerous,or Military Minded Assets, from Makaveli The Don
So strong i was in my Life to stand, for now for 20 Years Ways to stand
The Universe upon is mysterious & an Eternal Way
Say Bitter Sweet Memories are in Everybody's Life in Way
Take Sides and try your best to say
US Curated Professional Music Producers just Eminem were truly successfully
Just Dr.Dre and Producers like Quincy Jones are Great
So the USA has strong Industry, so Rooftops and are on the Block
Skyscrapers just are on the Graffiti & Murals, call it Makaveli Space
Look at my Face,and see the uplifting Grace & Sincerity of World's Same Face just in God's Name
Uplifting Colors just the MOB of Chicago or California or New York
Region of US Economy & Industry,so believe me One Time World Redemption in Session
Resurrection in Session, first Lesson International Section,a Session of Stressing every Day
Ok,Something To Say, hey Life's To Short to Mess Every day with Conflicts in the Way
Joe Joe Joe,OHhhhhha,Gagagaga,Bla Bla Bla, next time World Industry
( World Economic Model ) World Status in Sight About Alike,Allright World Industry,to be
Creational & Creativity in Aspirations in Sunrise, in Shine
Alike,the Mid-East Block needs Opportunities in World Scale & Faith in Creation in Common Sake
Awaken Dreams seems, in Destiny strong established, Dreams can Come True
So it's all about u, truth in World should be recognized, Still I Rise
So A.P.P the Schooling & University,Graphically or Lyrically or Protokollierungen
All about Lessons,just Smith & Wesson,a Question of Mine
How was my Destiny on this Planet from God
Good or Bad,sometimes i'm questioned, but in Green Blessing
Questions Raised, in Faith,in Grace and Common Sake,how long till Resurrection, from a Poet once Lived
So sometimes i think Forgiveness from God to the World is intrinistic & remarkable
Sometimes i don't, so i see Forgiveness from God is a Lesson from A.P.P
Heavently Father be in Forgiveness to Us Humankind & Me Andreas Penno, Eternity
Catche me like a Hound,next Round, how it Sounds
It's all about,Great Sounds
How is Life After Death, what's left
One Day I will be Back
Rhymes not Rap or Business just Rap
I'm half White Half Black
Tales of the Underground
Just in Articulation on a Great Nation
Facing God's Dilemas in Catching Cases
Facing Traumas, having Structured Upon Faces & Models
Looking directly into the Mirror,Early in the Morning starts the Terror
Having own Portrayals of God, Own Impression of God
Sometimes Good & Sometimes Bad
Anyway God is Blessing & Jesus Christ's Life Package is pure Cooperation
Our German Nation is celebrating Theatric Vibration in Faith
My Place on Earth is sometimes dirt & sometimes Lights
The Streets Out is Quiet, Frank White just Parker Lewis is the Coolest
Comprehensive & Addicted to Cigarettes & Coffee, so God don't Shock Me just Rock Me
Repression in Life Often since 2 Decades, Sometimes Faith Rushed Away
Hey Establishment,Belief,Industry,Poetry & Lyrics can Lead you in Uplifting Spirits Around
Sounding in Charisma by Military Rounds,just Military Arsenal
So i'm not afraid , but sometimes i'm schocked of peculiar ways in Life,That's Right , in Life
Always in Purpose of Differentiation & Geoecology
Destinys caught in Frame, Always the Same with somebody with his Name
Say my Name 5 Times just Andreas Penno in Tonight Fashion's Line & Production Edit Protokollierungen Always in Time
Say my Name 8 Times like Resurrection, The Next Session, I'm Back with World Lessons just in my Suggestion
Stressing hugh in Section
Experiencing the Truth of God and You See how Things Come Up, upon
The Stars & Stripes just alike,reaching wide in Light, just USA in Sight
Wondering how Acquintances forgot About Me,maybe my Destiny,to believe
Stress came and it was strange how it rocked me,in Destiny,we all one day in Redemption to see, just World Eternity
I text without Cussing,bust it, my World Languag Glossary is immense & hugh just enormous & massive
Passive i'm not,my Mentality of A.P.P is Direct & Active Worldwide
So i'm all about flavour & not bad behaviour,counting Vocabulary,next,like a ( Rex ) , affiliated with my Texts
About a Sec just a Gag of Lyrically Grandeur Attacks on Lyrically Lines,just Fine Type of Nextus about in Line
The USA is controlled of a Diagnosis just Complex Society with 50 Beautifully States,In Faith of Grace in Nation's Faith
This Country has absolutely Country's Flaws to resolve, Open Source about US
This Country needs a Disciplined World US Affairs Status
Democratically Opportunities in US
Just Possibilities for a System of Correspondence for Internally Law Crime Intervention
A Section just Happen, of Native Americans & Latin,just Black & White Better Sojourn & Mix-Up between these Races
Just Faith in a Country like US, just Florida,Miami, Kentucky,
Illinois ( Chicago ),Boston,Massachusetts,New Jersey, US California,Los Angeles
Georgia,Atlanta,Wyoming,Maine,USA,East Coast,New York,Brooklyn,Harlem,Bronx,Queens,Manhattan,East Orange,just now Detroit,Michigan,
The World Country in Faith for Better Nation & Liberty and Liberisation
A better Country in World History,so believe me USA is Great
The World News about now is long in Edition,a Mission of News bout Affairs in World,all States & Countrys are in everybody's Desire & Daily Structure
Interruptions just about ( A.P.P ) last Time,Rights in Life is about everybody,Killuminati to Your Body,That Blows like a Twelve Gauge Shotty
My Interest just is to get away from all the Stress
Best to share Stories with you my Comrade,in Life,shit ever seeing things which were gigantically
Got me seeing things,bing bing bing,my constitution is a strong status of a Standard sínce over Decades
Common Sake & Faith in Germany is in Inquiry to most
Now the Government of the USA,Freedom to the World & Civilization of a Nation of everybodys Race in a US Nation
Sometimes it is strange in World or Life
Try to overcome the Bad with your Spirits,alike,just in Sight,about this Westside
Maybe once in Resurrection on the Coast in a Fraction just Section
Some Say the darker the skin then deeper the Soul,i say the darker the skin than deeper the History
Just see,about to believe, somebody's Destiny was flashed away to see
So my World Corporation,namely Blogspot,is underway for a ( Upload ) in ( A.P.P's ) History this Circulating Time about
So this Industry about now 30 Sectors,maybe next time more,is down for ya'll
So my Blogspot is about Strides & Advancements in World
( A.P.P ) The Source is all about Corporate Profile /
Development from Source & Corporation's Aspirations on Multifold Millions of Results on Google
So this Industry celebrates this 2024 / 10 Years History Profile in the World Wide Web
One day i believe this World is Saved like i already wrote
This World is Saved for everybody in World,World Redemption in a Dialogue of 2 Jesus Christ
Alias Makaveli, me Andreas Penno about
So my Lyrics reflect Society in USA & Germany,just Social Aspects in World
This World turns every 24 Hours a Day,but say one day the World is safed in History
So i'm not afraid,everybody,to take a step, if black or white we Humans
Also Great Corporations just Kelloggs's from Michigan,or ICE( Intercontinental Exchange ) from Georgia Atlanta
Meant just how Great the US has a Industry of all Continent in World
So i never had a Girl,i'm solo,no Children,and no really Occupation just Job,but on the Block
I have ( A.P.P ) The Source & a Great Future
So i'm young 35 Years and the whole Life in Front of me,so believe me New York ia Great to See
Destinys in Life overthrown,shown that i'm sometimes blown,my Glance above, to the Heavently Father,now i'm smarter
Crossroads ( 3rd Album Written for ) Protokoll 04.07.2024
World / European Continent / UTC GMT +1 / Germany / Wiehl Theodor Fliedner Stiftung / Waldruhe NRW / 28.02.2024 / At Spring / 02:32 Time at Nights / 3 Album after Germany Against Me & Can U Understand My Ways on A.P.P / To find on Lyrics / Composition the Sector on ( A.P.P ) The Source / Last Reformation on Line UTC GMT +1 29.02.2024 18:45 AD in World / EU / Gift just Musically Lyrically Album / Musically Act / Release 04.07.2024
1.Just Nature ( Introduction ) Introducing ( Paper 3 ) ( Roster 1 ) ( Schema 1 ) of Crossroads Groundworks 4 Future Days Across My Ways Granted
I reach in Destiny Ways of the Crooked, looking in front of my watch in Life
My Sight is dimmed in Starlight of People's Desire, just my thoughts are wired like devil demons fire
I create this 3rd Album for my Passion, just International Fashionable Dress of Class just Classic
Civilization of Nature Achieved means my Civilization in World is reached & achieved for Groundworks 4 Future Days
Granted for Life,alike in a Struggle for Life, Some Perils aren't Away for Miles
Once Thug Style,nowadays Business Class & Education, Professional, Literacy and Establishment from my Industry in my Country
t.A.T.y is great, in sake of common faith, Ways once " Can U Understand My Ways " pronounciated & articulated
For Destinys in Life in Faith just related & shaking nowadays Content on my Organization just Blogspot ( A.P.P ) The Source
Lessons in Life just Smart like Abraham Lincoln, Industrialization & Perfectionism and Ambitions almost in Liaison
Hook ( Refrain ) : Just Nature, No Faking, Just Shaking,in Common Faith
Just Common Sake, Get Ready for the Civilization of Nature, Achieve just listen to the Streets Fresh Air
One day World Peace, Believe Me,Strictly to believe,Yeah Yeah
Civilization of Nature Achieved,Got me Deep,Lyrically Paramountly to peek, it's all about
This Nation from the BRD is full of Hypocrisy,Baby Just Miss Me, Bliss once touching the World
Everybody loves a Precious Girl, Everybody needs the Civilization of Nature,Achieving Particles of Love
Once in Life everybody's safe and civilized of nature,no fake,just Faith or Grace in World
For Words of Truth,spelled out, my Civilization is achieved in World, just Structure
No Disruptions, no Interruptions, in this Happen, just loving Latin & no Bragging
Now come to me and Start Interaction just Joy is happening
Hook ( Refrain ) : Just Nature, No Faking, Just Shaking,in Common Faith
Just Common Sake, Get Ready for the Civilization of Nature, Achieve just listen to the Streets Air
One day World Peace, Believe Me,Strictly to believe
2.In the Air Tonight ( Rise in Light ) II ( Second Edition ) Second Proliferation & Editing / Part II / First Edition on 2nd Album from ( A.P.P )
Loving my Vibe just Alike in Hugh Sights, Jamaican Kingston & New York Granted
Fronting my Dedication just Interpretation to Designation on Discotheka Celebration
My Nation is full of California Love, fulfilled with In the Air Tonight ( Arise )
Just so Party alike, my Lyrics represent a Fler alike just so tight in light
One Girl to the Right One to the Left, just alike,ohhhhhhhh shit bounce from Berlin to New York
This Vibe i mean in the Air Tonight is spiritual, lyrical just feeling the Air Tonight,eventually all evenings out
Sounding Lyrically about like a Crown Don Earring Jewel around just Military from New York just Sounding about just Down
( Hook) Chorus / Refrain : Spirits like In the Air Tonight is creating Vibe like Disco Flashlight alike about
Sounding Deep around,sounding deep about,Sounding great around,now it's time to frown
Say now In the Air Tonight,In the Air in Sight, Just about around,make the Evening clear around in Sound
So my Sounds & Lyrics are profound written & not biten, just i Ride through Desert Storms in Egypt about
Now clowning every day in Life & In the Air Tonight, My Verses & Language spreading in World
In The Air Tonight,all about that Girl,Singing & Applauding Deep around, by a Sound, Dadididad Daija, just a Frown
Just i protocolate about In The Air Tonight,Black Culture & Black Combs & Barbers in History of the East
I get amused by a Woman of Charm & Charmantly Eyes & A Body of Rise just her Eyes
Cause now i understand Life, in this sight in Disco tonight,Still I Rise
In the Air Tonight,C'mon
( Hook) Chorus: Spirits like In the Air Tonight is creating Vibe like Disco Flashlight about
Sounding Deep around,sounding deep about,Sounding great around,now it's time to frown
So can you feel it tonight, get clearly about to sound in light, a constitution of amusing in Clubs just What Up ???
In the Air Tonight applauding & coming to a Sequel of Musically Interlude just conceptual In The Air Tonight arise
Skilled & Schooled Youth stand Up, I Holla,Popping Up my Color, Holla Holla,The Notorious ( B.I.G ) arise alike
In the Air Tonight,Come Close You Might, Clearly Tight, Put Your Girls up Next To You, Love In The Air Tonight
Now everybody stand up in Front of the Light
( Hook) Chorus / Refrain : Spirits like In the Air Tonight is creating Vibe like Disco Flashlight about
Sounding Deep around,sounding deep about,Sounding great around, not it's time for next Round
3.Decades Achieved in Bitter Ways
So Years Away,Decades in Decay,Falling Away, being prey for just like to say
More like a Resilient Lyrically Way of Opportunities in Light to say
Cooperation in a Nation can be Profit from Ideas of Traditional Folks and Colors just Tommy H
Ohh Big Papa & Mama,couldn't stand a Life without my Big Mom, dearous Chancellor
You know were we coming from,the Society is proned to sinning of wrong religions
Especially in my Life is God a Sinner, so i'm proned to a ( Crucifixion ) which is steadily twisted
Decades of Silence in my Life, missing my Friends Philipp & Jan-Peter in Sight in Light
Just my Youth Away for Decades in Life, Missing Great Times, falling away on a Mind
Which is clearly about frightened Decades Achieved in Bitter Ways in Example
Hook (Refrain ) :Decades came in Achievement in World for a Debacle & World Event of History
These Decades were in Front from Somebody, Praising the Wrong
Named this Song " Decades Achieved in Bitter Ways " just all about this Song
But now my Friends,somebody in World experienced Hugh Values of Guilt in Front ??? Who
Decades Achieved in Bitter Ways, Always on the Run just Strictly in Defence All Day
Anyway, somehow my Exposure to Bitter Sweet Broken Roses,immersed in Tar of Stringent Pain
Just Hoping one Day Achieving the Glory, i don't have to worry
Stories from Prague of the Ghetto Integrated in Faith of Lost in World
Sharing Columns of Entrusted Lyricism just Natural Gangsterism of Poetic Realism & Internationalism
When Thugz Cry,bitter Stories can Worry,I don't have to worry, so i'm not sorry
Hook (Refrain ) :Decades came in Achievement in World for a Debacle & World Event of History
These Decades were in Front from Somebody, Praising the Wrong
Named this Song " Decades Achieved in Bitter Ways " just all about this Song
But now my Friends,somebody in World experienced Hugh Values of Guilt in Front ??? Who
4. Crossroads in Life ( Written from Real Impressions ) Title of Album Certified & Concessioned for Life's Interaction
So my Life is mysteriously,somebody is in Annotation just Vibration which is in my Life for now in Retrogression
Kick every Session with God's Blessing, listen to Pianists & Chorus Interpretating Black Angels in Light
Afraid of Life's Blocking Obstacles & Crossroads of a Row just Slow How to Know,showing some Roads in Life
Just a Sight of Dimming in the Spotlight, tonight is World's Crossroads in Flow just Incredible Intelligence just Domino, dope
This extraordinary Texts is written in Performance of Raps just for Black & Whites,just a like so tight
Fantazising & Traumatizing the World with my Lyrically Content, just from India to Cologne, to the Dome
My Enthusiasm is ridiculed for a peculiar time in Life, which is down or already in my specific mindset tricky and at End in Light
Hook: Crossroads in Light,Gala Dreamery Alike, Come Across,Come just to Know,Tonight in Sight
Knocking on Heaven's Door, Knocking on Krazed Human Faith in Sake
Now Come Close & Come 4 , Crossroads in Life is coming in Front of Your Door
Crossing World Heart's just 4 ya'll
I guess sometimes life's Stress, say i'm under Arrest, best to recognize to be Still I Rise in Life
Love for the Black Civilization, our Nation ( DE ) is in Crossroads of Politics & Society about
My Politics Poetry is representing greatness to be, believe me Love is stronger than Fear
Fear is Stronger than World in Destiny my dear,i'm always in Fear, to see now, we are all here
One Time in World, we be all safe, that my dear
Hook: Crossroads in Light,Gala Dreamery Alike, Come Across,Come just to Know,Tonight in Sight
Knocking on Heaven's Door, Knocking on Krazed Human Faith in Sake
Now Come Close & Come 4 , Crossroads in Life is coming in Front of Your Door
Crossing World Heart's just 4 ya'll
5.Crossing The Line ( World Recognition ) ( Written from Sentiment of Abilities in Life )
Crossing the Line with World Recognition,maybe from Mine in Google,just like a Bullet a ( Kugelgeschoss ) just Written
Off Course i'm structured like Rhythm just no Interruptions, Fractures hit me since long Decades in a Decay
Falling Away just Bye Bye Bye my Friend, one day you will pay for your Sinnings all day, the whole World does watch you
World Recognition on my Name Andreas Penno Online to say, babay,hey strictly all way demonized by Mights to say
My Ways became Crossing Structures always World Globally Curated Fame, but not in Person, just Online the A.P.P The Source made me Public Worldwide alike
Refrain ( Hook ):Crossing the Line,Now i'm Splendid & Pristine, sometimes i have Curated Dreams, believing in Destiny, you know how it seems
So Crossing the Line was a Life Motto in different Passages, just my Will took me in Front of my Life
I'm sometimes in Rage & away with a Sight of Life just alike about Tonight is not Crossing The Line
But without Somebody in Life ,just Pure Life's Unique Moments to share for everybody
Everybody will count without Crossing The Line, everybody will Change in World from Ghana,Madagascar to U.K or Alaska
Crossing The Line means, i was in different Situations away, the Time ticks,this Century the World will Change to World Peace
Refrain ( Hook ):Crossing the Line,Now i'm Splendid & Pristine, sometimes i have Curated Dreams, believing in Destiny, you know how it seems
6.Are you Afraid To Stand Alone ( Hook Involved Just Poetic Interpretated )
Are you Afraid to Stand Alone, so i always alone at Home,representing Ideas for Correspondence of A.P.P The Source
Business To Business just Standing Alone as a Figure in Life & World,standing as a Manifesto alone for Principles just the Mid-East Block
Creativity & Interest in Responsibility just Liability and Charisma just Industry & Advocacy is in Inquiry
