( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL ) Portable Document Formats / A.P. P / Diversification of first Sector by Andreas Penno
KOREA NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION / Asia / Infrastructure & Superior Technology / Green Politics / Promulgation ( Annual Report 2020 KNOC ) Korean Institute for
Oil & Gas Operations
World / News / Oil Resources Accordingly in Korea / Asia Pacific Drilling Operations Great Industrial Site of Corporation./ KR / Korean Institute About Clever Handling
Corporate Will is getting great circumstances of human civilization in oil infrastructure. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. This society from Korea does also promulgate & operate with SOLAR Energy & Wind Turbine High Intelligent Clearly Technology for a better green planet.Petroleum Profitable State in Korea is a Hugh Value. Accordingly has Korea. It has 31 Projects from 2019 in 16 Countries & Intercontinental Nations.KNOC creates industrialization in ASIA for hugh recommendations.Also in Libya,Denmark, Yemen, US, Canada, Iraq & Vietnam KNOC is present with its corporate operational oil industry. The CEO's words 2019 was Creating Values beyond Energy. This CEO has its Headquarters in Ulsan, Korea State. KNOC is nowadays 40 Years approximately regularly operative in Korea since Foundation & Creation. Petroleum, LNG, Paraffin, Fuel Gas, Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Petrochemicals & Gas Delving Industrialization in Korea is a bit step in a almost great civilization and energy.
KNOC - Korea Oil Corporation + KR_2020.p
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Africa / Continent Aspirations of Transition of Green Energy In Circulation of Achieving Great Clean Energy Goals in Front of the 21. Century ( Renwables Energy
Organizational Aspects ) / Corporate African State In Great Shape for Future Budgeting
World / News / Hugh Productivity & Enormous of Clearly Expectations for Clean Energy & a Better Civilization of Africa / Industrial African Countries 2050 Great Deal
Well, this centric african continent will double up energy demand by 2040. All Countries & the Civilization is under hugh building this nations for a great Green Deal. An fundamentally structured pattern of human growth in Africa till 2100 is massive. Also Africa is oil enriched & crude oil cooperative with different nations in this mondial earth also Canada Resources. Also the Paris Climate Pact is intrinsic & decisive for African Continent & Element of Humankind. It's like Africa has a lot of new build-up phases in different sectors & industries. In Kenya was 2019 the African East Coastal Area in the Harbour of Kenya on the right region of the continents Red Sea Side a Concession & Licencing for EXPORT & IMPORT of CRUDE OIL for Kenya released & announced for this country. Africa does lie on the Red Sea in the East. So Solar Eco Developmental Structures were 2019 pretty well established in Africa. Solar Energy is worldwide & will be Futuristic Labeled Hugh, also in Africa.
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World / News / A. P Moller Maersk / Green Transportations Systematic Vessel Container Business & Freighter Economically Initiative / Maersk the industry is very
optimistic by goals to accomplish by 2030. Corporate Vessels Daily in Hong Kong
Maersk / Quarter 2 / 2021 / Temporary Annual Protokollierung / Maersk is a world associated governing & leading corporation as far as Mobility & Hugh System
Maersk is under Principles Economically operative & under a civilization upbrought which brings the world under great transport & delivery for ship & vessel mobility. Coastal Areas just port possibilities under Hugh Resources in Different Intelligent Danish Pattern to get great civilized discerning industry of human resources continents freight & cargo development. Deep in the Ocean if Atlantic & Pacific or the Red Sea or Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Persian Gulf, English Channel, North Sea, South China Sea, Mediterranean. Straits of Tiran, South Pacific, MAERSK is always on the top-ranked & top navigations vessels transport corporations in the complete world we is living in as humanbeings. This quarter in 2021 Q2 was build-up in a series 12 quarters in corporate consequently row very successfully in the companies perspective.Logistics is very important for further economic gowth. 2020 was the complete profit just the yields & established worth of Dollar Notes achieved tropical.
APMM Q2 2021 Interim Report.pdf
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World Economic Model / Mankind shown in short time of 7-9 Minutes by the world civilization. In the Directory Impressum you can have the whole
articulated descriptipn of this World Economic Model which is also portrayed from hugh different sectors
( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL )So this is an Interpretation & Demonstration of the so called Weltwirtschaftsprodukt / Take a Look / 17.8.2021 Release Date
Well, this is an Video File which is coming directly from andreaspennophotography.de / This Corporation has a lot of Offerings & Exemplified Demonstrations / This Short Clip is all about World Geoecology & Geography. This Model does represent Ideals never shown before. A Big Factor & Hugh Empowerment is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( KSA ) portrayed in this clip. Also Continents Depicted Highly Intellectual & Smart Established under its Civilization in Humankind. Also Metropolitan & City Areas Illustrated in Great Form & Shape. Mohammed Bin Salman and his empire & kingdom is capitalized, developed, graphically under great representation in this portrayal. Enormous & Massive Graphically Unification & Relevance created in this exemplar. Regions all over the World is promulgated under Great Circumstances & Leading Qualitative Industry from andreaspennophotography. " If Message appears falsified file, just dangerous, Click further and watch this EXE File ( World Economic Model ).
( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL) by Andreas Penno
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World / News / ADNOC 2020 / Green Energy / Oil Industry ( UAE) & Corporate Skilled as a Oil in Green Crude Exchanging Corporation / Technology
Results in Reusable Positive Powers / Goodwill Appropriated & Cooperative ( UAE)
So, this is the Annual Report & Protokoll from the( KONRAD ADENAUER ) Stiftung from Germany + Main Aspects & Industrial Position Discussions about Society
in the German Republic living / Development of Values just German Society
KAS / Federal Republic of Germany / Programs, Eastern Germany, Science/ Konrad Adenauer Stiftung / Climate Change / International Initiatives Fostering
So, now 2021 AD is the date nowadays, but the script is about 2019, the short book as well as annual report is about the goals in purpose of differentiation in plurality of topics nationwide. So the Adenauer Stiftung is reporting a lot of great materials & establishment of representation & constructive subject about social german infrastructure just women's entry into politics inner circling in Germany & Intercontinental.Also technology in a essential way of usage worldwide is questioned & published. Namely Artificial Intelligence short A.I. Democracy is told a lot in this Konrad Adenauer Stiftung as well as urbanized development.The KAS has 1.500 Employees abroad and native. Also Civic Education & Academic Promotion is classified.European & International Cooperation is the KONRAD Stiftung not foreign of.Also Archives of Christian Democratic Politically Principles. Also the Berlin Wall and the Peacefull Revolution is content of this Protokollierung.Liberalism is decisive in materials.
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Canadian Natural / Tim S.McKay CEO from Canadian Oil Expertise & Proficiency Corporation / 2020 Annual Report / Diversity, Talent Expertise
Well, Canada Natural is an oil corporation which operates in different continents & differentiated regions worldwide.2020 Canadian Resources for Bitumen, Natural Gasification, Liquefied Natural Gas & Crude Oil was decisive uphold & marked systematically just reviewed by an Independent Qualifications Reserves Evaluation from Canada. Operated was in North America in excluding Oil Sands Mining just Updated also on a terrain of Offshore African Intercontinental Space. Also COVID-19 the pandemic was bringing working blockades & specific working execution to different conflicts.Crude Oil Sands Systematically Operations was in production line of a record 248.971 bbl/d to fundamentally canadian chiffre & infrastructure . Canadian Natural continues to see positive results fot the future & the design just the concept to develop great income from now till 2030.N. Murray Edwards is the north american corporations Executive Chairman. For the shareholders is wide-reaching positive shining outlook.
2020-annual-report Canadian Natural.pdf
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Thomson Reuters / Portfolio / Corporate World Wide Web Canadian Journalism from Ontario, Toronto, North America / 2020 Annual Protokollierung & Report
Just to say, Thomson Reuters STOCKS are enlisted on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Wall Street exempli gratia the New York Stock Exchange on the east coast of North America .Operations & Technology, Accountancy , Research & Development just Digital Transformation , Investment in Green Energy, Sales & Marketing, so all these topics is centralized & well-coining Thomson Reuters from Canada North America. Human Capital Modern Practices & Initiatives are designed to attract, motivate and gain high quality, talented and diverse just employees across all of their businesses who feel valued, are provided with capitalised enthusiasm & are destined & restructured to go public & get successfully. Legal Professionals, Corporates & Acccountants of Reuters are engaged . It's an media just the fastest quickest news journalism in human civilization & whole world also this diverse industry has also other affiliation than media journalism. Global Print as a part of Reuters. An attractive Model.
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( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL ) ACT 3 / Release 11.11.2021 / KSA & Intercontinental Aspirations / Fundamentally High Development of Acoustics / Take a Look
So this AKT 3 from the Series of the World Economic Model is the last namely the third Diashow. So these 3 AKTS nonetheless are affiliated from the integrated corporation on andreaspennophotography.de namely Andreas .P. Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD. This AKT 3 in english Act 3 is just like the predecessors about the KSA and Mohammed Bin Salman just the Kingdom from the middle east. Acoustics is played just very pleasantly to listen to, convince yourself, very spectacular . This creation is all about the world economically projects and different a lot more to look at . Also different affiliations of the human civilization & versatile impressions you can get just watching this Diashow. So if an error message is appearing after the download click further and open the file. So this exe file 3 is worthwhile to look on it. Be ready
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World / News / North America / New York / About Dollar Profit & Banking International Value & North American Corporate USA Asset Achieving & Creating
So JPMorgan Chase and & Co is all about since decades of enormous & giant value profit around dollar bank notes . It's the most hugh & biggest Investment Bank of the whole world. Jamie Dimon is ceo & chairman of the banking institute. 2020 was a constant tolerating annual year of some hurdles & obstacles about COVID-19 and its pandemic impact worldwide. JPMorgan Chase anyway was also like other institutions also the arabic Aramco as well as exempli gratia the Danske Bank plagued from the pandemic as far as structural financially values of diminished status. Anyway the United States of America which JPMorgan is a product of, also Tesla or Princeton, or the Wall Street stays the most economically & politically strongest and dominant country of world history.Real Estates or different like checks handling in USA or Crude Oil Accountancy from JPMorgan & Asset Management is in Institute involved . This Banking Institute is Great & Green Orientated.
JP Morgan + Annual Report-2020.pdf
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Fletcher Building / Literary Correspondence / Annual Report 2021 / Infrastructure & Development of Homes in New Zealand Constructive & A Great Concern
Fletcher Building Company a great industry from New Zealand. Industrial Pacific Purpose building Homes and Domiciles for Humankind. Corporate Profit from 2020 in Comparison Hugh in Result .Modernization, Customer Services, Automation in Manufacturing Facilities decisive in structured futuristic initiative. Great Key Established Strategic initiatives are well underway for this straight great corporation with its Headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand. This Company is truly successfully.A great building green industrializations committed concern from New Zealand with great Values & Goals for human resources & future technologies. Ross Taylor is the CEO of this building housing industry. Hugh Development Structured to ascertain since corporations fundamentally creation. New Zealand does count to the British Commonwealth.
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Establishment & Sports Industry / Hockey League in USA / Protokoll about Sports in America / Professional Hockey and short Information / PUCK ON ICE
Well, this Sports Protokollierung is all about Hockey in the USA and North America. Article by creating professional detailed Memo of this Sport. The NHL is the most attractive Hockey League in the whole orient of world. There's also Teams and Clubs like Detroit Red Wings or Colorado Avalanche or New York Rangers . The league is played evey years partitioned in different regions of the country.The National US Hockey Team has also different National Programs. The NHL is truly professional on Ice. So this sports is a very energy costing infrastructure for the engaged players playing in the Arenas & Stadiums reaching from California to Texas, from Chicago to Detroit or from New York to Boston.
USA_Hockey + Protokollierung North Ameri
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Cambridge Lingual Assessment English for Preparation for High Schooling Grading Universities / Notorious & Well Known School in World Civilization
So this Protokoll is about Cambridge, the british University with different industries to put on excel. So this is all about Cambridge Language Industry & Articulation for further purpose of lingual assessment students. Cambridge is under great scholarly possibilities offering great exams & language skills to get students & learning pupils to overarching suited results, Exam Papers are decisive uphold under secure conditions. This college from the United Kingdom U.K has different at offerings & proficiency to declare. The United Kingdom has a great manufacturing industry. This country became independent from the EU since 1 Quarter 2020. Nowadays after Theresa May is Boris Johnson prime minister. Great Britain is a Monarchy.
Cambridge Langual Assessment English +
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Nordic States / Protokollierung from andreaspennophotography.de / Nordic States Portrayal / Nordic Countries Reference & Protokoll / PDF from 2018
The Nordic States is a 7 Country System in the northern Hemisphere of the World. Therefore counts Iceland,Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland. The Nordic has industrial & labour market which is astonishing. Especially is the life's standard more privileged than the rest of the world. Nordic States are very flexible for green energy till 2050. Sweden has geoecologically beautifully forests & Finland has lakes. The Nordic Countries has also the Faroe Islands & Greenland to share with the world. So in Oslo & Copenhagen civilized strong & hard working men is established in this infrastructure. Stockholm & Helsinki is also very notorious for the fostering green magnitude in the industrial world.
Nordic States 2018 Initiative.pdf
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World / USA / News / ConocoPhillips Corporation / North America ( Worlds Largest Independent Oil & Gas Company ) Annual Report 2020 / Infrastructure
So ConocoPhillips produces a lot of crude operating oil & gas daily for further productive sales in the world. Ryan M. Lance is the CEO of the corporation & oil industry. Corporate Initiatives are promulgating for further Drilling in a comfortable space of the oil corporate planning for Conoco and green contriving scheme just getting by 2050 independent & by clearly expectations for a Carbon Emission neutrally as well as other ( Oil & Gas Exploration ) Corporations in the world as same as (ARAMCO) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or ADNOC from Abu Dhabi or Gazprom from Russia and different more. Employees & Working Initiative People are very immune of the the COVID-19 Pandemic now in 2022. Especially Countries affiliated with CONOCO are Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia , Asia-Pacific Region, Qatar, Libya, Norway, Canada & Terrain like Middle East, Gulf of Mexico e.G Asia.
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( KSA ) Aramco / Annual Report 2021 / Dialogue & Promulgating News about Aramco Oil Industry & Diversification from Oil State / Immune against COVID-19
So, well Aramco from the ( KSA ) was 2021 representing great industrial goals in the Middle East / World . Belonging to the Independence from Oil Aramco is established till the Vision 2030 in great shape, confidence & structure also now 2022 in future .So ( Transcontinental ) Crude Oil Export from Aramco is comfortable in human civilization established and cooperative as a ( Hub) for Export. So Mohammed Bin Salman is reforming the Kingdom under hugh & enormous circumstances. Also NEOM especially " The Line " & " Oxagon "and " Trojena " is built now under Hundred of Thousands of Employees & Creative Workers in ( KSA). To say explicable they want to be NET-ZERO from Emission in 2050 AD of humankind era. So Aramco is very orientated in clean green energy. Discerning News about the ( KSA ) and Aramco is that the infrastructure and planning Vision 2030 is already in enormous successfully position also Saudi Aramcos Relation in this concern.
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World / Masayoshi Son / Corporation of Civilized Futuristic Technology and Creation of Systematic Robotics & TECH-FORMS / Artificial Intelligence Tokyo Revolution
So, this is the Annual Report 2021 from Softbank Group from Japan, Tokyo. Masayoshi Son is the CEO from Corporation. Also a Model and Planning for 300 Years in great advancement & development from ( SBG ) articulated & edited in Brochure. Softbank Group is an Investors & Investment Diverse Industry from Tokyo / Japan / Asia. This Product is all about Artificial Intelligence ( A.I) Assessement & Appropriated Science Creation. It is a carrier & product for high intelligent Informations Revolution & Epoch just source. Masayoshi Son has different plans & planning as far as technologically green development till 2030 maybe 2050 for Softbank Group. This company explained and set under promulgating upfreshing news that 2030 Softbank Group will be Carbon Neutral & Clean for a better world and a better green human civilization. Masayoshi Son & Softbank Group creates Robotics & Infrastructure on Ultra High Developed Asian Japanese Hugh Systematic Technology.
annual-report-soft-bank 2021.pdf
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South America / Geography / Human Civilization & Continent On Portrayal / Futuristic Planning + Modern Budgeting & Future Opportunities related to World
Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell) Protokoll 27.04.2022 / DE
VW / Volkswagen / Annual Report 2021 / Diverse & Cultivated German Car Producer & Developer / VW is a great Car Resource from the European Continent / EU
So VW the flexible & multifolded and compact globally car chain industry was 2021 in a great challenge just hugh progress of industrial development & economically influx .Anyway im comparison for the last annual years of its Volkswagen's Historically Structure it was doing discrepancies & car diminishing sales worth of 4.5% from 2021 to 2020.So Volkswagen is a corporation on globally operational system of a approximately 10 Car & Vehicles Industrial Conglomerate Era.Also Car Establishent Committee's Activities was discussed on VW.Dr.Herbert Diess is the ( Chief Executive Officer) of the corproration. Different automobiles & vehicles affiliated and in VW Possession for sales are Skoda,Audi,Seat,Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles,Bentley,Porsche Automotive,Scania,MAN Commercial Vehicles and different to address. So in the European Continent are sold the most ( VW ) Vehicles just Brands. In North America also the Corporate Business modest. In the Asia-Pacific Region it's very welcomed.
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Mercedes Benz Group AG ( Aktiengesellschaft ) / 2022 First Quarter / Q1 / Management & Great Protokoll from Mercedes of 2022 / Industrial Standard & Build-Up
So this brand & car developmental industry , the Mercedes Benz Group AG was 2022 in the first quarter progressive, distinguished & currency profitable.In this human era Mercedes Benz 500.000 Vehicles just Automotive Cars was pristine and constructive sold in the first quarter of the year 2022. Also the conflict by years beginning as an operating missing was the influx of semi-conductors, especially also this diversified difficulty does exist in the complete world cars market and different sectors.Mercedes want to reduces its CO² Status by 2030 to 50% by its complete cooperative corporation.So Mercedes is in hugh growth & hugh creational state to be 2030 till 2050 just the greatest human craftmanship manufacturer & also the greatest green productivity & electrification systematically car vendor of all time.
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MERCEDES S / C / E / A / B / SLS AMG GT3 -CLASS Creation/Machinery Build-Up Industrial Production ( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL )
Futuristic Planning & Diversification
Boeing / Next to Airbus Another Airplane Establisher / Corporate Sector Promising / Locally Illinois, Chicago in North America / Great Manufacture & Plane Design
Boeing is the most sovereign & hughly modern and established airplane & aeronautically serving airplane creator of the world. Its roots are from Illinois, Chicago,USA from North America. It's very secure & distinguished just differentiated from other brands & marketing just corporations from human civilization. Boeing has immense solid & stubborn airplane e.G aeronautically operating build-up infrastructure . Pilots all over the world does fly different models from BOEING ( North America ) and fly through diverse areas Intercontinental like Airbus.CEO is David Calhoun in his term of serving since 13.January 2020. So this Aeronautically System Manufacturer had 2021 in India a Directorate for General of Civil Aviation ( DGCA ) Approval. Also Air Canada, United Airlines and TUI return 737 MAX to Service in February 2021 .Also Boeing does equip the government of the United States of America with grossly great air manufactured establishment.
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(ICE ) Intercontinental Exchange /Jeffrey C. Sprecher ( CEO) Founder, Chair / Great American Industry / Transcontinental Handling /
This Corporation is a marketplace & dollar profitable concern & industry with great charisma and intelligent economically status.
This company is now in the 21st century approximately 20 Years old. Interacting very financially under a budget professional & actually US american dollarizational established. This company has 3 segments at offerings. Its main three pillars increased 18 % from Year to Year just from 2020 / 2021 also the ( Wall Street ) NYSE New York Stock Exchange involved from New York East Coast, North America. Also Asia-Pacific Transcontinental or Europe and Middle East or Canada, North America are an Affiliation & Operating Systematic Market Opportunities & Possibilities in a great american economically society.Its main distribution is for purpose is market infrastructure, broad futuristic technology and service mortgages,fixed income,future equities and the management and systematic leadership of it.So Jeffrey C. Sprecher is a great professional at works.
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World / News / BMW ( Bayerische Motoren Werke AG ) Protokoll of Company & Information of Production & Economically Status 2021 / ( BMW ) Munich
So BMW is one of the most leading prospering actively car producing car manufacturers & developing automotive corporations in world. Motorcycles are also from the BMW Trademark & Concern in sales . Behind Mercedes, BMW is also Resourcing from Germany and its traditional roots of this Country in Europe ,Germany,Munich . BMW has nowadays approximately 120.000 Thousand Employees at Works & Employment worldwide. Its assembly production centers located are worldwide and under an example also in Asia , South America or Africa namely , South Africa, Brazil, Thailand ( Monarchy ), Plants in China, BMW Brilliance Automotive in China ( 3 Plants ), Partner Plant Shongqing ( China ), Partnering Plant & Industrialization of Malaysia & Cairo ( Egypt ) Civilization of Africa. Transcontinental from the Headquarters from Munich / DE also in Engineering,Designworks, IT Technology Office in the USA, Greenville or Supplementary Solid & Professional at ( R & D ) Servicing in Asian Countries.
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Al Rajhi Bank / ( Riyadh ) Banking Institute of the ( KSA ) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Comprehensive & Constructive and Professional / Riyadh & Vision 2030
So the( Al Rajhi Bank ) is totally enormous Riyal attractive , arabian native & representative at the Kingdom and Oversea. Globally financially transactions dealing with Riyal and Dollars, Yen & Yuan or Kronor or Canadian Dollar or European ( EU ) Euro in Exchange Rate is Intercontinental presently. Arabian Cash 14 Million Saudi Riyal was the net worth in 2021 about this arabian bank in digits. This Institute comes from the ( Riyadh ). So the Stocks & Shares Capital Corporate Market from Al Rajhi Bank is Tadawul from ( Riyadh ). Al Rajhi is one Bank from the ( KSA ) and all united Banks from the Kingdom is enriched of Banking Green Communication. Also the ( Public Investment Fund ) PIF is in Systematic Affiliation with Al Rajhi from Riyadh. The Middle East is in Growth and hugh Cooperative Development as well as systematic Orientation in the Western Civilization with Financial Institutes since the Beginning of the 21st Century. ( Riyadh ) is decisive & important for the Vision 2030.
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FIFA 2021 / World Sports / Football Promulgating Brochure / News about FIFA in the World / Soccer Is A World Sport / Info of World Cup 2022 Qatar / Take a Look
So the ( FIFA ) is led by Gianni Infantino the FIFA President and under governance by his name. So now 2022 the FIFA Football World Championship is in this year in the fourth Quarter in Qatar / Middle East of World. All Stadiums & Arenas are built with tolerance & architectural solid greatness.It's the first time in World Sports History that the World Cup is taken place in the Arab World ever.All Teams all over the world, from different continents , will be play this Championship wilth full enthusiasm of playing full inspiration in front of the whole world. So in my reference & complete dedication also opportunities & possibilities should be the (FIFA )Football World Cup in world history 2030 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Nowadays it's only speculation, but the Kingdom would be perfect committed & best choice to this host in world.Because 2026 is the World Cup in North America ( Canada, USA, Mexico ) and in 2030 is most of the Vision 2030 of the ( KSA ) Accomplished.
FIFA Annual Report 21_0103.pdf
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The Watches over Switzerland Group PLC / Watches Corporate Sales in U.K and USA, North America / Luxury Jewellery / Rich & Historically
So this Corporation & Frankly Notorious Opulent Industry stands cooperative & promulgating partnership to different Trademarks & Operating Jewellery & Watches Creators as well as Fundamentally Goldsmiths. One of them are Cartier,Omega, TagHeuer,Breitlinger 1884,Tudor,Patek Philippe Geneve, ( ROLEX), Audemars Piguet ( Le Brassus ). The Precious Sought-After Jewellery Worldwide Market does come to a budget of 126 Billion Dollar in world, namely the complete Market. World Markets Luxury Watches has a brilliance of a budgeting & market value of 47 Billion of Dollar Bank Notes. So the market is very peculiar & very carrying a goodwill & is posh intellectual flair confident just attractive. So the Watches over ( Switzerland ) Group PLC is an attractive company in terms of great productivty for watches & jewellery worldwide by the cooperation with its subsidiaries. Convince over Report. Great Market Opportunities & Possibilities .
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DIASHOW AKT / ACT EXE File 11 / Release Date 20.08.2022 Geography & ( KSA ) and Mohammed Bin Salman / World News / Confident Created & Edited
So this ACT-11 EXE File is compact & cooperative just a masterpiece & crystalized piece of great showmanship.Also to observe NEOM and its Building serving as a Model which is oftenly illustrated on andreaspennophotography.de. This Complex it's divided in two on a coast & harbour with a Fountain just hyper intelligent architecture & and ( Roof ) With a Park Recruited just NEOM & decisive creation from contriving people which done it, just created it and set it into the internet for a Portrait, (Example ) Sourcing & Model for ( NEOM ).Also to recognize beautifully Acoustics & Sound in this ACT-11 & PIF ( Public Investment Fund ) . Also the Mountains of Middle East you can study this happen.
(DIASHOW ) ACT-11 (KSA ) & Great Outlook
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MESIA / Mid-East Solar Energy Project Establishment & Development / 2021 Outlook / Establishment Green Energy Productivity in Middle East /
So ( MESIA ) is an organization which does portray Solar Energy Compact Operations,most in the Arab World and Middle East. Now 2022 the gates are open. Solar Sun Power is from year to year in a yield curve cheaper & cheaper. The whole complete world is nowadays about Solar & Wind Energy. All over the world people & societies have Solar Producivity also on small scale on their roofs.My native country Federal Republic of Germany has made different advancement & strides since last decade . Also in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Bahrain, especially also in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Solar Parks & Installations are taken place.Also the Dubai Solar Park from the King will be 2030 finished. Kuwait & Oman has also globally hugh references for green energy. Operating systematically MESIA also does explain how Solar Sun Receiving Products are working from the mechanism & system. MESIA is a great Resourcing for Solar Energy & Green Development in the Arab World and Mid-East.