Ask me & Ask the World, Civilizations in World needs Proping Up Chances for Change, Same Idealogies in Interaction for World Peace
Some Articulation in a Nation of the BRD,believe me is Theatric Celebration at the End of the Day,say afraid in Life i'm sometimes and alone too
Hook ( Refrain ) Chorus:Battling Moments of Wisdom & Lonelyness, i'm often under Stress, as a lonely Figure in Life,tonight is a Change in World 4 Life,it's all about Poetic Strive in Light of Struggling Against Autumn Dawn alike
Creating Lines for Life about Singing the Song Hey,Hey Goodbye, bye bye i'm alone in Life and always will be,so see sometimes i have a Destiny of Ridiculating Same Spot to be
Shaking Rhymes After Rhymes with a Bottle Whiskey or Ballantines
Dearous Chancellor be in Actively Politics filled with Interest of Country's Choices in Relevance of State Widely Best Crest & Chancellor's Role to underpine the State Wide Situation for Greatness & Equality
My attitude got me being alone, nice like a Nickel Chrome, always at Home, once i was stoned,like the Cologne Dome,a great Germany's Country's Home, God Bless U
Hook ( Refrain ) Chorus:Battling Moments of Wisdom & Lonelyness, i'm often under Stress, as a lonely Figure in Life,tonight is a Change in World 4 Life, it's all about Poetic Lines Like Spring in Sight
7.In Creation of the Great ( Creation of World Specific Works ) A.P.P Source
Creating the Great in Sake of Common Faith and Creating the Better Faith, saying always Days in Front of Humankind,alike estranged in Framing about
My Lyrically Tibetan Bells ( Glocks ) Sound is a Creation of Greatness around,better feelings till i'm buried not in sight, always suffering in Life
Anyway Creating the Faboulous in Times,Creating the Great & No Fake just pure Life's Occasions to Solve with Intelligence in a Chance to Move Further in Distances for New Lyrically Spelling
My Impression for a Interaction just a Section namely 30 Sectors in this Actively Moment of World,I create ( A.P.P ) for World Politics & World Peace
Opportunities & Possibilities in my Industry next Time strong Valued in Expectations, Celebrating in Conjunction of Terraces in Front of my Yard with Lobster & Champaigne and A.P.P The Source Same Fame
From my Name Andreas Penno, Inspiration from Heavy Chevy Rock N Roll Historys, i'm always worried under Circumstances, be in Clearly Expectations for A.P.P The Source / Sourcing Exchange for Great Industry
Refrain ( Hook ) Chorus : In Creation of the Great, Always in Contact With Faith, I Create Lyrics for my Industry & Common Sake, Challenging Human Faith in Tolerance of Lyrics Greatfully Grace
In Creation of a Flickering Sensation of Vibration of high Proliferation, in a Nation of Faith more Hypocrisy, now i'm busy
Strictly peep me easy & believe me, even me gotta learn to take it easy,this World Journalism from ( A.P.P ) is a Journalism of Realism and Internationalism
Just Information for a World just ( DE ) in Mass Education & like a University to learn, now you heard,just pristine Works not dirt
In Creation of the Faith & Great, Remembering Kingston.Bob Marley the Great,Switching my Imitch in Riches for Worldwide Googling, In Creation of the Great
Refrain ( Hook ) Chorus : In Creation of the Great, Always in Contact With Faith, I Create Lyrics for my Industry & Common Sake, Challenging Human Faith in Tolerance of Lyrics Greatfully Grace just in Human's Face Always Fake
8.In Wise of Striking the Life's for Good & Change
My Life's Structure is perforating the World in Tremendous Ways of Change for the Planet,i damn it,perplexed in texting profound,sounds clearly about Concession in a Session just Blessing
International Striking Cooperation just Interpretation of a Shaking Face from my Side Transcontinental in a Shelf of living wealthy and well, how do i feel, God forgive me my Sin in Strongest Definition
Forgive me my Guilt as a Human being in World,What's ya Heard, God Forgive me my Past 35 Years in World
Hook ( Refrain ) Chorus :In Wise of Striking the Life's for Good,Change & The Same just my World's Name, not take my Name how i Came
I create Definitions in Intermission for Liaison,sometimes in Life it's dumpfounded & perplexing, now i'm texting in being like a Rex just loving always what's next
So i'm very poor like a Punk, no Finances, just every Stress,doesn't matter,Punks not Dead just Kurt from Aberdeen, America, US
I'm always inquisitive in Life's Happen,behind Texting all i loved was Latin,number Luv and Greetings to Tania Helmert & Linda from the Wiehl Park,Reminiscing till this day Came
Just the Same for Names like Stefan Koch,nowadays an encrafted striving young made personality,so my family number luv
Hook ( Refrain ) Chorus :In Wise of Striking the Life's for Good,Change & The Same just my World's Name, now take my Name how i Came
9. Singing the Howling Song of the Coyote ( Singing Like A Coyote in World ) Like Whistling Along Across This Melody in Song
So everybody in World has Contact,once i smack the World just one day i'll be back, singing the Howling Song of the Coyote
Dope Dope Dope,show me more of the Coyote which is in Howling the Song of the Coyote,just on the Row,see my Flow, just to know
Get Starkly engaged in sake of my Songs,with Singing Phil Collins " Think Twice " or " In the Air Tonight ", i tend to just alike A.P.P The Source Singing Both in Howling Songs Alike Air Tonight
So my Destiny in Earth is presaged like somebody says,always in Top of my Mind,frightend to say Goodbye, the Coyote does Sing the Song of Howling the Rhythm of Tonight like a Hound
Hook:Singing the Howling Song of the Coyote, it sings Hey Hey Hey Stand up For Your Rights in Life,Hey Stand up for your Rise in Life
So singing & twinkling the Song of the Coyote, Standing Up for your Rights, i'm alive , Black Civilization blessed by God in a World of Hypocrisy & Wrong Convictions just Injustice
So i have now a Complex Text about my Rhymes, just to find a Type of Stereotyp, alike to write my 3rd Album alike in Life, a Sight of Singing the Howling Song of the Coyote in World
Now i understand Life,Follow the Moscow, Whistling the Song of the Dog of a Rocky Block of Block just California, Long Beach,Just Snoop Doggy Dogg
Hook:Singing the Howling Song of the Coyote, it sings Hey Hey Hey Stand up For Your Rights in Life,Hey Yeah Yeah, just Stand Up for your Rise in Life,tonight in the Air
10.Utopia ( Eternity for World Meant ) ( Lyrics In Redirect) ( Do you wanna live for ever ?? ) World ??
So give me a Reason, to see Utopia in World, Memories of the Past, Back stabbing Vultures, Sell my Soul for Material Wishes
Issues hit me Hard,i'm Blind, Blinded by Life,Lyrics represent the Inner of my Life,a Sight of Change Written,Not Biten
I'm supplementary, don't worry, sometimes i'm not sorry,but sometimes i'm sacrificed for everybody, just see the World Utopia is in Expectations
Eternity in Behalf of God,Lyrics instead of Peoples Wishes,an Intermission,just Bliss & Eternity for Everybody,see this is a Product of a Revolution
Hook:Utopia,Utopia,Utopia, Wide Away / Wide Away Eternity is there,Once Achieved,be in Destiny,is this a Dream,so believe and See, just believe me
Look once Lost Prophets were predicting a Scheme of a Plot just on a Block, on the Dropping Verses,just about Commitment & Abandonment like this Acapella Sound
Anyway my Lyrics is representing a Happen of the Real,just feel,establishment for Real, i kick my paragraphs with Rock and Heavy Lines
Just Martini Ice & Ballantines Scotch Whiskey about,Wodka Red Bull, i Create Sense & Shaking Hands, by Releasing Utopia for a World Principle in World History
Eternity for everybody, i hope it leads to Eternal Life like a Bird is coming from Heaven,Prophecy about next in this passages just Texts
Hook:Utopia,Utopia,Utopia, Wide Away,Wide Away Eternity is there,Once Achieved,be in Destiny,is this a Dream,so believe and See,just believe me
11. Next To Me,In Front of Me
Can U Understand,in Front of Me Discrepencies and Obstacles to believe, the Days in World became estranged,the Same for my Name
Can U Believe a Way to look in Front & Head On in Front of You, to strive for the Good and look peculiar in lights sometimes sober
When it's over Utopia in World's Name is coming across the Crossroads in World,Crossroads to show that Life is sometimes flexed by side,sometímes success alike
Crossroads in Mind about it's Time to be a Gangster in Lyrically Form,to know in Life, about in Sight
My Opportunities & Possibilities in Life are enormous to know about
So Next To Me, In Front of Me to See
Refrain ( Chorus ) Hook:Next To Me, i Text To See, In Front of Me, Come with Me
Just gonna write my Lyrics sincerely & you don't have to see Life bitterly just See it Clearly
See & Believe one Day it'S World Peace also on the Streets Out There of Manhattan or Brooklyn or East Orange
Frank White just Parker Lewis, Names from Colleges just New York, Word Up,just Names from the Streets
World Peace one Day, for the Resurrection,expect that
Refrain ( Chorus ) Hook:Next To Me, i Text To See, In Front of Me, Come with Me
12.The World,Now,Should know About
A Bloom which is Grown from a Seed,Prospering in State of Faith
The World,Now,Should Know a Reason to Come Back like a Individual just Spiritual Intellectual
Lost Secrets swirling in World like a Unicorn in World, like a Unique Entity of Loss Particle
Loss Memories about Eternity like a Dovecote from a Dove,so strong,so like the Do,just alias Makaveli
Refrain:The World Now Should Know, just look so good in Front of this Hook, See & Believe Just Eternity
So long Time has being Gone,i stay everyday Strong,come long of Revelation just Black Civilization
Mixed with Metropolitan Areas of Places, Faith in Crossroads of Life, A Glance of Life
Changes in Life are Demonstrating God in Light,Shaking Rhymes for Lyrically Purpose and Still Rock N Roll & Music just Rap in Inspiration of
Just writing Truth of World & Literary Works for everybody to heard of,just these Lyrics are World Politics
Refrain:The World Now Should Know, just look so good in Front of this Hook, See & Believe Just Eternity
World / ( EU ) Theodor Fliedner Stiftung / Wiehl / Europe / Germany / UTC GMT +1 / Start Date of Complex 12.03.2024 / 17:33 At Evenings / Lyrics Performed in Context of Globally Interaction &
Lyrically Upflifting Spirits ( Literary Act ) / Diversification Date Time Shift + World ( EU ) Europe / Germany / UTC GMT + 2 /18.06.2024 / 01:34 At At Nights / Release Date 04.07.2024 21:49 /
So i take my breath to be respected everyday in a World of what's left every day,deeply to say,ok
Hey Life Ain't Easy, i tell you that's truth,for all of us,trust me in this discussion, please no Interruptions
Disruptions oftenly in Life by Mine, always Blocking from a Side,just a like, how i told you
I want to unfold me,hold me, in anxious & disastrous times,my rhymes,in a Nexus Great Spoken & Elucidated
No faking, just shaking Publicity on Goolge like a Shredder-Machine, just how it seems,my Dreams
Awaken maybe once in Life like from Harlem to Queens, just Rice & Mexican Beans ( Bonnen ) West to East,just see
Look this Life is lived Once, so my gesture,my pleasure,A.P.P The Source, for 30 Years Even Slamming
So i'm smart intelligent Gentleman,respecting Names like Eminem , Marshall Mathers,Great Works Behind
An Artist for Centuries,Eminem,His Producing Lines,His Rhymes, His Production Sights of Clever Interpretation
Of Celebrating Music with over 500 Songs Created
In Faith of Credibility just Unification of Gangsta Rap from a White Artist Writing History
Eminem is Great,also ( 8 Mile ) the Piece he was in Acquisition & Mission to have a Portrait of His Life in Far Reaching Lights
So Snoop Doog As Same,he was in Extraordinary Fame since 90's , the Streets, his Fashionable State, his Personality
His Meaning made him Hot,just Bloods or Crips on the Block
So Snoop & Dr.Dre were once shiny in Starlight of the ( West Side )
Just alike,in sight,just Still Dre
So when i say musically or lyrically written is all about Texts & Lyrics,no Acoustics
But Musically Acts just Songs Writing & Lyrics Written for Recordings just Music maybe the Lyrics / Composition Sector in Future or new Correspondence
Also for my Once Mentioned Musically & Lyrically Book / It's all Lyrically & Textual and spiritual
And Literary Acts are more Literature Affiliated & Written without hugh Rhyming Nexus in Texting
Different Type Lyrics can follow in Future
So the USA North America the Continent,is slamming,knocking on Imperialistically Schema
And is a Globally Nation Related Mondial in Turn Around
This is how it sounds, the USA is in Totally Situation now 2024
About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,they had their Success
But for these 3-4 Years Presidential Role
No Clearly Facade & Schema of Transparency from Mr.President was taken to account & addressed
( A.P.P ) The Source loves America & America is Great Already
But the President couldn't reach even Transcontinental from North America Goals to Finish Hugh Results
Donald Trump will Change this Atmosphere in USA & World
I also can say that Trump from my Side Andreas Penno, has also Deficits as a Republican,that's Truth,True
But we will be in Expectations for the Next Presidential Election in November for the 60th Election in History of US
Also Oakland,Miami, Florida,Rhode Island,New York City,Kentucky
Maine,Connecticut,Iowa,Idaho,California,Kansas,Texas,San Quentin,Cuba,Jamaica and all States & World Metropolitan Scale Cities
We want a Great President in World History of the States & the most Greatest Country of World
So this to World US Affairs & Politics
So i'm always Interrupted, just next to text,about my fine Texts
To smack the Black Aficonado,just Bravado in Nevada,Las Vegas, Drill Baby Drill
Just like a Thrill, my Will to once said, change this Planet
Prove is done already, the ( Crucifixion ) for Eternal Life my brethren & sisters
So just Eminem, my message to the USA & North America the Continent
Be Always America how America only Is, Be in Truth to the World & Globally in Poles of Greatness America & US
So Germany also in Berlin, the Government & Commission from Berlin
Next Times 2025 we have also Vote & Polls just Election for the Chancellor in our Country
16 Federal States in Faith of Theatric Stage & Poles from New York to Berlin
Just our Country is ground fundamentally Created in Democratically & Liberal Arts,so far
So My lyrically Uplifting Spirits awaken Dreams of Streams just Feelings coming from my Innermost Essence
Stressing Every Day,but hey somebody should be Aware in his Faith
Opportunities & Possibilities in Growth of my Blogspot in alias Corporation & Industry
Just Growth for my World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) ( Weltwirtschaftsprodukt ) in Line
Alright Alright Alright, a Sight of Touching the World in my World Thesaurus & Glossary Tonight, Just Alike
Opportunistic in Schema my Lyrics
Reflect Education & Lessons for the World, i guess a Question to be Answered just Lessons for the World Audience
In which ever Social Class,Social Circumstances,my Lyrics are Tutoring Chances
In Leadership of Circulating Mind-Thoughts all day,say 2pac was honest & true
Bye Bye Bye, Goodbye, like you See is Lyrics on the Rank of a Sector of A.P.P ( The Source ) just now 30
Next Time Eventually More Added, in Sectors Type, Just Alike, So Right, my Vibe is Just So Uplifting Alike
So Globally the World is Turning every 24 Hours, All Continents with Millions of Human Civilization in it
Jacko Jackson was a Perfect Idol for the Youth & Impoverished Kids in World Alike, he was a Hero for many Kids in World
Even my Former Friend Nadim Khan was a Fan of Jacko Jackson & Admired His Works about
Sounding Great Around,Constellation and a Vibration just Rocky Nation just Federal Republic of Germany in this Land of Celebration
Faking do many People in World,So Mc Donalds Hands in the Air For Free & Believe Me I love Mc Donalds in every Nation, to see
Opportunities & Possibilities in A.P.P on World Scale
My Faith in Race just Top Scale with my Face & Mouth slammed since Time by Somebody's Presence,my Rhyme / A.P.P The Source is all about Differentiation of Shaking
Lyrically Lines in Celebration of Great Moments in Unique Types of the Keyboard & Tabulators of Typing In
Since i was Writing Lyrics i Experienced Strong Moments of Inner Peace & Writing and Writing and find Peace in the Innermost Detail
So i create a Pensum in a Thesaurus like Tyrannosarus Rex, just my Lyrically Paramountly Texts, To Check
Opportunities & Possibilities are Presently in Strong Values from A.P.P The Source / The World Journalism & The World Corporation
But nowadays it's only a Blogspot with Strong Opportunities coming in ( 2030-2040 ) hypothetically
Mid-Term Developmental Phase & 2040 Strong Striking Globally Challenging Opportunities
So the World ist turning,disturbing Vibe all the Time,just alike Rumours in World & Copy from Filiales about,my Materials shaking World
So now from my own Life & Literary Works the Texts Composited & Texted to Lyrics
So somebody should ask, behind Works Created in Signatures jus Shaking Lines with Ballantines
Scotch Whiskey, Wodka Smirnoff or Wodka Kalinskaya just Wodka Red Bull
No Smalls Talks, i'm not about Spirits but Sounding Great, Lyrically Shake
I create millions of Definitions in 10 Years, Palettes done
You know where we coming from,so i'm not the Don,Say Some
In Front of Me,You See Hit Me Twice,Just Alike
Just like Somebody is Weak,Somebody is a Gag,I know,Attacking me from the back,just Stabbed
Black Blasphemy is hitting me everyday since Decades, Playas Space,just Playaz World's Race
Cases of Humanitarian State Precinct Jails,Coming to Chicago,just County Jails, With Sojourn
I Mourn Every Brother lost in the Streets of all 50 States,Common Sake,Common Faith
Soldiers lost in the Whirlwinds of US Gone Soldados & Soldiers in the Graveyards to the Streets
Peace is sometimes achieved in World of Democratically States in Reached Scale to Achieve
Musically Strings like Kurt Cobain just Grunge,One Lucky Punch
A Sad Story of Kurt Once He Lived,Smells Like Teen Spirit is Awaken Things to Believe
Just the Real Rock N Roll Stories just Corey & Chris Fehn just Shawny Clowny Crahan
So I'm Saying in Rocky Times just Rock N Roll Era of the 70's & 80's
Let's Rock & Roll & Let's Rock and Ride
Just alike Establishment & Industry from A.P.P The Source, off Course ,my Source
East Coast of US Blessed from God, just the ( Notorious B.I.G ) from New York
Just a Young Brother from New York