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World Trade Update 2022 / GLOBAL TRADE / Systematically Trade Influx & News about Trade in World / ( World Economic Model ) Futuristic Planning /
So this Portable Document Format has demonstration & excel of showing that despite ( COVID-19 ) world trade opportunities & chances for great trading does get fast & quick especially strong and corporate disciplined just the WORLD TRADE is achieving milestones and major success, in tendency als the ( KSA )Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a major role in 2021 4 Quarter in Great Export Performance achieved, one of the most goals in world in different scale . So Trading Volumes in this world are till 2050 AD very cooperative & unique observe. The ( Middle East ) has extraordinary good & promising Visions from Kuwait to Abu Dhabi, the ( GCC ) also Bahrain and Dubai also Oman have splendid & pristine trade going on in world till 2050 AD even (NEOM) with Aqaba & Suez eventually in the common lasting future.So the WORLD TRADING SYSTEM is tolerated in modern suited society under pillars which are defined & scaled under promulgating abilities which are undeniable & replacable in world.
ditcinf2022d1_en (1).pdf
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Qatar Airways / Intellectual Great Airlines from ( Mid-East ) from Qatar / The Great Peninsula's Airlines & Corporate Qatar Airways 40.000 Employees
So Qatar Airways has its Headquarters in Doha / QA. CEO is Akbar Al Baker from Qatar. This Airlines is compact & cooperative even Cargo Productivity & Performance is operating annually, talk about 2,727,986 Tonnes in Exemplar by 2020/2021. Also this Airlines stands in Alliance to great Partners and in Collegiate lying profitable profile. So Qatar Airlines has also its procedure & airplanes from different resources of world. Human Resources as far as the quantity of people were passengers in terms of 7 Million Individuals on board in 2021 by QA Airways.So the Middle East is great opportunistic & developing in enormous pace, especially till 2050 AD. Trust me.So Qatar Airways, especially also Canada Air & Korean Air also great Airlines in World also from the Republic of Germany exempli gratia Lufthansa DE flying international world scale.
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EU / Eurozone and ( Green Energy ) Renewables in European Continent Protokoll 16.09.2022 AD
ACT-14 DIASHOW / Infrastructure / Politics / Red Sea / Economically Diashow & Representation of AKT-14 /( KSA ) / Media Release 03.10.2022
So this ACT is about World Civilized Infrastructure. It's an affiliation of the ( World Economic Model ) Weltwirtschaftsmodell Futuristic Planning, (World Intellectual Futuristic Creation )+ ( Flexible Growth Budgeting ) like all AKT's from a different special date before . And also a great resourcing to my ACT / AKT Collection on HTTP://www.andreaspennophotography.de. The Sound & Music playing is truly amazing & inspirational, revolutionary and listen very classified.Also Mohammed Bin Salman is to look at, where he is close to Queen Elizabeth 2 which passed away 2022. Also an Excerpt & Cutout from the Red Sea Project from Saudi Arabia the Kingdom is to observe. So this ACT-14 is a representation & publishing of great Resourcing from A.P. P.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-14 Great Opportunistic &
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ACT-16 / Operating Systematically Accurately Diashow / Infrastructure / OXAGON ( NEOM ) / Ship Oveseas Maritime Initiative / Media Release 03.10.2022
So the ACT-16 / AKT-16 is all about a Collection of 50 Photographically Segments showing World Civilization. Also at first the European Accoutrement is depicted & portrayed. Also the Kanzleramt from Germany is presently. Ship Harbours & Ports, Coastal Areas with Cargo & Freight and Ships on the Seas & Ocean are on the ACT-16. Ships from Harbours are on promulgating graphically news. Also a Riyadh(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) Airport is on the operation. Especially ( Africa )the Continent is on the Diashow. Also African Pride is symbolized & created. Also an arabian table & desk historically shown and Oxagon ( NEOM ) is displayed on the Diashow. OXAGON is furthering 70.000 Jobs in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia ( KSA ). The Vision 2030 has Millions of Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-16 Inspirational & Media
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World / Austria / OMV / Oil Operating European Industry / Establishment & Cooperation / Annnual Report 2021 / Worldwide Reservoirs Recruited / High Opportunities
Well, OMV is from Vienna ( Wien ) and is worldwide established & creative and profitable situated. Alfred Stern is ( CEO ). North Sea, Central European Continent, Mid-East & Africa ( MENA ) Region,Russia are fundamentally concern regions in world for OMV Oil Reservoirs Production & Drilling Fields namely Exploration & Production and Influx Development in world .Total Hydrocarbon Producing Initiative is cooperative.( Polyolefin ) Production & Sale were 6 Million 2021. OMV is a traditional oil operating austrian oil institute.So Chemicals Compositions & Substancss Processing is also an affiliation of (OMV). OMW is modern,attractive & industrial paramountly & superior engaged.
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Petoro / Norway / Managing Oil Industries in Norway / Governmental Operating / Scandinavia / Ships in Water with LNG Involved /Accountancy / Protokoll 2021
Petoro is smart,intelligent, direct, and is supervising a potential in world distanced opportunities for a great Security Standard in Oil Expeditions for its Employees in Norway .2001 was the establishment & foundation of Petoro.Its subsidiary is named Petoro Island AS.It's completely governed & standing under governance from the norwegian certain country.So in a affiliation Norway stands in possession of 1.2 Trillion US Dollar in a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Most Great In World. So the Corporation controls the Oil & Gas exempli gratia Technology,Drilling,Export Oil Certain & Certified Circumstances from Oil Concerns & Industries in Norway on Financial Budgeting.This Corporation is overarching & promising for the Nordic States. So the EU plans to be CARBON-NEUTRAL by 2050.Somehow or anyway,by the way Norway is not part of the EU.
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World Economic Model ( ACT-21 ) EXE Formatierung / Southeast Asia Protokollierung / Environmental Study / AKT / Release Date 14.01.2023 AD /
So this ACT / AKT 21 is all about the ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) ( Weltweiterentwicklungsundkooperativmodell ). This EXE File is all about Freight & Container talk about Harbours & Systematically Ports in Asia. Coastlines from Southeast Asia & Beautifully Constructive Freight is symbolized in this ACT. Also Tidjane Thiam is visible on the Screen &portrayed business affiliated .This ACT-21 is all about Infrastructure and some Geographically Maps in World.Also Xi Jinping is portrayed in some Photographically Segments. So this is the ( Futuristic Planning )+ (World Intellectual Futuristic Creation )+ ( Flexible Growth Budgeting ) from the World Economic Model and till ACT-100 ( 2030 ) all EXE-Formatierungen are ( World Economic Model ) related. So also Malaysia,India,China,Japan , South Korea,Indonesia,Vietnam and Southeast Asia are affiliated in this ACT-21 from the ( ACT ) Series & Collection.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-21 Southeast Asia Infras
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Volvo / Protokollierung Annual Report 2021 & Portrayal of Volvo the Swedish Car Production & Creator / Volvo Group / Flexible & Productive / Volvo Group is Creative
So, Volvo was 2021 profiting great around.The COVID-19 Conflict was resolved truly great.Volvo was very immune against COVID-19. Volvo Group does establish & create Earthmovers,Cranes,Lorrys & Trucks. 2021 was a sliding & hugh comfortable success for Volvo Group but also for Volvo Cars the main distributor for this association. So Sweden is a great automotive & truck belonging opportunistic vehicle creator. Volvo Group was selling 372 Million Swedish Kronor from Units 2021 compared 338 Millions Swedish Kronor United from 2020.So Volvo Group will be 2040 completely green assessed & concessioned & productive established like Volvo Cars. Chief Executive Officer is Martin Lundstedt. So this Craftsmanship & Establishment from Volvo from the Assembly Lines eventually Factories is Swedish Perfect Created Design established in different parts in world.Main Headquarters from Volvo Group & Volvo Cars is Gothenburg / Sweden / EU / Europe / World..
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Skoda / VW Subsidiary / Corporate Profile / One of the oldest Car Producers & Manufacturers of World History / Czech Foundation
So, Skoda is a great car industry in world. It's a subsidiary & filiale from Volkswagen.Skoda has major challenges & a corporate strategy in human civilization articulated & named NEXT LEVEL-SKODA STRATEGY 2030 .Murat Aksel is Chairman in this car trading green corporation from Europe. This car brand is sold worldwide under hugh circumstances and profitable currency market values.Skoda is in account of Top 5 in Europe in Electromobility in this challenge. The company launched its first all-electric SUV the ENYAQ iV Model and FABIA 2021.SKODA Motorsport and Cross Racing is also presently in world. Skoda anywhere has a good reputation & circulating establishment since early on. Also Skoda has production line green opportunities in India & EU. So this automobile concern has hugh success in world, really to say.
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Banque du Canada / Annual Report 2021 / Short Summary of Structure in North American,Canadian Central Bank / Canadian Intelligent Banking Institute /
So 2021 was a year annually which was a turn of a lot of change.Governor is Tiff Macklem from Bank. 2021 was a year of structured balance in different fields & strategies of banking principles in Canada.This country's real gross domestic product was in balanced growth of a digit of 4.5 % . Better chiffre than time annually before. Canada's Banque du Canada was gaining in consultance & COVID-19 structuring despite some opportunities in North America 2021 damaged from pandemic. So this bank was also actively in Domestic Partnerships & Cooperation to federal & provincial authorities. So in Canada also the option exists like supervising retail payments, eventually called payment service providers ( PSPs). Now,well the Banque du Canada is a great fundamentally banking institute from North America. Take a Look
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Suzuki / Integrated Report 2021 / Corporate Profile / Corporate Philosophy / President Toshihiro Suzuki / Asia Continent / Initiative / Cooperative & Confident
Somehow, Suzuki is an industry which does create automobiles & motorcycles in massive profitable state of reputation. Suzuki is a japanese concern which is also in activity of CO² Reduction native from Japan. They are enormously attractive in profitable currency markets of ( Yen ) japanese currency. They are truly productive & in opportunistic shape for common profitable future. They have great cooperation to the western civilization where the cars from their corporation are sold in hugh amounts of currency.( Suzuki ) has a great quantity of employees worldwide, also in their subsidiaries & corporate profile. Traffic Safety Activities are also a name in this concern & industry. Product Quality & Safety as same as Diversity of Human Resources are structured. Suzuki Japan is notorious worldwide for their massive amount of motorcycle product sales. This establishment was created October 1909, Hamamatsu, in the prefecture Shizuoka, Japan.
2021 Suzuki.pdf
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Mizuho /One of Global Leading Banking Institutes of World / Annual Report 2022 / Corporate Profit 2021 3.96 Billion Yen / Tatsufumi Sakai ( CEO )
So Japan is an industrialized country of the Asian Continent with great Corporations &Diverse Societies, Cultures and Industries internally, especially in the Prefecture Tokyo. Mizuho is a world leading banking institute & industry which does also control different works of Green Energy & Climate Change Circumstances in World & Japan.Mizuho stands also in administration of a Inclusion Network also Talent Attraction or Enhanced Family Friendly Policies. Charity Activity is also involved. Mizuho is also established in UK Government Taskforce to boost Socio-Economic Diversity. COVID-19 was also a hugh hurdle & blocking in Asia & Japan but was managed till now in great form & shape. So Mizuho had 2021 financially profit in ( Yen ) of 3.96 Billion Currency in Tokyo .As far as the Market in futuristic outlook from 2022, the market chances & capital is looking profitable in state . So Mizuho is one of the most greatest & grandeur globally banks of world. This Institute comes from Tokyo .
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DIASHOW / ACT-23 / So this AKT is all about Circulating News / Great Chapter of the Collection ACT'S/AKT'S / Media Release A.P.P 22.02.2023 AD
So this ACT represents different in establishment. Also Tidjane Thiam or Angela Merkel are illustrated.In Establishment a beautifully Chameleon & Geography from World. Especially Turtles to look at.Or Ships driving across the Sea & Ocean.In Regard also a Skeleton from a ORCA is portrayed in this ACT-23, a great scientifically product.Also in Representation Solar Energy & the EU Flag pristine, beautifully. charismatically and established.Also India and the Middle East you can observe Human Civilization from India which are in a Crowd.So the notorious Geographicallly Map from ( A.I ) Artificial Intelligence ( Künstliche Intelligenz ) of A.P.P is mentioned.Also Cherry Flowers are established & created for the Spectator. .So make sure got it to watch & look at this ACT / AKT 23.Thank You from (A.P.P) Take A Look It's Promising.So stay actively on Industry.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-23 World Society Civili
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DIASHOW ACT-24 / AKT / So this is the 24th Diashow from the Collection & Series of the ACT'S / Industry / A.P.P ) Source / Protokollierung 16.03.2023
Well, this ACT-24 is strictly an Exemplar & Portrayal for Entertainment Worldwide , also Qiddiya from the KSA is represented in Blue Color Effect Graphically Empowerment from A.P.P the World Industry & Growing Establishment . The Content is fulfilled with Operating Systematically Pictures from Africa & Middle East and its Civilization of World .Seals & Elephants Geoecologically are visible in this ACT & AKT- 24.Also it contains mainly an ( Peace Message ) for the whole wide World like the Song ( Acoustics ) and Photographically Segments do harmonize like Peace Flags in World.This World Peace Initiative comes from A.P.P Also the EXE File & ( ACT-24 ) is totally with its Content & Corporate Graphically Initiative another ACT Development & Rising Contribution from A.P.P for the whole circulating world. Thank You Very Much.Sincerely Yours,Andreas Penno.Take A Look.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-24 Resource & Sourcing
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Alibaba / 2022 Annual Report / Market / Internally Corporation from China & World Affiliated / Concern Strong Industrial / Technology & Smart Intelligence
Alibaba, " Be Confident " , " Be Flexible " " Be Ourselves ", their Title .Alibaba. This Corporation from China is all about Innovation & Technology just Business to Business.Customers are granted a hugh potential on attention and Values & Internet Accessibility Concern Options to choose. This monopole & operating systemtically ( B2B ) Corporation is all about different disciplines initiated.2022 the Alibaba Ecosystem GMW was in corporate cash of US $ 1,312 Billion of Dollar Bank Notes. And Alibaba shares different disciplines like Assurances & Machinery, Home,Kitchen Opportunities @ Offerings.Differentiated at offerings like Packaging & Printing, Lights,Lighting and Apparel at Servicing .117.000 Thousand of Employees are working in Alibaba Worldwide and China.Alibaba is a trustworthy chinese corporation & typically wants to create 100 Millions of Jobs worldwide.
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Saudi Aramco / 2022 / Energy / Crude Oil Development / OPEC / Opportunities / Export / Annual Report 2022 / World's Richest Industry / 04.04.2023 AD
So, Aramco had 2022 AD the most successfully regulated annual year ever in Corporation's History. They had truly profitable Arabian Riyal Cash as far as the politically,economically & arabian circumstances. Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud is proud of all arabian employees. Amin H Nasser controls the company & industry Aramco truly very well. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants anyway 50 % NON Crude Oil Profit GDP 2030 as a goal in their monarchy.Opportunities & Possibilities are hugh as far as the crude reserves till 2100 when the Fossil Fuels are running out in the World. Aramco has globally operations going on till 2030 in hugh scale of Export.Saudi Aramco is the most richest industry in World. Anyway God Bless Saudi Aramco & The Kingdom Saudi Arabia and the World.
saudi-aramco-ara-2022-english (1).pdf
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ACT-28 / Diashow / Representation Is All About Globally Events / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Release Date / 18.04.2023 / ACT-28 Is All About World Politics
So this ACT-28 has globally events with a great Tune and sound at representation & to put on excel. A.P.P represents all recent 28 ACT'S & AKT'S as a part of the World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) . Also the upcoming events. This ACT has strong values about Green Energy & Solar Productivity & Mohammed Bin Salman from KSA and the monarchy Jordan and graphically exemplars from Australia and its established Oceania Islands & isles on the coast.Me, Andreas is also in this graphically Diashow illustrated .Also Angela Merkel is established in this ACT. Olaf Scholz is also constantly in the ACT'S & AKT'S like in this, especially on the Airport in Riyadh.Also the Crucifix from Jesus Christ stands in portrayal of this EXE File.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-28 Media Correspondence
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Intercontinental Exchange / ICE / Annual Report 2022 / USA / North America / Atlanta,Georgia / Opportunities & Trade / 18.04.2023 Release / Protokoll
Now really to say the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) from the US had strong established profitable growth in 2022 this annual year & hugh balance in different Exchanges of Trade Goodwill Scale. The ( ICE ) is hugh differentiated with scale of economically profit, circumstances of green trade,.mortgage service, especially for the past 23 Years since foundation of Track Record & Jeffrey C.Sprecher's opportunistic corporation in the United Statess of America, North America the Continent.Also Canola or Frozen Orange Juice or Energy Marketable Commodity, different like Natural Gas or Coal,Crude Oil or Refined Products or Coffee, Sugar just Group Type Marketable Groups stand in affiliation with ( ICE ) from USA. So Intercontinental Exchange has 2022 a Track Record just strong Profit namely 7.3 Billion of Net Revenues from the Corporation & Industry in North America in World. Great Values.
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ACT-29 / Diashow Series / A.P. P Represents This Diashow Under Strong Circumstances & Established Fundamentally Goodwill / Release Date / 18.04.2023
So now on the 18.04.2023 AD World,EU, European Continent Time Zone ,13:00 UTC GMT +2 i'm delighted & gladly to represent the ACT-29 from andreaspennophotography ( A.P.P ). This ACT is really inspirational at it self. You can acertain & find Government buildings from the European Union and at first exemplar the from A.P.P published since times the Red Sea Complex ( 2 Buildings & Pillars and Creative Exemplar ) Product which me Andreas set under example & sampling source for NEOM just for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Also the Arabian & ( EU ) European flags are fusioned for a great future.Also The New York Times is symbolized as a journalism with Mohammed Bin Salman on the creational establishment from New York.Also OXAGON is represented graphically and Mohammed Bin Salman in a frontal central portrayal in the audience with a so great grandeur inspirational sound sequence. So Take A Look. And stay actively on A.P.P
( DIASHOW ) ACT-29 Creative Design & Glo
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ACT-30 / Diashow / A.P.P / World Journey / Beautifully Acoustics / Protokollierung / Transcontinental ( ACT ) / ( Protokoll ACT Release 12.05.2023 )
So this is the ACT / AKT 30 and this Diashow is great. Under Circumstances & Conditions it's filled with 100 Graphically Segments. The Diashow Series, Inlay & Collection is industrial & economically just the ACT'S / AKT'S belonging as a great infrastructure & product to Andreas .P . Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD. Now ( A.P.P ) has 30 EXE Files ACT'S. The Content is all about Nations Flags & Media Representation from Regions all over the World. Also all EXE Files belonging to the ( World Economic Model ) ( Weltwirtschaftsprodukt ) Weltwirtschaftsmodell. This EXE File contains also Photographically Segments from my head on & close-up materials, also ( EU ). Also Tidjane Thiam stands in this AKT with his facial & frontal camera view.Also Sao Tome & Principe from Africa is involved.Especially the Wall Street is established in this AKT.So Best Regards & Take A Look.If Message comes while open the file, Content falsified, click continue and get fascinated. This counts for every ACT.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-30 World Tour & Journey
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ACT-31 / Diashow / China & Asia / Asian Continent / Belt & Road Initiative / Government / Geography / Gerrman Foreign Minister in China / 12.05.2023
So this is the ACT-31 / AKT. Well, China is a super intelligent major role world trade country in world history. Xi Jinping creates a great,dominant, world governing & sovereign green opportunistic nation, which will be 2030 achieving more GDP Profit & Excel and enriched status than the United States of America.The Belt & Road Initiative will be 2050 accomplished & finished as same as NEOM (Arabia) . China is also in this AKT formatted of Solar Energy Intelligent Development. China will like presaged from their government & parliament some time ago, China will be like announced 2060 carbon-neutral in World ( Aramco 2050 ). So this AKT is all about Chinese Infrastructure & Aspirations of the Major Role in nowadays politically context.Also Allies from China are depicted in EXE. Different Foreign Politically Affairs from China are standing under Ensemble. Also Geographically Maps from the Belt & Road Initiative are involved.Also Annalena Baerbock is presently.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-31 World Intelligent Maj
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Annual Report 2022 / Protokollierung / Porsche / Luxurious German Car / Stock Exchange in DE / 12.05.2023 Release Date / Protokoll /
So Porsche had 2022 a successfully year in annual base structure.Porsche had a special function of progress in 2022.Porsche has Engineers like Otmar Bitsche. Porsche created Masterpieces,, also in terms of decarbonization.In the Automotive World Porsche has Skills,Engineering,Talent, Paramountly Excellent Interior Paneling Structure, Technology of state of the art,Luxury is exclusive from Porsche, the Automobile Creator & Developer in World. So this brand name porsche individiual portrayed is like the italian bodyworks a luxurious, special-product & purpose-built posh automobile. So this car brand is accordingly,in regard sold in hugh amounts of currency.Therefore this automobile from Germany doesn't sell so much cars like mundane names like Peugeot,Citroen,Mitzubishi,Mercedes,Volvo,Toyota, Mercedes, Honda, Daimler Crysler or different car brands in world. Anyway Porsche has top design & layout from the body.So in China were sold ( Porsche ) 93.000 discerning developed cars.
Annual and Sustainability Report 2022 Po
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Nippon Steel Corporation / Japan / Eastern Civilization / Asia Pacific / Representative Director & President Eiji Hashimoto / Protokollierung ( 12.05.2023 )
So Nippon Steel from Japan is lucractive & is representing steel manufacturing & creation which operates green in different Transcontinental Circulating Areas & Regions in World.So NIppon ist in casting of steel & iron and metal and serves with their casted steel worldwide infrastructure globally .Technology is profiting enormously in World from Nippon. Also Ships & Roads, Bridges,Real Estate Structures, accordingly,in recommended references Nippon has a great Corporate Philosophy Tract in their company & industry.It is celebrating export worldwide of manufactured steel & iron.It has allies like South Korea Posco in Cooperation.Overseas Green Maritime Globally Production & Shipping ( Shipment ) Sea Framework Nippon Steel has opportunities in USA,Thailand,Brazil,India, ( European Continent )in World.Nippon Steel has its headquarters in the Prefecture Tokyo,Chiyoda,Asian Continent,World.
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EA Sports / California / North America / Electronic Arts / Protokollierung / Annual Report 2022 in World/ Western World / Opportunities / 12.05.2023 Release
So EA ( Electronic Arts ) achieved 2022 7 Billion of Net Revenues. So to make the point clear EA has different & differentiated industries what they manage, create & working on.Also EA Sports different Computer Games are in Franchise & Merchandising of EA. Electronic Arts is a corporation & enterprise and industry with versatile disciplines.Principles are Creativity,Pioneering, Passion,Determination,Learning, Teamwork.Mobile Business will be 2023 great established & opportunistic pursued.Andrew Wilson is ( CEO ) Chief Executive Officer & Luis A. Ubinas is Lead Independent Director.Also EA Sports with Top-Games in US namely ( Madden ) NFL 22 was 3# Top Selling Game of USA ( North America ). Racing & Shooter Games EA represents & establish just creates on a great niveau.So EA is a Developer & great corporation.Worldwide Also FIFA Soccer Games EA publishes. So clearly to say this PDF is mostly written correspondence, no graphically illustrations on the PDF:Take A Look.EA is Great.
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Qatar Energy / ( Once Qatar Petroleum )/ Annual Report 2020 / Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi ( CEO ) / Amir State of Qatar / Sheikh / Amir Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani /
So Qatar Energy has strong values in enriched oil & gas origin in the State of Qatar.2020 was a difficult year for this Corporation,also worldwide were discrepancies of different reasons & circumstances of world of different Backgrounds .As of December 31.2020,the so glorified Qatar confirmed Hydrocarbon Reserves in the Monarchy coming to a approximately chiffre of 387.Billion Barrels of Oil Equivalent.Also one Field from Qatar Energy is named Dukhan Field or Bul Hanine Field,Al Rayyan Field.NON-Operated Fields are Al Shaheen Field.This Field was once Discovered in the 1970's in the 20th Century.It's the largest Oil Field in the State of Qatar.North Field ( Ras Laffan ) from 1971 is Qatar's & the World's Single Biggest Non-Associated Gas Field of World. Also the Date from than 2020 to now 2023 in the Arab ( GCC )Relations from Qatar and the other Gulf States, Great Trading Cooperation Deals has come to World. Also for ( His Royal Highnesss ) & The Emir of Qatar.
QatarEnergy Annual Review 2020.pdf
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North America ( Continent ) A.P.P / US Infrastructure & Canada / Mexico / Greenland / 50 States ( Flags ) / Protokollierung ( Protokoll ) 22.06.2023
Now, to represent the Diashow ACT-35. It's all about the Continent ( North America ) with all the Branches & Opportunities. Also Animals from Wildlife Natural Habitats are shown under creativity. The Flags of all 50 States are represented on this ACT / AKT 35.So Greenland and the Environment are presently. Also the Department of Labor and the Symbol & Logo is established. Also the North American ( Continent ) is depicted under strong environmental & opportunistic possibilities. Just also the Military is articulated graphically hugh interesting under great circumstances.Take A Look. ( A.P.P ) the World Industry is promising that this Journey from this ACT -35 is great absolved & in beautifully charisma for everybody.Yours Sincerely, Andreas Penno. Greetings from EU / Germany
( DIASHOW ) ACT-35 North America ( Conti
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POSCO / Corporate Citizenship Report / Great Industry of Possibilities & Opportunities in Steel Infrastructure / Protokoll 22.06.2023 / Headquarters South Korea
Now, Posco is a Steel Corporate Development Green Business Industry from South Korea.Since 2012 POSCO is member of the UN Global Compact and complies with the ISO 260000 in World.So POSCO has Green Politics Principles at it all. POSCO is developing its own green manufacturing hydrogen-based technologies.Recycling of Waste Shells for Steelmaking Process is present.So all engaged & operating talented employees from the corporation are green energy flexible confident & green environmental in hugh counsciousness. Jeong-Woo Choi is leading supervising chief executive officer ( CEO ) in the korean corporation of the eastern civilization of world. POSCO developed different programs in the 21.st Century .Also green circulating better human world ecosystematically functions in corporation & industry. POSCO has subsidiaries in India,Canada,Argentina,Thailand & Australia & World.
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Harvard Business School / Harvard One of the Most Prestigious Universities in Humankind / Great Opportunistic Year / 22.06.2023 / Protokoll / Annual Report 2021
So Harvard is extraordinary committed to diligence from the professors,students, alumnis,especially the graduates in Life Time of the Harvard Business School . 2021 was a year of innovation & adaptation in North America,United States,East Coast,Massachusetts,Harvard,University. 9300 Applicants sought a place in the MBA Program and approximately nearly 800 Applicants in the doctoral programs. The Acceptance Cumulative Essence Rate was at 13 % in regard 4 %.Harvard is for Natural Cooperative Talents for Literacy Programs Extension and bringing them to a Point in Life where they have accomplished most everything in world & civilization and preparation for further opportunities in life. Harvard & Princeton are tailored in exchange for students & individuals belonging to futuristic life's circumstances leading them to a role of life's human qualitative great opportunities & possibilities,reaching to the most pinnacle of world's experiences shared globally worldwide.