India is a Beautifully Spot on Planet Earth, Opportunities in Mumbai & New Delhi
Lyricism about Sheru in Lion, just Dev Patel,Textual Acapella to Drop, lyrically
He is one of the most Talented Actors in this Century, Lion was coronated with 6 Oscars
Grandeur Sheru,just the Ending of Film & End Sequel filmed in Totally Inspiration to the World
Last Scene just about the Hugging with Kamla, i was inspired by,just alike
The World is blessed from God,The US with 50 States is blessed
Sometimes my life is Stress just like that, sometimes i'm interrupted
A Crucifixion came into my Life, now 2 Decades are gone,telling you some
All Eyez On Me back than from Makaveli was in Promotion ( Diamond ) Awarding
My Starship & Opportunistic Model the World Economic Model as first Project always in Active Poles with ( Google )
Just Googling, Region of A.P.P
I say once,you say now, i say now, World Salvation & Redemption now, next time really happen
My Lyrically Rhymes bounce like Rocky Mount,just about,my lyrics are truth in World
Take a Look at the Evening from Cities like Cologne,The Rhine is flowing, just Cologne Cathedral showing
Knowing that Cologne is a Place just Facing Night Life of like a West Side,Cologne is like Abyss, just the West Side
With all the Graffities and Murals in Cologne, just the Dome, just to be known
So now to articulate my Sentences to ya'll, for yal'll,just about my words for everybody in World, for Audience Worldwide
Just in Scale, Like a Rest of a Segment just Particle of a Street Side, enforced with a Segment of a Chevrolet Impala by Transformation
Living in a Nation of Celebration,just Theatric Nation,Shaking everyday Sometimes Wrong Cooperation to Someone, Falsified Incorporation
The USA with 50 States in Faith of a World Globally Race of Politically Discrepancies in Chasing Wrong Decisions from Politicians in Global Scale
Anyway Eric Adams the Mayor from New York City is Great,in Faith, just i say,New York and the East Coast is in Infrastructure,Blessed from God
Sometimes Nightmares is attacking me,Ground Fundamentally Scenes of Traumatising Dreams is attacking me
The Abyss from Shipwreck came to my Essence, Stress came & Illusion came in to my Life,just a Sight
It's my right to say things how it's like
Just alike
Dreaming every Day of Better Days, alias Makaveli was a big Dedication in my Life, alias Makaveli,was decisive in my Life
God Bless the Eternity for all of us, everybody from US, of every Continent,to mention
Opportunities & Possibilities in Life just comes in Light,just alike open your eyes in life
I stand by my opinion,My Corporation will last till 2050-2060 and will be in this Century a Giga-Center in the World Wide Web
Just check Brothers Getting Shot,Coming Back,Resurrected, is the Raw Shit,just Respect it
I'm not afraid of futuristic moments,or anxiously from moments coming into my Life next time, i'm in Respect & Hugh Interest
Stressing Everyday, All Day,the whole Day up,what up,Buck,Buck,Buck,my literary Correspondence is Created,Done & Made
The USA is in Correspondence of Imperialistic Events Worldwide,just alike
So i wrote Crossroads, the lyrically Album, not Acoustically
My Pensum just an Insginia or Coat of Arms just my Etiquette,A.P.P The Source
Off Course i'm optimistically of / The Resourcing
Smoking Cigarettes and staring out the Windows through my Rearview,Stare
Perhaps i was aligned in Youth to the Great Side, i turned a Great Human Figure Today Alike,Aside,Arise, alright
So New York & The Notorious B.I.G is Blessed from God just the East Coast
My Supplementary Regard just a Beginning & Start to the World, namely Compassion & Humanitarian Sense in a Session of a Lesson
So i text my Complex to the Society like a Rex,flexing on lyrically lines like everythings is Next to Schooling just cool vibe
Opportunities & Possibilities in the USA just ok, but hey i protocolate World Status to say,bababyyyyy
My World Industry A.P.P The Source, off course an Establishment just a Blogspot, on the Block, i drop my verses accurately
Preferring Lines just in Times of Greed & Sadness
Just World Sorrows touching you immersed in a ( Crucifixion ) No twisting,just Makaveli
So his alias,so i have no Tattoos,it's all about You and Prudence in Life
Just a Sight,just alike,choose you right in Life, all about
Sounding peculiar distanced of World's Daily Structure
Being in God's Arms & his Doves in front of my Terrace,just God's Empire,his Kingdom
My situation in life nowadays is splitted in inconstant & disconstantly rhythm
Just mixed Vibe,New York the East Coast to Kingston,from North America
I love my Lyrics, and love my Life, just love Opportunities in Life
By this sight,a Goodwill in Life,from my Side,Business & Economics and my Blogspot just Industry
Just the Crunchy USA,Crunch to say,Baby,Baby Riding Deep
Across the Streets of Long Beach or Milwaukee or Florida Miami,just USA Across Interstate
Innermost faith from my Side,God is on my Side & in my Life
I have nothing to lose in Life, in this Focused Regard,i start my Day just every day mostly ok
Common Sake & Common Faith is expected in my Life & World, So i'm solo and not married
No Driver License & Not Really Job or Home Residence, i live in a German Facility
So my Life is representing a Life like every German Citizen from 84 Million in Germany
Just believe me, we in Germany have no World Credibility or Reputation
But we are an Industrial & Great Country
So i'm back to Lyricism
Gangsterism is no subject to Germany, or Crime Rates
Just Criminal Statistics or Law Correspondence here in ( DE )
Organized Crime is foreign to Germany
Just in the USA is Law Correspondence & Jurisdiction a hugh subject & enormous Capital in the Country
So the USA has also the Republicans & Democrats just Politically Enemies
Just this to that, now i'm back to smack my Rhyming Nexus on this Track
Life's how it is, Life's how Morality is differentiated nowadays with Dismorality & Insanity
Life's is what you Making out of it, every day & everyday
Just Wiehl,Theodor Fliedner can get no stranger into our Precinct & Block
Rocking the Rocky Rock,to drop my Verses & Lines lyrically & sometimes Literary
My Lyrically Complex just my Texts reaching from New York till Wiehl,Wald
So Still loving my Lyrics,me Andreas, Still in Intepretation of a Rocky Nation just Celebration
In a Theatric Nation & Opportunistic Conservative Face of Germany just ( Human Race )
Celebration in a Nation just theatric Nation of Germany (DE),Eminem how to mention his Career in USA
He is okay, with his Platinum Records,just to say, Classic Records done,he is from 8 Mile ( Detroit,Michagan ) His Style
For a While is since Decades Successfully in Sight, just alike,he is a Producer & Intellectual Prime Smart Actor
Especially also A.P.P is addressing Artists & Industries just Corporations & Nations
So the USA is Great,shaking hands with Jesus, in these Dimensions,reaching out hands to God in ( Cooperation )
Opportunities in my Life,hugh in Interest, especially also through google in World
Makaveli Records could came,it's a Speculation
Lyricism can set Principles under a Roof,it's cool, talk about U,truth be told
If you say People regret their Differences,and are in Compassion,you should be in appreciation
If you say Compassion is human being related,it's faith to believe in, just streaming
Now See Me, Take It Easy,From Colorado till Kansas City
New York City, Exploration just getting Respect in a Nation
Brothers Getting Shot Back Resurrected
It's Biggie Christopher Early In the Morning,Blessing from God,Through his Figure as a Brooklyn Brother
So i love my Mother,she is a perfect & friendly type human being,she raised me with Love
Hug my Moms means Greatness to Me
So i love my Life, and also very thankfully to God what he created in me
So a Young Rapper named Kurt Jan Eckard was superior with his Freestyle Rap Skills in the City of Wíehl
That's Real,he is like Schrott Steel to rap dope around
Has the Sound by his Freestyle Activity,like NYC in New York City
His Career is successfully in Light
Just alike enframed in tight atmosphere,so we human we all here in World
So i'm solo in World,not married, no Driver License
No Really Friends,living in a Facility just Craftmanship Theodor Fliedner Waldruhe,Wiehl,NRW,Germany
So believe me my Lyricism, is no Bravado or Gansterism
Some is Texted in short time
I really know how nowadays things work,word up, how is your Biz
Dissing & confronting People me is not about in Life
Circumstances like i Wrote in " Can U Understand My Ways " lead to Temporary Stress in Life
So specific meant,my friend now i tend to say the World is Saved & Blessed
World Eternity,Peace & Love Andreas Penno
The Generic Version of Eric Sermon is Downtown Big Daddy Kane as Same as a Frown by Shawn Clown Crahan, the Clown
Enthusiasm is nowadays a hidden Secret in Hands of People
Which is not lifted because of Fear & your hear me
So Opportunities nowadays in World,could everybody grip in Essence
No stressing, just strike to, my friend,now
Life's sometimes really heavy,dressed in Jeans just no Baggy
Just accurately,in Form, with a Pullover and Ben Sherman Jacket just Men's Shoes
Driving Down to Town and going to Sparkasse & afterwards Shopping,sitting everyday in front of the PC
Just see, a Destiny,to catch,was a Hurdle to take in Life
A Sight just Hard Alike
Lost Prophets from Older Times, died once, came back Reincarnated,Makaveli his alias,tell me what about that
So see, in a dream me with Michael my Road Dog,just taking about World Industry & Gaming just Playing
Shaking lyrically lines just typing Rhymes
It's all about you,truth bout you,love about you
Picture perfect, i paint a picture perfect
Just to rap & check my musically lyrically instrument,dropping acapella,just Rocafella
I believe definitely that i'm left just democratically liberal positioned
Missing good times in Life,just alike
The Rex Cristus Jesus alias Makaveli,maybe next time in Resurrection in Easter
Just check it,respect my whole Life's Biography & Life from me Andreas
Tolerate my Life just World Industry in spelling lyrically Articulation
A Nation with celebrating Theatric Vibration
Picture me in a Professional Home Studio just organized with Released Type Headquarters in World from A.P.P The Source, off course
Adjustment & Tactically Modern Strategy from A.P.P Source accustomed to Type Professionality
Sometimes i'm about Insanity,but me Andreas is about my Family
My Father & Mother,like 2pac loved his brothers
Over The Top,heavy rocks in life, Rock N Roll,heavy like a Rock
Lyrics like Lady Lai,Dawaii Dawaii Dawaii, Hi my Friend, My gesture
My, Pleasure,International,fashionable,a session to kick
Just a Tip to the Youth,be always in truth to you principles
Be Cool and start the Offensive to Create Some
To Create that you know where you are coming from,just a little lyrically Song,for ya'll
Creativity is asked by all,shall i comment on spirits of Brooklyn
New York just Radio Phone Calls of " Trading Places " just Faces of Streets
Opportunities & Possibilities in a Corporate Created Literature Lyrics ( Studio) ( A.P.P )
To write Lyrically Content on it
Just kicking paragraphs,what's up, what's up with tha luv
Kicking Sequels for the Audience, so i have no Fans
Sometimes Makaveli dances from the left to the right
Just alike,Motorcycles driving across Colorado or Wisconsin,Milwaukee to Long Beach California
The USA is great,no fake,So Joe Biden is a Great Politician
I tend more to the Democrats than Republicans, so i'm left politically more than right
West Side, tonight,alright,ok,just to say,babayy,East Side tonight babay,just ok,heyyy
So the USA is great,great Politicians,and a great Environment,just to say the 50 States are great,shaking Lines about Billy the Kid from Texas
Or John Wayne from Texas,Southern United States of America,or New York,Frank White,just alike,sharing Stories like Pablo Escobar
Or Traditional Stories from the 60's New York,Rap & Hip-Hop Beginning,Kick Off of a Culture Coining Later Centuries
Basically Stories from Donald Goines or Che Guevara in a Train with open Deck on a Railway Road through the South
And the Bulls is jumping on the Train
What i know early in the Morning the Comb thick filled on the Baseline from the Wash-Basin,no stressing,just God's Blessing
Messing every day with Devil-Mind Thoughts exploiting my Brain & Head,just Mind-Storm of Wrong Thoughts
On the Block, i drop Verses after Verses, Lines after Lines,just Type of Rhymes creating Lyrically Music just Literature sometimes Music in this Context
So my Texts are all about a Nexus of texting International,no stressing
So i differentiate under Literary Act & Musically Act from Lyrics,just a Gimmick
So i write Types alike,Greatness behind
The 50 States in Request of Polls & Election next Time, so i tend more to the Democrats
Anyway, Politics is Politics,sometimes Life's overcoming your Principles
So the US should vote for a suited & appropriated Candidate
Lyricism is all about writing Basically Lines from your Heart
Walking through the World like everybody, just blinded from World
So New York expect him like you expect Jezus to come back, so his alias ( Makaveli )
Recently my Mother bought Jeans for me, i guess i should buy my attire & fashion independently
Shit, no Car and no Driving License,anyway Life's Great & so i'm all about my Lyrics ( Lyrik)
Well now,2024 came,still rocking with ( A.P.P ) The Source, Off course
So i'm here thinking bout we are here,see me in a Touch of Rush of a Crush of Concentration
This nation is tricky,kick me, feel me, believe me,see me, take it easy, free me now
So New York 5 Districts , Metropolitan Scale Areas,Streets,Names, Faith for Common Sake
In a Way to put on discussion, please God no Interuptions, while the 7 Day,by Blasphemically Acts
So give me some Calibre of Textures & Lyrically Content just Written by my self,off the shelf
Hey yey, Andreas a.k.a The Millionaire, the Magician, the loneliest Individual in his Residence,alive one day
Say my Name Andreas Penno in a Amalgam of Charm,Greatness & Constructiveness, all day it's stress
Blessing from God maybe one day in World,Place of the Skull,Golgatha,Cave Blessing,messing everyday with Demons & Venom of the Devil
Now i was positioned with Bass,Power Treble, to take this Gang Bang Shit to a Whole Another Level
Like a Rebel texting Lines just for a Literary Act just like,so tight, it's all bout Promulgating Lyrics from A.P.P ( The Source )
Off Course i rhyme dope my Source,my literary ACTS to perform great
Shaking the lost faith every day,every way, today lost with God's Ways of Torture
My leading ways in straight Confrontation with God and his leading Mentally Shocks to me everyday
He's a Human Being of Strong Responsibility in World which is faked & wrong Faith
God is God, he knows really what's going on,like my last Text Passages
Also on " Crossroads " the 3rd Great Album from me Andreas Penno, to show, how to know, what God did
So my Intentions on ( A.P.P ) The Source to be in Statement of regulating a World Industry & World Politics just a World Industry in Globally Scale to say
To be in Representation of Materials just an Establishment & Works
Just Industry for all Continents of World, just HTTP:// / The Source
This Lyrically Lines are in Dedication to Earl Simmons from New York & Christopher Wallace
And Hannelore Elstner from Germany, Shock Jakob G, Denholm Elliot,White Name from Streets,Peace
Truly Dedication in Remembering these Human Beings how it seems
To be in Stance of a Chance of Thinking how Great They Was in Faith Off Course
So i protocolate about Lyrically Lines
Just about Commitment to Rhymes just about Literary & Musically Lines in Opportunistic Ideals of Final Aspects just Lyrically to Respect it ,now Check it
Brother Getting Shot coming back Resurrected
Be in Advice of yourself,off the Shelf, texting strong my Life's Circumstances,so my Chances in World,maybe overthrown by someone
You know where we coming from, it's all about this Song, Performed in ( Form ), Creational & Creative von A.P.P ( Source ) like always
Just the Lyrically Literary Lines Performed by Mine,a Type of Industrial & ( Contemporary ) Arts just Lyrically Literary Works, from my Type like
Creative about one phrase in a Correspondence,Be Your Self,in a Way of Believing in your Self,Strike yourself Out,Applause
Opportunities & Possibilities in my Lyrics & Literature,Poetry,Musically Works & How i Write about my Life
Is A Sight of a Type Alike,just an Universiy of Stuying Lyrics about in Light
So America is Great, all Avenues and Particularly Bed Stuy ( Brooklyn ) New York City,Christopher George Latore Wallace, a great Figure in Rap History
I respect him me Andreas Penno cause that he is a young Brother from New York
Just believe me, World Eternity is coming,World Peace in all Streets, even in Haifa ( Israel )
Just dropping acapella,my Lyrically Content in front of ya'll, just telling my Lyrics is Schooling ya'll, eternally
So the world is how it is,life's what is what you making it out of it,also the great EURO-System just the ( EU )
Just School so cool once,in Life School Times everybody does reminisce,just the reminiscing bliss once lived
School Era once in Life, creating so much bad Stuff with the Comrades,just smoking Herb in Past Time and drinking Alcohol with Homies Once in Life
This Life,it's Life to drink in posse,creating bullshit with comrades,being so close,it's complicated,everybody once in Posse faded,it pure faith,celebrated
Once School Times,this Living Peculiar Life's Moments Once,a Chance to move forwardly, with these Memories Lived Once
So Life's offering you a lot in World,So me Andreas Solo in Life,no Woman,No really Home,No Car & No Job
So on the Block,just to rock,dropping these Lines in Times like these, just this Times is grand Created & promised in World Era in this Happen
Behind Lyrically Aspects, to get opportunistic in writing Lyrics to be good not bad, to check just put this Regulations on the Map
So i'm not bout music like Rap
Articulating strong Gifted Lines in this Times, in this Framework, what ever you heard, of mine,this Times i walk through shadows depth
Often in the past 2 Decades i walked through Shadows Depth & Dirty Circumstances, no Chance to get out of this Happen
This Time was anxiously for me & depriving for me,strong Heavyweight for me,just now look at me,crucified for years,Eternity in Expectations
God's Blessing in Celebration at Ending,just slamming,End just World Blessing,no particularly frozen moment,just World Interacting Blessing
Lessons learned in past Time,just a Time of Commitment,one day it will be all fine,just a sight,of really Great Time in Life