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So this is the ( ACT-37 ) from the ACT & AKT Series from A.P.P / Diashow Representation / CARIBBEAN Islands & Isles / North America /Protokoll / 22.06.2023
So this is the DIASHOW / ACT-37. Great Works.Great Initiated.Great Graphically Set Under Constitution. ( A.P.P ) represents the ACT-37 with Original Authenticity from (A.P.P ) Just Alike. This Diashow has under Circumstances & Establishment the Caribbean Islands from North America under Program.Also Dominica,Dominican Republic,St.Kitts & Nevis,Guadeloupe,Jamaica,Turks & Caicos Islands and Different Islands Are Related Also Caribbean Cruises are present from World. Anyway this Representation & EXE has also ( Animals ) from the Coast, especially under ( Preservation ) & Nature Conservation from the CARIBBEAN Islands under opportunistic Ideals.Also the Caribbean Islands are geographically depicted in hugh graphically authenticity. Illustrations from the Islands (Isles ). Coat of Arms & Flags of the Islands from North America are fundamentally illustrated & established. So Great Take A Look
( DIASHOW ) ACT-37 Caribbean Islands Arc
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( FEMSA ) / Annual Report 2022 / Great Corporation from Latin America / Industry / Concern / North America / Protokollierung 22.06.2023
So FEMSA is a concern with its Headquarters in Monterrey, Mexico. This Corporation & Industry is the biggest Beverages & Supplier Industry in Latin America,World. As far as Employees they have 350.000 Thousands Worldwide Transcontinental Workers internally working in the corporation for a great purpose & service . FEMSA is thoroughly great in Production & Promulgating Supply of Drinks & Beverages in Latin America. They have good potential & charsima this 21st Century to move up and give a lot of Jobs in North America & have great opportunities & possibilities in the world markets.Coca Cola FEMSA ist also challenged.This Industry has Merchandising,Corporate Sales and Delivery of Products in Countries Worldwide like Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay; Mexico, Colombia,Argentina, Europe,Chile,Central America & United States of America in World.So FEMSA is successfully in hugh opportunities & possibilities.
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Nestlé / World Greatest Nourishment's Industry/ Headquarters Switzerland / Turnover 94.42 Billion of CHF 2022 / Protokoll 22.06.2023
So Nestlé is an extraordinary immense grand & enormous industry in the World. Vevey,Switzerland.Europe.World is the Headquarters from Nestlé. The profitable Nestlé has hugh opportunities & possibilities for a bright future in world.1866 was the foundation & creation, exempli gratia the establishment from Nestlé.Mark Schneider is since 2017 ( CEO ) Chief Executive Officer from this world nourishment's industry from Switzerland.Henri Nestlé was once the founder from this diverse industry of the Western Civilization.Nestlé is also very climate friendly & environmental green counscious, especially in their Food's Production Lines & Recycling. Nestlé had Earnings per Share 3.42 ( CHF ) in 2022 & Group Sales of 94..4 Billion of CHF ( Swiss Francs ) in 2022 in Profit. Anyway Nestlé is world enormous popular & famous for their foods & chocolate or fundamentally Staple Foods, Kellogs,Bountys, Cornys,Milk, Snacks,Drinks & Different More Related. Nestlé is also very popular in USA.
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The World Bank /Annual ( Report 2022 ) / Institution for Globally Spectrum & Opportunities in Global Progressive Resource / Protokoll / 22.06.2023
So the World Bank is all about Progressive Economically & Financial World Enhancement. Industries & Social Activity Opportunities is the World Bank Affiliated with. The World Bank is a Subsidiary from the ( UN ) United Nations from New York on the East Coast of the USA, North,America,World.The World Bank Cares about Globally Commitment & Correspondence of Hugh Global Values and is Focused on Financially & Economically Strong Reference of World.The World Bank want to Save Lifes from every Continent & Every Country and Transcontinental under Great Supporting Gestures & Humanitarian Supporting Activity.They try to solve different regulations & possibilities for a greater & most beautifully human inhabited World Under Great Resources.So now i'm writing this World.European Continent.(EU).Germany.22.06.2023.01:47 UTC / GMT +2 in World.
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Annual Report 2022 / ( BASF) / Ludwigshafen am Rhein / 239 Manufacturing Sites / Founder Friedrich Engelhorn / ( Protokollierung )/22.06.2023
So BASF has its Headquarters in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.Martin Brudermüller is ( CEO ) from this Chemical Corporation.Represented in 91 Countries.It is available in 239 Corporate Manufacturing Processing Sites in World. Also Sales were 87.3 Billion 2022 under the Financial & Economically Sales established from BASF.Also Agricultural,Nutrition & Care,Surface Technologies, Materials & Chemicals stand under Infrastructure & Corporate Aspirations and Sales from BASF. Especially also to mention under circumstances were ( 2022 ) the STOCK Markets Globally Perplexed form the Global Economically Status & Global Situation. Álso is BASF Green Energy Affiliated & Climate Friendly like most Corporations in World. So BASF work in strong structured values & circumstances of Chemicals. Also the Element Water is cooperative with BASF for different Purposes. Also Petrochemicals are in Nexus to find in the Corporate Sites of BASF.
entire-basf-ar22 (1).pdf
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Rio Tinto / 150 Years History of Corporation's Existence & Progress / Dual Corporate Headquarters U.K & Australia / Protokoll 22.06.2023 / Annual Report 2022
So Rio Tinto is an Ensemble, Industry and Commodity World Serving Concern as well as Corporation which is operating in 35 Countries & States and Nations Worldwide in Opportunities with leading 54.000 Employees in Addition. This Company has craftmanship & working progress establishment with copper, minerals, iron ore, aluminim,diamonds,titanium, dioxide,alumina, borates,salts,lithium,bauxite and different productivity & corporate fundamentally commodity to talk about.Worldwide Rio Tinto is popular,famous & cooperative and profitable green engaged & confident.( CEO ) is Jakob Stausholm since 22.February.2023.Also Rio Tinto is definitely & off course climate-green friendly in world with their correspondence in green world markets & commodity processing.
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World / Middle East / Industries Qatar / State of Qatar / Middle East / (Sheikh )Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani / ( Amir ) / Protokollierung ( Protocolation ) 22.06.2023
So, Industries Qatar is an engaged professional in ( Qatar ) actively leading industy & corporation. Mr.Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi is Chairman of Industries Qatar. This Qatari (Oil) & (Gas )Corporation from Middle East / Asia has strong opportunities & possibilities in Qatarian Domestic Hugh Rational Growth , also in a diversification of Crude Gas & Oil Exploration like all Gulf Cooperation Council States (GCC ) int the 21stCentury. Especially the Qatar National Environment & Climate Change Strategy was built in Qatar.Namely 25 % Reduction of Carbon Intensity on the LNG Plants in the Qatarian Monarchy & State. So Industries Qatar has evolvement & developmental industrial futuristic priorities in the 21st Century like most over Thousands of Corporations from Europe,Africa,South America,Australia,Asia & North America in World Human History.Internallly the elaborated goals to achieve is sustainable Qatari Riyals & Value creation.Also Petrochemicals are presently in Industries.Qatar.
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Embraer / Corporation from Brazil / São José dos Campos, São Paulo Headquarters / Constructer of Airplanes / Protokoll 22.06.2023 / Annual Report 2022
So Embraer is cooperative,flexible,confident and truly a great production designer & airplane constructer as well as plane developer of the Western Civilization in World.So Embraer builds aerospace defence models.It's one of the world's largest defence & aerospace conglomerate systematic corporations on planet.This Concern is in availbility & build-up corporate fields of Commercial Aviation, Executive Aviation.Defence & Security,Services & Support Markets. 8000 Aircraft in History of Corporation was crafted & manufactured in Brazil, South America,World. 145 Million Passengers are carried worldwide annually & yearly in all civilizations & transcontinental regions of this world from Embraer.4.5 Billion of Dollar was the Net Worth from Embraer 2022 AD.
Annual-Sustainability-Report-2022 (1).pd
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Parliamentarians for Global Actions / Annual Report 2021 / Legislation's Activity / International Law and Human Rights Programme / ( Protocolation ) / 22.06.2023
So this Society & Humanitarian in Research Active Standing Corporation advocates Globally Democratically Schemas of Support & Discussion.Also Gender Law Enforcement & Legislaton about Social Opportunities and International Peace and Cooperation with Justice Opportunistic Availability Campaigns is this Society Caring.Nuclear & Radiological Actively Politics is the PGA ( Parliamentarians & Global Action )in Representation. There's also an Ocean Campaign from PGA.Also an Campaign for Abolition Of the Death Penalty from PGA. This Corporation also leads Opportunities & Possibilities in Humanitarian Judicially Human Rights in World.PGA is a Society which leads enforcement in illegal fishing.Protection of Oceans are strong in Dependence of this Society.Membership of World Humanity from PGA are Continents from Middle East & Mediterranean in Chiffre 43, Europe 169,Asia 130,( Americas.257 ) and different like Africa 445.The Pacific 42. Headquarters are in New York.USA.World
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World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) Suez Canal & ( NEOM ) The Line ( Geographically ) / ALULA / Ship ( Port Red Sea ) Freight /
Geography World Crude Oil Reserves Map / Protokoll 29.06.2023 AD
Harvard Business School / Annual Report 2022 / Infrastructure & Dean of Faculty Harvard Srikant Datar / Harvard is World Notorious / Protokoll 23.07.2023
So the Harvard Business School is a Segment & Partition of the University of Harvard.Masaschussetts.Cambridge. North.America.East.Coast.World.So Harvard is opportunistic & in Empowerment of hugh great qualified Students studying,different fields & subjects in Harvard.US.So The Harvard Business School exists in Boston as well as Harvard Law School, Harvard Faculty of Arts & Science and Harvard ( Department of Physics ).This PDF is about the Harvard Business School. Also reports Harvard about the World Conflict of the Climate Change & Projects. Especially Commencement & Alumni are marked in this PDF ( File ).So Harvard is versatile & discerning in World.Dean's Awards. 2022 was the year of 100 Years Harvard Business Review Execution. You can study also beautifully fields like Law.Legislation.Justice.Law Enforcement just Law Incorporation from Harvard in World. The Harvard Business School teaches also that the Mid-US Research Office which opened.Also Campus Art Opened in 2022.
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ACT-42 / Diashow / European Continent / ( EU ) / Opportunities & Possibilities in Geographically Exploration / World Economic Model / Protokoll 10.07.2023
So, this is the ACT-42 / AKT-42. It's all about World Politics.You can achieve bright opportunities in delving & exploring geographically the European Continent also Sicilia from Italy and European Islands in the Mediterranean. You can look at the Baltic States.Geographically the European Continent,Middle East & Africa is to look at.Also Angela Merkel is to study.Also different Flags are on the Rise.Also the actually up to date situation of Energy Opportunities & Possbilities from the Federal Republic of Germany are to look at.So The Wind & Sun Energy Situation & Establishment from Germany & the Potential and Industry from my native country is in regard,accordingly expressive to look.The Sound and parallel the Diashow is Great Fundamentallly Created.So Take A Look.Inspiration &Motivation Granted & especially like complete ( A.P.P) Rise of Knowledge of this ACT Promised. It's like also the Arabian Structure on A.P.P / Like going to University everyday on ( A.P.P).
( DIASHOW ) ACT-42 European Continent Ov
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Orlen Group / PKN Orlen / 2022 Report / Solar Photovoltaic & Wind Power / Oil Industry / Protokollierung & Protokoll / Infrastructure / 23.07.2023
So the Orlen Group has a ( CEO ) Chief Executive Officer named ( Daniel Obajtek ). So Orlen Group does have Transparency, R & D Investments,Environmental Education, Hugh Respect for Human Civilization Rights and the Rightfully Legislation Worldwide serving internally on the Orlen Group Corporation & the Concern in Poland.EU . Climate Change is also addressed internally.So Orlen comes from Poland.EU.Eurozone.Europe.World. The Orlen Group stands in Society strong under Appropriated Green Measurements. Also Corporate Sustainable Goals till 2030 are UN Marked Fields like No Poverty. Good Health & Wellbeing.Quality Education.Industry & Innovation and Infrastructure.Socially The Orlen Group & PKN Orlen also supports Social Sponsorship & Sports Marketing and Diverse Oil Refining. Orlen from the Polish Country has a Strategy 2030.Orlen Group's Desire & Appropriated Opportunity & Possibility and Ambition is to foster & further responsible corporate citizen.