Enormously Blessing in Front Me & World Eternity
Maybe,eventually in Question these Attributes just Blessing or World Eternity,somebody created these Conditions & Ideas
Not me Andreas Penno, but does set now Doubt on it, maybe God
Just Doubt on it, these Attributes in World,anyway wasn't my idea this Eternity & Blessing
But could really happen this Perspective from God,to ignore his own Regard of me Andreas Penno as far as ( Makaveli ) in this World Event
So Germany is a country of Theatric Vibration & a Smart Nation & Society just Intelligent Language
Enriched with People of Strong Native Pride,just alike
So i lyrically, spiritually talk about Worth & Values of World,just Mentality of Establishment of Business,World Industry & ( World Politics )
So lyrically i tend strongly to Marshall Mathers just Eminem & Tupac Amaru Shakur alias Makaveli or Corey Taylor from Des Moines
Lyrically Inspiration from Artists just Rock Stars or definitely Eminem from ( 8 Mile ) and his Rhyme ( Genius ) Nexus
Perplexed from Eminem & His Career & just Hands Down,his Career is even nowadays so successfully in Regard of his Record Sales from US also in U.K
Just his Rap Thesaurus & Glossary of Language, the System of his Rhyming Language,just the Image of his Switching Enriched Rap Dialogue
Eminem is definitely Great,he shakes the World Headlines like the once Makaveli & The Notorious B.I.G, Eminem has a Great Career with hugh Success
Also Corey Taylor, his Fame & No Career's Failure,Slipknot has Great Lyrically Lines at Offerings,Corey writes metaphorically & sense challenging for the next
Just his Texts are in Nexus of Perplexing your Mind every time,alright
The sight of Slipknot's Graphically Astonishment, just their Representation Graphically is a Sensation Raw for ya'll
So i write how it's alike,great Greetings from my Continent to Ivory Coast Tidjane Thiam,God Bless You Tidjane in Coté D'ivoire
So Halleluja to everybody in World,Expect Him Back like You Expect Jezus To Come Back,off the Air,Yeah
So hell Yeah,i write different Ways,staying always wide awake all day,saying hey Life ain't easy for everybody from us,trust me Eternity is coming
Yelling always World Peace,just Streets from Wisconsin,Milwaukee or San Diego,US,New York City just Brooklyn loud noise from them Soldiers
So next time Donald Trump will be in Election,a Session just Section of Against Joe Biden,Writing both Names for the Voting Polls
I tend more to Joe Biden than to Trump,but also hugh Sympathy for Donald Trump's Republicans Politics
So the USA need a Law Correspondence Title named Justice & Equality written just from Abraham Lincolns Historically Way of the Country of Founding Fathers Words
The United States needs a new Regime for being Conservative for Great Values,just alike to day to say it right,ok
So the United States of America from the East Coast from Miami,Florida to Texas and Seattle,needs Reformation in it's imperialistic Nation
So Snoop Dogg,God Bless Him & Curtis Jackson, God Bless the whole World Metropolitan Scale Area City New York,just Harlem & Brooklyn just Manhattan and East Orange
Snoop shines in his Career,so we Human Beings we all now here, so A.P.P The Source a World Scale Monopoly( Monopol ) on ( Google )
So i look out for a Great Corporation from / The Sourcing just Blogspot
So Rock N Roll,Roll & Rock,just dropping phrases,just Weed became Legalised in Germany in 2024, it's truth of Lauterbach from the Green Party of the Bundestag
So i create Nexuses & Texting Politics just World Globally Aspects,just about this ACT just Literary ( ACT ) Globally
So i could mention the Southern United States of US, in the West,just John Wayne,how can i only mention Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan
Or one of the Greatest Movies ever Done Armour of God with Jackie Chan, just the Scene picturesque like a Dream just the Jump
From The Car into the Export Harbour's Weights into the Ocean, with the Timelapse from Jackie straight from the Car
Just Jackie is also a truly Gentleman and in Dexterity in his Roles in Hollywood, just look
So Music to celebrate is common faith,just in Interpretation of Music celebrates just Celebration of Lyrically
Acoustics and Piano Rolls just Keyboard for Interaction Flows for International Shows, just Artistically Temperament to Show
So El Chapo digged Holes out of the Correctional Facility years ago in US History of a State Prison
Intermissions in my Dialogue to text without Ends,Open Source Writing & Typing
So the World Turns every 24 Hours,the US State has hugh Resource in Natural Reserves & GDP Hugh 25 Trillion of Dollars
Popping Up my Collar,Dollar Dollar, but me Andreas Penno is destitute in Life, No Finance in Life till now this Moment,does't care bout Money
Funny is me Andy,with representing a Mystery in World,So i text in my Blogspot alias Corporation a lot bout World Politics & Globally Journalism in Sectors
So literary is this Product Written,not biten,so Opportunities in Life everybody can achieve,just believe, stay strong overcame the thought,strike,just alike yeah
So me is Andy not Gandhi,my Correspondence represents different Principles of World Affairs & Globally Circumstances, i write about what i see in World & Humankind
So the USA is a Great Country, so Germany is a Country with no Culture,this native Country carries no Arts of Culture in all 16 Federal States,only Spiritless Civilization
Facing Trauma alldays with God,my lovely Friend,he is a Liar,and dangerous like a demons Hell Fire just Venom to Me
Just a Metamorphosis in World over the Centuries, just see,the World has different time in Decades in World
So also Media Apps just Visualization of a Thunder Bolt,just quick as Usain Bolt
So Lyrics can set a purpose on directions in writings, a sight in liking writing for the whole World
So Internationalism just Capitalism creates Realism in World, Creativity of my Economism Lyrics is Industrialization just Great for Our Nation (DE )Germany
So Opportunities & Possibilities are in Lyrics to define just alike to study & research for Education and Mindset Perspectives
A.P.P offers in hugh Arrangement Education & Literacy in Sectors in World also ( M & D ) and my World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsprodukt )
This Model has Poles to Google just Millions of Results
( World Economic Model )
So a Humanitarian Globally Essence of Strive for Life in Circumstances tonight just nobody is alright,look upfront forwardly my friend
Everythings gonna be alright,just alike, so tight, just a Sight of Poetry Power & Lyrically Meanings,just believing,step on the scene
All the Hoochies screaming,a Woman is a Woman, we as Men should love Women and be directly with Horse Sense & Human Respect for Women just Love our Women
Women are beautifully,so opportunities to catch,to smack Life's Problems away,ain't easy,just tease me,believe me,even me Andreas gotta learn to take it easy
Squeeze me,just never in Life counted Bank Notes,so i'm lyrically,also Protocolating on ( A.P.P )Source,off course it's / The Source
Feelings in Life can reach far in Light,accordingly & in Regard in Life somebody could tell,Eternity is coming to everybody,just World Eternity, to tell
To pay the price for the sinnings in Life for World Sinnings in Crooked Right,Tonight You See a Strong Empowered Definitely Intelligent Established Great Andreas Penno, so well
Hey, a.k.a Makaveli, maybe one time in World,so this Life is lived Once, so everybody has a Chance in Life,just a sight,everybody can achieve something in Life
Just truth to be looking through my Rearview,stare baby,so the Humanity is in awake of some Hugh Grand Spectacle,call it World Peace,everybody is in Peace achieved
So my Life since 35 Years a little bit crumbled,rumbled,stumbling, Heal the World make it for a better Place,for everybody's Race
Nowadays people are so filled with Differences & kinda Perspectives of Own Charisma,just a Generation of Education & Celebrating Shaking Principles of Faking
So myself knows somebody named Elke Bein,she is old,but a great Friend of Mine, she is truly friendly & established as a Woman in Life
So Globally the World is filled with Humankind,just alike a Type of Humankind namely US,a Population is US of a Enriched Country just a Nation of Facing Drama every day,ok
So the US has Hostage Crisis everyday in the Country of Unlimited Choices,but the US is Great
So North America cooperates also with the ( EU ) constantly & permanently just the Middle East Block
Ohhhhhh heavy Papa,my life is empty,chevy like heavy like a Devil's Trauma nowadays, but always thankfully to God in World
We all Human Beings should thank God from the whole enheartened Heart & World, just thankfully to the Father
I should be everyday smarter & smarter, even farther with a complex mind,just intelligent for future, The New Future,just enlightend in Head
Be Back everyday,hey,a.k.a Makaveli,maybe once in World,next Time,just alike, so me is strong,fundamentally,structured
Without Disruptions & Intermissions, a liaison with God,World Media Journalism,Cooperation,Thank God,On the Block
So Jamaicans Dreams seems till nowadays far away, so ok,my conflicts nowadays to solve truly hugh,but i stay clever
Ready 4 Whatever,just 4 Whatever, never trippin,kicking basically my rhymes,for a great Glossary on google
A Human Nature Great Jargon for the Google Graphically Machine
So the humanitarian Crisis in some Parts of World, pray to God for the " Sacred War Done " just End of War in World
So we Humans should concentrate of what i said,( World Peace ),also for the Broken & War Torn Streets in Israel
World Eternity ( The ACT ) of World Peace
So my Life live once,a Meaning of Believing just Streaming Love everyday in World,me ( Andreas Penno )
I talk Round of Talks,Clever & Dropping Phrases just what up,like Cleveland Indians or Colorado Avalanche just Los Angeles Lakers
Eminem rocks everybody, Ohhhhhhh The DON KILLUMINATI,through your Body, to hit Rock Bottom,Rocking
So me is maybe one day a Story of from Rags to Riches,just Chicago or Wyoming,namely Maine or North Carolina,just Fine yo, the East ya,ll
World of West Side for Ya'll, shall i say, one times East & West Filled with Legends of New York, one times in World the Kingdom Again
So rock the Scene,like a Dream, step on the Scene, somebody in World is peculiar interesting to me,even after 20 Years Missing her just Bliss in her
Name her Tania Helmert,she was like a World Empire Queen to me once in Life,a Woman for Live,nowadays i only reminisce Times of her in my Life
So take Differences in my Life,somebody has no Right,to take his Sides on me,his Opportunities should triumph on me with Sense & Chances, but he is overrated in World
He can't stand his own Failure in World,but could
So Madonna is a great Artist,especially also Corey Taylor just Slipknot or Jonathan Davis just his Song named Old-fashioned " Blind ",so tight alike
Monkey from koRn just his Dread-Locks,so Rock N Roll,so Rock,i drop my Verses also for Kurt Cobain & Nirvana, the Once Thriving Rock N Roll Group from Seattle
Funny it is to stand Life in my Presence, for everything i represent, Heavensent, my Letter to the Chancellor, his Excellence, my Represence,my Chance
So,Reuters ( Journalism ) overfilled from my Materials,Actively, just on Google meant,also Bloomberg on the Chiffre from Google Graphically Machine
So i'm a Dream to Women,cause in him is to find Peculiar Life & Truth
God Bless the Children of Tomorrow,ain't no Sorrows in Future,only Obstacles & Barriers in Future, Laid from someone,selfish & jealous,truthfully to tell
So Eminem is truly successfully in World, so i admire his Works, his World Metropolitan US Presence in America,just his Fame in all 50 States & Worldwide
Just alike i'm dependent on someone in Life,in research for Independence, just Globally, i'm adhering on somebody, his Name maybe actively in Churches
Researching & Search for a Great Young Early Career in World,just already created, A.P.P The Source / Sourcing
So i'm now sitting on my Working Desk,in Ask for more,sure for ya'll,A.P.P The Source is down for ya'll, the Corporation & The Industry ( Blogspot)
Rocking the Verses of International Aspects,just check, just like Rap from the East,but more Literary just a Lyrically Bible or Quran
Especially also on Google,just Ruble on Google,my Market Place,look at my Face,just a Race of Black Beauty Shining Ghost just Jesus
Believe me USA just 340 Millions Population, a Nation of Growth & Industry, so also Nebraska,Illinois,Mayne,Wyoming,Rhode Island,New York
Just the Boroughs,Brooklyn,Manhattan,Queens,East Orange,just Ohio or Kansas with the Middle America,( Divided ),South West East or North,just South
Just Military Campaign,in US,just World Metropolitan Scale City Areas just Districts in Chicago or Miami Florida,Precincts of Boston or Philadelphia
The US needs Justice & Freedom just Liberty & Liberisation in a Nation of Intelligent Correspondence
Just a Commission,so i wish America Liaison with no blocking Judicially Intermission
And no things getting twisted,Bliss for every Black Afro-American
Cooperation & Collaboration for the Arab World,A Commission for the ( EU ) & ( ASEAN ) and GCC just India
The US needs Jobs for Opportunities in all States & Faith just Grace for the Humanities Face
The USA is compact & cooperative,but should also establish with the Vice Presidency Hope for the Minorities in North America,Professions International Charisma
All County Jails in US in Expectations till 2030 in Nation's Awake of Human Worth Celebration and Veterans Graveyards in Honour of,just Amazing Great
So this to Globally Context
I write like a rhyme & rhyme like i write, hugh enormous Tolerance & Greetings to Africa,Tidjane Thiam
He is a truly Banking Focused Professional & Great Politician, Great Wishing to Him from Cologne ( DE )
Lyricism Tidjane is truthfully worthwhile,you Tidjane ohhhhhh my God,now talking to you lyrically,spiritually,so Black Jesus also in ( Africa )in Churches blessed
So sometimes i'm stressed, sometimes i'm optimistically about my Lyricism sometimes not,on the Block,Tania Helmert i mentioned in this Sector " Lyrics / Composition " sometimes
She is a Young Woman with Character & Strong Atomosphere with Love to Mighty & Love to Michelle
So you is pretty well,Tania,hoping only the Great for You & Yours Future,God Bless U Tania & Mighty
So Michail Gorbatchow was once a Great Politician in a Stance of Native Pride
Just Native Sights of rocking the East Campaign from Asia to Europe just Globally Spectrum,from Orenburg to Berlin
So Legalize it,from Schleswig-Holstein to Bavaria & Brandenburg to Colonia just Saxony to NRW-Wiehl Wald
So i text a lot also Geography,no Musically Act,Literary Act, just Lyrically One day i'll be back
Smack my Ideas on a Table just Plateau,Tidjane Thiam is a Crack & Whiz in Thesaurus just Lingual Glossary
African Dream & Pride and Intelligence,it's like just like,so right
So i learn from day to day, a.k.a ( Makaveli ) on the Right Spot on Lincoln Avenue just Straight Up from the Precinct of a District in Brooklyn New york City East Coast
US in a Breath of Streets Printed in TV
Opportunities & Possibilities in a Zone just a Alias of ( Crucifixion ) a Mission complex to solve
No Lights,just alike,my right my pleasure,my attention in World, categorized in Google
My Public Signalization in World,just all Continents hear from my Filiale & my Blogspot Worldwide
Just dissing on the other Side,me ain't,but really no Fame in Life,i agree,so believe me,my Life was Destiny from God
So i create a Glossary in World,never was married or had a Girl,Solo my Friend, so i'm business affiliated
Shaking Lyrics in ( Mass ), what up, lyrically disguise from Makaveli,sometimes i have a phantom alike diguise lyrically mask
Blasting rhymes for the lyrically composition,in a mission, Gratitude to t.a.t.y in World History,tatu is so great,in lyrically faith
And musically Grace in Great sake of Common Faith related to russian versions of t.a.ty,just musically power from taty of the East
Bliss in World is Powerful,just Blowing Wishes & a Mission of Liaison to myself in a Commission just International Protocolating in my own Commission on A.P.P The Source
Off course i'm happy of Life,just alright,Life is tonight a Life of Filled Blessing inside,just alike, and my little brother from New York Keep Ya Head Up
If Life turns sometimes down,come around,stand up for your rights, and live your Life great Tonight
My Constitution nowadays is Great, sometimes fallen off, than coming close to rattling up together and take steps for further Battling Up United with myself in Happen
Behind texting all i love was Latin,let it be happen, texting deep, transforming my Content to Forming a Lyrically Line,which is behind really about in Time
So also Scorpions from Germany whistling the Song of the Wind of Change,so my Name in Front of the whole Posse in Frame
My Name Multi-Millions Results on Google ( Graphically Machine ) just a Dream,so i create Materials for the World
Also upcoming an Upload for A.P.P The Sourcing / Resource in World
Opportunities & Possibilities from A.P.P just a Multiplex ( Multifold ) Multilateral Broadwidth of Materials & Establishment on A.P.P Source
So what's next in World,creating Words also for what you heard just A.P.P no dirt but Professional, One Word namely International for the Resource
Well,Life is lived once,once in History,so Life is lived one time in World,Care by yourself and catch the Opportunity for Freshness & Ideals
So Infrastructure from my Lyrics / Composition Branche is partitioned in Sense & meticulously just Establishment for Greatness & Growth
So i wrote constantly, professional, international just the Corporation, i believe God is foreign to me,he is ignorant & not in sense, no Chance
I'm in Capitalization of a Nation's Value,me Andreas Penno, protocolates bout Growth,Capital of Humanity,Process of Opportunities in World
I text about Greatness,Virtues,Exact Details,International Communication,USA,Corporate Culture,Opportunities in World,Context with Texts just Professionality
I create Capitalised Lyrics of Emotions,Feelings,Literature,Lyrics,Poetry,Own Impression of World,Regulations about Establishment from my Perspective about World
So Life's a Game,somebody does say this.I believe Life's a Same Game such as God's Will which will turn out a Failure in World
Nowadays my Ways are complicated,fading,just 15 Years in a German Facility isolated from World, regulated with a Mind which is sharp, so what ???
I live now in the 3rd Phase of my Life,the 4th will may come,so i write constantly & permanently for my World Corporation & World Industry
I create Materials, so i have a Keyboard & Tabulators to type in,writing complex Texts about my Impression of World, International in World
So Globally To Achieve Regulations just Donald Trump & Joe Biden,more over Biden in Tendency to Republicans Liking
So the USA needs Empowerment also in New York,Illinois, Massachusetts,Nebraska,Iowa,Idaho, California Long Beach,Streets of Philadelphia
Wyoming,Rhode Island,Miami Florida, Differences from Texas, Gun Connection & Possession from the USA,Innermost Country's Principles in Legal Activity & Justice & Law Handling in the USA
We need in the USA Lawfully Incorporation from the Government & Parliament just the US System should arrive in a scene of an American Dream
So the United States of America is embroiled in a Schema of an Legislation of a Nation sparking Injustice awaken in an Way of a Day of America's Afraid Society to Say
If i know can observe a Country of Discrepencies & Irregularities,please America, the USA is Great,but also in wrong Faith,but the USA in Front of the World is Great
So to the USA,so my Life of mine Andreas Daily Wounds of a Mystery,glistering Diamonds,supporting Jewels,Still I Rise,Bread of Life,Makaveli so his Alias
So Tokyo & New York are great,Impoverished Blocks from Brooklyn,no one cares,no one, New York great World Metropolitan Scale City Area, also a Context bout my Texts
Just Raps of swinging back, just to attack Definitions, A Mission just Twisted sometimes in my Position,in Liaison with Cooperation to God
So i care bout my World Blogspot,on the Block i'm your big Brother,so Possibilities & Opportunities in my World Media Journalism
So sing the Song of the Coyote,howling,crunch just a Steak,Crunch for a lucky Punch in a Row,no Show,now Tricks, like Smiles Mick,Streets of Manhattan
So this is a Textual Complex, just Texts,bringing down to Reality,Compression,International Relations World Scale,A.P.P Source / Sourcing
No Remorse for Acts once in Life,just a Sight, just alike,my Constitution just no Illusion,no Disillusion,just Pure Growth for my Industry
So the United States just the USA has great Sourcing,so the USA has Greatness & Brilliance just World Status
Well Cincinnati,Nebraska,Illinois ( Chicago ),New York,Texas, California,Wyoming,Vermont,Rhode Island,Michigan,Brooklyn,Manhattan,New Jersey
Just Dallas,Iowa,Idaho,Montana,Georgia,Kansas,Miami ( Florida ),North Carolina,Republicans & Democrats,North or South,West or East
The USA does need Growth in an Example & Sampling for Minorities & Scaled Folks of Degradation & the USA needs Attractive Judicially States Reformation
An Exponential Growth Aspect for Migrants of Mexico & Latin America,just no ( THE WALL )
Should be stopped & blocked so tall,just Millions of Jobs for Spanish Folks & Mexican Pride & Hispanically Greatness from Honduras
So the United States is Faith for a World Grace and Liberisation just a Nation of Facing next Time Election in America
So USA is in Growth also of National Treasures & this Country needs Tolerance in Social Activity & Universities Grades just World Humanitarian Faith
So in this Case, America is Great Again,but Hopefully Joe Biden wins the Race for the Challenge of the Century,just facing Cases also just ( USA ) Hopefully Degraded US Criminal Rates in Faith
Also now to tell, the USA takes strong Opportunities in Asia also Hong Kong just China,but China & USA are Archenemies in World,also in South China Sea
Believe Me,strictly,Artists like Adan Hernandez from San Antonio,Texas,in this Nexus,texting the Chicano Artist was a Historically Figure for the USA & World
So i'm the Director & Producer just Developer & Founder of A.P.P Sourcing / Source / Off Course / My Choice just Corporate Branche for A.P.P ( Sourcing )
So the Streets of Baltimore & Maryland just the Jungle of Marin City ( Marin County ) Los Angeles, are filled with Dust & Air of Pure Poetic Justice & Inspiration
Creativity on the Street,Peace in the Milice,just the East is filled with Youngness & Youth of Black People just the once Christopher George Latore Wallace just Streets to beat
So i'm seldom in the World of Lyricists, so my World Poetry & World Lyricism just Songs & Economicism & Globally Politically Context,my Texts to prove for all
So Lyrics about Berlin just Merlin just the Capital,happening of German Society & Lyricism about Gangsterism just Internationalism in Capitalism
So A.P.P Sourcing represents ASEAN & EU and ISS & TPP ( USA ) NASA eventually Business Principles for an Compendium & Structure of Profit for ( Google ) Millions of Results
This Blogspot is a Block just a Metropolitan Scale City Area of Communication Globally Worldwide,so this Blogspot is after 10 Years a Great Industry
So Curtis Jackson just alias 50 Cent is Worldwide known,he is shown in Records of Sales for Billboard Charts,U.K,so 50 Cent is Great,appreciate him alot,on the Block,Hip-Hop
So Life is sometimes complex,but remember my Comrade,Life's a Present,it is not buyable & in Acquisition everyday,is precious, a Present from God,to drop this Psalm just Biblically Anthem
So Latin is a great Language & great to read as a Language & Lingo,Internationalism just Liaison and ( Chicago ) Gansterism also Compton and Brooklyn or South Central just the Hesse,truly precious & unique
Protocolating Texting so in Dexterity,just Professionalism,Internationalism,Justice,Rights,Symbolization of Natural Writings
So i contemplate ways in Life to go
This dirty awfully destiny like i addressed Protocolations & Textures before,this Crucifixion,some Twisted Position i'm missing
Crucified to the Media ??? I don't understand right,just alike,anyway things gotta move forwardly
So this Lyrics / Composition is all about how i think about Life & World,Literature,Lyrics,Music,Albums & Poetry
So see believe me my Destiny in Life was suffering to see,truly how life supposed to be on a Cross
Eventually next time World Save & World Eternity & praising of the carrying
So his alias Makaveli,just like i'm from a rural locally Valley,Theodor Fliedner,Waldruhe, (DE ) Europe,World
So lyrically i'm shook,just look, it's all good,Penitentiaries in US filled with Crooks & Felons just Convicts
From Texas to flexing Staten Island or East Orange to Chicago,San Francisco to New Orleans,Charlotte to Florida
The US Civil Justice System needs a new Regime,this Humanitarian Way of the United States need Faith in Common Sake
Judicially Principles for a Country of Common Faith in World History for New York and the Constitution just a Revolution
Just the USA and the Correctional Facilities should lay Worth on Prudential Calibre of Humanity
Just the Government & The White House should take into Accordance
In Regard, for a Country of Pride,Glory & Freedom for a Uplifting State of Common Faith
The Establishment of the USA for all the Governors & Senators just the Mayors should take care of Country of Racial Equality
Humanitarian Equality in World History for the USA in World
So i text constantly in flexing on my Lyrics just Paramountly dope to write intelligent & in Aspirations of Greatness about
My lyrically Sound is like a Frown just a Clown of Slipknot, Shawn Clown Crahan, so i'm saying Slipknot is Great in Faith of Youth just the Heavy Sound
Just all about Rock N Roll was also in Lyrics / Composition accentuated and claimed just Lyrically put on Faith, and protocolated
My destiny in Life was unbreakable,unbeatable and unshakable,totally Wounded by Transgression of Humankind,just alike Makaveli, 7 Day Theory
So i create materials for sure, just raw,multi-langual A.P.P Source / Sourcing for ya'll,just more,lyrically for sure
The World is turning every 24 Hours over the Axis,texting peculiar in Sense,my chance the Upload eventually next time,a sight alike
So i have strong dedication to Irina Penno & Peter Penno my Parents, they created more in lifetime to me than ever thought,hugh Dedication
So my nation just celebrating the theatric Vibration of Germany,just Bob Marley's Cinematoary Movie " One Love " ohhhhh Heavently
This was inspiration & a sensation for the whole World,just number luv and tribute to Jamaica & Kingston, Rest In Peace to our so great Bob Marley,One Love
Opportunities & Possibilities in Life to catch is hughly promised & in distance to achieve,so the Streets of the USA are regulated in Abandonment & Commitment
These Streets had a Meaning to Makaveli so his alias,he once addressed that Thug Life will never die,that to him,Tupac Shakur alias Makaveli
Maybe this alias stands in Connection to further World Civilization after his Life in the USA just Makaveli
So Bob Marley is a Promotion & Established Name for himself, how he saw his Rastafari-Belief from Jamaica,of the Caribbean Islands
One Love & Always Remembering you Bob Marley of World History,just your Commitment
So creativity is asked first,catch your opportunities & possibilities,use your chance,use your Essence, i guess one time you is on your pinnacle of lessons
So Chances in your life can turn out Growth for yourself,Growth for your Human being's Establishment & Growth for your self in World
Everybody has Chances & has Dedication for Life's Commitment in this World
Take Care of your Opportunities & Possibilities in World, get engaged in Faith & Grace just Liberisation of Human Awaken Facing in Humanitarian Race
Facing Traumas all day,i have a Friend in my House which is God,trust me,he is God,it's all about that Crucifixion i addressed since early on
He slaughters the Crap out of me,1000 times stabbed for 20 Years,everyday,that's my Reality,anywhere that's only one Segment bout this God,lyrically i have different Worth than God
So Bob Marley is a Jamaican Uplifting Revolutionary in World History, the cinematory Filmstripe " One Love " based on a true Story is a message
Which is extraordinary a Future for the Youth Worldwide, just " One Love " & " One Rasta " & Bob Marley in World History
So i write thoroughly correspondence of literary Works or musically Works on my World Corporation & World Industry just Blogspot
So Opportunities & Possibilities on my Blogspot under Globally Strong Starkly Representation & and Google ( Googling ) Globally Research Millions Entries Worldwide
Just alike so tight,just alright,my Correspondence in Globally Spectrum ridiculing all Musicians & Interprets in World
So see you next time...
So i like Bob Marley and " One Love " just the Biography cinematorically, Bob Marley was a hugh Professional Musician just Interpret in World
He created 100's of Songs for Kingston,he is known for Centuries,just this,all about this, his record of Life & my Inspiration of his Voice
He is about Professionality just Musically Creation & a Celebration of Rastafari just Great
So life is life,life is what you doing out of it,Life is what you making out of it,the proverb,what's you heard could be true,alias Makaveli
So the World is the World,never was married me Andreas Penno,no driver license,but my Life is Great & Specific i'm very happy bout every day in Life
So a wooden racks is to check finely,lyrically tunes by my side, hugh Props & Dedication to Bob Marley & The Wailers from Jamaica in the 70's & 80'S of World
So charisma is pretty,to create a new Planet Earth with Makaveli,by his Alias
So Graffities and Color just the Taste of freshly Enamel on Walls & Murals from Mexico
So tall the Skyscrapers from Chicago or Seattle or Denver,Illinois Chicago,New York Manhattan, Queens, Boston,Wyoming,Staten Island,Connecticut,Iowa,Idaho
So the USA is Great, in Faith of a Great Portrayal of Freedom,Liberty & Pride across the whole Country,America i Love You,God Bless the USA
Hey,in Understanding in also just text Music, i come straight from the Parcours,just Tupac Amaru Shakur, just check the Scence,by the Dream
Just ahhh,just ohhh,for ya'll,Underground for sure,Outlaw,being inspirational for Calibre of Nation's Pride,just alike,in Frame of Fame and Same
Quick told,Streets are coming straight from the Talents of New York,just in Town like Jean Reno The Professional with Matilda on the Streets
Peace in the Milice,Weaponry & Arsenario on a Catridge Belt from Leon,just Armed for the Scenario
Creativity is mastered on A.P.P Source / Sourcing in hugh Mass from different Sectors, Brothers getting shot,coming back,Resurrected,just check it
Best to respect it,so i'm a lyricist & graphic designer,amounts of materials already the last 10 Years A.P.P Source / Sourcing
Lyrics represent weaknesses & strength from humanity,just reflect truth in World
I write Lyrics for Commitment of Inner Powers & Striving Intelligence also for Education of World
So the USA,hey Mr.President Joe Biden the Democrats are in rising Growth,but your Party wasn't achieving all Points serving in the Government
Just your Parliament and Congress,so America I love You,Great
So Germany is a Country of Comfortability & Richdom, a rich nation,shaking Lyrics in this Complex,my texts represent World Politics
So Kamala opportunities & possibilities for the next Election as Nation as first,for the Democrats,hugh praising Success from me Andreas to You & Joe Biden
Hugh Classification for the Vote & Election 2024 Polls in the USA from me Andreas
So Globally my Lyrics attack google,for a Reason of Greatness & Establishment just Publicity for the Crowd,just Lyricism for Future,just Nature
Nowadays Germany,a Land of Democracy & Liberisation and Corporate Values just Corporation's Worth just Opportunities & Possibilities just Industry
So the Lyrics in Performance, a Chance to achieve Globally Audience, a Regulation and Commitment
Serving on A.P.P Sourcing / Source,off course, how it always was and will be the World Industry,so see and believe me,my Life had a Destiny, A Crucifixion was my Mission
Twisted up Early in Position since Early On, i gotta to be strong,so strong for circumstances in Life,just alike,just like a Verse of a Heavy Mountain texting,perplexed
So i write truth bout Society & World, loving Women so definitely much,a Touch just Men should concentrate more treating Women more fairly,hear me,sincerely,nearly
Fairness & Truth is welcomed,i say Truth is more dedicated to World Principles just Opportunities
Truth,Real,Love, Friendship,Respect, God,Econonmy,Industry and World Politics just Establishment,Works,Arts count in Life
So Brooklyn just Old School from the Chocolate of New York is History,just the Streets
So Peace in Middle East,The Lord will bless this Continent in World & the Humanity
My personal Life is like a Tragedy,so much Aspirations just Negativity & Distractions in my Life,also Ignorance from People,just Disrespect from outer Sides
So Tupac Amaru Shakur alias Makaveli could plan a Comeback & Return,so his Alias Makaveli
So i write Things coming on Surface just facing Places in Life,disturbed by a eventually temporary Crucifixion,my Mission,things became twisted
Established on a Road of Obstacles,just a a Road & Way of saying my Life is not ok,sometimes i write ambivalent just a Silhouette, one day i'll be back
Ground Fundamentally his alias Makaveli,opportunities & possibilities for a Label named Makaveli Records could come Reality
Sounding Lyrically dope alright,my Literary Act & Musically Acts are differentiated of different Type of Writings & different Type of Literary Correspondence alike
Just next Forms & Norms after Literary Acts & Musically Acts can follow, popping up my collar & should acquire a Business Suit & Economically Dress just New York
So i create Education,Language,USA,Lyrically Content,Lyrics,Gimmicks,Industry,Growth,Development & Literacy for the World with A.P.P Source / Sourcing
So Literary i create a Shake just no Fake,just Great, in Constellation,just facing Greatness for A.P.P,if Life is overturning you Essence,and it's everyday stressing
Wake up and stand for your Rights,wake up and gain in same Name just remember Life is lived once, achieve your Chance,take your Chance,get rid of all your wrong Vibe
Just alike,achieve Ways of strictly Energy from your Ways behind ,just alike Greatness alright, so alright my Friend,remember you can achieve if you only believe
So lyrically composition from my side,is a Odyssey just long Road of Lyrics,if musically or literary,Acapella Lyrically,i set Propaganda just Media like Walt Disney
So me Andreas Penno i wishing every Human Being just Greatness & a happy Life, a Sight of Righteous Glory tonight,a World of a Fulfilled Feelings in Light
Just a Specs of Artists & Chancellors and Presidents and Citizen from India to Boston,from Cologne to Prague,from my Home to Den Haague,just in Light
Eventually next time after my Crucifixion an New Empire in World written,just new Epochs in World Written,just World Eternity for Humankind & World
So i'm not afraid to take a Step,everybody,come take my hands, just Eminem, he's great,so Until The End of Time,my Infrastructure is a Nature of Writing Plausible
I create an Edition,just my Interaction lyrically, an Edition,just wishing Positivity,Insanity & Bestiality don take place in my Lyrics,just Values of Prowess & Success
Opportunities & Possibilities are classically & intrinsic ofr A.P.P The Sourcing / Source,just my Texts represent Ideals of Circumstances of Chances to achieve Industry to be
So the World in Politics just circulating News about Tupac Shakur once,he whole ( Media ) protocolated about him, once he was alive,just alike, in life
A Sight of The Notorious B.I.G he was once living in New York, what up,he is nowadays straight up a notorious historically names in the Barbers of New York
Word Up, so the Globally Journalism is turning every 24 Hours around the Circle, maybe one times Blessing for me, for some event mentioned already, 7 Day Theory
Nowadays things changed in World,times alter & changed since the 90's, world turning in hugh different circumstances & switch into empty spaces,particular faces of differentiation
The World is pecular estranged nowadays,everything's so odd,like an Abyss of oppression & slavery
Kinda moments for us human beings of repression, in a session of Interaction just blasting of innerly fraction
This World is nowadays battered from a matter of a Soul-Innerly Shredder
Looking for better innerly conditions,in a wishing for turning one person away in Life,mentioned earlier in Lyrics specific who in Life
Just alright,so tight,opportunities in life,turned out garbage & trash alike, so also Jumanji is a great Classic from the Movie Cinematory Scence of Hollywood
Just like this lyrically Script is a Literary Act no Musically Act,just literary stands for lyrically & literary no Songs interpretated just shaking
So nowadays the Era from Time in World Civilization,the World is peculiar different than 20-30 Years before, different Environment & Differentiation in all Nations on Planet Earth
So also New York isn't more the same,different famous people,also London or Berlin,California or Brussels,Tokyo or Beijing,Munich or Rome or Cologne
So the World Times switched in strong circumstances
Eventually also 2040-2050 a new World Civilization will also become new in Space of World Futuristic Common Ways & Common Days and Common Faith
Just straight Industry,Economy,Society & Politics Reformation in Era of World Straight in Light of Change in World