Non-financial Statement of the ORLEN Gro
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ACT-43 ( AKT ) / United Kingdom / U.K / Monarchy Diashow / A.P.P / Great Composition / Establishment / Industry / Growth / Protokollierung / 23.07.2023 AD
Well, this is the ACT-43 / AKT 43 / U.K the Monarchy & its Infrastructure & Foreign Affairs Worldwide.This ACT.43 is beautifully & formidable just excellent.You can also see Ed Sheeran in the Clip & Demonstration.The Monarchy & The Infrastructure from London. The Prime Ministers. You can observe & follow the Promulgating News of U.K. You can explore & study the Civilization of the United Kingdom. The Flag of Wales. Anyway ( A.P.P )is economically complete established with all 195 Countries Flags & Coat of Arms Worldwide. So you can see also King Charles III from the Great Britain.Also the Colonies from the U.K, you can Follow & Study in a Long Globally Range Of.Great Britain is also geographically just the U.K with Scotland illustrated. Also the Docks & Ports from the U.K are displayed. Foreign Affairs from U.K represented also on this ACT-43. This AKT just the Flag around from the U.K strong illustrated. Take a Look.Greetings from Germany. Sincerely Yours, Andreas Penno
( DIASHOW ) ACT-43 United Kingdom ( U.K
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ISRO / Annual Report 2022 / 2023 / Indian Space Research Organization / Government / Opportunities & Possibilities in World / Protokoll 24.07.2023
So the ISRO is an indian space Corporation in the World. They had 2022 / 2023 hugh strides & strong tolerated advancement in spectrum. New Projects & New Challenges. Clearly Expectations were cleared in great circumstances & great works was done and established.The ISRO has opportunities & possibilites this century in differentiated great clear & high operating, professional and indian strong country's will of. ( ISRO ) is established & groundbreaking in space leadership & Space fundamentally intelligence. Also this Annual Report 2022 / 2023 exemplifies Laboratories, Facilities & Great Indian Promulgating Space Institutes of India.Asia.World. This Indian Space Commission & Corporation and Organization is extraordinary qualified & constructive in World. India & North America cooperate also in ( Unification ) for great Works, Morality,Ethic & Hugh Enormous Transcontinental Results. ( ISRO ) Created Strong Striking Advancement & Strides this Century in World in Space Research.
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Warner Brothers / Annual Report 2022 / Corporation for Cultivated Film Production & Entertainment / Retail Commodity of Toys / Marketing / Protokoll 10.08.2023
So Warner Brothers stands strong in North America with its Foundation in Hollywood 1923,Los Angeles, California, USA.Nowadays ( WB ) has Film Production & Retail Sellers Industries for Children.WB has in Germany the ( Warner Brothers Movie Park ) in my Country.Warner Brothers is a Media Cultivated Concern & Corporation.US Networks are TBS,TNT,TLC,Discovery,HGTV,Investigation Discovery,Cartoon Network,Adult Swi, OWN and different Branches.Foundations also are Warner Music Japan,Warner Music Group. ( WB ) is a Media Hub in World.Movies & Walt Disney Cooperation. ( WB ) has Worldwide its Theme Parks & follows its Movie Assessed Production & Merchandising / Marketing's Sellers Products in Retails in World.
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Ferrari / Annual Report 2022 / One of the Most Brilliant & Fastest Car Engineering Models of All Time / Formula 1 Related / Protokollierung / 18.08.2023
So Ferrari has the ( CEO ) Benedetto Vigna and has Formula 1 Circumstances of hugh Success.Ferrari in 2022 was in Progress of totally Innovation of Racing, Sports Cars & Lifestyle.Ferrari was having it's 75th Anniversary of Car History from Italy, Maranello.Ferrari is extraordinary a rich car. Ferrari is ready for totally success in the 21st Century.Also in the Formula 1 Success was really 2022 actively. Ferrari has Origin in Racing.The 296 GT3 was released the Model in 2022.So Ferrari has also one of the most Successfully Historically Formula 1 Moments with Michael Schumacher back in time.Ferrari is very popular in the presence of rich people.Ferrari's 296 GTS was as well as 2022 released.Lifestyle Activities & Brand Elevation with 2 Ferrari Fashion Shows in Milan.So Ferrari created strong fast,technologically-first class,constructive,quick,established & epic Models this 21st Century.
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Reserve Bank of Australia / Pacifc / Indian Ocean / Australian Bank With Strong Valuable Opportunities / Trade & Stocks / Banking / Protokoll 18.08.2023
So the Reserve Bank of Australia celebrated lowest Unemployment in 50 Years in the Continent.Labour Force Participation was 2022 individual hugh established & enforced.So Australia has a great Job Market. The Reserve Bank of Australia had 2022 great Stability in the Australian Dollar.Economic Prosperity & Welfare of Human Population in Australia is welcomed in the Continent of Oceania.Australian Banknotes are hugh exemplified & explicit printed under circulating hugh circumstances as far as the Dollar from Australia.So the Reserve Bank of Australia set weight & scale on price stability & hugh development in global attractive australian dollarization.So the Bank Analysis from this Bank has clearly expectactions in hugh futuristic goals to achieve.So the Reserve Bank of Australia is blessed from the U.K King Charles III, just the Commonwealth,UK, Monarchy.
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TotalEnergies / Factbook 2022 / Exploration & Production / Refining & Chemicals / Growth & Diversification and Development / Protokollierung / 18.08.2023
Total is totally established & experienced in Oil & Gas Crude Export / Import Trade Possibilities Worldwide. Total stands also in Cooperation to Arabian Concern in Hugh Empowerment to Aramco in Partnership & Transcontinental Cooperation.Total comes from Courbevoie, France and carries the STOCK Course / Aktienkurs: TOTB (ETR) 56,81 € at the 18.08.2023.So Total is extraordinary organized in hugh corporate green development & french corporate mentality from France. Total stands in availability of Recycling & ( TOTAL ) operates in all Continents of World Civilization.Total is established also in Myanmar,Denmark,Italy,Algeria,Iraq,Libya,Oman,Qatar,Yemen,Angola,Brunei,Australia,Venezuela,Colombia,Gabon. Off-Shore Wind Power Activity & LNG SHIPPING is also actively.
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Shell / Oil Industry & Corporation /Strategic Report / Concessioned & Licensed for Great Oil Export / Import Opportunities & Possibilities / Protokoll / 18.08.2023
So Shell interacts strong with Brent Crude Oil Pricing in World. Also this Protokollierung protocols about recent 101 Dollar the Barrel from Oil Proficiency & Competences.So Also ADNOC & BAPCO are strong in the Crude LNG & Oil Markets to find on the List of the Middle East Sourcing like World Powers like Aramco.Shell is from the European Continent of World Civilization and serves a great Time these days in strong communication of privileged circumstances in 2023. This Protokoll is from 2022.So Shell operates in constructive & creational ( LNG ) liquefaction volumes just in Australia,Brunei,Egypt,Nigeria, Oman , Peru,Qatar,Russia,Trinidad & Tobago.So Shareholder Values in 2020-2022 in ( 5 ) Continents were starkly valued. Exempli Gratia Africa,Europa,North America, South America & Asia.Refinery Utilisation was 86 % 2022.Plants from ( SHELL ) produce Chemicals( Etylene,Propylene,Aromatics ) on a basically Standard just Professional & Developed just a Great Industry .
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World / ACT-48 / New York / World Metropolitan City Scale / New York Inner City Portrait / Coastal Area & Port / Protokoll / 30.08.2023
So this is the ACT / AKT 48.This EXE Formatierung is all about New York on the East Coast of North America, the Continent . This ACT-48 counts to the DIASHOW Series, the ACT-Series from ( A.P.P ). It's part of the World Economic Model ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ). So this ACT represents also the Central Park just all Boroughs of New York Cty.This ACT has Representation of Politics include the Mayor from New York.Just the ACT-48 represents also great the ( USA )Flag in History .So New York is also politically actively in World.Also Economically & Structured just the Portrait of Beautifully & Great Culture of Black People in New York is represented. New York is great.New York City has also Ports & Harbours.Also the Flag &Coat of Arms is displayed on this EXE Formatierung just ACT-48.So New York had 2023 from all Metropolitan Areas & Cities a great Rank like all the time. So Sincerely Yours,Andreas Penno.Take A Look. Take a Watch.Get Inspired of New York & the United States.
( DIASHOW ) ACT-48 World Portrayal New Y
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( NEOM ) Update A.P.P / Social Responsibility Report from New Future / Comprehensive & Insightful Paper of NEOM / Protokoll 09.03.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So NEOM now 2024 is in Strides in Humanitarian Growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.NEOM reflects a World Metropolitan Scale City of nowadays 14 Regions. 10 Aqaba Regions.This Report is from 2022.So The Line is Built since than.NEOM has a ( CEO ) named Nadhmi Al-Nasr. This Giga City is pristine,thriving,splendid and nowadays under Hugh Construction from 1 / 2 Million Human Civilization just 500.000 Jobs for NEOM in long Distance.In NEOM will live 2045 in ( The Line ) 10 Million People.Robotics will exists more in NEOM than Human Beings.So this Protokollierung ( PDF ) is about Education,Participation and Collaboration of NEOM.Also this Utopian City has Regions in the Gulf of Aqaba nowadays and represents Sun & Wind Energy just Hydrogen ( H² )Tanks in Nexus to Energy of NEOM. Neom is a typically Example for the Greatest Municipal Green Established City in the History of the World.NEOM is History.In the 21st Century of World. Take A Look.
( NEOM ) New Future sr-annual-report-202
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Telkom Indonesia / Asian Continent / State Owned World Industry from Indonesia / Boosting Sustainable Growth / Protokoll 28.03.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Telkom Indonesia is the largest Telecommunication Company in Indonesia.Telkomsel,Telcommetra, TelcomSat,Pins Indonesia,TelkomAkses,Telin,Mitratel,Metranet & Telkomsigma are Subsidiaries of Telkom Indonesia.Corporate Profile Employees count about 8.919 and Subsidiary Related Employees are 14.874 in Chiffre. So Telkom Indonesia has also Servicing Affiliation in Mangroves and Coral Reef Cultivation Program, Forest Cultivation,UMK Crafting Category,Foods Processing just so Telkom Indonesia offers a Range of Strong Disciplined Era of Sortiments.This World Industry Telkom is possibly not so cultivated or developed in World,but has its opportunities & possibilites in Humanitarian Scale.So Telkom has its certification & concession in Indonesian Digital Communication's Networking ( Network ).This Industry serves with its ( CEO ) Ririek Adriansyah in Indonesia.World.Telkom is mainly an Telecommunication's Corporation.So take a Look at the PDF-Format.Just download.
1681719090212_Annual Report Telkom 2022_
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Anglo American / London Headquarters U.K.Europe.World / Commodity Creational Industry / African Mining / Protokoll / 18.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Anglo American is a World Globally Concern for Commodity Establishment & Management also in Screen-Networking on a Network for World Corporate Trading Opportunities & Possibilities & a Network on a Service just Trading Components & Industry. Anglo American is about Diamonds, Platinum,Copper, Ire Ore & Different Sourcing.So Anglo American is an Industry for a Chiffre of a Leading Globally Miner of World.( Anglo American ) & Technology and Industry just Paramountly the Corporate Model of this World Civilization represents Mining also in Africa,Europe,Asia,Australia ,North America, South America & last Years 2022 about Renewables Corporate Industries Green Contracts from Anglo American.Now this Industry is intellectual & presently professional & compact.A Company with a Versatile & Intellectual Privileged Layout & Design on the Web-Address as same as ARAMCO from Saudi Arabia & QATAR Steel from QA or the Corporation from Georgia,Atlanta ICE of USA World History.
Anglo American aa-annual-report-full-202
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ASEAN Catalyst / CIMB Group Holdings / 2016 / Annual Report /Integrating Digital Technology / Protokollierung 02.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
Cimb is a Universal Globally Banking & Carries High-Performance and Great Opportunities in ASEAN States. CIMB is in Green Measurement Granted.Headquarters is Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,Asia.World.CIMB connects the Civilization with Productivity Sales & Activity in Social Environment.40.000 Staff & People are Committed to CIMB.It's a Corporate Advisor.It's a World Classified Leading Element in Islamic Finance.CIMB has 909 Retail Branches are serving from this Corporation of Malaysia of the ASEAN States.In Aptitude of 16 Countries substituted. A Company with Valor & Asian Prowess to be developed in Countries like Indonesia,Thailand,Singapore,Brunei,Myanmar,Cambodia,Laos,Vietnam & Different Transcontinental Markets like Sri Lanka,Taiwan, Korea & United Kingdom.So CIMB is a certain professional concern for ASEAN Expansion.It was founded in 1974.
ASEAN- CIMB_Annual Report_2016.pdf
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Banco do Brasil / Annual Report / 2022 / Brazil / South America / Bank of Brazil / Biggest Traditionally & Oldest Bank of Brazil / Protokollierung / 28.03.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Banco do Brasil had 2022 a Milestone & Opportunistic Historically Annual Years absolved.Banco do Brasil Achieved 1 Trillion ( Real ) in Expanded Loan Portfolio in Brazil,Brasilia.Also a Digit just Worth of 30 Billions of ( Real ) in Net Profitable State with Banco Do Brazil.So this Banking Corporation & Bank achieved strong Allies consecutive and Cooperation just Globally & Mondial in Globalization Business from Brazil in Nexus with United States of America,Cayman Islands,Alaska,Argentina,Paraguay,Portugal,France,England,Japan & China.So Banco is circulating Globally in World just the Network.So Banco Do Brasil operates in Markets such as Retail,Individuals,Retail-Companies,Wholesale,Public Sector & Private Circumstances are fostered in Banco Do Brasil.This Bank is Transcontinental of World truly successfully &lucrative just profitable in Great State.The Faith the Customer has in this Bank is charismatically for South America. The Western Civilization.