So even nowadays things work in World like all day,People have Availability & Chances for Works & Great Family Values in World
So i'm here now 18.06.2024, in World History my ( Crucifixion ) my Mission & my Intermission just Short Summarized just alike traumatized myself
Off the Shelf,off the Rack,just to check, no Respect for my Texts,just in Expectations,my lyrically Sensation,in my Nation Germany,Weak Military Guard
Globally off the Air,just so well living everyday,just Wiehl my Homespot,Frankfurt & Washington D.C,US FED & ECB in Context,just Texts Economically Specs
Just to mentions my Lyrically Raps,one day i'll be back for Millions of World Civilization, my Celebration in Life, a sight of Struggle alike
Fighting all Day for the right Act in Life,right or not,On the Block i'm rocking Results on Google,Speculations just much
Millions Already Clear on google and world globally scale achieved,my heat beats for the right Kick,from St.Louis to Kentucky
From Oakland to Orlando, Miami Florida to Boston,Wyoming to New York,from Dallas to Denver,from Connecticut to Cincannati
God Bless the United States of America,God Bless every Black Young Black Male from New York City to Brooklyn & Manhattan and Queens
So the USA is Globally chamantly & under Consideration,accordingly,in Regard a World Intelligent Powers in World History of Humanity
So some in my life was a Tragedy just Acts of Life,just a Sight of kinda alike not Fresh in Starlight of Far Away just God's Dirt in my Life
So anyway he had his Blasphemy in my Life,so this to that, so Makaveli the 7 Day Theory is totally hard to deal for me Andreas Penno
Anyway, God Bless the USA & the Theodor Fliedner Stiftung from North-Rhine Westphalia / Germany / Europe / World
So lyrically i can predict World Human Eternity for the World, so my Lyrics represents Hope, Growth, Development ,World Civilization, USA, Poetry
My Lyricall Content is not explicit,so my Lyrics represents Hope for the World, a Glossary,Education,Growth,Wiehl ( Wald ),Opportunities & Aspirations from Society
I accentuate my Lyrics are deep & profound just a Vocabulary like definitely Growth from A.P.P The Source / Sourcing
US Trucks just USA Bucks are definitely What Up ???? So the USA is Great & Faith for the Nation and Population
So Globally i have different in Offerings, so this Representation is Globally in Achievement just believe me
( Multifold ) International Duplex ( Blogspot ) is an alias for the Blogspot just A.P.P Source which came 2024
So this Name is an Alias for the Blogspot just different Names ( World Industry )
So this Blogspot is no really Corporation but a Blog maybe turning hypothetically 2040 to a Corporation
So my Nation the BRD with Berlin,Merlin,just my Lyrics shook the whole World on google
Also M & D is a Deposition for A.P.P just Modellierung & Design & Mastering & Democracy
So my Interpretation is comprehensive & recruited from Wiehl / Wald / NRW / Germany ( EU )
Creating shaking Lyrically Lines,from Rags to Riches i'm not,me is poor & is redundant,but leads a Blogspot
So my Enthusiasm & Will is flourishing and in Liaison to God,Connection to the Heavently Father in World History just Access
Sometimes he stresses me, but in the End it's World Eternity
Magnificent Lyricism & Politically Context,Economically Presence,Growth, Industry, Education,Correspondence & Strategy, Opportunities & Possibilities as a Reader for Text Incorporation
Lyricism Segment from / Different Sectors & Zessions
A.P.P Source / Sourcing / Resource / World Industry
Stay Actively
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Penno
My Lyricsm /
The Sector Lyrics / Composition on A.P.P The World Industry
My Words / My Establishment / Fundamentally Lyricism / Literary Acts & Musically Acts
World / Civilization / Text / Script / Literary Act ( USA / Politics & Economy )( / UTC GMT +2 / Start Beginning of Writing + 26.06.2024 AD / Last Writing Passages 20.09.2024 AD / 18:23 UTC GMT +2 / Press Media Release on A.P.P Sourcing / 20.09.2024 / Studio Corporate Shift & Lyrically Opportunities ( Decades Gone )Whats's Next ??? Open Source
So now from here i create a Monopoly in a Lyrically Paper just shaking Lyrics just a Literary Act instead of a Musically Act
Now i'm back to be in Gag
Opportunities & Possibilities in World for Every Humanbeing alive,the USA is a Great Country
Civilizations from Nations on Planet Earth,Word Up,Creating Lyrics for Teachings & Blessings,no stressing
Capitalizing Text & Thug Poetry from the Streets,Peace in Israel,ain't,the same with Ukraine
I establish Lyrics for the World,anyway 300 Visitors on A.P.P Source Monthly
A Snack for Off the Racks,just Space Snack, one day i'll be back,check
Proportions in Segments partitioned just on a Mission on a Messiah Cooperation,a Planet just damn it
Literary Correspondence just for New York the East Coast,Black Civilization in a Blessed Nation
So God is attacking me everyday,just to say,babayy all day
So i'm fascinated of the Capulets of William Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet Act of Capulets the Definition
An Intermission,from God,he is deaf & mute,he doesn't understand that me wants to get away from him,this Roach
But anyway the Crucifixion,an mission of Blood-Shed in my Life is in End Result
World Eternity,which me created on the Cross
Till now 20 Years from 2004 here in Germany through this Country
So the World Paradise is in Expectations of World Historically Events like in mine Andreas Penno
So life is life, my Blogspot is rocking the phantomized Scenery
Just Yen duplicated on Worth on google
From my Corporation
A.P.P has Millions of Results on google Worldwide,just alike
I want to say God should remember that me is saying to him,get out of my Residence
So from Connecticut to Vermont,from Fresno to Miami,Florida & from Montreal to Hollywood
From Louisiana to Kansas City, from Texas to Denver
From Nebraska to Tennessee,from San Quentin ( California ) to South Central Los Angeles ( Update )
From Long Island to Brooklyn,from Long Beach to North Carolina
From Boston, Massachusetts,from Maine to Ohio
From Idaho to Iowa,Des Moines,from Connecticut to Cincinatti,from Alaska to Mexico City
And from Kingston to New York, Brooklyn,East Coast of World
So Marine Le Pen is a great French Politician & Great Right Winged Politician from France in World,
Also from the USA, Kamala Harris served a Hugh Correspondent Era of Left Winged Politically Era in the USA
Kamala Harris from the USA has hugh Potential also when she was Touring through World even nowadays
So the USA needs Liberisation & Opportunities in Social Active Commitment
The United States needs a Legal System of Righteous US Correspondence Interstate in World History
If Republicans or Democrats,Joe Biden or Donald Trump, the USA needs Morality & Prudential Judicially Exchange for more Human Rights
So the USA needs Law & Order for Common Faith & Common Sense,just Props to Eric Adams from New York the Mayor
Just the USA needs Marshalls & Colonels just Marines of US Future & Hope for the Youth
So Joe Biden brought Car Systematic Automobile Engineering,Health Rights,Abortion Democratically Legal Rights
Biden & Harris Administration brought Left-Winged Record-Chiffre & Courses to the United States of America
Anyway Joe Biden has Mental Weakness & can hardly win the Presidential Race in November, but me Andreas Penno belongs to the Democrats
Just me Andreas pleads for Joe Biden under a Pladoyer just, hopefully Kamala Harris comes in Question for the Presidential Race
But Donald Trump is mostly the Winner and will be,hopefully not
We will see how the Voting Ballots will be cast in the USA
So Joe Biden brought in the 4 Years Legislature Period strong Change to the US but Donald Trump will even more next Term
From Cleveland to Washington,from Montana to Buffalo,from Kansas City to Mississippi, from Queens to San Francisco
So in my Sense Andreas needs the USA a better uplifting Spirits in the ( TPP ) Export to the Asia-Pacific / Export / Import Trade
Anyway the Eternity just the World Salvation & Eternity is in Expectations to us Humanity & Humankind from all Continents
From Quebec to Paris,from London to Moscow,from Tokyo Eternally to Seoul,from Perth to Tel Aviv,from Hamburg to Beijing
From Rio De Janeiro to Buenos Aires,from Caracas to Mexico City,Eternity,from Johannesburg to Kyiv,from Warsaw to Prague
From Budapest to Glasgow,from Hong Kong to New Delhi,from Mumbai to Doha,from Mamama to Paris,from Lisbon to Rome
From Cologne to Shanghai,from New York to Chicago,from New Jersey to Muscat,from Winnipeg to Taipei & from Sofia to Lima
Worldwide Eternity, Makaveli ,Andreas Penno / Christ
An personal Addressing from me Andreas the World Eternity from a Personal Happen in Life
Hey Hi,it's me Andreas namely Andi talking Sense,my chance to move on,create some in Life,Could be in Wise finished,no Gimmick
My Pleasure,my gesture,my Blessing from God, Our Heavently Father who Arts in Heaven, the Kingdom come
So i'm from Germany in World, i'm solo and in a Lolo
Texting my Lyrics,for Understanding of my Multiplex-Blogspot,just Understanding what i'm doing
So i'm cool,and no Fool,loving the Marines of the USA,just the Captains on the Shore
Or the Commodore just the Sailors,deep in the Ocean or on Dock
Rocking the Rock N Roll, on a Lolo, Marihuana i smoke now for 20 Years no more
Weed is very tantalizing in Rise for 2pac once lived his 25 Years
What do you expect,he is black and carries a Ghost in his face
Just Place of a shiny Forehead as God's Son,you know where i'm coming from,from Germany
My native Town is Wiehl,that's real, just feel,how i text
Becks a Great Beer,also in the USA the Brewery Anheuser Busch,the USA Industry
So i text my Complex,just Interaction,no Stress in Life,sometimes me is boring
Sometimes it's horrible,not adorable,tomorrow i'm save & blessed
7 Day,7 Day 7 Day,The Theory i'm blinded by,just alike
So i'm confused by of Makaveli The Don Killuminati,my Body is gauged of Humankind's Transgression
My Mind is paralysed sometimes,just i'm visual crucified
Just alike,Come As You Are,would you respect a Reincarnation which is black
Just New York & Christopher Wallace,Biggie Smallz from Brooklyn
Real Life Act from Biggie & the Brooklyn Bridge just Makaveli,so his Alias
So New York is blessed and full of Cash,International Wall Street
Just Central Park,to beat every City in World
New York has A History & A Present Moment of Great Status also with Donald Trump and the Justice & Law Correspondence,he has a Community of hugh Fans
So the East Coast is Great of USA,but hey a.k.a Makaveli so his Alias, how he is loving Black People from the USA & New York
So i write in Accuracy & my Corporation & Blogspot is in Grammar & under Control
Just to show,my Blogspot is 100 % under Control
Just my Words express an Expression of International Human Sense
I express Humanitarian Growth & Next Level just Continents Establishment & Human Race
Look at my Face, a smart,intellectual
Encrafted young Made,Growing,individual & young Man with Principles and a Future in World of Common Sense
My Chance to move on from nowadays Situation,in this Nation of the Federal Republic of Germany,believe me,if you start believe in yourself
You will achieve different Goals of Faith & Goals to accomplish
Just the Westside with all the Graffities with Makaveli in Mexico & The East
Just Peace with him & The Notorious B.I.G,so believe me Makaveli had risen from Death
So my Capitalisation on Norms like leading a Blogspot
On the Block just rocking the Show,praising God for his Blessing
So i'm Solo,living in a Facility,no Driver License,no Job
My God this ain't great,but i believe in Faith,my Text Editor represents my Lyrics in a Disguise
Still I Rise,just alike,alright,alright,some say Jezus is a kind man, Brothers getting washed in the Nile,just about that's a Wise of Salvation
So my Nation,my Blogspot,just to rock and drop Verses & Verses like Psalms to dictate
So my Lyrically Correspondence & Protokollierungen from A.P.P The Source are futuristic
So some say Jesus saves you,i'm blinded by,we will watch further
So i create a Lyrics / Composition Sector fulfilled with Education,Literature,Lyrics,just A Gimmick
Just i create a Transcontinental Source for Messaging to be release on all Continents /
My Chance to teach the World & ( Opportunities ) to Awake Worldwide
So fear in a human being is justified at first,someobody with fear,is here with Feelings inside, just alike of normal Sides innermost
So the USA is blessed with Industry,next time Donald Trump will get President in World of the USA,his Principles are wideawake for a whole Country
Me Andreas isn't really for Joe Biden but for the Democrats,just Democratically State & Growth for the USA ,just the Left Winged Kamala Harris & Joe Biden
The Left Winged Politicians from the USA are decisive for better Human Rights & Humanitarian Growth for the United States of America
The Republicans have rough & bitterly Foreign Affairs just a Correspondence of Hard & Strong Actively Politics for the Innermost & Interior of the 50 States
So Donald Trump or Joe Biden,Democrats or Republicans,we need a hugh uplifting futuristic President in the US with Liberisation & Hope for the Country & Nation
So the USA from Vermont to Connecticut,from Boston to New Jersey,from Chicago to San Diego,from New York to Jamaica,from Brooklyn to Kingston
The USA represents Industry, Space Exploration,USA Affairs,Correspondence,Boston,California the State,Southern United States,New York and its 5 Boroughs
This Country represents Hugh Identity with Machinery Development,Car Fragments, Airplane Creation,Foreign Affairs,Chicago,Wall Street,The Streets of al 50 States
In Representation of Elon Musk & Texas,Idaho,Vermont,Texas,Los Angeles Clippers & Lakers,High Schools & Universities,Growth in USA for World Status
So the Election now in November is definitely just Donald Trump to be addresed,so also the Premier League in U.K is spectacular,so far
So Trump gonna rock the Show down to Road,just in Prasidium & Post just Podest and Transition to the White House ( 2024 / 2025 )
So Donald take care of your Country as nation as first,so also the Commission of 340 Million of USA Population will be proud of a next President
But hopefully the Democrats will win / The Biden & Harris Administration could take the Road to Glory
Me Personally is for the Democrats
But the whole World is in Inkling for Trump / The most Sources say Trump win / But me is for the Democrats like i always say
So Jamaica and its Rastafari like Bob Marley and The Wailers, are represented in North America from the Caribbean & World under Hugh Correspondence
Bob Marley is blessed even nowadays and remembered,he died in the Jackson Memorial Hospital,Miami, Florida, USA
So he was a unique gifted blessed Rasta with a Suit and Great Tunes of Studio Lines of Kingston Studios,Locally
So also Uncle Phil alias James Avery,named Philip Banks, was born in Suffolk Virginia USA,and died in Glendale,California,USA
He was a great Black Man raising his kids in hugh Account of raising in Prince of Bel Air the children with responsibility & love and Greatness
Great Uncle Phil
So the Black Civilization is in Growth,just Black Power,like the Black Panthers once,the Black People are in Growth,in Morality & Essential Intelligent Powers
So the Penitentiaries and County Jails just Correctional Facilities are filled with Convicts in the USA
So we need a new Regime for the 50 States ( Interstate ) in the USA in Referral to Law Correspondence
Justice for the Minorities just the Black Folk in hugh Class of
A Country's System a Regime for better Law & Order Correspondence of all Correctional Facilities,just better Court Regulations
Jail Social Opportunities
And better Social Activity Future for the Black Youth
Just Healthcare & Jobs for the Black Folk & Hispanic Empowerment
So Stan Tookie Williams died in the 21st Century in San Quentin and founded once the Gang Crips
The Contraire is Bloods,these Gangs are in California mostly actively nowadays
So also Michelin is a Tyre Particularly Cased with a Plane Brand
These Tyres are also presently Worldwide in Racing Sports
So Interstate in the ( USA ) we have Texas & Wyoming or Vermont or Maine
Massachusetts and Montana,or Los Angeles,San Francisco,San Diego to San Jose
So The Notorious B.I.G is blessed, just a young black Brother
So my Moms,just my Mother is the Greatest Mother alive in World History,Dear Mama Thank You
So i'm in Growth me Andreas Penno in World, i grow from Day to Day in World
So me is liking World Politics,me Andreas
So i have with A.P.P my own Politically Party in World,for my Behalf
Regulating,shaking,not faking just celebrating Great Interpretation and a Nation of Dust & Rust
Just Politicians on a Mission with Demand on a Run for a better & new Regime
More clean & it seems to be a Dream one day Baby,New York in Addressing
International Writings,International liking,International fighting and celebrating International Politically Striking
So the USA is Great
The Republicans & Democrats are now on the Plateau, Layer,Structure & Election's Board in the USA
So Kamala Harris is doing her Job Great & in Faith just Scale of Politically Correspondence in the USA
So the Young Black Male just Black Youth of the Country, keep the Faith, in Grace of Common Faith
So the USA is nowadays all about Justice and Correspondence of Democrats
So me Andreas is strictly for the Democrats & Kamala Harris,anyway the Republicans will win this Politically Presidential Race in November 2024 An Source / Resourcing for World Industry & World Politics and World Structure
I guess i'm not a Story of from Rags to Riches
I'm Story of a Media Blogspot Establisher & Graphic Designer & Media Creator which is nowadays on the Beginning of his Career
So me Andreas Penno began the Blogspot in 2014 till nowadays 2024
So the Youth of nowadays need Uplifting Spirits & Attention from the Civilization of the Humanity
The Youth nowadays needs Sports & Education in Mass,just Literacy and Education in Shape of Faith just Humanitarian Race
So you can decipher & translate my Lyrics / Composition in a Correspondence just a Picture you Get from Reading
Just a Picture from Reading and a Context just a Understanding of my World Politics entrenched of & initiated by
So the USA hopefully will win the Democrats in the 2024 Election in the United States of America
Anyway Joe Biden has Mental Weaknesses and is Blocked, so i tend without Doubts to the Democrats & Kamala Harris
So i believe the Democrats,just the Democratically Stance the ( Pole ) of Democrats is important & decisive for the USA / United States of America
But Donald Trump will win the Politically Race,so the Republicans bring Change in the USA also since History
But the Democrats bring Globally, Transcontinental,Mondial & USA Affiliated Concerned Changes to America & World and FIFA
The Democratically Stance & Position just ( Pole ) just the Democrats have hugh Immense Growth in the ( USA ) when re-elected
But Donald Trump will raise the Victory in November 2024
So this Lyrics / Composition Sector delivers a Quantity on different Structures & Models