Banco Do Brasil_BB-Annual-Report-2022.pd
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BRICS / Association & Connection from 5 Enriched Countries in World / ( BRICS ) Unification for Glory & Peace in World / Protokoll 27.01.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So the ( BRICS ) consists of Brazil,Russia,India,China & South Africa.These Countries belong to a Cycle & Circulating Association & Economically Unification of BRICS.This Organization has a total Amount of over 25 Trillion GDP of Dollar.Just 30 % of Opportunities from World GDP manages the BRICS.This Establishment stands strong in opportunities & possibilities of Trade,Investment & Multilateral Occasions.The BRICS offers exhilirated World Trade through all World Trade Zone & Seas and Oceans.BRICS is affirmed also & in Constellation of Narendra Modi,Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Cyril Ramaphosa ( South Africa ) & from Brazil ( Lulz Ináclo Lula Da Silvia ).In 2010 came the Diversification to South Africa.In the Advantages of BRICS are Manufacturing,Skills Development,Aviation,Agricultural Society, Energy Service.All these Components will be fostered in World History from BRICS this Century.Also Ecosystems are presently.Just Health is a Hugh Opportunistic Organized Branche in BRICS.
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Buehler / Switzerland / Annual Report 2022 / Swiss Corporation & Industry from Europe / Protokoll 23.03.2024 ( Release ) 05.07.2024
So Buehler had ( 2022 ) a Progressive Great Swiss Annual Year in Country's History from the Headquarters of Uzwil,Switzerland,European Continent,World. Buehler has in North America approximately 900 Employees & in Europe 6 Thousand Employees and in the ( Asian ) Continent 4000 Employees.Just Worldwide Engaged.So Buehler is all about Technology.Also Buehler is Professional in Die Casting & Coating from Mirrors as an Attribute of Portfolio Establishment from Switzerland.Also in Comprehensive Nature,Economy & Humanity is in Research for a Great Model from Buehler.The " Motto " from this Corporation from Switzerland is Lifelong learning.So Buehler represents also an African Milling School in Kenya,African Continent & An Insect Technology Center from Switzerland.Training Centres & Schools are also for the Youth charismatically established Worldwide.So Buehler is a Conglomerate & has different Branches for Establishment & Groundworks.
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Capitec / Capital Bank Holdings Limited / South Africa / ( Banking Intellectual from Johannesburg ) / Banking Globally / Protokollierung / 18.02.2024 / Airing 05.07.2024
So Capitec from the African Continent of South Africa stands under opportunistic,growing,idealistic,cooperative & schematic grandeur Principles for Financially Transactions & Corporate Trade Industry for 20 Millions of Clients on Globally Opportunities. This Bank manages Billions of ( Rand ).144 Billion of Rand in Infux of Deposits just +( 9 % ) in Conjuncture in South Africa of Capitec Bank Holdings in Johannesburg in 2023. So African Banks were in strong Growth in 2023 / 2024 and i'm optimistic for 2030.Capitec in Acknowledgment of Different Commitment & Opportunities to ( ESG ) was 2023 Accomplished with Bravour.Capitec from Africa exemplifies financially Costs & Socially Commitment just for the Black Nature in World Civilizaton .Capitec is established with Mobile Connectivity & Networking for Customers in Specific World Economically Grade & Human Circulating Innovative Distances.Capitec is an Ensemble from the African Continent for Great Financially Connection.
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Carrefour / France / Annual Financial Report / 2022 / Food Retail / Nourishment Industry / World Market / Protokoll 02.02.2024 / Release Date 05.07.2024
So Carrefour is a Retail Market & Foods Establishment & Franchise Dealer.It owns 15.000 Stores of Fresh Foods for the World Green Civilization & Offers Great Ability & Chances for a Good Infrastructure of World Markets.France,Spain & Brazil are Main Factors of the Market's Aspirations of Carrefour.The World Circulating Profile of Carrefour offers Sustainable Cities & World Metropolitan Scale Industry.It offers sustainable Conservation & Preservation of Fishing & Seafoods Worldwide.Sourcing from Organic Individual Food Organization's Aspects are shared.Reduction of Inequality & Aquaculture is granted. Carrefour is compact & in Opportunities & Possibilities for great Trade Commission in World.Carrefour delivers hugh activity against Climate Change.So the Stores. Shops, Retail Centres & Metropolitan Areas are blessed with Carrefour.( CEO ) is Alexandre Bompard now 02.02.2024 in this Time Framing.
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Casio / Integrated Report 2022 / Corporation from Japan / Industry of Asian Continent / Protokoll 27.01.2024 / Release Date / Airing 05.07.2024
So Casio is all about Corporate Philosophy, Creativity & Contribution.Casio represents also Keyboard & Electronically Musically Instruments.Also Watches just G-Schock Watches are on the Roster of ( CASIO ).Also Casio has a Vision 2030 like Mohammed Bin Salman.Kashio Kazuhiro is ( CEO ) form Casio.Also World Affairs & The Transition of a Most Sustainable Thriving Green Society.So Casio leads a Pristine Statement to Green Eco Systematic Opportunities & Posssibilities.So Casio had Profit 252.3 Billion of ( Yen ) in 2022. It's a beautifully Corporation from Tokyo.Casio has uplifting striking Profit in Production Lines & Corporate Green Profit.Casio was Founded in June,1957.Also Digital Transformation is Communicative Present in CASIO the Corporation in World.Allocation from Management Corporate Resourcing is an Element of CASIO.So this Industry has Future in Tokyo in Japan & the whole World.Casio is Unique.
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Cadillac Fairview /ESG Report / Toronto.Ontario.Queen StreetWest.North America.Canada.World / Protokoll 23.03.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Cadillac Fairview is an Worldwide Canadian Housing,Residential & Real Estate Commercial Establishment's Industry.Cadillac Fairview from Canada / North America also had Different Goals which were achieved 2023 as far as Energy & Green Transformation on World Scale.So Canada wants to be Carbon Neutral by 2050 in Planning.Cadillac Fairview was awarded as One of Canada's most Green Listed & Ranking in Green Top Tier of Canada.This Company works also Overseas in Cooperation.Also ( CF ) builds Buildings in North America.Just on Basis of World Metropolitan City Scale Green Skyline Opportunities. Cadillac Fairview is established in Futuristic Cutting Carbon Efficiency of Emission with ( A.I ). So North America gets an Establishment of Groundbreaking Design & Manufacturing, Layout just Construction of Buildings in the Continent from North America,especially in Toronto( CA ).Cadillac Fairview supports Healthy Living Wellness Workshops & Different Such As the Largest Office Complex from CA.
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CRH / Manufacturing/Annual Report 2016 / Ireland / Dublin /European Continent / NON ( EU ) / Industry / Protokoll 02.02.2024 & Release 05.07.2024
So ( CRH ) is a Manufacturing Corporation ( Building Segments ) & ( Heavyside Materials ) & Lightside Products .CRH is a Globally Entrenched Incorporating Industry for Aggregates,Cements,Asphalt,Precast Concrete.CRH is in Processing of Glass & Glazing Systematics.Construction Accessoires.An Industry with General Building Merchants & Mercantile Proficiency.Sanitary,Heating & Plumbing, especially DIY Markets.This Company has a Employee Count of 90.000 Human Civilization Globally.So an Industry Accomplished from Ireland,Dublin,Europe,World.So ( CRH ) has Success in long Distanced Way Of Classified Commitment in US ( 66 % ) & ( 30 % )European Continent & Asia ( 4 % ). ( CRH ) is filled with Competency in Strong Values & Skilled Blue Collar & White Collar Workers.( CRH ) is Globally Challenging Economically & Established and is carrying Opportunities in World.
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EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa / European Commission Source / Protokollierung ( Protokoll ) 02.03.2024 / Publishing 05.07.2024
So in this Protokoll is the Establishment & Content all about the African Contintent and the Emergency Trust Fund from the European Union for Africa. In Accordance of Missing Resources of Africa. Also the African Horn is Related.Concessioned from the ( EU ) is also in this Protokoll the Human Civilization of Refugees & Immigration just Migrants from Africa which is in Opportunistic Support from the ( EU ). North of Africa,Sahel & Lake Chad & the Horn of Africa are Regions of Africa,where the ( EU ) is in Proportional in Circulating Support of.So the ( EU ) Emergency Trust Fund assists different Regions from Africa.Well this PDF-Format is from 2022. Now is 2024.Also the Ukrainian War from the Russian Federation influenced till today Circumstances of the African Civilization.And therefore handles the ( EU ) for African Opportunistic Resources which are missing.So check out the PDF-Format from the ( EU ) in Literary Correspondence & Assistance to Africa.
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Firstrand / Suite of Correspondence/ Innovation / South Africa Headquarters / Banking Institute / ( CEO ) Alan Pullinger / Protokoll / 18.02.2024 / Publishing 05.07.2024
So Firstrand is a Corporate Banking Institute from South Africa with its Headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa, African Continent,World.This Banking Corporate African Concern manages Globally Finances & Economically Green Values as far as financially Transactions & Transformational Infrastructure in World & Africa. Is in Establishment of Strong Growth of Native Rand and different Circulating Currencies in World. So Firstrand is all about Job Creation & Concessioned Development in South Africa.Rand is the Currency.Credit & Billed Loans are Privileged in Opportunities from Firstrand.This Economically & Financially Corporation is an Ensemble for further Purpose of Renewables & Transportation & Water Sources.So South Africa lies geographically & Banking Opportunistic on the Indian Ocean.Also Real Estate Commercial Ownership & Commitment is established from Firstrand.One of the greatest & biggest Nation's & African Continents Corporation.Also Employment is in Inquiry of Firstrand.
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Grupo Bimbo / Corporation of Foods & Bakeries / Headquarters Mexico,City.Mexico / North America / Protokoll 28.04.2024 ( Release 05.07.2024 )
Now,Grupo Bimbo is a Vendor & Creator of Nourishment.One of the Most Greatest & Biggest in World Scale.Grupo Bimbo has Exquisite Freshly Products off the Rack for every Participant of Locally Grupo Bimbo is in Delivery.( Grupo Bimbo ) is a World Challenging Foods Corporation from Mexico,Mexico City which is also referred to Stocks. Just Enlisted.This World Industry offers Delivery in Countries such in Colombia,Costa Rica,El Salvador,Kaszakhstan,Morocco,Portugal,Turkey,Uruguay and different World Scale Countries in diversified Continents of World.Grupo Bimbo is in Service of Newly Minted Buns of Fresh of the Bakery early in the Morning in Brooklyn,New York or Florida,Miami.Just Buns & Rolls and Pastries,Cakes,Cookies,English Muffins,Bagels,Salty Snacks.So Grupo Bimbo carries also about Recycling.This World Industry ( A.P.P ) Source counts Grupo Bimbo as one of the Greatest Foods Corporation & Industry just next to Néstle.So Take a Look at this so adventurous Industry.
Grupo_Bimbo_GB-INFORME ANUAL_EN_2022.pdf
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Kellogg's / Annual Report 2022 / Nourishment's Concern / Compact with Foods / 1906 Foundation / Protokoll 07.03.2024 / Release ( 05.07.2024 )
So this PDF-Format is 10-K.Just only Texts.No Picturesque Imagery on the PDF.Kellogg's is a Grandeur Natural Friendly Corporation. This Industry is all about 21 Manufacturing Sites in the World & 180 Countries in Franchise Marketing. Kellogg's is a Production Line of Snacks & Mainly Products of Great Chips like Pringles & Differentiation just Chocolate Industries & Crisp Snacks Lines.Kellogg's Creates just Néstle from Switzerland hugh Amounts from Principal Structured Ingredients of Corn,Rice,Potato Flakes,Oats,Cocoa,Chocolate,Soybeans,Fruits,Sugars,Dairy Products, Eggs and different Related.This Industry was established Once from Will Keith Kellogg.In 1906 in Battle Creek,Michigan,United Sates of America was the Corporation's Industry Establishment.Great Industry.Take A Look at the PDF-Format.Enormous Great Details & Messages to find.
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Kennedy Space Center / ( NASA ) / Space Activity US / 60th Anniversary / Space / Exploration / USA / Protokoll 07.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So the Kennedy Space Center operated in a historically year from the ( NASA ) North America,Continent,World. Science,Technology & Exploration and Discovery in the Space were fostered in Opportunistic & Developmental Circuit and Planning in 2022.This ( Annual Report ) is from 2022. Now 2024 ( 1 Quarter ) the Space Operational Future in World looks bright & clear.On March 1st ,2022 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was active with NASA.Also in the 21st Century ( India landed on the Moon ) in World History.All Journalism was documenting & Releasing Protokollierungen from Imagery of the Moon.So the Kennedy Space Center has also a Visitors Complex on its Site & Region in the United States of America,North America,Continent,World. So the Kennedy Space Center is Affiliated with the NASA.Also SpaceX had great Opportunities & Possibilities last time in World with Elon Musk.Also the ( ISRO ) from India is in Space Activity really constructive.
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LVMH / World Concern & Industry for Luxurious Goods & Proliferation of 86 Billion Dollar Revenues / Protokoll / 29.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Louis Vuitton is very Women's Well-Coining Friendly. LVMH is attractive in Economically Profit just Business Class Related for Billions of Dolllar Profit.Bernard Arnaud is since ( 1989 ) leading ( CEO ) Chief Executive Officer of this French Corporation from European Continent,World.So Louis Vuitton sells Wine Products.Also Shoes,Leather Goods,Aqza Allegoria,Perfumes,Unique Watches from France,Paris in Export locally or in whole World in Marketing.Loius Vuitton sells Jewelry from Tiffany & Co.It's a Conglomerate in World History.Also in Continents like North Amerca,Europe, Asia or Middle East LVMH is extradordinary famous & popular just attractive with Productivity Sales & Franchise Marketing.So LVMH is Constructive & Confident.Also Wine & Spirits are on the Corporate Sales & Trade in World.Especially also Cosmetics in this Complex.So ( LVMH ) is truly amazing & Worldwide best Known for its Top-Class Globally Success and Quality.So i can only make a ( Recommendation ) for LVMH.