Also Poetry,Lyrics, My own Incorporation & Glance on World, My Own Portrayal in the World,Literary Acts & Musically ACTs,Politics & Politically Stance & Industry
So Politics in a Correspondence of the USA / Great Country and a Model of Opportunities & Possibilities in World / The USA
So if Trump or Joe Biden / Donald Trump will make the Race for Presidency in 2024
After this Election in a Session, the World & me Andreas will look for Trump's Globally Initiatives in World
So the USA needs more Clearly Aspects in Context of Liberation,Freedom & Democratically Opportunities
This Country needs a Law Enforcement in all 50 States of Clearly Jurisdiction in a Mission of Globally Liaision
Cooperation with Canada & Mexico and the ( EU ) & GCC and ASEAN
Texting me Andreas about the USA
So Donald Trump next Time you will eventually become your 2nd Term as a President in the States in World History
Also the Caribbean or Honduras will look up to you Donald, The " WALL " you will extend just the Build-Up & Construction
Till nobody from Latin America & Mexico can overpass the Borderline to the USA
Will maybe get really in Position in America, the World is watching
So Democrats & Republicans, i tend more to the Democrats
That Kamala Harris replaces Joe Biden,just a Switch,so the USA is enriched
The Democrats just the Party could change a lot in the USA
Just the Republicans also
But the Democrats are more sophisticated & intellectual in Law Correspondence & Human Rights
The Democrats could like all most Presidents just Democrats once was in History
Change the USA with Correspondence of US Legislation in a Nation of Facing Conflicts with the Law
Strong is the Party Republicans anyway
But the Democrats are democratically assessed & concessioned just international reaching to a point of Profit for the USA
So Joe Biden without Doubt is very Mentally Aged
But the USA could be in turn of Further Democratically Candidates in World
Nowadays God has another Form in World,even me personally achieves God from Differentiation in Life
Like mentioned Passages & Lines in this Lyrics / Composition Sector before
So God even personally to me,just believe has a Plan of Eternity for the Humankind & Humanity in World History
I guess my Lines before in this Sector are sometimes confusing from God
But God Our Heavently Father has a Plan of Eternity for all Continents & World with a Peace Message just named Eternity for Humankind for ever
So in this Sense,God Bless the Humankind in World Historically Books now in the 21st Century,
So also Oceania & New Zealand has hugh Regions on the Pacific
Just the USA has a Coastline on the Pacific
My Constitution nowadays a little bit beleaguered in Life
A Sight of Lights in Life is Jesus Christ,enlightenend alive by Christ
So in this Literary & Politically Act about the ( EU ) it's truth Ursula Von Der Leyen achieved her 2nd Term as President from the European Commission
She's on her Mission to achieve starkly Change in the ( EU )
She's professional & articulated with English Language in World
So New York was once built
This World Metropolitan Scale City is Hundreds & Centuries of Years old
Nowadays Eric Adams governs New York,i mean he is Black
Hey,wowwww,great,a black Mayor in New York,that's great,America i love you
New York was once started with Construction & Development in the 18th & 19th Century in World History
New York became an Industrialization in the USA
First Bankiers & Postal Offices were opened in the 19th Century in World
First Schools,the Central Park was established
The New York Times was built and the First Circulating came in New York
The Coast Guard came in New York,the Ports & Harbours were open
The Politicians became actively in New York City
Brooklyn,Manhattan,Queens,Harlem, Bronx, were built last Centuries in World
Ballet Courses were giving
In this Living New York was having the Park Avenue
The Broadway,the Times Square,New York and the Black Civilization became Artists in the 21st Century
Different Rappers & Actors became actively even in the 20th Century
Also The Notorious B.I.G or Puff Daddy,heavy & chevy
New York nowadays and the Districts just Municipal Areas stands under Real Estate Theme from Eric Adams in World
New York and its Black Citizen stand for Tupac Amaru Shakur alias Makaveli under great Portrayal
Once when he lived, Great Definition for him
2pac loved New York and the History of this Metropolitan Area
Also Michael Bloomberg once was Mayor from New York
He created also the Bloomberg Journalism the Source & Resource, the Media Central in World
So New York has hugh Traditions & Long Path and Lane of Historically Acts in World
So New York is Great,also in Human Faith for the Black Race
So me Andreas Penno is nowadays 36 Years old.Me is solo & has no Occupation or Profession just a Job
Me is without Driver License & does live in the Theodor Fliedner Stiftung in ( DE )
But it's a Great Facility
Beautifully Humanbeings & Great Connection for a Great Happy & Great Life in World,me does live
So also Hamburg or Siegen or Berlin ( Main Capital ),Munich,Rostock,Wiehl,Bremen
Cuxhafen, Ludwigshafen,Cologne ( UNESCO ),Mainz
Bremen,Mecklenburg Vorpommern,NRW,Siegen,Augsburg,Saarland
Just my Native Country beautifully Places of & Bundesländer
So Germany is Great,we have also Switzerland,Austria & Belgium just Luxembourg in the European Continent
Also Asia exists in Space of World
So this is an Literary Act,no Musically Act just the Lyrically Composition
A lot of Politics occur here,also USA
Also the USA is a Country of Breath for the Youth in World
Also the Fashion from USA and the High School stands in Copy to the World
The High School in the USA,is a Great Component of the Country and the Universities
Just the Academies,the Law Schools,the Scholarships
The US Correspondence on Equestrian Schools,the Military Training Academies,the Navy,the Seals,The Marines, the Army,the College
Just the Schools for History,the USA Correspondence for Music,the Schools for Western Philosophy,the Religious Productivity
The USA has a lot to offer in World,the USA is Great, this Country has Faith in Common Faith & Sense
Me Andreas Penno constitutes about the USA,because the Opportunities & Possibilities in this Country is World Space Commitment in History
I love the USA,so we also in Germany have our Priorities in Structured Opportunities, here in the ( EU )in Europe
Just a Squirrel or a Poeten Charisma of William Shakespeare just Hamlet or Romeo & Juliet,the Capulets
So i write Passages of different Components,Structures, Development,World Politics, USA,New York
So i interpretate the World but also write Music with Lyrically Lines, just Literary Acts or Musically Acts
So i have something to say,ok, but hey my Interpretation is established, on a Wise Lyrically, Musically,Politically & Poetic
So the USA is Great,Kamala Harris will now turn to Presidential Movement,just in Embodiment of Presidential Candidature with Donald Trump
The Republicans & Democrats are standing in Opposition
I truly believe the Democrats with Kamala can achieve more in a Country like the Republicans in the USA in North America
Kamala could reform different Resources like the Export / Import Conditions as far as the Pacific / Atlantic Trade in World for the USA
Kamala Harris could switch the Sourcing & Cooperation to Mexico & Canada just just Latin America for the ( USA )
Also the Healthcare System & Taxation in the USA, the Jail Houses & Delinquency in the USA could get in ( 2025 ) Attention in America
Different Structured Points like Interstate Lorry & Big Vehicles like ( Volvo ) or Mercedes Interstate Trade ( Law ) Engagement
Just the South China Sea and the Chinese Different Structured ( China ) Foreign Affairs Reformation from the USA in ( 2025 )
So the United States of America with Kamala Harris could change the Migrational System
( Transcontinental ) also from India,Pakistan or the ( EU ) or Asia and Africa
So i believe truly the Democrats are more decisive for the USA
But Donald Trump & the Republicans will make the Race and win the Election 2024 in November
So in hugh Advanced Pre-Calculation will Trump win the Election in 2024 ( November )
Subsequently in his Tenure & Office build the " Wall " to the complete Length & Measurement of 3000 km between Mexico & the ( USA ) in North America in World
But i believe Donald Trump has hugh Resourcing for the ( USA )
But the Democrats & the Democratically Position could change hugh Opportunities in the USA in ( 2025 )
But the USA Folk & Population will elect Donald Trump & but who knows the Future in World
We will see & under this Temperament & Present Moment in World, be in Expectations Worldwide
So the USA needs a Great President, a Great Head of State, for Faith in the USA & the whole World
A President for Globally Interaction and Freedom and Liberation for the USA
The United States of America, the Country needs more Opportunities in Jobs for 50 States assessed
A ( Model ) for Opportunistic Social Activity for a better Humanitarian Country in World History
The ( TPP ) Transpacific Partnership needs Transcontinental Overswarming Great Interaction
The USA needs Law & Order,the USA needs Transcontinental( Intercontinental ) World Opportunities
So the Trade in the USA also to Latin America needs Attention & the 50 States from Massachusetts to Idaho,from Wyoming to Kansas
From Brooklyn to California, from Manhattan to Miami,Florida
From New York ( State ) to Montana, from Maine to Georgia
From Vermont to Mississippi,the USA has flourishing Interaction in World & prospering 50 States
But needs Reformation & Structured Opportunities in Social Community & Resocialisaton Centered Ways just a Safer Place in World
A Society in the 50 States of more Humanitarian Social Commitment
So i create Materials for ya'll
Elucidating & Advocating Establishment Poetic Lines for Change & Privileged Exchange for ( Google ) in World just my Name
Crossing the World with my Lyricism & Internationalism
So i deny & stand in contraire to Gangsterim & Legislation which is contraire to Justice
So i represent Law & Justice in Country just Worldwide
Which in Order & Law, the ( USA ) in Sports just Simone Biles is Great in Faith about Scale of World Class USA
So Poetry & Lyricism gives me Inner-Strength,Inner-Confidence
Inner-Growth and Safety to set Flow in Scale of Faith just a Way of some Great Rise of Nature
Sports just Olympic Games, is formidable, accurately, confident, World Class
Inspiration & Motivaton,Multi-Cultural,Internationalism promised
This Event is unique in spectacular Sports,just Opportunities
Possibilities for the Youth,to find Empowerment & Inspiration for eternally Ways of Sensation of World Celebration for every Cultural Nation
So Olympic Games create a Sense of Sports which is futuristic & for the World just Establishment of Unique Glorified Moments to follow in Life in all Humans Sights
Olympia is formidable & Inspiration just 206 Nations battling in a Course of a Source just a Challenge of World Sports
In Redirect for Coronation in World Celebration for Humanatarian Growth for a better Future of Common World Civilization
And Sports for the ( Youth )in Portrayal for everybody in World just Sport
World Recognition in a Mission of Sports in Paris.France. World to combat for a Challenge of Life's Moments for World's Moments in a Scale of Sports
So Sports is Challenging yourself & Inspiring World's Presence in one unique Moment Worldwide
Now 29.08.2024 i create Establishment for A.P.P Sourcing,off course my Source is gigantically for ya'll,my materials shaked the World
America is Liberty,Freedom,and Believing in Dream of Step on a Scene of Eternity for 8 Continents in streaming in God's Empire in Desire just for ever
So me Andreas in World,alone standing in World, living in Theodor Fliedner Stiftung in Germany,Wiehl,NRW in Europe.World
Black Names from Streets of States of US,just a Metaphorically State of Lyrics from Makaveli ( alias ) his Lyrically Content in Metaphors
My Source,Resource A.P.P Discussions and Documentations ( Protokolle ),i create a Pensum of International Source,my Blogspot ( alias ) Corporation
The USA the Nation,celebrating Campaigns,same as Kamala Harris ( Democrats ) will hopefully win the Presidential Race,Faith for America & World
The Source from me is a Blogspot for Education & M & D ,just a Monopole for Google.Worldwide,a Magnate for Sourcing of Materials and Opportunities
India is a Beautifully Country and ( Asia ), India New Delhi & Bombay Stock Exchange with SENSEX is a Perplexing International Marketings Session of World Class
India has a Great Politically System & National Holidays,straight,ok,Narendra Modi is Great in Faith of India's World Race
The USA needs better Supervision of a Mission next to the 50 States,in Common Faith,in Human Race,in Scale of Regulations for better Social & Society in Nations like USA
The Security & Safety of Politicians should be rectified & corrected in a Establishment of better Supervision from the Guards
The NASA from Washington D.C is Great in Scale and the ( ISS ) is doing a Great job in Galaxy in Space
Greta Thunberg has beautifully Ideas from Sweden ( Stockholm ) for a better Geoecology in World for better Outlook of Humanitarian Nature & World Green Space
So the USA needs Reformation in a Nation of Disregulations & Fading Morality & Social Appreciations,the USA has a Society of Values which are exaggerated fading in Scale
So the United States of America from East to West are in a Country of Missing Values for the Volk,this Country has a Smart Politically System & Economically System
But this Country needs better Social Supervision which should be governed from the White House in a better Way, straight
Rock N Roll is America,Hollywood is America,a lot of Murals & Graffities are in the Infrastructure of the States,also in the Air,Faith from God
Slipknot is America,Kurt Cobain is America,Marylin Monroe is USA,Elvis Presely is the USA,Donald Trump is the USA
Now 31.08.024 AD / The Time in World Ticks / 2000 Years after.Jesus.Christ AD / 2024 AD ( Anno Domini ) 21st Century
So the World turns, what's ya heard, i walk through my Life in a Stance of missing Chances in regulated Structures of enhanced Dirt
So Sensions & a Zession of International Corporation's Breath shook my Ideas & Fears to Hugh Success on Google,God Bless A.P.P Source / Sourcing
So Ghana & Kenya also Djibouti and the Red Sea ( Holy ) is in Turn of Greatness for the Folk of World just Ivory Coast
So i'm in Germany,Locally in Theodor Fliedner Waldruhe,Wiehl,that's real, that's my Deal, feel
So ( Politics ) is a Schema of World Creational International Deals Worldwide,just alike,alright,so is me in Politics actively on google
A.P.P The Source / Sourcing is actively with Millions of Regulated Strictly Messages on Google ( Graphically )also Literary
My Politics,my World Message / My Will & Hope
So Continents is Great,Faith in Scale, North America is all about Pride & Entertainment's Glory just the Stars & Stripes
So Las Vegas,Nevada,USA is Casino and Roulette,USA is back anyway with Shaq,so L.A is the Phone ringing, East Coast is klinginging bing bing
So the World needs Love & Straight Love from Humanitarian Growth in Scale of Love of World Humanity
Unconditional Principles leading to my @ Corporation,also the nowadays Provisional Company Andreas . P. Design & Modelierungs Corp.LTD
2030 should come the ( GmbH) the Authorization & Concession here in Europe ( EU ),but it's Speculation & Theoretically
The Theodor Fliedner Stiftung could not allow myself to get the Firm Concessioned,it's questioned ( 2030 ) it's a Faculty in Germany
So America is Freedom, Glory,Stars & Stripes,New York, Chicago,Southern States,USA,Hot Dogs,Entertainment,Industry, Growth,GDP,Kamala Harris the Vice Presidency
The United States is the Richest Country in World,Miami,Florida,Brooklyn,The Notorious B.I.G,alias Makaveli,East Coast,Department of Justice,Military Strength Worldwide
Department of Foreign Affairs,Department for Agriculture,a Chief of Staff & Marines just Commodores,Captains ( Sailors ) Cops,just the Infrastructure of Greatness
Just Department of Education,Department of Energy( Jennifer Granholm,Department of Defence,USA Microprocessors Development,Chip Creation,the ( USA ) has Opportunities in Forestry
Also in Hunting,Gold Possession,Palladium Acquisition,USA and the East Coast has Opportunities in Trade as same as the Western Region ( TPP ) Pacific
The USA is Science, Princeton,Harvard,Stanford,UCLA,Cheerleaders,NFL,NHL,MLB,NBA, a Country of Blessing in Californian Churches of Black Blessing & Black Folks Pleasure on the West Coast
The USA is Blessing for all Continents of World,the USA has Catholic Churches,Gospel,Mosques,Nation of Islam, OFTB, Gangs from History of New York
Young Names from New York Streets just Peace in the Streets and Struggle for Notoriety in World just New York,New York is nowadays in all 5 Districts & Boroughs hugh Great affiliated
Also Mc Donalds & Burger King just Walmart Center or Retail Centers from New York are Commercialised in this World Metropolitan City Area Compact,So A.P.P Source / Sourcing @ is loving you
So the USA is in Great Shape & Faith, God Bless the USA,also the Empire of Japan and Kevin Mac Allister from the USA, God Bless Christmas & Christmas Eve
So next time Christmas is coming,in the Western Civilization is coming ( Christmas Eve ) the Eastern Civilization has no Christmas just the Arab World & Asia
So God Bless the Children of Tomorrow,so black people from the ( USA ) keep ya head up, and for the younger Generation in World Civilization, Education is important
For the African Youth,Sports & Education just Life's Faith in Education & Prudence is a Scale for everybody in World
So the United States needs a Great Healthcare System,Medicine,Education in Sake of Faith for A Politically System of Democratically Uplifting Rights & Morality
So the USA from Connecticut to Maine,from Montana to Buffalo,from New York ( Brooklyn ) to Miami,Florida,from Philadephia to North Carolina,from North Dakota to California
From Seattle to Washington D.C, from the NASA to ISS,from Ottawa to Texas, from Dallas to Kansas,from Pennsylvania to Nebraska,from Detroit,Michigan to New York,Manhattan
From Wall Street,NYC to Massachusetts,from San Francisco to San Jose,from San Diego to Oakland,so God Bless the USA
This Country,just now Kamala Harris,toy toy toy for the Election now 2024 in the richest Country of World
Kamala we from the World & Europe wishing you an whole lucky Victory in November,2024
So the USA should be from 2025-2029 be actively in Humanitarian Growth of a Society of Morality,Understanding,Human Rights,Great USA,Great Democraticallly Aspirations in the USA
The USA needs a hugh Pensum of Liberty,Opportunities,Social Possibilities,Human Legislation & Observing Law Enforcement of better Justice in this Country
The United States of America should be concentrate on Safety,Growth,Nation's Independence of Fossil Fuels, Growth in Innermetropolitan Scale in the USA,North America,World
So ( North America ) is a Continent which has already a Great Industry
Growth,Globally Spectrum & Economically Status on World Scale & World Opportunistic Structure of Faith in World
So the World Moves On,the World turns every 24 Hours around the own Axis,so now i'm texting sometimes on Politically Act or Literary Act or Musically Act
So oftenly sometimes in the last ACTS it's Literary Acts just politically enframed with just oftenly the USA in Opportunities in Textual Scale or Globally Reflecting Conditions on Lyrics / Composition A.P.P Source /
So now 13.09.024
My Life turns further,my Constellation in a Complex to text perplexed,like a Rap, but it's a Literary Act & Lyrically Correspondence,next Musicially Act
Now i'm in Gag,to be back,off the Racks,smack my Head against the World,so the World turns everyday from Side to Side
Just alike alright,just ok,just to say, the Principle " 4 Everybody " in World, just for everybody in World
So i protocolate about the World View & Perspective on / A.P.P Source / Sourcing Multiplex Blogspot
My Blogspot has over 300-500 Components as Directories just Subjects & Folders just Regions & Interpoles,just to put on a Diashow ACT's
So the USA awaits now Election 2024 / World / United States of America
Kamala Harris Against Donald Trump / Democrats against Repblicans / For Kamala a Chance to move forwardly
Kamala Harris had the Debate just Faith & Grace around her Face / She's a Great Woman & Great Politician
So USA keep it up / Donald Trump if you become President,just raise the Country in Glory & Freedom and World Industry
Hopefully Kamala Harris will turn the Race and push the Battle on Top in November
So remember the Democrats are more enthusiastically in Human Rights & Human Resources / Sourcing
The Democrats are all about Human Rights,Great Church Services, Mosque Foundation,Human Rights, Globally Positive Interaction,in a Session of Blessing for US
Just the Democratically Party is all about Religion,Fundamentally Hugh Planning of Democratically States in the USA / North America / Continent
So Kamala Harris be very optimistically & entrusted in World / USA
So can do it / Hey / Hey Kamala/ You can do it / The Republicans are cooking also only with Water / Kamala in America / God Bless U / You will achieve the Presidency / Promise / Andreas Penno
So also the Federal Republic of Germany Toy Toy Toy for the Program from the Bundestag
Cyril Ramaphosa in South Africa / Greetings Andreas Penno
So now 20.09.2024 AD in World
Life goes on in Playas Space,my face confronted with a Place of Silence,struggling against Innerthoughts, this life is lived once for everybody
Promising World Eternity in World History from my Works Andreas Penno in my Life just Crucifixion
My Mission leading a Blogspot just Multiplex Blogspot & alias Corporation just Filiale
So i create Materials,be always tru to yourself,don't go the Way easily,believe me,Life is lived once,but World Heaven is coming next
So my politically & economically Texts in Literary Acts,next Time musically Texts
The USA now Election,Kamala Toy Toy Toy,you gonna win the Race,the USA is Great,just the East Coast in Meridians & Scale just Faith
USA Churches & Mosques just God,Holy Places & Holy Faces,The Lord is in Humanitarian Race, so we Humanbeings are in Grace in our sometimes irritating Faith
So the United States of America is in Run of Some Globally Way of Election 2024 in World
So from Miami,Florida to Buffalo,from Connecticut to Boston,Massachusetts,from New York ( Crown Down ) 2pac alias Makaveli to New Jersey
From Colorado to Georgia,Atlanta,from Arkansas to a Grade of California,Los Angeles,from Idaho,to Ohio,from Vermont to Illinois,Chicago
From Brooklyn to Manhattan
So the USA is Great,my Faith is just Andreas . P. Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD,just the Integrated Provisional Industry nowadays in World
Great Design and Great Modellierung, M & D, Graphically Structured Fine Creation,EXE Format, ACT's & AKT's
So my Ideas come on Surface in World,worldwide,just in Israel the Conflict & Ukraine,there will be a long time of Conflict in World from now
So also the EU / Luxembourg and France or Switzerland and Germany, Berlin our Planet is turning,the World is moving
My Annotation the World is Safe
World Civilization / UTC GMT +2 / Greenwich Mean Time / European Continent /( EU ) Germany / Theodor Fliedner Waldruhe / Wiehl / Locally / Date of Writings + 09.10.2024 / 12:37 At Mid Day / Last Written +1 04.01.2025 ( 00:46 ) / Release 07.01.2025 AD n.Chr
Corporation's Growth / ( 2024 / 2025 ) My Will in Opportunities & Possibilities / Corporation's Growth Granted / Literary ( ACT ) Lyrically & Politically ACT ( Europe / USA ) & World / Musically Act Lyrically
The New Breath for A.P.P Source / Sourcing / The New Enshrined Epoch
So My Life is especially immersed in bitter downfalls
A Downfall soaked in Hopelesness caused from God
God is causing the wrong & is embroiled in Hatred & fake Faith for Humanity
In this Era of World he,God is causing a Dilema
So this Corporation is a Blogspot
God named sometimes wrong & offence to him from me Andreas Penno in Lyrics / Composition, because of a Revolution coming next in World
Just World Eternity & World Redemption, i never said wrong against God,but praise him everyday
I have hugh Respect of the Name of God
It was only an Misunderstanding to God, from me Andreas Penno
My Lyrics praise God
So is in Corporate Developmental Phase ( 2014-2030 )
A lot of Grammatically Structure last this Time,just about
Sounding Great Around,Acapella,somebody engaged in Faith of Common Sake
So A.P.P Source / Sourcing is in Development,Factual & Grammar Faults can come
My Lyrically Blog till now is long stretched & broad laid down,come around
This Branche / Lyrics / Composition is long established & lyrically accentuated
My Blogspot alias Corporation,is a Nation's Industry of Welcomed Establishment & Induced Corporate Profile
That's my Style,for a while i once trusted different people,we in Humanity could reach Eternity in History
So the USA short of Election 2024 November,Kamala Great Success from me Andreas Penno for the Democrats
Eventually next time,you is in the White House First Lady Kamala
So the USA Industry has to be in Growth & Development
Kamala could really make the Race,in Faith from me Andreas Penno
Sometimes i preferred Trump's Name on my Blogspot,but it changed over the Course
This my Source,off course the United States of America will achieve hugh Success with the New Presidency
Also i put on excel, Rest in Peace The Notorious B.I.G the Big Poppa from a Coutch of Brooklyn / New York City
God Bless him
So i create Faith for the World,so Illinois,Chicago or Cincinnati,Philadelphia / Pennsylvania / New York / Manhattan
Car Industry from Detroit,Michigan,the Civilization from the Southern United States of USA,Georgia,Atlanta,Arkansas
A Civilization from USA / California San Jose or San Diego in Growth this Century also the ( GDP )28.Trillion of Dollars for USA
Me Andreas stands in Establishment & Dialogue to the USA now in the 21st Century
An International Session of Flashing World Politics in this Lyrics / Composition Sector
Now 26.10.2024
So i believe the World is in Growth / The Planet does grow, politically,economically,humanitarian Growth
So Elon Musk 2024 / 2025 ??? GIGA Mexico
I create Lyrics / Composition also in a versatile way,straight
So Lyrics / Composition is all about Musically Lyrics / Texts / Poetry / USA / Literature / Lyrics / Literary Acts / Musically Acts
Just check,off the Air,yeah,this Concept of different Lyrically and in Writing
Textual Forms diversified my Blogspot alias World Corporation immense
Now 06.11.2024 AD
So Kamala lost / Donald Trump won / It's sad but i'm now shocked for Kamala / She is a great Politician & a Good Woman for America
Donald Trump anyway will govern the USA in Greatness but me Andreas is a Democrat /
But Trump is now blunt he is no Punk he is intelligent source for the USA
So the USA is now about a new President in Era of Timeline since 1776 4th July AD /
So Trump will regulate now the System of all States from East to West & North to South talk about THE WALL
Me Andreas is a Democrat but now Trump is President and will see soon in this Legislature Period
This to Politics & USA and Presidency
So now a Musically ACT / From me Andreas Penno on Lyrics / Composition
So i sing a Moment of Freedom & Liberty in Course of Source just Resource A.P.P / Source
God will bless the USA / Middle East in Eternity ( Eternally just the Heavently Father in Love to the World )
So i text about Situations in Life,alike tight,in sight about getting rich one time,just enriched about a Life in Time alright
The USA is all about Donald Trump,just the Population,in a Nation of Social Differentiation
Kamala couldn't reach the Era of just Acapella shaking USA Population Votes Rocafeller
So i sing a Moment of Silence,a Chance with my Blogspot to move on
One Day Full-Fledged & Developed & Intellectual high charismatically Business-Man, to say, with Attributes and Charisma just rich to be ok
So i create Faith & Grace in World and a USA of Straight Ways for the Man of the Hustler about Sounds
Just a Man of Dignity for a Nation of a Population in Celebration of Oppression in a Session
Now 24.11.2024 AD
The World is turning in and Times moving / so i'm schooled and it's all about you
In Truth the USA is really amazing,faith & grace in common sense / Just a chance is there for everybody in World
So everybody is Great,so the USA will be now in the 21st Century with Trump in Growth & Hugh Pensum of Development
American Industry is developing & at Rise / American Principles will now be hugh lifted with Donald Trump
He is a Great President but Kamala Harris which me as Politically Orientation belongs to just a Democratically Stance
A Chance of Tolerance of Chances just the Democrats give the USA is Great and Faith
So also Germany is now tolerated of new Election of Chancellor 2024 / 2025 in World
So my personal Comment from me Andreas that Olaf Scholz was missing his Role in hugh Scale
He brought no Change into Germany / His Precedessor named Angela Merkel brought Change to ( DE ) Germany
Also Scandinavia or the Benelux States & The Baltic States are in Growth
Also Luxembourg GDP PPP Per Capita Hugh Growth nowadays
So through Times from Middle Age to Renaissance to New Age the World Develops in Hugh World Civilization with all Nations in Human Space Era & a Free Market Place in World
Just Acapella & Rocafeller the Times go in World
In World History the State of Pennsylvania and Georgia / The States of Montana or the Caribbean Islands
The World Metropolis New York City grows /
The Cadre shows just to know that New York has 8 Millions of Population & Berlin ( DE ) has 3.4 Millions People in Town
So alias Makaveli with his Military Suit / Military Camouflage raised the USA with a Norm /
Regulations of Vinyl Music Production & Triple Quadruple Platium in USA History
Also All Eyez On Me Diamond Awarding in USA
2pac alias Makaveli rocked the Scene.Eventually Reincarnaton in World. Flesh in Flesh ( Incarnation ) Rebirth
Only God knows that.If he is reincarnated.His Rebirth in World.Just Resurrection / Back to Flesh
In a Section & Nexus once Makaveli appeared in New York early in the Morning with Military Camouflage and lifted his Hands in a Radio Station
It was History for the Black Folks of New York & World
Also the Chocolate Shops & Ice Cream at Old School is represented in Lyrics / Composition
Different Culture from New York & Old School just Lyrics / Composition about Education of Humankind
So also Steven Spielberg writes Scripts,also J.R.R Tolkien wrote the Lord of The Rings,i write HTTP:// in World
So also the Bible & Quran was once written / Also Moses split once the Red Sea / God Bless 2pac & his alias Makaveli
So Turkey Ankara a beautifully country,also India & New Delhi & The Bombay Stock Exchange
Or Beijing & Hong Kong and Taiwan ( Taipeh )
The World Civilization is Gigantically Great and in God's Faith & Humanitarian Growth just Case of Grace
So also ( Kamala Harris ) from the Democrats,i'm so sorry for you Kamala
I cried when you lost the Election.Really.You always will be in our Hearts in the USA & World
God Bless You Kamala / God Bless the USA & the World
So also the World / Transcontinental Arts / Works / Creation / Culture Sector from A.P.P Source /
Sourcing has Culture of Countries just available & at Representation
Hugh Pensum of Nations of Works & Creation just Culture to represent of /
Hugh Pensum of Showmanship and Representation of this Sector for World Arts / World Creation
The USA is also involved & New York City Photographers / Californian Photographers from alias Makaveli
So andreaspennophotography is a ( Media Blogspot ) Media Creation ( World Industry ) & ( Multiplex Blogspot )
Nowadays 29.11.2024 AD n.Chr in World
World turns,the USA signs Contracts
So to make the Point clear,the Economically Posts & Literary Posts ( Lyrically ) and Acts are different to the Musically Acts in this Lyrics / Composition Sector
So India and Mumbai or New Delhi are hugh tolerated in Faith of Asia
The USA in contraire is the Western Civilization and the USA is nowadays 28.Trillion of Dollars in GDP Worth ( Gross Domestic Product )
On the Block, New York circulating hugh Programme of Eric Adams and Los Angeles with a Woman as a Mayor in L.A
So God will have his Destiny for my Life like for every Human Being,dreaming sometimes about heavy Bills & Banknotes
I'm really poor,just for nothing, in the Theodor Fliedner Stiftung is my Home & Residence
No Differentiation of Chances, my World is krazed,the USA is a Dollarization in a Nation of Glory and Stars & Stripes
Striking Opportunities from Donald Trump and the Republicans will change the USA also Elon Musk in the Government / Parliament
Even the Northern States of USA Montana or Wyoming or Washington and East Maine,Detroit ( Michigan )
Trump's Principles are Growth for the USA,Trade in Australia ( Asia Pacific )
Growth for the 50 States, Space Commission just on a strong Mission
Donald Trump want to build " THE WALL " eventually possibly to and End /
The Colleges and Schools across the States will be in Opportunities & Possibilities since 2024 / 2025
So also Kamala Harris would be a Great President as Nation as First
She could change a Country with her Principles of Small Time Businesses and Health for the USA
Anyway Trump is not loved by many People in World,anyway he will now govern the USA from the Oval Office / Washington D.C ( District of Columbia )
The USA with Trump is now in Inquiry of Questioned State,will he run the Country with Bravour & Valour also for the East Side of the USA or Miami,Florida & Israel or Ukraine
15.12.2024 ( Update ) of Lyrics / Composition
So Poetry can reach hugh in innermost Peace & Unification and Ensemble of Unity /
Streets Metropolitan Mentality Growth from my Heart / ( USA ) Flavour from Hugh Cities
Get my Inspiration in Sake of Faith just Grace of Poetic Lyrically Growth mostly from the Inner Essence in Sense
My Lyrics / Composition Sector represents nowadays in this Moment
USA / Lyrics / Albums include ( Crossroads ) / 3 Albums written
Lyrics Composition represents Lyricism / Poetry / Lyrics / Literature / Fantasy / No Explicit Content / Hugh Demonstrations for World Globally Peace Transcontinental in World
Lyrics /Composition represents Ideals & a Message to the World of Greatness / Establishment / Growth and Literary Acts & Musically Acts
So now Donald Trump governs the USA in World / Hugh Correspondence of Change is coming to the USA & World
Different States of the US will act different on Trump & Trump on em
Also ( Eminem ) nowadays a great Individual & Artist and Writer Song Enthusiast from America
Different Artists in the USA in Charts
So me Andreas with HTTP:// a 2030 GIGA Center on google / worldwide / franchise merchandising marketing
Also the Western Civilization with France in french different Change in native Politics from Paris
Different Uprising in Georgia / the Country
Different Mid-East Conflicts in Israel
So the World News ( USA Act)
Donald Trump acquired strongly with Cooperation the FIFA
He wants out the NATO / Donald Trump
Donald Trump as fas as his Paramountly Politics will shiver the World for US Globally Profit in the Dollarization
Trump will make the USA rich & enriched with the Dollar
So i'm a Democrat / But now in Trump's Governmental Stage, i represent him, in a matter of Redirect to Kamala Harris
I always will be Democratically also for the Federal Republic of Germany just the ( CDU )the Party in Germany
But in Trump's Case i have to have Representation for the incumbent President next to Joe Biden
Anyway the Democrats will always be the Greatest Choice for the USA
Also Asia-Pacific Trade & Australia Trading Opportunities just Transatlantic Relations
The USA since now 2024 / 2025 will have Profit also in The Wall Street
Because the Regime from the Republicans different to the Democrats is also Great
The Democrats would be more to the Folks in Achievement and more billed to the Nation as First
Eventually the Republicans will be more in Profit for the Dollar not the USA Society
The USA and the World Metropolitan Areas will have hugh Jobs Opportunities with Trump
Anyway like i wrote in my 4th Gigantically Great Project the Democrats would be a better Choice for the Country of the USA
In different Principles of just also the Minorities and a Scale of Society Aspirations in all 50 States
So anyway, the Republicans are now with Donald Trump more in Advantage of Foreign Trade in Humankind & World & eventually uplifted in Spirits of Great USA Opportunities & Possibilities
Also in the Congress just the Senate and House of the Representatives the Republicans are completely in outnumbering the Democrats 2024 / 2025
So the USA is great / In all Human Faith / Established since 1776 4th July in World History
So the USA is in Establishment of Military Equipment / Industry /Aircraft Carriers / Submarines / Growth of Farmland / High-Rise Buildings / Skyscrapers / Growth
Growth for the USA & Humanity and World Civilization, for a better Human Being and a USA with Donald Trump better Relations worldwide for Peace in History
So Donald Trump,in his Position, should govern the USA for great Values & great Establishment across all 50 States & World
Also the Martial Arts Federations from the USA should be from Trump characterised in Greatness
The USA should experience hugh Change in Trade to CA / Canada & MX / Mexico just North America /- Continent of World
So the United States of America should experience great Social Values,great Aspirations in Social Empowerment of Sports Clubs
Talent Scouts for Judo or Karate & Football Clubs,Young Athletes with Inspiration for the Professional Initiated Clubs just NBA / NFL / NHL / MLB
So America should grow in hugh Proportions,if Democrats of Republicans
The USA needs Economically Growth & Development just Uplifting Growth for everybody in the USA / North America / World
The USA needs hugh Opportunities just now,hugh new crafted Establishment in Social Commitment of Social Living in better striking out Life's USA American Values of Freedom
The United States needs no Racism & Freedom,Liberation & Growth for both Coasts & the whole Country,Freedom in Hugh Scale of Correspondence in a Model of Society Transformation
Into Law / Justice just Lawfully Living & no Violence in the US just Law & Justice Correspondence just about every Citizen in America from all over 340 Millions of Citizen in World