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Ma'aden / For a Pristine Future / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Ambitious Stragedy for 2040 /Vision 2030 ( Protokoll )02.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Ma'aden is a Concern of a ( CEO ) named Robert Wilt.Maaden is Mining Corporation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East Block on World. The main Constellation & Executions Furthering Focused Conditions is Mining & Trade of Phosphates & ( Gold ) Mining and internally of Mining.Maaden establishes Industries & Economically Growth with the Ambitious Stragedy for 2040.Ma'aden had 335,207 OZ of Gold Mined. The Ma'aden Corporation & Concern offers Jobs in the ( KSA ) & counts to a Globally Mining Champion & Has Abilities of Green Transformation at Offerings.Mining, Logistics & Manufacturing is Actively Every Day in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Ma'aden is accordingly presently.High Paramountly Classified Minerals Depletion is Actively from Ma'aden of the KSA .So Mohammed Bin Salman Leads as a Prime Minister & His Royal Highness in a Great Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Ma'aden Annual Report 2022_Final.pdf
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Mizuho International / Maureen Erasmus Chair / Old Bailey London U.K Headquarters / Corporate & Investment Banking/ Protokoll 18.02.2024 /Release 05.07.2024
So Mizuho from the Corporation's Industry just the Group is the Fundamentally Concern from Japan ( Prefecture ) 東京市Tokyo, Asia,World the Headquarters.But this Concern is Concessioned & is worldwide globally accentuated.Mizuho is eventually also in the U.K and London, Oil Bailey United Kingdom localised.So Mizuho International is established in Challenge & Great Complex Value Proposition & Opportunities for Clients & Clientele Service also in Europe. This Banking Corporation Diversification namley London just the ( EMEA ) Europe,Middle East,Africa Affiliation is in Strong Components of Growth & Economically,Financially Rise just Development in World.Mizuho International & The Main Groundbreaking Corporation from Japan,Tokyo and the ( EMEA ) Region & Diversified Influx is gripping the Essence for a Trading & Networking Line just Priorities for a Rising Financially Intelligent Corporate System in World History.So Mizuho is tolerant.Also the Governmental Alliance & Fostering.
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Princeton / New Jersey / North America / USA / One of the Most Glorified Universities of History & World Civilization / Protokoll 02.02.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So Princeton is eventually with Harvard,Boston,USA the two most prestigious & challenging just skilled and sophisticated Schools more Universities of Humanitarian History.Princeton shares also the Ivy League with different Unis in the US.The Campus is fostered & in a Great Green Scale of Opportunities for Princeton.US.This School is for advanced & educated,hugh cooperative and enthusiastically Students.Also the Title " Shaping the Future of Liberal Arts " is coining Princeton.Established is this North American University in Different Scholarships & Study Fields in the USA. Sports is Appropriated & Aligned.Computer Science & Data Science.Christopher L.Eisgruber is President nowadays of Princeton.Education & Discipline is noteworthy in this Uni on the East Coast of US.This Academy leads Numerous Prizes & Records in the History of the Country.The USA has also the Georgetown University or Schools & Academies from the Southern United States of America.
Princeton_US_Report of the Treasurer 202
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Qatar Islamic Bank / Qatari Peninsula / Annual Report 2022 / Opportunities & Possibilities and Growth in Qatar / Protokoll 23.03.2024 / Release 05.07.2024
So the Qatarian Islamic Bank carries the ( CEO ) Mr.Bassel Gamal and is till today in the 21st Century the largest Islamic Bank in Qatar.2022 the Bank had a NET Profit from 4 Million Qatari Riyal & 9 Billion Riyal of Total Income.The Banking Institute had 2022 uplifting Spirits in Product Knowledge,Compliance & Comprehensive Portfolio and Mandatory Learning Model Structues just Modules.The Islamic Bank from Qatar is nowadays concentrated of Board Committee's Duties & New Talents just Striking Corporate Governance of Rising Mid-East Transactions which are globally in Comfortable Exchange for Qatari Riyal, Regional & Globally.The Qatar Islamic Bank represents VISA Tolerance Worldwide & New Talent Aquisition in Reaching Scale in Doha,Qatar,Middle East,Asia,World.So the Qatar Islamic Bank is flexible & reassures also Brilliant & Perfect Accountancy & Accounting just Formatted Bookkeeping in World / Qatar. This Bank is Such Genius & Professional.Check the PDF. Click
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Qatar Steel / Annual Report 2022 / Qatar Foundry & Steel Establishment & QA.Industry for Steel / Protokollierung 29.02.2024 / Redirect Release 05.07.2024
So Qatar Steel has Regions First Integrated Steel Mills.This Industry was experiencing strong Growth last Years in Accomplishment.The Vision is to be a leading innovative Steel Company producing Carbon Neutral Steel in the Qatarian State & Peninsula just Doha.QA.Values are Integrity,Teamwork,Caring,Innovation & Excellence.Also this Company stands under Supervision of Abdulrahman Ali Al-Abdulla as a Chief Executive Officer.So the Qatarian Peninsula is discerning & versatile in Components & Structure for Jobs & Markets for Steel Proliferation & Corporate Steel Manufacturing in Mills & Foundries.So Qatar Steel was 2022 experiencing strong Values of Futuristic Establishment & GCC Developmental Sites of Growth in Qatar.So this Company was built 1978 in Qatar.World.
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( SASOL ) / Oil / Energy & Chemicals Corporation from South Africa / Sophisticated Technologies / Concessioned Industry / Integrated Report 2022 / Protokoll 02.03.2024 / Publishing 05.07.2024
So SASOL from South Africa 2022 was Profitable,Established & Futuristic Available in South Africa,African Continent of World. The Manufacturing Ensemble of SASOL was Engaged & Professional Mastered.The Operational Servicing of Growth in Chemistry & Energy was Profitable just SASOL from South Africa is located in 22 Countries in 5 Continents with the Fischer Tropsch ( FT ) Technology.SASOL stands in Industrialization of Coal,Gas,Ethane,Kerosenem,Aluminium,Natural Gas, Crude Oil & Intelligent Renewables ( Green Energy ).Sasol especially also operates in QATAR.Ras Laffan locally in the Middle East.SASOL is a hugh Corporation from South Africa.Johannesburg is the Capital.Cyril Ramaphosa is President.Robustness,Capacities & Intelligent Compact Resources is all about SASOL.Sipho Nikosi is Chairman of SASOL.So the Generation & Civilization of SASOL is 12 Billion US Dollars Annually Approximately.This African Corporation is Profitable & Headquarters.Johannesburg.South Africa.
SASOL Integrated Report 2022_0.pdf
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Saudi Aramco / Arabian Oil Corporation / Dhahran / Annual Report 2023 / Aramco in Crude Oil Independence / Protokoll 23.03.2024 / ( Update ) Release 05.07.2024
So Saudi Aramco is in Upper State Leadership of the Prime Minister & Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Aramco is a Trillion Dollar Market Listed Globally Arabian Corporation in World,which has its Headquarters in Dhahran.Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Asia.Continent.World.Aramco had some ( Acquisitions ) in 2023.ARAMCO is till today a ( Hub ) in Arabian Economically History & has Profitable Earnings Status, Locally in the Kingdom.It's Globally Comfortable for different Areas in World just Continents for Export / Import Opportunities.Aramco had also 2023 a Non-Metallic Production going on in the Kingdom.Aramco has in the Red Sea,Straits of Hormuz &The ( Suez Canal ) its Export Routes in World but also in the Indo-Pacific.2023 was purely Successfully & Remarkable just Profitable for Aramco in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.121 Billion of US American Dolllars for the Kingdom.God Bless the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & NEOM. Check the PDF for more Info.God Bless
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( Siemens ) Fiscal Report of 2023 / Federal Republic of Germany / Resources & Sources from Siemens / Protokoll 02.02.2024 ( Release Date 05.07.2024 )
Siemens is a All-Rounding Challenging Corporation & Focused Concern in Corporate Profile of Digital Appliances & Communication Technology & Wind Turbines at Servicing.Siemens offers a ( Constellation ) of Constructive Products Sales in Europe, U.K,Africa,Middle East,Asia, & North America, Australia & NEOM ( Affiliation ).Just even more Continents are in Incorporation of Siemens. This PDF-Protokoll is about the Combined Management Report of Siemens from 2023. So Siemens in this Portable Document Format has Accountancy / Accounting eventually Financial Overview & Perspective Concessioned from ( Siemens ) just Certainly Differentiation of Financial Outlook 2022 / 2023 for different Purpose of Siemens.Different Opportunities just Wind Turbines & Solar Energy Panels just ( Sun & Wind ) Siemens offers all Servicing from the ( Headquarters ) of Munich,Bavaria,Germany,Europe, ( EU ).World. So Siemens is Compact & Cooperative and Constructive.
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Sonangol / ( Angola ) / Africa / Consolidated Financial Report 2021 / Board of Directors / Committee / Finances / Protokoll 02.03.2024 ( Release Date ) 05.07.2024
So Sonangol from Angola is an Oil Corporation from the African Continent.Exploration & Developmental Structures were 2021 Well Fostered.Luanda,Angola is the Headquarters of this Crude Oil & Gas Exploration & Activity just Drilling & Franchise Merchandising Marketing Corporation from Africa.Sonangol is actively even nowadays in 2024 .Proven Oil Reserves are striking for Sonangol.In this Protokollierung are all Financial Statements & Accountancy of Sonangol.The Group uses Capitalisation of its Exploration & Evaluation Assets for Growth.Sonangol from Africa,Luanda is unique.This Concern has also Actively Investment in the Modernized Intellectual Real Estate Branches.João Lourenço is President from Angola.So Sonangol has also in this Protokoll Taxation,Investment in Joint Arrangements,Goodwill,Property Circumstances,Portfolio Gains,Raw Materials,Transactions.So this Corporation deals with Oil & its Drilling & Exploration.It also deals with Petrochemistry & Refining.
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Organización Terpel S.A. / Colombian Petroleum & Gas Production & Developmental & Research of Green Energy / Protokoll 07.02.2024 ( Release Date ) 05.07.2024
So Terpel from Colombia,Bogota,Headquarters,South America,World is a Petroleum & Oil just Gas Exploration & Oil Furthering Concern.Terpel developes Oil in different Oil Processing & Corporate Industries in South America.So this Time ( 2022 ) 60 Wells were Drilled in Colombia.So Terpel has the National Currency Peso in Columbia .This Industry operates & Incorporates Petroleum Gas & Crude Oil and ( LNG ) and Marine Fuels.Business Lines and Car Washes & Liquid Fuel Service Stations, Aviation & Lubricants.So Terpel is a Maximised Oil Distanced Great Corporation from Latin America the Region.So Terpel from Columbia has hugh Opportunities in a Green Framework & Green Exchange like all Oil Institutions & Corporations just Industries,eventually Aramco from the KSA, so does (A.P.P ) The Source set an Ideal & and an Industrial & Economically Complex just Example that Green & Clean Pure ( Transformational ) Eco-Systmatically Energy in World is possible this Century just the Exchange.
Terpel - 2022.pdf
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Unilever / Annual Report 2023 / Science,Innovation & Sustainability / Conglomerate of United Kingdom / U.K / Protokoll 28.03.2024 ( Release Date ) 05.07.2024
Now,Unilever offers different operating systematic Opportunites for Acquisition in World.Just also Lipton Ice Tea comes from Unilever or Knorr.It represents Ideals just Worth in Productivity such as Nutrition,Ice Cream,Home Care,Personal Care and different more.Unilever carries a Model & Structure of Developed ( 400 ) Brands establishing this World Industry for great receiving Opportunities & Possibilities.So Unilever employs 128.000 World Human Civilization.Unilever is Great.This Complex operates in a Capacity & Arrangement of over 190 Countries Globally with Greatest Workmanship & Factories just Production Lines.Unilever is all about Talented Individiuals working in a Corporation of an Influx of Green Politics & Green Energy like Thousands of Industries nowadays in different Continents.Also Unilever is welcomed in Eurasia & Australia just North America.World-Class Processing & Foods Nutrition Establishment & Circulating to the Customer is Great from Unilever.Click Download PDF
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World / Intercontinental Exchange / ( ICE ) / Georgia,Atlanta / Corporation & Industry / Protokollierung 02.05.2024 ( Release ) 05.07.2024
So ICE from the USA had 2023 Geopolitically Consequences & The Energy Markets and The Supply Chains were Influx.So ICE had Inflationary Pressures in 2023.Nowadays 2024 the Recession & World Markets in Europe / North America / Asia & World has been regulated & tolerated in Measurement of the US FED & the European Central Bank and Japan has controlled the Financially Pressure in an Exemplification of Basically Interest Rates Consequently Handling.So ICE is nowadays in the 2 Quarter protected from Inflation.18th Straight Years in Record of Profit for ( ICE ) in 2023.The Mortgage Circulating Industry from ( ICE ) is a Great Option of this Corporation since Long Time.The Concessioned Series of the PDF-Formats from Intercontinental Exchange in these Branches are now eventually the 3rd or 4th Protokoll.So ( ICE ) privileges Clearing Houses in World Locations such USA,Europe,Netherlands,Singapore,Canada & U.K.So in these Trading Places over 700 Millions of Dollars are invested from (ICE ).So
( ICE ) Intercontinental Exchange Annual
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